The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 31, 1910, Image 4

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Has now opened up an exclusive stock of
Gents’ Furnishing Goods
In All the Latest and Most Approved Styles
North Main Street, Loup City
Having opened up an Exclusive Men's and Boys* Clothing and Furnish
ings Store in this city. I will handle all the latest, most Up-to-Date and ap
proved styles of Clothing. Hats and Caps, and ail outer and under wear, of
whatsoever description worn by Men and Boys. Call and see me and I will
fit you out from head to foot in the Nobbist Suits ever shown here.
CIS LORENTZ, The Clothier.
Profession a i Cards
israej ai Snslr^laT
Practice* in all Court*
Loop Citr. Neb.
And Bonded Atastm-.-»r.
Loup City. Nebraska
Office. Orer New Bank
TrlLfcPHoSK CALL. NO. 3»
fie hi dK»- 39 at IU
=? T pi " tiM
Loup City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
< i*t« at ktiMkur.
< «nerUoo
SuectaSfr U> M II Mead
Bonded Abstracter
Boer Crrr. - Nuea-iu.
0».-. net »f AUtru-: **»•»-?t> •
LOCP CITT. - - \ KB.
Ofter .p *tair- ib ti»* b* » >• or
Buk Ifuldm:'.
W. L MAU( Y.
OFFICE: Eu*. Sdr l*bi4K Nian<
Fhotte- 1* on _
Barred Plymouth Rock
Wild Rose Stock Farm
*mt adk tas of tuaa
n«« 2 on et
I Cure Name-Vital Debility Weak
ness Drain* Rupture. Stricture.
Vane scsis. Bleed Pe*»n Private
Skin end Chrome Diseases of Men
1 6*-- — *
<S«r s
C — i
mr:vt > u el.:.--* a
lAiorBf «f raft •» r«tw try u*j
•raea uf Mr lrr»ub»-t.« ifcict <% tbr itust
f (ft, anfnCfcrflh r^#-r 4rft t«r*C 1 tt-ftA» ao
I fur pn *ir mnanri a:.
■ *9*2 n*ff»n X* «riiit4r tftrti id
ft ra|«il Ur *vks fi*r iu pruR.:**
Ifl»» V » «
■ r*o«t^
_>» ' r* *t* 1 <S -■ _ . _
At-<: '**-%.;*:.* ’ e .artt
IvUttA *»•' :■•*
r<>*ftn mi i Kir
i %m dMR
M iMlitt *~~*~~* **• I
atfarta* lot
SJ' %-tUkX l .MIX*
«.s pad
_. « specialist ckamo
Rich, island «•» JJ.
pP.9HIA — «
Swanson & Lofholm
Having purchased the Drug stock of Odendahl
Bros., we will carry a full stock of
Pore Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines
Perfumes, Candies. Cigars. Paints. Oils, Broshes, JEtc.
Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Recipes
< arefuliy and Accurately Compounded
T-CkM?* —9: • rckTKAK ;r paid x* adtasci
h'-ertc a: L--.r tr F *iuSr« for :r&OA
■»oe ttr^ it* &&.{* a< second
*•% «n&ner.
Office ’Phone. - - * 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 108
J. W. BI RI.KIGH.E4. an4 t‘ul>
it : •- r - :ai * northwest
L '- ( W* in* -day evening.
- *: Mis >wan wi - n,
i *- --ar- nth- and two days.
" Mat. \•.- n wa- lorn in
" *ed* n. In- _t Si;*- am* to
-nf with her parents in
-**- at : *-J at Gibson. Ills., later
•i ving to B x»<nington. where in
-: * w»- .nited in marriage with j
• *tto ' • e-on. To this uni n three
. ir*-h were U.-m: Mr-. Gertrude
Tartar if Grand l-.and. Neb.. I*elia
~f 1 O- -ar • * • - . a • she
»x- eft aw;: wr in !-V* and in Ued
was n arr.-d t swan Wilson and
.*ed u> siierman county, where
she redded until the time of iter 1
death. Two children were bom to
• .s uni n. Ih *!. aged tl.ree. and an
nfant son that was taken with the
tiier. She -ave-a 1._-tiand four
..dren. above mentioned, and two |
- •-s<jr.-. K:«.n and Henry \'il*on.
an aged fattier and mother at Bloom-1
k *n 11 - t ree -.-ten- arid one
: ther. Mr- Iua Piers n. Mrs. Bettie
Neiwon and Nicholas Nelson of Bloom
• ngvn an I Mr- Hanna:. Johnson of
P- ria. 1 - Mr-. i»rd Wilson of
, . a: a. M-s. Bettie Nei-on and Mr-.
