The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 20, 1910, Image 4

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    Professional Cards
Attorney and Connselcr-at-Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Office, Over New Bank.
Phone, 30. Office at Residence
Two Doors East of Telephone Central
Lnup City. - Nebraska
(Successor to M. II. Mead)
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Office up stairs in the new State
Bank building.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie
Phone, 10 on 36
Barred Plymouth Rock
Wild Rose Stock Farm
One mile east of town.
’Phone, 2 on 12.
I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility,Weak
ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture,
Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private
Skin and Chronic Diseases of Men
i ao not asK you to
come to me tlrst if you
believe others can cure
you. Should they fail,
don't give up. It is
better to come late
than not at all. Re
member, that curing
diseases after all oth
ers have failed has
been my specialty for
years. If you cannot
visit me personally.
write symptoms that trouble you most. A
vast majority of cases can be cured by my
system of home treatment, which is the most
successful system ever devised. I make no
charge for private counsel and give to each
patient a legal contract In writing, backed
by abundant capital, to hold for the promise
Physicians having stubborn cases to treat
are cordially invitedEM/X||(p|ki cure(1 of a11
to consult with me. ” woltH WOmb and
bladder diseaser, ulcerations, menstrual
irouble, etc. Confidential. Private home in
the suburbs, before and during confinement.
Motherly care and best attention guaran
teed. Good homes found for babies.
* aYWfc*. No charge whatever to any
man. woman or child living in LOUP CITY
or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC
TION. Come and let me look inside of you
absolutely free of charge.
Hr Rirh specialist, grand
IXlGn, ISLAND, NEB. Offlce op
posite Citv Hall. 103 W. Second Street.
TERMS.—91.00 PER TEAR, ir paid in ADVANCl
Entered at the Loup City Post-office for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 108
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub
Terms of Court 1910
County Jury Term Equity
Buffalo.May 23-Dec. 5... Feb. 14
Custer.March 7-Oct. 3.Ian. 31
Dawson.May 2-Nov. 14 ...April 4
Sherman-April 12.. .Sept. «-Nov. 1
At the meeting of the state lumber
man’s association at Lincoln last
week, resolutions endorsing Pinchot
were passed, but without censure df
the administration.
Hairless Jim Dahlman has tiled as
democratic candidate for governor.
If nerve were the only thing neces
sary, nothing could keep him from
winning hands down.
C. O. Wheedon of Lincoln thinks
he will just tit Elmer Burkett’s sena
torial shoes and his thinker has
caused him him to believe he can win
and so announces his candidacy. We
may be pardoned if we doubt it with
the biggest kind of a doubt.
Judge Gaslin, well known here and
in judicial circles over the state, died
at Alma last Friday night. Old
timers here relate many anecdotes of
the eccentric old judge, whose history
would make mighty interesting read
The dismissal of Gifford Pincliot,
chief of the forestry service, by Presi
dent Taft, has stirred the country
from one end to the other, as no
other incident has done. The dis
missal of Pinehot is taken by the
people as meaning sympathy with
Ballinger by the president and a
whack at the insurgent element. This
together with the reported holding
up of the wished for appointments
of the insurgent congressmen and the
sympathetic, relations said to exist
between the president and the regu
lars, headed by the Aldrich-Cannon
combine, has raised the tensest feel
ing at Washington and gives the look
of causing a wide split, that may
prove a chasm over which the regu
lars and insurgents cannot bridge,
however much they may wish to do
so. However, later reports are to the
effect that a conference between the
leaders on both sides has had the
effect of smoothing the rough places
and that the proposed caucus of re
publicans in congress, at which it is
promised the regulars will meet the
insurgents amicably and with the
view of adjusting the rather loud
smelling differences, will have the
effect of healing the breech made be
tween the two opposing factions.
