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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1910)
Horse Shoe Paint SWANSON &TLOFH0LMTD RU GGISTS Professional Cards ROBT. P. S TARR Attorney-at-law. LOUP CITY. EEBRESKE. R J. NIGHTINGALE lurer id taakMi4v LOUP CITY. NEB AAROX WALL La-w-y ©r Practices in all Courts Loup CStr, Neb. R H. MATHEW, Anorney-at-Law, And Haded listnoar, Loup City. Nebraska O. E. LONG AC RE PHYSICIAN ill SURGEON Office. Over New Bank TrlLEPHOXE CALL. XO. J* A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T»» Dw KaaS «£ Tr ii'pfcrani OBOtl Lnop City - Nebraska '»o*cKTA ?»•* )o«deA M*«£e __ s* KBB**ikT;~. \jycr err*; st»* «*• ■• ** ■3*3^_ n40|% reside m^Sott*1 orric* |E^I, r —» — -——gooch * c° - prB*‘*lfll1* tr*1 *u^i£** »<*** "*’■** £T«< &53U*.» M W*W?5Sr - M^H^OER THE NORTHWESTERN' T Caws —si w m mi tv rate tv uuvsuc* Office ’Phone. - - - 6 on 108 Residence Thone, - 8 on 106 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pab Gov. Hughes has been appointed to U* supreme bench by Taft. IVjcoration Day comes next. Mon day. Mar 30ti. It is about time to get action looking to its observance lie re , Mark Twain Samuel L. Clemens) died last Thursday. April 21st. He w»s the greatest of America's hu morists and authors. Some atrocious punster got this off, dying soon from the effects: "Taft is a survival of the fattest." He should have been shot on sight Bryan seems to be crawfishing somewhat on the county option idea w>» claims he does not wish to t«ng it in as a dictation to demo cnrj:jati merely his private opinion, you know. Wilson, the young man who brutal , ij murdered Uavfe. the pool hall m*n at a iwEworth. some time since, and tor *Uicla be was convicted of mur der in the first degree and sentenced tu hang the 25th of J une coming. was granted a stay of execution awaiting U*e appeal to the supreme court on writ of error. It is authoritativeto claimed t-Lyy the population of the I'nited States l*as advanced some 12,000.000 In the I**1 ten yean, and during the same Hy. the** lias been a decrease of eg 5,000.000 in the number of avail able food animals, such as cattle, sheep and swine, and that this in pan accounts for the increase In the price of meat products. All kinds of hog stories have been going the rounds during the high prices of the porker, but Fremont takes the doughnut, hole and all. for the one which the Fremont Tribune geu off. A hog belonging to the • Nebraska Livestock companv was butchered a few days ago which upped the scales at 1315 pounds, and if patd for at the top price would lave netted a little over ei^. The aoimal was just past three years old. stood 42 inches high, &4 Inches “heart measure" and 11‘, bone measure. Iu weight was as much as that of a ^y draying horse. It is supposed b? *he largest hog ever grown in Nebraska and Its hide will be mount ed - Exchange. - Have you seen Halley's comet? It Is la sight now if you get up early **“»**» in the morning. You will find It in the northeast for a little while any clear morning. It is so i close to the sun it does not rise till an hour or so before the great lumi dary and soon after the eastern sky j ** ***° to permit its being seen. J*o the time wlien It may be seen is , quite snort. It lias passed around the sun and is now on its return trip, just having made the turn and is oominf toeard tlie earth at a fearful speed, the earth, going in an oppo site direction, is rushing on in its comparatively slow course to meet tire stranger, which makes its trip only once in about 75 yean. It looks like a star now but coming toward us at three or four million miles an hour while we are going toward It at about flo.ouo miles an hour, so you see i we are approaching the stranger at a pretty fair pace. For this reason It will grow brighter quite rapidly. !Our nearest approach will be about i fifteen millions of miles, or one sixth ■ of the distance to the sun, which will be the brightest stage in the comet’s course from our point of view and that will be on May 17 and the day following we will plunge Into the comet’s tail. If that thing were as serious a proportioately as a cow's in fly time we would be whisked out of existence, but fortunately the tail of the comet is more for show than use and is not expected to have any effect upon ns. unless It may act aa a match and set