The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 04, 1909, Image 5
To the Farmer Who Expects to ' Hold a Sale This Season: If you are making plans to hold a sale this f season we want you to come in and see us. We make a specialty of clerking sales and are therefore in a position to offer our ser vices on satisfactory terms. Keep Us in Mind When you need a loan on your farm. We are in position to close either large or small loans promptly at rates ranging from 5 per \ cent to 5 1-2 per cent, according to security and plus a small commission. Options to pay before due. The First National Bank LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA A. P. CULLEY, President, L. HANSEN, Cashier, IRA E. WILLIAMS, Vice Pres., 0. E. ADAMS, Asst. Cashier THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1909 A Few Market Quotations. Com. per bu.50 @ .52 Wheat, per bu.88@ 92 Oats, per bu....30® .33 Rye, per bu. .00 Butter, per lb. .25 Eggs, per doz. .20 Hens, per lb. .08 Spring chickens, per lb. .09 LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. J. A. Arnett was quite ill last week. Lee Bros, pay highest cash price for hides. Fresh celery on nand at Bennett's meat market. Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when in need of a dravman. A swell line of Ladies’ Suits at the Loup City Mercantile Co. Bargains in Town Property for sale by John W. Long. Mens’, boys’ and childrens’ suits at the Loup City Mercantile Co. Sheridan Lump and Nut coal for sale at E. G. Taylor's elevator. I will guarantee 29c for butter fat I test and pay cash.—A. E. Chase. If you want a dray in a hurry and get quick work, see Stewart Conger. W. M. Stock well was helping Wm. Aufrecht to thresh his grain last week. Town lots or improved proper ty at great bargains. See J. W. Long. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser's, where you can get anything you want. M. E. G. Cooper left for Humboldt. Iowa, Tuesday noon for a visit to old home scenes. You make no mistake in calling on the Stewart Conger drays when you want quick service. Our high school boys on Tuesday defeated the “Rough Necks” at Jen ner’s Park by a score of 3 to 0. Tailored Suits and Cloaks, price $8.00 to $28.00. Call and see them. Lour City Mercantile Co. Our “Rough Neck” football team went to Sargent last Thursday and were defeated by a score of 11 to 0. We are paying 29 cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. A. Johnson and wife went to Mar quette last Saturday morning for an ovei-Sunday visit with friends. The juciest of steaks from young corn fed beeves may be found on the block at the Bennett meat market. Master Clyde Rettenmaver went to Lincoln Wednesday morning to visit a few days with his aunt. Mrs. Miller. Mrs. A. J. Johnson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor to Lin coln Wednesday morning for a few days’ visit. Windmills, PumDS and all kind of supplies. All kinds of work guarn teed. J. M. Czaplewski Phone 3-23 Davenport & Baker. Rev. Earl Pray was called here from Amherst last Saturday by the serious illness and subsequent death of his little brother, Hugh. The Stewart Conger drays are on the rush from morning to night, but you will get the quickest kind of service on a hurry call. Try them. Miss Nelson, who has been visiting her brother. John Nelson, returned to her home at Blair. Saturday last, Mr. Nelson going home with her to visit their parents. Having put city water in at my residence, I have a Dempster steel w indmill on steel tower 40 feet high, also force pump, which will sell at a bargain. E. G. Taylor. Mrs. Sena Hartzel Wallace, national lecturer of the W. C. T. U., will visit Loup City on the 14tli and 15th of the present month. The lady is a sister of Bishop Hartzel of the M. E. church, who is in Africa at present superintending the missionary work of that church. John Warneke returned Monday evening from trips to New York City and San Francisco. He left the 3rd of last month for New York, on a matter of business, and returning went on through to San Francisco. He reports a most pleasant time, if he did have to make hurried business trips. Our city schools closed Tuesday afternoon for the rest of the week, the entire corps of teachers leaving Wednesday morning for Lincoln to atteni the annual session of the State Teachers’ Association in session there Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. School will re-open as usual next Monday morning. The following marriage licenses hive been granted to cupid’s victims