I - St s Automobiles to Support His Young Brsde. «■ ***• t Jip'ivj and Aro«i.>j !>• a* Fa »'»*' O taujit Hia “Pad'*'* e jntu 9 Sil r*; ,>r ' * *hv. R ( it Ra*V> as W ■» U: ;..-r t' Ki-V.jk ts y*4* t4 I »■****■ k.i*4 uI »;_« tk«i -...ayK- kU * k ■ >1-'. *«t ikv d:\at .-t an>»)■* in k X •» 4 RW-vn* Vat JK 4 kuu m> '.**• I v. . -i, »<.u»\v -'-4 -H\ yu\ *'-• • V‘ t .VvU |iy.". ,.u* u» RtvaV *fc%* f'a4V’* vkVXk'-V V» - * t 4 V-V>V4 J* ..UVi\ IVi Mat Vi*- >i-y.\ k\*Rs v4 Vkk» : v ^ k > Wa Syyk ay*%v Rs-vm ».Rv<*4 K 4 **4 vav y -- -4 tc.*. ~ ."U„\ yy*'■ -*4 - n ^W.-\ y'-tV V -.K-. R « * W. -** ifk* Vy»>*k at» v*akV4 RV R V F • W* * •, 4- *y .»*• nav4 VR-j Ry A**4*1 V»« wOm k' • ~y4 kJ-*sR\ ky\ vys > ay* %k>* >\ *yR R .a yy* SW) k- * ‘-V kaVk »e ih'k kWkkk vR ^ 'V ^ fr. -.*. . 4 Vk. RK.y V1 -y* Y*~ »*•#* V * Vk-I • V‘ Vrotarms* ► % <•%■■• 4% tkt» >«**M k ♦>'* r*k .R •t ’ aWwnsK-ivrt »km* Fr* v - v »'%*->' »■ »" mRR R “Vra kkn 4k#k V k$i>‘ -T-aR Vysk '♦**>' ****•• f* kMMk*-** kak -V*' ## *f ***»■ <4f \k I* Rf-»yc mpR tin* knifRlkm'k rliray . - ■ y* Jt- » ran T% ■ * **fN ‘**-4 M*r v>k* *#•«♦#» Ik-., FR»rn m'Vi-yp# a kRwm *.* "k*1 *>*• V * K « c n* «Wi a-.. ■ ■" ■ ■■••« H* Tni «'»■'<* M»n M t>■«.»■ rmvkiknan. y V *■* *•• <1 For kti » ■-* V’.'"'.:®* Kks'^> M»*t» '• rr a':-*' *s* »1*. tr»afcv Rnol nc4 R I' *»v tr- -'vv.»;-V that tfe.- «rv I VMM yyn'- ■-* mm> y ami R* keMn «■>;' B -%*i* i*» dter* tR*5 ikM ikray 4KK.V1. ~ nv^» .as ».. iRims *?. a »r.I*>T3ia»t> * *nu**J» Km imk Vt>. . ?* JVy««'7T!>>**r '* ^ *Mt tk*? W*m y«car"« <«rtjr a IP- jrp’ C. K*'©a_ Jr. ~t- •>«> i* tte:- - :«®-- »w a I-!”- ;_•>«*-»»— is •: • - —»r--t. r. u raws* **» -fc tr pdass. * as :o aval: « —«ta fttt’ ' -v—;atc «# u* M - Kpjbl »r. is ia^T >. s«e 21 as 'i a 1 ter fttesds -ay *-te watt'-aMf at at • pn-terr® - "ram up barte«r c r. «ysart«r*. , «a*- 4r * er**-te4 Tr SC Kras a»f *t — -**» Ms - »®r® ®f*«* set* • .-wc-Tter. aiK* -* assrrs^* t® j«n:< of is -w ‘te yarns tsja tsasr-air tsc t*® a ®c **■!>« »4*ci te eni roe staa* > It- j®*- V;*' ?V*r efts vS 2 .»**» ate cate*, ate sA* Bsdacte t® tAa: ste *as *w®*y is 3.'*® • t i fcts Xarracasan •• Iter tso i *a-s Awtaxt I* act ssaMIr a as c®*t L»«* O'** Has. 1 i apt1*1 r a> tfcar r*er®a aia *tand ap fctr fob BR® <®» i* »* aam Ar itery frfced. •At tacted joat atect tte* may.* r® r seaaiiir SsorCbaia. * a tat ttey caw %m ft tte ate ta sty tnjr ~ £te**=»*I *©r Mi® T«s tte pmrtm'w spy* a® na a!] i ** few 2S e»*t* a day Ry c ■ alta Ha* tte protestor trtaf ST” X-c.j a,: Hjs tteatcR j* loc deU -»■* a csp£ tairj food ~ NEBRASKA HAPPENINGS. State News ami Notes :n Condensed Form, U' '«* U' :n*T> ,lvl»g v: Tfc* N^'ih i THv fU';:U0 \\> utry v'v*H ha> t*v, > , -V, v v <\{ tr*mr f#vns a, tl*» n^tastri*! **|*v ' • V . \ '• ■i .latSc* ;> try.-*. to W«f T* i'v. of Vr • , lire - it ti»ay deliver own r, c : *d " • i 4 at a wetscc ***,- titee ace •>-; the ... bv> «o5‘ a half-sec vi. of laad to IX Grot hen *.v Mi This :s «*» «f the ato« j.< it‘» real . .f. ■- r-for* over to tvrded is Ad r - . x.r.tj a eaatr fr « . -a for the heartec the (r serif: joe "Of Have We Glvoa The ~ am* t :.da> fr.v S .rv v .: :.* .tv s Catholic charrh a; On aha.. t :l £ ' - ' • ■ V '1 a a* . -v»*x .. r.v v.