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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1910)
BY Vw-y ;,v. MZREDIT.'I y \icuoiao\ i* ILLU#~RATIOY1# ELY RAY WALTER# **c* a* -vabrxj. ca SYNOPSIS. « If • • «* i1>4 M ** *1- i. TJ ‘"'■'A. U*r •:-* •. «k-r, *-a.iu»**4 I*. . a ' * * *f f*"art At,.t Maw -nft«4*4 t*. I 'U- tiast **!m **-r brut! •r Unary. »'■:**. rui?w*4 tuy ’■**A I *4 * ;-?>? roily tu*»tm4 f I r.'L ivtn 4*» -t-4 and < itvf r • «4» -r. atM» |>r.*. >4 ?* l* Kg a na 14 : jut. r f r - j.iii*4 irf ||«4m. *- » 54 ► 4 : - ■*. * 4 i^r f» J ?r> jvt . t—r**.* Iv® .ran * " * »® Itali— UMua-tf II- m.1 liar **■ .4* **—d «-a if »» kut «!hi -•«n4 - ««• ll»rr.4jr. a *•**-• - "“>tl — v: -4 'h jum.'.. n ..f ’ - • *•< M*~®r* II n 4 *-~-fciik£ *t *f<t tiitacflar liacmma »*#•: II* k n C**4ni af WlUr* f I * jr *4 If* i* n *r t I ■'-»*. <l I/;, t Jjir vhM( i *4y Af -r * fjaiuitrd a* a run. *mi fiiw t«--jap* ff* #> cia**{ fL~£iaMu4 t*tl '•!•* «im. t**!4 t-r tea* krve TI niir 1 ' *» **#.<*4 lay Httmai At «t»* loan «* t* w H*ka. un*«m • 1. .^' ky I«on» 4' * a 4r ' !*r f*r fa'! «r lnl« CJ-*' *'i4 #«f flar It «2'iat» 1*4..:I *r A r nmc Mtaw If. -r *i «»k * *• ak~«* n a «•*!»■•*. »hn lin* *. • «« fk*uctt !« hav* iif*-n at !..4w *"•*.■ * rlai*i‘ 1 *:». .:s* H* *? U **•• f*»r ’ m fa* —r *».« ».*4 irP tu *»~«4 it. V >• H-n a«*4 f *« • 1 uti rr - t n tin* ' C* * Hi*r taw » :*j * a* n»#it.i«s *' II- •.'• *-• 4 v bn* f r i^*r 1 ' ? n.M «i 'I a jcc-4 at.4 «- t ^ ;« a ss*#4 ♦ v fh#* %'tl ■ an I** Han and If tor • *• -k II#* r^k-aus**4 r **»-■■■ iMIi «*.il * ; and I *»«srt\an -*4 ** **4 • *#* * ■ • « . * • ra*-!f ISwwm* *4 « . ••* " |4** - 4 I*. I‘ »n *van * V St-* |«*14 t -i • • r • l** it * • an-*** *4'-t * t«m»* at.f •• ft -i flk» injury t*e ?*!l iJim H* 1 1. li 4 iJal# ■’ ^ r .* rtr # tr • r> •?* It-n nan *■ „?»*• fk l«r » ’ *r »r ir .tn4 Hmrf li--i8**.-*4(..«ib® t*.i ff ..r * #"•#■%* wflrr, in * - - "te •:'««*, “It - " • ' >-ar 4 Ar 1 * #-r*- far: r I* m r**f < • - <* :*■ t ‘ * i*J *-f * ti « - .. . H#nrj ♦* - V t* - * . r ni M - If .* n *-n . «*;*■ t aa m: it « 3* mtt»* 1 **d it*. iar. . (w**;..iaQ tt>-r ti*** ” *•«.* t:■>#%»5".*j4, K l>«» fvv t * lu<l ► i|** * - M ' !! r * * > ** i t* - t* H*-r ? tl • r. Art* ur •* ’.r -4, mtut t •»«a • r. » il# - 1. •* -»-r « M*- —v H*^l*»*»*k. 1* ■*■ *«raltwr T If* Hi a ml * - ta*,:r4, »i»t> a* r «t *>•#* a# tnfiiitss a t - 4 II-:.- ■•- ! * • .*?» 3* Ins * * in «r j -. - M Pair a *■ *’•' ■ * 4; an4 II**. * * li r t*n. »r k ' * • '’**»•*■ • * * -Hi # 94 * -t* aftaurf f-.*r manv **' ! -»» .n . r; r* * .«*» ! * • a 4 H* r;j*t an4 j. . • •- :* fiv mak t; r 3* a fritmr *■* f *r*4 !**»*#h f® Husalmd. n * • l:#» »upfM«ar4 ».aa M ■"»'» mi rit^arS% < *4 tfc -«y ft’arnsl«V nMrll -r I 1 m* - t tkr ».iv f «*r a •* ’ kna- -• «4 t.-» il * . h, Irt-.M*** «Sal *■ Mfw-" |i,M* |» ■«*-• * • • * ♦»,.*" f #-V '4- f: --a * Tit* t p* . rr r® Tfci* «*\ *k t»* r ' *-* ** :jr I n II « au4 k zal> 4;* *ri» -4 l* 4-. k- jur»4 to r-fcfti « .,1* iu*jjh,pf f* r I • r CM»PT£R XXIII—Continued >h* hela-rw that I ? rr*xj the OH '•»» BK*tr* a* «J ru:r*4 her father Hearx has »*,< ;t fi t V>M ht •*-” Yes. ae4 hr has esrd her to Ret v« aaajr treat JR» iftg OUleapte. hems to tw-'.xe axel 'hat Bet I haw the MM*. atxl I sxiywr hold 4 the* fv«r year j^eMctka Ihit 1 'Wat eaat to oar then, il I ru he.» t **s»me«a'*e what yea am Max tot <i*e " hr sahl •’». hat hr* err* arm : trwahh'X #e4 l *'» 'hat he had .t*thr faith la the twt*cwxar t .-or st-Vr * 4h)eM H* Jh-al coat * ..;>•> as:h II- ' • yve Mr* tad hxm ahrrr the Otsh-dwr t«•* 1 e hit hnawxahir »»«.'* la -•** hitvN <v*'» t* as the ha M» steven * »ov rwiMI aaat a«M h» nan hraiaaei ... ht» shirt aa* net a’ the »»»-.%*' a»4 tbeoxh hr ever the teach r\»'-|*ra. *\! a nswhant* h • xaerr the at**** at noth t» a *. »'«*4h* than h« ■ -exs.