The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 14, 1910, Image 1

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    Loup City N< irthwestern
•* v ,
i*”t C:-: *. 3*1 A* c* FjstM p-e
Ute to Fa-egs Meet -3 CHarle* W
F» -so^a* P't.e-1* Fe-ree*- P-es
wd *-oe Ca -g at Vat ca"
Kora* April « -K*» Victor Em
=-»sj*-; rewind Col Theodore Romo
s-> -hs* at. the Qairtnol Tbo
H»a»-»T.; ?uu!j arnsed here last
fMJMt \apir*..
The? «»i» creeled a! the sta-H® by
J G % l-ri»hmab the American ia
to 10 ad or Mr Garrett. cooRcilior of
•be eanbaao?. and 'be -mb**®*
*:e Tocxto.. r> pcesonriag -be Lauc
ltaltat.1 trooat oecretarj oflcc
- « aBair- Jg . r N.-hat. ma?or of
1. me r-n: - l. >— RnibTd -be'
haashet of deytr -> and -—.sgra* :«•
ttalNKtt'r, aMi a large uumbrr of
Lowing tie trass. Mr R.s»» ir.l
"j-Sm *0 ct*» '•-> Career. Mrs
I- **- - - -ter, sho »*> muting
The v 4 j'"~**e-jj front all sides and
t-e- »*, n - a Is-tie cheerier
At Th* :iy hall, erhftber Mr H.ce
»- • »as dr.v-n a an ah’t*mab»Je. be
iiu* a -«t-d a Sam cr*~ • .tin
Th-*. a thpast - 4 S'? Mr la-ashman,
the parry proceeded to tbs- Hofei Beau
>- oh» re Mr »e.r met and
•bteraed fee mnce ttn»e mith the
fjapw corraspchdenta.
This tsor*.ng a. c-osipanied by Am
‘ matt - 1 o»eS'fnT.g bir ICoue tr!t arid
ha* son Kersfctt rode to the QohhdL
»t- -- 'be ambassador htrofewd
be* tn the L.rg mbo talked asth the
Pop* P— X.
A: ■ n a*,* * jr a «*•* xi-raMe > x;rfe of
me Hi» majesty was preatly :at*T
ertud :a tk* * salats aad experiences
v > t.£!♦»! *t:w is .Vna
TkU afternoon tke lw*rt*lt fata
aw: .«** Mr* Kmaww-lt aad m*»
• - »«y fey
Tksa was ax especial honor
’.«■ tk* time at tk* year is «tak :fe*
svieen grants and* aces is sr« over
aad *ke ca4f aa rxcejcttm .a favor at
tk* iUwolii H*» ma wsty kas aV
i ’ » bad crrat adst ;r»tu * for V3*f
a ~nd At -rVtta
Dec >*s ts Vat Pape.
VI: l‘ ffoi las d*ck&*d aa ;n>
tatma to tax tke pup* iferoopa n
•rtij tkr us* caaws aback ttruf
tk* ppf cot to receivo former Vic*
t'-'V.lra Fbrrtnaka tk* of
;r» ■ rear* *wr tk* Aaocu Method
i*» t. JMN k***.
Vec.Mat.uas bad been opened
•i-ri Ambassador Urnduaaa kcr*
lor tk* nxt«c{itat«4 os* of Col
I&otMPVcdt. Tk* latter explained fciio
k£ as ax iron* to are tk* pope Tk*
after at r>-p!y saJ ke toped that ao
. fe saiilua—Tit i»rsd’ at as that
a so-- % marred tk* of Mr Fajr
kax t ► ro ibis city would occur.
Mr Fairbanks declined to visit tk*
TWirM*! k»lot* aeeiac tk* lletkod
n* Col Roosevelt replied that fee
ild ■*« *.»a tie vaticaa order suefe
ae a :t xoan. aad «kep be pat a reply
•■rw* that it wooid be impossible to
ft tke restrwtio®* Roosevelt cabled
aavis* Chat tke visit mas impossible.