Hanna!. J :.n~jii attended tlie funeral
'•nits wer- r,eid at the home.
Bel W. C
Harper pa-tor A the M. K. church,
• which -lie was a member. The
'•main-w re f lowed to tl*e:r last
-r*g ;-4a by a large concourse of
- • Mr- v. - n »x
'd »:f* a *. 'el and lovir;g i
aod wa- :fie<i t,y ail who knew her. \
- Me v«r bean t«- gaw
T-' *«*. .- . 1
Ti - pisr* tacast . a wsr p.m.
• a» :e ■ z «j«t lie * .
**'**’ Fat urr - H .i.wa railed
- H — ix* ■ x.* 1 g. ■.. l
cad ’> -it ■ -. rue. tt.e b*!x iie
Tbr muni.- -at- Iw b*.v*t
Along R. R. No- 2.
Hender-on s and Arnett's of the
»- -t side and ('. II. Bam*-s and M
Leotfro* s \i-ited > Fuss' near
A ustin, last Sunday.
II. v\. Bn-duck and family spent
~unday at Fred J tiinsunV
Mr. and Mrs. S McFadden spent
' .relay afternoon at the home of
Th >:ua» M I adden.
Mr. and Mr-. Henry idoodwin and
famii;.. and Harold and Kiwin I*ad
dow spent Sunday at Fred Ioddowr's.
Mr and Mr- Jas. McBeth and
liMiiiy attended tiie Faster program
at Loup < iti Sunday.
Lulu Brothe k and Hazel McFadden
-pent Thursday evening at J. A.
Mr-. I.. >*-<*tt and two children
-p.nt Friday witii Mrs. S. McFadden.
Ms—feci; hoodwinis working at
Tom McFadden's.
Mi— Maggie McFadden visited her
sister Lu a s school last Friday.
For the Cemetery
To lot ..*ncrs and all person- in
-re»ted in Evergreen cemetery. Loup
ity. Neb..: You are requested to
■set th< a die- of li,c fnityCluhat
- • n-ty dull. Saturday, March nth,
at 3:13 p in.
Mu- A. If. Hansel. Pres.
Mr». \. B. Oi THorsK, Sec.
Baptist Bulletin
M iming service. 10:30 o'clock: Sun
day -<'h'sjl. Huso o'clock:Junior l'nion
; <« o'clock: B. Y. P. U., 7:00 o'clock,
evening service. H-M: prayer meeting:
Thur-dar • •■‘■ning. 8 o'clock. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all.
J. James, Pastor.
Additional Locals
While doing some heavy lifting at
the farm last Saturday. Vic Swanson
wrenched his back severely, render
ing him liors du combat for a season. .
It is to be hoped he has not injured
liinise f materially.
Attorney It. J. Nightingale, accom
panied b> *»eo. Peterson. went to |
Hastings Tuesday, and returned yes
terday noon, accompanied by Mr. Wm
Sharp. who is much improved in
health. They speak very highly of
ti e ' Octal* at the asylum, who do!
every tiling possible to assist in better
ing t * e condition of patients, and
wiiose success is plienomenal along
tlieir lines of treatment.
Bv invitation of Mrs. C. C. Out
h use - ne twenty-live young ladies
met at .lenner's 1‘ark last Friday
evening, in honor of her nieces. Miss
Meroe and Miss Emma *»uthouse.
-V very enjoyable time was had. and
last. but not least, a sumptuous
picnic supper was served. The out
of-town guests were Mrs. Inez Lewin
of Arcadia. Misses Maude Miller and
Carolyn Wellerseik of Lincoln.