-ar -«e\te*ce is •*.• j-r ret-tiA-v * vr * r.Setthrr f -td? of the —t.v • of the late He lea Han a*. Ur aka. died <> :*| hold fever. The * i-r.'-rrtb aaa l •<■?< vs -• 31 *ad A--51 1 Maav . pooaaiaoat cdacatnr* of the *•*•• » . appear Froe ... to '- • V r-e'.s of ee tarn. cfHl to 3*m or if-".* carloads, was ctt'T ic iarrr’u last year, ac « r-3'-.c •-* »s ■ estijaate of a flrta »'• r bar,-x- -aati • • > of that art .-Jo. ;**-• -v*4i'» of th- r.-va.pa.ryV ropoeed x*< rsrhaa sec-ic Jiao eocaectitt? Laacuia a -h Adhen The # -a* -r. . r«t ; a: Wa^h ;tx «. pi-oas a ::r.ce- and a ttaaor's .. . r a- ‘jTie l* o>t pv* axyh.- »oa!d bke to acpfc i» the oftaV.ishawat. Civil -e eva-.JT.a'i.for the t» ' tCac*"* aria hr hold ok Mart"!; io at Uaaate (M s. Or ad 1 stead \ - bb.s North ilatT ' datraxed l -. . tb.a' baked rice a f- « day* at *.re a A -rrs ard dry Wh.le * -ere x-e * » . S, Id* c md a heat. :i v-tsm-taNiy he tVaad s.wva M enara*. TT.tt sr-oa th.- «d gro;;tvd ba* -rai-x-a’ly aH p-->ts killed fliww day* ago of PalEijrs aas V; if- th, hand* Sy j pet aaatrre! rf o«e ,*f the n>-o Vf. of the fit The *qa- tvl -,-d *a daeerly :aa- it* h>ad *-.-.* ~. at to ; the fan tear last irate far exaatieattea. aad oa rvx-eiv as b-,r rv par. Mr* ?■-*- »e»t •< np, 1-) r-.-v;. their T-. . . . r.d ,t**' e. peoaoat- who f* are i rj > ie* that hate joee To «Tiica*o atf.a the past fear. A; a IcarfcMB o' directors cf the K -araev coasaicrt":al club a •*» of three was a;- '.r.:ed to sead a resotaiio* -,x.h: to tie oc- ad-, tc«i bt the Thai In dak protest ia* *iu: ■ fa !r «h* rat* - ob * - -»d treats sa.us d west of Oma ha. The ««caci:-*e »i* astru* ted at owe M rd.r; a c©;> cf *ie -**«!*:*•* ;o ;fc* coaunetvtal Has •t Or ..hi ..' d io : -• .-a -«d head V-arter- 1 _*• ccata trtee on the loca — e of sea BfatiDi > a as instructed '< d. oti~ .a s* .• r.u the fish - *- : >-' :-- ;..>: bee® ap|«rci«t£ted. The Bea.er < ;ty <'rn.stiaxt chcrch tut £t« .'rota the t*- 4it^ hufc-.cg s* -tea Ar star* was turn-, d in, bat be';re the srriral of the Sr* depart Jt—st. the £a*es had beta Etnosherei. 9««sl w«re in the cfcrrth at the •:=-* Had the : fee; oceaired dar rt tervio- ice results would have bee* ser .ots. A can. e;stive ei*r tiller to select ; rand:dates for ad rustic® to the I'tii'ed Stas* - cat a! a adenj wffl be held t StJtS ?>. a: the office of the cicil J WTire ctssanosioa ic the pa toffee. 5IIIES DIVORCE FETE John Jacob Astor, Freed, Spends $25,000 on Friends. Volt Millionaire Follow* Smart Set Custom of C**et>ratin9 Severance o* Marital T»o* in a lavish Manner. N w \ I'Li smart thin* to ta ‘V. .lUv •*Lvii you $,» « Ulvorco Ut so wMr.tVe w ill a yliunor. vhvatox >l!wvr. yi\o |MVsrvis to your '■ ' **"» auJ :> voa at- a muHi unlltou V'v v, v l »:-• uk‘ * on thv \uwttaku h VW . • - o Vt you i-yu't, *m'U4 X ' ■ -0 V .. t '.o x>t lyyo Ills V v' ’• - \vVyxl yyl :* myM'lV ~* ■ *. IVI s m yVk, yV.y t Ny. yyxJh ^■'X'h tuVvhNi H a ... .... ivvi-.u fc,vt y.ol yuonox •*■ v v -H ■ AU'X y ■ *'■ yyVsy Vsu - v ■ v -Vi y \V , u a y*v.vU V- Vwv ItyuaVi "V - -aoi-uy xaVX AyUl v A-'S’-v V- A •+ •-** AA V' A- h 'r*V» ov V. yv-yu.'4, V a°i y AXA'srV—u- .yy vvy v\v vJr VX* *HYi w* VA VXv , -s', t.