The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 24, 1910, Image 7

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    Fought to Retain
Formula Which Has
Made a Fortune
I- T Cooper. tie man who belier—
•tit per ml of ail ill health of
ti-i# generaCiTm i» caused hr stomach
*» *a«* winning i national faith
la has tlterr Hu Is aow it
by a surprising number of peo
P-’ thra«cho_t tie country. and he i#
gain*— new adherent# every day.
>|Hfeic of fed# —ore## la a
tmmuw. Mr Cooper aald: “I
i> need ua year# ago that any one
•' > '.1 produce a formula that
a --1 thjfourh y regulate the stom
a h WK.J hare a fortune When I got
*- I *f tki# formula I kn*w within #ia
taiMUm that 1 a a# neht and that my*
•oetun* vu made. 1 called the med
itat Coopor*# N- w I4s c ovf-rr. al
— I «... tf g-t up :l formula.
t_*e caned it, hoatver. lor over
tv* yea— I hare had one lawsuit
« r tt arhleh 1 a on In the courts.
- * h »a# settled The Cooper
v-d*ctft« Cor.r-..r.. u>—e the only
' -r • w • *t ut r r. ; ;re
'■h* Basfxane The preparation ha#
st-J ffk*- wtidftre wher**»er Introduced,
a* f iaw satd before, u Is successful
• 'ttply lemanse It put# the stomach
perfect shape, then nature does
• T- »T- Tiere are any number of
: •. -*nt# a* ver before associated
• ft *•*—tath trouble that the medi
■*. t_» ale Tinted In thousands of
i «#—.*’
Among statement# obtained recent*
' from mer* of th:s medictn- that is
•’.sing *nrh universal discus.ion is
from SCra Stanley. L»v ng in
at Tl3 Uuihitf.fB iloule
a-ho sale "p-rhap* I had the
ft ■* t=#dlLuted oi* tha- Mr Coo;>er
.. <—1 with 1 was troubled for
, «•*» with wet #ti—cl I consulted
- "h doctors and took many patent
f- - • a* pr paratuon* without result.
>:* stoma-:* *i» In such a wretched
•hi -v- *hat I could not enjoy a meal
that 1 ale.
1 was eery »«rrot», and could hard
tier* 1 iad a roaring to a>
* - and Cluing spots before my eyes. 1
felt v-ry bad and weak Then there
a • . a aery sore »pot ai the pit of my
.' .mar* lha* nearly set me wild
'1 heard ai—t the Cooper
and c>«sd«d to try it. I used four bob
- non tie fanr—r*asent in my case
t. really wonderful Mr nerres
i.v* been —sited, and 1 am so much
l—d liar 1 feel Lke a new
« -nte
'1 cannot say too arb for these
» -'t itnl r* m die#, for they have
mad* me well"’
»'*Jp«w•# Xew |y;* oTtry is sold by
c*wm«u. f: ▼( r drugght cannot
supply yon. e will forward you the
n#sa« s# a d—ggh-t :n your city who
• .1 P* a*t a- or j‘t “sometitag just as
r . —Tt.- Cooper Med:: mo Co*
iirm omo.
* fami y tr«-r • : a bunko man
t j*l hr- a #■■—re elm
Nebraska Directory
is that
Uncle Sam
Breakfast Food
Hundreds of people
•■ear by Uncle Sam
!t Has Cured Them
ami tmc eesr
am r’irtc uur*: maiji <**
iWi MIH PU>« CO.. OMAHA. «£».
_l * » a?> oil! ... 7: -rt.XM Up dauU*.
mmne-* l iww *w*i*
2 Lb. Red
At Your
VJUE*I n IRTP »uto cowls » nr
* f CL L» I IV V3 tan nroe*i« mil br kr#
f s.atAiA'rr t~u*ne tood as We o»
ww. cr«c am:, i r mta m. cx»pret, br*s» or
<* rucftai | itwrrt a»to«B»fcwi« rrvairin*.
MtTVCHf MOTCfc CO., Council HuPt.
Fecomrrended for Storms' Job at
State Co^ege by Corn Growers.