***-* <4 1 -*evne ■ "i" *,» * ... xn a a x <••• a*4 hexh'4 Man fax a aaed awn llr a*a*»x « «t th*n warn lank ha tar hpA ****♦ m a OSn-eat haw '* haw tJw» thi-er .war* of «a* 4hr an prw*wWnx at* hrathr* an* they xtd an* he aas>»4 I haw wnthihX *e ax'MM* hxn I %Ja-: lw| a -t, ha* fcehe'. I »Ai x »*V \ a * war twee m rwa 4 kta' I *a«4. *•* hrthnr Ha,%x** ,eti« '■'**k>'4 at a* fftytaefy 1 tat aaat tewac hi- Ihnnm»* ha* I aa aha xrt ?* a w»4 h*e jastw..'* h **4 arh a natal maile ant >aht era *« i*a >:« tweter tee samp ^»* a? late M j4*4*~ she 4e The socht ef her part to mnra , ‘ the aaj at aw to the M«r I tbtak that *a ■tHe of m? e® «rt* hr he xay ot4 To m*T> the »*a.r «4f S*xh!{y. see » *-?t that the 4a« «i* tawanemtoax » 1* . ahaB I r«j*rt v«k hark *" *.-*•-4 MateaX. *fcr« a* had eeach«4 the ’asari tori* tomtit,” | ansmered '■*’ 45 **•>"■■—-£ *h -Hid h*;.;os The tear* Retort i* Rcmalad's ' nr; a aaomot to to tasi tV Oil hood;* hr tnodOrd by 'da* aod to* e»e*,n,t he raa ottd op a rorfcrt jf am am omde,.** b ra »*» stood mw »* or eh-and ttarje Orchard asst *iod mi tooaed CV'uaro to rr ma* a suae so "he m,;,d. aod Lake ftooaodaj* tort firttrt ttartf oOo team UV va* the S'Uctto too India’ before tfer » art aims to Ghmrpi store and I » opped the ea#kta> before fttortu to- sake atrt let to aaorh ;»*;• to mares HeV s oeo 4 »»•* I hoped, hr tin* tor copa54.' «f aer-aapdhR to OS «dr Rnm.vrt m Wins l'*t . aod I had oo sidi to srtersw t-- jfi pa* —apse *»»i -ted herortf im my mm motto* aod *kh a «y cap, to that at the dtwaote at m tack me ;arsed she ma* OK* rw*t~ • • - .or S -•«•* tterca* • to st/.xt for m a- tto Oaors . I hod hero a to sir afraid of !*-> < - SIsrtatot It sat ir mrttoa a pt*d tool to take her isto the coea-josocy a*< I *-.«*a by jo aj* prvbrortm *1 i ■ *be orrnt;1:: -d kwa Rod Star a a* . * hrmcidrtod and d-em toe to to’ - rt as Ross ni th-eo ad tor m - sari aod Soot k-n tlw dripid*.- cop O'TW she On. toner lSare**etT“ i h» Jew tto oil I teoliy belies* She »1" Aod the sister's for* br-rht ee-d sat or* rf. She had a coder .« hr* to* that I hod ooc aero hr) ore. a* the jey of to- sdl—i— look hoJi of She «e*_ I teaiioed. a mamas after ait ate a jj«a; »■ -r.g.s, at that. Had Wrapped Herself in My Mackintosh and Taken My Cap. with a heart not haril> ued against 1 life's daily adventures. !' l- !i.«‘ t<»r luncheon Miss Hat experts you. too " Tb, n 1 n.'ist leave you to instruct Mi'- Holbrook and carry off the first n «s ',iiiu M:>> Holbrook has been—” "—For a lone »aik‘—the sister sun parlor a little tired from her tramp. She shall so at once to her room— »t’h me 1 have put out a white gown lor her. and at luncheon we will talk only ot safe things " \nd 1 shall have this bouquet of sweet teas, added Rosalind, "that 1 brought from a farmer's garden near by. as an off, ring for \unt Hat's birth day. And you will both he there to k,ep me from making mistakes" "Then alter lui>che«a we shall diive until \J:»s Mat's birthday dinner, and tt .: r.a> 'hall he ou the terrace at tUcnarm. which i' even now b, ini | decorated h*c n Mr ace a"-. >n And be \ee p e ntsht ts ,dd Helen shall he each tivod link attend u* nil'-* 1 shJ and we paied m I he b >t ol stirite 1 had forge' •> a ttithwpie and was out ' d to hud k«m at the table »n no tv ax. absiu b* d in hmdhcmt papers . itw.San, huttsvx, Wbo s Cot the bat ton' be chanted as he looked me r" • ton ajp- *■ *e haw both swim ■ g m '"nr ehuhv* 1 had my mad1 "W» out here lAe cel ie shat dawn *»' (factory at IW socket ''The ibeach* h" " wo e\Ma\acatxi(y What . time ' hxttcheen * * »*a* rtn* three time* , In turnhint vmt i^da' ' h»- ashed, tatvwc his i b»e»s t >n pc to he a little o' ! eta! '«twn r vewdnA yea «et me m on vomethmc* Mew sweat dinner *'* ’1 am mywdf enter; ainm* at dinner; and veac name p-nt ,« the list. I'm waits to Muttons Mut to-morrow' Fsery tV;nc will he ptoiNr to-met tow 1 expect Miss Mat and Helen b, re toneht It's Mtss Mat's birthday, and 1 want to n.ake it a happy day let i her She's going to nettle with Henry • worm as son-, preitminartos ate an sr.essi. so the war's nearly e\s r " ?8be can A so tic with him until - •ti’c-h. r,c d> tins •' known