The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 21, 1910, Image 7

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    There is no prob
lem of increased cost
of food if you cat
Quaker Oats
An ideal food; delicious;
appetizing; strengthening.
Compared mth other
foods Quaker Oats costs
airnost nothing ar.d }*et it
*j-hds the best- *2
*1 t*as dc' Jjfrt Ut a-.!* u
t.- ss. tad be ia» oaiy be* s i_trr.«d
•a* »*«i "
»H. b* i •*!* 4.1 dot -i*.
'i«* *m* * ixuur*.m
A Minister s
rttch» of Tc'.'cmt Ejyyerta a
Emcs o" Ptno'ji Expert
e ca—Vow Ca* Oct It Fre»_
'*» It ■'-« that 1# »' war* ■'atM
*?-*- aa a r*m^r** I»» ae«*i»a«*
aM uia'» yaa w w kna
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; *< Tear
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►-* *» » lynp t** tat
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* - # M ** wn **r T. m. Iw*t> Is
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«*1K #+ ■MU'T'* HC *£<*r;:t f»*wr e*vrji§S& H*&
*;' ** •**»:--- *. * '• ’ «••*».• **r . »»•* »— •* ft-.* farm
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1 *••■*■* •*> &L..X *«kit a
ta» '--art*
* t f—*r—B-r *■"- dkai ’* tz.ri to
rtjrlaf* * *•- in Xji*-Tt :r'.»:
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! e *o z- • «kn tfe^re :s w« I*cy us
A BBTr ”
• . * T «iflu Ufc.
Ante (tf XM’urt Wik I tar.
M*. • faui PiM *a^
K -r -i » —-l. - r. Jlj rir»
Kiss tferwcfe use mmm ct Tnri i m ty
• a. t ’a* «as - s'.... -• : zzA toe uut
r*»- ;.♦<—CbrMSikS
i«ar?<»« *«h u*ii r
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■tW #"• *MSi <r* it • fHtl#"*- ffcifct, tU
«> «0'iu4 »- 4: r t*T* o:l* ra
j- -feet. «t c t .: « - *i.«-r.d t or oar
t-»s latsJta -Umbu a K- e.; a
- c»c'*■ ’ - — v cigar rTh
TBa. ~t amt Mr npia
A good ti:j u..sga are iiwpnrf x.
If tra*
The first aid to a weak
stomach, sluggish liver or
constipated bowels should
be the Ritters, because it
has proven its right to be
tailed “the best,** It is
t or Indisestion.Costive
rjurr or txt /rrw Ajrj&ee jawma sisvarrjt ssrric/t
KkXS'.S <~'TY VO—Work is p-ocressicg rapidly on The great double-deck bridge that is to span the Mb
toi:n nr-- arc me bottoms from Third street to the Clay county side. The structure will cost $2,001)000,
at; w1 . contain 14.900 tons ot steel. The unique teature of this Dridge is to be an immense elevator in
ore o? the spans wiU heist the lower deck for the passage of vessels, leaving the upper deck stationary.
The lower deck wilt he occupied only ty two railroad tracks On the upper deck will be two street car tracks,
two asphalt wagon roids. two sidewalks end a speedway, a mile in length.lor automobiles
Retirmeiit o* Five-Cent Piece
Wcuid Shock Financiers.
N eke! Sta-'ts for Mere Fixed Va'ues
Trji A-y Ofher S ngle De~o*n!na
a^sl Mat of Them Art
Requ.rea tjr Public.
Wa?L;ug*ot—Officials of tie treas
ury department discuss
tie nation a somewhat cumbersome
c< u_ge and make suggestions to one
another tba this or that charge
iutt bring relief u> the working
■irce* of tie department. Generally
ti se discussions do not go beyond
tie -ur-r circle where the; originate,
no -hinge is made or even suggested
ser . -s.j and tie work of the mint
goes on as before.
fceoently. however, the fact »eaked
©at that the £.-• e-cert piece or nickel
iad been under discussion and that
'i© government mini:’ ask Long: ess to
pa** a law ng it from the na
ucsa- cotnag? Small likelihood ti
ists or ever cid exist that such a step
would t* taken, but lor a short space <
of :.3t < jusleerau.e anaiety deTe}- •
<. ;>ed :n aii parts of the country lest j
•it useful and popular nickel' should j
disappear troa the drcuiatiBg
Tie fart 1* the government could
aSard to dispense with almost any
tcm ra'her than the hve-cent piece
** staads lor mere stable prices than otter- it is the price of a loaf ol
tread, it pays the cost of the ride in
the street car. with it the German
buys t:s g tie of beer and the Amer
ican pays lor the of his shoes
it is probably cot too much to say
that the disappearance of the niche.