fire to the upper strata* of the air. which are suppos ed to be composed of hydrogen gas, I the mast inflammable of gases. , Should it do this we will not have > time to say our prayers before the thing will all be over with so far as j we are concerned. Bnt It will not do this. If these upper strains of gas j could be set on fire shooting stars would have done the work long ago. ; But you will be interested In the {comet and should get up early every clear morning and see bow much It I has grown during the preceding 24 boom. Council Bluffs Crook Weds In Loup City Wanted for Burglary on Eve of Marriage Escapes to Hills When Sheriff Seeks Arrest But Caught Later Near Rockville by Sheriff Paroled From an Iowa Penitentiary County J udge Smith on Friday of last week issued a marriage license to Wm. E. Rolph and Marie Swaney both of Oouucil Bluffs. The bride bride were here on a visit, the groom coming from Council Bluffs to be married. Last Sunday, following the mar riage above mentioned, Sheriff Wil liams received a phone message from Council Bluffs asking if such a man as the gloom was described to be was in Loup City- Upon the sheriff an swering in the affirmative, he was later advised by the police tliat Rolph was wanted at Council Bluffs for burglariring three stores on last week Thursday night, giving a description of tiie stolen goods, which consisted of a suit of c'oUves. and a number of articles of woman's apparel, a list of which was given the sheriff, who was asked to arrest Rolph. hold him sub ject to tiie arrival of the officers from the Bluffs and find if possible„Lhc stolen stuff. Sheriff Williams went to U*‘ home of Ovas. Sickles, where tiie girl-wife had been staying, and found a number of the articles. He liven drove down to the home of Andy Gray, in Clay township, wive re he learned the wanted man and his bride were attending Uve wedding of Mr. Gray's daughter, taking with him his deputy. Jay Cola. On the way, he met Clias. Sickles returning from the wedding, who infofmed um sheriff that Rolph would be found up stairs, wive re be had put In most of his time, presumably on the lookout for the officers. However, as the sheriff and deputy approached the home, Rolph was sifting in front of the house and as one of Uve guests exclaimed "Here comes Uve sheriff: wonder what he is after." Rolph hurriedly left for the hills at the rear of uve house. Uve sheriff and deputy After him, but bej was too fleet of foot and darkness * coming soon, the officers were unable ! to make his arrest, although Slverlff Williams, in an attempt to intimidate the fallow, sent a bullet so uncom fortably near his head that he made ‘ an involuntary dodge. The young wife returned to town with the sher-: iff and willingly gave up all Uve! articles Rolph had brought with him from Council Bluffs, includir^ Uve dress she was married in. Tuesday noon, Sheriff Williams, ac companied by Chas. Sickles and Frank Hendrickson, went to Rock ville on Uve motor, and just west of Rockville saw their man Rolph just wiUvin live edge of a clump of trees. Reaching Rockville they hired a livery rig and toek Uve back track after Rolph. who bv that time had left Uve vicinity of the track and passed around Uve village, so when Uve sheriff and his men got in sight of him he had returned to Uve track and was nearly a mile beyond Rock ville. Driving slowly, Uve officers fooled Rolph into security, and when some thirty feet away the sheriff sprang from Uve rig, covering his man before he had time to recover his surprise, relieving him of his arsenals, put Uve darbyson him and that even ing brought him to Loup City and deposited him in Uve city’s detaining palace. Wednesday morning, Uve slverlff having notified Uve Council Bluffs police to come and get their man, U*ey wired him to take the man to the Binds, but having neces sary duUes at home sent back word for them to come and get Rolph, as he couldn’t take the time to go down with him, and at this writing the young man is still here awaiting fur ther disposition. Rolph is not & bad looking fellow of about 26 years, of medium build and perhaps 5 feet, 10 inches in height and entertains Uve curious about the jail with volu ble talks. He claims many things, among them is one to Uve effect that he purchased the articles found in Uve possession of his young wife from a party wno