The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 06, 1910, Image 5

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v/g desire to show our appreciation by
giving to you cno best service possible
3£ c.■.ii times.
W ? hays a large bunch of well satisfied
customers and shall be pieased to en
list your name as a new one.
There are two important reasons why you
should transact your business with
The First National Bank
!. Capita! and Surplus, $35,000.00
2. An experiencep management with plenty
* -rthermore, our ambition will be to honestly
merit the splendid confidence reposed in us
A. P. COLLEY, President, L. HANSEN, Cashier,
IRA E. WILLIAMS, Vice Pres., 0. E. ADAMS, Asst. Cashier
T -iO V KAR. t y VM ID IN advance
Kairii-ea m ibo Loup City Postofttce for trans
mission through the mails as second
clans matter
Office ’Phone. - - - 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pnl>
THURSDAY, JAN. 6. 1909
A Pew Market Quotations.
Corn. Der bu -. .50 @ .53
Wheat, per bu..98® 1 00
Oats, per bu.;{0® .33
Rve, per bu . .65
Butter, per lb... .30
Eggs, per doz... .30
Hens, per lb... .08
, Spring chickens, per lb. .09
Lee Bros, pay highest cash priee
for hides.
Bennett pays the highest market
price for hides.
If you want a good cream separator
see T. M. Reed.
3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
in need of a drayman.
Attorney Starr had legal business
at Rockville Tuesday.
Sleeth does all kinds of repairing
promptly. Call 8 on 62.
Take your hides to Bennett and get
the highest market price.
G. 11. Lindall was here from Kear
ney yesterday on business.
IJurgains in Town Property
for sale by John W. Long.
Mrs. J. B. Draper has been on the
sick list this week but is better.
Sheridan Lump and Nut coal for
sale at E. G. Taylor's elevator.
Arthur Reed left Monday morning
to take a course at York college.
I will guarantee 32c for butter fat
I test and pay cash.—A. E. Chase.
If you want a dray in a hurry and
pet quick work, see Stewart Conger.
Town lots or improved proper
ty at great bargains. See J. W.
Take your butter and eggs to Con
hiser's, where you can get anything
you want.
Miss Grace Adamson was called to
Omaha Tuesday by the serious illness
of a friend there.
You make no mistake in calling on
the Stewart Conger drays when you
want quick service.
-aii illt- iijnii l uiierni
for sale at tirst hands by calling
on John W. Long.
Sleeth does all kinds of furniture
repairing, next door to Lee’s butcher
shop. I’hone 8 on ti2.
"The Loup City Mills are now mak
ing their own rye flour. Ask for it
when you buy rye flour.
Bennett’s meat market is the place
to get juiciest of steaks, fish, oysters
and everything in his line.
Farmers, do not sell your good
wheat before you get prices from the
. nip City Mill & Light Co.
^ Green hones, ground, fnr chickens,
best tiling going for laying hens, for
-ale hv Lee Bros. Try it.
Loans! Loans! Loans! Loans!
Heal Estate Loans at lowest
rates at John W. Long’s.
Bennett kills only the choicest of
beeves. Try his market once, and
you will always he a customer.
Miss Delight Byers of Kennard.
Neb., is now employed as stenogra
pher :n the office of U. P. Starr.
Buy T Breakfast Food made at the
Loup City Mills. For sale at all Loup
City stores at 5 cents per pound.
We are paying 3+ cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
You are assured a good time if
you attend the masquerade dance at
"the opera house Thursday evening,
Jan. lltli. H. Rarteno, Mgr.
Another change in business affairs
t>ok place in Loup City the tirst of
the year, .1 F. Jeffords selling his
jewelry store to Henry Eisner, Jr.
The Stewart Conger drays are on
tire rush from morning to night, but
you will get the quickest kind of
service on a hurry call. Try them.
320 acres improved. 100 acres in
cultivation, all good soil. 1 miles from
Loup City, for sale at *8500. How is
this for a bargain? W. P Reed.
