The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 10, 1910, Image 5

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    v Our Loans.
I The loans of this bank amount to about
SI60.000. which is being used by good, responsi
ble business men and farmers of this
This entire sum is only a part of nearly
S200.000 of money that belongs to our deposit
ors. S35.000 of capital stock and surplus
besides undivided profits, and private
resources of stockholders.
In this way. our bank serves the commu
nity in a two-fold purpose; safe-guard
ing their wealth and loaning it out to
produce more wealth for the community.
This bank has never failed to take care
of the needs and interests of its custom
ers. whether depositors or borrowers.
The First National Bank,
Loup City, Nebraska
A Few Market Quotations.
< rn. per bu . .4.', $ 4s
Wi«ar. per t* .Ofi
Oi'.- per bu .x; «
K*rjr>. per due. .15
Hens, p r 5b.. .0*
>. • .rii* ickews per lb .it*
Baptist Billetia
. ' ■ ek: Sun
1! '• ...Junior Cnion
■ * vpio k: K. \ . 1‘ 1'.. 6:® o'clock.
etMia >*Tr:.'t * '•>*: prayer meeting:
i rdia i» invited
J J \MK' Ifutor
Lis’<« a*, end 1 Latent*. tbe
1 lotlsier
* . market
for Pies
Vs. e\ t'oncer, the dray
Bias. Cel Liar.
».• tit s. a'e c.nvi alfalfa or
ba> see K K Coming
v 1 v osger J v>n «5, alien
its seed of a dravaaan
s s-*.»iv t»us aeek for
s.- x .-• vs ..: .as o.-st
F r-ains ta T*«»b l‘r\«|*rrlj
for sale k\ Jell* W. Uis
nt» and Yut sv*l tw
si - *' H • TV ? s e evaie#
, vh*l;f t“, x: « t.vsirs
• M •" L ClOfc.
• . 4b»«Y ?» xr tv;>t *at
■ ■ .S' ;x* ‘.si V k Wvs*
If x - mast a ‘sax in a kwsrty and
■ '
1 >« • k«b «r i«|»ni*iol fpsieb
i> at sreat bargains. Nfe J. W.
Tasx «.r 1 ..ft* ’ and «£**• t* tVn
-s •{<» -an cet anyt*vinc
yes «an*
s .. «'■' •; s . etT*. v and belts'
s_ tr,v;xrl b L'xrent-r, Mie
k : ,-fT
- .M-r wa-.ts •• ..’.'.xMYUPdMs
a: Ui> week b o Tor your pocket
book Read it
til ikr T«»n PnfMty offered
f .*r wale at first hands hy calling
on John W. Lone.
7 t Loup v Mi s are now mak
■ . their own rye flour Ask for it
w en you bey rye flour.
-t-a bones, ground. f--r chickens,
.-•s; *ig g. ing ' * laying liens, for
sa <t by Lee Bros. Try it.
Keaie®ber Cvnhiser’s big auction
s. ■ govd- f. • ten lays, cjmmeao
Wednesday March l«Ui
i krajers. d not -sell your good
• get price' from tlie
7 * sty Mil', .v Light Co.
• Ravenna Creamery Co pays
• . ru*e for eggs de
-• i a* ti>e Teamen lie re.
I. .ms! 1..satis! Loans! Loans!
|sT:7. Loans at lowest
r.*T sat John d'. Lone's.
'.MV Uie ClKticest of
-i. Trv i> market once, and
n ; 3 7* ay s be a cusUuner.
1 i'.r-Mk’as; Food made at the
M’.i.s. For sale at all Loup
w si - - >t*i!s per pound.
a- ... ;-ig 7* cents cash fv-r
vered at rise creamery
Kavknva i'kkavksv Go
l s : cl..-hier. will have a
i: style and up-to
. . ;n a f. » days, Watch
.. .v an- a dray, pi tone tTias
»r< ot cave your order
either :mbtr yard or R. (!
17..' >r. He.; of service guaranteed
* .« t t. rgv: that Ferdinand;. the
urni: are man. will duplicate any
pri \s given by :* ■ .-atai <g ..e houses,
an: t -ng.»e v ou ng a rws below them.
s'.wvan Conger drav. are on
t tami froiu Morning to night, but
you *dl get the nuh'test kind of
s r> »v-e on a iiurrv c» Try Uiem.
