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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1909)
Professionsi. Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney and Comelcr-at-Law _LOUP CITY. NEB ROBT.P. STARR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; LOUP CITY, NEBR&SK&. AARON WALL Lst^w^y er Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. R. H. MATHEW, « ' Attorney-at-law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONCiACRE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30. Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Lniip Eitp. - Nebraska ROBERT P. STARR (Successor to M. H. Mead) Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books in county S. A. ALLEN, DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, * • NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. W, L. MARCY, DEUVTXSV# LOUP 0ITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie Plione, 10 on 36 I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility, Weak ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private Skin and Chronic Diseases of Men I do not ask you to ;ome to me first if you relieve others can cure you. Should they fail, lon't give up. It is setter to come late than not at all. Re member, that curing liseases after all oth ers have failed has Seen my specialty for years. If you cannot visit me personally, write symptoms that trouble you most. A vast majority of cases can be cured by my system of home treatment, which is the most successful system ever devised. I make no charge for private counsel and give to each patient a legal contract in writing, backed by abundant capital, to hold for the promise Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially Invited^ cured of all to consult with me. " vrIVIl.ll womb and bladder diseaser. Ulcerations, menstrual trouble, etc. Confidential. Private home in the suburbs, before and during confinement. Motherly care and best attention guaran teed. Good homes found for babies. Cpppi POSITIVELY FREE! rl»ts. No charge whatever to anv man. woman or child living in LOUP CITY or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, a *1(1.00 X-RAY EXAMINA TION. Come and let me look inside of you absolutely free of charge. Hr Pis»h SPECIALIST. GRAND UT. IXlwn, ISLAND. NEB. Office op posite Citv Hall, 103 W. Second Street. I have some extra heavy boned, lengthy, pure Poland China boars now ready for service, and a few high-grade Shorthorn bulls for sale at Wild Rose Stock Farm one mile east of town. Phone, 2 on 12. L. N. SMITH. Well Boring Eclipse Windmills I now wish to thank the people of Sherman county and vicinity for their paironnge the past year aud want them to continue the ensu ing year. I am now putting down wells at prices to please every one. If iu need of a well or Eclipse Windmill call on C. B. HAINES, Phone. Son 12. LOUP CITY, NEB D .B. CARPENTER Fusion Candidate for Sheriff on the Populist and Democratic tickets. Your vote solicited. NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS FOB DELINQUENT TAXES For the Year 1908 and Prior Years. State of Nebraska i > ss Sherman County 1 To all whom it may concern: You will take notice that all lands and lots on which taxes for 190s and prior years have not been paid, will be sold at the Couu'.y Treasurer’s office in the court house in Loup City. Nebraska, on the first Monday in Novem ber. 1909, between the hours of 9 o’clock a. m. and 4 o’clock p. in., said sale to adjourn from day today until all the lands and lots have been offered for sale. The following is a list or lands and lots to be sold, and the amount set opposite the descrip tion is the amount due and unpaid May 1st, 1908. For each amount will be added interest I and cost of advertising. It. M. Hipdlksos County Treasurer. OAK CREEK TWP. Township 16. Range li Des. Sec. Ann sw4. 