Tkr aCa-r Us created tutan tide-us
M-xaattaa ke**
Has Arr»ngetf *r See Ptp*
It Is learned that CoL Rmmtte
tad made ao arraidtetoeBt o'featever
t« visit la* Met brae ust* fee**. Tke
only aadienc* wbrefe he bad arrasced
wa> with tk* ki:x Tbe distiaRutsbed
Aa-naa that as aa Aaers aa
- kxrx ft was to say tk* least oa:a r
far anyone to attempt la say «ay to
Uafew bi Sana sts sad fe* felt
"feat was tke oSett of tko coaditiaos
•mpfwrd fey tk* vatwaa
Asks SH**ct c- twcidect
Jgr fcaonevetl ]>ininkrtr am -.res
'Ut tke Sardrs! stall be retarded *y
km friends. both Catholic and Proteo
tar.’ An* ri a aw and tn::t
- >'
>ntn>vejv> With ?!,’< end in view,
cabled the tolVwrtng statem* lit to,
K-i I.yman Abbott. .editor of the
Outlook, at New York: *
Through the Outlook I wish to
teak* a sta’*m« at to my fellow Aniori- j
cans regarding w hat has occurred in i
• turn with the Vatican. 1 am
--:*» that *fc»- great nii.jomy of tny .
Nil- w c ’ -ns. Catholtc* -tuit* qs
much aw l*r* te>tants. w’il feel that 1
acted in the-only way possible for an ,
Va-er an to * t and because/vf this-*
v. ry fact 1 m»-st earnestly hope that j
the . n* dent will be treated :n a mat-j
;• r of.bourse way as merely personal. |
and above all as t > t warranting the
flight*-*? exhibit ton of rancor or bit-1
tea r.g my b<t and closest friends
*re many Cmtbohc* The respect and
-»-gard of those of nt* fellow Atueri
aas who are Catholics are as dear to
fa* as ’he respect and regard <»: those
who are Protestants
On my v*wrney it.-- sh \fri, a 1
t many CWMk as
-a * Pr tes*. t ii.f- - \~ I look
f r» a r d • :g tt* .pi* at borne
all that has been dome by Protestants -
and Cat: diet* a' ke its 1 saw if in tin
to i of a.:ss> end* avor. it would
a .*• me a real i«ar.g to Save any
id? sa.d r done that wodM hurt or
c p_ - ’■> v f: • * whatev* r
?.* :r r* ' ig * is b* i ef
P'ist! cf A —e-c*r*
3«: a: ’■ hm-t* y ;•• rs >t al consider*
tracts nm of no con tqiw nee in
matter Tire important consideration
- • • • . vt dance f harsh and bitter
- • r.i *u< h ns may *\> ite mistrust
• c a: rer t-elnecn and an.occ Rood
men. - *
c ure ai. A • • .ic S' * s of
o»her countries the more profound
r: .,«* !. s !•- .c- of gra'Vude that
n i.:- 't& ia: u there is not merely
•a pi*-l«-.4e ■ ra"o-i bar the heartiest
c <d tij *:.i sympathy between stn
• •- it--. Y \« men of different
?-tb*—cofl mill at J VjTupaihy eu
• sti'Me that in the 'innum* ruble
daily re.auons «f our American life
tat hoi:-» .aid ITotestun-s meet to
gether and work together without
V-'-ugbt uf the differ* nee of creed be- ,
*.« even present is tkpit minds
Tis a condition s \itai to our
na :.a! we!! fcei: 5 -hat nothina*4
si.. ...d be permitted to jeopardize it. j
-Bi-tef <’eminent and criticism,
arris..-u .» atta* k and defense, are I
1 not emit profit'* «s but harmful, and
1 to s**:z* u;->n such an in* ident as this
as an arms km for controversy would'
be wtol’r ,pd ‘tr-.'-V »rd should be
fro*red .j n f-yiV -sand Pnxes
ttets ... w* and ah. t p«.n.« ri* ”
*~;t A;-d* A-e Rc ceea fcy Trjg- _
ce V u » rp Car.
A!iin**poH». Vinn April 4 - lutes- ,
: . t -U s! **w* ’h5t the murder of Au
t »' F Jo!, r«rc c:i a car had
• : . r ’ - ltd j- a* s; uf U-e vie
‘m at the slayer t*eadl»f cn his
. : r.son had hecidi - trod on ■
tie r rearer's f.» t. and although he
»ape: fitir if •• man lost hi* tem
" j* r and in r»taliat n ground hi* heel
. a; J. t.r- >*"# u ndcr tie*
TV murderer. *» undent :fvd mao.