*f. give t v pers. n wlio took the
w re -vetting from the Rail I*ark till
t A*th o‘ this month to return It
c- arrest will follow
Husky Jkvnku
T \ M Nlrkolaus U»e drayman
for ^uick and satisfactory service
i »vi orders a*, toe Keystone. Lem
liter's or Taylor's e vvauvr, vvr plione
his residence. s on h»T
L. ap i'll\ fiour is giving gwsl satis
faction. Why ».v? use flour made *’
vx i Uv-ve town and help a l*o we
i .v.ry' Knng in vour wlieat awl
v a'vgv for dour.
U*i «* V lO .V'W-V -V I.HMTT i\t
A«hU4. \J*» *1*1 All* *nhn»tl
i v» su >.»%••* »>*»*, to «**i* >»»*
: .*»,>* I* x*.*l«M »mU It*'* ***»>*
* \ V! 'rlk« lw**<*l «**».'*<» K* wM |W*>
An> hip* M »** '*** iW
*.: ' V\>» V'Hls*«»t*W. **I A
X *H. WiU**. \vV
»*j Ua'Av lit* ItJhMA* X*K\*|I
!x>. >H AxWl K* *A\**lW m* It*******
*. AlU | >v*l I HA*** *U**IM*»
M*rt» A MMi a*,I I At* AWV
* .*H||* n*«tttl*tl *A‘
* *1 . i HMli t***' It V**A* tlAWAi
M*k|*. |*Svt I'T.t* >t*V* tv .«v» MAA'H
xs »*i* aha* tv* tv**** wK*
l*artie< wantinp their farms sold,
please call and list them with me at
jour earliest convenience. I am in
correspondence with a number of
buyers coming to purchase land in
>herman county. Yours for business.
Lee Bros, pay highest cash price
for hides
1 N. Syas was on the sick list a
few days last week.
Take your hides to Bennett and get
the highest market price.
I*on't forget Conhiser's big sale
commencing next Wednesday.
tins L. 'vnt. last week sold his auto
to W 1>. Garner, the blacksmith.
Thoroughbred Buff Rock eggs at
#1 per setting. Mrs W. T. Gibson.
('ari de a Motte wa> over from
11 & .mi last Thursday on business.
Let Lorentr take your measure for
a spring ,uit from those new patterns
lie can show you.
Waiter Woznk'kon Monday tinished
l>.: Imp tin Mike Chilewski barn in
north Loup City
at your own price in live bip
d- ’is:ration sale given by Coo
htser, March
\ v'.; oake no mistake in calling on
th, s’.ewart Conger drays when you
wan; quick servioy,
to- IVterson ami family arrived
ee tins week a^ler tiieir winter's
, m in Ftwnia
Uvnnett ' meat market i> the place
tv get .’kns; of xteaks. ttsiu oysters
a st everything m his line
> r Sale My *esivle«ee in east
1 v*p Otyt tw wvl trad, same tor
'va vs.ate G vt ram G\«\n g
< •*** x* »>'; ivave a twg sale vv»
•g r vt Wxsioesiityv and last mg
tVe da." I Var it in mmd tor bargain*.
h-i K»4' Assistvsl by h. N' Syas
an Harry TAv or. are hut Sting a
kit- wm and tmdtv\>»v addition to Jim
i <> s residence-.
Monday. G •$ ivager fiaWwd p$as
t ' ng Me IVter Grvrdtihskt v-ottage
west • tie Keyst,me lumber yard
twit It by G'a ter Wnentek
h. G. TAykvr Ivas just received a
ar of i*rd coal of Uwe right sire for
Svasf burners Better pfvone in your
orders while Mte supply asts
The adies of the M K aid society
» hold a Kensington at the home
of Mrs. a. R. Outhouse next Wednes
day afternoon, tire ltith instant..
Mrs. Mattaw lias just received a
large consignment of famous Jackson
• >r J. J. C. corsets. Can tit am figure.
It always pars to buy the best.
Trices. 91 to tit. I»o not tit a new
dress over an old corset .
