GUS LORENTZ exclusive'! Has now opened up an exclusive stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods In All the Latest and Most Approved Styles North Main Street, Loup City Having opened up an Exclusive Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnish ings Store in this city. I will handle all the latest, most Up-to-Date and ap proved styles of Clothing. Hats and Caps, and ail outer and under wear, of whatsoever description worn by Men and Boys. Call and see me and I wiil fit you out from head to foot in the Nobbist Suits ever shown here. GlIS LORENTZ, The Clothier. Professions Cards EOBT.P. STAKE Attorney-at-Law* LOUP Q1TY. SEBR1SK&. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Jttnj udfin^r’ii^n _LOUP CITY. XZB UIOI VAU Lawyer Practice? in all Courts Loup CStr, Neb R. H. MATHEW Attorney-at-Law. A md Ks.iftAf'i Aiwsiictdi. L* *p City. Nebraska O. K. LONG ACRE PHYSICIAN Ui SDEGEON Office. Over Xetr Bank TELEPHONE CALL. NO. I A. J. KKAKNS nrsiciii nip mm Tw Iww. ba ■ * T* < -ilr« Loop City - Nebraska A. >. MAIN PHYSICIAN aid SDBGEON Loup City. Nebr. < >Sr at Ce>«H»r. Tr*|i^K < eroeruon ROBERT P. STARR Sattafrjf U> M . If Mead Bonded Abstracter l>*cr Fit, - SsBCAcca. Omit art at A'n.rv ; ♦*•>•*>».;> me) S. A. AI LKN iPK.VTiST UMTP CITY. - UK. »uif» i« tkr a*-« State Hvik bnilin* W L MAW Y. DENTIST, LOUP CITY. NEB OFFICII East S4f Pat* k siuii<* IVne. 19 an 35 PURE Barred Plymouth Rock COCKERELS Wild Rose Stock Farm <»n to ’<« M. K-* cr-i II i«u «*-i*rre ran rare *«. ?*fcuu*i '-be> lati r>» bp u i< fcrtirr to eo«ie **tr **»* M at aU. Sr Br ta - r tfcai rttrtac *• t I,-Mar •« «*»f-• D:.h S^CCUUJST C»AKD Or. Kicn. tSLAftC NU <«rrt» _ tl ^ 3s, M..i. as i»rc<«ae mdo. THE NORTHWESTERN KKMS:aa iV.der visited at tine e * - " t ever one tiav last week. J oe Liadalil ret anted u» his hone Mtwhi ws-mitwr Jim tlrow and lUn IVvne are near n caarpi’x thee days, '"te Vi;Ws leys threw several is: oil of tie water with Uieir > nda* • * ► Ftv r and W c Headers^ %• i * >!.■'? *s* s- .-;s. in t1 t> I. » *«* F sti- a^ sat rday nic: t. A. I* IM rs l* iv--i a o« w front t as Amdk nw. ■ v - ’V T*> John Sou ite's V **day Hi French. Skip Tl.n-ier wd ' ' *i— ai west ! v I*. XjrUti s * • js w- -•!> 1 Vie U *w. a chhi lev on K.t>. Ta - <*r's re*w >.;s, r»> vr ilie mill. •*••.• *'d J* '*■ s lev .t r. tu > inp a »a> a* its v. ,-k. ••• Vi.: :• »4's tmy has i«en - • s a • -• at.* s -*< rer with <-iH!.aii~ u. and a*, times tl«e jaiti . as i.. n a si unbearable. but 1«* i' a pa*.*-nt At tie fellow. I*oo t fail to attend tlie basket sMTia! at tlie Hawk school bouse Fri lier visit in Flay county. X I’. Nelson was threshing Monday. aiooJoiin S.|uires L it threshed. L ui' iiehnke of Ilavenna sjtent >a*..-rdav a*. * lie home of iiis sister. Mrs. Vera A lie man. Mr. an Mr-. Frank Wagner and .ly are r. * patron- or Monte 2. 'tewart M- Fadden i-ommenced to corn -talk- Monday. It looks - « again afti r the long winter. Mr and Mrs. Fred Johnson took - 'xiay dii.n. r a’ tlie L *me of ( ha-. Snyder. In ti.e ru.te notes last w«ek the - • t! a: !. .— snyder wa- sick -1 '-Id ha»e mad Ru—ell Lingmn. Ni.-k T*add * and family. Albert -md.-r and family spent last Sunday : tiie home of c. L. Allemao. Frank Brow. Ashley Conger and I *» R» •« 1 an.;ed last w. .-k on the Island given them by l ncl- Sam. I *• -p *rt wa- not the be-t. a.