It is claimed by the insurgents that
their tight is on Cannonism, with its
arbitrary rulings and kingly preroga
tive, and not on the administration,
which latter they say they have no
contention with, while the president
is reported to claim that he is not
nor has been holding up the wishes
of insurgents in order to drive them
into the regulars' strongbox. How
ever that may be, the insurgent
element claim that they will tight to
the* last ditch rather than to allow
of Cannon dictation, and propose t hat
the speaker shall be shorn of the
power of committee appointments
and the same to be made by election
of house members, the present meth
od of committee appointments by the
speaker proving to be little less than
giving the speaker the absolute power
of controlling legislation, by reason
of his being able to make appoint
ments of members he can control in
the interests of the trusts and com
bines, of whom he is the most servile
agent. Thus it will be seen that the
situation at the headquarters of the
government is most startling, unless
the good common sense of the ma
jority of the members of the two
houses shall be such as to bring the
matter out according to justice in
the eyes of the great mass of the
adherents of the dominant party.
We shall see.
The Lincoln Daily Star seems to be
troubled not a little with a new dis
ease, which might be designated as
And now it is Gilbert M. Hitchcock
of the Omaha World-Herald who pro
poses to contest with Burkett for
the latter's seat in the ser.ate.
Gilbert insists that Bryan would not
have the gift of the nomination at
the hands of Nebraska democracy
for any reason whatever, and that he,
Hitchcock, is just about the fit for
the democratic mit.
.Judge Hostetler announces that he
has decided not to call a grand jury
for ButTalo county for the year 1910,
deeming it unnecessary. The law
now makes it a requirement to con
vene a grand jury for the district
judge to issue his call at the begin
ning of the year, otherwise a grand
jury cannot be called during that
year.—Kearney Democrat.
The complaint of the railway com
mission, backed by the decision of
the attorney general, puts a stop to
the selling of boo/e on the dining
cars of the IJ. P. and Burlington
trains while passing through Nebras
ka. According to the complaint., to
sell booze on the trains would require
a license to be taken out in ’each
county through which the trains
On December .'10th there was launch
ed in Washington, I). C., a movement
which has proved successful in Ger
many. An association was formed,
the National Anti-Trust League,
whose members are pledged to aban
don the use of food products of a
combine when the price is forced
above a reasonable amount. By des
troying the market, it is expected to
keep prices at a reasonable level.—
Evidently the derao-pop push of the
Big Sixth are determined Congress
man Kinkaid shall not sleep insecuri
ty over a re-election to his office.
Already live or six candidates of the I
double-headed affair are out with
intent to take Moses’ official scalp,
and no knowing how many others
are ready to get into the game, in
the meanwhile, republicans are not
very much "skeered" over the danger
of the Big Sixth going “Fussy” and
are confident that Kinkaid or some
other good republican will still con
tinue to represent the district in the
lower house of the National congress
for the next decade, and then some.
A new federal anti-lottery law went
into effect on the first of this montli
which is quite strict and quite severe
as to penalties for its violation. The
substance of it is that the mails can
not be used in any way to promote
any lottery or gift enterprise what
ever, and the penalty is a tine of not
more than $1,000, or not more than
two years imprisonment, or both.
Newspapers are particularly enjoined
not to publish any advertisement of
a lottery or to announce the results
of such lottery. Any raffle or prize
scheme of any sort which depends
wholly or in part on chance, is ckissed
as a lottery in the meaning of the
law.—Albion News.
A Roast on High Schools
At the superintendent's and prin
cipal's educational meeting at Lin
coln last week, Dean Davis of the
State University gavd an address
criticising the work done in the high
schools. Such criticisms have often
been made before and little or no
attention was given to them, but
when a man so high in authority,
having had years of experience with
the best of the high school product,
and speaking on the authority of
practically all the professors in the
university, makes the charge, it is
time to take notice, is this charge
true and what are the people going to
do about it? There is too much time
and money spent on the high school
to say nothing of the more important
ethical question involved to permit
such a condition to continue. What
have the high school pupils to say
for themselves? The following is
copied from the Lincoln Daily Star*
That high school students of Ne
braska cannot think, draw correct
conclusions, write an intelligent sen
tence and that the idea never occurs
to them was the substance of a sar
castic address by Dean Tilery W.
Davis of the Univeristy of Nebraska
Superintendents and Principals’ as
sociation conventions in the Temple
Friday. Dean Davis’ caustic trim
ming of the preparation of high school
students when they entei- the state
university came during a symposium
on the early education of the high
school student as shown in his sub
sequent work.
