The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 24, 1910, Image 4

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exclusive' clothier
Has now opened up an exclusive stock of
Gents’ Furnishing Goods
In All the Latest and Most Approved Styles
North Main Street, Loup City
Having opened up an Exclusive Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnish
ings Store in this city. I will handle all the latest, most Up-to-Date and ap
proved styles of Clothing. Hats and Caps, and all outer and under wear, of
whatsoever description worn by Men and Boys. Call and see me and I will
fit you out from head to foot in the Nobbist Suits ever shown here.
GUS IQRENTZ, The Clothier.
Professional Cards
Aura t vd toaiek'frLi
La^Ary er
Practices in all Courts
Loup Citv, Neb.
And Bonded Abstractor.
Loup City, Nebraska
Office. Over New Bank
I'Htm*. AO Ofttre at Reuldence
Two I> E.^; of Teiephorv Cet’ral
Loup City. - Nehraska
Loup City. Nebr.
Office at Residence.
Telephone Connection
(Successor U* M. II. Meat!)
Bonded Abstracter
Locr Citt, - Nehraska.
Only set of Abstract bookstn county
Office up stair' in the ties State
Bank building.
OFFICE: E»»l 3M» 1*uI>Jr- S.1U*»«>
FIkUR', H» OM .4*»
Barred Plymouth Rock
Wild Rom Stock Farm
tm# tmiW s*»
$ %«**
I Ui« OrtWto
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I <*' kw* Vfwfc W>
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V—I «*' War I—(W%1 %-%»»'♦. ’v T%k MTS**-*
—f> —wlf%- Vt—s'-W. »'Tft i<ApTlliaN| t 1—1st Vrv'
ittagi r^r pritat# <•—-w-4 ***; rttt -art,
pal- Til a I—irai <—aira>i ii tiHig hactwn
I— a—■!.,'—■*—< nplat T<— ImM fw Hi* |—Miiyr
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ftN-kir.’ ft— t4 <"Kat«. t
Dr. Rich. t%cSSuH^t ■ “***
tmmrnt S»U Mali MB W MnM SU«i
Swanson & Lofholm
Having purchased the Drug stock of Odendahl
Bros., we will carry a full stock of
Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines
Perfomes, Candies, Cigars. Paints. Oils, Brushes, Etc.
Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes
Carefully and Accurately Compounded
Entered At the Loup Ctiv Postofllce for irans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone. - - - 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 108
J. W. IllTRLEItlH.Kd. nml rul>
Congressman Ilinshaw announces
he will not lie a candidate for re-elec
Here's a lip. The democratic par
ty in Nebraska will this year declare
f"r county option. Bryan says it
shall, and what Bryan says goes’
The liirst political gun in the com
ing congressional campaign was tired
in Massachusetts a few days since.)
displacing a Cannon republican with
a democrat. A bunch republicanism
will do well to take notice of. See?
The insurgents, with the democrats I
as allies, set a new precedent last
Saturday when they made the com
mittee on rules in the lower house of
congress elective instead of appoint
ive and eliminated the speaker as a
member of said committee, it was
a knock-out blow to C&nnonism.
By the proclamation issued by the
governor of the coming Nebraska
Conservation and State Development
( tigress to lie held at Lincoln, the
-•th and liotb of this month, we see
that Loup City lias three \ ice presi
dents of that congress. Messrs. C. C.
("arisen, John \V. Long and K. S.
Hayhurst. (>n the afternoon of the
second day, John W. Long will pre
side, the subject being " 1 welopment
of Northwestern Nebraska A t>ig
convention is looked for.
Along R. R. No 2.
\ disastrous ttryvKVumi this morn
ill*: about U K' o'clock at the farm of
Utd .h'hH' U. when hi* new torn.