*h<-t do* a Johason or. a ear platform
f. Wa-fc i ** >n .'tid Sittth aver e.
r •’h The jyar *w tn.<v :r.e a: d was '
j crowded with after-theater peopie
\ .to IV r*h> 49 feeJd a* a“suspecL
-- * . * -
—a* V-j*t to Have Its NimtcPra
vecteg Saya Court.
New Tirt Apr.) 4 * Justice Dayton
a the sujpr* we court decided that the
N HMlH Airy ;! » 1 :
the Booth orgariranon. commonly
* - wa a* tlie Salvation Araiv > has
tfc» right to have Ss name protected
2h hi*, rul.i-g V say* the Booth
army i* entitled to a perpetual injunc
• : restrain:: g the American Salva
tw Army or the name Salvation
Army or any name so nearly similar
thereto a* to he easily confounded
therewith by the public.
Gen Janies AA' Duffin is command
• ■■ lmS lii American Salvation
Interment at Leavenworth. Kan. Fol
ows S mpg Services.
Leawnworth. Kar. April 4—With
simple services the body of the late
Justice David J Brewer of the Su
preme- .. art the I'nred S’ates was
buried in a grave beside That of his
1 wife in Mount M;.n< ie cemetery here.
Before the buna I hundreds of per
M*t had looked upon the lace of the
f ad jurist te the First Congregational
bur h. * hv r« The body lay in Mate for
lour hours Business generally was
-4»|n*ii J.-4 Many house* were drained
:t TDou-nicg and all flags were at half
O-SAe-g Breaks M.le Record.
Bos Angeles. Cal. A; rtl 4.—Barmy
- .cfc« id br .k- *; cri- t:i 5e Are rvcah
Track record over the new board track
here OSdfVId drr ve his Biltzen B* ut
a mile ia Z& 2-a secvmus .«* against
* Strang s mile la 37.74 sccobtls at At
Laata last October.
*. S'*
Declares Articles Are Malicious. VJI
lamous and Untruthful—Witness
Tells of Alleged Hint That His Tes
timony Would Pay AiasAan.
V\ ashitsgtots. Aj>ril 4—11. K Lose,
formerly a sj*ceial agent of the land
See. while und«r cross-examination
l-y Attorney F.rande-.s at the session of .
the congressional cotnmlttee iuvestiga-1
lion of the thiicbot-Ralllnger contro
v* rsy. declared that John W. 1 Hid ley.
former ret >t» r of the land office at
.Uaioa . Alaska, told hitn last February
that an agent tor Coliter s Weekly had
sa d to h'tu that it would be worth
for. ! "o to $lo. no to him "to go to
Washington and testify before the
Ballinger Threatens Suit.
Svcrc arx ,,r declared his in
tetit of seeking legal redress
c. ”.>t t o iter s for tN articles that
ur,- t* ng j mhlished attacking him.
If ti.t y think they can attack me
«i;’. iti.; n:t> they arc mistaken.”
said Mr. Balling- r He announced
emphatically that he proposed to
"hr t c them to justice in due time "
While Mr luUlinser would not in
dicate whin «r ir. what form proceed
mg.- in law- would l»e instituted I
- ci "St th<, he said that if
be lived long enough it would "suf- '
fer a.l the penalties the law will war- !
Tht statement that he intended j
.-•■eki. c redress through the medium I
of tli* courts was nfafle in discussing
it- r.rticlc in-the current issue of Col
lier s headed "Ballinger Shyster." ip
which the secr-i tarv of the interior, is
.. us d of an "unpardonable breach
of prnfc, ssioral honor" in connection
.witii a-bankruptcy proceeding in the
l rated States district court in Seattle.
Says He Will Have Justice.
"Kor the malicious, villainous and
untruthful attacks of which this.fs
vmply another chapter,"'" Mr Bal-i
it- ucr declared. "1 propose to bring'
tiicni to justice."
A-tgh* i- sv-i.sAtion developed when
it bei ame known that Ballinger hud
pretested ta the Investigation commit- |
tec against the demands of -Attorney j
Brandt .- for records of bis depart
m- nt a> ' an oblique attempt to i-un
tr. 1 t!;e mar,tier in which the evidence
1 sl...:i present shall be introduced!”