-v"st yxvA -yA1i y.\ StWt X r-fysV A", ' ,-aXWv A ."S lrsss.-v.xj yVy. iffsA wX J ..•'•••«' v W ;tX A r-VVVy fcsv ’ VN> Yx^ rS 't -tv 1>t *v xv,-r»' Vw V>,^r ^ v'Y "»’k'**» *vv ta ' X^txVr V.v'- V;X* ^ ■ ' " ■t or v Yvixs wr. ■ - - v -y. .w vvr«.'« ' - . ' . Vast ' W' \s: >r ,v* t stiv v^-'TtR rn-o'vt 'chA'Vrstt'M At to-rf. >n Y here X.sxv h. on *v\s'-a| I ■ \. „ • • v T’-.o isNi- >'\, •••r* was rrath * trattwr ■ 1 ' '.' TV. rv WviY :-A \ 1,' * *w,.s an n ;i. a iTtor ;sf rv, huvrs atirt tho l*..o rt»J . ,'ST J-V .N :. ;U j Thw <>' .’T, k s j-N'.'.s'ir. I'AobaMy <»at - 'T> th. n 5;;>.,AW* was a tr.orv i»,t' 1 ! v r? • :to hcAs,- was at thr stisfavsr.; •* t!’ * >sts who wat'iirrwii at w i hrs'iich tto ,svrsor\»t,'y, rho art ftal ' 'y. Tor hrvv.,4 hallways and corridors, w :, r- at *< s lunch was waitiRjj at , s i ry N»r.J, ard in which Threw .rcK.V rb« tr open haw greeted more than pi-sis, but ISO appears la be the. tu« cumber It wa> net until about midnight tbas the guests began to gasp with astonishment. Then the cotillon be car a-d the fax ,-rs appeared The mo>: . f Those were the French parrscls presented to the women T1 ey had been made to order and w.-re hard carved upon the finest »xf » - .S » th. long handies and xxf silk of ex» ry color Guests cover estimate the cost of s -u • ■ o,« l",t a f*'w outsiders val x i The • ,v.'sx>Js at $50 each !'■ 'tli r. x- and xxomen were providexl wit: j r padx-i r ribbon scarfs and sasves fr.rg.-d w.th gt'ld and silver, ra as quickly as they were around about thx shx'ulder* of The dancers thx 5 .ntxXxvjn became a kaixddosx-ope of ex xr at $15 per color Grass In "is were among th.e favors c-'eo The mer and they were kept t-rrs merrily so that at times the - riras hail difficulty in letting it v- known that they stili were at w.rk The Gardenia boutonnieres ii.vr U. -t x-n were artificial, but they wxtv p ifur. - d in a manner to put ca t\~. to tl> tx'st To kx'ep even. The rx-cior.. mirrors that were r, . - : tie fax rs for thx' women were w. •• •• i ' -g: th.e handles of sat Jrvxx.d arb with T5 of them flashing 1 u i. t’» ; is of thx' bailrxMRi from n-t.s H,ex provided a figure of carding brilliancy if th re w.re r.-.en present who never s- ke<: a pipe they must have h»~ ti Ter. pTed by thx' splendid combi Txatioa txf briar, cold and amber pre :ed T them, w-th god matchboxes and a s_T ^ashiight in complete the utfit. Thx-se who insist upon troth 's hut cigars were delighted with a cove', gilt cigar lighter Or» of t: > last lituM provided the men with hrorte desk rulers and pa per weights as a possible reminder that there might be work to do at some future time, while at the same Time th- women received bridge scones as a possible reminder that »hey cannot win ail the time Supper Time found ail the large Tables used for dinner gone and in 'he:r stead were dozens of little tete a-tete tables scattered about the car moors w;tb waiters ready to inform c.tests that a breakfast would be served iater. if desired. Mark’s Little Date. Teacher—Now. Willie, tell us one of the principal events in Roman his tory, and mention the date Willie—Mark Anthony went to Egy; ’ 'cos ho had a date with Cleo patra —Harper's Bazar. ——————— On the