ERIEF ABOUT READY. And Will Soon Ee Filed in Supreme Court. Arthur Muller has prepared a part of the brief which be will file in sup port of his application to 'the supreme court fee a rehearing of the case of State vs. Ragan, in which the Donohoe non-partisan judiciary act was declared invalid. Thus far Mullen has treated only the limitation of signers to ,'00 in each county. He points out that this provision is only in line with the general acceptance as a fact that the power of nomination is not as free as j the power of voting. He also urges j that this limitation was only in line with the accepted fact that the legis lature may make necessary restric tions in election laws. He then points out that voters are restricted in alt states where a certain percentage of the total vote must vote each ticket in order for the party to have a legal standing. In Nebraska a party must poll 1 per cent, in Minnesota 10 and in other states varying proportions. Hu also points out that if the limita tion of the Donohoe act was illegal that something may be wrong with the federal constitution which will not permit an elector to vote for a vioe president and a president from the same state. Along this line he points out that tux presidential electors are named in six congressional districts of the state and two at large. Conse quently no voter in the state has a right to dictate the nomination of more than three of the eight electors in Iiis state. He also urges that if the Donohoe act is invalid on account of Us invasion of the Dili of rights that tlie present convention act is out of line. Companies Must Prove Themselves. Companies which propose to begin the insurance business on a very strong basis may be required to prove tlie genuiness of their intentions in Nebraska, according to the statement made by State Auditor Barton, after his return from the meeting of state insurance commissioners at Denver. It is merely a question of whether the mom y received from stock sales is actually used to build up a surplus or to feather the nests of promoters. A characteristic scheme for such promoters to use is for the promoter to approach one well up financially and assure him that there is a gilt edged proposition ahead, wherein $100 share of stock is to be sold for $200. this extra $100 being turned into the company for a working surplus. This idea carried out, would provide the basis of a strong company. But it seems that this surplus is usc-d largely lor promoting purposes and that some of the more unscrupulous of such com panies thus charge the subscriber $100 for taking $200 away from him with little promise to make good. Australia Interested in Guaranty. Richard A. Crouch of Australia, writ ing on a Parliament letterhead, has re quested the governor to send him a copy of the Nebraska depository law enacted by the late legislature. Mr. Crouch wrote that he understood Ne braska had passed such a law and he desired full information concerning it. Complaint Against Saloon. R. D. Evans of Dakota county has written to the legal department of the state to the effect that he believes the Sioux City Brewing company and the Inter-State Brewing company of that city are violating the law both of Nebraska and Iowa. He said these companies haul their beer into Ne braska and ship it back to Iowa and by tliis way lie says they violate the law of both states. Object to Lowering Rates. At Lyons the Home Telephone com pany concluded to reduce its rates and proposed that the state railway com mission grant the authority. Before the commission got busy, however, the Lyons Independent Telephone com pany. which has not yet started busi ness, appealed to the commission to permit it to show cause why these rates should not be reduced. The hear ing will be granted. Pullman Seats Free. At 'tlie request of the I'nion Pacific ited the Pullman company, the State Railway commission has modified its orrler relating to the sale of seat tic kets on trains Nos. 7 and 8 of the Union Pacific, The new order issut?d following a conference of the commis sion and officials of the Pullman and railroad company, provides, that no seats may be sold on these trains, but that when the local coach is full, pas , sengers arc entitled to any vacant aeats on the parlor and sleeping ear witout extra charge. It is provided, however, the passenger who is riding in the parlor car without cost must return to the coach whenever there is a seat for him mere. Postmaster Appointed. Kdward Zink has been appointed postmaster at Sterling and Miss Dora Beubler will act as his deputy. The places of the Burlington train men at Wymore, who were discharged for taking goods from ears in transit, are being filled by new men. In ah. about twenty employes were let out. Bid to Old Normal Board. The Commercial club of Alliance showed its faith in the ‘'old" Normal board by submitting to it a proposi tion for the new normal school. The Commercial club sent to Luther P. Ludden, secretary, an offer to give to the state eighty acres of land, if the school is located there. Enclosed "with the proposition were several petitions from neighboring towns asking that the school he located there, and also a statement signed by numerous bu siness men offering a bond of $20,000 to guaranty title to the property. Switch Wanted at Schuyler. The Wells-Abbott Neiman company of Schuyler has filed an amended peti tion in its request to the state railway commission to compel the Union Pa • cific to construct a transfer switch to connect with the Burlington at Schuy ler. Bert Taylor Appeals. Bert Taylor, the Minden murderer ■sentenced to ho hanged, has appealed to the supreme court. His attorney. I J. M. McPheely of Minden, tiled the appeal in the supreme court. | f SYNOPSIS. “Mad” Dah Maitland, on reaching Ids New York bachelor club, met an attrac tive young woman at the door. Janitor O’Magan assured him no one had teen within that day. Dan discovered a wom an’s linger prints in dust on his o your feet ever feel tired, achy and ' sore at. night? Rub them with n little j Hamlins Wizard Oil. They'll be glad iu the morning and so will you. Speaking of iiterature, nanny a man's love letters have made a de cided hit—with a jury. IN THE SUMMER SEASON children overindulge in oat ;usr fruits wit.h V"’*'rl» j.ainsiisaoonsequon«*f ;inolhiTsshould hitveun ’ aai Painkiller (Perry iiavisl. 25c, and iiir. ixiule*. The man who has a talkative wife may have a whole lot to say, but he seldom gets a chance to say it. Lewis’ Single Hinder gives the smoker a rich, mcllow-tasting cigar, one that smoke* and tastes better than most 10c cigars. Her string Is soon worn out if a girl lias too many beaux. Dr. Fierro’^ Pellets *tttrar-cnairri rn«^ t*» take as candy, mrulftto and invlgorato rionuch, liver aud bowels. Do not gripe. A guilty conscience is apt to be its own excuser. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Du n-ess from Dyspepsia,lu ll i gestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Disxiness, Vuti sea. Drowsiness, Bad Taste In the Month, Coat ed Tongue, Pain !n the | Side, TORPID LIVER, i They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. ---—— -- This Trade*marb Eliminates Ail Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your ova protection, see that it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. NATIONAL IEA0 CCSAJIfY 1902 Trinity Building, Nca Tarit No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A strong mnn is strong all over. No man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the stomacli and its associated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a msn “doesn't feel just right,” when he doesn’t sleep well, has an uncomfortable -***» *« ttu.i cmuig, is langma, nervous, irricaDie ana ae^ona*/ ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man sboald use Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs cf digestion ssd nutrition. It enriches the blend, srvigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH Aim STEEIlGTll TO THE W17OLE BODY. ^on can’t cilord to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute tor this no® alcoholic medicine op znorn composition, cot even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.