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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1910)
Scsj-t.s.ts *‘-a it 0 t as 4:2.:3C.:c3 yc-s ot ^ Mwot ■ V* s Cr* F gore It Cat for ft. :«■* A:cwj ; tt Kra D s c. .trj — Ct:tm>*t3 fcy Sia o Ocean. ri . Tkr jr-ii **5i* *t r :srd*-d •nr-*# tt 1_« V r |j: l. » 5*0 kits al las* s<i r*-E.-*lnd. aM tl a as Ik* I. tfcat pi- fc r tii]r. lints ai ■a* siocfee •* •. s a |«ccii ■:»■«■* lk*l ha> I'Si lair *a It*- rlitw il * itk a similar •kr <* ■*-!» U; aasi«r.ttf *—* •*■ * * la&< n>lj as I® ska! '* »n * an* mic; As ttrarii as 'kr ark apsis CU calf o.l tins. ik»-y an* tkalfci ill* litik* tank I* « -*» «*r».i** years cA Tfc*** ’fc*- v aainc of nwarrMU *s-aoe M oaeufkciMOs (a ike Utmi **»we «d *ke Jksrmai at latalaKF ta • -td r*cv«i| inn tk* I ciccryuy at fA*"*®* Pre-ss ta core k>«'.A. u4 exact ikiwsui, ike ittmiaaie ■®* at tke rank. n kas im A isco* * •< fc»J kr Mnaar« ky dri au.« *ae MaaK at emit ta ike sea k; ike *■** loo^pki 00* a rack year fcy •k* rtier* ikat rajKi tala rt_ Sir Aufca Hurray. PM Jay wd K Int&aks s sad 'orsard as caimy-noas at tke ■*-« erlkot and atoie- oikrrs cca L-aaiiec 'a tkr darsaM 1: eat ■ sk*re are C.k narts oc css;- mi **•* ad years at ike lanaa e*u k-*3**. f *s e«-Sr*aJij ajpeed Ikat tkis *» €-*e t» maqonn ta ckra was malyse* «d taai sad riter aaiers. "ki! ’kr a- tked marks a d.s t-act rye- k * sad 1 sic tke cji*rsl«« ol *kr rant s **e Tk;s jtroMem u> aa '’FI"*3** k*mc «a tkonrt nd na '■■m ■ • :.• ;«tti oa_ su it a r 1* ** *ke r»!t- »t stuck c-t -k-jiaiK «* tkr < artfc Is laktr t place *»*• <*u:» ter ewatarlea fcad taris-d rncfcf said dcs kritea a stank ed a sa ls*** sa us-tr fmkursa Utsmeery *-f** 'cwks aad er*»rt ta flier !-d> <m • _ir.• d 4e salt tkst. ib similar kf* »*«a ky sat re mas tke Srst e ras tttai |t :L‘-c i« i|. c-1 wikod GLN. HuD TO SUCCtLD GLN GrtANT lie.-. ===^ C-IX AGO—Gen Frederick Dent urast is soon to leaTe Chicago to take command ol the dr ;«nmcnt of the east with headquarters at tjuimors imbiI New York Hts successor as commander of the department ot the lakes ts to be Gen Charles L Hodges, now in j *om»a»d ol the department ot tYakota with headquarters in St. Paul Gew Hodges was ben ’n Providence. K U in ISIt and entered the army as a vcuuntet r and a private tn l>»l. through the civil war. aud being •asservd owt as a sergeant major la iMiS he entered the regular army service a ad has seived in tl continually since, becoming a brigadier gen eral in April. 1MI ' Tbe sail m ;be sea bus! bare been mashed there by nvers Coming into It ’be ijivcs’igators argued, and they ment format* to the nett step Finding the amount ot salt in the sea mas onty a matter ol chemical analysis and calculation, and mat be Tr.a’ictans mho could map out the track of a comet over many hundred m. f ans a> nt-les soon determined 't. - Th- amount of salt brought »o by tfc • niers In a year mas • ire difficult, bat not iiupossib e of ?•••• n> taatlm. tbe investigators found, ■rd f.e the rest it ma» only a mailer of division H S Shelton Is the keenest erf tic «t he ne» in- ibod After pointing out a number of places * here error may . T.-. p iii’o the calculations, he urges geok'g'.sts to devote more time and care to their chemical analyses, as the method will be uselul in checking cal dilations reached by the older meth ods. tie declares it valuable as the first serious attempt to get outside the oid iashioned methods, which, he says, have kept investigations of the prob lent within a vicious circle which has proved a barrier lo progress. Gets Three-Cent Check. I-enox. Mass.