0 rn crib, granary and frog shed with
theft contents. including l\o bushel.*
o! corn. hn> bu*tiel* of i>at*. h' fat
h •«:*. and mod of liw farm machin
ery were destroyed The lire leaned
the read ami destroyed tire i>arn on
tto Hugh Uadi farm TV# prairie
ead wa* *et oh hie amt some teay
burned kt wa* untv a few mrnrtHw
after the are darted tikk the hdh
were weed with neifthham eorrm to
toy time to ttreat ttohhto. tire tear
£ ttmfw sar the tehykwme wvm vwktkwg
1 the owe mat Mr dnhhwm wa*
ma at home-, tom* at drwmt kdami
t tittle sm of tto tomtit ptorrep
wrth matches xtatted the a le
vy m toshtoa painted the he wee >ar
[hm toem thm week
d Xt tVippifa ha' a eair two weeks'
eat. to wvartd tike to wit
Winter wheat onm' to to hmi the
word oh -are talk pMnng \U the
wheat on hew gtvwmi or oh early toft
ttowine seem' to to alt eight, toit
the other m Padu hart amt
writ iaxe to to plowed «p. it pay*
to f*M plow early, »v this will stow
tVml tail to a Mend the tap riPton
-aii a? Mi" l.wfw MctTdden'v sids'il
in tto MoM often district. There wih
to a line procrswi to fore tto safe
Kveryone in the dtstrM stooM at
torn!. Tto pnseeds will go toward
toying an organ for tto settool. home
>it ami toy a good cause.
Henry Obenwitorand tJeorgePlam
!"k mei with a peculiar accident
TMoarlAy afternoon while <>n their
-»ay home front l.oup t'liy . In some
*ay a Pov oi matctos set tire to tto
soring wagon, completely destroying
'to woodwork. Ilonn ran his torsos
-evera. rods to a corn told to keep
’rom setting tto prairie on fire, and
id jud readied it wton a spark set
1 f to prairie on tire, causing all kinds
• of excitement in tlie neightorltood of
its Hunt's pact.
If the Northwestern gives you &|
a little less news matter this'week,
rejoice with us over the fact that
our merchants are using the columns
to give you bargains, which if you
take advantage of will tickle your
poclcetbook and make you far hap
pier and richer than if more space I
were given to news, and also helps us
financially to give more of our time !
to news after the rush of advertising
subsides for a season. And all this
gets us in better readiness to enlarge j
the paper in the near future, which i
we are preparing to do by printing j
more images at home, with increased!
help and enlarged facilities. Stand
up for the Northwestern and it. will
be encouraged to take an even st rong-1
er stand for Loup Oitv and Sherman
Presbyterian Bulletin
The Passion Week services are well :
attended. Please do not forget that ■
Friday night and Sunday night we
have a special program with many ,
illustrations thrown on the screen.
Next Sunday morning we will have
an Faster sermon and the celebration
of the Lord's Supper. Let us have 1
a full attendance of our membership 1
and the community generally.
Sunday evening we will have our
special Sunday school Faster music !
and a stereoptican lecture. A cordial ,
invitation is extended to everyone. 1
Thursday night, the 31st hist., is ;
the time of our annual meeting, i
Fvery society should l>e readv to 1
Novice is hereby given that the rental upon
loose contracts on school la tuts describes! '
below and set opposite the name of the holder 1
thereof, is delinquent for a period of it months
or more and if the amount now due is mu paid
within fit* days from the date of this notice
said contracts will bo declared forfeited by !
tho Hoard of Kdueattoua) Lands and‘Ruuds
and said forfeiture entered of record a- pro I '
t ided In law
L.ase SK‘| See. US T 1.V K Itt. Austin Rick
rt*l. Mum uuu countv
Lease NKV| 8*c. T KS K. Iiv, Jacob J. !
Kitppcusieiu. Shercnau couiH.v
IhfcUal March it. IUh>.
l. oimutssioucr t'ubiic Laiuls auj Huikliiurs. '
iLaai pub April ?>
We have just received {
a big line or ladles' rout ■
lin underwear, direct ;
from the manufacturers, s
whereby we can save
you the middle man's >
profit. Call and see these ,
goods before they are all
oSeS* Caver*. *V h.
Mash* Drawer*.