Kerosene Circuit. “I understand this town has had seven society dramas since Christ mas.” , “I judged as much. I notice the property man talks only in epigrams ” —Pittsburg Post. ux Jimes C*ord op ot wiss.ssjppt. - SPEECH JS UNIQUE Senator Gordon Makes Striking Address on Leaving Senate. Ts v» ct W ar Record a«oatrt. which wu* checked oxer with ufferont object*, some of them good tod some of them had tine of these dvjvct* w.v» the capital of the I'nlted Vute* and his mother had told him, 'e said, that if he would he good and would live a correct life, he might soma day hope to »H tn the seat of he big man who was pictured there. She never told me a He. and l 'vticw that what she »atd wa» true t View that 1 would some day occupy the scat of that big man and tlod V'ptng me i got there yv»terda\.'' w vi ring tv' the tact that for a time ha ad occupied the scat of the p: cans ng v'iilcer K'vfvrrmg to the fact that he had con a confederate eoldtor. vVl vK', ■K-n ->atd "I tought and hlevt. hut l : cn't dv. however, t skedaddled He lix ’ Ho then b»Vd of » 'Sue of h'a evnV u a til. w-o uud bow ho had yopiyisd •« nnv Vn-es dH-ng pho vou,fvdv*e o -*iu w*vhy.n^ VvV'iiai h m. ^ aa d, ''d ws.;-vVyi Hyy hhWn yud xM> V-w -v ■■■■ a mov VVvx wm-o a’way-* . vd -V -O Vv - V» d *0 '-VV 1 ' v YvutVv. Vy, v d hv- w yuVy-d \W Y’V.y-u %- l| kv-V-Uf '-Wy,v'» •yv.«lyd. W-yUf •H v^ YYv- \ 'V¥tv*A ^YaKa hvrhYv* Yc- W-vn- ■ V-w aVV-v \ ‘VW s *v - • -s.-d -■•■yv Vyw ^V;Y wav YaX 'feY*vtv*Y>v, • WhatA. ’•%«& voV ate YM V.O-X YhvA a1;** rt YyyiYX vaxt-rh* -AYvcViVya vpon •• V^v-w* h Y’nYrto to trYira ef Yvth •he YotVh Kith so;:’tY, \V» Hhortfon *aY4 Yea n sv o writ Yry Ye stoita the Ye«gY;* of heaVria and p'nvk the cl.atohnl i'rvSrr. .Vhovgh'h 'prv’Mt. as Ye •akv aw »y from v/hot- of them the « %y of ihe m'O’rds of the two rr.on who vr.vO crcVr t>, t'vc at Xppemftt* v \ and YtV'.vM the war Yo a e'ost This is the t - i>t hod\ of rmaa that t ever associated w ih,” he ev>r '“cod. -• <\at ng of the senate tteeU. and he Yearned upon his eolfeagnee. USEFULNESS OF 200 SIREN t Can* Keepers bp geseu* M*rgve-to. Vitrgima Cop r, «k« TnM t« dpir> Elk*. NV* York —The Mg siren which was lately installed in the ttronx roo •o signal the keeper* the escape ot any animal from its enclosure had u* Srst tryout the ether afternoon Kvcr ers ran from all direct tons to f.rd out what was the trouble. Marguerite, ere of the Virginia deer, had escaped them her yard and taken with her her •awn, new a sturdy youngster of some six months. The chain fastenings on her gate had been left loose and Map guerite in investigating it found the way to freedom suddenly opened. t>ho found her way into the elk in closure 1st ore the keepers got trace ot her. When they found her the big sly elk. Stanley, was making great efforts to break down the ndi vidual petting which his temper had earned for hltn tn order to oust the interloper from his herd When they made their rounds next morning the keepers found that a gray fox. sent to them about a week ago from the northern part of the state, was dead He had been put in a run way in which were several female foxes and a few young ones, all of which owed allegiance to an old dog