E l Youngquest and family came up
from Aurora last Friday for a weeks’
visit with their relatives, the Jacobys
r and Youngquests in Logan township.
If you want a dray, phone Chas.
Field, 5 on 59, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Among the pleasant New Year’s
calls at this office were those of our
good friends, Glenn Farnsworth of
Webster and John Olson of Route 2.
Why not attend the Grand Island
(Nebraska) Business College this win
ter? You can pay when through and
in a position if you like. Send for
catalogue. 9-5t
Big sale of ladies’ and misses’ gar
ments at Conhiser’s. January 14-15.
See adv. on this page.
Last night and Tuesday night the
government thermomtter registered
15 degrees below. Whew!
Martin Enevoldsen and family re
turned Monday from a most enjoy
able visit at Dannebrog and Poole.
Many of our merchants arc invoic
ing their goods thus early in the
year, getting ready for the spring
Today the new county officers are
sworn iiFand are up against the busi
ness of the county for the coming
two years.
Ed Mulick, who has been visiting
his brother. M. C. Mulick, and fami
ly, returned to Council Bluffs Mon
day morning
Mrs. Leonardson of Small, Idaho,
accompanied by her daughter, arrived
last Friday for a visit with her sister.
Mrs. Wm. Larsen, and family.
Mrs. D. L. Adamson returned home
last Friday night from Cheyenne,
where siie had been to attend the
funeral of her brother, M. P. Ford.
Lou Bly and wife visited relatives
here last week, and we understand
that during their absence their home
near Greeley was destroyed by tire.
Ladies—Get that new coat or suit
at one-half price at Conhiser's Friday
and Saturday. Jan. 14-15. Also a
warm Bear Skin Coat for tire little
boy or girl.
Mrs. Clemma Conger and Miss
Nettie Conger on New Years’ day
entertained the Conger boys and their
families at dinner, making a very
pleasant family reunion.
The county dads convened in regu
lar session yesterday and put in the
day settling with the county treas
urer. and today are engaged in the
regular routine business.
Mrs. Thos. Porter and daughter,
Miss Lillie Porter, of Bedding, Iowa,
are here on a visit to their daughter
and sister, Mrs. M. A. Gilbert, and
family, also numerous friends.
The handsomest man in town is
now conceded to be our friend, Mr,
Louis Bein. all because of the remov
al of the hirsute appendage from the
uppersection of his oratorical machine
We understand one of the most im
portant business changes occurring in
our city the past year is on the verge
of conclusion, and which will prob
ably be consummated in the nest few
Best of reports come from the bed
side of Bev. Earl Pray. He was able
to sit up Tuesday and receive con
gratulatory messages by phone from
his many friends over his rapid re
turn to health.
Loup Citv flour is giving good satis
faction. Why not use flour made at
your home town and help a home
industry? Bring in your wheat and
exchange for flour.
YVm. Criss has his new garage com
pleted and last week received a car
load of Buick autos for the trade.
YVill is a first-class mechanic and busi
ness man and will make good as an
auto expert from any safe and sane
point of view.
There will be German preaching
services at their church next Sunday
morning at 10:30, Rev. Mangelsdorf of
West Point officiating. He will also
preach in Ashton in the afternoon of
the same day. All are cordially in
vited to these services.
We understand that Dr. S. A.
Allen left Council Bluffs last Satur
day for Philadelphia, by way of
St. Louis, Richmond and Baltimore,
for the purpose of taking a post
graduate course. The doctor expects
to spend al>out six weeks’ time with
this extra work.
Last Saturdav, through John YYT.
Long, our popular real estate man,
J. P. Leininger purchased McKinnie
Bros.’ farm in YY’ashington township,
which was last May sold to Mr. N. S.
Westrope of Plainview, Neb., thus
acquiring one of the finest farms in
Sherman county.
Don’t forget the big bargain sale
at Conhiser’s, Friday and Saturday,
Jan. 14-15, when the Square Deal
Sales Co. will offer a large line of
Coats. Suits. Skirts, Misses Coats and
Bear Skin Coats at half price or less.
