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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1909)
| IN THE PUBLIC EYE J-ANDOR AFTER SOUTH POLE A. Henry Savage Landor, explorer, who will non mate an attempt to reach the south pole. Is of the opinion that Lieut. Shackleton failed hrough having a cumbersome snd unnecessarily large expedition. Mr. l^andor’s theory is that a small caravan of trusted and hardy men, lightly equipped, like his expedition* through Asia and Africa, is ber.t. The warm season will Iks chosen for Landor's dash to do what Lieut- Shackleton so nearly suc ceeded itt accomplishing, and it is now planned to consume the btst part of a year in the attempt. Mr. Landor's activity ia aeronautic investiga tions gives color to the rumor that an airship will be used by him to reach the j>ole. Nothing deli nit* is aacettaleabl* but it is known that for a. long time Mr. Landor has be. a CEgaged in the ■ onfitruetion id an aerial cur which would carry thst-ctf and a party oi •.n. ’ rtHona-i .i JcKtlveir d«s*i&atiui). The er.e+Be will t»e a simple, sturdy affair, that will be able It) s-taad any ■ mount of tjaa^e, he easily repaired and of a sufficient, lower to aid Ihs ex pedition. Mr landur prefers to take chance* ia an airship rather than a bailees, ••cause be estimate* the speed anti control of an aeroplane will so far sur ;.tasH an ordinary sxe bas that danger uM no* be reckoned with. The outfit will in* taken as far south a* possible by ship and then con veyed overland to »ear the point of Lieut. Shackletoa's camp. Prom there the final fight will be made. No actual plans of tbo Dumber of nu n or the personnel of the party have been announced. MEMORIAL TO WASHINGTON j Mrs. Henry r. mmocK. wuo was recirauj' elected president of the George Washington Me morial association, wants eve ry man, woman and child tn the country to have a personal sense of proprietorship in the rj.000,000-buildihs as a me morial to the first president. She suggests that adults should glvo ono dollar or more and that, all the children should own a 10-cent brick. Dean tifully engraved receipts. bearing a head of Washington, are being sent to contributors of one dollar or more, aud among the contributors have been SO young women employed in a dress making establishment in New York. lu accordance with the desire often ex pressed by Washington for the promotion of set once and literature, the building will be devoted to such uses. A host of patriotic, scientific, eco mimic, educational, literary ana .iri organic uuu* rtrw,ullu *11 mortal association, and U is intended that the building shall furnish a home *:mi gathering place for such bodies. It will contain rooms for small and . large meetings, students' research rooms, a great, hall ov auditorium «.»id rooms for large congresses, such as the recent Tuberculosis congress, i each "rs* conventions will be invited to assemble here, and it is hoped that the Grand Army of the Republic, the Loyal Legion of the United States and the .sens of the Revolution will have permanent quarters in the building. The advisory council of the association includes Elihu Root. Ira Rem sen. Prof. H. Fairfield Osborn, Charles J. Bell, Dr. Weir Mitchell, Dr. William Welch, Gin. Horace Porter, Pi of. Charles W. Dabney, Dr. Charles D. Walcott and Prof. Alexander Agassiz. AMERICAN GIRL A DIPLOMAT _I laitiy Arthur Paget, formerly Miss Mary Stevens of New York, after proving at Cowes her social power in successfully launching Mrs. Will iam Leeds, widow of the tinplate magnate, on the exclusive social sea, showed her ability as a diplomatist in the Intricate and highest grade of international politic*, fgidy Arthur left Mis. Leeds at Trouville uud returned to London, where at the Rllz hotel she gave a dinner to M. Isvolsky, j the Russian minister of foreign affairs, surround ing him with a choice coterie consisting of Mrs. Jack Leslie, the Marquis Doaovernl. the Portu guese minister and close friend of the king, and Prince Dcmidcff of Russia. The dinner was perfect even for epicurean Russians, but it war. noticeable during the evening for the earnest conversation in which the hostess <na jm. lsvoissy inuuigeo. naan»ui> v'* **-,i “*‘* •> * England and Amerieo tv; > ilisciis^od during the evoning, briefly but skillfull, . ,n<] frum the lips of the charming American woman the Russian premier ob tained a better grasp of the situation In England anil America, so far as Kus * 1a is concerned, than from till the talks he had had v/ilh diplomatists. It was practically the only unofficial dinner vnich M. levol-ky attended hiring his short‘stay in England, and then wore many.cnviohs eyes cast at .ady Pag< t because of her success in entertaining the Russian statesman. CROESUS IN SMALL FLAT ~~] Multimillionaire .1. Ogch-:i Armour and his lam ily are going to live in a ionr-room Hat. When the dty dweller thinks of that be may he more content to get along with five or six rooms. More than that, the Armours will try the t'our ntiQ life in two weeks and they'll try it voluntari !y. Around then will tie So other rooms, unoccu pied and bull', for them. Hut they'll try it for a while in a four-room flat Out at Artaoiin, the created pleasure ground that landscape gardeners and builders have evolved out of an