- very few duck- have gone north. J »• wa- very -iek last Sunday night. Mr. pel Mr-, (leo. Brock of l*ry Creek vMfeed a* the Clia-. Snyder I. .;ne last Sunday. Wilber t arry was helping his broth er. Ru—e I. Iiaul corn from lii- farm to J E. Roushs. \ if red Jorgenson i-again hx'ated • nt S<:iidar with Kd and Minnie «►beruiiller. Mis. Mary Hank v isited last week with Mrs. H. M. (ihermitler. Mr and Mrs <\ w. Burt spent last Sunday at Jo>. Haddow's. The I I*, {pile driver was at work on a bridge a mile north of Austin .ist Monday morning. AH kinds of hay las taken a big tumble ami you can now get hay delivered at Loup City for the same as it cost in the "tack in IVee in her an i January . There is lots of good av in the countrv tiiat has been i v i for higher prices. Mr. and Mrs. W Tucker were at Lcv.o City early Friday morning to cat* the ewstbouad passenger for liauipt ov. \eb.. where Mrs Tucker will visit relatives and friend' several days. Mrs C: ns** :yenl>r.:iisbrought her mother home with l*er from lla.lam. for a visit at l»er home. Kd Flynn moved on the place farmed by F. 11 t'raven last year. Mir. F.etcher I as bought tin' farm occupied by Jim Gray. It. I' Hendricks u was vssiting s'm, of the schools on the route Wednesday. " IN T* !>ji: ling a r- w addition to his house, \ feed s rgensett is getting the .aileron the ground for a granary. 1* ti t forget y«e box social at Miss K'' i ■ r < Cs ,n ' school Friday evening. I’eters n and family are home i">T again spending the winter in Florida. ’ ..r. Mn-kow came borne this week ■ m Moi o >1. Noli., and will work at this summer. 1 rn t Mr. and Mrs. Frank l*ad 0 .*. Saturday. March 12. a bouncing levy, weight !• pounds. Grandpa and <. rand ma Sam Itaddow were soon on tlie scene. Mrs. Romeo Conger lias been verv ill this week. Henry Kuhl and sons were at Loup City Tuesday for the first time in nine weeks. The familv is now out of quarantine and it is safe for any one to call on them. Mrs F A. Pinckney visited at the home of J. \Y. Conger Saturday. Miss Klea McNulty had the picture of herself and school takee yesterday. Miss May Rone came home from 1 ork Monday evening for a three weeks' vacation. Jr< k Pageler commenced to load a car of l«!ed alfalfa hay Wednesday. I A. Pinckney was in town last j Wednesday and took home a new range to replace the one destroyed by the explosion some time since." The In lnsuial society of the Pres-! byterian church met at the home of Krs. Will Peterson Wednesday. < Lie man and three horses with a road drag would save Loup City township a good many dollars on the roads leading from Loup City to the tiridges. These roads have been al most impav-ihle since the snow hast melted, and this could have been avoided if the road drags had heen put on a month ago. Loup City busi ness men ought to do something, as such roads will hurt any town. Kach township ought to have their road Ivoss go over the new ly worked roads of last year with a drag. All roads are badly rutted on account of the heavy snows the past w inter. Presbyterian Bulletin Mid-week service tonight tThurs day) at 7:3**. Next Sunday the pastor will trv to preach sermons appropriate for'the day. In the morning the theme will lie “Our Lord's Cse of Material Things. " The evening subject will he “Jesus Looked.” Miss Learie Needham will lead the C. E. service at «::»**. The subject is, “Money a Curse or a Blessing.” Matt. ti:li*-21 Luring Passion Week the pastor will hold special services each even ing at 7 JO. There will lie songs in the dark illustrated by means of the stereoptiean. All are eordiallv in vited to these services. Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs A meeting will be held at Societv llali. Loup City. Thursday. March 24. at 2 o'clock for boys and girls in the county, whether in school or not. for conducting some special work in agriculture and domestic science. All who are interested are invited to be present, become members of the club and begin work at once. K. L. Hkndrh'Kson. Co. Supt. Notice Parties wanting their farms sold, pleas*' call and list them with me at your earliest convenience. 