Testimony Touches Glavis.
fn addition to Mr l.ove, who testl
fied t Collins' alleged hint to former
Ktg ster 1> dU v four witnesses took
Ut stand f, r the defense" Frank
1. Spalding, former disbursing agent,
tn 1. K Biavis' office at Seattle, was
>''td to tf't.fy tilavls bad tried
to induce b in to cut out of au ex
jvt i.n a, . o-..t t an item of $”> for
typewriting in Chicago a report cou
tau ■ g i s charges against Mr Bal
!)’ «* r that he was preparing for Pn^-,
fdent Taft Mr- S|valding admittedyyi- •
ii r erv ss t v annual ion that B la vis pad '
> xpfamod that he intended to refill- ’
I- >c the government, because' he for himself'two of the ££rea !
copies he had had made.,
i ms oi »f*rcn.
George A Parks, special? agent, qr j
mineral land inspector. testified that j
he examined Glavis' box stored in, n
n>om in the federal huildtng at Seattle 1
ir. searching for a notebook Christen
sen. who was Glacis' successor,
wanted in connection with another
Ti e < 'rrumstances of the discovery
f the papers were related by Garret
V\\ O'Neill assistant custeidian of the
building, who was the only other per
son prese nt He expressed confidence
that Christensen did not place the let
ters in the box G lav is has testified
that the letters were put there with
out his knowledge, charging that it
was a "frame-up" arranged by his
Coroner's Jury Lays Wisconsin Dou
ble Tragedy to Madman.
Phillips. Wis., April 4.—That Wolf- I
gang Kress murdered Benjamin Wahl. '
a friend with whom he made his home |
in a lumber camp 19 miles from here. ;
fired the camp and then committed
suie-ide' was the verdict of a coroner's !
jury. The charred bodies of the two \
men were found in the ruins of the !
camp, which it is supposed was fired
by Kress alter he killed Wahl. It is
thought Kress was insane.
One Cow Almost a Creamery.
Ctie-a, N Y„ April 4.—A test recent- j
ly ha> been made- with a Holstein cow
t hree years old. eiwned by K I at Mun- I
'n of Solsvilie In sect a days she
averaged ov.-r Ml pounds of tullk a
day and ire*1.! t;.-s was made over -9
j inds c: butter. This is said'(o’be
t! >- we>r.J » teeotd le>r a cow of her
ag - • - I
. »
trials in Pittsburg Graft Cases Begin
Tnis Week—Eight More Coun
cilmen Itjdicted.
Pittsburg. Pa..1 April 4—The indict
ment of six banks as corporations and 1
other startling-eensations»are expect
'd as the result of all the present and j
past ‘cotincilmen. known as the "big
five" having now told iheir stories of
grafting to ihe'*grahd jury.
The graft proseFution is now busily
engaged preparing cases for tbe
trials next week.
fharles Stewart said he told the .
w hole truth to the grand jury. Hugh
Ferguson made a complete statement
before the inquisitorial body Wil
liam Hrand is known to have made a
full confession, and the bottom has
finally fallen out of the alleged
grafters' de.Vnse.
Grand jurors, after returning pro
s'mounts recommending indictments
against Morris Kinstein and seven
other former oeunciltnen on testimony i
received from P. It. Kearns, spent an
hour hearing more evidence and pre
paring the bulky ' bank presentment."
The district attorney received a let- ,
ter from George R Hailey, now in
Pasadena. Gal., but former member j
of common councils, in which he de- <
dares he received a total of fISl.'.O
from John Klein for his vote on or
dinances covering street vacations
and city depository selections.
Hailey says he will come to Pitts
burg any time he is wanted by the
district attorney.
Four Others Injured When Car Turns
Turtle at Rockford, III,
Rockford. 11!.. April 4—Or. Penn \V '
Ransom was killed and.four compan
ions injured when a touring ear in ;
which they were en rout*' to this city
from Ransom's sanitariiun in the
suburbs urrned turtle, crushing Or i
Ransom, who was at the wheel, be
neath it. In turning to avoid: an ap
proaching machine It Jianscm turue-1 ,
too sharp, throwing tl>e oarw-oiuplete- i
ly ovur. Those who suffered injuries
were: \Y y Kcairog. Rockford; J
\Y Neptune. Thorntown. ltid.; George
Ostrom, Poplar Grouty .hBefiou Mor
gan. -Klgin.