about Ar tStnr If he's really dead--" S'se promi's-d to scitle that, hul 1 mast hurry now Will yew mesq me a- the Ohm arm boathouse at eight? tf I n not there wait. 1 shall haw something for you to do," V, ar while 1 m turned out of your bons* am 1* Itut I positively d<clinr to go until I'm bsi ' I v»»* i»*o a Irish coat he played i lively tu»e on ib% electtic belt and 1 left him gtxlag his ord. re lo the hatter, I was reassured hy tbe sound of xotrew as 1 passed under the windows of >t \gatha s and Sister Margaret met me sn the hall with a smiling tace, "Laorheua waits We win go out at oner. has passed off smoothly, perfectly.” 1 did no- dap look at Kxxsaltnd until we were stall'd ta the dining room Her sweet pens graced the center of the P'tmd tabby nod Staler Margap-t! ^;xd ;fared ib-r in a tall vane so that Rosalind was well screened from her aunt s direct g**e The sister h managed admit ably Rosalind* hair was mp up in exactly Hob a s poma donr: and .a tot of Helens white gowns, with Melon * own particular shade of stark ribbon at her thmxat and wrist, the t semblance was exvn awe complete than I had thought It i» fore Rui we were cast at once apea deep waters. ' Hole*. Where did you Bad lhat ar ticle os Charier Ijtmh you read the other exeaiag* 1 have locked for It »» < ry where” Rosalind look rather mom time than was necessary to help herself to the as;*ragwv and my heart sank but sister Mat-gap-- promptly saved the day. •It was ta the Round World. That iitwle we wete reading on The Alt orefclp of the Collects* is ia lL- same sumher " V -s of coarse.- said Rosalind, lamias to me. Art seemed a safe topic: and 1 steered for the open, and spoke in a j large way. out of my ignorance, of '< Michelangelo's Influence, winding up i presently with a suggestion that Miss Pat should have her portrait painted. This was a successful stroke, for we all fell into a discussion of content' porancous portrait painters about whom Sister Margaret fortunately knew something, but a cold chill went down my back a moment later when Miss l“at turned upon Rosalind and asked her a direct question: "Helen, what was the name of the artist w lio did that miniature of your mother?" Sister Margaret swallowed a glass of water, and 1 stooped to pick up tu> napkiu. Van Ara.lel, wasn't it?" asked Rosa Und instantly, \vs, so it was, ' re; l ed Miss pat. t.u. k was fnvcuug us and Ro-aiind was Using to • the emergency spleti eid'., it api>euivsi afterward that her own mother had l«vu | stinted hv the *' ■ >' and she ha I hoht'y risked he guess Mster Margaret aud I "frightened into a dlaeuaahut of :-e I""' - »'■» e? avi .»» navigation, with a vague nott,h I think, of keep ihg the talk in the air, and it suthved inti! wv had ss'f. faded the simple tun vheou I * < '"Vi iww-ds- \t»v> Pal tv* the paths* the *k\ had coated aud I hsssashed a d tve at onve f had lead in the new spa,we* that a countd enable body of is'gutac Irvopn waw ' s neat' VunaudaV on a pi-active v-nts h rtotn »v.>t sm * dun tv* a con - >'v«s at mine point vs*«th of an let as go «nd see* the- ssddteta," I suggested 'Very well. t '*ald. "« ' an n-akv iwdfeve they ate sent out to do t> mu to my 1 idhday Y,ut aie a ihouehttnl hoy I can neve* thank yon tvu all your consideeuthan and kind i.vv And yxui will tot fat) to find \rthuc -I aat asking you no qms» ions. I'd rather not know whew he s I'm aft aid of truth'" She turned her head away qutekly w-c were soat *d hy ourselves in a corner of the room "l am afraid. 1 ant afraid to ask'" He is well; quite well | shall have news of him to-night." She glanced across the room to where Rosalind and Sisier Margars't talked qui. tly together. 