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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1910)
Ho ds Sarsaparilla I y ' irtor t>{ its aneqnaled W «<»d-p«rifj in". r.enne-streng thrmng. stomach-toning. n jq« tit* -r* ?rthnz firopertirs. 1- tine one < »icit Spring Medicine. MAO *ERVE. H»—tea* a® :-f® earn* It at ml Vo aod "tier*- is a gr-at deal < ' ..<ra*» afeo-i.' bias.. *or< WASTED A FORTME ON SK'N TR0L3LE ' i« gas tc bare an k rtur g o**r my *!. :<d> aui.t Kr-.«-s year* ago and ■ - ' ' : •' ■ ..t. - »"'-•* !»» I * e*t to see a creai many -t a Kavi-r *:..■£ -last ®_e a »<•'-•* -a* and after 1 • yu- J that 1 did i , t any rslie* that may. I *,»• for lb: y» if* to i1.- bospj'al. Er. they m ‘ - .. rtui/e to t1 .j* n — tfc-re. f used all tbs xaedMae-s tbat I could cec but b»--nxae mcerne and morse. I Lad aa M&'*:.-mE..aT*» mb rb mad** use almost crury m.tb fete. %bx I showed try fot1* to try fr>®ds tL* y »oad get r-ally frirfc*. ned. I did rot know what to do. I mac so sick and Lad be come so nersots that I positively lost all t ;*■ ~l Lad f"S the advert.seme® t of tbe C _'.rura Remedies a great many tlr. • •». but cocld not make up my m.nd •o buy tb»ta. for ! bad alr-ady used sc maty tefrttsj. Finally I did dec.dc *o use tbe Cut :<• -ra Bonefioc ax 1 I te ;« that I mas never so pleased aa mb-® I rotated tbat. after having used t«o p- tc of Cc'icura Seap. Cuticura i tent® * xt ard Cottan Pilic. tbe e® t r» mSamnutfoa bad gcs®e. 1 mac compBcfely cured- I should te only tan clad if people with s.milar disease mould coarse to me and £s3 out the tr-.'b I mould only recommend them * • e Csties'*. Mrs. Berth* Sachs. >■ cad Are, Near York. X. Y, au ms - «-s IVrtha Sachs Is my sister fx la* ax. i l know meli bom she suffered and ®*c cored by Cu'icara Rear d • after many other treatments fail'd. Morns Sachs. IT1 K K*th & V-m York X Y. Secretary of 1* --'b-Os—omoer T‘r" V*-cti. Ketup s-t tl»:.-»v BLamdest Society. «t* StafBcnr aWs Bau Record. T . • * ■luiiimtfliliiHl Sc.'*cte»y tor *he i‘ • * ■ <« d Tub- r-aiapis :* carry mg • * u -root and x- - sear? campaign . s year m the tsfoCK. The <**■«•» -o tt- fixate b Newfoundland - t*ri larg. About one ia every ti- • »be •»*al iiripalation dies of it. t . -hit is morse. IS he ia»t s K 'be dea'b ra:*1. mhkb is pta tancary cr 4*<~e»sira eisemrbere. h*. s»j" -as-d aiwot SO per «* at This is du- -arpudy Te tbe native bnmr of fre*R a.r la tbe boose * S—»»• Loaf A half■famished Vile® :a tbe moatV »-t* -gat.*-* lefts <2 a baker whose Vsii ■< tad k" Rimming “*■■■ by by degrees and beautifully less • mV*. * r> tt 1 < v-ac- to -rte j s * ~~ zl + nsw K?ryfnr 4 m of out %* v **• c rntiR-s ifcfp tape* onrtS&oi * * “WIn 5 ■ fe* ~ ~ &zm! v&« .-.v - ® * red 'The teak- r " ' What do «***~T»« leave yew bread ’ •A eft. v**® see-duY make sack a fuss ab—t «... pot m thra«Rh tbe beybole ~ * Wvr ~ ~t uriff ndet hi Uaed-ady - !»■« hnd her bowed. At iiiss"1 twi* y T&*v V Hty. - * sa: -rzhr aw ’ —J Faeiaan L: 't-n P ■ e : - who s * axd »a t fee crei‘ m i- 11* mi-- any vvaf-rtd small t-a'tft and They are to be pitied it .- almays a shock to a max to d:« ■ter t"5a» a cnxat bnoorc her cm® «t-'4 mfcet. be ica*?->«,s her cadet thi je«se roe *har st- taex t may (->1 Many a Clever Housewife Has learned that to serve Post Toasties S aves w cry and latx-r. and pleases each mem ber <w the family as few fen<is d . The rri c! inty. flnffr S Lass are fully oeked. ready to serve from the |v*cka«re with mam or food mdk. . Give the h* mc-folks a treat. “The Memery Lingers"’ Kij> nc. and 15c. ft ClUL V-X V UNIQUE TELESCOPING BRIDGE AT KANSAS CiTY ii— . - - ■ - - FJUfT or TIi£ .W £f?JDCS JJ!tfWI71G THE EZEVATCR SECTION K‘ V~ • S C'^Y VO—Work is progressing rapidly on the great double-deck bridge that ts to span the Mis ri r-ver aid ’he bottoms trotu Third street to the Clay county side. The structure will cost STUPOOod. r . will T;Ta:n 11 t ns ot steel. The unique feature ot this bridge is to he an immense elevator in ( re c: ’he spans will hoist the lower ceck lor the passage ol vessels, leaving the upper de.