Professions Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney and Connselcr>at>Law ___ LOUP GITY, NEB ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY. NEBRESKE. AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. R. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. JL KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30. Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Lnup City. - Nebraska ROBERT P. STARR (Successor to M. H. Mead) Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books in county S. A. ALLEN, DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank buildimr. W. L. MARCY, D IHfISft LOUP GITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Sauare. Phone, 10 on 36 I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility, Weak ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private Skin and Chronic Diseases of Men j I do not ask you to come to me first if you believe others can cure you. Should they fail, don't give up. It is better to come late than not at all. Re member, that curing diseases after all oth ers have failed has (been my specialty for lyears. If you cannot .Svisit me personally. write symptoms that trouble you most. A vast majority of cases can be cured by my system of home treatment, which is the most successful system ever devised. I make no charge for private counsel and give to each patient a legal contract in writing, backed by abundant capital, to hold for the promise Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially invlted%yf}mE|U cured of all to consult with me. ” VltlCll womb and bladder diseaser, ulcerations, menstrual irouble. etc. Confidential. Private home in the suburbs, before and during confinement. Motherly care and best attention guaran teed. Good homes found for babies, pprei POSITIVELY FREE! ■ •'LiLo No charge whatever to anv man, woman or child living in LOUP CITY or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, a *10.00 X-RAY EXAMINA TION. Come and let me look inside of you absolutely free of charge. Dr Rirh specialist, grand A/r. *XIL>I1, ISLAND, NEB. Office op posite Citv Hall, 103 W. Second Street. Poland China and Shorthorns 1 have some extra heavy-boned, lengthy, fine Poland China Boars now ready for service, and a few high grade Shorthorn Bulls for sale at Wild Rose Stock Farm One mile east of town. 'Phone, 2 on 12. ILJY. SMITH. Well Boring^ Eclipse Windmills I now wish to thank the people of Sherman county and vicinity for their paironage the past year and want them to continue the ensu ing year. I am now putting down wells at prices to please every one. If iu need of a well or Eclipse Windmill call on C. B. HAINES, Phone, 5on 12. LOUP CITY, NEB. NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska I Vss Sherman County ) The State of Nebraska In County Coart within and for Sherman county, Nebraska, October 30th, 1900. In the matter of the estate of Louis P. Squler deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 26th day of May. 1010. at the hour of ten o.clock a. m.. to receive and ex amine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is the 26lh day of May A. D. 1910. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from the 26th day of Mav 1910. , Witness my hand and the seal of said coun ty court this 30th day of October. 1909. J. S. PaDi-EH, County Judge. (Last pub Nov. 25) NOTICE TO CREDITORS State or Nebraska, i V ss. Sherman county,) The State of Nebraska In County Court within and for Sherman . county, Nebraska. October 21. 1909. In the matter of the estate of Vincent Barzynski deceased: To the Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified, that I will altat the county court room in Loup City, in said coun ty. on the 20th day of May, 1910. at ten o’clock In the forenoon, to receive and examine all claims agaiDst said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is the 20th day of May A. 1)., 1910. and the time limited for pavment of debts is one year from tbe 20th day of May. 1910. Witness my hand and the seal of said Coun ty Court, this 21st day of October. 