Mrs R. T. Starr left for Grand
1-land Monday morning to undergo
an operation for an ailment of long
standing later Word was received
by Mr. Starr Tuesday afternoon that
-he had passed through the operation
Mrs. Gus Lorenta. who has been
visiting her parents at Ravenna for
some time, was last week taken very
ill with a threatened attack of ap
pendicitis. but later word brings the
happy tidings to Mr. Lorenu that
site is tatter and will not have to
undergo an operation as was first
Irvin Bar rick, who three years since
moved t o a farm near Litchfield, last
week muted on his farm in Webster
tow nship. recently purchased of Frank
Rlaschke. bringing him tack near
Loup City once more. Mr. Rlaschke
moved on his farm, purchased of Mrs
Clara Hawk, so he will remain in this
vicinity. Thus we gain one good
ciliren and keep another.
A card from t'arle McKinnle, under
date of March I, from St. Louis,
says he and wife were to leave that
night for Crystal City. Texas, near
San Antonio, to which point he wants
the Northwestern sent till further
notice, t'arle says they are all right
and etijoving life The "Rig Chief”
should come tack to the best count v
on earth and get pointers on happi
ness from pah* Leach.
We trust the parents ahd patrons
of the first primary department of
our politic schools presided over by
Miss Nettie Conger, will not forget
tin* art exhibit to ta given by her
pupils at their room tomorrow atter
noon, March II. fn»m - to tio'clock
Go and examine the work done by tta
litt >e ones, thus pleasing teacher and
pupiK. In-side- showing a Just ap
preciation of tta work talng done
Last Thursday, \. L. Kmlerle sold
h - tine vpiarter section in Webstar
township to Mike Smith vif Sctaupps.
• be iMusideration talng iRhtn Mr
Kuh-fie bad net tta least intention
s, "tug till Mr Smith came to bbn
• hat i.netting, ami the deal was made
,ii tta instant tie named the price
I; was one of Vta nuickesl real estate
t rawsaction* in tlie count \ N history
We understand Mr Kndeike will wove
j to Loup t Aty fvir tta present
Wo rovoivoM a tOonoani o*H Momtav
fr.»>\\»K .V hvnMJM* *1 AoHHOi. OOvX‘» >
,v<**i iw Mm. viumomnN oanxin
M> >• ««i l.a»« at No" Va»k iVi.V.
a w» W vat a kkravrm'Vml v rxil Wr* .
Mr tarn: now tvovain Ha an in
, A -femio Vinnv iivo |Mil» Otono of ii»K
uw*vo ivwmj s‘t wnv'H ionmtii t* wno
a in» to* iw*n »n naano** in iivo HooM
*» vt>o NouvnN moiiNO^** Ha voam
amt "n« in mwal at ia»* naaH nn aai
*n* w» Ho H «oi»no no *» n*ii
nw***i "WH >Hi* woom-n nnvi "n
Havo ns> 4.wW in * oiwai iinvo oiii
A-s vaoWmio iW noroaxa twono nvoi
i*i n*» vsontn4n>i»nv ova tH*m *w
Mrs. T. M. Reed is visiting her
daughter. Mrs. Ainslie L. Dans, at
Frank Dietz moved to town last
Friday and into the Mike Chilewski
place in the north part of the city.
Mrs. J. A. Angier arrived here last
Friday evening from her home in
Arkansas, for an extended visit with
her son and many friends.
Marion Zink, formerly a resident of
this county, and for the past few
years confined in the insane asylum
at Lincoln, died at the asylum Tues
day of this w eek.
Mrs. Annie Fowler left last Thurs
day for the M. E. hospital at Omaha
for an operation, which we under
stand was successfully performed
Monday of this week.
Mrs. Mathew last week received
from the wholesale millinery houses
of St. Joseph, about 50 elegant pat
tern hats, which she will have on
exhibition about March 25th.
Clias. Ling arrived from Aurora
last week and occupies the cottage
vacated by the Northwestern editor.
We understand he w ill start a 10-cent
feed barn here in the near future.
Master Harold Leininger has been
quite ill the past few days with some
ailment of his left side, extending
from shoulder to hip. quite alarming
for a t ime, but is yielding to medical
t reatment.