6 $1215 sel. 6 33 4< nw4 . 7 30 r sel . 8 31 0; ne4. 9 '37 8: nw4 . 9 33 6! swl. 9 33 6? nw4.10 38 91 sW4.10 28 6i sw4.13 28 Oi nw4.15 18 01 ne4 . ..17 19 7; ne4 .20 25 3( ne4.21 12 0 li w4.21 22 41 ne4.22 18 0: sw4.22 31 7 nw4 . 22 22 5? nel.23 SB9t W2nw4.24 13 T se4 .30 19 9: nwl.30 3211 LOGAN TWP. Township 16, Range 1 Des. Sec. Ann nwl. 2 38 4: sw4. 2 5671 nwl. 4 27 5! sw4. 4 27 7! s2nw4 .6 14 9: n2sw4.6 15 4! xw4 .13 32 8< sel .. 13 32 3: swl.22 35 6 sel.22 33 2( e2ne4 .25 23 « swl.25 28 3: sel. 25 30 IK ne l.32 27 7: sel .32 24 8( Township 16, Range li w2sw4.3 10 ft ne4.9 16 21 sel.9 182: sel.10 26 9: mine!.15 16 6 *2ne4.15 i0 2i WASHINGTON TWP Township 16, Range li lies. Sec. Am swl.19 27 1; nw4nw4. 28 3 8: lot 3.28 3 8 Township 16, Range li lots 4 and 5. 1 14 T: n2ne4.2 I8i nwl.6 16 2: \v2n w4, w2sw4... 8 22 11 sel.13 18 9 nel.15 17 3i nel.19 13 8! n2sw4, n2se4_i9 15 91 s2sw4.19 6 7i sw4.20 15 li sel.20 15 1; sel.23 22 7 swl.24 21 6 nwl.25 24 51 nel.20 259 nwl.30 13 1! nwl.32 16 0 nel.32 21 01 nel.35 21 3 sel.35 21 6 ELM TOWNSHIP Lownsnip id, itange n Des. ..Sec. Am s2se4, s2sw4. 6 43 0 ne4. 7 43 0 nwl . 7 40 31 se4 . 9 23 5! n2ne4, n2s2ne4 .10 16 4! n2nw4.10 117: sW4.13 31 4: u2ne4.15 10 (.H w2ne4, e2sw4.. ..21 37 5; w 2se4.21 20 Of t*2ne4.e2se4. ...24 21 5.' s2nw4. s2n2nw4.24 18 21 n2n2nw4.24 5 Hi svv4 .24 21 *2< nw4.25 20 7; nei.26 IS 6 nw4ne4, nefnw4.28 18 1: nw4.30 27 5( nwl.31 19 4: sw4.31 19 4: se4ne4, e2se-l. ..33 17 21 uwlswl.34 1 61 swlswl.34 5 2l WEBSTER TVVP. Township 15, Range 1; Des. Sec. Ain lots 5 and 6.2 3 CI SC 4se4.4 17 5: nw4.10 53 41 w2sw4.11 10 81 sw4.14 4C7 ne4.21 45 0; slSanwl.;i0 2 0: ne4.32 19 6( swl.32 31 II nwl.32 36 31 ne4 .34 25 6 Township 15, Range 1 lots 5. 6, 7, 8. ..31 28 2: LOUP CITY TWP. Township 15, Range li Des. Sec. Am sw4 .1 69 7 e2lie4.2 18 7; lots 2, 3. 4. 2 31 6 n2ne4ne4.13 7 7! Township 15, Range 1 swlnwl, w2sw4. 2 17 2 sw4. 4 19 3 sw4. 6 40 1 nw4. 7 23 0 ptse4.12 3 0 ptsel.12 6‘ nei .13 18 81 sei.13 18 31 pts2nw4 .17 3K pt lots 1 2, 3.. . 19 21 5i ne4.24 33 5! nw4 .24 218' ©2sw4.24 10 9: w2sw4.24 8 2! sei.24 24 8 nw4.25 18 4! nwl.33 23 1 nei.31 30 91 n2nw4.35 13 51 Township 14, Ranure 1 ne4 . 4 25 9; pt se4ne4.10 61 se4nel, s2se4, ne4se4.14 12 21 ne4.23 14 7^ pt ne4ne4.23 7( n2nw4se4nw4.. .24 12 5! ne4sw4.24 3 h: lot 1.35 1; ASHTON TVVP. Township 15, liangc u Des. Sec. Ami sw4. 1 28 61 sei. 1 22 01 nwl. 5 20 41 pt Sw4. 7 2; swl.10 15 71 sei .. .... 13 319! sw4.17 17 5; nwl.18 18 31 nei.18 *20 71 nei.26 28 4( sei. 27 41 T, swl.27 22 9( nei.28 32 H s2se4.33 12 01 tpi *>7 Qj ROCKVILLE TWP* Township 13, Runge li Des. Sec. Aim pi lots 2 ami 3 23 St Township 14. Range i; pt sw4nw4 . 3 6t sw4.. .. 3 22 01 Iic4. 4 25 9| n2se41ess5acres 4 11 94 nwl.5 31 7( ■sw4 . 5 24 3s nw4.10 3134 nw4.13 33 9*. nwl.14 32 It nw4.17 26 21 s20a nwl.IS 2 9; nltoanwl.IS 21 (it swl.IS 19 14 nisei.18 15 ta sel.23 27 5t s2nel.32 9 3t e2se4.32 9 31 CLAY TWP. Township 14. Range 14 Des. Sec. Ami nel.38 25 75 nwl.16 29 6 lot 2.27 2 7! W2nw4. selnw4..27 13 2) nel.31 27 35 nwl.31 33 01 swl.31 26 04 sel .31 26 04 nwl.32 20 41 swl.32 24 11 Township 14, Range 1£ nel. 2 2015 nwl.. 2 28 75 sel .14 34 15 swl..22 21 41 nwl.24 39 tit nel./..25 17 tH nwl.25 17 0i swl...25 17 04 nwl .26 32 9! ne4..27 20 45 sel.27 20 11 nwl .27 20 OS nwl .28 354 o« e2nel..29 13 61 swl.#29 2011 mv4.32 28 25 se4.32 20 27 HARRISON TWP Township 14, Range 16 Des. See. Amt w2sw4.1 18 32 e2sw4. 1 10 92 ne4.11 24 97 w2nw4. 12 12 48 se4.13 39 97 e2se4.19 16 33 nw4sw4.20 6 55 ptne4.21 28 n2ne4, swr4ne4. .23 25 82 n w4se4.23 5 56 □2sw4,s2nw4... 29 38 29 ne4.30 20 68 se4.30 29 69 se4se4.31 8 16 s2s©4. 34 14 84 ptse4.35 141 SCOTT TWP. Township 13. Range 16 Des Sec. Amt pt e2se4. 1 40 ne4.3 25 49 nw4. 3 35 79 s2ne4, n2se4... 4 1919 s2se4. 