Some of these garments are slightly
soiled and some out of style, but are
bargains. Here's the chance of a
Our throng of college students re
turned to their studies this week.
Messrs. Ray Kearns, Leslie Sweet
land and Miss Frances Sweetland to
Bellevue, Monday: Miss Elva Zim
merman to Toledo, Iowa, Tuesday;
Misses Meroe and Emma Outhouse,
Jess Cullev, and Clifford Rein and
Herbert Nightingale to the State
University Mondav: Emma Williams
returning to Lincoln Saturday.
O. F. Petersen received word New
Year’s Day that his aged father, Mr.
Peter Petersen, had passed awav that
morning at 11 o’clock at his home in
Lvons. Iowa. It was impossible for
Mr. Petersen to attend the funeral,
which was held last Tuesday. Detlef
Petersen and wife were at the father's
bedside. The many friends of the
sons here will deeply sympathize with
them in their irreparable loss
Some one hailed our friend. O. S.
Fross, Monday and wanted to know
if he had moved to town, all because
friend Fross has had so many friends
visiting him during fhe holidays that
it kept him making trains every day,
thus appearing a Loup City resident.
Among these were a daughter from
Des Moines, and several relatives and
friends from down the road, princi
pally from the next best county in the
Postmaster Grow has been quite ill
but is getting along finely at present.
Mrs. Harry Hinraan and children
left this morning for St. Edwards, to
visit Miss Maude ilimnan during her
convalescence from pneumonia.
Latest news of the victims of the
railroad accident near Hazard on
Christmas night are of the best, both
getting well along on to recovery.
Try M. Nielioiaus, tiie drayman,
for quick and satisfactory service.
Leave orders at the Keystone, Lein
inger’s or Taylor’s elevator, or phone
his residence, <i on 107.
C. F. Buckley is over at Litchfield
learning the printing business with
Jack Riglitenour of the Monitor.
Cecil will undoubtedly master the art
preservative in good shape.
About sixty friends cl ^Iiss Rose
Mulick started the New Year right,
being invited to her home Saturday
evening, when a most enjoyable time
was had, as is always the case at that
hospitable home.
The. Treasury Department at Wash
ington lias advised the First National
Bank ot this city that on and after
the regular annual meeting in Janu
ary they will require the board of
directors of ail National banks to hold
meetings as often as once each month
and have their by-laws provide as
follows: 1. The appointment of an
examining committee; 2. Theappoint
incntof a discount committee: 3. The
approval by the board of directors at
the monthly meeting of all loans and
discounts: 4. The recording of such
approal in permanent form. The im
portance of these rulingsare apparent
in the additional caution against bad
loans or poor management.
Letters received by Mr. Carle Me
Kinnie from Mr. and Mrs. Burt Mc
Kiunie, are to the effect that they
wiTl probably not reach home before
about the middle of February, as
they have concerts dated up to that
time. Next Tuesday they give a con
cert at Iron Mountain. Mich., and
have dates out for Detroit, Chicago
and various other points through
Michigan and Illinois, which if they
till will compel them to prolong their
absence till the date mentioned.
Newspaper reports are that they have
most appreciative audiences where
ever they go and the press speak
glowingly of their work. All of
which will be very pleasing to their
egion of friends hereabouts.
1). L. Jacoby yesterday renewed for
the Northwestern to be sent another
year to his parents at Aurora. Mother
Jacoby compliments us by saying the
Northwestern is the best and newsiest
paper that comes toiler home. Thanks
—Loup City Northwestern. Uncle
Peter Jacoby came down town Mon
day and said that Mother Jacoby
would qualify the above statement by
saying that the Northwestern is one
of two of the "best and newsiest”
papers that comes to her home. The
Republican is the other one. Such
an opinion from Mother Jacoby is in
deed a high compliment to any news
paper, for she is a great reader and a
mighty well informed lady. We too
are grateful.—A urora Republican.
Money to Loan.
I am prepared to make farm loans
on short notice. Don’t fail to get
my terms. A. L. Zimmerman.