Mr. M. C. Brown, the gentlemanly
manager of the big sales week at
( >nhiser's left Monday afternoon for
his home at Perry, * >kl. Mr. Brown
was formerly a prominent merchant
in Hinggold county. Iowa, and knows
about everybody in that country that
this editor does, and we had many a
pleasant conversation of reminiscenses
with him. Mr. Brown is a versatile
and engaging salesman and made a
big bunch of friends while here.
Mrs. Han-el and members of the
Cnity Club wish to thank everyone
who so generou-lj contributed to the
Cemetery Fund. The debts have been
t*aid in fall, and just as soon as pos- i
^■ibie a fence will be put up and other
improvements made. It is impos
sible^ to see everyone, and anyone
desiring to help, please leave jour
contribution at either bank.
March 29th. 1910.
Mas. A. B. OrnioisK. Sec.
We rtsei-. e<i a cali Monday from
Mr. Fred Johnson, the good friend
who suffered such a severe ios- by
tire last week Wednesday. Mr. John-,
son had only #200 insurance, which
will leave him a net loss of several ;
times that amount. A subscription
paper circulated after the lire by
< barity Snyder wa- generously signed
by the people of his neighborhood •
and citizens of Loup City, which will
help Mr. Johnson very materially to
get started again. For this generous
response on the pare of the good
people and the strenuous work of the
many at the tire to save the property,
Mr. Johnson requests the Northwest
ern to tender the heartfelt thanks of |
himself and family, and make it
strong, too. said Mr. Johnson. The
Northwestern, with all our people:
sympathize deeply with Mr. Johnson
over his loss and trust such mis
fortune may ever pass him bv in the 1
The Ravenna Creamery Co., con
tinues to expand and improve. In
addition to adding a dressed poultry
department to the business they are
now arranging to establish a' dis- i
tributing house in Spokane. Wash..
M r. C. A. Clark now being absent on •
business connected with that enter
prise. They are arranging for cold
storage accommodations in that city
and will slap butter in car lots from
their various factories to that point,
from whence it will be distributed to;
dealers throughout that territory.!
This work will be in charge of Mr.
F. 11. Riser, formerly Union Pacific
station agent at Loup City, and a
man who is very competent to
handle the business. The Ravenna
Creamer* Co's western business has
been increasing very rapidly, in re- i
I cent years, and lias now reached
suah volume and importance that
they can no longer afford to ship in
less than car lots. The companv
has recently employed two expert
pasteurizers, and the entire output
of the Ravenna and Ord plants will
be paseurized hereafter. Later on it
is likely that the Loup City plant
will also be equipped with*a pas-,
teurizing plant.—Ravenna News.
Clifford Rein came home from the
State I'niversity law school last
Wednesday evening for the Easter
holidays, returning Tuesday morning.
Rev. Strohl. the energetic T'nited
Brethren minister of Litchfield, was
in this city Monday soliciting sub
scriptions for the new C. B. church
to be erected near the cemeterv some
four miles north of Litchfield. He
was very successful and received a
handsome total from our generous
citizens. The brethren contemplate
erecting an house of worship,
and 1 ave already began the excava
tion for the building, which will be
pushed rapidly to completion.
We have just received
a big line of ladies' mus
lin underwear, direct
from the manufacturers,
whereby we can save
you the middle man's
profit. Call and see these
goods before they are ail
Corset Covers. 20c to si.50
Muslin Drawers. 40c to 62.00
Muslin Skirts. 50c to S3.50
Combination Suit. 50c to S3.50
Muslin Nightgown. 40c--$3.00
Ladies' Capes
The lates* wrap out. We
have a swell line: all colors.
Price, $5.50 to $12.50
■■a portrait of hun, or he
one of her, we make them- -the
kind that pleases.
Hotica or Huriu qe Fiul accocii di
lathe C<*nnty Court * Sherman ointy. Ne
In the n atter of the r^iiit** of Jacob Benson.