Nberah Man Announces Candidacy for
United States Senate.
, Milwaukee, .Ajf il ** j.— Samuel A.
Cork of jjeenah. a, former bongresss
njan pf the Sixth Wisconsin district,
announced him seif a candidate for the
I'nited States senate to'succeed Rob
ert M La Kollette
, Mr. Cook will shortly stale his jKtsi
tion on public questions.
"This much 1 desire to say -at this
time." says the candidate, "thal l shall 1
net conduct a money campaign, hut
will depend upon the' loyalty and
patriotism of the people for support,*'
Bn-esford Claimant Gets $500,000 and
100.000 Acres ef Land.
Galveston. Te\ ' \pril. 4 vLolloblnit
the sale of part pf the. estate of the
lajg Lord IV la van Rvvoaford comes the
report that the negro woman who
claimed to be his common law wiTe
has received JaOO.tjoO and about 100,000
gores of land in Uurapg© in settlement,
of her eiutm. l\t vbi,s, acres are 1
ppder cultivation, fche- owns 1,000 head
of cattle . - , ' * ' *
Lord Itercsford was Wlked in a rail
road accident over,four years ago in
Canada. **'
Legislative Commission Files Report
with Bills to Correct Abuses.
Albany. X. Y„ April 1,—Proclaim
ing New York city inferior court con
ditions to be "intoMtble, shocking
and disgraceful to a gnat civilised
community." the legislative commis
sion. headed by Supreme Court Justice
Alfred H. Page, promulgated the final
report of its inquiry accompanied by
bills framed to correct the abuses. It
made many recommendations which
it is hoped will become law- before the
final adjournment.
Stead Will Help at Cairo.
Springfield, April t.—Attorney Gen
eral Stead. In a letter to Gov. Deneen.
stated that be would accede to the re
quest of the governor and State's At
torney Wilson of Alexander county
and assist Wilson in the prosecution
of the men indicted on the charge
of lynching William James in Cairo,
Agree on the Liability Bill.
Washington. April 4 —The senate
amendments to the bill to amend the
employers' liability law were agreed
to by the-house. The measure goes
to the president for his signature.
Columbia. S. C.. Changes Code.
• Columbia. S. C.. April 4.—By a ma
jority oC-Jive to one Columbia adopt
ed the commission • form of govern
ment. The city council opposed the
chaigje. ... |
Some Curiosities of Colds
- —— m.-— .
W :<Se» S«tT t« Be C c-ctr*- veljr
HjrwttoH ir So*e« Re;x*>a.
* sea 1 *» to Scnrfe Africa. sasrepu
1 ■ u I as to roMt. 1 cat dij a< bead
*3«*.e ceory back*? of water 1 cat see or
r voider rm* tap 1 cat Bod After
<ta- 1 cat par. it oat ts tbe bi*yce*t
d«a'» t ras dueoxcr -t» frost o? as
eaectne fas lor yrefeevraoe—aad yet I
w. ujl uat ta4 Cotd* a: oca tr t
to come boa that m hick * as brought
aboard David Livingstone. 1 am told,
never go! a cold an South Africa, but
he got a tad one mhen he returned to ;
Nanstn and fc.s fnggd Johansen
conid in the arruc region tumble into
cold **ter sleep out without a change,
and vet keep well At St. Kllda. I un
a* -stand, a passenger with a cold is
e*peered to rema.L oa board, other
wise there may be Influenza through
out the island. In Fair island, and to
a certain extent in Shetland, some
thing similar happens. When the in-,
habitants of these places visit this
country they come among strange ki
crobes. and their experiences may be
All this means two things. First,
it suggests to us that in this world
there are environments, where cold
''producing" germs are few, which we
know to be true: and secopd. that we
can put up with homemade animals.
>---—-rjw». ■
but that it is dangerous to >01161; hos
pitality to menageries from abroad.—
John Milne. F. R. S-. in London Mail.
'v -it_
Taking No Chances.
•'You always 'Speak kindly to your
wife?” said th#paying, friend.
"Always." answered Mr. Meekton.
"I never think of giving Henrietta a
harsh word.”