—The town ot Lenox, home of the largest summer resort col ony of millionaires in New Lugland. nas received Iron] the state treasurer a check for three cents as its share of the corporation lax paid into the stale treasury during the last year. FOOD TO END WARS -Frtless” Vari?K Develops Cult Th2t !s Gat ung in Boston. Lease- Claims Tha* It W.» B-ing About Peace—Avo ®r*"B About Anujt 'j Dec-ease « Harper tr.f Olsipstsn. Bwsss — -Tireless food" has dt-vel a e-alt that a rapsd'y canine A-votee, shat the Huh Imaxine an apt-*tons mw dnmer ms cum AKh «f aLsrh had tap prepared ote- a S«eve T»« hard?*A Brmkiwe men aad name* acre serieA artth such a T*r^«* »T Hr and Mrs ! dor Phillips, at the Ts#t-teth rv tart dub The Uanpuet »»» Ire the tet-% of the Ae-nrss Peace sot;.-1 :-ea*»rr and l* a ticsmst state* m 'Jr. Phillips la A the -mr-staat m-Pattons called a»r» to ft. raAdernre n '(peats Probably A an the aaflite of the e.irth could |ia.rtal.e of jurats such as ***T 'It* 1*1..' «ps j retaa-ed for the peace hs»^a.-er* they v-aatld heat ’heir tairh !fci» v(>oc» and s|- * d ■»•«* fnae at tattle than (A tbr bat'le *Hd «*n «be bill of far- mhich did a.4 oei.p ooe ia*A store pte par-d Pem a-re urhrrd bread, cold «MP' ercs. t ct». Ice cream, cream «d pern, bananas a pods, jellies e«rr. banana rob* and other dej urarses bed in the hook of the skillet «M me* crank Sirs Phiiaj* ,ss«re* the public that ] everybody avoid he pcatefjji aad well | Girl is Leader of Grange Jecceas Crr-»e* Wert, 0« Society ] . Lease- ,*> Pccret rg Confidence » Farm Life Rio Grande. V J —Visa Hester On*-ta Hildreth. a r* opaiacd social leader la South Jersey, has demon st rated in a remarkable manner tbe power of noai to promote >be com ■ cot pood Ms*.* H:5dreth. oho is a sis- j ter of Judce V.dreth and also of A < arttoa Hsidreth the nominee for j cmetf cbrt. is the master of Kki Grande tirarr* No |H, the most re cent'j orpanired prar sr la Cape May •aunty >•>- snrceeded in ob'a:n:np a rlir.rt iict of «* members, tbe tars •-s’ number erer presertet! by a tea prate- in Gape May roenty. and U. nh»eb many additions hate since Tbe ortcmizatioa has been cee-it* to a private residence, but it nas j«ar chutd a lot. and experts soot tc be ta tti ait hall, when it mill send aa is t Ostxa to the house uarminp. behaied if they shunned meat diet it:d carried vegetarianism to a degree * ■ rre stores or fires of any sort would unnecessary in the preparation sb' asserted that the animal led to - sUuch:er.-d spoiled himself for eat :ng purposes through fright. “I bettere that there would be far less crime in ihe world, that murder and dissipation would decrease ama r:c^:r and that our prisons would be much less crowded than they are to day. if the meat diet now in vogue • I everywhere should be stopped and if people would turn to vegetarianism as a means of subsistence." asserts Mrs , Phillips. "Human beings to-day who have been brought up on the meat of slaughtered animals are to a certain degree overcharged with a vital en j ergy w hich demands always too great an outlet. Thus we have everywhere j a nation of bard smokers, hard drink 1 ers. The present-day rush and demand for excitement and thrill are merely | ’he consequence of that high physical pressure which has been created by . this constant taking into our system * of anuual flesh." Will Locusts Herald War Tf.j» Is Tin-t for 17-Year-Oid Variety and if -W" Is on Wings It Means Struggle. I stun —This is the year that the IT year taraat is due again, and in a '» »*-eks be wilt make his appear «* th-- 'arms uf the middle west \t P ast the authorities on locust lore !»»d >u|e-rs!i'Jon are sure he wit! and they hai never b*-en mistaken in the ■ -t No one seems to kt.ow- exactly wi.ire ttie IT year locust comes from, hut it is a matter of record that he d •••5 show up regularly just the same Its- thing that is interesting the farmer* and the old timers most is w! ether !«• will bring a *"W” on his w ings or a “P." as is hoped. ~W~ on a IT year locust's wings means war There is no reason under the sun that is known as to why it should be al ways either "W or ~P.