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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1909)
■ Come in and get what you want in the way of Winter goods before the stock is too much broken. We will sell you goods as cheap as Omaha can, and we have nothing but first-class goods. Everything we sell we will guarantee. Below we quote a few of the many articles we have on sale: Shoe Department Shoes are the things one should be most care ful In buying. Always buy the best We Guarantee Every Pair If they are not as we say, We Will Give You a New Pair • , for the old ones. We give a little Red BOOK with EVERY PAIR of SCHOOL SHOES LADIES’ Tailored Suits In All Col ors and All & Kinds. - PRICES $12.50 tov $25.00 Call and See Them LADIES’ DRESS SKIRTS n Voile, Pru lella. Panama i md most all j cinds. Prices *> IS3.50 to $10 Ladies’ Cloaks Prices, $7 to $25 Misses Cloaks (i $6.50^ to $14.00 Childr’n’s Cloaks $1.50 to $8.00 Ladies’ Misses and Childr’n’s / Sweaters / are all the po now. We have . .I■ them,-all kinds r and all prices. < f i* • jVI-E-ljV5 Suits and Overcoats We have a big line of SUITS AND OVERCOATS AND FUR COATS and at prices to suit your / pocketbook. Prices in I Men’s Overcoats, $6.00 to $30.00 Men’s Suits, $5.00 to $25.00 Come in and see us before buying. We will please you. Wit FOREMOST^ CLOTHES W 5CHL0SS BROS DETROIT. Ml tH. Dry Goods One line of Outing . 6c One lot of Outing 8 l-2c One lot reg. 12 1-cc now.10c All Best Calicoes ... 6c One lot regular \ 10c and 12 l-2c ^ Percales Black and White only.8 l-2c Vicigua Flannelette best on earth for the money.10c Wool Dress Goods— We can undersell any one, and we have the goods. Highest Price Paid for Butter Eggs apd Chickeps Loup City Mercantile Co. ^——————————■^——— __ i THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—11.00 PER YEAR. IF PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trails mission through the mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. Election Dope Below we give the official returns for Sherman county in totals, which shows thefusionistscarried the entire state and county ticket, save for sheriff and coroner. Dean (fus).691 Good (fus).657 Sullivan (fus).658 Barnes (rep).583 Fawcett (rep).559 Sedgwick (rep).549 Dieterichs (fus).753—116 Weare (rep).647 Peterson (fus).749— 94 Daddow (rep). 655 Williams (rep). .1(M)4—552 Carpenter (fus).407 Smith (fus).599— 59 Holmes (rep).. ..540 Rowe (soc).283 Hendrickson, R. D. (fus).1*79— 565 Hendrickson, M. A. K. (rep). .414 Ha, ha: Ouch: " We do not feel like jubilating— much. Billy Jakobs was defeated forsuper visor in No. 6 by Hiyo Aden. The Tammany tiger ate up the opposition in New York-Gaynor getting there by some seventy thous and. We suppose that political wedding will have to take place. Charley will make a beautiful, charming' and blushing bride. And all the republicans could get out of the county political wreck was sheriff, coroner and two supervisors— Depew in No. 4 and Welty in No. 2. But then, we are truly thankful to get any pie at all. West Side News. Mrs. Ed Kilpatrick left Tuesday for the sandhills to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Rose Parkhurst. Frank Rlaschke's, Sr., new block house that he is building on the Mrs. Hawk place, is near completion. Will Draper finished Mr. Miller's plastering Monday, where Foss li\»es. F. O. Johnson and wife and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clark went to Aurora Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson are visit ing in Kansas. Will Henderson is husking corn and batching on the other place these days. The Cleoria Aid Society will have a box social at Joe Kowalewski’s next Wednesday evening. At the social Saturday night at Chas. Hatch's old Hallowe’en got quite a joke on some of the boys, or buggies rather. Sam Foss says his corn looked pretty good until he got to husking, but it wont make half as much as last year. S. Foss and family tookdinner with Arnett’s Sunday and prospected their new home, which will certainly be nice and handy when done. Died Hugh Haskins, son of J. Q. and M. L. Pray, Oct. 31st, 1909, aged 7 years, 5 months and 29 days. The little fellow was in failing health for several weeks, hut was confined to his bed but two days. Funeral services at IM. E. churoll Monday afternoon and I the remains laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery. The many friends of the stricken family will deeply sym pathize with them in their affliction. CA RD OK THANKS. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends who sympathized with and assisted us in our great bereavement. J. (J. Pkay and Family. — ■ -m ♦ —. Presbyterian Bulletin The mid-week service for 7:45 this evening (Thursday) should have a large attendance. It is expected that Miss Stewart of the Children’s Home Finding Society will speak next Sundav mornin". The evening service will be the monthly song service with “Stories of the Hymns.” The C. E. will be lead by Mr. Rex •lellords. Miss Maggie Minshull will give her report of the State C. E. convention, also. The Rrotl erhood will have another social with program, etc., next Mon day evening in the lecture room. The Industrial society will meet with Mrs. John Solms next Wednes day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Public Sale I will sell at public auction at Mc Alpine Siding, 7 miles northwest of Loup City and 8 miles southeast of Arcadia all. all my thoroughbred and high grade Shorthorn breeding cattle, horses, etc., on Tuesday, Nov. 9th. commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. 