:1teeause you believe la ruling by
"No-. "Because self preservation la
the first law of nature.1*
Tells Yhem Organization Is Good. But
That All Men Have Right to Earn
Living — Visits Scenes of His
Worcester. Mass . April 4—President
Taft addressed a bis mass meeting of
railroad employes who are in attend
ance at the railroad workers’ woven- ;
tion here at Mechanics' hall, and was
most heartily cheered by his auditors
The president left Washington Sat
urday evening in his private car. and
arrived yesterday morning at Mill
bury. That town was his home during
his school and college days, and he
split the morning there as the guest
of Miss Delia Torrey. a sis'er of the
president's mother, who died there
three years ago while he was in the
Is Escorted by Militia.
At 12.30 o'clock Mr. Taft en
tered an automobile and started
for this city, escorted by a large
party of railroad men also in motor -
cars. Five companies of the local
militia met the chief executive at the
city limits and escorted him to Me
chanics' hall, where the convention is
being held. Mayor James 1-ogan
greeted Mr. Taft to the city. and Gov.
Kben S. Draper delivered the address
of welcome on behalf of the state. The
president’s speech followed, and was
listened to with the utmost interest.
Condemns Sympathetic Strikes.
In his address, which met the hearty '
approval of the 2.tHM> railroad em
ployes. the president condemned the
boycott and sympathetic strike, but
put his approval on intelligent labor
organisations, llis speech bristled w ith
sharp points and cut both ways. In ’
indorsing union labor he declared with
force that he put "above everything
the risht of every man to labor as he
will, to earn the wages that he will,
lind if he choose? to stay out of labor
organizations, well and good."
lie warned his hearers that his ex
perience in dealing \vitli labor men
bad convinced him that "the best
(^ourse is to talk right out and tell them
what you believe to be the truth They
will accord you the compliment of sin
cerity and a desire to reach the truth
"If 1 did not talk right out and tell
you what 1 thought," said the presi
dent, "you would not have the respect
that 1 hope you will have lor me when
1 tell you what 1 believe to be the
Is Not "Father of Injunctions."
Thou be modestly disclaimed being
ihe "father of injunctions." but imme
diately put himself on record as still
favoring the injunction in certain
cases with ’.he reforms that have been
promised, and which are embodied in
the Mil now before congress. In this
count'd ion there was a broad hint of
his tooling toward certain Insurgents
in his remark that '>^ile .he didn't
know whether lie would be able to get
(ho injunction Mil through congress, it
had "been promised In ihe Republican
platform, and that is the plaitorm 1
was elected on," said t he president
UKvniedb He renewed his\leelaraliot\
that he had consulted raiiroad presi
dents in connection with the railroad
bill ar.d would not consider that he had
done Justice to ill if he had not. H,e
made an explicit promise to sign the
amended employers' liability hill which
was adopted in conference in Washing
ton., Throughout the speech there w'as
a uote of defiance of his critics.
Million Dollar Loss Is Occasioned by
Fierce Fire.
Omaha. Nob.. April A — Fire starting
just before midnight last night burned
a huge one million bushel grain ele
vator of Nye. Schneider, Fowler &
Co, and the elevator and mills of the
Manly Mills Company, the latter hav
ing a capacity of 1.000 barrels of
flour a day. The one million bushel
capacity elevator of the Independent
Klevator Company, owned by the Chi
cago Great Western railroad will prob
ably be destroyed. The Union Faclflc
railroad lost 50 freight cars. The loss
at present is at least $1,000,000. The
amount of grain burned cannot be esti
mated. The Manly elevator alone con
tained 85,000 bushels of w heat.
Oklahoma Bee-Keepers Meet.
Guthrie, Okla.. Apr. 4 —The Okla
homa Bee Keepers' association held its
annual meeting here to-day with good
attendance and an interesting pro
gram. President N. Fred Gardiner of
Geary was in the chair and delivered
his annual address after the transac
tion of routine business. Others who
read papers were C. C Platt of Jen
mugs. Arthur Rhoads of Coyle. G. H.
Coulson of Cherokee.. Prof. Saaoorn
of-A. and M. College. Jacob Goenwein
of K1 Reno and F. W. Van De Mark of
Government Fires First Gun in Battle
to Wipe Out Stock
Washington. April'4.—The offices of
three large broker concerns in New
York. Philadelphia', Baltimore. Jersey
City and St. Louis were simultaneously
raided by agents of the department of
justice, and numerous arrests were
The action was the first move in a
federal crusade, against bucketshops |
and the raiders were armed with ,
bench warrants issued by the Su- j
preme court of the District of Colum- ;
bia. When the department closed IS '
arrests had been reported.