1 am in correspondence with a number of buyers coming to purchase land in Sherman county. Yours for business. A. L. Zuuuuux. Old Bridge Lumber l will, on Monday. March 21. U»W. common -mg at 2 o'clock p. m., sell the lmnlier of the old bridge, south of town, displaced by the new steel structure: si> t,s take place at my resilience, just south of Uie river. \Y. O. Brown. We are paying 29 cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. Bavknna I'rkamkky' C o. SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hi reliv given that by virtue of an ■'.ior of sale to me directed from the I'istrict Court of Sherunu countv. Nebraska. upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court i>» the Ski. day oi November. lAe*. in an * t> 'll tthert in ''ii County oi sherman of the state of Nebraska, was plaintiff. and Stephen Nutter and —Nutter, his wife, whose true and full name is unknown. Edwin IS Kastman sole trust..' of the estate of Hiram Barker, deceased Clara Harker, Hiraui H Barker. -Barker, hi* wife, tirst name unknown Mathew Janulewici. C. C. Outhouse and Frances Outhouse wife of C. C Outhouse Holier! I*. Starr am! Blanche Starr, wife of Robert l*. Starr. Lots i i. 3. 4. 6. 7 s. 1‘ t" it. 1? in Block Barkers Ktrst Addition to Loop City. Nebraska. Robert Young and Ethel Young, his w ife. Henry e'iav Young. Kurv h M. Young, sole heirs of John M Young, deceased, and Lots 13. 14. IS is t: iu Block T in the Original Town of Loup City Nebraska, wen' defendants. I have levied imr. the following described irav". t>f rv'ai estate to wit: Lets 1 -?. s. 4 a «. :.s. ii.-iu. 11. if i-, tti.H-k i n Barker's First Addition M I Amp City \e 1 raska. and 1 v H on the s:h day of Aprs! isMn. at S - 'clock tv nt i t said day at the si nth door of the court house in l.oun City, Sherman . i.tntv. Nenrassa oiler for sale and s, .aid tract a: ■; uldie aii. ’ .ui to the hivhe.i t.m.ior for . ash 10satisfy the amount of $38080 with in teres! thereon a! the rate 01 tu ter lent nt from the ahh day of November ■ ■ .1 peer nine costs, which amount was ad udeeu to lie due the Plaintiff atiove named and to lie alien upon the above ■'•escf ’ -si tract of real .'state, l have farther levied upon the following lies.'! ;bed ': a : of rv'ai .'stale to-wii 1 • is is tt. :.'i te,. it in Block T in the Origin a'To wn of Loup City. Nebraska and I will on *' ’ v'*b day ot Apr '. Is ' at f o'el,iek p nt of said day. at the south door of tho court nouse In lAmpCity Shetwiicounty. Nebraska, offer : sa;. and sell said tract at public auction •.“1. highest bidder for cash to satisfy the '-nt of s;s; wi,j, intorv'st at the rate of ten percent ter annum frvu. the Aith day of November,IP 8 and costs of action and ac 1 rest.g co'is ., tvamount wasadiudited to is one the piae i ff above named and »o he a lien the aisive latter described traoi of rv-al Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 10th day of March. Win. 1.. A W 11.1.1 A Ms Shtrif of Sherman county, Nebraska. K. H. Math MV plaintiff's attorney . Last pub. April 7 i Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Stale cf Nebraska j Sherman County. \ % Lvauder Lowry. Annie Lowry. Mary E. " **' 1 V'* " \ . mp-te;.: jyrv a nou-remoet:’ delcadaats. •* tsk • dice that v'r: the I'Mh, ay of Fcbru i * Plata: *s herein hied their petition m the Shem \ - S s 1; \r. I. wUL'w.v deceased Earl l a * and. aS— me south half of the >ev.;*hea>t toner of svr.vt ode adit the north haUf of ' ' htieea north of radge seven tecs west *; Ah t\ M silwatw id Cwstoe county s Netvrasv - a- d a. g that th • vt d. da"-vs M ' * r\ tkoeys \V Lvm» sAddte S Nave. Mary * Wehrh ahxi LeadiSrr Lw have each an yvoe-vsixth share or part ih sad) - ' M w rv Earl I wry minor, and Mae Uowtv n'.nor. have « v fc ar. . r.div idr-d or-'* gtpre-if s' -,-s o-rv*M sa.r. Uh.S and that par:'tnr. >• ty.a.V cf ' - d. real es.j»i: awrvLr.g ;.