did steal them. He claims to have been in town several times between Sunday evening and Tuesday, and says he felt safe from capture unless seen by Sickles, the sheriff not knowing him by sight, and his hanging around here was for the purpose of taking his wife away with him. The Omaha papers of Monday contained quite lengthy ac counts of Rolph, whom they claim is a paroled prisoner from Fort Madison, IoWa. penitentiary, to which he had been sent up for three years for bur glary, and paroled at the end of two years. The articles in question were very erroneous in their account of the case here, which is given correct ly above. It Is expected the Council Bluffs officers will arrive this even ing after him. It would seem from past experience that Sherman county and Sheriff Williams would be the wisest place and being for crooks and bad men generally to keep away from. Sheriff Williams has in the past proved a terror to evil doers and none of the gentry coming under his ban have succeeded In eluding his official clutch, as past history will prove. Peter Pallesen of Dannebrog don’t believe in burying the hatchet like the Indian by leaving the handle sticking out for future convenience, but buries handle and all, according to the following article under his signature: “I hereby desire to publicly an nounce that I have at different times wilfully and maliciously slandered the name and reputation of' Represen tative Soren M. Fries, by accusing him of being a grafter and of receiv ing money for his vote and Influence while a member of the legislature. I now wish to make the statement that what I have said about Mr. Fries' record in the legislature Is en tirely untrue and without any foun dation whatever for such accusation. UI will also confess that I did it deliberately and for the purpose of injuring Mr.-Fries’ reputation and of casting reflection upon his honesty and integrity as stats representative. Peter Pallesen. Dannebrog, Neb., April tttfa, MM. Loup City, Nebr., April 1®, 1910 County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 3*th, all members present except Peters. The following business wss done, to-wlt; Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Tire standard Bridge Company was awarded' the contract for building bridges for the county for the ensu ingyear. The north mile of the road peti tioned for by Elmer Varney, et al, was allowed on condition tiiat the said Varney Hie a waiver of all dam ages sustained by establishing said toad and that Oscar Gunnarson, Andy Myers and Carl Qleson be allowed Ihe sum of Sl.oo each, as damages to their land. The Grossnicklaus road petition was then considered and allowed as follows: That said road be 40 feet wide, tiiat 33-feet be taken from the north side of section 9-16-14 and that " fe«t be taken from the south side of section 5-16-14, and-that W. W. E. Grossnicklaus be allowed ISO and J. T. Applegate ISO damages. Tli* contract of the Standard Bridge Company of Omaha with the County of Sherman for one yerr commencing April 19th, 1910, and ending April 19th, 1911. was on motion accepted. Whereupon tlie county board ad journed to April 20th. 1910. Loup Caty, Neb., April 20Ui, 1910 County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment of yester day, all members being present; the following business was done, to-wit Moved and seconded that we declare an emergency for the reason tiiat Utere are three bridges in the county tiiat are in a dangerous condition for travel and must be replaced by new ones and tiiat the county attorney is ordered to advertise sucli emer gency and the Board orders the standard Bridge Company to build new steel bridges as follows, accord ing to plans on file in the clerk's eroce: One on Clear Creek in Harri son township on section line between sections 22 and 24. and to be 60 feet long; one in Webster township over Moon creek in northwest quarter section 10-16-15, to be 50 feet long, and one in Ashton township over Oak Creek to be 60 feet long, on sec tion line between sections 9 and 16. The Johansen consent road peti tion for a road in Loup City town ship was allowed. The clerk, was ordered to cancel General Fund warrants 1645 and 1648. The consent road petition of H. H. Bristol and others for a road in Washington township was allowed. ! also the petition for a vacation of a road in Washington