Mush* Skitrta. &V hx
O.vehinatie* Safo. f90e H f&.dh
Mush* CV'4£CX> ■
Ladles' Capes
The latest wrap eat. We
have a swell lire; all eolers !
Price. $5.50 to $12.50
Baptist Bulletin
Morning service, 10:30 o’clock: Sun
day school. ll:3o o’clock: Junior Union
3:00 o'clock: B. Y. P. IT., 6:30 o'clock,
evening service. 7:30: prayer meeting:
Thursday evening, 7:30. Everyone is
cordially invited.
J. James. Pastor.
We are paying 20 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery.
IIavenna Creamery Co.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of in
order of sale to me directed Ireui the Mistriet
Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, upon a
decree of foreclosure rendered in said court
on the 30th day of November. 1808, in an
action wherein the County of Sherman, of the
State of Nebraska, was plaintiff, and Stephen
Nutter and-Nutter, bis wife, whose true
and full name is unknown. Edwin l! Kastman,
sole trustee of the estate of Hiram Barker,
deceased. Clara Barker. Hiram H. Barker,
- Barker, his wife, first name unknown.
Mathew Janulewicz, C. C. Outhouse and
Frances Outhouse, wife of C. C. Outhouse
Robert H. Starr, and Blanche Starr, wife
of Robert I*. Starr, Lots 1. 2, :i. I 3. ti. T.
8, 8. 10. 11. 12 in Block 2 Barker’s First
Addition to l-oup City. Nebraska. Robert
Young and Ethel Young, his wife. Henry t"ay
Young. Burch M. Young, sole heirs or John M.
Young, deceased and Lots 13. It. 13. is it in
Block 7 in the Original Town of Loup City.
Nebraska, were defendants. 1 have levied
upon the following described tract of real
estate, to wit’
Lots 1.2.3 4. 5, S, 7. •». 9.’ 10. 11. 12 in Block 2
n Barker's First Addition to Loupt’iiv \e
braska. and I will on the sth day of Apr ! i.iio.
at 2 o’clock p. m. of said day. at the south door
of the court house in Loup City, Sherman
county. Nebraska, offer for sale am* sell -aid
tract at public auction to the highest bidder
for rash to satisfy the amount of 8209 90 with
interest thereon at the rale of 1(1 per cent per
annum from the ;;otb day of November lit.
and costs of action and accruing costs which
amount was adjudgen to lie due the ulaintitT
above named and to be alien upon the above
described tract of real estate.
I have further levied upon the follow mg
desetibed tract of real estate, to-wit
Lots 13. 11. 13. lit, 17 in Block 7 in the Origin
a! Town of Loup City. Nebraska, and 1 w ill on
the sth day ot April. 19trt. ai 2 o’clock p m of
said day. at the south door of the court nouse
in Loup City. Sherman county. Nebraska, offer
for sale and sell said tract at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the
amount of #8S2.S»>. w ith interest at .the rate of
ten per cent on- annum from the 36th day of
Novendier, 19U* ami cost- of action and ae
cruing cost-, which amount was adjudged to be
due the plaintiff above named and to b • a lien
upon the nliove latter described tract ot real
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this loth da\
of March, 1910. L. A Will jams
Sheriff of Sherman connt\. Nebraska.
R. H Mathew, plaintiff's attorney.
[Last pub. April 7[
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
State of Nebraska )
Sherman County. \
Leander Lowry. Annie Lowry. Mary E
Welch. Sidney Welch and Annie S Nave an in
competcnt person non-resident dclendants.