• ti e respective . - i hi v v rcmlMa may bo s 1. „r.; th: i'".veeds • - • --.s- * .; \ , S\« are 'rg m van a - .1 xvrt r*g to m r Tesr; raska. Male of Nt braska. $ Sherman County. I John Plaintiff. vs. James L lXtot Pilot, his wife, first and iruc mame un known. Defendants. The above-named defendants, and each of them, will take notice ihai the above-named p air iff Tiled, his petition against them in the District Court in and for Sherman countv. Ne> braska on the >th dav of February A. D. 1910 The object and prayer of which said petition are to remove and dispel the cloud upon the title and possession of the plaintiff in and to :he follow ng deseribed real estate. to-wit All tnat portion or part of the southwest quarter f the northwest quarter (SWA of NXV * see : . r. twenty-seven <,*7) in township fourteen til) north, rang*- sixteen 16 west of the 6th P. M. to: nlatteu into Kairview Park, addition to Litchfield. Nebraska, caused by a certain pre tended Tux Deed, and the record thereof in the office of the County «'lerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, in book No. l.\ at page S90. * f the deed records of waid county. dated De cember 1 -1h. 1893, and executed by D A. Jack son, the then Countv Treasurer of Sherman county, .Nebraska, to James L. Pitot and to forever repose, quiet and confirm the titie and possession of plaintiff, his heirs and assigns. i’i and to said premises, against the claim and demands of said defendants, their heirs, ad min isirators. executors and assigns, and that -a ! defendants, and each of them, and all per ' ns claiming by. through, or under them, or either of them be perpetually enjoined and f* *rbidden from ever having or claiming any title, interest, estate or demand in and to said premises, or any part thereof, adverse to the title ami possession of the plaintiff, his heirs and assigns, and for such other, further and different relief as to the court may seem just and equitable You are required to answer said petitiou on or before the 11th day of April. A. D 1910. or the allegations thereof will be taken as true and decree rendered in accordance with the prayer thereof. Dated this Mh day of February. 1910. John Corn ford. Plaintiff. By Robert P. Starr his Attorney. 'Last pub. March ,4) BRIDGE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, on or before noon of the 19th day of April. 1910. for the letting of a yearly contract for the building of wood and steel bridges, as per plans and specifications adopted by the County Board of Supervisors of Sherman county. Nebraska, on the 9th day of March. 1909, as the same are on file in the office of the county clerk. All bids must be accom panied by a certified check of ilooo.oo The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Witness my hand and the seal of said countv hereto affixed this 8th day of March. 1910. [SEAL W. C. DlKTKRtOHS. County Clerk. [Last pub. March ill] ROA iT NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road, "commencing at the section corner on the north side of Sections seven (7) ami eight si tn Township fourteen (14). north of Range sixteen (lfil west. In said (Slier man> county and running theme south between Sections 7 and *; 19 and tM. to a point south of the C. B. & Q. R. R.. to where It inter sects with road No. 103and terminal, ing at said road No. hes. !