State of Nebraska /
> Ss
Sherman County I
To ail persons interested in the estate of Jacob
Beeson, deceased:
You are h* r* r>y &oti.Vd that on the _tth day
of March. \'J. Myers Ken son. administrator
*»f the estate of Jacob Henson, deceased filed
in said court h‘.s fluai account as saul ad
ministrator and his petition for the allowance
cf said account, and a!>o for a decree of dis
tributicn of the re-.due of said estate non in
b.s pos-evsiion and that a hearing will be ha 1
upon said account and petition at the county
«• urt ro»*m in Loup City. Nebraska on Tors
day the -jrtth day of April. 1110 at one ocl * k
in the afternoon of said dav: and you are re
quired to appe ar and show cause why said j
account should not t>e allowed. and distriou
non of said residue t»e made according to the
prayer of sa:*i petito n It ;s hereby ordered
tifat Nai l acini ci-drator give notice t*» ail
persons interested in amid estate by causing a
c py of tniN order t ue pub'..-he : t..e L»r|>
City North we Nt«-rn. a legal newspaper printed
and of genera, circulation in said couutr for
three successive weekN prior to sa*i day of
Dated this ilth day « r March 191
[skaL] E. A Suith County Judge.
(Last pub Apr:* -11
Notice is hereby ten that by virtue of an
order of sale to me dire* u l Iroro ;hc Oi-trict
Court of Sherman county Nebra-ka. upon a
decree of foreclosure rendered in -;%:d court
on the Hlh day of N »vember. 29V. in an
action wherein the County of Sherman, of the
Slate of Nebraska, was plaintiff and Stephen
Nutter and -Nutter, hi- wife, whose Inl
and full name is unknown. Edwin G Ka-tman.
sole trustee of the estate of Hiram Barker,
decea-ed Clara Barker Hiram H Barker.
- Barker, hi* wife, tir-l name unknown
Mathew Januiewicz, C. C Outhou-e and
Frances Outhouse. w;f* of C. C. Outhouse.
Robert P. Starr and Blanche Starr, wife
of Robert P. Starr. Lots I. i S. f 5. 6. 7.
a. 9. H». 11. Iff in Block ff Barker.« First
Addition to Loup City. Nebraska. Robert
Young and Ethel Young, his wife. Henry Clay
Young. Burch M Young, sole heirs of John M.
Young, deceased, and Lots 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 in
Block 7 in the Original Town of Loup City.
Sebraska were defendant^ I hare levied
upon the following described tract of real
estate, to wit:
Lots 7. 8. 9.T10 11. Iff in Block ff
n Barker s First Addition to Loup City. Ve
braska. and I will on the 3th day of April. 19K*.
at ff o'clock p. m. of said day. at the south door I
of the court house in Loup City. Sherman
county, Nebraska. offer for sale and sell said
tract at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash to satisfy the amount of Sff®* with
interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from the 30th day of November is**
and costs of action and accruing costs, which
amount was adjudgen to be due the nlaintiff
above named and to be a lien upon the above
described tract of real estate.
I have further levied upon the following
described tract of real estate, to-wit:
Lots 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 in Block 7 in the Origin- \
al Town of Loup Cite. Nebraska and I will on
the *th day of April. 1910. at ff o'clock p m. of
said day. at the south door of the court nouse
in Loup City. Sherman county. Nebraska, offer
for sale and sell said tract at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the
amount of t9iff.5u. with interest at «the rate of
ten per cent per annum from the 30th day of ‘
November, IV** and costs of action and ac
cruing costs, which amount was adjudged to be i
doe the plaintiff above named and to be a lien
upon the above latter described tract of real
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 10th dav
of March, 1910. L. A Williams.
Sheriff of Sherman county. Nebraska.
R- H. Mathew, plaintiff's attorney.
[Last pub. April 7]
Our Samples are now on the Floor. We have several new tools to show
you this season. It will be worth your while to to spend time in looking
them over.
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to
locate a road "commencing at road
No. 2o6. where said road crosses tlie
township line between Logan and
(Loup City townships, on the south
line of Section 3o. Tow nship 16, Range
■ 15. and running thence west on said
i township line to the right-of-way of
the C. R. & y. R. R.. thence in a
: northwesterly direction along the
north side of right-of-way through
Section 35, Township 16. Range 15.
to the west line of the east half
Section 35. Township 16. Range 15.
and there terminating." lias reported
in favor of the establishment thereof
and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be tilt'd in the
county clerk's office of Sherman coun
; ty. on. or before, neon of the 10th
day of May. L<lo. or said road will lie
: established with - it reference there
County Clerk.