township, same was allowed on condition tiiat when the road petitioned for by H. 11. Bristol ana otters had been worked and made passable. The request of J. B. Draper tiiat | he be refunded *1.80 for the reason that he had beea assessed too high j on a tract in Sec. 19-15-14 for the year j Brio. same being paid under protest, was disallowed. Tte petition of W. C. Dunker for a road in Loup City township was on . motion allowed and tte following , damages were allowed; M. E. ana j B. M. Smith se\« 26-15-14, *1.00; David ‘ Loyd seV» 26-15-14,91.00; Thos. Caddy, i ne-4 35-15.14, 931.00; Aug. Jaeschka, nwtj 36-15-14. *1500; N. J. Stott, tie*, 36-15-14, #15.00. In tte matter of tte request of tte village of Litchfield for a sidewalk on tte west ride of square, board decid ed to build same when the village 'and cithern completed walks and crossings from dohoot house to State I Bank and the village put hitch racks around 9te square in first clan shape and u> the satisfaction of chairman of county board. me iallowing claims were allowed 1 and warrants ordered drawn on the respective funds, deductions for taxes being made as follows: GKNZ&AL FUND: University Publishing Co.8 5 00 University Publishing Oo. 5 00 R. D. Hendrickson.275 00 Hammond ft Stephens. 38 25 Klopp ft Bartlett.- 6 00 Klopp ft Bartlett.. 265.67 J. W. Jones. 27 60 LofenGee... 4 40 R. E. Gilmore... 11 00 A. P. Malm. 5 50 D. C. Leach.... 7 50 Carl Jakob. 14 00 John Jewell....'.. 14 00 Anton Waskowlak.. 11 20 Nick Sobieski..*!. 4 60 Charles Hall. ,»j. 6 00 Thomas Jensen. 14 00 Bennett Lorenz. 720 Henry Wrehe... 13 10 Charles Snyder. .. . '6 80 O. E. Adams. 6 00 Charles Stickney'.. 12 50 John Wuhler. 6 70 A. R. Jack. 4 00 William Criss.. .. 4 oo Albert Fiebig. 4 10 A. E. Lorenz. 8 00 Geo. B. Whitaker. 4 30 Fred Rein... 5 00 A. L. Enderlee. 6 00 John Stanzyk..,.... 8 00 Ben Pageler (tax 83.75). 8 00 Peter Haremza (tax 84.30). 8 oo August Jung..... 8 00 Charles Biehl .. 8 00 R. D. Hendrickson. 2 00 R. P. Starr (all tax). 2 00 D. C. Grow. 2 00 J. T. Hale (all t*x). 2 00 Charles Thornton..... 2 00 John F. Roberts. 6 20 S. S. Polski. 5 20 J. S. Pedler. 2 00 W. C. Dieterichs. 2 00 T. W. 0. Wolfe. 2 00 Geo. Leatherman. 2 00 C. C. Carlsen.. 2 50 A. J. Kearns... 8 00 Aaron Wall (all tax)... 3 oo W. C. Dieterichs...:. 5 00 Mrs. Oscar Burtnan. 2 00 L. E. Dickinson... 2 00 Eleana Lund. 2 00 C. G. Sorensen. 2 00 Klopp ft Bartlett. 10 50 O. F. Petersen. 16 33 J. W. Burleigh. 33 50 Leinlnger Lumber Co. 68 75 C. F. Beushausen .. . 92 80 Lewis Bechthold.'.. . 12 00 W. C. Dieterichs.'. 79 11 Jacob Albers. 12 00 W. P. Reed..-. 15 50 R. H. Mathew.215 00 Henry Beck. 11 30 Hiyo Aden...*...*.. 1090 Wenzel Rewolinski. 7 20 John Oltmann_".. 1 50 C. J. Peters......;..i. 450 J. H. Welty..... 7 50 W. O. Brown... 6 20 J. I. Depew........ 15 00 Boap FUND Jacob Albers—. .. 2 80 August Beushausen. 2 80 Henry Dunker...:,. 2 80 E. B. Corning.. 19 Oo Whereupon tbe*county board ad journed to Monday, June 13th, 1910. W. C. Damiens, County Clerk. Try M. Nickolaut, the drayman, (or quick and satisfactory terries. Leave orders at Urn Keystone, Lein liner’s or Taylor’s elevator, or pbons his residence, a on MB. LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE. In lb* matter of the application of T. Henry Eisner for llQuor license: Notice It hereby given that T. Henry Eisner did on the ISth dny of April. 1*10, Me his petition with the city elerk of Loup City, Nebraska, directed to the mayor and city council of said city, asking for a license to sell at retail, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors lu the building situate on Block eighteen (IKK Lot four («>. on Nebraska Avenue of the original town of Loup City, in the second ward of said city, said license to run from the hrnt Tuesday In Mayv 1*10. te the amt Tuesday in May. IMI. It there he no objection, protest or remoastraace Bled within two weeks from the ISth day of April. 1*10. said license will be Given under my band and the corporate seal of said Loup City. Nebraska, this 11th day of April. 