-K stationary 7*.e - deck ui be rcnpT only by two railroad tracks On the upper deck will he two street car tracks. ■*o E-pha t wagon roads, two sidewalks and a speedway, a mile in length.lor automobiles COIN IS NECESSARY Rettremeit of Five-Cent Piece Wculd Shock Financiers. N c«ei Stand* for More Fixed Values Than Any Other S ngle Denomina tion, and Mere of Them Are Required by Public. U . -blag*on—OScials of the treas ury c- sometimes discuss the nance s somewhat cumbersome cage and make suggestions to one -*-• 'her that this or that change n-ight bring relief to the working i> ces of the department. Generally "se discussions do not go beyond •be :ccer circle where they originate. l bang* is made or even suggested se-nousiy and the werk of the mint goes cia as before Recently, however, the fact leaked out that the bve-cent piece or nickel bad been under discussion and that be government t: ght ask congress to pass a aw elticinatiag it from the na cafhhga. Small ex *-1* or erer cid nsi *but such a step »c. f l* tak~n. i .t for a short space Ci? ? ITTak -,smgaltte4^.w>m k_ u*.- .. .» amazing use to which this little coin is put. The uses of business require I the coinage of a greater number of nickels fhan of any other coin It has teen said that Its universal I use as the price of a fare on the street ; cars is the cause of its retention, but ; that can hardly be so. as it enters very largely info the price of so manv other fbings that it could not be dis pensed with if the price of the car care were changed Tne nickel is extensively used In telephone calls. It was formerly more 'ban now the open sesame of the pop ! slot machine, tor which it still does extensive duty it is the price of admission io the fast multiplying P»c* ure shows in all parts of the coun try The new fashioned boot shining parlor charges a nickel. The saloon keeper and the baker have for years gathered their daily harvest of these .iftie coins. The soda fountain, grow fr.g ;n popular favor, deals mostly in nickels. Ira cream in summer time goes tor five cents, and the charge for a myriad things in the pharmacy and i r Tivecent s ore requires this coin I Most smokers would have to quit j »> re it not tor the nickel, obnoxious j as the domestic cigar is to many of them. The cigarette would cease to be the popular smoke it is if the price were not five cents Shoe laces would either become a luxury at a higher price or require payment in pennies. Turn which way one will, the five cent piece bobs up at every turn as the most necessary coin of the realm. Its discontinuance would inevitably in crease the cost of a thousand things of every day life, which no dealer now has the daring to change because of riveted custom. There is no likeli hood that the government will soon consider the elimination of this coin, as S'tvh action would result in a howl Jt disapproval nationwide. Engagement Bangle. I.ondon—Notwithstanding the strong feminist movement in England among a certain smart set of girls, it is now considered the proper thing doubly to advertise ones engagement by a wrist bangle as well as an engagement ring, and sometimes even an ankle bracelet is included among the golden manacles proclaiming engagement bondage. The stronger minded Eng lish women are indignant at this latest fad on the part of their weaker sis tens Character Above Money The tsseutiai thing is not money, but character—Le Lome. cT"d 1° parts of the country lest the useful mi popular * Bicker should -->-■* P- ar from the circulating me dium. The tact ts the government could afford * dispense uith almost any cm* ratter than the nee cent piece it stands lor acre stable pr-ces than any ether. It ts the price ©J a lost ot tread. It pays The cost o; the ,-ide tn the street car. *ith it the German : ->s n.s p ass of leer and the Amor *e pay* lor the shin r.g ©I his shoes It i* probably not too much to say that the disappearance of the n:cke. aculd put* a preater shock to the Chan:-* of the nation