~ but those are in lot- grange every office Is open to women, and in ail the work of the order women have equal voice with m*n. bat few women become masters. Just as Mrs Sarah llaird has for sev eral years served most efficient 1. as head of the state grange of Mianeso ta. hi Miss Hildreth, as bead of the llw iirande grange, has evened a most benefeesnt Mtueoce While not a farmer nor of farmers' folk. Miss Hildreth resides in a com munity largely composed I well-to-do farmers In working for others, she ha> added materially to her own hap piness. The grange is known as a farmers’ organ nut'ion. but It concerns his Im provement rather than his occupa tion The aim in it is to better his condition by breaking up the isolation of country life and living It seeks to bring country people together and to know each other socially: to ef -rcotne distrust and foster coopera tion. the only two letters that have been ] noticed. Locust lore experts have a good , deal of statistical backing when they assert that if the "W" is on the wings it will surely mean war, and if the ”P“ is on the wings it will just as surely mean peace. “In 1 V.O, the last time the locusts I were here,” said an old commercial traveler the other day. “the wings !*ore a decided AW And we promptly got into the war with Spain In 1876 1 saw the 'P' on the wings myself, and following that we had peace and | plenty “I don't remember so far back as IS'.:*, ti’.at is to say. I don’t remember j locusts back in those days, but I have ! been told by scores of old farmers that the 17 year locust kind showed up I that year and bore AV on each wing. | The civil war followed. “Some of the older generation of i farmers have records in the old family Bible to prove that the former visita tion of 17-year locusts presaged the Mexican war by bearing AV on their wings I can tell you the farmers are j not anxious to have them come, but they are ail superstitious as to their verity as harbingers. “When you come to think of it. this l letter business seems like a very fool j ish superstition. But w hen you know ' that they do bear either the AV or the P' and that the sign has never tailed, how are you going to explain it?" -— "Conscience Fund" Gains $425. New York.—The largest contribution to New York city's conscience tund : ever received was reported by Comp troller Prendergast the other day 1 he money—$425 in new bills—was i brought to the comptroller by a Ro man Catholic priest. He bad received , it. he said, from one of his parishioners who believed he had obtained it un fairly from the city. No further de tails were learned — A grouchy individual is only a harm j ’ess bore, but a grouchy newspaper l is a breeder of public discontent. _ READS EiSLE ELEVEN TIMES -. ki '« Wa*- of K H RfearMbty Well VtfttS 0*1*— W anes <• Hs j Record. ftaaror Hr - AM* ■ J Small of has read 'he fbMe 11 limes mMtC ts sard <o W remarkably sell versed «je 'be t~t njeurea Tbe story ' Bor* that a um< »-g p—arher stopped at hr* Irome one day ahd incidentally , Uldr (he remark that be had read the pilir tea times ~U that so*" said Vr Small n *1 srit dtdind that vbra I ioami any Udy sU bad read n as many times as I had I »w-l Co through It ahee "^[hhh *se promptly proceeded to «sr »bO bate thought themselves rersed «■ «br seythgs of tbe good Ibate rood creed lb—mreices bopr lt r[ igttrt alter undertaking to —„ U s St* Ahdrev Jackson Small, poo on Use threehod of ha* eicfcileth Whs! tbe fort ***d o- sprtbg 1* pjj ^ae sirs sprthC * *t'Uls* r«*h Women o/ Orient Waking Up Cash Concealed •« “Rat" Overlooked by Robber in His Search for Valuables. Kansas City. Kan—Tbe -rats' •tirh many women still sear n tbeir ontlfures. and sb'.rb bare been a source of disparaging comment by men. possess some worth after all At least Mrs Frank West of 11 North Bal timore a venae