*' -Id prove a greater shock to the
hr antes of the cation than almost
an» thing that could happen.
The £ve-cent rein for two genera
tions at least has been the fixed price
of so many th.ngs that the people
u t _.d be at complete loss how to pro
reed without iL True, hundreds of
♦honsacds of fire-cent pieces ere lost
each year. out that is due to the
Old Custom Kept in London
S * Pcf*aerru» Horseshoes. of Ancient
Date. Tencered as Quit Rent
fer Smithy.'Tj—S* ponderous tcrseshoes.
more than S©8 years old. baTe been
tendered to tbe croan ty tbe city of
Loedos corporation by way of quit
rest for a bygone smithy la the
Strand, sod at tbe same time tbe city
solicit nr counted out Cl nails, which
tbe ting's remembrancer pronounced
to be "good number”
Tbe scene of tbe ceremony was the
royal courts ef Justice and among tbe
crowds of interested onlookers were
tbe lady mayoress and ber two daugh
ters Tbe corporation also did feudal
Washingt— Bsy. Refusing Anesthetic,
Does Not FI.rch While Lnoer
go<ng Operation.
Barren. Wash —When 17-year-old
Hoisty Fonts was oimted on lor a
pa*nlui afEi.noa off the fret and lower
iunbs tie stoutly refused to take an
anesthetic Or Docahoo finally
agreed to penurn the tediojs opera
Uon it tace of this handicap The
youngs ur was strapped to the table
w;lboe> retro* in* Us coat
Suff* line roost eacruelatln* pain,
young Feats uttered never a strand
bat w•»n tbe operation was over the
t*»s:c aa took a rapped coat sleeve
oat of tbe tad's mouth He had most
d tbe s < nr between his teeth and
tt was bitten to shreds.
The boy s tatter stood near dunes
the optrat on and when he saw the
sar*eo* pall the sleeve iron his son *
month, tainted away
Perhaps the woman whoso fYteod
ra'hed be’ .« cteuth felt dual she had
M «-e is — i er'ttia
Woman Hides
Mrs. Fairbanks Says Court Ladies '
Wore French Creations When
They Entertained Her.
New York—Mrs. Charles Warren
Fairbanks, wife of the fencer vice
: president of the I'cited States. Just j
, back from their round-the-world trip.
■ declared in an interview given out
here the other day that she found in
every court ry she visited a wonderful
' awaken.ns among women
“The change is most notable in
! China and Japan." said Mrs Fair
banks “The Chinese women are
forging rapidly to the front, and it
won't be long before tbey are heard
I from in alliance with the women of
other countries
'The Japanese women are by no
means run berers of the ground The
tower classes do everything that men
do working besde them to the field,
eaervtng brick* and mortar and assist
*■*« >■ all the tabor* of the stronger
amaxing use to which this little coin
is rut. The uses of business require
the coinage of a greater number >of
nickels than of any other coin.
It has been said that its universal
use as the price of a fare on the street
cars is the cause of its retention, but
that can hardly be so. as it enters
very largely into the price of so many
other things that it couJd not be dis
pensed with if the price of the car
care were changed.
The nickel is extensively used In
telephone calls. It was formerly more
that now the open sesame of the pop
usar slot machine, lor which it still
does extensive duty, it is the price
of admission to the fast multiplying
picture shows in all parts of the coun
try. The new fashioned boot shining
parlor charges a nickeL The saloon
keeper and the baker have for years
gathered their daily harvest of these
little coins. The soda fountain, grow
ing in popular favor, deals mostly in
nickels. Ice cream in summer time
goes for five cents, and the charge for
a myriad things in the pharmacy and
the five-cent store requires this coin
Most smokers mould have to quit
were It not for the nickel, obnoxious
Biology Peril to Grammar
Study of Grasshoppers ard Tadpoles
Takes Up Too Much Time of
School Children.
New York —John J. Fox. chairman
of local school board No. 26. borough
of the Bronx, has discovered a peril—
a perfectly new peril. Prominent in it
is the tadpole, abetted by the grass
hopper and backed up by the cater
pillar Mr Fox finds that our school
children study such things too much,
neglecting what is really worth while
The other night he Introduced a
resolution before the board of which
he is chairman asking that it be adopt
ed and a copy sent to the board of
education The resolution reads:
“Resolved. That we. the members of
local school board No. 26. having In
mind the interest of the parents and
service for a piece of land in Shrop
Originally the crown demanded two
ltnives by way of quit rent, but when
the corporation bought the land It
substituted for the knives a sharp
hatchet and a dull billhook, and these
were offered this year The sharp
ness of the hatchet and the biuntness
of the billhook were duly attested by '
the city solicitor upon a bundle of
By a pious fraud the horseshoes a.-’d
nails are handed back to the city '■
every year to be presented afresh, but i
the hatchet and billhook are often re- ;
newed. and this year they were pre
sented as a souvenir to the lady may
the welfare of the children, do hereby
record our emphatic disapproval of
that feature of our educational system
which subordinates grammar to grass
hoppers. reading to caterpillars, spell
ing to goidon rod. arithmetic to bull
frogs and penmanship to tadpoles.