Public Sale
I will sell at public auction at my
farm 3 miles northeast of Loup City,
on Thursday, Jan. 13th, 1910, 5 head
of horses, 30 head of cattle, 3 brood
sows, farm machinery, household
goods, and many other articles.
E. C. Dyer.
Brood Sows for Sale.
FL .1. Johansen has 20 Poland China
brood sows, young and old. all bred,
for sale. lie will have no public sale
this year, but will give even better
figures at private sale. Call early
and get your choice.
Closing Out Hardware
Eitz Bros, will have a ten days’
closing out sale of their hardware
stock purchased from John Czaplew
ski. They have ten days’ longer
tenantry of the building, and in order
to reduce the stock, which is to be
taken to Rockville at the end of that
time, will sell all goods atcost during
that period. Call early and secure
unneard of bargains.
Presbyterian Bulletin
As this is the Week of Prayer, we
are holding cottage meetings in the
ditferent parts of town. The service
tonight will be at the home of E. G.
Taylor and tomorrow night with
Mrs. M. Leininger.
Vext Sunday morning the pastor
will preach on the subject, “The
Great Work.’’ In the evening the
subject will be. “The Master F’assion.”
The C. E. will meet at the usual
hour, 0:30. The topic will be, “Bring
ing others to Christ: Who should do
it? How is it done?” Leader, Archie
bchool Notes
After an absence of a month caused
bv sickness in the family. Miss Abi
Key non lias returned to iler school
duties, and all the pupils were pleased
to have her with them once more.
The Normal class will begin the
study of Nebraska.
Three new pupils have been enrolled
ir: the schools, the Dietericli children
entering the 3rd, 6th and 8tli grades.
Everybody is invited to the literary
to be given Friday afiernoon, Jan. 14.
The High School pupils are begin
ning to realize <iuite forcibly that
education means DIG.
John Burrowes, while experiment
ing in the laboratory, suffered from
an explosion by having to pay 25 cents,
for damages.
The excellent program given by the
pupils of Miss Young and Miss Smith
was a success both socially and finan
cially, each room clearing $13, which
will be used to purchase pictures.
Ray and Archie Kearns, Leslie
Sweetland, Clyde Zellinger and Art
Rowe were High School visitors.
Austin News
New Year's dinner and reunion of
Willis Brodock and family was a very
enjoyable one. The children were,
Mrs. Jessie McFadden and children.
Mrs. Ernest Daddow and husband,
Oliver and Lula Krodock. The other
guests were Mr. Martin of Ravenna.
Miss Mabel Claussen. Richard Kro
dock and wife, Mrs. EITa Cady, Mrs.
Hester Heath of Norden, Neb., Willis
Fulliton and wife, .Mabel and Clara
Fulliton, Chas. Johnson and family
of York county, ^anon Fulliton of
York. Burdean Lewis of Boelus and
Howard Fulliton. All partook of a
tine dinner of roast goose and chicken
and many more good things, and all
hope Mr. and Mrs. Brodoek will live
to enjoy many more such gatherings.
Married, on Cbrismas day, at the
home of the bride's parents at Gres
ham, Neb.. Miss Hanna Hall and Mr.
Morris Fullitonof Austin. Mr. Fulli
ton and wife will reside with his
parents till March, when they will
remove to Sterling, Colo., and reside
on their homestead.
Along R. R. No- 2.
M iss Klea McNu ltv spent Christinas
week at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Bell are staying
at the home of Ernie Bell.
Art Lindgren, while driving with
ins lamily to attend the Christmas
entertainment at Wiggle Creekciiur n
came near having a serious accident,
when one of his horses slipped am.
feli on a sidling piece of road.
Wiggle Creek sports had a shooting
match on the creek last week and tiie
old sports have to buy the oysters.
Mrs. Ernest Bell and children are
visiting at St. Edwards, during the
Miss' Flora Ohlsen spent Christmas
week at her home.
W. L). Garner will soon have a sale
ahd move to Loup City to take charge
of his blacksmith shop.