fox. Evidently the old fellow resented the intrusion, to the torn-up ground and teeth marks on the throat of the newcomer showed that he had been k'tled in a tight projection* Then he broke through a window and emerged outside the car. which listed sutticieatly to allow him to get up between the tee and ear. Mounting the roof he smashed the fanlight and screen with his bare fist* Then he reached down, seised Alphonse Reisol. six years old. of Sxull Ste Marie and hauled him out by the hair Next he rescued Magistrate Rrodte of Sudbury, who was small enough to be pulled through The others were too targe, so Reynold* tore *\*t a part of the roofing around the light opening. Through this ragged hole he pulled six more to safety until, h mselt. bruise*! and bleeding, he saved all in the car. If Conductor Reynolds had not thought quickly and acted almost as quickly the wreck would have claimed eight mere (Ives than it did. Seaitews Teeth in Slumber. Glass boro. N J—Something dis turbed the slumbers of John Martin of Aura Awaking fully he discovered that he had neglected to remove his teeth before retiring and they had slipped down his ih \*at. He deter min*d that the teetn had no business > such a place. He hastened to a physician of this place, who gave him some medicine. About four hours later the teeth re turned over the path they had taken m the slipping process, and Marttn ww uone the worse for the experience. Build Railways in America Well Known English Electric Expert to Visit United States and Phil ippine Islands London—“Well. l am quite at lib erty to talk." said Sir CUftoa Robin sen. the well-known electric traction expert, the other day, when asked if he intended to build a system of elec trie lines in the Philippines. “You know. I am a keen traveler. and 1 stall go around the world again 1 went two years ago. but left the Phil ippiaes out of my itinerary it is my intention to take in the islands this time My wife and son are going with me and we expect to en*>y It thoroughly “U may be that I shall transact some business, but I am not traveling wholly tn the interest of Sir Edgar Speyer I have several commissions lrom Rritish capitalists anxious to find fair investments. You know. | think, that much electric traction work re tuaitis to te done in America Amen cans e&d the world la this line, but they have not exhausted the possibili ties of the business and I am looking forward with the keenest interest to «hat may be done there I *xpeet to \-sit Chicago ami several other cities. "Great Britain has become a poor place in which to invest Kvery form oi public transportation in the county of l.oodon is losing money. In the sense of not making enough to give a profitable return on the investment, and some are losing cucight The whole field is unattractive We have struggled here for years and have wit nessed marvelous developments, but me best of the game is played out I am going where there is still 'some -tfcing doing.'" Good Jumper. She—I'm such a timid little thing, you know; 1 jump at the slightest thing He—Yes; you'd jump at a proposal wouldn't you' 'DOG FEEDS IMPRISONED HOG Canine Carries Com to Animal Wedged Under Feeding Platform for Two Months. 