"Resolved. That we attribute to
these and other equally reprehensible
fads the atrocious English that Is
spoken by the school children of this
city, within the very shadow of our
grammar schools, from the lips of
boys and girls old enough to speak
correctly the language of the country
of their birth.
Resolved, That the time has come
when the taxpayers and parents
should inaugurate a movement for the
extirpation from cur school system of
all the nonsensical fads that have
crept into it during the last few years
and which inure only to the benefit
of those who teach the subjects, write
the text-books or profit by their publi
But. alas, today the tadpole Is
jubilant: the grasshopper ts breaking
all records for running and standing
jumps and the caterpillar wriggles de
fiantly throughout the land Local
school board No 26 killed Mr. Fox’s
Music Helps Make Cigars.
South Bethlehem. Pa.—Sustaining
the logic of Dixie, where music makes
the plantation hands work faster, a
local cigar factory here has put in a
pipe oqgan. worked by electricity, to
try its continuous music on several
hundred employes.
Nothing is so discouraging as aar»
warded energy.
as the domestic cigar 1s to many of
them. The cigarette would cease to
be the popular smoke it is if the price
were not five cents. Shoe laces would
either become a luxury at a higher
price or require payment in pennies.
Turn which way cne will, the five
cent piece bobs up at every turn as
the most necessary coin of the realm.
Its discontinuance would inevitably in
crease the cost of a thousand things
of every day life, wbich no dealer
now has the daring to change because
of riveted custom There is no likeli
hood that the government will soon
consider the elimination of this coin,
as such action would result in a howl
of d:aapprovai nationwide.
Engagement Bangle.
London.—Notwithstanding the strong
feminist movement in England among
a certain smart set of girls, it is now
considered the proper thing doubly
to advertise ones engagement by a
wrist bangle as well as an engagement
ring, and sometimes even an ankle
bracelet is included among the goiden
manacles proclaiming engagement
bondage. The stronger minded Eng
lish women are indignant at this latest
fad on the part of their weaker sis
Character Above Money.
The essential thing is not money,
but character—Le Conte.
Money in Hair
"I was particularly Impressed by the
empress of Japan She wears European
dress, and not only she. but all the
ladies of the court were frowned in
1'arts creations when they entertained
Longhorns Almost Gone.
Pel Kip. Tex —The Ions horned cat
"' have disappeared on the range in
Texas and are gradually going the
same wav in Old Mexico They are
being graded up until the high grades
and thoroughbreds of Holsteins. Here
fords. Ki lled Angus. Durharns and Jer
seys have taken their place. A hotel
at Abilene has a pair of long horns
front Coahulla. Mexico, that measure
five feet from tip to tip Theee sped
mens are rare, and will soon he num
be red with old-time cow men. the buf
falo antelope, lob© wolf and Indiana
Rtss*a. while discouraging prttrwi— I
education is still wondering why jg
tie Japan » -v a We to deteat ft in war
No matter what may be the opinion
of Mr. Joseph Cannon, no matter if j
he may be looked upon by some as
a czar, and by others as a big warm
hearted man, with many of the in
stincts that make humanity very bear
able. all win admit that he is a man
who has been advertised more than
any other man in the United States.
What he may have to say therefore
on any subject, will have weight. Ob
servant, he speaks his mind freely, j
He was interviewed the other day by
(he correspondent of a Canadian
aewspaper. He spoke of his admiration
for Canada, anl he is ouoted in a way
that pictures faniy well the persona: 1
of the man. The correspondent says
he launched out into personal bi
ography. proverbial philosopby, politi
cal comment, cynical scorn, broad pro
fanity and sentimental poetry such as
one rarely hears in the space of an
hour. He discussed the Canadian ta
riff, and then said: "People say I
br»ak the Ten Commandmants, all of
them. Put I don't, at least net often.
I did break one of them up in Canada
two or three years ago. As 1 rode
from Winnipeg to the Rockies over
your great West ar.d saw the finest
wheat fie Ids in the world, 1 though; of
Virginia and a lot of oar States, and
I smashed the Tenth Commandment
every hour of the journey. Yes, sir,
I coveted my neighbor's land." Com
ing from a man of the fame of Mr.