be lleves so Tbe other night sbe visited a neighbor across the street from her borne, but before gotng placed *75 In currency in the folds of a “rat" in a dresser drawer Sbe stuck a number of side combs in the mass of hair and money and left, feeling lha. her "bank" was thief pmsf When sbe returned borne shortly alter nine o'clock she found her bouse In a turmoil Dresser drawer, were pulled out and the contents scattered over tbe floor Dresser drawer* w ere putted oat and the contents scattered over the flour. Rugs were pulled up and (he pockets of clothing were turned wrong side out A thiet evi dently had been lookit.4 ior money Mrs Wesi hurried to the dresser, where she had left the money, and found "rat." cash and side combs ail safe. Honor Memory of Virgil. Rome.—The royal Virgi’ian acad emy has approved a proposal made by Prof Bonl to convert the area be tween Mantua and Pletole into a woods sacred to the memory of Virgil, where specimens of all trees, plants and herbs mentioned In the bucolics and (ieorgics will be represented Ar rangements are making to plant oaks pine. firs, cypresses, planes, lindens ! laurels, willows, myrtles, box trees junipers, laburnums, app'e trees plums, olives, rosemary, thyme, cro cuses. lilies and wild roses Eggs are getting less exclusive in their associations. FATHER WENT TO CHURCH. ILLINOIS "WETS" WIN FI6HT SALOON MAKE GAINS ALL OVER THE STATE. Liquor Interests Victorious In 146 Towns and Cities—Regain 37 From “Dry*.' Chicago.—The local option vote In Illinois cities and town showed a ten dency in favor of the “wets," when «t is compared with the simitar contests of two years ago Almost everywhere the "wets" held onto the cities where saloons have Sourished. and in only a few in stances were their votes cut down, in addition, they won a considerable number of cities bach from the "drys," who had driven out the saicons In the elections of two years ago in a large number of cities the wet majorities showed considerable increase. The "drys" gained a few cities from the "wets," but none of these were of importance. Returns from 163 towns showed that 99 had voted in favor of saioons and 64 against them. Of the 99 credited to the "wets" 37 had been voted "dry" two years ago. Out ot 64 which voted "dry,” only 14 represented places which had been taken out of the "wet" column. The biggest "wet" victories were represented by the return of the saloons to Decatur, Rockford and Mat toon, whose capture by the “drys" two years ago had been considered a remarkable triumph for the Prohibi tionists. in addition to these, the "wets" recaptured, among others. Ba la via, Belvtdere, Clinton. Fairbury. .Naperville and Pana. The “wets” also succeeded in hold ing onto Aurora. Bloomington. Dan ville, Centralia, Elgin, Freeport. Joliet, Waukegan, Moline. Spriugtield and Sterling. The anti-saloon forces end?d the Jav with no notable victories, although tne tact that they held their own in the city of Galesburg, which they kept in the "dry" column, and the tact that they won over several minor places, gave them some cause for rejoicing The most notable fight of the day was that made in Danville, where tor a time it seemed as though Governor Deneen might have to use the militia to end rioting The disturbances were put down, however, without such ex tremes. But when the votes were counted it was found that Danville uaa ueec neiu in tne column t»v a majority of 1,01$. This, however, was a decided decrease from the 2.500 majority of two years ago. and the “drys'' claimed that their work had not been entirely in vain. In Chicago aldermanic election the Democrats won a victory electing 21 members to the common council. The Republicans elected 13 and the Inde pendents one. A Republican majority of 11 in the present council was changed to a minority of six. ANDREW CARNEGIE IS FEEBLE New York Friends Are Much Per turbed Over Physical Conditicn of Ironmaster. New York.