1909 Is*al] J. S. Peoi.ek, county Judge. (Last pub. Nov. 18) THE NORTHWESTERN PERMS:—»1.00 PER TEAR. IF PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for tram mission it rough the malls as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone, - 2 on !L08 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. Gibson Arrested For Criminal Libel Standard Gauge Editor Accused of Libelous Publication HEARING SET"FOR FRIDAY On last Saturday a case for crimi nal libel was instituted against Geo. H. Gibson, editor of the Standard Guage of this city, by John Minshull, C. F. Beushausen and R. J. Night ingale, arising from alleged slander ous utterances in his paper over the paying of certain monies to the coun ty covering allege'd shortage in his accounts as county clerk. ' Without commenting at bills time on the said suit, the Northwestern merely copies tiie complaint verbatim as follows: Before Emerson A. Smith, Justice of tiie Peace in and for Loup City township, in Sherman county, Ne braska: State of Nebraska vs. George H. Gib son. State of Nebraska, » Sherman County, :-ss. Loup City Township, ) Tiie complaint of John Minshull, Charles F. Beushausen and Richard J. Nightingale, of said county, made before me, Emerson A. Smith, a j ustice of tiie Peace in and for Loup City township in said county, who first be ing duly sworn, severally depose and say that on tiie fourth day of Novem ber, 1909, in tiie county of Sherman and state of Nebraska, George II. Gibson, in said county, unlawfully, maliciouly devising, contriving arid intending to scandalize, vilify and de fame the said John Minshull, Charles F. Beushausen and Richard J. Night ingale, and each of them, and to bring them into public scandal, in famy and disgrace, and to injure, prejudice and agrieve them, did un lawfully and maliciously compose, write and publish, and did cause to be composed, written and published, a certain false, malicious and defam atory libel of and concerning the said John Minshull,CharlesF. Beushausen and Richard J. Nightingale, in the Standard Gauge, a weekly newspaper, printed and published in Loup City, in Sherman county, Nebraska, and having a general circulation in said county of Sherman, which said false, scandalous, malicious and defamatory libel is according to the tenor follow ing, to-wit: “Last Monday, Nov. 1st, ’09. w« paid Sherman County S550.24 as the full amount the Minchull- Beushausen - Nightingale (meaning tiie said John Minshull, Charles F. Beushausen and Richard J. Nightingale) syndicate of graft ers could filch from iis in their mighty effort to bust us.” Contrary to the form of statute in such case made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the state, of Ne braska. The complaint is signed ty the above-named complainants before tiie aforesaid justice, dated Nov. 12v 1909. Gibson was arrested by Sheriff Wil liams and brought before J ustice Smith for hearing Tuesday forenoon in tiie district court room', where his counsel, the Honest Bill Fisher, de nied the court’s jurisdiction in the matter and on request was allowed a continuance to Friday forenoon, the 19th instant, to get iris mammoth in tellect focused on this particular case in hand. We understand the maxi mum penalty, in case of conviction for tiie offense, is fixed by law at not to exceed $500 fine nor more than six months in jail, or both, in the discre tion of the district court in which court the case must be tried, the matter only coming before the minor court for preliminary hearing. The justice placed defendant under $200 bonds for his appearance at court the 19th, allowing him to be liis own surety. Gibson Sells Standard Gauge On Monday of this week John Fisher of this city tiled with the coiinty clerk a bill of sale of the Standard Guage to himself from Geo. H. Gibson. The consideration is named at $800. Harry Fletcher Attempts Suicide Last Sunday morning, the 14th in stant, Harry Fletcher, son of Milton Fletcher of Boelus, attempted suicide while working for Philip Moritz, some seven miles north of Kavenna. From reports it seems he went to the barn and shot himself three times in the stomach, using a revolver. Young Fletcher had gone out to do the morning chores and when lie did not come in to breakfast his employer sent two of his children in search of him, they finding him seated in the haymow, claiming to have shot him self. Investigation followed, showing two bullets had gone entirely through his body and the third lodging just under the skin at one side of the backbone. No motive is known for the deed. However, one brother was in the insane hospital in the past and a cousin committed suicide near Boelus a few months’ since, At last reports, yesterday (Wednesday) morn ing, the young man was yet alive, the bullet lodged, in his body had been successfully removed, he was resting easier and had a fighting chance for recovery. There were no straight tickets cast in Sherman county this year, or if there were no one seems' to have noted that fact. Some of the boys really - want to know Otto’s recipe for keeping the fellow from supporting him openly Otto was very selfish to keep that knowledge from Walt Weare. even if Walt was on the other side. It would have been votes galore for the west side candidate. Bury the rotten primary law and dig the grave so deep that the stench of the thing cannot offend the nostrils of voters bv befouling the air we breathe. No one, save the big dailies, that