Cannon, these were words that should
have some weight with the Americans
who may still have doubts of the ad
vantages that are offered to them in
Western (V.nada. A home amongst
the wheatfie’.ds. Hundreds of thou
sands of Americans are adopting it.
They go to Central Canada, to any
one of the three Provinces of Mani
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, or to
the Coast Province of British Colum
bia, take up their homestead of 160
acres, and probably pre-empt another
160 acres, or it may be they do not
care for pioneering twenty or thirty
miles from an existing railway, and
purchase a farm. Then they settle
upon it and, having no clearing away
of timber they begin at once to cul
tivate it, and make money. That they
make money and much more than
they could possibly make on the high
priced farms they have left, is the
evidence of hundreds of thousands.
They do not leave civilized life, they
but remove from one sphere to an
other. They have splendid social con
ditions. churches, schools, rural tele
phones. splendid roads, railways, con
venient just the same as what they
left, and what is more, they get much
greater returns from their crops,
which give abundant yield. The cli
mate is perfect, and it is no wender
that most flattering reports are sent
back to their friend? in the States,
and it is no wonder that Joe Canr.on
was tempted to speak as he did. lie
"coveted" his neighbor's land.
Reason for Envy.
The stingy man had come home and
had objected when his wife attempted
to kisr him.
■'I've just had a tooth pulled." he
"Well. 1 envy the dentist." his wife
"You envy the dentist? What do you
mean ?"
' Oh. nothing much." the wife sighed.
"Only he's the first person I've ever
heard of who succeeded in getting
anything out of you."—Woman's Na
tional Daily.
His Face Was Turning Yellow
Someone told aim that saiiowness was
eaused by ar. Inactive liver. He began
taking NATl'RK'S RtlMKDV. h s natural
color returned, !.;s bra n cleared. His liver
was again active. NR tablets never fail
to correct tl.e liver, they remove the b:!e.
aid digestion and ton. the system. Better
than Pills for Ijv.r Ills. Take one tonight
anA you'll feel better in the morning Get
a 2e- Box All Druggists. The A. H. Lewis
Medicine Co.. St. I.culs, Mo.
Ungenerous Lavishness.
"Your former husband never com
plained about the alimony!"
“No.” answered Mrs. Flimgilt, “he
was brute enough to say his motto
was ‘Freedom at any cost!'"
When Rubbers Become Necessary
And Ton shoos pinch, shakt in:<> your
shoes Allen's Fooi-Euse. lie .,ntiseptie
powder for the feet. Cures tired, .chine
feet and takes the stinc out of Corns and
Bunions. Always use u for Breaking in
New shoes and for dancing parties Sold
everywhere Sr. Sample mailed FREE.
Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Be Roy, X. Y.
It is said old ustt steals upon us.
There is no need for old age to do
anything of the kind: he will do it
anyway, ard might as well do it in
the open
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sjrejv.
FVt-rh i«va :»*: : r*- r^uc**
limii - u..«k
Money cannot make a man good,
but it can give him the conditions of
a good life.—William Smart.
Dr, Pierce s Favorite Prescription
For over 40 year? this celebrated remedy has
been making women s lives happier—health
Many thousands of women have testified
to its wonderful efiect.
The “Favorite Prescription” is
TTfE OXF REMEDY Oat cma be de
peaded upon wbe.i there is an.v derangement of the distinctly
feminine organism. h parities, beats, soothes, builds up.
TtfE O.Nc ffi WED) which absolutely contains neither alcohol
(which to most Women Is rook poisoa) nor injurious or
babit'formfag drugs.
THE OSE EEVEDY which h so perfect h, Its composition
and so good in hs curatbe effects as to warrant Its makers
in printing its every ingredient, as they do. on its nmtfn
wrapper, verify tug the same under mntrmf -«■«*
It is needed when backaches make life miserable—w hen a sicken
ing. dragging, hearingsiown feeling makes work a wean- agony—
when sick headache, nervous irritability, loss of energy and appe
tite indicate derangement of the womanly organism. It is a purely
vegetable compound, being a glyceric extract from native medicinal
toots and can not injure in any condition of the female system.
ar. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets help the r8m of
“ <*heJLme'1,onr* ^ keeping the I vor active and the boweb
open. Thev teguhte and strengthen Stomach. Liver and Bowels.
*•At.all dealers—get k hat r*m **i fir.