*> oM-ah listied." has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all ohico tions thereto or claims for damage* must be tiled in tl»e county clerk * office on or before noon of the loth day of May. 1910, or such road will tie established witltout reference there to. W. C. Diktkrioiis, County Clerk. [Last pub. March 31] IMPLEMENTS *°2£jtaCfc?fr said premises in trust and for the benefit of the said Mary J. Sundstrom and that the legal and equitable title is held and owned bv the plain tiff herein. And that the said deteudanss and each and every one of them be decreed to have no right title estate or claim or demand into or upon said {premises or anv part thereof and that they, and each of them, their heirs, ex ecutors. administrators and assigns be forever estopped and perpetually eujotued from ever having or claiming to have any title claim or e tate in and to said premises adverse to the title and possession of the plaintiff and that the title legal and equitable and of record tie made and decreed to be in the plaintiff. Mar\ J. Sundstrom. anil the title anil possession in and to said premises be forever reposed quieted and confirmed iu Mary J. Sundstrom plaintiff, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever and for such other and further and different relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. The defendants. Annie Sundstrom. IMrs. Josie Madden.-Madden, her husband, first and true name unknown Mrs. Minute R ecce and — - Royce. her hushand. first and true n uns unknown. Leo Sundstrom. and Sand s‘*rom his wife, first and true name unknown, urv further n-difiisi that they are required to an-wer said petition on. or before, the Utli day of April A. p. unit, or the allegations thereof will he taken as true, and decree rendered in accordance with the prayer of said petition. Paled this 1st dav of March. WIO. Mas J Sunpsthow. Plaintiff. Hv Houkut IV STakk her attorney. (Last pub. March 24t NOTICE TO CREDITORS l.i the County Court of Sherman Countv, Ne braska In the matter of the estate of Dorothy Wolr, •ha-eased Stall- of Nebraska j -as Sherman County I The State of Nebraska: I. K. A. Smith,County Judge of said eounty. hereby notify all persons haviug claim* arid demands against the estate of the said Dorothy Wolf dta-easeil that 1 have set and appointed the following days for the reception, exami nation and adjustment of said claims and demands at the county court room in Loup City Nebraska, towii June 13th. HMD. and i V-ioher. fifth 1*10. at the hourof eleven o'clock of each day in the forenoon, and all persons iuiore-ied in said estate will appear at said lin e and place, and present their said claims md demands, and in case any of said claims uc iuu i iv-cuted by October J2th. 1*10, the vume shall is- forever barred v.lveti under tuv hand and the seal of said i t'i niy oouri this uh .lay of March. I*IIX oai i K. A Smith. County Judge. I I.ast pub. March St] HERBERT E. GOOCH « CO. Itrukcrs and Dealers in Grain. Prpvisiuns and Stocks Private Wires. Largest House West of Chicago ;*> Fifty Offices in Nebraska o0 T. A. CLARK, - MANAGER Phone 14, Sts Paul, »br. ... Low Rates i U\ the PACIFIC NORTHWEST In e elect daily trv>m March I to April 15,1910 via "The Safe Road to Travel" Dustless, perfect track—electric block signals *-dining ca meals and service “Best in the World." For rates and other information call on or address your Local Agent G. W. COLLIPRIEST I_ FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber ami all kinds of building material on band. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from I2C to 25C No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock. LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loup City,Neb. ; — — 1 ■■■ — ■■ -■ ■■ — ■■■ . ■■ — — I SELL THE LITCHFIELD AND THE GRE^T WESTERN MANURE SPREADERS Which are of the leading makes. Now is the time to clean up your barn yards before other spring work begins, by the use of a ma nure spreader. It means a big increase in your crops and brings up the value of your land. See? T. M. REED