Mr. John Youngquest of Aurora
orders the Northwestern to visit him
in the future, to enable him to keep
tab on his handsome sons and daugh
ter. and on the news of this best
county in the state. Thanks.
August Dietz, who left here some
four or live years ago. going to Bur
well. has returned to Loup City and
occupies the Long house west of the
Catholic church. The family arrived
Tuesday. Mr. Dietz coming the fol
lowing day w ith the car of goods.
Paul Heizner lias moved on the
farm he recently purchased of Pan!
llushhousen. about two miles from
Rockville and shifts las postottice ad
dress to that live burg. Glad we are
to have Paul remain with us. even
if he does get a little further from;
Mrs. Adamson lias moved her milli
nery stock into Leschinsky's store,!
where she w ill he pleased to see hei
old customers, as well as new ones 1
She has a new and complete stock of
all the new shapes and trimmings of.
all kinds, tail and see. Opening, j
March 25-2B-27.
Mr. and Mis. Herman Jung and
daughter came home from Omaha,
last Saturday evening. Mr. Jung hav
ing sufficiently recovered his recent
operation. We are pleased to know
lie lias passed successfully through
the ordeal ami trust he may soon be
restored to perfect health.
Mr. J. Magnuson. who arrived here,
from Maryuette last week to take
charge of lus tarm southeast of town
t>egin> life here correctly by ordering
the Northwestern to come regularly!
to his home. And in that he is fob)
lowing in the footsteps of all the;
good Hamilton county people who'
have interests here.
We received a pleasant call last
Saturday from Mr. W R. Cline, foe j
i" e this state, who :
is teaching in mat. No- is, near!
Ashton Mr Chive lias nut in stone
time in Hie past in tt*e printing
trade, which makes him at iwune in
newspaper offices He is stopping at
tiie home of Frank Whitman.
ivr, Kearns believes in Bellevue
college, and belief with him means
action, hence ,me day feast week, a'
an earnest df bis love and faith inj
Uvat c.svi educational institution, ive
raised kb*' by subscription ami sent
it in to live trustees. \ few such
friends in every WMM* in Nebraska
would mean much to Bellevue
Kverv friend <oi Mr ami Mrs Burt
McKinnie will want bo bear them in
Uieit latest concert work, and with- [
out doubt tiie opera house w ill be
tilled bo its very doors. Tliose wist
have never lieaixi tive McKinnie s will,
miss the opportunity of tiieir lives,
if tliey fail to be present, At opera
house. Monday evening, March ltbh.
Last Thursday afternoon the little
babe of Mr. and Mrs. W. I'. Reed
passed away after a short illness.
For three months Uie little one had
been Hie joy of the father and mother
and the delight of the brothers and
sisters, but they have the consolation
of Jesus' promise saying "Suffer the
little children to come unto Me and
forbid them not. for of such is the
kingdom of (tod." The funeral was
held at the home Saturday forenoon
by Rev. W. O. Harper and the little
one laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery.
Some forty of the close friends and
relatives of Mr. Marsel Youngquest
of Logan township gave him a
genuine surprise last Saturday even-1
ing. March 5th. by descending in an !
avalanche upon his home, in honor
of his 'steenth birthday anniversary,
and after an evening of repartee,
music and good things to eat. and a
general pleasant time all around,
presented him with a tine watch
chain in commemoration of the an
niversary. departed for their several
homes, leaving Marsel wishing lie
could have a birthday every day
Last Kridav a very sad accident
occurred at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. j
James Gray, some ten or twelve miles
southwest of Loup t'ity, when their
IS months' old hoy obtained a quan
tity of cuni'cntraied lye and drank it.
The little one lingered in intense
suffering until Sunday afternoon,
when it passed away. The funeral
was held in the Habooyk school house
on Monday afterruvn by Lev. W t'.!
Harper and the remains laid to rest
in Verdure tie cemetery. This sad (
affair calls to mind the burning to
death of a 4 year old girl in this same
family a few years ago.