Exposition Will Be Held in the Colb
•eum Decerroer 9-15—State Beard
of Education May Ask P nchot
to Taka the Presidency.
TVs Volt].-**, Feb. 17.—Prof. P. G.
i- id* n. h* ad of the corn extension de
rat <,f the lr«a State collage at
*.mes. has b.-.c indorsed for the posi
' • t i f pr.idert of the £ihtx)l to suc
• ■ d I>r A B Storms by the directory
t.rd of the !owa Corn Growers’ as
scriat ion.
‘ • ’ if Dr.
'■ • t d;r tnry board fixed the
j of the « :i:bth annual corn ex
r. ft r. !»•-<■ 9 to I> ■ 15. in
. *• ci m (f-ower.s Indorsement of
• H » ill carry . , nsider
P.-.OF. P. G. HOLDEN. stud. for It is the
orcjuiiitatlun of s 'i- Utilic
.armers fa t;.* state
"ii is *■:'*. :--gr, t that 1 road in the
that Pr-.-dem Slur nil has teu
.• v<il his r* s ziiati u: as president of
tii.- Iowa agru-u tural colic Re,” said
■ .1 -:i i as r.v-u re reived the thing that
of 1< vva Want to concern
i i:»i ms.. Ives about is the choc-sing ol
i * * i r .-.dent 1 do net think
' r. . * i« at... question as to wlio
» .1 t- -el« t. d Kite this matter
I< St to a pc, i.’ar vote of the Sarin in
• r- sts of the irate, for whirh the
» rk of th* institution stands, which
a..- » . ari’.y embraces the merhan
<and engineering departments.
“It is my judgment that Prof. P. G.
Of the
1 . a people. Professor Holden has
fatly come closer in touch with
th- j«< op!, c‘.' Iowa and knows more
f r wants and their needs than
. it e •: • r living man in the state, and
t. - in i d qualify him. He has rare
e- nine a! .litv and is a leader
among young men r-nd women. This
ha- 1 • er. thoroughly demonstrated in
: - * du< ational work before short
■ • - ov* r the state, on seed corn
pe. ai>. and in hi- addresses before
• 0. at :-l institutions. 1 sincerely
•i .« the educational board in
■•-.r del::>• rations as to the success
• : I>r Storms will give the greatest
-I'.. consideration to Professor
.- a in cor.: with the presi
dency of the Ames college.”
Treasurer Fr.-d McCulloch and spec
ial ag< nt fi>r far-n management in
Iowa <•: the In.ted States department
f act tliure. said. ''Personally. I am
!or Holder. I r-gard him as the best
all around man for this position in
the l mted States and I am convinced
that h« has dene more to deserve this
r, rn,tion now that the opportunity
is at hand, than any name that has
h«en mentioned in connection with
Cllit.g this position. I believe 1 know
th- sentiment of the Iowa people.”
Gilford Pinchot, jejiosec govern
ment forester and leader of the con
servation forces of the country, is be
ing considered by the sate board of
education for th vacancy caused by
the resignation of Pr Storms.
Korns Heads Alumni Club.
p R_ Kerns wa- elected president
of the Drake Almm..' club lor the en
-ulns year at a meetin.* of the organ
isation b*id at the Grant club. John
j Griffith, head coach of the athletics
at Drake university. delivered the
; r l_ pai addr-T-s of the evening
Smoker for Cavalry.
Th. ■ •' ■ Sixth cavalry at
F ri D*-s Moines have accept'd the
c]Bb'a Invitation to attend a
nr r ar:d sm her n the club house
on th. evening of Friday. Feb. 18.
Robb Estate Sues.
pcrnu ion bus been granted C. De
Hhai.. adminharator of ths estate of
Wi.Uam 1. Robb, a traveling man who
was killed in the street ear accident
st th. foot of the Nineteenth street
■ ■ - i l . th ■ : car company in
th. turn of 00 for Robb's death.
Murderers Lose Cases Before Court.
The supreme court has confirmed
tbe com lion of Harry Clayton of
gi,-,,;x ( ity. convicted of murder, and
Prank Dyer, of Monona county, also
convicted of murder.