1 felt Miss Pat s hand touch mine, and suddenly there wore tears in her eyes 1 was wi\mg' l was most unjust in #Yt •r__, what I said to you of her. She wt*a all tenderness, ail gentleness when she came in this morning” She fum bled at her belt and held up a small cluster of the sweet peas that Rosa lind had brought from Red Gate. “I told you so!” I said, trying to laugh off her contrition. “What you said to me is forgotten. Miss Pat.” “And now when everything is set tled, if she wants to marry Gillespie, let her do it." “But she won’t! Haven't I told you that Helen shall never marry him?" I had ordered a buckboard, and it was now announced. “Don't trouble to go upstairs. Aunt Pat; I will bring your things for you.” said Rosalind; and Miss Pgt turned upon me with an air of satisfaction and pride, as much as to sav: “You see how devoted she is to me!" I wish to acknowledge here my ob ligations to Sister Margaret for giving me the benefit of her care and re sourcefulness on that difficult day. There was no nice detail that she over looked. no danger that she did not an ticipate. She sat by Miss Pat on the lor.g drive, while Rosalind and l chat tered nonsense behind them. We were so fortunate as to strike the first bat talion. and saw it go into camp on a bit of open prairie to await the arrival of the artillery that followed. But at no time did I lose sight of the odd business that stiil lay ahead of me, nor did 1 remember with any satis faction how Helen, somewhere across woodland and lake, chafed at the de layed climax of her plot. The girl at .ny side, lovely and gracious as she was. struck me increasingly as but a tame shadow of that other one, so like and so unlike! 1 marveled that Miss Pat had not seen it: and in a period of silence on the drive home 1 think Rosalind must have guessed my thought; for 1 caught her regarding me with a mischievous smile and she said, as the others rather too generous ly sought to ignore us: "»ou can see now how different 1 am—how very different!" When 1 left them at St. Agatha's with an hour to spare before dinner. Sister Margaret assured me with her eyes that there was nothing to fear. I was nervously pacing the long ter race when 1 saw tny guests approach ing 1 told the butler to order dinner at once and went down to meet them. Miss Pat declared that she never felt better; and under the excitement of the hour Sister Margaret's eyes glowed brightly. As we sat down in the screened cor ner of the broad terrace, with the tirst grave approach of twilight in the sky Hint the curved trumpet of the young moon hanging in the west, it might have seemed to an onlooker that the god* of chance had oddly ordered our little company Mis* Patricia la white was a ptetuve td serenity, with the smile constant about her Up.* happy in her hot-e tor the future Rosalind twsh to these surroundings, showed clear! v her tdvasuw in the pretty set ting of the svante, and wad into it, in bright tdouses, the dvltght el a story lasd, tnebient ted me see,' she said, tNdVwttxely, ■w»t who we atv AVe aw the tavlv vd 'be castle mdihors dtniag at fw*vo, wtth the abbess, who i> also a mdde ladv ream access the thdds to sit at meat wtth her, And you, stt\ are a kntght full ecguteuu, tested tu many lands, and sworn to the defense of these ladles" "And \ou" and Alias Pat's eyes wop,' beautifully ktud and g\Adb\ a' she buvV the ewe and tnfUed to Res* tiad. "yon aw the wott-beloved dangle ter of my bowse, faithful ta all service, in all ways self forgetful and kiad, our jay aad our pride" II may have been lire spirit of the evoatng that tauehed us, or oaly the light of her countenance and the deep sincerity af her voice; but t knew that tears vvete hvlght in all our eyes far a moment And then Rosalind glanced at the western heavens through the foliage, "There aw the stars, Aunt Pat— brighter than ever tonight for yont birthday." vTO PK CWXTIM'KIVA Took Umbrage at Aspersion - * Citizens Resented Being Voted for as Town's "Meanest Man." Old Scrooge might be a ph 11 an thro" le t'arnegte alongside certain ti- ht wads in M«*nnt Yep > bni W'.ltam Fto-dherg has no license to de,ermine j>ub!ie!v who ate tin- men w ,o would •V»ee*e a dollar until -ne eagle >elli-il Hein' *'■»» meMng;" For conducting a voting cor est to deter I n-ine the tin attest man In Mount Ver