4 9 57 n2ne4, n2nw4... 6 2050 ue4.11 10 69 nw4.11 28 62 pt se4.12 25 w2sw4..14 11 87 s2ne4. s2nw4... 15 28 99 sw4.15 42 86 se4.15 34 13 sw4...17 3138 > ne4.19 38 29 n2se4.19 14 67 sw4nw4.27 4 (M w2sw4 .27 8 02 e*2sw4.27 10 72 se4.27 24 08 se4 . 28 16 04 1 se4 . 29 20 05 i nw4.31 158 85 : nel. 34 16 06 e2nw4.34 8 04 l nw4nw4.34 4 04 se4 .34 16 06 HAZABD TWP Township 13, Range 15 Des. Sec. Amt ! sw4 . 9 22 99 : n2sw4.10 15 18 - s2swl.10 19 36 ne4.11 20 57 i se4.11 24 15 : swi.-.12 25 99 ; sel.12 22 34 e2nw4.14 17 07 • w2nw4.14 13 26 >sw4 . 20 27 96 >s2sw4.24 9 57 * se4.24 2154 > sw4.33 3198 » ne4.34 27 36 pt sw4sw4_ 35 06 i pt sw4sw4 . ..35 29 ' HKISTUL* TWr. • Township 13, Range 13 > Des. Sec. Amt ne4.18 8 38 i se4....18 2161 ne4ne4.21 4 83 •s2ne4.21 16 15 ne4se4.21 33 38 I nw4sw4.22 3 24 ,'lot5ands21ot6.22 6 13 n2 lot 6 .22 81 s2se4. .25 1127 lots 5 and 6... .25 7 04 Se4nw4 . 26 6 44 e2ne4.;i3 16 97 se4.31 12 93 e2sw4.34 6 38 i Township 13. Range 14 nel. 4 21 86 ne4. 7 22 86 » se4. 7 2315 'sel.18 32 93 nw4.20 37 02 sw4.2ft 25 01 nwl.21 26 58 sel.21 24 55 sw4.vit4 26 63 » nel..:...,28 35 23 sel.28 27 33 ; se4 . 32 28 43 LOFFCITY VILLAGE' • Original Town Lot Blk Amt 9 to 12.2 11 3 79 13 and 11.2 1 89 19 to 22. 2 10 47 6 and 7. 3 9 02 ! 9 to 10. 3 2 33 H6.3 1 79 • 21.3 1 90 8 to 10. 7 4 73 » 13 to 17. 7 9 47 ! 10 to 14.10 3 61 i 15 to 16.10 145 H7 to 19.10 145 I 1 to 12.12 10 32 : 13 to 15 .14 1 78 21 to 24.16 2 34 : 4 to5.17 19 40 21 to 24.17 11 75 i w 24ft lot 3.18 20 28 ,10 to 12.18 6198 s2 lots 18 and 19.18 190 » n35ft lots 20-24.. 18 18 11 I .19 18 40 I 7 and 8.19 30 10 II ands40ftl2..19 39 33 i 16 and 17.19 9 18 120 and 21.19 6 01 5..20 1 28 I 4 to 7 .22 12 73 19 to 24.23 4 46 5 to 8.24 11 75 HI and 12 .24 4 79 14. 25 3 23 19 . 25 79 I 22 and 23.25 1 45 : 24.25 78 13 to 14.25 9 07 15 and 16.26 1 89 17 .26 93 n 115ft lots 1,2,3.27 13 48 18 to 21.27 12 37 1 to 5.28 13 93 18 .28 1 44 19 to 20.28 7 28 land 2.29 1 16 1 to 4.34 12 70 34 to 35.34 1 00 62 to 64 .34 1 33 66 to 67.34 93 68 to 70.34 1 33 73 to 74.34 93 1 to 5.35 3 61 10 .35 72 17 and 18.35 1 44 24 to 33.35 12 82 19 to 21.35 2 16 First Addition w 467 ft. 1 1 44 n2 and sw4. 5 7 62 n2 and se4. 7 1 44 100x300 ft. 8 9 52 100x155 ft. 8 1 89 100x148 ft. 8 5 67 100x147 ft. 8 5 67 40x500 ft. 8 1 88 ne4 —.12 13 19 nw4.12 4 31 ne4.13 4 27 50x140 ft.14 32 n2. 15 17 94! s2.15 9 02 Hogue’s Sub-Division all.-1 15 04 w2 and w2e2_3 15 14 1 to 2 . 4 9 85 1 14 to 16.4 I 48 I Lalk & Kriechbaum’s Addition «. 2 7 2 8 . 5 93 9 to 12 5 6 18 13 to 20.11 18 05 7 to 10.12 13 53 19.13 2 41 Barker’s First Add I to 6. 4 2 78 II and 12.(1 8 41 9 and 10.6 9 51 7 to 10 . 8 39 12 11 and 12. 8 2 83 13 to 18. 8 8 24 Barker's Second Add 13 to 24.8 4 35 I to 6. 8 10 34 7 to 12. 8 8 34 13 to 24 . 8 5 47 I to 10. 9 12 39 13 to 24. 9 6 67 pt lots 1 to 5_11 90 I to 6 and part 7 to 10.15 90 pt 6 to 12.13 90 d0x200ft selnwl nw4secl8-15^14 2 74 .'10x300ft in se4 nw4nw4 set 18 15-14. 4 57 .1. Woods Smiths Add II to 12.6 1 44 11 to 12.7 1 55 1 to 3. 8 1 22 4 to 5. 8 1 15 1 to 2. 9 1 16 3 to 6. 9 2 33 19. 9 56 1 to 3.II 1 78 9 to 12.11 11 52 10 and 11 .12 1 16 12 .12 56 19 to 20.12 116 19 to 24. IS 1 80 all.14 48 18 all.15 17 28 all.1(1 27 24 / 7 to 12.18 1 44,1 and 2.18 2 45 13 to 18.18 93 3.*.18 18! 17 to 18 .18 45 4 and 5...18 41 19 to 21.23 9 186.....18 26 9 to 12.24 16 28 11 and 12.18 33 land 2.25 1 44 5.19 77 6 .,.25 78 n2 loti.20 3 94 5 to 6 .26 116 1.21 19 7 to 8.26 1 16 2.21 4 61 16 .26 56 7. 26 5 06 17 to 20.26 2 31 1 to 12.27 1 12 1 to 6.32 16 37 1.28 49 1 to 3.34 3 94 2.28 3 24 7 to 12.35 5 67 3 and 4.28 49 Unplatted Portion of n2 lot 1. 30 83 Sec 18 and 7. T 15, R 14 4. 30 2 53 LOUPCITY VILLAGE 5.30 3 09 Des Sec Amt 8.31 33 pt sw4 tract 7.. 7 16 72 1 to 14.32 4 69 pt sw4 tract 10. 7 16 16 Unplatted Portion in ptsw4 tract 11. 