“The present atmosphere of frater
nity foolishness and athletic competi
tion is responsible for this condition
which about all the instructors in the
university have noted,” he declared.
Continuing his carefully worded roast
on the students and their preparation
for higher training, he said:
“The student lacks the capacity to
take on definite knowledge. He can
not draw correct conclusions, and
while he regards careful, neat work
as very nice, he regards it as rather
“The student is also amused if it
is suggested that he should know any
thing about his previous year's work.
I think that about covers the situa
tion.” was the cool observation of the
university professor, while the con
vention was gasping for breath.
In addition to the fraternities and
athletics the dean also said that, the :
home teaching and modern atmos-,
phere were responsible for the pres
ent inadequency of the student to
grasp the essential in the thing he is
“The students on coming to the'
university lack precision, have only a
hazy idea of the words they use in j
expression. After they have learned I
principles they fail in the eifort to |
apply them intelligently. Go into |
any of the fraternity houses and you
won’t find the kind of English being
taught in the schools, used in con
“If there is any complexity in the
thought they are trying to express,
they will not be able to construct a
sentence which will mean just what
they want it to. And, “he added sar
castically, “it never occurs to them
that they have to do any thinking on
their own account.”
He made a plea to the principals
and teachers of smaller schools in the
state that “out of the mass of stuff
poured into them something should
be gotten out.”
A fellow in Chicago the other day
drew a sentence of 75 days in the pen
for stealing seven cents. The fellow
lacked in latter day wisdom. Proba
bly had lie succeeded in getting seven
millions instead, lie could have been
crowned as a hero and not got much
more enforced confinement.
Under the statutes it is provided
that by February 1 the district clerk
of each county shall return to the
secretary of the State Hoard of Health
a report of the marriages and the
divorces of the calendar years pre
ceding. These reports are to be made
upon blanks furnished by the state.
The toy pistol, blank cartridge and
firecracker law passed at the last
legislature, went into effect at mid
night Dec. 31st, last. This law pro
vides that from January 1 it shall
be unlawful for any person to sell,
use, ofTer or keep for sale within this
state any toy revolvers, shooting
blank cartridges for toy revolvers,
toy or firecrackers more than live
inches in length or three quarters of
an inch in diameter. It provides,
however, that caps containing dyna
mite may be used, kept for sale, or
sold when needed for mining pur
poses or for danger signals or for
other necessary uses. A violation of
the law is punishable by a fine cf not
exceeding $100 or imprisonment not
exceeding thirty days in the county
Did you remember it? Yesterday
(Jan. 12) was the 22d anniversary of
the worst blizzard that has visited
the west in the momory of man. The
forenoon was warm and balmy with
a gentle breeze, summerlike and de
lightful, coming up lazily from the
south. Toward noon it began to get
foggy and we thought it was about
to give us a spring shower. Sudden
ly at about noon the wind wheeled
around to the north and came down
with a crash and fury that was
enough to scare a fellow and the
temperature fell down below zero
many degrees. There was a hustling
to shelter and older heads soon i>egan
to fear for the lives of people and
stock, though few, if any, fully
realized the danger that such a
storm was to us all. As the after
noon wore away and the fury of tiie
storm did not abate, apprehension
grew to fear and fear to terror.
Many lives were lost in all parts of
the west where the storm raged and
cattle suffered greatly and many died.
It was a terrible time.—Ord Quiz.
“What are they moving the church
for?” “Well, stranger, I’m mayor of
these here diggin’s, an’ I’m for law
enforcement. We’ve got an ordinance
what says no saloon shall be nearer
than .‘500 feet from a church. I give
'em three days to move the church.’’
—Stolen from an Exchange.
$1,000.00 Reward
If you do not wonder at the show
on the evening of
by the
This event will long- be remembered, as Mr. Barteno has traveled the
world over—all through the Orient and European Countries, and will give a
half hour lecture on his travels through China, Japan, India, Australia,
Russia and the Isles of Java. This lecture alone is worth the price of ad
mission. In this he will also relate humorous incidents which happen in a
circus showman's life, and in fact nearly his entire eventful history.