Mist Gordon Elected.
Miss Ferti Gordon, daughter of Prof,
and Mrs. C. H. Gordon or Highland
Park, has been elected supervisor ot
music for the Adel public schools
Miss Gordon also has charge of the
music Instruction for the Dallas Cen
ter public schools.
Board Meets in March.
The state heard of education w!'
hold a regular meeting March ‘J. T
lace has not bier, decided ttpen r
et. but »iil probably be Cedar Rr.
I ids.
Emmett Dalton Hands Hot Talk
to Governor.
Kansas Executive Threatens to Send
the Former Robber Back to
Prison for Running a Nickel
“Emmett Dalton has no busi
ness to be going around the
country giving a bank robbery
picture show He has broken
his parole, and if he's not care
ful I'll send him back to the
penitentiary.”—W. R Stubbs.
Governor of Kansas
“I'm not here to be awed by
any petty politician. Gov.
Stubbs is a showman like my
self and likes to keep in the
public eye. It’s all bosh and I
defy any man to imprison me
for breaking my parole.”—Em
mett Dalton. Ex-Bank Robber.
Kansas City, Kan.—A lively contro
versy between tbe governor of Kan
sas and Emmett Dalton, the last of
the famous Dalton gang, has resulted
from the Insistence of Dalton on giv
ing moving picture exhibitions of a
bank robbery, accompanied by s
realistic lecture and adtice to young
men not to stray from the straight
and narrow path.
Gov. Stubbs says Dalton ought to
be in prison. Dalton virtually invites
the governor to go to Mazes.
The man who smashed two political
machines and outwrestled the Demon
/ BAnn
[P^[ C4PTU&EC.
/ great
I 54
/vow /funmni t
Mourns Picture _snon/
Incidents in Dalton’s Life.
Rum found himself defied by the one
time outlaw and bank robber.
Dalton and his wife. who. by the
way. have adopted two orphan chil
dren to bring up. were touring Kan
sas towns with great success, crowds
flocking to hear the former bank rob
ber tell of such adventures as the raid
on the Coffeyville bank, which led to
Jim Dalton’s capture and the surren
der of Emmett, who gave himself up
rather than leave hts wounded brother
to captors who. for all he knew, would
hang him on the spot.
Gov. Stubbs says Dalton is out on
parole, and he will send him back to
serve his time out. Dalton says the
governor is “talking through his hat.”
Punctuation To-Day.
One suspects that the use of punctu
ation and capital letters is but a con
cession to an emasculate eye. You
will look a long way for a stop in a
Greek inscription, and all the letters
are capitals. An ancient Greek could
read his sacred books not only with
out punctuation or inverted commas,
but without vowels. Nowadays we
must shriek in headlines and explain
in commas and italics. But the law
know s better. When you sign a le
gal document you find no stops or in
verted commas in it. They might
lead to confusion.
it would be an amusing experiment
to print a paper as this note is printed
without any of the paraphernalia of
capitals stops italics just siraight on
trusting to the sense of the reader
to make his own sense out of it for
it is generally clear where the break
comes and it is only the omission or
misplacement of the unnecessary sign
post that sends the reader off to a
joke that turns sense into nonsense
but possibly if we abolished all these
trimmings of print the journalist
would become seriously embarrassed
for jokes and the compositor for em
ployment.—London Chronicle.
His Specialty.
The One—He can t be much of an
actor. 1 never saw his name on the
hill boards.
The Other—No; but I understand it
appears on a good many board bills.
Will Pay You
$500'n Gold
To Name Our Ne wConi k
Shakespeare says there is nothing in a name, but John A. Salzer says A
statement by offering you $500.00 in gold to name his wonderful,
long-kemeled com, pictured in life size at the left on this page.
A prominent Agricultural Expert, on seeing this
new corn, exclaimed:
‘'Salzer, you have startled the Agricultural
World in discovering this most remarkable breed of
Indeed, it is the most remarkable corn ever seen
by mortal eye.
But not a bushel of it is for sale. For there is
not one-tenth enough in existence to fill the tremen
dous orders that will pour in when this new corn
goes on the market.