—Friends of Andrew Carnegie, who has just returned here trom the west, were perturbed by his physical condition. At his home it was declared that he merely was fa tigued and that after a thorough rest he would be perfectly well, but the facts that he required the assistance of two men in alighting from his car and that his personal appearance in dicated physical unrest or ailment have created uneasiness. Vote Strike on Three Roads. Cleveland. O. — Trainmen and con ductors employed upon the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the Lake Erie & Western, and the Nickel Plate railways have voted almost unanimously to strike unless their original proposition for a wage in crease is accepted by those roads. The vote was canvassed by the officials of the employee's union. Put Eddie Fay in Jail Nude. Richmond. Ya.—Fred Cunningham, alias “Eddie" Fay, and Frank Ches ter, alias Little Dick Harris, arrested in New York on a charge of looting the cashier's safe of thd Richmond post office, were lodged in jail here Friday. A thousand or more persons were at the station to meet them. Great care was taken to prevent their escape. The prisoners were stripped, bathed ard placed naked in their cells. “They won't try any silk thread and emery dust work on my bars." said the jailer. Negro Soldiers Are Guilty. Washington.—The military court of inquiry which for more than a year has been investigating the shooting up ot Brownsville. Tex.. Wednesday re ported that the evidence clearly con victs the soldiers of the Twenty-fifth infantry, colored. Oldest “Forty-Niner” Dies. Baltimore. Md.—Mr James John ston. the oldest of the famous “forty niners. died at his home Wednesday of the Infirmities of old age. He was 93 years old. “WETS" CARRY WISCONSIN Many Cities Refuse to Vote Out Lb c«"te—Social Democrats Elect Mayor in Milwaukee. Milwaukee — Wet victories were the rule In the scores of license elec j tlons held In Wisconsin. Notable In the list of cities which refused to vote out Ho'nse were Ra cine. Janesville, New Richmond. Para boo. Plattevllle. Rtver Falls. Waupaca. GalesvHle, Hudson. Monroe and Trem pealeau. while the most important change from wet to dry was Kdger ton. wet two years ago by 30, which wont dry this year by a margin of SO votes Stoughton. I.cdl. VircNjua and Cumberland remain dry. New Richmond, which wont wet this year, was dry for nearly two years, but a few days ago a court decision was rendered that the city had voted dry illegally, because of a faulty election notice. The vote, however, revokes the former verdict of the voters. The results of the license vote were as follows: Dry towns remaining dry: Stough ton. Coloma. Lodi. Argyle. Rrodhead, Dak, Cumberland. Dallas. Virotjua. Readstown, Viola. La Farge. Wet towns remaining wet: Racine. Kenosha. Fond du Green Ray. Marinette. Oeonomowoc. Montello. Pnckwaukee. Randolph. Palmyra. Florence. Pewaukce. River Falls. Black River Falls. Merrillan. Raraboo Mineral Point, BlanchardsviUe. Rel mont. Darlington. Plattesville. Hud son. Janesville. Monroe. Cameron. Tur tle Lake. Waupaca. Reeds.uirg, Plain field. Trempealeau, Galesville. Beloit. Hay ley's Harbor. Rice Lake. Seymour. Oregon. Algoma. Forestv'lle. Dry towns going wet. Albany. Darien. New- Richmond. Delavan. Sharon. Sturgeon Bay, .Jaeksonport Union Grove. Wet towns going dry: Edgerton. Alma Center. Barron. Coon Valley. Gays Mills. There were not many contests In the state upon party Issues The ma jority of the contests were with non partisan candidates. In Milwaukee' the Social Democrats, le'd by Emil Seidel, candidate for mayor, swept the city in the munici pal election by approximately $.000 votes, or the largest plurality of any party in a similar contest in the his tory of the city The Social