Miss Dessa Cass visited at Arcadia
during her week’s holiday vacation.
Romeo Conger is having a hard
time building, as there has been bad
weather ever since he started.
Miss Mabel Slawson returned to her
school near Hazard last week, after a
week's visit with relatives at Arcadia.
I)r. Hendrickson got lost last Sun
day while trying to get to her school
in the Bichel district. She got to the
home of Art Lindgren before she
knew where she was at, and through
his kindness she readied Her school
U. K.
r red Johnson is getting lumber on
the ground for a new barn.
John 01s«n lost two head of cattle
with corn stalk disease last week.
Henry Kuhl lost several head of
cattle with corn stalk disease the
past week.
Geo. McFadden,Stewart McFadden,
Chas. Schwadeier and J. Plambeck
gave carrier a Christmas present.
The Standard Bridge Co. are rais
ing the steel frame for another span
of the new steel bridge south of town
this week. This leaves one more
span to be put in. and when this
bridge is completed it will be one of
the best in this part of the country.
Ever since the 11th day of Novem
ber the rural carriers have been
struggling with bad roads and the
prospect fora change still looks a long
way oil'. Their expense for shoeing
horses and wagon repairs has been ,t
large item during this time, as there
is hardly a day but what there is
something that breaks on the wagon
or harness. But the ice man was
W. O. Brown, Geo. McFadden, Will
Hawk, A. Rettenmayer and Brodock
Bros, put up their ice last week.
E. G. Taylor's men have been busy
for several days the past week repair
ing bad washouts on the mill race.
Russell Snyder returned to his
studies at Lincoln Monday morning.
Kuhl Bros, were hauling corn to
Loup City market last week.
Jas. Me Beth attended the Sons of
Veterans meeting at Loup City Mon
day night.
Kirschner Bros, were shelling corn
for John Olson Monday.
Miss Mada Parlette is again at her
school duties after a two weeks'
Art Wilson was at Omaha several
days last week.
Mrs. Plambeck and children visited
over Sunday at Ashton, returning
home Monday.
Ross Haddix and family, west of
Loup City on route 1, and *2 mile
from the county line, had a narrow
escape from death Tuesday, when
their house and its contents was des
troyed by tire. Mr. Haddix had built
the fire in the kitchen stove and gone
back to bed and in a short time the
house was a tire, and their escape was
a miracle, as the roof was ready to
fall when the fire was discovered. Mr.
Haddix was burned in getting the
family out safely, only saving a quilt,
to wrap the baby in. while the family
stood out in the cold in their night
clothes till he hitched up a team, a
cold job in his bare feet. Besides the
contents of the house a lot of oats in
a granary was also destroyed.
State of Nebraska. )
V ss
Sherman County > The State of Nebraska
In County Court within and for Sherman coun
ty. Neb.. December 28th. 1909.
In the matter of the estate of John
Kochanowski. deceased.
To the Creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notilied that I will sit at the
county court room in Loup City, in said coun
ty. on the 25th day of .July. 1910. at 10 o’clock
in the forenoon, to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of maims against
said estate is the 25th day of July, A. n. 1910.
and the time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 25th day of July, 1910.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court this 28th day of December. 1909.
[seal] J. S. Pedler, County Judge.
Last pub. Jan. 21
Notice of Hearing on Final Account ol
In !the County Court of Sherman County. Ne
In the matter of the estate of George H.
Whitman, deceased,
State of Nebraska /
y ss
Sherman County 1
To all persons interested in the estate of
George H. Whitman, deceased:
You are hdrebv uotifled that on the 22nd
dav of December. 1909. George H. Kinsey,
administrator of the estate of George H. Whit
man. deceased, tiled his tinal account as such
administrator, and that said tinal account will
be heard on Friday, the 7th day of January.