[Last pub. March 31]
' To ail whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to
locate a road, "commencing at the
section corner on the north side of
Sections seven 7) and eight- (8) in
Township fourteen (ID. north of
Range sixteen 1>. west, in said Sher
man county and running thence
south lietween Sections 7 and 8:
lv* and 2«t. to a point south of the
C. B. & y R. R.. to where it inter
sects with road No. 103 and terminat
ing at said road No. 103. lie estal>
lislied." lias reported in favor of the
establishment thereof, and all objec
tions thereto or claims for damages
must be tiled in the county clerk’s
office on or liefore noon of the 10th
day of May. loio. or such road will be
established without reference there
to. YV. C. Dieterichs.
County Clerk.
[Last pub. March 31}
Notice is hereby given that bids
will lie received at the office of the
County Clerk of Sherman county.
Nebraska, on or liefore noon of tlie
loth day of April, 1910. for the letting
of a yearly contract for the building
of wood and steel bridges, as per
plans and specifications adopted by
the County Roard of Supervisors of
Sherman county. Nebraska, on the
bth day of March, 1909. as the same
are on tile in the office of the county
clerk. All bids must lie accom
panied by a certified check of MiKROO.
The Itoard reserves the right to reject
anv or all bids.
Witness my land and the seal of
said county hereto affixed this 8th
day of March. 1910.
[seal YY\ C. Dieterichs,
County Clerk.
[Last pub. March 31]
Notice is hereby given that the rental upon
least- contracts on school land' described
b«-krw and set oppoxite the name of the holder
thereof ' delir «;ueat for a period of 6 months
or more and if th** amount now due is not pah!
within **tlavx from the date of this notice
' . 1 contracts will b - dec;*red forfeited by
th- B -ani of Edantl n:»! Laads and K
a: ; 1 ‘••r'-' tura enter- *1 *-f record ax pr* -
Tided * law
Lease St*:-* Sec. 16 T IV K 1* Austin Pick
rei. Sherman county
Lease VBh Sev. 3r‘ T la U l«V Jacob J j
Kfippenstela. >h»-rman county.
Dated March l*. 19!©
Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings. i
(Last pub. April 71
la tie County Court of Sherman County. Xe-!
In the matter of the estate of Dorothy W^:r. j
State of Xebraxka j
Sherman County ' The State of Nebraska:
I. JR. A. Smith. County Judge of said county,
hereby notify ali persons having claims and
demands against the estate of the said Dorothy
Wolf deceased. that I have set and appointed j
the following days for the reception, exami- j
nat.on and adjustment of said claims and
demands at the county court room in Loup <
City. Nebraska towit: June 13th 19:0. and?
October. IStta. 1910. at the hour of eleven o'clock }
of each dav in the forenoon, and all persons
interested in said estate will appear at said ?
time and place, and present their said claims |
and d-mands. and in case any of 'aid claims I
are not presented by October 12th. 1910. the t
same shall be forever barred.
Glvrn under mv hand an*: the seal of said
county court thix *th day of Mtuvh. 1910.
mal* E. A Smith. County Judge.
TT.ast pub March 31]
Brokers and Dealers in
Brain. P.rnvisiuns and
Private Wires.. Largest House
West of Chicago
50 Fifty Offices in Nebraska 50
Phone 14, St. Paul, N’ebr.
Low Rates
to the
In effect daily from
March I to April 15,1910
“The Safe Road to Travel"
Dustless, perfect track—electric block signals--dining ca
meaU and service “Best in the World.*’
For rates and other information call on or address your Local A sent
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of buildiug material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 12c to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock.
LEININ6ER LUMBER, CO., Loup City, Neb.
I sell the leading makes of Farm Machinery.
Buggies, Wrgons, etc. Call and see what I
have to show you.