nivn Friedherg. who lor ns a cigar s ore there. was fines; five dollars by Judge Halt here. A warning went with the fine, Friedherg lives in Astoria, bui dives ; business tn Mount ' ernon. He niaced in his window a .tlaeard; "Ootne in and ve;e for the meanest man in Mount Vernon;*' This was followed I bv a list of n .mos. Conspicuous in I the Jot were -he mayor and chief of j dice. Then came many stolid and staid cit irens. After every name was a number st unifying the votes the owner of the .ante had received so far ; Great was .he wrath of the soealled "meanest n en." Friedherg was or der'd to t-ike the sign out of the win dow. but te refused to do so. His in diciment tor libel followed. In court he pleaded guilty, hut asserted he did n< t know he was violating any law,— White Plains Cor, New York Sun. “The Devil and the Deep Sea.“ Hatlitt s "English Proverbs" gives the proverb as "Petwixt the devil and the Dead sea." and quotes It from Clarke's "Paroemlolosta." n>S5». and adds this note of explanation; "On the horns or a dilemma In Cornwall they **>' M»vp' sea. which may be right" Keddall's "Pact, Fancy and Fable" gives the following explanation of the proverb; "This expression is nsed hy Col. Monroe in his 'Expedition with Mackaj's Regiment,' printed In Lon don in IkST. The regiment was wtth the army of Qustavna Adolphus and was engaged in a battle with the Aus Mans, The Swedish gunners did not elevate their guns sufficiently, and their shot fell among this Scottish regiment, so that we were' between the devil and the deep sea’" Courag, at the Countar. Success never yet came to the man who lost courage at the tlrsj rebuff; but many men have courted failure hy allowing the Inevitable disappoint ments of an tmperfect world to check their efforts.—From the Grocer. NEBRASKA HAPPENINGS. I — State News and Notes in Condensed Form. Two carloads of automobiles bars been fold at Hildreth this spring. Chief Harry Hauser of the Fremont fire department was unanimously re elected at the annual meeting. M. D. Woodruff, the Burlington agent at Dorchester, has received a promotion as agent at St. Paul. Xeb George Shcultz and family left Xe braska City for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will make their future home. The equity term of district court commences at Beatrice next Monday. Judge J. B. Raper of Pawnee City will preside. Thirty-six new members were re ceived into the Presbyterian church Sunday morning at Lyons. Rev. B. F Pearson is the pastor. Secretary J. F. Hanson of the Fre mont Commercial club announced that he will submit his resignation at the next meeting of the club. The firemen of Beatrice are making arrangements for a fair to be held in their new headquarters for one week, commencing Monday next. Ice as thick as a window pane ap peared on water Wednesday at Carle ton, but as it is dry it is not thought the fruit will be injured. Herman Xewcomb of Cook has been acquitted of the charge of furnishing intoxicants to an habitual drunkard in the Johnson county court. A total of 2.000 votes were cast at the election held in Beatrice Tuesday. This is the largest vote cast at any municipal election in Beatrice. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Day have re turned to their home at Weeping Mater after an absence of more than ! four months in touring Europe. About two-thirds of the old alfalfa I >n Custer county has been winter i killed. All the last year’s seeding has i come through the winter in prime cou j dition. At the school hoard meeting at Fair j wont, two teachers were elected, i Miss Martha Schnedel of Sutton and : Miss Hazel Farrar of Fairmont, to | positions in the grades. The Fremont minstrels have finally , made arrangements to make their an nual appearance in Fremont. They are to put on their performance under the auspices of the fire department. At a meeting of the board of edu cation of Trenton the following teach ers were re-elected. Superintendent, O. F, White; high school, Mabel