Demo crats will control the common coun cil. having elected all six aldermen at large and carried H wards out of 23. ORDER BUTTER TRUST PR03E Attorney General Starts Investigation Into Methods of Elgin Board in Fixing Prices. Washington. — Attorney General Wickersharu Thursday ordered a strict investigation of the Elgin board with a view- to prosecuting or dissolving the organization as a conspiracy in restraint of trade, or in other words, as the butter trust. As a matter of fact the Elgin body of butter producers has been under investigation for some time, but the testimony of President Newman and Vice-President Wood before the l^xlge committee forced the hand of the De partment of Justice and the open ord er for an investigation was given. Both Mr Newman and Mr. Wood testified that while the prices are con trolled by New- York, the board at Elgin does actually fix each Monday the price that is to be paid for but ter for the entire week. As they also testified that within the Elgin dis trict are the southern tier of counties of Wisconsin, the eastern tier of Iowa and all of Illinois, and further that practically all the butter in which the board deals is shipped east. Slain in Dash for Liberty. San Francisco. — The sudden dash for liberty ot C. J. Collins, a mili tary prisoner, was stopped on the Fol som street wharf by the bullets of a squad of soldiers. Eight rifles spit fire as he ran. He stumbled and fled on. Again there was a volley. He jumped high in the air. came down, staggered on for 30 feet more and fell dead. Thousands Are Starving. New York.—That 12.000 persons are starving in Armenia and will die un less outside help reaches them before the next harvest tvason, two months hence, is the statement made in a cablegram received here Friday by the j Armenian Relief association. Sugar Trust in Contempt. New York.—Judge Lacombe of the United States circuit court Friday ad judged ihe American Sugar Refining company in contempt of court and fined the corporation $500. Eugene M. Foss Takes Oath. Washington —Eugene M. Foss, elect ed by Massachusetts Democrats to succeed the late William E. Lovering, took oath of office Thursday as a member of the house The Demo crats took advantage of the occasion ■ to make a demonstration. Holds Fire: Dies in Duel. Algiers. Algeria —Mayor Robert of j Orleansviile was shot dead Thursday in a duel with M. Hoube. a rival can didate for the French chamber of dep uties. Robert did not fire i 'BOLD BANDITS SHOT THREE OF GANG INJURED IN OESPERATE SHOTGLN FIGHT, ™ ... ^ BLOW UP BANK: GET $2,000 Bind Night Watchman and Engineer, Crack the Safe and Flee on j Freight Train—Battle Follows Hot Chase—Two Escape. t'oal Oily. III.—The depredations of ■ the James brothers were vividly ] brv'ught to mind when five bank rob bers (Ought a desperate battle with officers and posse after they bad looted the Coal City State bank Just | before daylight Thursday The bandits gagged and hound the town watchman and engineer, blew i the Kink safe, boarded a freight tram and Red w ith $2,000 of loot. to be cor nered by the Quick wit of a telegraph : operator. Three of thetr number were cap tured by the posse that waylaid them, while the other two escaped with the booty. The bandits were all Chicago youths. The bandits entered the town on a passing freight train and began op eratk'Ks by tying Barney Ghetto, the nnsht watchman, and Washington hYie. the night engineer of the elec , trlcai plant They then blew up the bank build ing with a terrific charge of nitro glycerin and leaped on a west bound Santa (V freight train with thetr plunder. Three hours later three . men, believed to be of their number, had been captured by Sheriff Thomas Steel of Morris, HI., who had been notified by the night watchman after j the latter had broken loose the ropes which held him and made possible 