will take notice that on the -.•'th da\ of r ehru
ary, 1910. James M Lowry and Hattie A Low
tv. plaintiffs herein, tilevi their petition in the
District Court of Sherman County. Nebraska,
against said defendants, impleaded with
George W. Lowry. Susie M Lowry, widow of
Henry Lewis Lowry, deceased. Karl Lowry ami
Mae Lowry, minor heirs of Henry Lewis Low
rv. deceased Susie M. Lowry, guardian of the
estates of said Karl I.owry and Mae Lowry,
minor*, and Hattie A. Lowry guardian of the
c-tate of the said Annie S Nave, incompetent,
1 te object and prayer of which petition are to
obtain the judgment of suit! court continuing
t te shares ol said parties in the following de
scribed lands, to wit: The west half of the
t •rthwest quarter, and the west ha'f of the
•oulhwesl quarter, of section eight in town
s op tlfteen north of range sixteen west of
th P. M . situate in Sherman county, Nebras
ka, and also the south half of the'southeast 1
quarter of section one and the north half of
i tie northeast quarter of section twelve all in
township tlfteen north of range seventeen west
id hill t\ M Situate In Custer cottniv Nebras
ka. and adjudging that the said James M
I.owry. George W. Lowry, Annie S Nave. Marv
K. Welch and Leander Lowry have each an
undivided one-sixth share or part ih said
ands, and that the said Susie M Lowry, Karl
I.owry. minor, and Mae Lowry, minor, have
•ach an undivided one-eighteenth share or part
tt said lands, amt that partition lie made of
•aid real estate according to the respective
ights of said parties, or if the same cannot la*
quilahlv divided, that said premises may he
•old and the proceeds thereof he divided among
•aid parties according to their respective
ights. and for such other relief as equity may
You are required to answer said petition on I
»r before the eleventh day of April. 1910
Dated this first day of March. 11*10.
James M. Lowkt and Hattie a. I.owhy.
ly K. J. NtoHTisoAt.K Plaintiffs
Their Attorney
(Last pub March it>
Notice to Non-Rasident Defendants.
n the District Court in and for Sherman
County. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, j
- ss.
therman County, I
lohn Com ford
lames L. Pitot.
— Pitot, his wife, tirst and true mante un
The above-named defendants, and each of
hem. will take notice that the above-named
dalntifT tiled his petition against them tn the
ttstriel Court in and for Sherman rountv. Ne
traska. on the JSth day of February. A t>. 1910
The object and prayer of which said petition
ire to remove and dis|>cl the cloud upon the
itle and possession of the plaintiff in and to
tie following described real estate, to-wit: All
nal portion or part of the southwest quarter
>f the northwest quarter tSW q of N\V q) see
ton twentv-soven lUTt in township fourteen till
torUt, tango sixteen n>' west of thetith P. M
tot plaited into Kalrvievv Park. addition to
.itchtleld. Nebraska caused by a certain pic- ,
elided Tax Peed, and the record thereof in
he office of the County t'lerk of Sherman ,
ounty. Nebraska, in book No l\ at page Jso
if the deed records of »at>l county dated De
etnber I -'th. I'.ci, and i scouted by It \ Jack
on, the then Counts Treasurer of Sherman
ounty, Nebraska, to James 1. Pttot and to
order repose, quiet and confirm the title and
losscsslon of plaintiff, his heirs and assigns,
it and to said premises, against the claim and i
leutands of said defendants, their hens ail
Iimis 1-ators. amt assigns, and that
aid defendants, and each of them and all ts v.
ous claiming by. through, or uuder them, or!
other ol them, be perpetually emoitu'd and
orlddden from ever cv elaimitig any
UK', interest, estate or vlcmaml in aud to said
•remises, or anv |st11 thereof adverse to the
H tv aud possession of the plalntitf. his heirs
tnl assigns, and for such other, further and
iifoioiii relief as to the court uia.v seem just
•mi equitable
You are* required tv' answci said petition on
■r before the Ulh day ol April \ IV b.eo. or
he allegations thereof w ill tie taken as ttue
iud vivs'ccc tvuvlered in accordance with the
•raver thereof
lkued this Nth day v'f Kvluoiavv 19.UA
Jvvus vVKxti'Kl*. PUmtiit
H.v Ks‘»Ei(t P. Stvkk his Attorney,
tl.ast pub. March -Hi
Notice fey hereby uiven that bids
via kv1 received at- the ohev ot the
Vvmty Ovyk of Sherman county.