than a>most h*Jthmc that could happen The Sve-cent coin for t»o genera • ‘ as at least has been the filed price of so many th;nps that the people «o -d be at complete loss bo»- to pro eeed * it at It. True, hundreds o: thousand* of five-cest pieces are lost eoth year, tat that is due to tae Biology Peril to Grammar Study ct Grassccppers and Tadpoles Takes Up Tco Much Time of School Children. New York—John J Fox. chairman | of local school board Xo US, borough of the Pronx. Isas discovered a peril — a f rfeo’ly rew peril Prominent in it s the tadpole, ahetlej hv the pmss hopper aid backed up by the cal-r V- ar Mr Fox tinds that our school children >’idy such thu gs too much, nech i r r.g what is really worth while The other right he introduced a resolution before the board of which he is chairman asking that it he adopt ed and a copy sent to the board of t duration The resolution rends: “Resolved. Tbnt we ihe men.hers of local school board No IS having in u .iio the interest >.f the parents and the welfare of the children, do hereby record our emphatic disapproval of that feature of our educational system which subordinates grammar to grass hoppers, reading to caterpillars, spell ing to golden rod arithmetic to bull frogs and penmanship to tadpoles. "Resolr.d. That we attribute to these and other equally reprehensible fads the atrocious English that Is spoken by the school children of this city, within the very shadow of our grammar schools, from the lips of hovs and girls old enough to speak correctly the language of the country of their birth "Resolved. That the time has eotn« **** taxpayers and pa should inaugurate a movement for the extirpation from our school system of all the nonsensical fads that have crept into it during the last few years 1 and which inure only to the benefit of those who teach the subjects, write the text-books or proht by their publt j cation" Km. alas, today the tadpole ta | jubilant: the grasshopper is breaking all records for running and standing | jutnps and the caterpillar wriggles de I fiantly throughout the land l.oeal . school board No :«> killed Mr. Fox's ! resolution. Music Helps Make Cigars. South lteth'ehem. !*».—Sustaining the logic of r»l\le. when- music makes the plantation hands work faster, a local cigar factory here has put in a t ip* organ worked by electricity, to try its continuous music oa several hundred era loves. T _ Nothing is so discouraging x» ua re warded energy. Old Custom Kept in London S» Pe**ae~tu* Mc'seshces of A«-c e^t Date. Tendered as Oa t Re--t lor S'eitnjr. Lr®'oe—Si j*. edemas fccrseshne*. more tkaa SOW years old. tare been tendered to the crown by the city of Lncdf* rcrron'icc by way of quit -eot for a bygone smithy In the St-aad aad at the same -.ase the city solicitor counted oat <1 cal.*. which •he k:s*s rerreratvranor iiroBoacced w be 'food tsuraber“ The scene of the ceremony was the royal co.rt* of Js slice sxJ u-.^ the rnoods of lateres-’ed cnicoAers were the lady mayoress and t- r two daugh ters The cosrcrat-no aise did feudal service lor a piece 01 mud in SI ; siitre Originally the crown demanded two kcivev by way of rent, but when the corporation bought the land It substituted for the knives a sharp hatchet and a dull billhook and these were offered this year The sharp cess ot the hatchet and the bluntness of the blUkuok were du'y attested by •he city seiK'Hor upon a bundle of twigs. P'y a plots fra'«i th» horseshoes ard nails are handed back to the city every year to be presented afresh, but the hatchet and billhook are often re newed. and this year they were pre sented as a souvenir to the lady may 1 ores*. PLUCKY LAD ENDURES PAi\ Was* Ery. Re*us ->g A'■esthetic. Dcet Net F 'c*< **!<»e U*-aer gs nj Ope'U'W Dayton, Walk.— Vbe* Jtyear old 1 tools* 5 Foists »as of* raied on for a (•trial afliw-tioa *d tbe ftet acd tower is.:# t* «osVy ret used to take an aosshttir l*r !