Next year we may have enough to sell. Right
now the best anybody can do is to obtain a sample
package—enough to'grow % bushel of seed for 1911.
You are mighty welcome to a sample. Please send
8c in stamps to pay mailing charges.
The thing that puzzles us is. WHAT ARE WE
Mr. Salzer will not be content witn anything but
a slashing, smashing good name. So he offers $500
in gold to the seed-buyer who hits upon the most
suitable name.
We want you. reader, to help us out. Name this
corn, won’t you? It does not cost a penny to use
the corn-naming coupon below. Fill it out. send
it to-night and be a candidate for the $o00 cash
We are fortunate in securing three of the most
capable and prominent men in Wisconsin to sit as
Judges in our big corn-naming contest. They are
Prof. R. A. Moore. Wisconsin State Agricultural
College; Hon. .1. J. Esch. Congressman from Wiscon
sin: Hon. Robt. Calvert. I'. S. Customs, La Crosse.
These eminent men will weigh carefully the
name you suggest, and, if it is most suitable, you
will get the $500 prize. No matter who you are or
where you live, you will be given a fair, square
opportunity to land the money.
Fill out the free corn-naming coupon with pencil
or pen as you please, but be sure to give you” com
plete home address.
Salzer’s Catalogue
It's the most original seed book published, and
is gladly mailed to intending 'purchasers free; or
remit 10c and get lots of remarkable farm seed
samples, including Billion $ Grass. Alfalfa, Speltz.
etc., worth a little farm to get a start with, or send
13c, and we add a package of Nameless Coin.
positively me greatest
grass of "the century.
Sown when the ground is
thoroughly warm, it will
produce from two to four
crops of hay the first sea
son, yielding all, the way
from 10 to 15 tons per
acre. It is prodigiously
It requires 20 lbs. seed
per acre.
Price: Salzer's Supe
rior, 20 lbs.. SI.7"-; 70 lbs.
$3.00; 100 lbs.. $5.50.
Salzer’s 20th Century,
20 lbs.. $2.25; 50 lbs.
$5.00; 100 lbs.. $S.50.
We commend our 20th
Century’ strain as the pur
est, we believe, on earth.
Pronounced Absolutely Pure, No Weeds.
Largest growers of Clever, Timothy and Grasses,
Oats. Earley and Potatoes in America.
acres sown to Salzer's 30th Century Alfalfa, har
vested within 24 weeks af:er seeding $2500 worth
cf magnificent hay, or at the rate of $23.33 per acre.
Salzer's Alfalfa Clover will produce a t-rep on
any farm in*America where timothy will grow. It is
famed for its stubborn hardiness and prodigal vigor.
Price. 20th Century (Pure Seed)—sow 20 lbs.
per A.—20 lbs., $4.90; 100 lbs., $22.00.
100.000 Eus. Pedigree Seed Potatoes.
Largest Growers Seed Potatoes in America, yield
ing from 150 to 600 bushels per acre for each and
every acre you plant. Price range from $2.00 to $4.00
per Barrel.
No other Seed House has kept id such close tanch '
with State Agricultural Colleges as ..ue John A. Sal
zer Seed Co. This great Seed House specializes in
the pedigreed varieties of seed that are brought
forth by State Colleges of Wisconsin. Iowa, Minne
sota. the Dakotas ana ail other Agricultural Colleges
in the Middle West, /
■a t t? 7 i.:
Test Yield
Per Acre
mar f/i#
/ i
Here is a joy collection,
beating the world, com
posed of 10,000 kernels
of the richest, juiciest,
tenderest seeds.
1500 Each, Lettuce, Turnip. Rutabaga.
1000 Each, Onion, Celery, Carrot.
1000 Rarest Radishes, alone worth 16 cents!
100 Each, Parsley, Melon, Tomato.
1200 Brilliant Flower Seeds, 50 Sorts.
In n' t 10,000 kernels, including big catalog, all postpaid,
only 16c in stamps.