7 10 01 Rockville Village pt sw4 tract 29.18 28 Township 13. Range 13 pt sw4 tract 43.18 2 67 Des Sec Amt pt SW4 tract 44.18 3 61 ne4. 4 24 28 ASHTON VILLAGE nw4. 4 26 36 Original Town se4. 4 27 19 Lot Blk Amt pt se4sw4..5 2 22 9 . 2 80 ptne4sw4ne4... 8 4 09 10 . 2 2 00pt ne4sw4ne4.. 8 19 lamln22. 5 8 75 ptne4sw4ne4... 8 19 4 and 5. 5 3 41 pt ne4. 8 19 6 & 7 & n 22ft 8.. 5 17 50 sw4 . 9 23 01 s 3ft 8 A n 20ft 9 . 5 6 67 SC4. 9 23 15 15 . 5 50 LITCHFIELD VILLAGE 2 and 3. 6 2 86 Original Town 4 and 5. 6 6 48 Lot Blk Amt 6 and 7. 6 4 93 9 and 10. I 8 04 15. 6 2 48 s2 lot 2 and all 3 2 10 87 all. 7 1 43 50x140ft sw*cor. 2 1 15 6 . 9 3 67 75x140ft sw cor. 2 1 71 17. 9 7 27 4. 4 3 45 s6tn 2 and alls.10 IS 33 7 and 8. $ 6 89 ».10 1 69 13 . 6 57 24 2 and 3.12 7 20 19 . 6 4 60 14 .13 3 60 10 to 18. 7 12 54 1 and 2.13 7 89 9. 8 84 3 and 4.13 7 89 4.10 4 60 1 .15 4 43 n2 lot 8.10 36 2 . 15 50 9 and 10.10 11 49 5 and 6.15 8 06 11 and 12.10 8 04 Hand 12.15 1 07 I3andn20‘iftl4.10 20 70 Bailura.s Add 16 to 18.10 22 99 1. 3 43 9 and n2 10.11 20 70 1 and 2. 5 2 19 13.11 5 74 3 . 5 2 19 14 to 16.11 12 61 First Addition' all.: 14 3 45 7 and 8. 1 4 79 7 to 10.15 22 99 9 to 14. 1 8 63 11 and 12.15 13 80 land 2. 5 2 48 13.15 57 1 to 8 . 6 12 92 14.15 11 49 Taylor's Second Add 5.16 84 M and 15. 1 93 6.16 84 1 and 2. 2 6 34 7.16 8 61 5 to 8 . 2 2 48 5.17 84 14 to 18 . 2 7 60 6.17 71 19 to 24 . 2 10 30 FAIRVIEVV PARK Ojendyk-Dunker Add 6 and 7. 2 6 50 1 to 6 . 4 2 62 First! Addition 1 to 16. 5 7 10 3. 1 84 Unplatted Portions of 7. 2 1 10 Sections 27 and 22 in 10. 2 10 37 Ashton Village 4. 6 804 Des Sec Amt Anderson's Addition ptnw4nw4_ 27 6 10 1. 1 57 pt nw4nw4.27 7 10 8. 1 88 pt nw4nw4.27 1 86 l to 4. 2 10 35 pt nw4nw4.27 3 79 7 . 2 72 pt nwlnw4.27 8 51 8 . 2 5 74 pt selne4.27 6 72 Unplatted Portion in pt se4ne4 . 27 2 93 Litchtield in Section 28 pt sw4ne4.27 1 69iDes Sec. Amt pt sw4ne4.27 76|ptn2se4.28 12 54 pt sw4ne4.27 1 17j pt se4ne4 . 28 12 54 pt se4ne4.27 7 34 pt ne4se4.28 1 57 ptsw4sw4.22 10 37: HAZARD VILLAGE pt'selswl.3* 7 27! Lot Blk Amt ROCKVILLE VILLAGE-1.. 5 27 Lot Blk Amt117. 6 4 52 2 46 8 and 10... 5 55 10.12 6 74 7 9 and 11. 5 33,2.10 1 00 12 . 5 12 6 and 6.10 142 13 .5 12 17 and 18.10 3 22 11 to 15. 5 37 4.11 3 14 2 4 6 8 10 1214 16 . 6 96 1 to 3.14 82 5 7 24 6 and 8... 7 74 4.14 26 all. 9 12 Sand 6.14 59 2 4 and 6. 8 48 7 to 9.14 5 00 1 to 12.11 7 82 10 and 11 ....14 93 all.17 3 57 5.15 34 THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—*1.00 PER TEAR. IT PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loop City Postotflce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108 J. W. BURLEIGH. Kd. and Pnb. •• Thd Republican Ticket. For County Clerk— WALT WE A RE. Harrison Township. For County Treasurer— JOSEPH DADDOW, Clay Township. For County Judge— GEORGE nOLMES, Bristol Township. For County Sheriff— L. A. WILLIAMS, Loup City Township. For County Superintendent— ■MARY A. K. HENDRICKSON, Loup City Township. For County Coroner— A. S. MAIN, . Loup City Township. For County Surveyor— E. B. Corning, Loup City Township. For County Supervisors— J. I. DEPEW, Dist. 4, Loup City Township. WM. JAKOBS. Dist. 6, Bristol Township. J. II. WELTY, Washington Township. The serious illness of my mother in Illinois, which required my presence, has prevented my calling on you per sonally. I therefore take this oppor tunity of soliciting your support for County Superintendent. Respectful ly, Mary A. K. Hendrickson. The federal court last Saturday handed down a decision knocking out the bank guarantee law. Now listen to the democratic wail. Minnesota bested Nebraska in the great football game at Omaha last Saturday—14 to 0. Our boys who witnessed the game say it was one of the biggest events they ever saw. Jack Johnson, the colored cham pion, bested Getchel at San Fran cisco last Saturday