1 Madison. VVis.— The mysterlnus dis appearance of a Dane county hog. the h^ss of which, in view of a price of more than nine dollars a hundred for pork, has been the cause of lamenta tions on the part of its owner, was ex plained the other day when the pork er. worn to a skeleton, was found wedged beneath Its feeding platform j U weighed only f>0 pounds. Speculation was rife as to what had kept the animal alive the two long winter months it was a prisoner. Then Mrs. Blsnchar recalled seeing a puppy with an ear of coir In Its irouth on several occasions going under the platform It is now thought certain the hop was kept alive by the food thus pre vided Money will buy anything—excep hapflcess; It will enable you to gr anywhere except to heaven. »mm Peggar—Kind lady. nenl \y*« help a |»or wan avt> out at d. tarn vs' Kind l-edy- V."» wjw \\v» tw re out at the krves? lkmi-WqMiy cr ynayfic ter aork. ndt'am. FOR THE SKIN AND SCALP !Vv»hw of Ra de’teanv e-wKd'.ient, sanative. antiseptlr property* derived ftvw {Vtteurn Ointment, atth the purest of doansiatg ingredient* and most refreshing of «e»x>r odors* Cutlcum Sonp is unrivaled Nv preeorv tryt, purlf* ins and beautifying the skin, sx'atix hair and bands* a**!, ass sistod by Outkum Ointment. fur dim reHirg itching. irritation and lu fammatioa and preventing vhjggtng of the perx-s, the cause of many dlshg iirtrg facial eruptions. *\ll who de light tn a ck-ar skin, sof*. a bits bards, a clean, n-holesorce scalp and live* glossy balr. a ill «ud that Outtcura Soap and Cuttcum Ointment reals;* cwry expectation Cutkxvm U«ntr dies are sold throughout the world Fitter Prog « Cbeta CVrp, solo prw prieters, Poston. Mass Send u* tbs'* for the latest CVUcura Ikvk. an aw tbority on the bost care of the skin, scalp, katr and band*. It is availed tree on request An UnpalUnt Outlook. "Again, the ungallant outlook sf some husbands co\*s* s divorotv" said exCiov, lYnuypa*ker. In a aitty aftwb dtnner speech in Philadelphia "It is anrning a hat an uagsl'ant outlook seme men hare l said one day tv* a Hacks county farmer; '• Haw you get a atfe* Hans* " 'Why. yes. lx* tell the tmk. I have,' Hans replied. b\*r the little bit the critters eat. R ain't avrth a man s a hit* to be without one'" ta Pws x rvsuvst m*v xwvx .x* »«a *«. CiW V.v*«,a X«f *>•< »*•- v SJfc*- ,\,.A bv v ulxt.Mdr Hop*' is a H*e thing, but R dwsa't always enable a man tv* dehwr tbv* goods. ^ TVU the drake yen aant » Veurw* SagV tender straight .V .agar There's a b*t of hot air used in tar balloons a d ««Hr« elecuetscsx I Irl . -..... yf ,,i;i % Turlock Irrigation District c4 T^Vyvr* *>♦ *tv‘ QT*»1S Tl'RmtJSx Hix.'Yik'Vl CU»AW> ,U l*x» N vNT WATER M r* IVs*v'!w«, AMm f'cx vV^t«k Raws IVSatw*. AifRSHx *r« -ac o*> >*♦* Ws »*x«* t!W » p«h . cp* >vs«ij W'<*» E>r 5’ Rx*V •m RTVStOC* SOAKS ss t***c vm cw A Eiulipds firm. list Lift ksamet »v IXS RASre MOTEM't rw (*•»? » »^r«x kn^mjhf Ax'*. ¥• *■«*-»» - xv. X » s>x>« V» x « »x » *■■" >* R*” ’*«a«x kxnk »Kt ' \ I 1V>( ; > ** S.X*MK* &«**A * ~ * *‘U IUK\U>«>\ Y Hi K I >\ KffiURnR>« w *'A »-.x-itwm «:\ (TWM xa •V«A. 8A «■<•> .X a > lit> K rxnwx ruxTATnw «>«n\Y v«» x«*r****xr*y«'.'»»w PITBITS^S^-H ivksyiBiMA srtfwAf ^GouchssColds