The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 28, 1910, Image 5

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    ' Our Loans.
[1 The teens of this bank amount to about
$160,000. which is being used by good, responsi
ble business men and farmers of this
This entire sum is only a part of nearly
$200,000 of money that belongs to our deposit
ors. $35,000 of capital stock and surplus
besides undivided profits, and private
resources of stockholders.
In this way. our bank serves the commu
nity in a two-fold purpose; safe-guard
ing their wealth and loaning it out to
produce more wealth for the community.
This bank has never failed to take care
of the needs and interests of its custom
ers. whether depositors or borrowers.
The First National Bank,
Loup City, Nebraska
1 Few Market tfaotatioa*.
Cor\ per tm.U f
*"bewi. per bu.fTfjW
Owe*, per .38
Rye. per bu _ «w
Batt*r, per lb. *5
F<l> per ta. -IT
Hew. per lb... .<*> i
Sprinr chicken*. per lb_ .«S*
' eibh-r » for special* etery Satur
L II. spat-r doe* a., kinds of repair
"P** ia.« on «1» at < oai.!er t e»erv
>at .mat
/If you want * me rood alfalfa or
'ay. see E B t onuac
h let "-tors will paint your house
■ ith white -ad and oar
Tate your hide* to Bennett and pet
ti - highest market price.
E G Taj ai and A. F. Ctiliey had
business at Falser Monday.
Do you want your bouse painted4'
rs uses widte ead and fine
Bargain* is Town Property
hr sale by John W. Long
Try Artec nut coni for tour cook
store For at by E. G. Taylor.
For the best out in tne say of
• ream separators see T M Keed
i'l w j dszrn Buff < srphinpton rooster*
fc: «vie I'boae. !4on2» L Gar
1 *»i: guarantee 25c for butter fat
1 test and par cash.—A E. Cam.
Mrs H M Mathew left Tuesday
k. m:np for* *maha to purchase goods
If yen. want a dray tn a burry and!
prt ;-k! work, see Stewart Cooper.
Town lots nr iaprwved proper
ty at creat bargain*. See J. W.
T M Keed iaadits a genera. line
of farm mnrhlnerv. buggies and
Take your better and egg* to Con
hiwr t. where you can ge: anything
you want
Attorney Marr ad busmen* at
Aabtoa ■ uterday M rt. Starr accom
panied iiin.
Now ia the time to ton your
^ >mm *? -twd L H Spahr wih do
the work for you.
Vo j xate nc> mistake to calling on
the Stewart Cocker drays when you
want quirk service
All the Town Property offered
f»r sale at ir*t hands by calling
on John If. Los:.
V r* fhaa. Linp and too children
• ♦fit. wftj Hampton yesferda turn
ing for a few days* ridt.
/ Far Tier* do not tell your pood
S * -v be' re • o_ get pnee* from tie
> Lc'-p 1 d* Mi.. A Light Co.
Tiw larenna dreamery Cn. pay*
the i igbest cash price for egg* de
ill-red at tie creamery here.
Loan*! Loan*! Loans! Loans!
a Heal Estate l/«i* nt lowest
rates at JollB W. Long*a.
1 « Keiman. our popular cement
► !'•!.. contractor. is a now render
of the N ru.western. Thank*
Bnaru mit* «b]t tie deinat of
!•»<» Try t-ts ssarkn ante, and
jus be a custom it
Boy T Brcurfaa Food made at the
Loup Ot; Mil* For u* at al! Loup
( ity store* at i nsu per pound.
For Sale My residence in east
Loup City: or will trade same for
rea: estate Wuru Wmksm a.
For sale >ia Ukgti-gndm Shorthorn
four rods aad two rats L. V
Snrrn. Loop City. Xebr Phone.
2 on IX
County Attorney Matie* went to
Bust county Tuesday on business
which will detain Mm till the last of
the week
Tbe Stewart < Inert dray * are on
Uk rusts from moraine to ni*tit. but
you wli: ret tin quickest kind 4
service on a harrr call. Try them
Wanted, girl tor reneral house
work es-eptin* »aalilnr Boom,
bysrd and sukior furaniied (iced
• are*, lnquireof kn W Sc human.