53 head of cattle consisting of registered herd bull, 14 registered Shorthorn cows, 5 registered Shorthorn heifers, 4 registered Shorthorn heifer calves, 2 registered Shorthorn bulls, 27 high grade cows and heifers; 8 head of horses, farm machinery, household goods, etc., etc. Free lunch at noon. Terms: All sums of $lo and under cash: over $10 a credit of 10 months, purchaser giving bankable note draw ing 10 per cent interest from date of sale. II. B. Musseh, Owner. Ilale & Bageler, C. C. Carlssn. Auctioneers. Clerk. Fortunate Accident. Herman Johansen and family met with what might be termed a lucky accident last Monday evening, while coming to town from their home east of town. While crossing a portion of the road being graded by Overseer Hancock, and the night being pitch dark, they drove into the ditching, overturning the buggy, with Mrs. Johansen underneath, but Herman catching the horse by the head im mediately, prevented his running away, thus saving the lady from what might have terminated seriously. No damage. Farm for Sale Good improved half-section, five miles from Loup City, at $32 per acre, inquire of R. M. Hiddleson. ROBERT P. STARR (Successor bo M. II. Mead) Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books in county S. A. ALLEN, DEJVTIST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank bulletin". W, L. M'ARCY, BEN TIST» LOUP 0ITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie Phone, 10 on 36 I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility, Weak ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private Skin and Chronic Diseases of Men | I do not ask you to come to me Hrst if you believe others can cure you. Should they fail, don't give up. It is better to come late than not at all. Re member, that curing S diseases after all oth / ers have failed has ’ jbeen my specialty for (years. If you cannot _ I visit me personally, write symptoms that trouble you most. A vast majority of cases can be cured by my system of home treatment, which is the most successful system ever devised. I make no charge for private counsel and give to each patient a legal contract in writing, hacked by abundant capital, to holdrfor the promise Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially invitedtU/nilKiy cured of all to consult with me. ™ UIT1EI1 WOIEb and bladder diseaser, ulcerations, meastrual .rouble, etc. Confidential. Private tome in the suburbs, before and during confinement. Motherly care and best attention guaran teed . Good homes found for babies. FREE* „ POSITIVELY FREE! No charge whatever to anv man. woman or child living in LOUP CITY or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC gfSKASE. a *10 GO X-RAY EXAMINA TION. Come and let me look Inside of you absolutely free of charge. Dr Rich specialist. grand l-M. nivll, ISLAND. NEB. Ofticeop posite City Hall, 103 W. Second Street. I have some extra heavy boned, lengthy, pure Poland China boars now ready for service, and a few high-grade Shorthorn bulls for sale at Wild Rose Stock Farm one mile east of town. Phone, 2 on 12. L. N. SMITH. E. G. Taylob, J. S. Pedlek, C. C. Carlsen. President. Vice President. Cashier * — DIRECTORS H W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetlani I I .._. I i LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 Tapering Waists! R. & C. CORSETS ' . £M_ _Ek We suggest that you come and inspet the new Spring R. & C. models we are showing, before ' you order your new spring j gowns. If you secure one of these models to have your gowns fitted over, you can rest assured they will possess the fashionable “Directoire” lines. Our stock includes sizes for all figures. Here is shown one of the latest models for'medium figures—medium bust, flat hip, extra long back. Price in Coutil (B28) $1.50; same in Batiste (B29 ’ $1.50. Every pair guaranteed. ] These Corsets In prices from 50c to $5.00 j M CONHISER’s A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30. Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Lnnp Eiffl. - Habraska O. E. LONGA C RE i PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON \ Office, Over New Bank. I TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 j I / WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO ^ Sell Thejn IN ALL SIZES STYLES AND KINDS Our list embraces the latest and most I up-to-date patterrs to be found in any mar- ^ ket. ■ Our prices are as low as the same qual ity of goods commands, no matter where you go to get them. We invite you to call and look them over before making your selections for Fall and Winter purchases. Hayhurst - Callaway Hardware Gojnpapy The Hail Storm the Other Night Reminds us that it is time to put up your screens. Come in ano let us make you an estimate on those that you need. No matter what the size of the jvindow or the number of the lights, we can fit you. Screens from 75c TTtd v The Mites and Lice have Their Eyes ^ Upon that Flock of Chickens A single dollar will get a gallon of Carbolinium. Paint your roosts with this and save the chicks. SEE US FOR SCREENS AND CARBOLINIUM KE-ySTOHE LUJVIBEP GO. > Loup City, Ashton, Eockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, K tb