We received a pleasant call last ;
Thursday from Messrs, Kd ami i'aul
Magnuson of Marquette, this state, j
Their father, Mr. J. Magnuson, ar
rived tliat evening with his family to
take lossMkw of ids farm three
miles southeast of Loup t'ity, known
as the Klipson plait', Mr. I'aul to
remain hero with non and h'lp make ,
it one of the fast farms in the coun
tv. while Mr. Kd returned to Mar-j
quelle to farm another year, and lias
the Northwestern visit him there io
keep him pvswxt on the news fieri'
success and happiness to all the.
members of this gvsai family.
At a meeting *4 live Ministerial j
Assicialion. arrangements were made j
Vo observe next tsumiav in live in |
U'ic-sf ol creating sentiment lavoraivi, 1
Vo tite passage ol a lull granting u«
privilege s4 county opt ten in Netnas
*a Kacb of tbv I'asts'i* will steak
vm vbe sutqvs'V tv' ius texpevVive
csmgvegattvwvs av Vive morning servtee
ami in Vim evening a wnnet ntass
service will t*e hehi tn vlte lAe*
Ip Vet tan w lien tv b expeeved i
Vive toeeVttvg a til be avKireawal ip lay
men v eorsimi tnv tvavnm ts ex Vend ;
vsl vo ah vo at vend vW vnwee* aep
\ tee* o» vbe vbkt and Vs' bn paesenv av
I vbe tnam nteeving in vW exenbm I
This firm has the exclusive sale of
Children’s and Young Men’s Clothing
Dmtgnod mmd m*mn*factwrmd by David M Pfaslxer 4 Company
Every fashion feature has been incorporated, and every smart effect attained,
and above all. from start to finish each garment is manufactured with s view to
durability, lasting shape and attractiveness, which is fully appreciated by the
This manufacture of clothing has stood the test of years; has worked its way
to the top of excellence, and is there to stay.
Call and inspect the garment*, their a .tractiveness will influence you to buy.
The complete line now on exhibition at
Lorentz, The Clothier.
Notice is hereby given that there
will lie a citizens' caucus held at the
court house on Monday, March u‘lst.
at $ o'clock p. m. for the purpose of
placing in nomination a set of candi
dates for the various offices to be;
tilled at the election to lie held April
Mh, and to transact such other bust- *
ness as may properly come before
such meeting. Every voter in the
city, regardless of party affiliations,
who is interested in the future wel-1
fare of the city is requested to lie i
present. By Order of Committee.
« • « —
Car of Early Ohio Soed
potatoes 85c par bushel,
at Felix Makowski's.
ivn t forget the McKinnie concert
next Monday evening at the opera
house, it will tie the grandest
musical event ever given in this city.
Henry Kuhl is minus the end of
his left thumb. Tuesday, while
butchering twelve hogs tor home con
sumption, the last porker which suc
cumbed to the inevitable concluded
to have a Uttie human meat for his
ownwnsuiuption ami getting Henry's
thumb in his capacious maw bit 08
ti*e end of it slick ami clean it
wcuM mu be difficult to guess what
Henry said in dear-cut ami clwdcest
mother tongue
l ast Sunday aftethv'on wlwm Mr
do! n Needham was bringing his
-ta.ighter, Mbs iVarte Newham of
the treasurerV office, in Bronx a day
at home, and w l*n near tire home or
IV;er Rowe, tire team frightened at
some boys playing and swerxed to
one safe, upsetting tire covend Iwtgg'
ami throwing tire occupants th the.
ground, with the tnrggx oxer them.:
Fortunately tire double trees broke,
tire bones getting loose from the!
buggy before dragging tirem any dis
tance. else this item might have
; chronicled serious injury to one or
! both. As It was. besides a few
bruises and a bad shaking up. neither
were tire worse for their exciting
Of nasturtiums tlrereate dwarf and
climbing varities, to suit all situa
tions, with flowers practically alike
Any ordinary well-drained soil will
support them perfectly, even though
it is decidedlv thin. In fact, they
blossom better in such earth, than in
very rich, for in tire latter they run
to leaf and are apt to rot off in wet
weather: in their own dense shade,
especially if at all crowded. Sow as
early as the ground is ready. The
dwarf of Tom Thumb division will
lie in bloom in two months, insects
will leave them alone—aphids colonize
unpleasantly on the climbers some
times and they will still be blossom
ing when frost comes if picked froelv.