Ashton. Neb
lies a. I» IFoth of Seward will
preart for our German friend* arain
nett s -relay moral nr May 1st. at
Urh A cordial Invitation eitraded
to everyone to attend.
The Loop cay mill Is now running
day and tight You cannot make a
mistake by tryinr a sack of their
hour the next you buy. For sale by
all dealers in town Special price
on >»■ p.jad iota.
WANTCD~Thr undersigned wants
U> pasture your cattle Have sit
a hundred acres of bottom land, good
Sowing water aad plenty of shade
Writ* or 'phone me. My place Is
slat is knooe as the Leinincer
ranch in
Bennett, pays the highest market
price for hides.
<a.l and see T. M Reed for Ma
nure Spreaders
Special articles on sale at Con
Liser's every Saturday
lligliest cmli price paid for your
chickens at Lee Bros.
For a second-hand cook or gasoline
stove, call on L. H. Spahr.
T V Reed sells windmills, pumps
and a genera line of supplies.
Stork, tiie painter, uses white lead
and zinc, and will give you figures.
For Sale- A 3-weeks-old heifer
calf inquire of Frank lfsantowski.
Stout & Zimmerman are putting
down cement walks for T. A. Taylor.
t\*nhiser has specials on sale tvery
>at_rday. Go in and see. Saturday.
Lee Bros, are always on the mar
ket for chickens and pay the highest
cash price.
T those wanting alfalfa and
millet seed for spring planting, see
T M Reed
John Czaplewkki is agent for the
Iowa t ream separator. See him for
full information.
The reported change in trains on
tids I'nion Pacific brandi seems to
iiave missed out so far.
Tlie LoCp <tty Mills are now mak
ing their own rye flour. Ask for It
when you buy rye Sour.
Bennett's meat market is the place
to get juiciest of steaks, fish, oysters
and everything in his line.
We are paying 2k -ents cast) for
cream delivered at tlie creamery.
Ravenna Cueaxeky Co.
Will Petersen ia the latest to get
tlie automobile fever, purchasing a
Huick last Saturday from Will Criss.
Ladies, call at Conhfser's any Satur
day and you will find special bargains,
on sale that wiif please you and sa've
your pocketbook.
Mrs A. L Daris and baby, accom
panied by tier sister. Miss Zelpha
Reed, returned to their home at
Giweiwy last Saturday morning.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
deree. ~ on 53. or leave your order
with eltiier lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Mue Edna Sullivan, whose room
in tiie pubuc schools was closed for a
week left Monday morning for a few
dky* visit at her home in Kearney.
Kei l forget that Ferdinandt. the
furniture man. nil! duplicate any
pri es gi .en by the catalogue houses,
and Has give you figures below them.
How about that watch you are
thinking of buying? Get a better
wau-h for less money every time
from Henry M Eisner, the Reliable
Mrs. Bose Schweitzer and baby
wo :ere from 'Belton to attend the
wedding of tlie lady 's brother. Wm.
Rowe. >aud%\. returning to their
home Toesdaj morning.
Mieses Mary and Nettle Budler.
trained nurses of < imaha. visited liere
with tiieir hrotiver. A. J. Budler. a
few days this week, leav ing for their
duties yesterdar morning
Tt.ere will be a ball game tomorrow
Friday at 3 p m. at Miss Ruby
« Barium's school in District No. 23.
tetween tlie Zwink and Cobb Creek
teams Everybody invited.
W G. «vdendahl returned from
Hastings Tuesday with Another new
« Heriand auto, making tlie trip of
!<»♦ miles in four and >ne half hours.
Mike Mulirk accompanied him. with
Will (tdendahl as chauAer.
Dr. A. C. Evans and wife were
called to Iowa Tuesday noon by the
new* of tl<e serious illness of Dr.