Worlds Dwpensan Medical Association. Buffalo. N. Y.
table Preparation for As
tm£ the Stomachs and BonvUef
INF AN TN / ( H iiA> r l s
Promotes Digeslion.Checrful
nessand Rest Contains neither
^ Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
*r» tfou DrSi •nujrmn
Any*- m *S—d -
jH> .Vi* •
/WA*<7r rmAb •
Anm frrJ •
/taprrmi** -
^atw v'ffrf «
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
lion Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea ;
Worms Convulsions.Fes erish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEET
fac Simile Signature of
The Cektaur Company.
Atb months old
35 Do5i-^ j5CT >nrs
^ftnjr.inteed under the FooCJ*
Copy of Wrapper.
For Infanta md Children.
The Kind You Hove
Always Bought
Thirty Years
No IU.-J
R annuls
ail over tbe coqqut :vre c the Prvarater
every day in me year. Moat o; uteta have tneL Minr a«iii
bu: find ilf
National Cream Separator
ruT'ertor ia rterr point of irap»r*»»o' TVJr
exi>crit'nee should > of (Treat \a.u« lo you u> Kifi'Uif a ^ par*
Mor. Kt'al the luLowiajr:
Muvi a m
yov-T> ??orCT*V Y. K
_ rr* Tndrw-at i »v. n't «a>' J
TV«y - r> -e «••> mfc* nrtNi; » -I ex-*-*** »r *• tNr N » "tl'tjil
ir a — «*a> x *rr rswo %» dM a»t ttt» tiaatni^fco.
U'fuwl ar^b;\«o.ou
a « iTTm
Vonr Sealer o-f!l demonstrate a Kattooai free of ehayp* «f you
insist, i-ur iiiwriwl cntao^mr matted free to 2aiaarr> atmt
Gotten, Indiana C*«ca*c, »<iiao«a
is the tuminp-pouM roesuaomv
in wear and tear of ns. Try
a box. Every dealer, ever* w he»e
AND Ail NtS*
Cnrts the *V*a and act? as a prevent'ee Vr ethers. ! mn»U s’wn % n
the longue Sate for hr***. !urr>.v .: * ; oil ♦ rs lu!a % reeled d
rents and R.Wa ho-tle . ' and ?' j do iW tfcoen. Sold t>j aii
and horse goods Ik use*. or mui express i<a' hj the manafac vut-eca
' Your store is no good, sir! 1
asked for lace curtains last week, and
1 couldn't get 'em.”
"Indeed r
"Yes. And I asked for silk sticks
yesterday, and 1 couldn't get 'em.”
"That's strange.”
“And to-day 1 asked for credit, ana
can't even get that. Is this a regu
lar store, or what?"
Lewis* Sincle Binder ctpir js never
doped—only tohaeco in its natural state.
If there really was a foolkiller the
world would soon be depopulated.
*rvi® ttt
flMMlM * ^—jm -—
- —(rvwt>._
Kptot FtulB to Kw'cro G-«w
Hsir to i?» Toothful Color.
CLf* *r»> ti * h»iT t* .n*.
^mdlLWr IHgrRi
PATENT YOrK R>EAS. Tbw m>T bnac
rnicni w^ith. r.* ;>»*• boon *<&•*
t ;U£vr»4«l & Uk. P%t Ai:ri-.Bwi K. W»»hi^%«c.U(v
For a Quick, Safe,
Take one of the luxurious
transcontinental trains run
ningover the line of the
Union Pacific
Southern Pacific
" 77te Safe fooJ to 7ww99i*m
Electric block signal pro
tection—Dustless. perfect
track — Dining car meal*
and service “Best in the
World. “
For iataraaatton r»tr-» rtc . rat)
OH M IMK1u'1«
E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A.
I n ion Pacific R. R. C-o.
Omaha. NfK
Bad Taste
in your mouth removed while
>"OU wait—that's true. A Cas
caret taken when the tongue is
thick •coated with the nast'
squeamish feeling in stomach,
brings relief. It's easy, natural
way to help nature help \vni. •»
CASCARCT8- I.V K't- tfett
«ne»t. AU *WW«v K%jpr>( -»■>*»
u* ISe »\«U Mitum W a ■mma.
*»•»» Ktwh Hk'lw
I A * fan*. Wv ...» .
latMK. a««* »»• <m■»*>* r*>
: noktH'w |V h»- %h IwM w ♦ s'vrsl \* .h*> <>M
ths» *•>'<** \.«Uv<n i sk Ui \ VM<«
t»l «■ ,» ant* Km ttlvrwnwt ***A «**•
(ttwraiut* w
**V*TT* aar© ea, >«a>g»
tti5?Si\£ Thiwpiii's E|« Vatar