Conspiracy indictments, in which
23 persons are named—five of them
said to be millionaires and all inter
eeted in brokers' offices in large cities
of the Cnited States—were returned
by the federal grand jury of the Die
irici of Columbia upon evidence
which agents of the department of
justice had beta gathering for more
than a year.
The men indicted are said to be
those financially interested in the fol
lowing named corporations: R. S.
Boggs ft Co., which has office® in New
York and Philadelphia; Price ft Co.,
which has offices in Baltimore and
New York, and Standard Stock ft
Grain lVulers. which has offices in
Jersey City, Philadelphia. Cincinnati
and St. Louis.
This the Vnited States govern
ment's first attack upon stock gam
bling has been thoroughly prepared
with greatest secrecy. Its scope prac
tically covers the Vnited State® from
tl'.e Missouri river to the Atlantic. The
three concerns indicted maintain
more than 250 offices and branch of
fices located from New Kngland to
Three Aviators Lose Lives When Bal
loon Dashed Into Sea.
Stettin, Germany, April 4—Three
men lost their lives and a fourth was
terribly injured when the German
military balloon rommern was dashed
Into the Baltic sea from a great alti
tude after a scries of' heart-breaking
Werner Hugo Del Brueck. radical
member of.the reichstag, was acting as
pilot of the Pommern. and as the great
ai'-ship broke from its moorings during
a gale it was dashed against telegraph
wires and a.factory roof. Del Brueck
suffered a fractured leg and injury of
the head, but for nearly an hour lie
battled In a semi-conscious condition
to release the escape valve and bring
the balloon to earth. The valve cord
had become entangled and could not
t>e released.
The three other occupants of the
basket lay bleeding ami mangled as a
result of the collision with the factory
roof, and the party w as forced to await
their fate. A heavy rain cloud finally
drove the huge airship down, drowning
two members of the party. A third was
picked up unconscious and died from
his injuries, while the fourth was res
cued badly Injured.
Main Stream of Lava la Now S30
^Meters Wide.
Oatani^. April 4 —The jrlolen«x* of
the eruption qf Mount fcftna. is itwreas
«i< again and is accompanied by load
'rumblings and shower® of ashes aad
stones. The lava, which was almost
stationary, has started to Row again.
A new sireara $ meters high SO me
ters a We has detached itself from the
main stream and Is advawcltg towards
llonvOo. The main stream, which i»
now 300 meters aide, threatens the
villages of I'almento and lYcoreiUt
Is Disfranchised In All State and
Municipal Elections.
Annapolis, Md.. April 4.—The so
called l»igges bill for the disfranchise
ment of the negro in all state and mu
nicipal elections in Maryland was
passed by the senate. The house of
delegates immediately passed it and
the measure went to the governor for
his signature.
It is not proposed to attempt to pro
vent negroes voting at congressional or
presidential elections.
David Vernon Passes Away.
Chicago. April 4.—David Vernon,
vice-president of the Commercial Na
[ tional bank, for 40 years in the bank
itig business in this city, and said to
have been the oldest Chicago banket
actively engaged in business at the
time of his death, died at his resi
dence of neuralgia of the heart. He
had been ill for a week.
Pleased at Cannon Downfall.
Atlanta. Ga.. April 4.—The Antf
s&loon leaguers are crowing over the
■downfall" of Cannon The result of
the recent fight against the speaker
means, they declare, a stumbling block
out of the way in their fight for fed
eral legislation favoruble'to the pro
hibition movement.
Unseemly Interruption.
He—Mj dear Miss FUp would you
have me—
She—I wouldn't have you as a pre
cious gift. '
He—You did not let me finish. I was
going to ask you if you would hsve me
such a tool as to want you to?
Keep at It.
Keep your light abumlr.g Lots o?
things do not seem to be worth while
am it is not safe to look at them in
i ust *>.st way. Keep on doing.
Just Before the Battle. _
“John." queried her husband's wife,
"if some bold, bad man were to kid
nap me. would you offer a reward?"
"Sure thing." replied the wife s hus
band "1 always reward those wno
do me a favor."
One on Dad.