Evan»‘ father, who visited liere a
few weeks ago on his way from his
home in California to points in tlie
liawkeye state.
Mias Mary Smeall. a trained nurse
v. < iT.atia. who had been visiting at
Uie home of John M. Tay lor tlie past
few day*, left Tuesday morning for
**maliA Miss Ruth Taylor accom
panying ler as far as Farwell. wliere
both will visit for a time.
cement walks are being put
in all over tiie city. H. G. Hosier has
had walks pet In around his place:
■n front of «'oilipriest's and B. I.
Swan-oV: along U« south line of
t. K. Oiase's and U. C. Grow's, this
week, and many otlier contracts are
twin/ made for cement and brick
walks in tarious parts of Lite city.
Last evening occurred tiie marriage
id Mias Myrtle liaddow to Hon C.
Holmes, at the residence of the
nride'* parents on Wiggle Creek, too
late for write up this week, but par
ticulars of which will be fortbeom
ing for n»*t peek. In advance, bow
: ewer, tiie Northwestern offers sincere
congratulations to the worthy young
Archie Kearns closes his school In
' I hat 4S tomorrow. The school, which
is in the Schneldereit district, baa
been an v months term, and be baa
walked live three miles to and from
school night and morning, which at
times has been along very strenuous
lines, hot Archie baa bad the nerve
and enterprise to make it regularly,
j l»r Kearns baa every reason to be
justly proud ot bis two sons.
Grocery Dep’t
Below we quote you i
few of our “every-day**
3 cans Good Corn - • $ .25
2 big bottles of Catsup - .25
3 cans Cove Ovsters - - . 25
6 lbs good Jap Rice - - .25
5 lbs. Good Prunes - • .25
2 cans Good Tomatoes - .25
2 cans Peaches - - - .35
2 cans Apricots - «• - .35
3 boxes Dr. Price's Breakfast
Food.^ .25
3 boxes Egg-0 See - - .25
3 boxes Indian Corn Flakes .25
2 boxes Post Toasties - .25
I lb Good Coffee - - .16
1 lb None Such Coffee - .20
l lb Oriental Coffee - - .25
3 lbs Barrington-Hall - 1.00
Page woven wire of ail sires, and
best barbed wire, at prices that will
save you money. L. X. Smith, 'phone
2 on 12.
Ohlsen Bros, are building a one
story brick business house at Far
well. 40x^0 feet, for Ed Zochol and
another party.
Kev. Earl Pray came up from his
charge at Amherst last Thursday
evening for a few days' visit at the
home of ids parents. Mr. and Mrs.
I. Q. Pray.
Milo Gilbert went up to Neligh,
Ewing and Clearwater, on the North
western road last Friday morning to
settle up some business' matters, re
turning the first of the week.
A baby girl arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bangs east of
this city last Thursday. April 21st.
“Hello. Grandpa Criss, an auto for
me, " was said to be her first salute.
Mrs. Clara Hawk was last Saturday
morning taken to the Methodise hos
pital at Gmaha to be operated on for
a tumor. She was accompaied by
her son. Will Hawk, and her daugh
ter. Mrs. Etta Snyder of Kearney.
Jas. Bone, one of the reliable far
mers on Route 2. adds his name to
our list of readers, comprising the
best (people in Sherman county.
That's the kind of people who tike
the Northwestern. And we feel
mighey good over the rapid addition
to its ranks of late.
We have received a number of new
subscribers the past few days, whpae,
modesty will not allow us to men
tion their names. All the same, we
return sincere thanks and will try lo
give them all the news of each week
and make the paper a most welcome
visitor in tneir households.
A subscription is being taken to
i purchase suits for our base ball boys
for the present season. We under
stand C. F. Beushausen of the Times
is to be the manager of the aggrega
tion. Charley is working hia way up
in the world of fame—county clerk
to editor and base ball magnate.
What next on the up-grade?