1 the organization of the posse Just as the train carrving the five , bandits pulled out of the town. Ghetto ; succeeded In cutting his bonds and ■ rushed to a telephone and notified ! Eugene Miller, the night watchman at Yazoo, seven miles south of Coal City, 1 and he, with Dr, E. D Watts, who happened to be at the station at that time, lay in wait for the robbers. Watts was armed with a repeating shotgun, and Miller carried a revolver At Mazon the train stopped to switch cars The bandits leaped from the car as it stopped and hid In the dense clumps of shrubbery which flank the right of way. Before the train was again In mo tion Miller and the physician had dis covered three men crouching in the bushes and opened fire. The fire was returned and about twenty-five shots were exchanged The bandits then leaped back on the train, which had started, and escaped once more. Immediately the sheriff at Morris was notified and the posse was or ganized Several automobiles were pressed into service and the pursuit began. There Is a road following the right of way of the Santa Fe tracks between Morris and Verona and along this the chase took place ,:Y>r a time the members of the posse in their ma chines sped directly alongside the speeding freight train and shots were fired at dark objects which were thought to resemble the bandits. When at last the train came to a i stop at Verona the cars were searched by the sheriff and his men In an empty baggage car cf the train were found three of the bandits. , All three were wounded and their comrades had Bed It is believed that j they leaped off the moving train front | the side opposite the pursuing posse. HOLD UP PIONEER EXPRESS Two Bandits Cut Air-Brake Hose and Fight Conductor—No Money Is Obtained. St. Paul. Minn.—Two masked ban ; dits made an unsuccessful attempt to 1 hold up and rob the Pioneer limited : train on the Chicago. Milwaukee & St, Paul railroad as it sped through the picturesque region of southwest ern Wisconsin. Conductor A. P Shumway of Mil waukee. in charge of the train, was confronted on the platform of the sleeping car Ontonagon by the two robbers, who demanded that he signal the train to stop, then throw up his hands. He struck one of the men down with his lantern and retreated i into the sleeping car. The bandits ■ had cut the air hose of the train. , stopping it. and they escaped. A few hours later two colored men were taken into custody in La Crosse. Wis.. on suspicion of being the ban dits. They were heavily armed, but denied complicity in the hold-up They refused to give their names. Rivers Bill Is Approved. Washington.—The rivers and har 1 bors bill, carrying all the appro 1 priations for Illinois Improvements and the deep waterway as it passed i the house, was finally approved by the : senate commerce committee. It will be reported to the senate Monday morning. Salary Fixed at One Dollar a Year. Washington.—According to action taken by the city council the town marshal of Washington has been given the distinction of receiving one of the smallest salaries of any officer in the United States. His pay was fixed at one dollar per year. Rockefeller Is Renominated. New York.—John D. Rockefeller. Jr., has been formally nominated for reelection as vice-president of the Young Men's Bible class of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church. Opium Worth $23,000 Is Destroyed. San FYancisco — Customs officials ' Wednesday oiled $23,000 worth ot I contraband opium, seiied in recent searches of oriental liners, and poured the valuable drug into the sewer \ There were 765 tins of the stuff, val ued at $30 a tin Summers Knocks Out Meeheoan. Sydney. N. S W.