vck'J'aska. on or before of the
nth vtax of \tvftK inuv fey tk# KH-fints
4 % yearb cent mot toy the hohdue; i
4 wood and steel kunk^ea. a a net
■tans and soey'k N.'at eavv avkonted k\\
he Wunty Ryyyd Ok Suuey vyasvya of
.hcrxnan yvnnt.v Nekw-ysYa- on the
■iky dao >4 Van -' k vv'V as tk# ayyyve
ive nnkkke yn the e->w v4 tk#xvnnk\
•t\uX \kk kvnkv vnuat kv asssnyy-.
vanyyd kx\ a v'extRvd yknad. s4 Raw ,vv
14# nMkd V#t\<fhkk# iYfchk to ye.avt
ityv >Mr akk kudv
vkttnv'aa nxx hand and the seal of
aid oounk.x "Wrote a'Yvwk the. xth
fax of watekv. We
,vtc\k. \\ t\ khmtdx'hv
xvnnt.y vWNc.
(kjast pub. Starch $i ■
Kayk' notu v
IV .akk who# yt tear eoecetn:
,s\yte a toad. 'Yommern'ine at tV
eetan \vm oa tk# north side of
Cantons seven (V ami eiy-ht a m
iVwnship Vt#W .’C, north of
tkance sixteen , t> west, in said Shoe
nan county ami running thence
eoth between Sections 7 and St
h ami 'Y\ to a point sooth of the
R .N b R. K . to "here it inter
eots with road No. hVtami terminal
ne at said rv\xd N\v bvk V estab
(sited," has reported in favor of the
■stablishment thereof. ami all ohjeo
Sons tlxereto or claims for da maces
m*st be tiled in the county clerk's
4bce on or before noon of lire toth
la> of Mav. IhhV or such rvv»d will be
Stahl tshM without reference there*
r\Hinty Clerk.
[Ijvst pub. March 311
Our Samples are now on the Floor. We have several new tools to show
you this season. It will be worth your while to to spend time in looking
them over.
To all w hom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to
locate a road ‘‘commencing at road
No. where said road crosses the
township line between Logan and
Loup City townships, on the south
line of Section $*, Township lt>. Range
15. and running thence west on said
township line totin' right-of-way of
the C. R. .Sc R. R„ thence in a
northwesterly direction along the
north side of right-of-way through
Section A5. Township h>. Range 15,
to the west line of the east half
Section 55, Township l<i. Range 15,
and there terminating," has reported
in favor of the establishment thereof
and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be tiled in the
county clerk's ottice of Sherman coun
ty. on. or before, noon of the loth
day of May, lino. or said road will be
established without reference there
to. W. C. IMktkriohs,
County Clerk.
[Last pub. Mart'll .51]
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
In the District Court n and for Sherman
County Nebraska
Mary J. Sundstrom. I'laintilT.
John Sundstrom. Sundstrom, his wife,
first and true name unknown. Mary J Nelson,
— Nelson, her husband, tlrst and true name
unknown. Kric I. Nelson. Nelson, his wife,
tlrst and true name unknown. Mrs Josie
Madden, Madden, her husband, tlrst and
true name unknown, Minnie Koyee.-Koyee.
her husband, tlrst and true name unknown.
Ralph sundstrom. a minor, of the age of is.
Frank Sundstrom. a minor of the age of 20.
Alvina Sundstrom, a minor of the age of PV
I.eo Sundstrom. Sundstrom his wife, tlrst
and true name unknown. Mary J. Sundstrom.
administratrix of the estate of John S Sund
strom. Defendants,
state of Nebraska, i
v ss.
County of shertnan. 1
The above named defendants. Annie Sund
strom, Mrs J oats' Madden. - Madden, her
husband. Mrs Minnie Koyee, Koyee. her
hnahand. and I.eo Sundstrom, — Sundstrom,
his wife, will take notice that on the 1st day
uf March UUll, the above named plaintiff,
Mary J. Sundstrom tiled her petition to the
District Court in and tor Sherman county,
Nebraska, against the said defendants and
each of them, impleaded with the defendants
lirst named above, the object and prayer of
which petition are to have a certain deed of
-onvevance made, executed and delivered by
ihe Chicago. Ilurllngton i.'mnov Railroad
ompmv to one John Sundstrom, dated the
.Mh day of November ISW. and recorded in
hook s at page 24,\ of the deed records of
Sherman county Nebraska for tho North
west <juartcr of Section 1Y Township IS North.