Then the Show Commences
Entirely different from anything
ever seen in this city heretofore.
The Half Woman The Box Mystery
Levitation The Class Box Illusion
Cremation of Adgie Lunette, the Flying Lady
Ladies’ Free Ticket
This Ticket and 25c Will Admit One Lady to
Cut This Out and Bring It to the Show
Don't miss this show, as it is the best one ever
given by the Barteno Company. Don't forget the
date, Saturday, Jan. 22.
General Admission, 25c;
Reserved Seats, 35c
Supervisors’ Proceedings
Loup City, Neb., Jan. 11, 1909
County Hoard of Supervisors met
in regular session as by law provided,
all members present with Henry Beck
as supervisor of I)ist. No. 7 in place
of E. II. Allen resigned, and county
J. I. Depew was chosen as tem
porary chairman and on motion the
temporary organization was made
Tiie personal tax of Lon Fowler of
Valley county who was assessed for
stock in Elm township, tills county,
in 1908, and paid the tax under pro
test was ordered refunded.
On request the salary of the coun
ty superintendent was fixed at $1100
for the year 1910, and $100 allowed as
an institute fund.
The clerk was ordered to notify the
township clerks of the various town
ships who desire to have their road
districts subdivided, to make out
petitions stating how they wish them
laip out and send same to county
clerk, for presentation to the board
at their next meeting.
On motion the Doner consent peti
tion from Washington township was
allowed as prayed for and clerk was
ordered to record the same.
Bids for county printing were then
opened and the contract for blanks,
stationery and publishing supervisors'
proceedings was awarded to C. F.
Beushausen, and for the printing of
legal notices and general election
ballots to J. W. Burleigh.
J. S. Pedler appeared before the
board and requested that the warrant
for his claim heretofore alliwed be
drawn for 75 cents less than claimed,
that amount being an overcharge.
The names of sixty persons possess
ing the qualifications of jurors were
then selected by the board, from
which a jury will be drawn to serve
at the term of the district court to
be held on April 12th. .
The chairman appointed the fol
lowing committees to serve for 1910:
Brigde—Wenzel Rewolinski, J. H.
Welty and W. O. Brown.
Road—Henry Beck, Hiyo Aden and
C. F. Peters.
Claims—Henry Beck, J. H. Welty
and W. O. Brown.
Finance—Hiyo Aden, C. F. Peters,
and Wenzel Rewolinski.
The bonds of C. F. Beushausen and
J. W. Burleigh for county printing
were examined and chairman ordered
to approve the same.
The clerk was ordered to draw
warrants on the general fund to pay
damages on the Zaruba, Hile and
Rydberg roads.
On motion board adjourned to
January 12th.
W. C. Dieterichs, County Clerk.
Loup City, Neb., Jan. 12, 1910—
Board met^in regular session, all mem
bers present, except chairman: Henry
Beck was elected temporary chair
man in the absence of J. I. Depew.
The county assessor appointed R.
R. Bauliard of Logan township, J. C.
Wail of Harrison township and R. A.
Henderson of Webster township to
fill vacancies and the appointments
were confirmed by the county board.
In the event of any vacancies in
the list of deputy assessors the county
assessor is authorized to fill same and
the chairman to confirm the appoint
ment in the absence of a meeting of
the board.
Sheriff is directed to retain his
office in the State Bank building at a
rental of $50 per year.
The opinion of the county attorney
holding the emergency bridge levy
valid, was ordered recorded, also his
opioion in regard to the claim of John
Minshull for $50 for attorney’s fees
holding the county could not pay same
On motion of W. O. Brown seconded
by J. H. Welty it was ordered that
the sum of $1078.30 be included in the
estimate for bridges for the year 1910
to pay the claims of W. T. Gibson, as
authorized by the last legislature;
Beck and Peters voting. No: Aden,
Brown, Itewolinski and Welty voting
The following estimate was made
for the year 1910:
Special Emergency Bridge Fund,
$3000,: Bridge Fund, $12,000,; Hoad
Fund, $1,000,; General Fund, includ
ing salaries, elections, books, blanks,
printing, court, insane, Institute,
bounties and incidentals, $18,000,:
Interest bond and sinking fund,
$12,000,: total $18,000.