in the 12th round. The result will be different when Jeffries gets into the swim, or we miss our guess. Pittsburg defeated Detroit in the final game of the series at Detroit last Saturday by a score of 8 to 0, thus making Pittsburg the National champions, winning four of the seven games played. Presidents Taft and Diaz met at El Paso last Saturday and the big presidential event, over which there has been so much comment, passed without anything of moment happen ing, although it was claimed anar chists had laid plans to kill both. So much for yellow journalism. Beushausen says he “loves Bro? Burleigh,” etc. When you consider j the way in which he has been show ing his “love,” one questions whether the pickpocket relieves his victim ! because he “loves” him, or the burg lar plies his trade because he “loves” those he ,“touches.” Such “love” is ( very “touching.” We prefer not to be “loved” so forcibly. Of course, you want for sheriff a man who is true and tried as a peace officer, and has made one of the best sheriffs in the Estate. That man is Uncle Lou Williams, and there is none better. If you want to perpetuate the reign of C.. F. Beushausen in the county clerk’s office, then you will vote for the fusion candidate for that offce. if you .don’t, then vote for Walt Weare, the republican candidate. Arote for Geo. Holmes, the farmer candidate for county judge on the republican ticket. A'ou make nc mistake in his selection. He is a clear-headed, logical, far-seeing man and will make an ideal county judge Farmers, if you want one of youi number in the county treasurer’s office, and one of those who have lived here for a quarter of a century, and wno is most well and favorably known vote tot Jos. Daddow, republican can didate for county treasurer. Yoi can do no better. J. T. Campbell sold his farm this week that he bought of Mrs. Roms dal, known as the Engle farm, tc W. D. Phillips of Waterloo, Nebr.. who intends to make it his home.— Litchfield Monitor. Dwight Jacoby, who is making mighty good with his farming in terests in Sherlhan county, returned home yesterday after a week’s visit with his parents in this city, and other Hamilton county relatives. Mrs. Jacoby and the children whc were with him will make a longei visit.—Aurora Republican. Death of Grandma Scott Oil Monday afternoon, Oct. 18,1909, Mrs. Geo. H. Scott, one of the oldest residents of Loup City and Sherman county, departed this life at her home aged 82 years, 5 moeths and 15 days. The funeral took place from the M. E. church, Wednesday afternoon, and the remains laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery. Elizabeth Hardy was born in Jordan, New York, May 3, 1827. Her education was attained in agirls’ seminary at Little Falls, N. Y. On April 6, 1352, she was united in marriage witli George H. Scott, and their married life was mostly spent in frontier communities. Some three years after their wedding they emi grated to Illinois, locating on a farm near Dwight, where they made their home until 1880 when they moved to Nebiaska and Sherman county, sett ling on a farm in Davis Creek pre cinct and In 1893 they came to Loup City, from which place each of them have now passed to the “Home where changes never Come.” Mr. Scott departed this life on April 13, 1903. Their married life of one year and seven-days oyer a half century, was made up of An intermingling of the joys and sorrows, the difficulties and successes that usually are experienced in the long apd useful career which they passed. Nine children were born to them, tWO?of ivhom died in chHd hobd-^a girl drowning In a well, and a boy dragged to death by a horse. Seven have grown- to manhood and womanhood and remain to cherish the memory of the parents who bore them. They are as follows: J. R. Scott, Perry, Okh. Mrs. Kate Kettle and Mrs. Lucy Finch of North Loup, Neb., Geo. H„ Scott, Council Bluffs, Iowa, L. G. Scott, Sebastopol, Cal., Mrs. |Iona Sharp, Loup City, and Thaddeus M. Scott, Aurora, Neb., all of whom were present at the funeral except G. H. Scott, who is absent in the west on business and could not be found, and L. G. Scott, who was pre vented from attending by illness. Mother Scott was raised in a Chris tian home and early in life united with, the Methodist Episcopal church, her membership continuing therein until she has now been transferred to the Church Triumphant. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were active in the work of the church here, and after his death she was faithful in attendance upon the services as her strength would permit. A few days ago she was siezed with a cold, which suddenly became serious, and on Monday, Oct. 18, 1909, she ceased her labors on earth to enter upon the “Rest that remaineth to the people of God.” CARD OF TAANKS. We wish to extend to the neighbors and friends of our beloved mother, Mrs. G. H. Scott, our sincere and heartfelt thanks for the many acts of loving kindness towards her in her life time, and generous assistance dur ing her last sickness and burial. J. R. Scott. Mrs. Kate Kettle, Mrs. Lucy Finch, G. H. Scott, L. G. Scott, Mrs. Iona Sharp, T. M. Scott. To the Voters of Sherman Co. I do not intend to say any uncom plimentary things about any man, or number of men, nut from whatlhave heard, I must say something, and that something will be said in as few words is possible, as I must pay for the pub lication. First, I want to impress this fact on the minds of the voters if Sherman county, that no man or combination of men own me, I do not isk, neither will I appreciate the issistance of any banking institution in Loup City, neither do 1 ask for the issistance of any lawyer or newspaper, if the combination which exists igainst me is to be broken, it can be iroken only by the vote of the com non people. 220 voters signed my letition demanding that my name be printed on the ballot. Such being the case, it makes me a free man, When [ made up my mind to enter this race [ did not think there cduld dwell in die mind and soul of any man so nuch deceit and deception as exists n the political make-up of one of Loup City’s bankers. My friends, I im making the fight alone. I’m too ioor to drive anpund the county and see you all. I have been offered teams 'ree, but I can’t lose the time. There nay be a hard frost the 2nd of Nov ember, so I must keep on laying brick. 5ix children going to school say, ‘Work, old man.” If you think I’m die right man for the common people rote for me, if not, turn me down, loodbye. Yours, etc., Pbtb bows, Candidate County Judge. Since Beushausen of the Times admits every contention of the North western—that he uses to feather his newspaper nest; that he is using his columns to defeat Weart for county clerk by prejudice; that he is simply dollar-crazy in his financial methods against the Northwestern etc., there is no need of saying more on the subject. However, Charlej will find the precedent set by hiii will not rebound to his credit nor tc his bank account. AUCTION OF SCHOOL LANDS Notice is hereby given that on the 8th daj of November. 1909. at -.’o'clock pm. at th< office of the county treasurer of Shermm county, the Commissioner of Public Land: and Buildings, or his authorized represen tatlve. will offer for lease at public auction all educational lands within said county upoi which forfeiture of contract has been declared as follows: wy, Sec 16. Town 16. R 13. Frank Pilowski SE Sec 36, Town 13, R 13. F. E. Broaden Dated October 13, 1909. E. B. Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska 1 Sherman County 1 The State of Nebraska In County Court within and for Shermai county, Nebraska, October 5th. 1909. In the matter of the estate of Jennie Kettle deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit a the county court room in Loup City, in sail county, on the 30th day of April, 1910. at thi hour of ten Q.clock a. m., to receive and es amine all claims against said estate, with : view to their adjustment and allowance Thi time limited for the presentation of claim against said estate is the 3Ulh day of Aprtl A. D. 1910, and the time limited for payment o debts is one year from the 30th day of April 1910. Witness my hand and the seal of said coun ty court this 5th day of October, 1909. J. S. Pbdi.eb, County Judge. (Last pub Oct. 28) NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska, j Sherman county, 1 The State of Nebrask: In County Court within and for Sherma: County, Nebraska, September 27. 1909. in thi matter of the estate of Fred Thode, deceased To the Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notifled. that I will sit at th< county court room in Loup City, in said coun ty, on the 25th day of April, 1910. at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to receive and examine al claims against said estate, with a view ti their adjustment and allowance. The timi limited for the presentation of claims agains said estate is the 25th day of April A. D.. 1910 and the time limited for pavment of debts i> one year from the 25th day of April. 1910. Witness my hand and the Seal of said Coun ty Court, this 27th day of September, 1909. Iseal] J. S. Pedlek, County Judge. (Last pub. Oct. 21) Notice or Hearing on Petition lor Letters of Administration State of Nebraska. ) Sherman County, f State of Nebrask: To the next of kin and ail persons interestec in the estate of Louis P. Squier. deceased late of said county: Notice is hereby givei that on October 4th. 1909, a petition was tilec in the county court of said county, for th< appointment of an administratrix of the estat< of Louis P. Squier. deceased, late of sale county, and that the same was set for hearins Saturday, the 23rd day of October. 1909, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the of flee of J. 8. Pedler, County Judge of said coun ty in Loup City in said county, at which timt and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and be heard concerning said ap pointment. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 4th day of October. 1909. [BEAL] J. S. PEM.EH. County Judge. [Last pub. Oct. 21J ROAD NOTICE (G rossnicklaus Road) To whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of Section five (5). Township sixteen (16), Range fourteen (14) anti running thence west one mile on section line and ter minating at southwest corner of Sec tion five (5), same town and range, has reported in favor of the establish ment thereof, and all claims for damages or objections thereto must be filed in the office of the county clerk of Sherman county on or before noon of the 30th day of December, A. D. 1909, or said road will be es tablished without reference thereto. Dated this 20th day of October, A. D. 1909. C. F. Bkushauskn, County Clerk. ROAD NOTICE. (Makowski road) To Whom It May Concern: The commissioner appointed tc view the establishment and vacation of a road: Commencing at Road No. 206, on the south side of the north west quarter of section five (5), town ship sixteen (16), range fifteen (15), and running diagonally across the northwest quarter and terminating at the northwest corner of said north west quarter be vacated and that said road be located and established, com mencing at the south side of said northwest quarter of section five (5), township sixteen (16), range fifteen (15), at Road No. 206, and running thence west to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter and running thence north 160 rods on section line