The scare of scarlet fever U now
over, according to .the authorities,
only two cases having been noted and
those are past the danger point, are
properly quarantined and no further
danger *may be feared. In fact, at
no time need there have been any
fear of the spread of the disease be
yond the cases above mentioned.
will Zimmerman came up from the
direction of the south pole last week
Wednesday evening, for a few days'
business and social intercourse. In
regard to the report of some time
since that Will had placed himself in
matrimonial harness, he used the
late lamented Mark Twain's answer
by saying, "The report of my mar
riage is greatly exaggerated."
The case of Wells vs. Leatherman
tried last week to County Judge
Smith, with Judge Wall and R. P.
Starr attorneys for the plaintiff, and
Prince of Grand Island for defend
ant. being a suit to recover crops for
rent of land, was decided Friday noon
by his honor finding for plaintiff in
tiie sum of &T4.33, ti"> more than the
amount tendered by defendant in
payment thereof. It is reported that
Mr. Leatherman will carry the case
Cupid, who seems to have been off
on a vacation the past number of
weeks, lias recommenced business on
an active scale again among our
young people. Last Sunday occurred
tiie marriage of Will Rowe and Miss
Junia Gray, last evening Don Holmes
wedded Myrtle, the only daughter of
Joseph Iteddow of Wiggle Creek, and
we hear of a number of events along
Cupid s line scheduled to come off
shortly, but will leave you to guess
wtio for the present.
Some time ago Herman Johansen
shipped a tine Poland China pig to
John Thompson at Cortez, in the
Montezuma Valley, Colorado, and in
acknowledging receipt of same, John
writes very glowingly of his home.
He lias been busy putting out some
sou fruit trees and says tiie spring
there lias been very nice; that the
country is booming, raising in price
and with many new investors. He
compares the climate there with that
of Grand Junction, Colo., as much
warmer and the Quality of the land
much more favorable for fruit grow
Judge B. O. Hostetler has pur
i chased the ‘Meisneropera house build
ing in Shelton from Mis. Meisner,
1 who cme into possession of the
1 property in the settlement of her
; late iiushand's estate. The con
sideration paid for the building was
♦15. uni). Tiie lower floor of the build
ing Is occupied by the judge's broth
er. A. M. Hostetler. Shelton people
are entertaining hopes that Judge
Hostetler will carry out the inten
tions of tiie late owner by Improving
the opera house feature of the house,
giving them an .up-to-date play house.
1 Kearney Democrat.
Death of W. F.< Jenkins
Last week, the Northwestern gave
an account of the sad accident at
Arcadia to W. F. Jenkins, who was
fatally kicked by a colt last week
Tuesday, and the upfart unate man
passed away about #. o'clock Friday
morning Mr. Jenkins was proprietor
of the Arcadia Fruit Farm, well and
favorably known to all the old resi
dents of this part of the. country.
He was bom at Clyde. N. Y.. Nov.
17,1844, was an old soldier, being in
thirteen of the most noted engage
ments of the Civil War. while yet
under 21 years of age. He was an
author of some repute, having writ
ten numerous war stories of merit
for the National Tribune and other
publications. He served two terms
as vice president of the Nebraska
Horticultural Society and was an
authority on horticultural subjects,
and was a public s(4rited and enter
prising citizen. Hif step-daughter,
Mrs. H. M. Mathew, and her son,
R. H. Mathew, attended the funeral
from here, which was held at Lee's
Park, Sunday, April 24th.
Rowe-Gray Wodd inf
The marriage of Mr.' Wm.-Rowe. Jr,
son of Mr. and Mr*.'Win. Rowe of
this city, to Miss Junta I. Gray, oc
curred at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray,
in Clay township. Sunday, April 24th.
1010. at 1 o’clock p. m., Rev. Joseph
James performing the ceremony.
Only the near relatives and a few
intimate friends of the contracting
parties were present and partook in
the festivities. The fair bride is a
young lady of many estimable qual
ities and lias a host of friends in this
city, where she lias made her home
the past year. The groom has grown
to manhood in our midst, and is a
rising young carpenter. The North
western extends heartiest congratu
lations to this estimable young
couple and wish them a happy and
prosperous wedded life.