Tee claim of John Minshullon page
469 for $50, was disallowed by the
whole board, also claims of Fuller &
Fuller, $10.77; M. P. Robertson, $2.28
and Geo. C. Frink. $18.00.
W. O. Brown is authorized to em
ploy the Standard Bridge Company to
take out the old bridge and to make
the approaches to the new bridge.
W. O. Brown is instructed to build
temporary approach to the new bridge
until the till can be made of earth.
The following claims were allowed
and warrants ordered drawn on the
General Fund:
H, F. Fort.$15.00
W. Rewolinski. 7.20
C. J. Peters. 7.50
J. H. Welty. 7.50
HiyoAden. 8.00
Henry Beck. 7.30
W. O. Brown. 6.20
Whereupon the county boarci ad
journed to February 23d, 1910.
W. C. Dietkkiciis, County Clerk.
Brood Sows for Sale.
H. ,T. Johansen lias 20 Poland China
brood sows, young and old, all bred,
for sale. He will have no public sale
this year, but will give even better
figures at private sale. Call early
and get your choice.
Estimate for 1910
I The following estimate was made by the
County Hoard of Supervisors of Sherman
county. Nebraska, as the estimate for the
year 1910, at a regular meeting held on the
12th day of January. 1910:
Special Emergency Bridge Fund.* 3,000 00
Bridges. 12,000.00
Roads . 1.000.00
General Fund, including salaries, elec
tions. books, blanks, printing, court.
in9ane. institute, bounties and in
Interest Bond and Sinking Fund. 12.000.00
Total SHS.000.00
W. C. Dietehichs. County Clerk.
State of Nebraska. 1
> ss
Sherman County 1 The State of Nebraska
In County Court within and for Sherman coun
ty, Neb.. December 28th. 1909.
In the matter of the estate of John
Kochanowskl. deceased.
To the Creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notitied that I will sit at the
county court room in Loup City, in said coun
ty, on the 25th day of July. 1910. at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims against
said estate is the 25th day of July, A. D. 1910.
and the time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 25th day of July, 1910.
Witness my hand and the seal of said couitfy
court this 28th day of December. 1909.
I sealj J. S. Pkdi.kk. County Judge.
Last pub. Jan. 21
or Hearing on Final
of Administrator
Account or
State of Nebraska
Sherman County ' The State of Nebraska
To the next of kin and all peraons interest
ed in the estate of William H. Stephens,
deceased, late of said county:
Notice is hereby (riven that on January II,
1910 a petitlom was Bled in the County Court
of said county, for the allowance of the final
account of the administrator of the estate of
William H. Stephens, deceased, late of said
county, and that the same was set for bearing
Friday, the 28th day of January, 1910, at the
hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at the office
of E. A Smith, county judge of said county,
in Loup City in said county, at which time
and place all persons interested in said estate
may appear and be heard concerning said
Anal accounting. , _ _ ,.
Given under mv hand and the seal of said
court this 11th day of January. 1910.
18BAL1 E. A. Smith. County Judge,
f Last pub. Jan. 27]
Opera House
By j-lorne Saiept
Tuesday, Jan. 25th
Benefit of Odd Fellow Hall Fund
A good, clean play, given by our home;
amateaur talent.
Door open at 7:30. Curtain rices at 8:30
Admission, to any part of the house, 35 cts.
You Can’t Afford to Miss This
Dustless, perfect track, and new
steel passenger equipment which
is the finest equipment that money
can buy- -are afforded to patrons
“The Safe Road to Travel”
Electric block signals- dining car
meals and service ,‘Best in the
For literature, information, rates, etc., call
on or address your local agent
Loup City, Neb.
GO/tL at $2.00 PEP TON
We are offering our ccreened slack coal for $2.00 per »on
During the Presept jVlopth
We are making this reduction in price in order to so 1 it
before Jan. 1st, 1910.
Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Net .
A Good Stock of Coal on hand at Loup City Ashton. Rockville and Austin
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on band.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 12c to 25c.
No trouble to figure your bills aud show
our stock.
A New stock of
Buggies, Surreys
Leading Makes!
Call and Look My Stock Over