unsightly tract of partly .swampy ground near Waukegan. Ill . the family <n mlllhTBs will try their tiny hoxpe Ifour million dollars has been spent on the place where the jour rooms are. and more is yet to be spent. A 90-room palace has been built, but Ml of the rooms are not ready yet. Meantime. lue Armours t.ui live in tne our and seo that their art treasures aud th«dr estate are property eared for. They may be cramped for a time, bn* they'll understand all about the flat dtvellcr and bis troubles. BUILDS BUNGALOW FOR NORDICA j Oec/ge \V. Young, the New York banker, has built for his bride,' Mine NorJtlea. the biggc-kt rind handsomest log bungalow, at Deal lieaeh, N .1.. ami the;, will be domiciled there the rest of the itmnmi't. The Youcs estate is believed to be the larg est in Monmouth cottmy, having a lrcni 2*._. miles long, covering as many square miles and accom modating without the least embarrassment almost the entire 18-bole course of the Ib-al Golf club, with its is a members, largely New York business and professional men. One of the features ol the bungalow is a hall way, »>r rather promenade, extending along the inside north wall the whole length of the struc ture, so that the entire interior can he thrown open as one room when occasion necessitates. ,Man:. drives lean to Uie bungalow, suaded. wlta rare exotic and indi gtaswjs irees. To the west is a wist Power garden and at proper distances are the many houses ol employes, barns and garages. A huge Hollandk windmill supplies the estate with water, and this is supplemented by the mu- ; nicipal supply. Increased Consumption of Wheat. Statistics show a much greater per! capita use of wheat Hour and a cor- > responding decrease in (he employ-, > treat of rye flour in recent years. Also a considerable quantity Of wheat j rich in cluteii is required in the 1 growing macaroni industry, which is I becoming Important. These factories, I tailed noodle factories here, con sume French semolina, which is made! from the true macaroni wheats of; northern Africa, Russia and the j t'nited States. Apparently there is: lit 11 e or no’ semolina of Get man : manufacture, and it may he sitspet ted ! that tr >at deal of the German maea !'Oni is made of ordinary hard-wheat hour. The German biscuit industry lias grown rapidly of late, and is re quiring more wheat flour every year. American Apples in Demand. There iM a large demand in Ger many for American apples, and it can be increased by intelligent effort on the part of American packers and shippers. There is also a considerable demand in Jienmark, Norway and Sweden, new satisfied by thf> whole sale importers at Hamburg, where practically the whole oi the business s centered. Popular in Paris Tlie gown on the light i.s ot cornflower blue marquisette, unlined. It is trimmed with bands of Egyptian embroidery in tones of green and blue. The hat is of golden yellow, trimmed in hydrangeas and velvet ribbon. Thy truck in the middle is of white linen, with a trimming of blue and white embroidery. The vest is of tucked silk muil, and ti cravat of black satin. The hat is of black Milan straw, with black velvet ribbon and a white aigrette. The gown on the left is ot' amethyst batiste, with insertions of filet Iaco and a chemisette of white mull. The hat is ai violet straw, with a double pinning of lace. ELBOWS REQUIRE MUCH CARE j Effects of Season of Net and Lace ! Sleeves Must Be Carefully Removed. Elbows which have becu scarified by ' a season of net and lace sleeves will need very careful cuddling before they i may appear with grace in the ball dresses of winter. One authority ad vises rubbing the joint every night with olive or almond oil, giving it a good scrub with a stiff brush and soap and water beforehand. A careful dry ing with a soft old cloth is an im portant point, but it is while the flesh is still warm and the pores open that the oil is supplied. In extreme enses of roughness the operation is helped by an oil-spakod pod which should be bound on at night. A flesh brush may also be employed to advantage on the small eruptions which sometimes appear on the upper arm and upon the back between the shoulders. As lack of circulation is generally the cause of these, the fric tion will cause their etftire disappear ance in time and keep tho skin im mune from a second crop The flesh brush is likewise necessary for remov ing the dead skin from the body, for if these dry particles are left to smother the pores the skin oau never present a healthy or clean look. Use the brush with a live-minutes’ dry rub, and then after the bath wield it cour ageously for a good flve minutes more. Horre Centerpieces. The beautiful round centerpieces and dollies with lace edge, that are sold in the shops at a good price, can very easily be duplicated at home at a small cost. First, cut. a round piece of linen any size desired, roll the edge, draw up the lace by the thread, and sew to the linen, having the lace full enough so the outer edge lies smooth. When the lacc has been sewed entire ly around, place the two edges togeth er and button hole stitch them, so the joining will hardly show. Now damp en the lace thoroughly, and press from the center outwaru with a hot iron. This will take out the gathers and tho lace will be perfectly, flut and smooth. Three and ohe-setehth tithes "the di ameter of tho finished pieces will give the amount of lace requited.