since last report: Chester R. Heapy and Doris L. Chapman, both of Litch field, and married by the judge Oct. 23: Albert B. Anderson of Wisconsin and Ida J. Johnson of Sweetwater, Oct. 23; John Amos and Miss Bess Brumbaugh, both of Comstock, Oct. 25; Frank Grudzinski of Loup City and Miss Lottie Nitkowski of Ashton, Nov. 1; Joseph Muraczewski and Miss Rosa Peters, both of Ashton, Nov. 3. If you want a good cream separator see T. M. Reed. 3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. For Sale—Horse and harness. See H. P. Ferdinandt. Ladies’ Suits iust arrived at the Loup City Mercantile Co. Highest market price for hides at the Bennett meat market. Car of early Ohio potatoes on track, ftOc per bushel. A. E. Chase. Henry Dolling went to Grand Island Wednesday morning for a two day’s stay. A tine line of mens’ clothing and overcoats at the Loup City Mercan tile Co. Charley Snyder went to Lincoln Monday morning for a few days’ business. The Bennett meat market is pay ing the highest market price for spring chickens. Adam Zahn of Elm shipped a car of fat cattle from this point to South Omaha yesterday. Green bones, ground, for chickens, best thing going for laying hens, for sale by Lee Bros. Try it. E. L. Fry, our new and popular barber, last week became a reader of the Northwestern. Thanks. Farmers, do not sell your good wheat before you get prices from the Loup City Mill & Light Co. AH the Town Property offered for sale at first hands by calling on John W. Long. Mrs. H. A. Adams and little son went to Taylor last Saturday for a few days’ visit with relatives. ’ See the Loup City Mercantile Co. before you buy your overcoat. They have a big stock this fall. Swedish services next Sunday after noon at, the German church. All Scandinavians cordially invited. The Loup City Mercantile Co. have just received a line line of Ladies’ Jacket Suits. Go and see them. F. M. Henry returned last Saturday evening from his visit to the springs at Colfax, Iowa, looking and feeling much improved in health. Why not buy your Tailored Suits and Cloaks at your home merchants'? They will sell just as cheap and if they have not got what you want in stock, they will get it for you. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goodwin at Grand Island Sunday, Oct. 31st. This is the first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mulick and there is much rejoicing. Skinner’s Satin This beautiful satin is more sought for every day as it becomes better known. It wears well and Gives Satisfaction in every way; fully guaran teed for two seasons’ wear, is soft and light in weight. The name is on the selvage; 36 inches wide. $1.50 per Yard . Lotp City Mercantile Company Loans! Loans! Loans! Loans! Real Estate Loans at lowest rates at John W. Long’s. John M. Taylor is to build a corn crib for Jas. McBetli of Clay town ship, 28x32, with a driveway between. Farmers Take Notice—When you want coal for threshing or stove use try coal from E. G. Taylor’s elevator. Mrs. J. L. Downs and twins from Broken Bow. visited at the M. C. Mulick home from Saturday last to Tuesday of this week. If in need of the services of a dray at any time, phone Mike Nickolaus, ti on 107, or E. G. Taylor's elevator and prompt attention will be given your order. Ex-County Clerk Gibson paid into the county treasury, Monday, the $550.24, which the expert found him to be short in his accounts while county clerk. The David Cole Creamery Co. of Omaha has its local headquarters with O. F. Petersen, paying 2t»c cash for butter fat and testing same while you wait. Mrs. J. J. DeGoyler of Fort Ann, N. Y., arrived last Thursday even ing for a protracted visit with her brother, D. C. Grow, and family, Mr. Grow meeting her at Grand Island. Loup City flour is giving good satis faction. Why not use flour made at your home town and help a home industry? Bring in your wheat and exchange for flour. Loup Crrv Mill & Light Co. < 1 --- 2 cans Columbia River Salmon for.. 25c 1 lb. good Coffee. 15c German*American Coffee .2(k; ami 25c 3 boxes Corn Flake. 25c 3 boxes Egg 0-See. 25c 2 cans oi‘ 25c Peaches.. .. 35c 2 cans of 35c Apricots... 35c 2 cans Tomatoes. 