Kaup; second intermediate. Mrs. Cowger; first intermediate. Mary Baker; prim j arv, Orn McCoy. The Dorchester council contracted with W. D Crist of Omaha to take forty street lamps of fifty candle pow er. which will cost the town per annum. The plant will be in opera tion about the middle of May. A meeting of the trustees of the Cnited Brethren hospital was held in Beatrice. All of the trustees were present. The reports of officers showed the hospital to be in a pros | perous and growing condition. The thirty-sixth annua! convention of the \otk County Sunday School association will h> held at York April 31 and 33. A number of prominent Sunday school workers will be pres ent and address the association. Cart F Vo! me, who recently was up before the com is in both Fhelps and Harlan counties charged with selling mortgaged property, ami who e--coped a week a^a Horn the i el at Vim*. ha* ,ptst Kvn captured at ti o'Ky. Iowa \cvout wg to H d Fee. a boding Fvemond hw*nm*s maw, he got had'.v stung whew be bought a hs'r*e from Vrthur d-.sbuson. fee say* he paid ) \m tyc the awimal aw i d tacm-d oaf fo W w fwd b>ekew ard blind He ia 'n'eg iw jwsiov yvwtd tv' had hi* msvm\\ krek V X Jouumvu hfrhwny en « ucer of Rlvno x. delivered ah uddmu on ' gxxxl txxxd* belvv-e the xxv-'Uee x-lal vlnb y\f ReUttSv- Reev-.-e R twin* of v'hh'sgo, a tvp-x'«eutattve of the tttutth'ttval lavprjvvvmeut awMViaHwih hxv beep MV Rx\l to xpeah ott civic tttt fmwmeet. Walt Reevee of R-xxkeu Rx'w and Prank M. v'uvvie of RtPOkeU Row held a mee mg at the Odd HVRews' ball at Westerville Monday evening, ta'hias to the fa tatters eat the prxvpesed wall txvad to so front Roup Oily to Rrokeu Row. ft has been suggested that th.s Is to he an eleetrle tavtd Vfter an animated eon test. Kenesaw has for the twenty v(\th t me rejected the offer to go wet Xew and for the past txxo years Kenesaw has been making a solid and steady growth, keeping naee with the development of the surrounding country. Ronds for water works and electric Sight plant have also been voted. A gxvnl eitUens' banquet was held : in the par’ors of the Presbyterian ehnreh at l exington. About two hun dred voters gathered in the auditorium of the church, from where they marched to the banquet hail and were served by the ladies of the d fferent churches of the city. Curing the feast the music was furnished by the or chestra, led by Ravid Rankin, Judge \Y. H, Mlinger of the I’nlted States circuit court appointed a re ceiver for the Independent Telephone company of Omaha upon aptdication of Kdson Rich, attorney for the Title Insurance and Trust company, hoidet of two mortgages of $:'-.;hH\mkt each The suit Is understood to he a friend *y one in the interests of the reorgani sation of the companyx lysle l, Ab bott of Omaha ts named as receiver and His bond Is tt\<-d at fffvtkUV On June $$ and SO a district meet ing of the Degree of Honor w ill hold | a two days' session at York, All of the teachers In the village school of Stiver Creek were re-elected at a meeting of the school hoard, as > Vlkvwa: Principal, Rcorge P, Me tlrew. assistant principal. Miss Ren lah Want; Miss Bertha Want, gram ! mar room; M ss Corrtnne Orchard intermealiate, and Miss Julia Terry ] "-tmary Word was received that the StS.thH' bonds for a new school hou « 'ted recently were approved by the state auditor. William Or st of Omaha is at Ror Chester and work wi'l begin on th erectile light plant. TO PRESERVE A SILK SKIRT Some Simple Precautions That Will Mean Addition to Life of Garment. Now that taffeta petticoats are com ing back again it is well to know how to make them last as long as pos sible. Do not choose a silk that has much dressing in it, as It cuts much more quickly. Do not have much shirring or tuck ing as the effort to keep dust brushed out is hard on the pettlcoaL Do not fold in a chest or trunk as the creases will cut quickly. Hang by straps to the waist hand. Have a silk skirt put on a narrow band; pulling on a draw string, be i sides