profit by it and a few so-called reformers, who use it to lxjost their claims, are in favor of the worst election law ever dreamed of. Louis McGrath Kilted. Louis T. McGrath, formeely of this citv, died at his home in Grand Island last Friday night as a result of in juries received by being caught be tween a combination baggage-mail car and freight car on the “Y”. near the canning factory, about 9:10p’clock He was taken to his home where he he died at 10 o’clock. “Lou” McGrath was 53 years of age and was a veteran in the employment of the U. P., hav ing been in the employment of the company since 1886, and was one of the most popular men in the service He worked on the Loup-City branch for several years and at the time of his death had charge of the baggage and express department on the Ord branch train and acted as rear brake man. Besides his .heartbroken wife he leaves fo-ur ehildren to mourn his sudden and untimely death.. The funeral took place Monday morning from St. Mary’s Catholic .. church at Grand Island. ' School Notes .... The Loup City' basket ball .team went to Walbach last Friday and al though they played a hard game they were overpowered, score 20 to 10." A retnrn game will be played soon and it is hoped everybody will attend. The teams are very evenly matched and an exciting game is expected. Mrs. Wallace, a temperance speaker, delivered an address to the high school Monday morning. The Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, accompanied by the faculty, enjoyed a sleigh ride Tuesday evening. The Freshmen went on Wednesday. For Those Who Wear Glasses To prevent steam from settling on your eye-glasses when out of doors in cold weather, rub both sides of the lenses with soap, rub off with a soft cloth and polish with tissue paper.— Woman’s Home Companion for Nov ember. _ _ For Sate. Five acres of land, good house and barn, pasture, .windmill, etc., inside the city limits. Splendid place to raise hogs and chickens. Inquire of Mrs. Mathew. Supervisors’ Proceedings Loup City, Neb., Nov. 9th, 1909 County Board of Supervisors met this day in regular session as per adjourn ment of August 20th, 1909. Members present, Jas. I. Depew, chairman, Wensel Rewolinski, Henry Thode, W. O. Brown, C. J. Peters, E. H. Allen, and Wm. Jakob; R. H. Mathew, coun ty attorney: C. F. Beushausen, coun ty clerk, and the following business was had and done, to-wit: The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The board took up the Lang road petition, praying for the establish ment of a road commencing at the section corner of sections 5, 6, 7, and 8, township 14, range 16, and running thence south on section line about two land one-fourth miles between sections 7 and 8, 18 and 17, and 19 and 20 and terminating at road No. 105 in Harrison township. Appeared before the board Albert Dickerson, by his attorney, J. S. Pedler, and tiled a motion that the said petition was altered, changed and partly erased after the same was signed by the petitioners and that said petition was not the same as the original petition, and on motion of W. O. Brown and seconded by E. H. Alien to overrule said motion a roll call .was had as follows: Yes, Brown and Alfen, No,' Rewolinski, Peters. Thode and Jacobs and said motion prevailed and the petition was stricken from the files. The Zaruba road petition pTaying for the" establishment of a road com mencing at SW corner of N W quarter and running thence east one mile and terminating at the SE corner of the NE quarter of section 11-16-14 and also a stub commencing at the center of the above named section and run ning about 32 rods south to school lot. The board after considering said peti tion and the practibility of same did on motion declare said road not a public necessity and petition denied. The board next took up the Kay consent road for the vacation and es tablishment of a road as follows: Commencing about 86 rods west of the southeast corner of sectiop 15, town 16, range 15 and 'running thence in a southwesterly direction across the southeast quarter of said section 15, same town and range, and ter minating at road No, 157 on section line between sections 15 and 14. town 16, range 15, and after considering said petition the same was on motion granted as prayed. The Culley consent road petition praying for the establishment of a road commencing at a point 11 chains south and eight chains and thirty-five links southeast of the northwest cor ner of section 7, township 15, range 14 and running thence 36 degrees, 8 chains and 86 links, thence south 49J£ degrees, east 8 chains and 35 links and terminating at intersection of old road No. 1, and vacating that part of | sections 5 and 6 in road No. 1 ren dered unnecessary by the road as prayed. The board