>«ahoa fins; y agreed to rrriona tbe tedious opera In* is lace ct this • aadicap Tte youngster *a> straps •! '© tbe Uu>ie aritbout M»wttn t.? raat -- S< c most n.i.. .i:c* pain, young Fouts attend never a sound but »b»-a tbe operat .oa a as over tbe gbys it took a ragged roat sleeve cat of tbe iad s mouth He bad most ct tbe sleeve betaees b:> Uetb and 8 »a> bitten to sbreda Tbe boy # tatter *:.wd near dartre tbe cpntnB and »t« be san ibe su-geos pad tbe sleewe trots bis sob s aoubh. tainted a a ay Fcrtap* tbe aomaa »t >#e friend# •s!k*-fi bee to death !e« ^Bat sbe bad it die is se.: d*:< use Woman Hides Money in Hair Mrs. F« rbarks Says Court Lad es Wore French Creat ors Wren They Entertained Her. Now York—Mrs. Charles Warren Fairbanks, wife of the former vice • • ‘ • 1 ■ • 1 - - just aok fro their nxind tbeswM trip d*-fared n an interview Riven out her. ti e ’h, r day that she found in every oov ry she ' sited a wonderful awakenit.R among women The chat Re is n»et notable in Cbtra and Japar ” said Mrs Fair barks "The Chinese women are lorRiic rapidly 10 the ftvr.i ard it won't be iong before they are heard from ir a liance with the women of other countries "The' Japane se women are by no n»,r.s cumber, r* of the ground The :ower classes do everythin* that men do. workup beside them in the field, carry.; « bricks and tnortar. and assist t i sa a.i the labors o! the strutter sea "1 was particularly Impressed hy the empress of Japan She wears European dress, and net only she, hut all the ladies of the court were gowned in IV s creations w hen they entertained us ~ Leesherrs Almcst Gone. rv i Rio. Tex—The long horned eat tie have disappeared on tho range in Texas and are gradually going the same way in old Mexico. They are h. :rg gr <ed up until the high grades •red «h« •< ghhteds of Ho’steins, Here fords, l', ed Angus, Durham* and Jer se.'s have taken their place a hotel at Ahilcne has a |x*ir of long ho-ns from Coahuila. Mexico, that measure five feet from tip to tip These spec* mens are rare, and will soon be nunt N red with old-time cow men. the huf talo antelope, loho wolf and Indiana Russ'a, while disoourag ng prisrat” education. is still wondering » hy „t tie Japan was able tu deleat it in war. UNCLE JOE CANNON HE ALSO SPEAKS WELL OF CAN ADA. — No matter what may be the opinion if Mr. Joseph Cannon, no matter if ! he may be locked upon by some as i czar, and by others as a big warm hearted man, with many of the in stincts that make humanity very bear able, all will admit that he is a man who has been advertised more than any other man in the United States. What he may have to say therefore in any subject, will have weight. Ob servant, he speaks his mind freely. He was interviewed the other day by hie correspondent of a Canadian lewspaper. He sroke of his admiration ; for Canada, ani he is quoted in a way hat pictures fariiy well the persona: if the man. The correspondent says ae launched out into personal bi ography. proverbial philosophy, politi ral comment, cynical scorn, broad pro fanity ard sentimental poetry such as me rarely hears in the space of an hour. He discussed the Canadian ta riff. ar.d then said: "People say I break the Ten Commandmarts, all of them. Put I don't, at least not often. I did break one of them up in Canada two or thr*“ years ago. As 1 rode from Winnipeg to the Rockies over your great West ar.d saw the finest wheatfields in the world, 1 thought of Virginia and a lot of our States, and I smashed tfce Tenth Commandment every hour of the journey. Yes, sir. I covet, d my n« igkbor's lard." Com ing from a man of the fame of Mr. Cannon, tl • se wore words that should have some weight with the Americans who may still 1 uve doubts of the ad vantages that are offered to them in Western Canada. A home amongst the wheatfie’ds. Hundreds of thou sands of Americans are adopting it. They go to C< ntral Canada, to any one of the three Provinces of Mani toba. Saskatchewan or Alberta, or to the Const Province of British Colum bia take up their homestead of 160 acres, and probably pre-empt another 160 acres, or it may be they do not care for pioneering twenty or thirty miles from an