Kango IS West of the eih t* M. in Sherman
•ountv Nebraska, to la- decreed to be a deed
d trust wherein and whereby the said John
tundstrom held the record title in and to said
aieni ses iu trust and tor ihe bouettt ot the
.aid Mary J. Sundstrom and that the legal and
rout table title is held and owned by the plain
i m herein Ami that the said defeudanxx and
uch and every one ot them he decreed to hate
to right title estate or claim or demand into
upon said Ipveuusos or any part thereof and
ihnt hey and each of them, their heirs, ex
.-outers administrators aud assigns he forever
estopped and perpetually enjoined from ever
Having or 11aiming to have any title claim or
■stale iu aud Vo said premises adverse to the
ttle and possession re the piaiutiff aud that
ho t lie legal aud equitable aud of record be
uade aud decreed to be iu the piaiutiff, Mary
i Sundstrom. and the title' aud possession in
iOd to said premises be foreeev re posed
juieted aud confirmed in Mary J. Sundstrom
■'a.miff her heirs, executors, administrators
tud t-s.gus loreter and tor such other aud
tinker and different relief as vo the court may
iccrn jUsl aud eouilablv
THtv dvf*. ndants. .\u aie Sundstrom |Mr«.
loss Madden. Mas.leu. bet husband Utst
e t true name unknown Mrs. M'.uuiv Hoyee
on! Ro.vee. her husband, and true
t.euv uKuoau. Vo1 Suu.lsK..m aud Suud ! his witv. tirst aud true ualdv dh.VdsMi w !
*' tju i Uiyr UyUU 1 lih a. vt* y.\ v^y,
vi^'^'^Uyu >u. yjj Vbc
ku .i .ym-n A l\ IdKh ox the abwaVoaV
h. i'eoi w'ii Ve vaV-u :\v yve- a»d eve-rye- I
eu k.;iaa|in, aveorvadsa' »iat\vW o* said
1 y wvv^,
'-st, dav of, MrA'A'Ja kfJ-d.
¥t\ V- M'Vht'k Visa AV' ":*XtW
A.axH v~> waxs-V, -V
MVthV rmm.WVOKb
lr, HX. W- SV- y yl V»v.^.yy Vv*“»*-v Y,
WlHW'WrOW*. y4 VXyYV',S>Y V tVW4h\ 'Nv>:!
“•tvy \y Y. -v-sw* i,
" v W'rr.n ’ r*. v-vv ,y \vMkvV*
' ' • ■ -v\
yrts4>\ ¥Y’'A , . JjtfVvAX VAV *». vhiWlV Xfca
VlYY-rOv YvYVnvy WfcSKMOY Y* »*y vyV. IVXYXVv
Ny y 4o>w*myXm t xwy y,-x xeeefwreJi ‘
vx ; '
XMJN*. AViA yA'RMSft, ti! et *VfN YAiWi\ **4
vwxry, m tw <Yw ry v-wm i\y>« ■.*, l.vsi* |
' !\ V. ’'••*,»>!> W»* ’ .’ - -f ’Yv «-<y s-4 1
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Rf>ofcv'rs »*«< rv«Yrs t«i
Brain, Prnuisiuns and
l*rtv*t« Wires i^nrest House
W* st of Chicago
•V> Fifty Ortioes in Nebraska SO
IMwne 14, 8w I'aul, Nebr.
Low Rates
to the
In effect daily from
March I to April 15.1910
“The Safe Road to Travel”
Dustless, perfect track-electric block signals ••dining car
meal* and service “Be*t in the World.”
For rates and other information call on or address your Local Agent
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on band.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 120 to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock.
I sell the leading makes of Farm Machinery,
Buggies, Wrgons, etc. Call and see what I
have to show you