M. E. Church
The second of the series of sermons
to young men will be delivered next
Sunday evening. A cordial welcome
is extended to the men of the com
munity, especially to young men.
The usual preaching service at
10:30 a. m. and all other services in
their usual order.
Attention, Comrades!
A special meeting of Shiloh Post,
No. 124. is called for Saturday, April
30th, at 3 o'clock p. m., at the usual
place. Special business.
By order of L. A. Williams, Com.
>4. T. Owens, Adj’t. Pro Tern.
Mrs. F. M. Henry and Mrs. G. S.
Leininger are Grand Island visitors
Theisen, the Danish wrestler, will
go to Ord to tend bar for Ernie
Rurr Robbing has sold his grade
stallion. Black Prince, to Wm. George
on the county farm.
R. M. Hiddleson, wife and little
daughter returned Monday- evening
from their visit to Iowa.
A. Spelts’ good mother from David
City, who has been visiting him, re
turned home this morning.
Mrs. Henry French catoa up from
Elm Creek last evening f^r a short
visit with relatives antf friends.'
Miss Martha Kalka. clerk,at Felix
Makowaki’s. visited her_,jteae».M,rs
Belle Stblnski, at FxrW%Tl"Tfiesdiy.
W. T. Draper went tn Ule M E.
hospital at Omaha this morning to
undergo an operation -for- internal
hemorrhoids. <.
Rurr Robbins received from Lin
coln last evening a fine registered
Jersey bull calf about tenlnonths
old. It is a beauty.
Tom Lay was the lone representa
tive from Rockville to the big Odd
Fellows’ doings at Sargent last night
going up with the Loup City boys.
The first dance of the season at
Jenner’s Park will be on Saturday
night of this week. Best of music
and beat of order. You are cordially
Will Hawk returned from Omaha
last evening, reporting that his
mother, Mrs. Clara Hawk, was re
covering nicely from her recent
operation for tumor.
Mrs. Ed Angler has been quite ill
the past week and is being cared for
at the home of Dr. A. S. Main, to
avoid the noise in her home oc
casioned by the central headquarters.
From forty to fifty Odd Fellows
from here went to Sargent last night
to a district meeting of the order.
They were joined at Arcadia and
Comstock by another gang of the
queer fellows and a royal time was
had by the whole push.
The Northwestern desires to call
attention to the announcement of
Pastor Montgomery concerning a
sermon for business men next Sun
day morning. We feel that when a
man makes special preparation for an
event which ought to interest the
community, there should be a be
coming response on the part of those
for whom the effort is made. Let
us turn out in a body and receive our
message whatever it is.
Last Sunday Rev. Joseph James
tendered his resignation as pastor of
the Baptist church at this place.
Father James is one of nature's
noblemen and the people of Loup
City, without regard to creed or sect,
will regret the going from our midst
of he and his good wife, but will
wish them unlimited success and
happiness in their stw home and
church, wherever it may be. He
will preach at Shelton Sunday, his
good wife accompanying him.
George A. Leonard of Pawnee City
is the superintendent of the Swine
department at -the coming State
Fair. Sept. 5th to 9th. The name
Leonard Is a familiar one with old
exhibitors and a gitattnUf of fair
courteous treatment, aohraska en
joys the distinction of annually hold
ing the second largest' showing of
hogs to be found in the country.
What a value will be represented at
the 1910 fair, when a hog is worth
more than a native horse used to be.
Johnson, the horber, who has been
working at the Frey shop, took
French leave of the town some time
Tuesday night and with hit wife was
driving north, supposedly -for the
sandhills, when numerous merchants
here, who held the sack for bills of
merchandise sold him. got on to the
leave talcing, found him a short dis
tance from Arcadia, on the road to
Ord, and persuaded him to give them
a mortgage on his staff, which they
recorded in Valley county andlethim
go. on his way. Among those who
suffered over confidence were the
Mercantile Co., Gasteyer’s, Arthur,
Frey, for whom he worked, and a
number of others for smaller sums.