Above collection of 30.000 kernels of richest, finest, most de
lirious vegetable and brilliantly beautiful flower seed, will
furnish all .summer long, BUSHELS and BUSHELS of vegetables
and basket after basket of exquisitely beautiful flowers. AJLL
FOR 16c POSTPAID and, if you send 22o POSTAGE, we will add
a package of our corn Prodigy, for which we are seeking a nam»*.
You will be greatly surprised at the quantity of vegetables you
can grow from this 16cent seed collection.
JOHN A SALZER SEED CO., 182 Sc. 8ih St.. La Crosse Wis.
FREE- Corn-Naming Coupon
182 South 8lh St.
La Crosse, Wii.
Gentlemen—Please send me your Free 1910 Seed Catalogue.
Whose Seerfs f
Have You Ysed? ) -
For tout new corn I succest this name_
My Name
Would you bo willing )
to try S-rliter s Seeds? f
P. O..
R. F. P.
. State-.
Do yen wish a sample packet of the corn
which we offer you $5c© to name?_(If you
do be sure to enclose &c to pay mailing charges.
However, you need uot have sample to uame
the corn.
Only to find oar duty certainly, and
somewhere, somehow, to do it faith
fully, makes us good, strong, happy,
and useful men.— Phillips Brooks.
Free to Our Readers.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chica
m. for t'-puge illustrated Eye Book Free.
Write all about Your Eye Trouble and
they will advise as to the Proper Appli
cation of the Murine Eye Remedies in
Tour Special Case. Tour Druggist will
tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes,
Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn’t Smart,
Soothes Eye Pain, and pells for ROc. Try
It in Tour Eyes and in Baby’s Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.
A Benefactor.
“Are you doing anything for oth
ers?’’ asked the philanthropist.
"Sure,’’ answered Mr. Crosslots, “I
make a garden every day for the ben
efit of my neighbors’ chickens."
In all its forms, among all ages of horses
and dogs, cured and others in the same
sta ile prevented from having the disease
with Spohn's Distemper Cure. Every bot
tle guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles sold
last year, s.50 and *1.00. Good druggists,
or send to manufacturers. Agents wanted.
Write for fr.-e book. Spohn Med. Co..
Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind.
The Cnterrified Improver.
First Angel—What is ihe rumpus in
the seventh heaven?
Second Angel—A moral uplifter has
broken through the roof trying to find
an eighth heaven.
Coffroth V/ins Race. London to’Frisco,
James W. Coffroth, fight promoter,
won his bet of $2,000 made with a
member of the National Sporting club
of London that he could reach San
Francisco in ten days from London.
Coffroth had a margin of two hours
and forty minutes.
Coffroth, according to agreement,
sent a telegram to Eugene Corn, with
whom he had the wager. When he ar
rived at the Oakland pier he was wel
comed by a large delegation that
cheered him as he stepped from his car.
The time made by Coffroth is the
fastest ever made from London to San
Francisco over the Atlantic and across
the continent. He made the trip in
nine days, five hours and five minutes.
_ The journey from Omaha to San
Francisco was made on the famous San
Francisco "Overland Limited” of the
Union Pacific-Southern Pacific, and is
simply another victory for Safety.
Service, Speed via the old Overland
' ^ « i
Willie—Gracious, mamma, is that
the cat in the kitchen breaking up all
the dishes?
Mother—No, my son: that Is merely
your father breaking his New Year's
Backache is kidney ache, in most
eases. The kidneys ache and throb
with dull pain be
cause there is in
flammation within.
You can’t be rid of
the ache until you
cure the cause—the
Doan’s Kidney
Pills cure sick kid
neys. G. S. Warren,
1517 No. 7th St.,
Boise, Idaho, says:
"An injury to my
back years ago left
me lame. I had to
use a cane, and it
hurt me terribly to
stoop or lift. The
kidney secretions
passed too frequent
ly. For five years since I was cured
by Doan’s Kidney Pills, I have had no
j return of the trouble.”
Remember the name—Doan's. For
sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Poster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
A Vast Difference.
“Why's a bachelor a bachelor?”
“It depends; but it is seldom for the
same reason that an old maid’s an
old maid.”—Judge.
Mr*. W.nufw'i Soothing Symp.
For children teeihiaK. tofteas the frutos, reducer tn
ttommauou, imln. c ore* rrtcd collo 26c.» dottle.