otisting railway, and purchase a farm. Then they settle upon it and. having no clearing away of timber they begin at once to cul tivate it, and make money. That .hey make money and much more than they could possibly make on the high priced farms they have left, is the evidence of hundreds of thousands. They do not leave civilized life, they but remove from one sphere to an other They have splendid social con ditions. churches, schools, rural tele phones. splendid roads, railways, con venient just the same as what they left, and what is more, they get much greater r. turns from their crops, which give abundant yield. The cli mate is perfect, and it is no wonder :bat most flattering reports are sent ba< k to their friends in the States, and it is no wonder that Joe Cannon was tempted to speak as ho did. He “coveted" his neighbor's land. Reason for Envy The stingy man had come home and had objected when his wife attempted to kis-' him. "I've just had a t«Hgh j ailed," he explained. "Well, 1 envy the dentist." his wife replied "You envy the d.ntist* What do you mean*" Oh. nothing much." the wife sighed "Only he's the first person I've ever hcant of who succeeded in getting anything trot of you"--Woman's Nu tional Daily His Face Was Turning Yellow F- meott. toi.l lorn t: at sa.uwnoss was ts:;»J by a- ■ a Mv. i:\er He beget taking N VTt'KH'S KKMKDY. Jus natural ttlot returned, his htedtt cfeeavsd. fits iivtt was age Ni; t . to v»*re«t the liver tla v remove tt:e bi aid »lig> slion an i the system Hotter than lv"s f<»* t.vei UK Tik. on. nought at-1 y. -i'H r.- Mter in the m-retrr v;,-t a .v it \ \a I emggtsts The x. a u-wa hledt.-mv x\v. St. t.< ais, M.v Ungeoetcus Laxishness. "Your former husband n« ver com plaint d about the alimony!" "No." answ* rtxl Mts Flimgilt. he was brute enough to say hts motto was 'Freedom at any cost' " W*-en Rubbers Become Necessary Ac,t t,»;r sin. s p;, si-.ak. into vonr , AtVn's Foot-Fuse, the atttiseptie p"'--> r f,-r * •- f--t Ota* tired a. l.r-.g r>. t and i t stfng out ot ivnw and Bunions. Always ttse it for Breaking in Nt " . . evervw >. rx . - S -mpV tv. > : < FRKK a 8 t • t; \ n v It is said old Hgv steals upon us Theta is tto not d for old ag. to do anything of the kind: he will do it anyway, and might as well do it in the open Mm. Wtnalnw'a SviMn- xvrtiiv F.-.-'h tlvn l.-*-lh vw .-'N rv-N , 'iv ..:wev .i—». . .. a ... -iu n..w,Vilule ...__ , ., ...... Money cannot make a u.«i good, but it can give him the coucitioas of a gvs-Hi lit. Wil tant Smart. _ » _'_ ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT . A\egetable Preparation far \s - fSir s imitating the Food and Regula fc:v? img rheSieinaihsandBoHvisof gr~. n Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful k” nessandResl Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral K: Not Narc otic r J- />v;w t/ou otsvttfUmaax a;, Pumri.* S—J - - JtX .'»M« * \ I? . /irie/y# .' « % - | HJ | JkM*t tW - i h;: i - \ R *ir» .W - I h-* I it'J /Xwrr / — t''; Aperfect Remedy forConstip.v i fj'I lion.Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea j't: Worms Convulsions Fevenst* fct! ness and LOSS OF SLEEP ---f D;L Far Simile Signature of K\.J , * __ K.y The Cestaur Company. J&_NEW VORK._ T-T-TT-— \^Uuaranteeit under the Foodaw Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTliA For Infanta end Children, The Kind You Have AlwaysBought a ▼mi ciatMia aoiMiv. mrm tom om. No IlirJ Lifting a lightrsi |7 Running \ EjsifS Qrtnrd Gosnt SLimmrr _______ 40,000 FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN a'.l over the couutnr are usi* £ the National C*eam Svpawnor & every day in uie year. hlool of them have tried other but find the National Cream Separator superior in every point of importance. Their accumulated j riprnrwe sh,>\ .1 U* * f p*r.%: vjuuv to )oU tu k .ccu&( a ev a lor. Kead the folio a : Nf»r.TR S^'»rrfTv>t N. N. T.. Starrh ?v t*m ^^ ’rv* TTsfr,nc-* Tn.*•:«• . * -a. I TVk- - rv re ' - ruk. 1 \« V * stt <*«?>* *?r to t\e '’V” N U. tea' ■' TV* v * — i,»v*a!T t« o'ear tr.: *:■»•> ar»C .?