School Notes
The school enjdyed the holiday giv
en them on Arbar Day.
Pupils are now required to bring
written excuses for being absent or
The L. C. H. S. base ball team are
to play with Rockville Thursday, in
stead of last Friday as was stated
last week.
Literary Friday afternom.
Miss 'Sullivan's room has been
closed on account of two of the pupils
having scarlet fever.
The Freshmen are preparing for
their final exam in algebra which
will be given Friday.
Presbyterian Bulletin
Next Sunday morning the pastor
proDOses to preach a sermon for busi
ness men. The business men them
selves are helping to prepare the
i sermon. Come and hear what the
other fellows have to say.
Sunday school at 11:45 a. m.:C. E
i at 8 p. m.. Gospel service at 8 p. m.
1 All are cordially invited to the ser
vices of the day.
Sell Your $100 Land
We offer you improved farms at
from *30 to *50 per acre in Butler
county, Kansas, near Wichita, the
Garden Spot of the Middle West' ■
They are going fast: sure to double :
in value soon. Look them over. *10
round trip from Lincoln. Neb.
T. A. Clark, Agent, St. Paul, Neb.
I have located in Loup City, with
the intention of practicing Veterina
ry Medicine. Surgery and Dentistry.
All calls promptly attended to day or
night. Phone 3-on-l07.
Porte Jones, No. 40332
I will have my Registered Pen;he
ron Stallion for service this season
at the St. Flmo barn in Loup City on
Mondays. Fridays and Saturdays, and
the other days of the week at my
farm one mile east of town. For
full information, see or phone me.
H. J. Johansen.
a portrait of him, or he
one of her, we make them- -the
kind that pleases.
represents in round numbers the Growth in De
posits during the last year
represents the Increase in Loans to our patrons
over the figures of a year ago.
Which means that this bank has grown in the con
fidence of the public, and has grown in
ability to be of genuine service
to its clients.
It means that more of our people than ever before
are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong,
safe and well-managed bank.
There’s a profit for you in becoming a depositor
with the
Capital and Surplus, $37,500
Moving Time
JS about FEFE
And you will surely need some
Lipoleupi, Poftiefs,
Wipdow Shades,
Lace Ouftaips,
Wall Paper,
When you need anything in my line, don’t for*
get I meet all competition.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
Plan Early For
youp supipiEp joup
Pacific Coast: From June 1st, low round trip excursion
rates to the Pacific Coas , and on special dates April to July,
still lower Coast Excursion rates.
Yellowstone Park: All indications point to a larger
number of Park Tourists during the summer of 1910 tnam
ever before. The tour rates are very low, and include at
tractfve diverse routes through Colorado and Salt Lake City.
To the East: Special rates will be in effect to eastern
cities and resorts. Definite announcements should be made
within the next thirty davs.
Rocky Mountain tours: Tourist rates during the
summer to Denver, Estes Park and Colorado resorts, Hot
Springs, S. D., Sheridan and Ranch ester, Wyo., for the Bi,r
Horn region, Cody(gatewav for Holm’s personally oonducted
:-- -«- .v-L ™-, the
_^ _ ____land
seekers through the newly developing sections of The west.
Get in touch with the nearest ticket agent, or with. me. and
fiWIWB let us tell you what you want to know.
jjpHH I- W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent
aiiLJ 1004 Famam Street, Omaha, Nebr.
“BRAIN,” NO. 58929
3 Years Old, a Dark, Dapple Cray, Weight 1900 Pounds
Owned by Mellor & Johnson
Will Stand the Season of 1910, at their Farm Northeast of Town
TERMS OF SERVICE.••$15.00 to insure mare with foal; $20 00 to insure colt to stand
and 9uck. If mare is traded, sold or removed from county, foal bill of same will become due
and I will expect immediate settlement. Care will be taken to j n\ent accident, but will not
be responsible should any occur.