Father—"What makes you so ex
travagant with my money, sir?" Son
—"Well.'dad. I thought you wouldn't
like to spbnd It yourself after working
so hard for it."—Boston Transcript.
Hobson Wanted to Build Three Ship*,
but Hi* Amendment Wa»
Finally Cut Out.
Washington—By a decisive vote ot
182 to lltt. fourteen being present and
ret voting, the house authorised the
construction of two battleships to
cost *8'\m,000 each. Thirty-three
democrats voted for two tutttieships
and t^^Stv-four republicans against
the pr^vs^Sor.
This action was taken just prior to
the passage of the naval appropria
tion bill, carrying $l2!ktVS7,«X'2. This
amount :s about SlvtXXVvXX' less thsa
was recommended hy the Navy de
partment. In addition to the battle
ships the bill also provides for the
construction of two fleet colliers and
four submarine boats
As amended on motion of Mr. Fit*
gerald of New York, the two battle
ships and two feet colliers must be
constructed by firms operating under
the eight-hour law.
After fixing an hour and one-half as
the time for debating amendments for
the authorisation of battleships the
house wasted a large part of that
time in a parliamentary contention
concerning the manner in which the
time would be divided between the
two side's The debate proceeded un
der the five-minute rule.
The committee on naval affairs had
reported in favor of authorixing two
battleships. Mr Tawney of Minne
sota. chairman of the appropriations
committee, offered an amendment
providing for only one battleship,
w hile Mr. Hobson proposed an amend
ment providing for three
Mr. .Hobson contended that three
battleships would give no increase,
but would provide only for the ordi
nary depreciation in the naval force.
By an almost unanimous, vote tha
house rejected the proposition.
Mr. Gronna of North Dakota moved
to strike out the authoriiation for the
construction of any battleships, a viva
voce vote showing there were not a
handful advocates of a "no battle
ship" policy.
Speaking in favor of his onobattle
•hip plan - Mr Tawney reiterated his
statement that Ti per cent of th*
revenue of the country was being ex
pended for wars that had pissed and
for preparation for wars to come. He
declared that one battleship was su!
fleient to maintain the proper
strength of the navy.
Mr, Thomas of Ohio proposed an
amendment for four battleships, but
the house voted it down, almost un
antuNoualy Mr Tawney's amendment
for one battleship was also lost by a
vote of HM to 11!S At least thirty
democrats voted w :;h the republican*
against Mr Tawney's plan
Mr, Goidtogie offered an amend
ment providing that at leas: one bat
tleship should be constructed at a
navy yard, the second to be built
either by contract or at a navy yard
Viter extended discussion Mr Mann
of Illinois, who Occupied the chair, de
clared the amendment to be out of
An effort was made by Mr N\-rr <
of Nebraska, an "insurgent." to
amend the bill to provide for one bat
| lleship and six transports, the latter
1 to cost $1,000,000 each The amend
ment was ruled out of order,
Representative J Hahmpton Moore
of Philadelphia attempted to induce
the house to limit the draft of the
r.j'w battleships to thirty feet, but his
amendment for that purpose was re
jected Various other amendments
were offered to - control the building
! of the battleships under the operation
of the eight-hour law and within navy
yards, but they were all ruled out of
order. Thirty-three democrats voted
with the republicans for two battle
ships. while twenty four republicans
joined the democrats in favor of one
* Winter Wheat Below Average.
Washington—The average rendi
tion of winter wheat on April 1 was
SO S per cent, ovf a normal, against
i S2.2 April 1. 1909. and $7. the aver
age for the last ten years on April
1. The decline in condition from Pe
cember 1. 1909, to April 1. 1910. was
IS points.
Actress Fatally Injured.
Peoria.—Mrs Henry Poter. known
on the stage as May Harris, fell twen
; ty feet to the stage in a local vaude
vllle theater snd sustained fatal in
juries. Her husband and teammate it
a novelty gymnastic act failed tc
catch her while turning in the air.
Iowa Actor Dead.
Chicago—William Maher, nineteen
years old. an .actor who lived at Pes
Moines, la., died at a hospital here
after he had been found unconscious
{ at a hotel. Physicians attribute his
death to an overdose of a drug
*' Uncle Joe's Auto.
Washington.—Careful analysis of
the conference report on the legisla
i tive appropriation bill shows that
Speaker Cannon's automobile will be
j cared for at government expense af
ter all.