25c 3 cans good Com. 26c We pay the highest market price for Butter and Eggs. Bring your Chickens to us, we pay 9c. Remember the PJace, the Big Store. iom Cilf Ira! Judge Wall had business at Grand Island last Friday. Best variety of corsets in town at the Ladies’ Furnishing store. Miss Effie Moon is expected home this noon from Morrill, this state. W. S. Sinclair had business at Cen tral City Monday, returning in the evening. Lost—Gold cuff button, with mono gram *‘T” on plain gold face. Leave witli Dr. Marcy. Rev. Montgomery’s good mother returned home this morning to Paw nee City, this state. We hear our Catholic friends con template building a church edifice at Schaupps in the early spring. Rev. Max Jeffords came up from his clerical duties at Miller last Mon day evening for a few days’ visit. A darling little daughter was born Monday, Nov. 1st, to Mrs. Cora Zim merman. Mother and baby doing nicely. Mrs. Grace O’Bryan, who is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Ben schoter. visited at Grand Island last Monday. Wrs. Will Cline of Poole, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Martin Enevoldsen, returned home last Fri day morning. Mrs. W. s. Waite will arrive home this evening from ^Chapman, where she has been to attend a wedding anniversary. Mr. Jacob Houser of Indiana, who has been visiting his niece, Mrs. J. B. Ford in Washington township, left for the east this morning. W. S. Young of Boelus is a new reader of the Northwestern. He proposes to keep posted on Sherman county matters. Thanks. S. E. Gallaway left Saturday morn ing on a week's business trip to Omaha, and Moline and other manu facturing points in Illinois. Mrs. R. P. Starr and baby went to Lincoln last Friday morning, for a weeks’ visit with the family of her husband’s brother, Mr. Fred Starr. Mrs. D. M. Hendrickson and little daughter of St. Michael, visited Supt. Hendrickson and good mother from Saturday noon till Monday noon. 1. N. Syas returned from Ord last Friday noon, leaving his good mother much improved in health. His sister, Mrs. R. H. Getty, accompanied him home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglass, who have been visiting their cousins, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Marcy, returned to their home at Erie, Ills., last Friday morniDg. Owing to a rusli of advertising, we are obliged to omit or curtail a great deal of our news matter the past two weeks. Forgive us: it makes our creditors happy. The first entertainment of the lec ture course by the Castle Square Entertainers was greeted by a packed house and everyone expressed them selves as more than pleased. Ike Davenport starts his new home right by becoming a reader of the Northwestern, which insures the happy couple a long, pleasant and prosperous journey through life. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Arnett of Say brook, Illinois, were in Aurora last week visiting at the home of R. P. i Hatch, who is a brother of Mrs. Arnett. From here they went to Loup City for a visit with relatives. —Aurora Republican. W. R. Mellor and wife came up from Lincoln last Saturday evening, W. R. coming home to vote, return ing to the capital Wednesday morn ing. Mrs. Mellor is almost recovered from her second operation for cancer. The many friends of Miss Esther Musser will be pleased to learn that she has been selected as assistant to give instructions in domestic science in the Bryan school at Lincoln, under Miss Melvia Danielson, the talented daughter of J. A. Danielson, our popular B. & M. agent. It was reported Monday evening that Geo. H. Gibson had sold his printing plant to Jas. Parker of Washington township, who being a Socialist, was to turn the organ into a socialist paper, with Gibson as editor. We have not verified the report. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Marcy last even ing most pleasantly entertained at six o’clock three-course dinner and a few hours at flinch, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Dr Main, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Leininger, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chase, Mrs. C. C. Cooper, Mrs. C. Brldgeford of Jefferson, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burleigh. Barteno. the strong man, and his talented wife, will give an entertain ment at the opera house Saturday evening of this week, in a series of vaudeville acts. By the program, we see a share of the* proceeds is to be given for the, benefit of the “Rough Necks,” our football aggregation, to enable th'-in to prepare for their opponents in the field. All should go to see a good entertainment and help c the boys get their “safety” suits. J. D. Arnett and wife left last Saturday for McLain county, Ills., after a few days’ visit here with the gentleman’s brothers, J. A. and T. J. Arnett and W. T. Clark and families. T. J. Arnett and W. T. Clark