1*10. [seal] W. j. Ftsnta city Clerk. (Lam pub. April SB) Notice if Hunii ii Petmoi dr Lctten if iiniutntiii State of Nebraska 1 Sherman County ' The Sum of Nebraska Te the saxt of kin sad all peraoan Interest ed In the estate of Tilda Wilson, deceased, late or said eouaty: Notice Is hereby given that oa April nth, WIA n petition was Bled In the County Court of said eouaty. lor the appointment of an administrator of the estate of Tilda Wilson, deceased, late of said eouaty. sad that the same was eel for hearing Tuesday, the lttn day of May. NlA at the hour of ten oYtock la the foramina, at the oBk-e of K. A Smith County Judge of said couety. In Loup City in sold county, at which time and place all per sons interested In said estate may appear sol be heard coacernlag said appointment Given under my hand and the seal of said court this nth day of April. l*IA (seal) K a. Smith. County Judge (Lust pub. Apr.») Hence if ittnu ei Ptnno* for iiiewiict of Rial] Aeoouut of Administrator mad for an Order Distributin'.- the Residue of tbr Ka rate of William Willitvs. Deoeaaed. to the Iteae•claries Named in the Will. State <4 Nebraska ) v as Sherman County t The State of Nebraska To the heirs and next of kin ami all persons Interested la the estate of William \\ Hints, deceased: Not tee la hereby g!*en that on the I Hit day Of April. 1*10. Kxra S H») burst eie.-t.tor of the laat will and testament <4 William \\ illttt'a deceased Bled the Bnal account of his admint stratioa as sach executor, aad his petition praytag for the allowance <4 said Baal account and for aa order distributing the Tesiduc of said estate to the beneficiaries named in the will of said Wnilam WiUitta. deceascl. aad that the hearing on said Baal account aad petition was set for the Nth day of April. 1*1*. at the hour .4 ten o'clock a. m.. at the ofllce of the county judge of said county, in l.«up City. Nebraska, at which time aad place all persona interested la said estate may be heard concerning said Baal account, and tke . petitioa for allowance of same aad for aa ! order distributing the residue of said estate. Witness my hsnd aad official seal this tub ; day of April. A. D. 1*1* i«BAU K. A. SMITH. County Judge j (Last pub. April h) ROAD NOTICK i Beck Road) To all whom it may concern: Tli* commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the northwest comer of Section 1, T. 14, R- 16, Sherman county, Nebraska, and running thence south one mile between Sections 1 and 2 and ter minating at Road No. IX Another road commencing about #> rods south of the north line of Section 2 on the line between Sec tions 1 and 2, T. 14. R. 16, above county, and running thence west one half mile, the whole of this road to be on the north side of line and con tinuing on west on said quarter line and terminating on section line be tween 2 and 3, this road to be 40 feet wide. Another road commencing at tie northwest comer of Section 2, T. 14. R. 16, same county, and running sooth two miles between Sections X X 1« nod 11. T. 14. K. 16, and ter minating at Road 76, T. 14, R. 16. Sherman county, Nebraska, has re ported in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damage* must be filed in the county clerk'* office on or before noon of the 7th day of June 1910, or such road *111 be fetabllsbed without reference thereto. Dated this 5th day of April. 1610. W. C. Diriucrs, County Clerk. fLast pub. April 28] r*c a 9? m c If CD*"g -.3 ^2 HI s* §-®|bS S3 ®l.cri:* Z I iiiiio a «?|3 5 S S fRS1 1 - ®i_ia*»S? S - -0 g.§ o 2!s? o —g Vy T3 ® K.^S O' I/I n gM§ ?•* —I •S- s-as §3 * s-P? .CD O on 80 F" * g s From Start to Finish w JL Two-Row Lister Cultivator That takas tha Com through all stagas of cultivation.;. - . . SPECIALS! WHERE? CONHISER’s WHEN? WHEN? Every Saturd’y KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. At Loup City, have just unloaded a car »»f White Cedar Fepce posts And are offering them at 161-2 cents each. These are rare a bargain. Time to get busy with spring building, so bring in vour bills and we will give* you estimates on them. Yanis at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia. Neb P0]VIESEEfdE PS’ PATES •a Tickets to the West and Northwest will be sold the first and third Tuesdays of each month at very low rates, beginning February 1 and ending December 20, ’10 For full information address UNION PACIFIC “The Safe Road to Travel” Dining car meals and service “Best in the World.” G. W. COLLIPRIEST “California Raisin Day, April 30th. Eat Raisin Bread.” CALL AND INSPECT OUR FINE STOCK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, Apd Farpi IVIachipery of AH Kinds Business, T. M. REED.