This is true of most annuals, in fact:
liberal picking induces generous
flowering, for they go on, industrious
ly lient on producing see. until allow
ed to do so.—Woman's Home Com
Mr. W. Todd and family of Bur
well have been visiting the past few
days with Mr. Todd's sisters. Mes
dames K. M. Henry and 1. N. Svas,
and families. Mr. Todd, who has for
years past been editor of the Burwell
Tribune, and for the four years past
treasurer of Barfield countv, will
leave lodar with Iris family for
Lawrence. Nuckolls county where be
will start a new trailer, with a brand
new outfit, ami publish a paper called
the Tribune, be being unable to
break away from the name of tire
paper he has so successfully run at
Burwell since some time after the
landing of Noah's ark on Ml, Ararat. ;
Will Todd is a txirn newspaper man
and could no more easily break awav
from what Iras been bis life work
than could a leopard change hlsspots,
and we shall expeot and know that
hls new Tribune will be a correct1
ukeness of the energy and brains be
always puts into the newspajrer busi
ness, Here Vs with lire new Tribune
with pleasure.
Some timebetween Saturday, dark,
and Sundav morning. daylight- the
let> feet of oement sidewalk just east
of Hr. Main's residence, was picked
up lodily ami removed from its foun
dation and deponent sayeth not
where the void, clammy stuff went.
No detective, peace officer or search
warrant lias been put on the trail of
the giant or giants who have been
able to shoulder the heavy load and ,
walk off with it. or at least this news-1
paper has not i»een able to scent a
due thereof Ami thereby hangs a
taV. story or wonderful creation tliat
might well bathe the writer of Rallies
to Wat Anyway, without alluding
to the wonderful v»uary, "Who IVrged
Riff's, Name*" of which thtaaeenm to
tv a part et the truly lieartrending
st 't\ ami entitled, "who Stole That
Soh'walk* we e-vpeot the city vxwtn
d‘ will dvwe the taW with tivv
a ttanshxreaatkxn scene tu wum, will.
hhwar a brand new wwli, sw the.
wJkkAkaA XUU tu Ill kho iWaea^l A
”” Iff k Tvv |ffW I iff vHT
Funeral of Edwid Veeder
The funeral of Edwin Veeder took
place from the Methodist church last
Friday afternoon, under the auspices
of the Loyal Mystic Legion, a large
number of friends gathering to pay
their last respects to the departed.
The services were conducted hi Rev
Harper, pastor of the church. Mrs.
G. W. Hunter adding a few choice
words in honor of their brother,
when the remains were taken to
Sunny Slope cemetery for interment,
a goodly number following the body
to its final resting place.
"A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is still;
A place is vacant in our home.
Which never can l*e tilled.
God in His wisdom has recalled
The boon His love had given.
And though the body moulders here,
The soul is safe in heaven."
To those whoso kindly offered their
assistance and sympathy during the
illness and after the death of our son
and fattier, we wish to extend our
heartfelt gratitude
Mr. ami Mrs. S. F Kk\ nouns,
Layaha Ykrorr
Rev, M*\ def rds and wife, for
merly Miss Lucv Grow, were here for
the funeral of ttie infant child ol
W V Reed, returning tv ttieir home
at Mitter, Monday morning
PmAytertai Bulletin
Wc itxxixc to S aw the McKlWhlv'v
us K't ne\t Subsidy munMug's
In theevenuw uwxvili S ave a union
vpwtoe will, the MesSuvltsi and I5ap
IW v'hutvlv's hyp the iw^ww nS
v'tearing >entnwent In favwtyvf hva
optdxvn, lids service will he hehi In
Ute Prwhvterian church and util Ive
addreissed by laymen,
lv> not forget the McKlnnle con
x'cri next Monda> night In Ute opera
School Notes
A second meeting of the life ran
Will he held tvvf Friday. March llth'.
Every Ivviy cordially invited
The Fyhsics class are having in
teresting work in electricity. Fast
week they made several hattems.
with great success. Edwin t Mil sen.