giving greater bulk, cuts the material. One woman says her skirts wear longer If she hangs them upside down by loops placed on under side of ruffle Do not save your taffeta petticoats. They will cut from hanging too long in a closet, so you might as well have the satisfaction of wearing them out. Stuffed potatoes are made by mix ing cheese and bread crumbs In with the contents. A few allspice are an improvement to stews, thick soups and gravy. They give almost the same flavor as If wine had been added. Plaster figures In hard or alabaster finish are easily cleaned by dipping a stiff toothbrush In gasoMne and scrub bing into all the crevices. If you have a black gown that needs freshening, cleanse It thoroughly with clear black coffee diluted with water and containing a little ammonia. After the weekly washing rub a lit tle vinegar and spirits of camphor over the hands. This will keep thw ' hands in good condition summer anti winter. Garments that are tfi be h,;ng out to air can be put on Uawgers rather than pinned to the line. Ibis p> vents sagging or marking with the clothespins. Cleaning Lacs. Pure alcohol can be uxed with won derful success as a me^ns af clearing black Spanish or chanUli? lace l"he alcohol should be poured Tnto a ctban basin and whipped with the hanA un til it Is frothy, when the lace ukou.d be dipped Into it and well vftrked about with the fingers until tV dirt is removed. After gently a-T-iaeiing out the spirit the lace should b* laid on a folded cloth, the patterned edge fastened down with a pin. WVtn pen fectly dry the lace should be uspinned and pressed gently between the palms of the hands until smooth lb lieu af ironing It, as this would fU*ten the pattern aud spoil the color How to Broil Steak While broiling a steak. (Nat wipe with a cloth wrung out of cv*d water: trim off superfluous fat. \'\th some of the fat grease a w ire broker; place meal In broiler (having fat edge m at to the handle!: broil over a etenr tire, turning every ten secern)* fct the fits! minute tffnt surface n.a> be well seared, thus preventing escape pt Juices. After the first rttn tfe turn occasionally until well v>w Kuh sides Steak cut one tu-\ utek will take five minutes if f»ke*' rare, six tt well done Hemove to hot pfattve, sptead with butter and wprihkfe with salt. Scalloped ApsVx Stir together halt a xwip^C xxf axxsar, the grated tlnxl el halt a \eme* **d a idnch xxf xduhamon Sxsax tee xvtp thabx \xt bread wantth* in hat a vm* xd melted batter Met a lax > xxf b'ead erxxrnh* Into a hntlxuwl raiding dv*b 'hen n layer xd nlhssl nppb\*, and really a layer xd the soga' and cxnxxn eoxn, ete Alternate the kxxovw until the bee I I* mil, having a thick layer xd hreml eremba xxn txxp Make nnill btx'enx that I* Per wheel ,V and #erxe w ith xueam xw bard sauce Seast ttcr* lSepare Per the exen by dredging lightly with dear and seAseniog w ;h salt and pepper; place In the even red basic Pregnently w♦tie roasting Allow a quarter of an hexx' Per a meted el meat It yon like tt n.'e. longer tt | yxxtt like tt well done Verve wtth a ranee made from the dripping* t« thm luxe, to which ha* been added a table ! spoonful ot Harvey or Wrvestershlre sauce and a tablespoon^l of tomato x'atsup Why Tree* Grew large. Washington and Oregon haxe seme of the largest trees tw the world and the climatic conditions cf that section are responsible for thl* fact In the ihi^et sound country tie rainfall ta about M Inch*'*, w hile up in the higher Cascades near Seattle. II ts It'd inches, and sometimes reaches the IMMrch point Cnder such cl matlc eoudl tix'us the seeds of the trses germinate readily and all the tree* cxxntlnuo ;o make a vigorx'us growth., Peppers Are N.xixdy. ft Is a goes! plan to hf\e a car ot Spanish peppers always *u the house They can be x'asily and attractively used in an eniergx'ncy SandwKdies may he made of them, or they may be us*al to garnish left* vyr numts, etc Cut the meat into cubes, eover with bits of pepper and brvaxl crumbs and