accom panied them as far as Lincoln, where they will visit another brother. We received a pleasant call last Thursday from Mrs. Wm. Young of Boelus, accompanied by her sister and daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth and Miss May Reynolds of Sheldon, Ills., who are making her an extended visit. The ladies expressed them selves as highly pleased with this goodly portion of Nebraska. Dr. .1. K. Barr, who is visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. B. Musser, received hearty congratulations last Sunday, being the 81st milestone on his jour ney through life. Father Barr is en joying life to its fullest, with perfect health. In fact, he says that since retiring from acbive duties of life, all is perpetual sunshine and lie never enjoyed life as now. May he live to enjoy his 100th anniversary. Frank Lorcheck, the popular car penter, has built a large barn and is now finishing a line residence for John Stanzyk, just east of the Troy Hale residence. He has also built a barn, 40x52, for John Lonowski, and will erect a home 24x30, one and one half stories, for him. on his farm 7 miles northeast of Loup City. Last Saturday, a young son of Mr. Lo nowski, while playing with matches, set their old barn on fire, but the flames were fortunately extinguished with only about $15 damage to the contents. Furs Ask to see the beautiful furs and the wool underwear at Mrs. Mathew’s. For Sale. Five acres of land, good house and barn, pasture, Iwindmill, etc., inside the city limits. Splendid place to raise hogs and chickens. Inquire of Mrs. Mathew. Austin News Born, Thursday, Oct. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carpenter, a son. Dan is now the proudest man in Sherman county. R. P. Gilmore has his new house and barn about completed and will give the young folks a party soon. Wm. Fletcher bought quite a bunch of cattle of Bob Gilmore this week. Perry Hase is on his way back from Arkansas wherejhe located some three years ago, which is about the time people stay in that beautiful country. Election is over and some of the candidates are happy and the rest are wondering what is the matter with them. Mrs. Effa Cady and Mabel Fulliton were shopping in Loup City Tuesday. Sale Notice S. F. Reynolds will sail twenty head of milk cows at the Round Front barn, Saturday, Nov. 6th. Residence for Sale. I wish to sell my residence property in Loup City, two blocks south of Main street. This property Is well improved in every particular and in every way a desirable home. It In cludes four lots all fenced, good two story frame house with eight good large rooms, four large closets, two halls, two pantries, two good porches, one screened in, good well, good cis tern, and a fine cellar all bricked up. House is newly painted and every thing is in good repair. In addition to the dwelling house is a barn, gran ary, hen house, coal and kindling house, fruit trees, some small fruit, and shade trees. Mbs. Clemma Conger. AUCTION OF SCHOOL LANDS Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of November. 1909, at 2 o'eloek pm. at the office of the county treasurer of Sherman county, the Commissioner of Public Lauds and Buildings, or his authorized represen tative. will offer for lease at public auction, all educational lands within said county upen which forfeiture of contract has been declared, as follows: SE Sec 3d. Town 13, R 13. F. E. Brogden Dated October 13, 1909. E. B. Cowles. Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska, > Vss. Sherman county, 1 The State of Nebraska In County Court within and for Sherman county. Nebraska. October 21. 1909. in the matter of the estate of Vincent Barzynski. deceased: To the Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified, that 1 will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said coun ty, on the 20th day of May, 1910, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate Is the 20th day of May A. D.. 191*. and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from the 20th day of May. 1910. Witness my hand and the Seal of said Coun ty Court, this 21st day of October. 1900 [seal] J. S. Pedleb, County Judge. (Last pub. Nov. 18) Notice of Hearing on Final Account of Administrator. State of Nebraska. Sherman County The State of Nebraska To the next of kin and all persons Interested In the estate of Alfred Schmaljohn, deceased, late of said county Notice is hereby given that on June nth 1909. Robert P. Starr, administrator of the estate of Alfred Schmaljohn. deceased, late of said county, tiled his final account as such administrator and that the same was set for bearing Saturday, the 6tb day of November. 