on motion ordered that said petition be granted as per the petition. The Pray consent road petition praying for the establishment of a road commencing at a point about 8 rods west of the southeast corner of section 29, township 16, Range 14 west and running thence in a south westerly direction about 14 rods, in a southwesterly direction about 18 rods and terminating on section line. The board after investigating same ordered that said petition be granted as prayed. The board on motion adjourned to next day, Nov. 10th, 1909. C. F. Beushausen, County Clerk. Loup City, Neb., Nov. 10, 1909 County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment of previous day with all members pres ent: R-. H. Mathew, county attorney, and C. F. Beushausen, county clerk, and the following business was had and done, to-wit: The board on motion ordered that the county furnish posts and wire to fence about 40 acres on the poor farm and that Wm. George agrees to build said fence without charge, said pests to be 20 feet apart and three wires. The claim of the Standard Bridge Co. for $5000 as part payment on tne Loup river bridge was allowed and clerk ordered to draw warrants for same, said warrants to be drawn in amounts of $1000 each. The Hayhurst road petition pray ing for the establishment of a road commencing at the northeast corner of section 31, township 16, range 14 and running thence one mile south on section line between sections 31 and 32, township 16, range 14, to township line, thence west about 80 rods on township line, thence south through the northeast quarter of sec tion 6, township o5, range 14, one and one-half mile to south line of north east quarter of section 6-15-14, thence west about 20 rods and terminating | at road No. 46, as now traveled across fitted'~CH CENT ■ { Men’s $10 overcoats now - $ 9.00 Men’s $10 suits now - - - 9.00 Men’s $15 overcoats now - 13.50 Men’s $15 suits now - - - 1350 Men’s $20 overcoat nowT - - 18-00 Men’s 120 suit now - - - - 18-00 “" " Men’s $25 overcoat now $22.50 Men’s 25 suit now - - 22.50 Boys’ $5.00 Overcoats at_ .$4.50 Boys’ $5,00 Suits at. . 4.50 Boys’ $8.00 Overcoats at. . 7.20 Boys’ $8.00 Suits at. 7.20 Boys’ $|0 Overcoats at. 9.00 Boys’ $10 Suits at. . 9.00 All Children's Suits and Overcoats lO ■per cent cLisccunn-t for i days only. Loup City Mercantile Co.' section 6-15-14, was taken up by the board arid after' consideration the board finds that said road is a public ■ necessity and orders that said road be established and ordered platted and the following damages for the es tablishment of same was ordered paid out of the county general fund, and clerk ordered to draw warrants for same: Viola E. Odendahl, one-fourth acre off,of se quartersec. 6-15-14, $3.75: Wra. CreiteT, two acres on nw quarter sec. 32-16-14,. $24.00 . , The petition known as the Schuman road petition praying for the estab lishment of a road commencing at southwest .corner of sec. 7, twp 14, range 13 and running thence north one mile on township line and ter minating at northwest corner of sec tion 7, same town aud range, was on motion disallowed by board, as same was.not considered a public necessity. The Rydberg road petition praying for the establishment of a road com mencing at the southeast corner of section 30 and the northeast corner of section 31, town 14, range 16 and run ning thence west one mile on section line between section 30 and 31 to the Custer county line. Same was dis allowed by the board for the reason that same was not a public necessity. The petition of Henning Claussen and others asking the board to divide the road districts in Washington township as follows: All that part of township.-16*. range 15 west of the Loup river as one district: all of the past half, of town 16, r 16 one district and all of the west half of twp 16, r 16 as one district. The board on motion granted said petition as prayed for. The board made the following trans fers and clerk ordered to certify same to county' treasurer: $<33.64 from bond fund of School Dist. No. 11 to general fund of said district. All in bond fund of School Dist. No. 72 to general fund of said district. The Fowler tax matter was on motion laid over to next meeting. The board on motion ordered the tax of the C. B. & Q. railroad for land assessed to them in section 12 15-14 cancelled for the reason that same was assessed by the State Board of Equalization. The claim of John Minshull was laid over to next meeting. On motion the board allowed the following claims and clerk ordered to draw warrants for same on their respective funds, making deductions for taxes. GENERAL FUND W J McLaughlin.....$7 00 Klopp & Bartlett. 43 25 Hammond & Stephens. 38 70 School Dist No 72. 2 50 State Journal Co. 10 00 Elmer L Hand. 2 50 Klopp & Bartlett.220 47 Dr J W Jones. 