*. »■. iiave ux«d \«ar», a-.t it *» rvr^'nc tc \ouxa truly. S c* vd A S. CCR7TA Your dea'er vri'l demonstrate a National free of chanrv if yeu I insist, t'ur illustrated CAia.olrue mailed free to farmers and dairv men. THE NATIONAL DAIRY MACHINE COMPANY Gothen, Indiana Cn<c«<o. i»Hncl» AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Trv a box. Even-dealer, every \\ e-e STANDARD OIL CO. % lno*r|H*rHfraf : “ PIMltT EVE 8SSR•«• Him LIL sfiysv*. Cwt* tbr vVii> »ih1 »ot» a* n prtvynliw for otborx. 1 - vv « a n tho ** Vtfyforb-NH- ; a o’h^rw >•! x >. > -s x> rfut'aixl fl HaNmirEMVandih' » ibe do*rn >- •: bv „% .■» ^ x , rtUil hor** ^oa!> kvU.v'tc, W mH» f“\J>:Yvs )VAKlx b\ tb* U^luJjfcViarrr* SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Chemi*t» GOSHEN. INDIANA Hopeless. “Your store is no good, sir! I asked for lace curtains last week, and l couldn't get 'em." "Indeed?" "Yes And 1 asked for silk socks yesterday, and 1 couldn't get eta." "That's strange." "And to-day 1 asked for credit, and can't even get that Is th:s a rvgu lar store, or what?" i _______________ t Iwfe' ' »,v it-- v- <■ gar •'« - -V. d. jssi >n!v t>-lv»,s' sn its nttural v;*t,». ; U then' really was a toolkiller the world would soot. he depopulated l l l_I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Ow—M B*nI Nb ■ vB thB Nb&K IS'MhBUB B v- \ ' Vl ftvBtV Jif'NT Pb ‘b to K+bH'ob v»rujr Mvt to iu Youthful tVv'K CW*B B*r-* «cb*tb B Sa t U. «. % * »• _ PATENT Yor* »»>*** tv, M, rH IKH I m iw >-» , , :♦& Wttk-rvJ * Wv >V *»,*>,! k »,„ Hvr IH Dr. Piece’s Favorite Prescription HAKES WEAK WOHEN 5TRONQ* SICK WOHEN WELL. For over 40 years this celebrated remedy has . been making: women's lists happier—health* ( ier—safer. Many thousands of women hast testified to its wonderful effect. The “Favorite Prescription ” is TWE ftVE REMEDY .Sat can be * rs-orfo/ «*•■ w fte.7 rttw ft any derangement of the Asrftcriy feminine organism. h parities. beats, soothes, boikis op. THE OVF ftEWOY oblch ahsnhMeiy contains neither akohot <•*** to ntost Momem ft rank poison) nor mjorkms or hatvf.hxrming drags. THE ovi: Pi vi nv »M.-> ft so perfect ft ** oontrnsAto* mmf so good in its cvmttse etfievts as to warrant As makers ft priming As ever? ingredient, as they Ac on As owcuW v rapper, verity ftg fee same under solemn oatX It is needed when backaches make life miserable—w hen a sicken ing. dragging, bearing-down feeling makes work a wearv agony— when sicc headache. nervous irritability, loss of energy- and appe tite indicate derangement of the womanly organism. It is a purely vegetable compound, being a glycenc extract front native medicinal toots and can not injure in any condition of the female system. Or. Pfcve’s Pleasant Pellets help the 'effect of all other medicines by keeping the liver active and the tvwel* sspen. 1 hey regulate and strengthen Stomach. Liver and Row els. Lao to take as candy. At all dealers—~y t. kjt vn» *-1 ftr. World's Dispensary Medical Association. Buffalo, S'. Y, For a Quick, Safe, Comfortable Journey To California Take one of the luxurious transcontinental trains run* ningover the line of the Union Pacific Southern Pacific "Tkt $*ft RoaJ ft> rW Electric block signal pro tection -Dustless, perfect track — Dining car meals and service “Best in the World.** »\>* inHvmitm*. r»v, . o»a M «r F E. LOMAX, G. P. A. Paottle K R. t iv Omaha. NVh. Bad Taste in your mouth removed while you wait—that's tnte. A Cas' caret taken when the tvat£uc i< thick * exalted w ith the nast> squeamish fedinj* in stomach, hrintfs rxlkf. It's easy, natural way to help nature help you. C V V V K K tv V t x At\«tr«ss»tx *-**r.x w> «Sr w.; M M ;!V* Kata * M.WM.V IDAHO arCEE ■'K>* )s~ !x »>» i •>•». xxx'X wV, V A. ' XX * . At. \\»tx. XV V yiVA V>.x \■ »«** U»xv «»,' ,< VtA.XVAts \*t>. v w N ;X Ux! w . .xi , A ... lx t . . • \ .1 .,‘XX .x A-HS V . x • *:x» wx At... •.♦ ;a . X, . .. **4 ssr* 'Atxtrx X.. rAVdiTT* CAMD CO.. »*,>,♦«*, KMX.x W^'^x\: Thompson’s Eyo Vita W, N. Ux OMAHA. NO. t«. t»t*