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the office of J. S. Pedler, County Judge of said county in Loup City in said county, at which time and place all persons Interested In said estate may appear and be heard concerning the allowance of said account. Oiven under my hand and the seal of said court this l!0th day ef October, 1909. [sbal] J. S. Psdlih, County Judge. Last pub. Nov 4 ROAD NOTICE. (Makowski road) To Whom It May Concern: The commissioner appointed to view the establishment and vacation of a road: Commencing at Road No. 206, on the south side of the north west quarter of section five (5), town ship sixtoen (16), range fifteen (15), and running diagonally across the northwest quarter and termiuating at the north west corner of said north west quarter be vacated and that said road be located and established, com mencing at the south side of said north west quarter of section five (5), township sixteen (16), range fifteen (15), at Road No. 206, and running thence west to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter and running thence north 160 rods on section line between the northeast quarter of section six (6), and northwest quarter of section five (5), and terminating at the county line, and that said road be laid wholly on the northwest quar ter of section five (5), township six teen (16), range fifteen (15), has re ported in favor of the alteration of the same, and all objection or remon strance thereto must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon of the 10th day of December, A. D. 1909, or said road will be estab lished without reference thereto. Dated this 4th day of October, A. A. 190!). C. F. Bbubhaubbn, County Clerk. Last pub. Nov. 4. o u \ * VJP-W'°*W a#tt* w< Oct'10'1 \ ^Furi^oH Money to Loan. I am prepared to make farm loans on short notiee. Don’t fail to get my terms. A. L. Zimmerman. Notice or Hearns on Petition tor Allowance of Aceount'Of Executor, and for Order to Deliver Residue of Estate to Caroline Lade State of Nebraska. ) > s 8 Sherman County. > State of Nebraska To the next of kin and all persons interested in the estate of Carl August Lade, deceased, late of said county: Notiee is hereby given that on October 28th, 1209. a petition was tiled in the sounty court of said county, for the allowance of the account of the executor and an order to deliver residue of estate to | Caroline Lade beneficiary named In will of Carl August Lade, deceased, late of said county, and that the same was set for heariDg Friday, the 19th day of November. 1909, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the of fice of J. 8. Pedler. County Judge of said coun ty in Loup City in said county, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and be heard concerning said ap pointment. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 28th day of October, 1909. [HAL] J. S. Pbdleb. County Judge. [Last pub. Nov. 18j Notice of Hearing on PetiOoi for Letters of Admiiistration State of Nebraska i V BS Sherman County 1 The State of Nebraska To the next of kin and all persons interested In the estate of Fred Werner, deceased, late of said county: Notice is hereby given that on November 2nd. 1909. a petition was Hied in the county court of said county, for the ap pointment of an administrator of the estate of Fred Werner, deeeased. late of said county, and that the same was set for hearing Satur day, the 20th day of November. 1909, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon, at the office of J. S. Pedler. County Judge of said county in Loup City in said county, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and be heard concerning said aDpointment. Given under my hand and the seal of said CountyaCourt, this 2nd day of November. 1909. J. S. Pedi.eb, County Judge. (Last pub. Nov. 18) NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska J Vss Sherman County 1 The State of Nebraska: In County Court within and for Sbermau county. Nebraska. October 30th, 1909. In the matter of tbe estate of Louis P. Squier. deceased. To tbe creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will alt at tbe county court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 26th day of May. 1910. at tbe hour of ten o.elock a. in., to receive and ex amine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of daimt against said estate is the 26ih day of Mai, A. D. 1910. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from the26th day of May. 1910. Witness my hand and the seal of said coun ty court this 30th day ef October. 1909. J. S., County Judge. (Last pub Nov. 25) ROAD NOTICE (Grossnicklaus Road) To whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of Section five (5). Township sixteen (10), Range fourteen (14) and running thence west one mile on section line and ter minating at southwest corner of Sec tion live (5), same town and range, has reported in favor of the establish ment thereof, and all claims for damages or objections thereto must be tiled in the office of the county clerk of Sherman county on or before noon of the 30th day of December, A. D. 1909, or said road will be es tablished without reference thereto. Dated thi9 20th day of October, A. D. 1909. C. F. Bkushauskn. County Clerk. TAILORED Now is good time to get your Suits and Cloaks \ before ^ the stock is too much bro ken. We have a nice line in both Ladies' Suits and Cloaks, Miss es and Chil dren’s Cloaks. Price in La dies’ Suits, i $12 to $28 We guarantee everything we sell. LOUP CITY MERC. CO. H. J. JOHANSEN Is offering for sale 17 Poland China Boars 17 The big-boned, stretchy kind. If you are in the market for good bogs you will do well to see hiss. This Comfortable ( Convenient ^ Snappy Garment^ ii IS A SPECIMEN OF THE y l Clothing V ° » MADE 3 V David M. Pfaelzer & Co. that we carry in stock. Their supremacy is appar ent at a glance—warmth, ease and perfect fit, at the lowest prices for higli / values. i We can show you a v complete assortment of “ IVearbetter" Children’s and Young Men's Over coats and Suits. Call in early and see our stork of them Now it is getting near house cleaing time again and you will need some new Carpets, Rugs or Lin oleum and a new gie< e of Furniture. I will quote you the following: Prices on Floor Covering: One All-Wool 3-ply Ingrain Carpet, all sewed, ready to OR/ put down on your floor, per yard.. oOC One half Wool Carpet, beautiful pattern. . 45c Have you seen the New Fiber Mattivg, juust the tiling in for bedrooms: per yard only . . “*UC Come and look through our variety of Parlor Ruiri 4*1 t* rwA best 10-wire Tapestry Rug’ 0x12. . lO,UU Common 8-wire Tapestry Rug, 0x12. . .. .$13.50 Axminster Rugs, by assortment, irk 4.^ &on fUA according to quality from_ LU 3POU.UU 12-ft. Neliern's Linoleum, per equare yard. 65c «-ft. Cook’s Linoleum, per equare yard. .50c Come iu and l*»t us figure your furniture and carpet bill for you and where you can see the goods before you hav. to part with your money. Remember the Place, the New Brick Store LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA The H. P. Ferdinandt _Furniture Company. H. P. Ferdinandt, Undertaker and Embalmer FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. * A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 120 to 250 No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock. LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loup City, Neb. [ondell Homestead Lands We are receiving thousands of inquiries about the 320 acre free homestead lands available for settlers under the Mondell Act. These lands located in eastern Colorado and in Wyoming along the Burlington. The great advantage of this new homestead law i* that the settler ih permitted to take up free, 320 acres instead of 10) u v . larger tract being required under the nevr dr, _r m- ti..»ds; north eastern Wyoming has from 16 to :!l ineims o . oisture, and has produced some of the finest ( ... grains ever seen in the west. I personally conduct excursion s on the hi a1, and third Tuesdays of each montu to these I.,., is. Write me for spe cial descriptive folders, literature, etc. IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE BIG I »HN BASIN. These government irrigated lands are brir/ h.-t taken up by settlers who realize the coming value ot Ui< !;■■,' Horn Basin lands in view of the railroad development i . s i Wyoming The United States Land and lm-jraii.m \ >i ion at Chi cago, Nov. 20 to Dec. 4, will be \ ,ta! i». o.c t to the farmer D. CLEM DEAV:: : • r'.L Land Seekers Inform^.. ... ha. Xebr. n!lA^> asr.l»• &r?<;Whs -CURED H R t> _..k? All liecisl L>ia.-iJt:s cured wither- rgica HI H B gi operation. No Chloroform. VI.', ...r g*n- Wl ® eraJ ar.ea thetie urerl. f.V! .•) '.■< TEED B C tolas; a I.IFK-Ti VI !£. '. ‘ ,-r . rioM fmk*. I WRITS FOR BOOK ON P!L"~ A'Ti RTiCTAL DlS'-i"- • XiMQNIALS I _PR- E- R- TAftHV, sc ■ Untldien- * ■:!:» " ——Kan—r ..- _ aW'lilHM—■■