1910. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon
at the county court room in Loup City in said
county, and you are hereby cited to appear at
the above time and place, and show cause, if
any there be. why said account should not be
allowed. It is hereby ordered that said ad
ministrator give notice lo all persons interest
ed in said estate by causing a copy of this
order to be published In the Loup City North
western. n legal newspaptr published and of
general circulation in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Given under my hand this 22nd day of
December. 1909.
iseal) J. S. Pedler. County Judge.
fLast pub. Jan. 6]
The Up-to-Saie
r -
\ ««
m i
Get-ta-ths-I rant Rian
has just !' >■•«><vi> i a line
line oi
Ladies’aji Gents
Mufflers and Kerchiefs
Try Loup City or Golc
Medal Hour
JLi a - w yer
Practices in all Court;
Loup City, Neb
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraski
physician am mmi
Office, Over New Bank.
Phone, 30. OsHce at Residence
Two Doors East of Telephone Central
Lnup Clin, - Nebraska
(Successor to M. H. Mead)
Bonded Abstraciei
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract boukBin count;
Office up stairs in the new Statt
Bank buildimr.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sausie
Phone, 10 on 36
Poland China and Shorthorns
1 have some ex,tra heavy-boned,
lengthy, tine Poland China Boars
now ready for service, and a few
high grade Shorthorn Bulls for saleat
Wild Rose Stock Farm
One mile east of town.
'Phone, 2 on 12.
I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility,Weak
ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture,
Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private
Skin and Chronic Diseases of Men
I do not ask you to
come to me first if you
believe others can cure
you. Should they fail,
|clon’t give np. It is
better to come late
than not at all. Re
jmember, that curing
diseases after all oth
ers have failed has
been my specialty for
iyears. If you cannot
i_in_ivisit me personally,
write symptoms that trouble you most. A
vast majority of cases can be cured by my
system of home treatment, which is the most
successful >ystem ever devised. I make no
charge for private counsel and give to each
patient a legal contract in writing, backed
by abundant capital, to hold for the promise
Physicians having stubborn cases to treat*
I are cordially invitedWONIFN cured or ail
i to consult with me. ” vwiLli womi, and
( bladder diseaser, ulcerations, menstrual
?rouble, etc. Confidential. Private home in
the suburbs, before and during continement.
Motherly care and best attention guaran
teed. Good homes found for babies.
■ charge whatever to any
man. woman or child living in LOUP CITY
or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC
TION. Come and let me look inside of you
absolutely free of charge.
Dr RSrh specialist, grand
posite City Hall. 103 W. Second Street.
COAL at $2 00 pEp TON
We are offering our «creened slack coal for $2.00 per ton
Dufipg the Presept jVlopth
We are making this reduction in price in order to se l it
before Jan. 1st, 1910.
Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb.
A G ood Stock of Coal on hand at Loup City Ashton. Rockville and Austin
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of buildiug material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 120 to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock.
}j The Square Deal Sales Co. will have a
Large line of
Ladies’ Goats, Suits, Skirts
[hisses’Goats, etc.,
Which they will offer on
Remember at Half Price or Less
5 **■— 1 -. 1 1 ■' i —■ ■ ■■
H /k D
The Success Hand Vacuum
Cleaner pays for itself in
the average home in one
if you do not send and have
your carpets cleaned, it is
only temporary, but Suc
cess is always at hand.
You only buy a Success
Cleaner once. Good for a
life time. A few minutes
each week keeps home in
fine condition.
We guarantee all machines
for one year, but they don’t
need a guarantee.
The next thing to godli
ness is cleanliness.
Saves money, health,worry
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pejdler, C. C. Carlsen.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $26,000.00
Individual Liability. $250,000.00
Off to
Summer Climes
No need to bear the discomforts of a northern winter.
At a low cost you can enjoy the snn* n <\ !l"\vers and
summer life of Southern California, Culm the Uahamas,
Florida and the Gulf Country.
Take a winter vacation and see the historic Southland.
Write me for descriptive literature ..Lout our personally
conducted excursions to Southern California, .-bout Florida
and all the other far famed winter resorts* • berth*, rates,
train service, etc.
J. A. DANIELSON, Ticket AperC. LoupOLv. W»,.t