between the northeast quarter of section six (6), and northwest quarter of section five (5), and terminating at the county line, and that said road be laid wholly on the northwest quar ter of section five (5), township six teen (16), range fifteen (15), lias re ported in favor of the alteration of the same, aDd all objection or remon strance thereto must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon of the 10th day of December, A. D. 1909, or said road will be estab lished without reference thereto. Dated this 4th day of October, A. A. 1909. C. F. Bkushauskn, County Clerk. Last pub. Nov. 4. TAILORED Now is good time to get your Suits and Cloaks v. before J the stock is too much bro ken. We have a nice line in both Ladies’ Suits and Cloaks, Miss es and Chil dren’s Cloaks. Price in La dies’ Suits, Ul?to Y&o We guarantee everything we sell. LOUP CITY MERC. CO. -WF • • • y:m«i» ARE THE PEOPLE V r O i Sell Thepi IN ALL SIZES STYLES AND KINDS Our list embraces the latest and most up-to-date patterr s to be found in any mar- „ ! ket. Our prices are as low as the same qual ; ity of goods commands, no matter where you go to get them. We invite you to call and look them over before making your selections for Fall and Winter purchases. Hayhurst - Callaway Hardware Gopipapy The Hail Storm the Other Night Reminds us that it is time to put up your screens. Come in anoiet us make you an estimate on those that you need. No matter what the size of the window or the number of the lights, we can tit you. Screens from 75c X"d The Mites and Lice have Their Eyes Upon that Flock of Chickens A single dollar will get a gallon of Carbolinium. Paint your roosts with this and save the chicks. SEE US FOR SCREENS AND CARROLINIt M. KEysfO^E LU JVIBEpeO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia. Act. B—g——aewad2~- v3W-v'-r*a«rt v33*25;' vr.- . •» . % nSI/v/> n STU LA-Pay When BIWSB ■ ^ B M S irA Ail Rectal Diseases cured without a surgi \ iM'$>■ 8 «' operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other ML A M eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED 9 ^ to last a LIFE-TIME, (^examination fpee. n| g WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS f Bee Building, Omaha, Nebraska fj a—MaMMaibtiiinaaj^aaMiaaBimNai^ ^murm * mv.i ,rf i -_ v - -a» I Tills Comfortable Convenient and Snappy Carment IS A SPECIMEN OF THE David M. Pfaelzer cc & Co. W that we carry in stock. Their supremacy is appar ent at a glance—warmth, ease and perfedt fit, at the lowest prices for high k values " b values. We can show you a _-I ’ complete assortment of ‘ ‘ Wearbetter" Children’s and Young Men’s Over coats and Suits. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 1 to 25c. No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock. LEININGER LUMBER, CO., Lo,p Cay,M. Notice or Hearing on Final Accoont or Administrator. State of Nebraska Sherman Count} The State of Nebraska To the next of kin and all persons interested in the estate of Alfred Schmaljohn. deceased, late of said county: Notice is hereby given that on June 12th 1909. Robert P. Starr, administrator of the estate of Alfred Schmaljohn. deceased, late of said county. Hied his flnal account as such administrator and that the same was set for bearing Saturday, the rttb day of November. 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the office of J. S. Pedler, County Judge of said county in Loup City in said county, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and be beard concerning the allowance of said aceount. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 20th day of October, 1909. [sul] J. S. County Judge. Last pub. Nor 4 H.J. JOHANSEN Is offering for sale 17 Poland China Boars 17 The big-boned, stretchy kind. If you are in the market for good hogs, you will do well to see him.