Clark Whittaker, Hemple Jones and
Milford Tracy have applied for a
patent on the one they made, which
is entirely free from cross currents
or any other kind
The F. C. H. S. athletes haw or
ganized a baseball team with Edwin
Ohlsen captain, and Supt. O'Connell
manager. The boys are practicing
faithfully in order that they max
compete with other teams.
The 4th and 5th grades were taught
by Hessie Smith, during the absi nee
of her sister.
The literary society wish to thank
K. P. Starr for the book "Hob, its
Kulesof Order" widen he presented
to t he school
Notice ot Hearns on Petition tor Letters
ot AftoiBistration
State of Nebraska i
> ss
Sherman County ' The State ot Nebraska
To the next of kin and all !>• raons tun re*
ed in th, estate of Adelade Morin deceased
late of said county:
Notice is hereby given that on March gth
tt>lo. a petition was died tn the County Court
of said county for the appointment of an
administrator of the estate of Adelade Meriti
deceased. lale of aaid cemttv and that th,
name was set for bearin* Tuesday the sn.
day of April. ItU'i, at the hour ot one oYlo k tn
'he afternoon at the oftlce of K X Smith
County Judge of said county. In houp City in
said county at which time and place all per
sons interested tu said e>taie ma\ appear an I
be bears! concerning said appointment
thven under my hand and the seal of said
eourt this nth day ot March lam
(sttat.1 K A. -anvil County Judge
il.asi pub. Mar t>U
Conhiser’s Specials
A Quiet Tip
We are still in the rimr without any competition. Tim readers of this
oaper will do well to keep their eyes on this adv. from week to week. It
will cure them and mend their poeketbook likewise.
G lbs Good Santa Clara Prunes, - - 25c
5 ibs. Good Whole Rice, - 25c
iC oars Good Laundry Soap, new style - 25c
2 cans 3-1 b. Gaked Beans. - 25c
25c Bottie or Catsup; ... . |5C
2 cans o-lb. reaches. .... 25c
2 cans 3-lb. Plums,.25c
We also intend to put on a
Manufacturers’ Demonstration Sale
FROM MARCH 16th TO 26th
Thirty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
Inspires confidence in the
The Solidity of this Institution.
The Substantial Men Behind It.
Its Reputation for Progressiveness.
Its Large Loaning Capacity.
Its Spirit of Accommodation.
Have attracted an army of e'.ients whose
Promote your interests by allying yourself as a depositor with
this strong and siuyoss'uI institution.
E. G, Taylok, J. S. Pki'Lkk, C. C. Carlskn,
President. Vice President. Cashie
Moving Time
And you will surely nood some
Llpoleupi, Poftiefs,
Wipdow Shades,
Lace Gurtaips,
•Wall paper,
When you need anything in my line, don't for
get I meet all competition.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
At Loup C ity, have just unloaded a car of
White Ced?r FV-se Posts
Anil are offering them at K> 1 « ion ><aoh. Tbe*e are rare a
bargain. Time to get busy \\i building, so bring in
vour bills and we will give \«o i'jmo -itos on them. Yards at
Loup City, Ashton, Rockyille, u) ps, , i d Atvadia, Neb
The greatest advertisement ever ^ iwn to u«"Oe>'n ’arm
lands is contained in the present discussion re.: * g the
high cost of living. Our population and i s di mai has in*
creased beyond the ratio ot increased soil produets n*> man
who owns a farm is surer R day than ever bob' e oi »> tnture
value aud worth to him. Netrl\ a iniRuiw >■> *va' ■* eome
annually to this country. The west is i v *u * >• 's.pula
tton at the rate of half a million a year .. o owns
a NO or -Rt-acre worn-out tanu in Km< ; - > < it m*
dependent, vet the west otters you Njo <n t > WmdeU
lauds or Htkacre tracts of Oovemimmt ,ivi m «i .1, ,-u a
price that comes near Wing a gut
With ihe absolute certainty that tl \nd< w ” Wh*,
vend the roach of the homesteader n» a - w \ - ' 1 juty
you to get hnhl of a western tsvn bo v< > v. y». ,r son
Whine it is to\ n'e { \ I- tomhwth v
IMLKMhK KH.tio >» ' nt
It ^ * "tX ^ V ^ . V < t, t
Iv % * w sM vlW^ V* \>v v \\V> %