When a doctor gets sick be knocks 1
_ bis own game.
The Apology of Adam.
Adam had just blamed it on the !
“There wasn't any tariff,'' he ex |
Herewith all agreed he had done his
to crRF a corn in onk day
Take LAXATIVE RKOMO Oninire Tablets. i
Druggists refund mcmey if it fails to care. K.W
uKui UTS signature it on each box. 15c.
It is easy to ofiend people who have
no use for you.
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar.
You pay 10c for cigars not so good.
When common sense takes a vaca
tion it is time to stand from under.
Hay’s Hair-Health
Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to Its
Natural Color and Bcacty. Stops its falling
out. and positively removes Dandruff. Is not a
Dye. Refuse all substitutes. fi.oo and 50c.
Bouies by Mail or at Druggists.
Send ioc for large sample Bottle I IlkEii
Philo Hay Spec. Co.. Newark. N. J., U. S. A.
without a surgical operation, and j
GUARANTEED to last a
LIFETIME. No Chloroform. ^
Fthpr rr other general anaesfil
thetic used.
22S Bm Sills. Omaha, Nab.
Book and Advlre FREE. Iiuc,
trawiek a Lawrrnr*. Washington.
D C. Ksu U y rs. Bout rclerunoes.
W n t non F. Coletn n n .Wash
ington. D.C. Books free. High
w; reierencea. Best rasuita.
m kst mmi tor (ouwse>%DS
It will instantly relieve that racking cough.
Taken promptly it will often prevent
Asthma, Bronchitis and serious throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed safe and very
All Drsnista, 25 i
Senator Dolliver, of Iowa, says: —
£The stream of emlrraats from the United States
Canaria Will continue.”
Senator Dolliver recently peM a
visit to "W estern Cua; da,
and sajs: “There is n
land bon serin the lien rir»
of English wncakin?: pi -r
pie; this will account! yr
the removal of {**» m*.''.?
Iowa lanr.orr to Canaria.
Our peonli era ploaswl
with Its Government and
the excellent n-’miris
tration of low, a:* J they
are coming to von in
tens of tSon'and.i, mil
they ore st ill cotuinw.**
IrrwncontribntAHl lurc**>
lytothe 70,000 Artirrl
enn farmers who made Can: <Ia
their home ilr.rinc lOOO.
Meld crop rctu riiN aiono
durinjryeara<!d<*d to the wealth
of Lire country upwards of
§ 170,000.000.00
Grain rrowinp, mixed Tann
ins, (tittle raining and dairying
nrenlljirofUaulo. Free ilom»
stcods of 100 acres are to ho
had In the very best Ulstir-ln,
D>0 aero pre-emptions at $3X0
per acre w ithin certain arena.
School* and < linrches in every
settlement,climate unexcelled,
soil the richest.wood, water and
building muterlol plentiful.
l«;r particnlaraastolocatlnn. low
settlers1 railwr.r mtos nnd de -
tive illustrated pern*''.let. ‘it
Best West,” and other inform;*
tion. write to Sap’t, rf J —rv
tion. Ottawa, 0V:n., or to Cunauiazi
Government Agent.
Rmis 4 Bee Bldg. Oaafcs. Mtb.
(Use address nearest yon.) (3)
*‘My father has been a sufferer from sick
headache for the last twenty-five years and
never found any relief until "he begat,
taking your Cascarets. Since he hs.
begtm taking Cascarets he has never h > •
the headache. They have entirely cur.',
him. Cascarets do what you recommend
them to do. I will give yon the privilege
of using his name.”—E. M. Dickson,
1120 Kesiner St., W. Indianapolis, Ind.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good
Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe.
10c. 25c. 50c. Never sold in bnlk. The fen
nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back. a.3
Turlock Irrigation District
of California
TUNITIES. Healthful Climate. A-l land
ABUNDANT WATER at low rate
Peaches, Apricots, Figs, Olives, Swco.
Potatoes. Alfalfa and Dairying pay b- t
ter than 1100.00 per acre vearly. Wrilt
for illustrated booklet.