—Johnny Summers of England Wednesday knocked out H Meehegan in the nineteenth round in their fight for the lightweight cham pions-ip of Australia. WORTH MOUNTAINS OFOOLD During Change of Life, says Mrs. Chas. Barclay Vt, — “I was |va<ss:^ tStv^gh tin'Ohansv •'*' l.ift'' t rod | livm W I JUldotiXST WXJXvX YtJltf SYWrt»»«v »!vl l oan \r«t\ an that .itu's Y*'S*tahlO t\nV pound has iwrvwxl worth s of jjv'M tv> ns . as Jt tvstotod n.x health and stros icth. I IH'TOt fofXJOt tote'll tny ftVnds w bat l.v\iiaK Ihuthaen's \ egvu»o:o voir.ivr.r.a rutsaouc tor :::e during this try mg period. v\»mp:< :* mtonfiw to hearth means so much to me that for the sake of other suffere ing women 1 am willing to make nor trouble public so you may pt >h this letter.”—Mks. Cuas. J&akvlay. R,F IV.tlranitevirte. Yt. Xo other medicine for womanV Uh has received such w idcusprexd and uo qttaiihevl endorsement. Xo othermed Kin* we know of has siioh a record of cures of female ills as has Lydia K. I'ir.khani's YegetaNe Compound For more than S.'years it has been curing female ccniphtnrts sack as in&t turns rion. nkvratKn. local weak nesses. fibroid tumors. Irregular: = s. jertoiK rams, backache. indite >‘ioa and nervous pros: ration. ami it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of chance of life. It eo<:s hut little to try l.wh* F. 11" sham's Yegx taldv' tVmyound. ami, as Mrs. is "wxeih moun> fains of gold A to suffering w omou. Trial Bottle Free By Mail tf yoas=*crfr>a Fr'Vtwy. Fit*.FV::*gS . i—s*. b.-'w^a crksee ct 0>»is»se,i»,\fcj n,« . , bwtx I rr -re tSru. »-d *1 ro« s*e ssiei b» co Is to *> cd btt Fro* Trial C.’ Bon e ot IU lw< * Eplloptloldn Cure tt haa cr**»t tb '3**b0* vrbve* eeervtb.btj r'sa tsUwk 0. arr.rie d t j >!« SlrJVa) U ' « < l V.: r Pur* Fv.'J aoC. P g» Ac*. Juts- Wiosi Guaranty So l'.'Tl Pleas* w t» for See- a Fr«* SiB. - « suJ t v# AGU *»<1 c -a ;■'** a,'. -e»* OR. «. H. HUT, 548 Psarl Strest. Nea TwL u**n; v a UtU i**vr. Sill %>*\srr*. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief--Permanent Care CARTER'S LIVER tail. Pweiv >Tg« •We—act surely bu« prciijr oo the hver. r'lOO— insrrc'trr tKe — Kr^tea eyes* S«u ML Sssail FVaca GENUINE must bear ig«w ; r \ PDrP A Package rlltt of “Paxtine” ■ Will Be Sent Free of Charge to Every Reader of this Paper. Git** on* • *w*et breath; clean, whit*, germ-free teeth--antiseptics!It clean mouth and throat—purifie* the breath after smoking—dispel* all disagreeahle perspiration and body odors- much ap preciated by dainty women. A quick remedy for sore eye* and catarrh, i A bttle Paxtase powder ds I solved in a glass of hot wain ; makes a delightful antiseptic so i kfeon. possessor cxtmorC earv I clraasatg. germed*! and heal | ing power, and sbsoktlelr harm less. Try a Sample. 50c. a j large box at druggets or by bmuL ^The PAXTON TOH-ETCO.. Bostois. Mass. WESTERN CANADA What Prof. Shaw, tha WaD-Knowo *(rt cutturlst. Says About It: —■ 70,000 i ...joins «lll tiiior nisi tMr In W t amnia thh p.^dth'ixl arnnhor Urci* cr»n* »»f w h«Ml, »vita »im1 bark*. In a.MItl.m to * hk'K tin* cattle ru*»vria w .w an Inuusw# Item. tnltk* W v;. ai^t fsrtr. n« and mm ervnia* ia the protim-e* «|!Ua«IioNi,MiIai t hen am ami Albert*. lYee hoiur*; can! ami pre-emp tion mts M «<' I M ba4» i1- i K' and V 4c,'nw»;*a»i.l l»ro, KW* huiufM for u»IUK»av A«UplnhK> Is olthful «'tt mat«*. aplctnini schools nwI churvbo*, amt rood nll««iv For mtiNr* r.-'"v Jnrrt.un literature " last M h-» to waA tve oaaatrv and «hrr r*r »r:» k» SmrA ct la s s F« v'x Altana. (WK cr to lie Caa*-..*a uxrrtMnat Aijwit It. I. BEAXETT Bm I 8a I II la*t hi iITh' a^narmnn Turlock Irrigation District of California The T-AND of SVNSM1NK and OrPOR Tl'XITIKiv Healthful CUuiaie. A-l U;ui. ABUNDANT W ATKR at Soar rat IVaches. Apricots. K-irs. Olivo*. Sweet Potatoes. Alfalfa and Dairying juay hot ter than JhHW p-.r acre yearly. Write for Illustrated book K't. OEPT. B. TV (HOCK BO»RO OR TFtDE. lMwi Cat WP CP||Uy Lincoln. N.o. ■ III will la In Manafaeturee .4 COPPER CABLED LIGHTNING RODS