brown. Dumpling* far Stew. One small eup dour, heaping tea spoon baking powder. half a leaapooa salt; sift together; add enough milk to make a s*xft xlongh, mix wills a knife, handle as little as pt'sslhlc; cut Into small pieces, drxxp into yxxur stew and cover; boll fxxr SO mlnutx's, Mlu* are very light and white, DuOte** Duster. A dustlx'ss duster, that Is, a dnstet which takes up the dust without seat tertng It can tie made by dipping aa ordinary ted bandana In thin paratbux and then letting It xlry out nicely, Baked Apple*. One cup granulate,! sugar In pud ding dl*h. onohalf teasp*wxn of clan* mon. ptnch of cKxve stirred tn sugar one eup cold water; put whole apple* »u; cover and bake slowly. FAMOUS DOCTOR'S 1 PRESCRIPTION. P*RU* lysPEPs |p*ARRH0rSTOi Nebraska Directory JOHN PLOWS ARE THE BEST ASK Torn LOCAL DKAI.KR OR JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA, NEB. WELniMft(>VT0 (EMV$> p» “ w ■■ ™ I. Vi this proct ss ah brokea parts of machinery made good as new. Weida Cast iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or any other metal. Elpert automobile repairinc. BERTSCHV MOTOR CO., Council Bluff*. TYPEWRITERS HAKES \* to S» price. wr time r*Ay nicntw Ken ted. rent appliew. WA»bi^ ny w here for tree exmnunat ion. No dw t* t \\ -•«*•. a t b*^wk> 1.1 u »v k.KS«MWMU, i:tOlir%ABM.,(WA □TAFT’S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Oosgln St., OMAHA, NEB. Reliable Dentistry at NNtiMf PHaoa RUBBER GOODS hr mall at ox:t prK't'a. Sond f»»r fr>>n eaiaU-wn*. M Y E RS-DILLON DRUG CO., Omaha, N»N DfTII CD yCM You can cut out anv DUILCn Mkll siwUurV) huutl«i\h the v'utter in c:«;ht stswnds. RailPOUtl> U"t* thorn. WriM* for samfd*. UrrUfhv Motor ( », I .uuicll ILtuffs, la * PLAY BASE BALL? 1,000 UOIFORMS III STOCK Write us for catalog and wholesale price* on Base Hall. TVnuia, ilolf and r-lVK llNik HOODS of all fclwda. TOWNSEND GUN CO. ISI4 FARNAM ST.OMAHA SOMETIMES. fcrtW'kfck'Mfc VtAUvr- VA* XA XW ♦xav >v«x>i Wv; It tx xot |tx *<Nt' Wv tAxt U tA\*vixai Kv AaavX YW IVax \v>s«s Vx*> ^swb'« XW'U, \ A-V X* s At A vtvttAt A At tAv V'AxtvA t*N\ ©tCAY t* AANvtAKxH*. \WX tW AxtXvx* AW *MU m *A\VV A*M$ |» Xx\<Av*.Nt VvAw a*A ttfft s's'**x\ »XSvt Sth'*'* t* xtASWYY V* 4t*Wtv* **ft t*t«l tYn:'*t\» vt**^** I\vms> K^\> t>*K v^w> *Mk Ksxtt^y* »M fWStVV* *?Ysf**lfc tvs tfci- xsfc.s>* fcystv**, My» V K JMsttf**. s^»,vnAK Yy-vjis, vwvys 1 *.VS «sV* KvAlVr ¥*W itxSX»YS tfc»t tfc* xtxVYxSr* tx'M «W* tlWVf* *»» YWS twNr^s. t VS'** *»ft Ksvx WSJr TvtMSW* Vr * Y * catted m to see me netwa i wse-a, mw forvnt parts of my body were badly swollen and l was told l had dropsy, IVxan's Kldnoy HU* saved nty life, and made it worth liviny " Remember the name- 1 Van's. F\xr tale hy ail dealers, M oents a box, f^ttewMilhurn Oh* MMlh N. Y. Levs at First SijM, friend So yours w as a case of love at first s-'sht * Mrs. Get there Yea, Indeed I fell desperately in love with my dear hn* hand the moment l set ejrts upon hint. I remember it as distinctly as if it were yesterday \ was waikins with buna on the beach at Tony. Reach, when suddenly papa stopped, and. point iny him out. said; "There, my d<\ar, is a man worth ten mtHio»a.'*x— New York Weekly Rheumatism la Curable \ VTGK: S UKMc.'I'X iMi UXetsO w*1» re tv kit, w «ud Co H u«te»,ty. It «*> It- rxmjttuy vkuvw* » ,t tv.skhs the kidneys, fixer and dtyvstoie sxstxsn that fix earea -wrest* .Gut,vet uexstwxV. k*s';:i» Kttaevvi^st, Take ,-»<• to atyM. you'll t -et better h- the tuertdtu, Get a a* l! x Vtl Ht'v- Ybe V, U. l*-wt* Ytvdktn* t\v. Si, Unit*. VvX For Settltmaut, "That Felton stems te take himself very seriously " "Yes; he thinks his personal suuaO We* are weighty enough tx> be re ferred tx* The llajtue" Anythin* in a Namef "Say, pa?" "What t* nr "Gnu a war admiral so to tka fwutt r—dvtdge, Pettit's gy* Stht for «e Tehees* tired, exxsrwx'sked eye*, steps m aehes, W'UyC' e-i, tnTxmed er sene eye*. AM druy*t>!» or Howard Ikes, Rutf*k\ N. Y, Grass w idow s ate as new mown k\y to some men.