9 00 W T Chase. 22 91 Underwood Typewriter Co. 3 50 W M Welch Mfg Co. 12 25 Neb School Supply Co.12 00 Albert Anderstrom. 3 00 C W Gibson. 2 50 A S Main. 7 75 L E Dickinson. 2 50 Jacob Winklemann. 4 00 WR Stitt.......102 00 C F Beushaussn, clerlr. 14 80 W J McLaughlin... 7 00 R D Hendrickson .275 00 Ernest Daddow. 4 00 Clarke Alleman. .... 4no 1 Stewart McFadden (all for tax).. 4 00 Nick Daddow.. —.... 4 00 1 FG Casteel.. 6 60 School Dist No 36.:.:.. 2 50 Henry Ojendyk. 4 00 Frank Jazewski (all for tax). 4 oo Frank Polski. 4 00 W C Dunker... 7 20 Frank Goc— .. 400 V C Rasmussen. 4 00 Henry Tangerman... 4 00 Frank Kaminski. 4 00 Ignac Kolkowski....,-.'.; 4 00 Peter Lorenz. 7 40 Frank Zwink... 4 00 Guy Richmond. 4 00 S C Estabrook. 4 00 H J Burtner. 4 00 John Whuler. 7 30 School Dist Na. 38 . 2 50 Ed Snyder.. 4 00 James Hurtya. 4 oo Isiab Vanscoy*. 4 oo • \ a 5A Plush Robes ^ a These splendid Robes add to the pleasure / of driving. They are warm and comfort able. a They absolutely do not shed.* The patternsare hand-. some and the colors pleasing. ^ Ask for a Plush Robe^J -. W. Ml 1U. Tl Hayhurst-Gallaway Hardware Gompany Mike McKeon. 8 00 School Dist No 42. 2 50 Herman Sperling. 4 00 Wensel Rewolinski. .. 4 00 Jesse Manchester . . 4 00 Mike Lewandowski. 4 00 S S Lewandowski. 7 30 School Dist No 56. 500 Andrew Anderson. 4 00 Charles Jamison. 4 00 J D Burns. 4 00 Ben j Nelson.. 4 60 VVm Mizner. 7 10 School Dist No 43. 7 50 Alfred Reinertson.. 4 00 Myers Petersen... 4 00 ChasBass... 4 00 Thos Donohoe. 4 00 Geo H Brock. 7 99 C W Trumble. 5 00 E A Slote. 4 00 R P Moore. 4 00 i C E Lang.. . 4 00 I Theo McCash. 4 00 J H Mead. 7 80 A L Fletcher. 5 00 Henry Diefenbaugh. 4 00 John Witt. 4 00 Myers Benson. 4 no George Musback. 4 00 John Greenhalgh. 7 80 School Dist No 63. 5 00 D L Jacoby. 4 oo Hans Johnson. 4 00 Kenneth Kay. 4 00 W R McCullough. 4 00 E E Tracy. 6 50 R L Arthur. 1 10 Marvin Lee. 110 A E Chase. 110 Mrs. Jeff Williams. 1 10 Mrs. Bob Jackson. 110 SVm Simpson. 1 10 3has Mellor. 1 10 SVebber Stott. 2 80 B J Swanson.. 110 Jeff Williams (all for tax). 1 10 3tto Petersen. 1 10 E A Smith, justice. 9 95 L A Williams.5 10 G S Leininger. .;. 6 00 iVill Odendahl. 6 (X) J H Erench. 6 00 lacob Albers. 6 (X) W T Draper.....:. 6 00 Hammond Printing Co... 28 65 Gouis Rein. 2 00 J Johnson. 2 00 I S Pedler.. 12 30 R M Hiddleson..31 57 3 F Beushausen.354 45 John Spotanski. 10 78 Leininger Lumber Co. 2o 20 R H Mathew 200 00 L A Williams 314 50 r W Burleigh ., 108 45 iVensel Rewolinski T 20 SVm Jacobs 8 00 E H Allen 7 40 Henry Thode 18 40 W O Brown 6 00 fas I Depew 9 00 f S Pedler 27 50 Viola E Odendahl 3 75 FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 25C. No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock. LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loup City, Neb. Dustless, perfect track, and new steel passenger equipment which is the finest equipment that money can buy . . --are afforded to patrons of the Union Pacific “The Safe Road to Travel” Electric block signals-dining car meals and service {“Best in the World.” For literature, information, rates, etc., call on or address your Local Agent G. W. Collipriest, Loup City. 4 The Hail Storm the Other Night Reminds us that it is time to put up your screens. Come in anolet us make you an estimate on those that you need. No.matter what the size of the window or the number of the lights, we can lit you. Screens from 75c TT"Q The Mites and Lice have Their Eyes Upon that Flock of Chickens A sinele dollar will get a gallon of Carbolinium. Faint your roosts with this and save the chicks. SEE US FOR SCREENS AND CARBOLINIUM. KEYSTONE LUJV1BEP GO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb. _r-i_ r-1 FiSTULA-Pay When CURED I I All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgic. 1^ B^^^ I ■ ^^^B operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen-^® A MM eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED I £to last a LIFE-TIME, ^‘examination mi. I WRITS FOR BOOK ON FILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS I PH. E. W. TABBY, 224 Ben Building, Omaha, H«br»»h» 1 Wm Creitel 24 00 BRIDGE FUND E G Cowling S .75 Standard Bridge Co. 5000 00 Mike Kaminski 18 00 Peter Grudzenski 39 00 Chajles Brown 12 00 Adam Frederick 12 00 Frank Pruss 12 00 Max Grudzenski 9 00 Wensel Rewolinski 12 00 St Galczenski 2 00 Wm Jacab 3 50 E H Allen 20 55 S A Foster Lumber Co 44 45 W O Brown 6 00 HOAD FUND Jacob Albers 3 Id Jacob Albers 9 Od Henry Dunker 9 Od A ug Beushausen 9 00 Jacob Albers 4 a) Henry Dunker 4 50 Aug Beushausen 4 5*) Aug Beushausen 6 7d L A Williams 7 06 J W Burleigh 9 go On motion board adjourned to Jan uai^ 6th. 1910. C. F. Beushausen, County Clerk. « A 1 . ' ■ A:-'. V. ■ Jl