—Harper’s Bazar. Suits for toe Autumn. There has been much conjecture concerning the tailored sui- of the fu ture should the panier become popu lar. Hut nt last an inkling has be**n given of what we may expect. One of the suits lor earliest autumn of'cheviot. With ii very long coat. The gown underneath is trimmed around the hips with a short runic ot the cloth itself This, while it iits the figure, is cut on panier iiues or circular, anil it is only evident j when the coat is removed. FIXES THE DANCING SLIPPER Small Piece of Waxed Tape All That Is Necessary for Comfo-t and Safety. Many gills iiud the low-cut shoes and (lumps difficult to keep on at the heel, but since this stylo of hoot is fashionable they persist in v.cnring them on all occasions. A piece of waxed tape, the narrowest’width pro curable, run through the binding at j the top ot the shoe and tied beneath the how or rosette in front, will help ' considerably to keep the boot from pumping" up and down at the heel 1 " he same scheme may be triec with watin eveniug slippers. For suede pumps, black o • white, bows made of the same leatl • are . ow more fashionable than cither felt ribbon pump bows or tnney buckles, i In purchasing suede pumps t ,, bet ‘i’ trf buy those with wooden heels, as the leather heel runs off so quick ly and thus rums the whole offc't of the shoe, in white shoes especially if is advisable not to have the leafher '■ovgred heels, which become stoned CARRY ALL THE IMPEDIMENTA Useful Dressing Pouches Have At tained the Popularity That They Deserve. Automobile dressing pouches are lapidly superseding all kindred recep tee, les, as they not only hold an amaz ing amount ol' luggage, but may be crowded into a surprisingly small space. They are made of tan or stone gray waterproof moire, leather lined and strrip handled, of khaki rubber proof material. Knglish pigskin, patent leather, russet or blac k, alligator and genuine walrus skin. drain leathers of various kinds of finish are employed for combination bags, which have a lower portion adapted for holding skirts and an up per section supplied with cold cream, boracic acid and soap receptacles, as well ■.>£ compartments for brushes and manicure tools. While club, kit, Oxford and Glad stone bags in real walrus skin are i‘.»h ined exceedingly smart, they art1 rot.b< r difficult to handle, whereas the oblong shaped leather lined wicker dressing bags are wond* rfully light ol weight, capacious and the very latest device for holding motoring luggage. PRETTY TAFFETA WAIST. Blouse of biscuit-colored taffeta trimmed w ith narrow brown velvet riot-on. the ends of which ore fastened with gold buttons. The tucked chemisette is of chiffon, with yoke of guipure, of which the tiffs are also made. Silk or Crepe de Chine. When cleaning small pieces of silk or crepe de ehine or any fancy piece, firs'* wash in castile soap and hof water. then din in benzine, which lends color and brilliancy to it. -o quickly with grass or mud. and which stains it is often impossible to ' radicate. Needlework Notes. A convenient idea in respect to the separate lace collars which are. so popular this summer, is to have the band of the same color as the gown It prevents the little line of white under the collar which so often shows through the lace. Cse tube muslin for pillow eases It is only necessary to sew one eml and hem the other and the deed is done. Coarse unbleached toweling, which comes with the red border along each edge may he made into summer cush ions and covers for porch furniture They may be stenciled with a conven tional pattern of some sort in colot to match the border. A dainty little rabat to wear with the Dutch collar may he fashioned of a short length of Irish crochet, edgei on three sides with val. insertion air. finished with a frill. The top is gatli ered and supported with a bow o’ Irish lace. j Miss Rael Director of All Govern ment Indian Schools. !s Best Paid Employe of Her Sex on Roils of Uncle Sam—Daughter of Choctaw Chief Raises Chickens. Washington.—During the first days ol’ the big upheaval In the department of the interior Secretary Ballinger sent out orders to practically every' depart inent under hi« control that more work and bettor work should done in the future. In issuing his orders the sec retary of the Interior did not overlook the women employes of his depart ment, and Miss Bstello Reel, superin tendent of Indian schools, was notified that she must spend snore time in the field. The meutiou of Miss Heel's name by the secretary of the interior brines to mind the. fact that she is the bichest paid woman in the government serv ice, drawing a salary of |3.00« a year. She was appointed to the government position In 1 S9»» and Is an authority on every tribe of Indians la North Amer ica. That women are equal to govern ment positions of extraordinary impor tance has been proved in the case of Miss Reel. Although she is a native of Illinois, Miss Heel has spent the greater part of her life In Wyoming. She served as district, county and state superintendent of schools in Cheyenne. Wyo.. but before she obtained the last position sbo was compelled to over come enormous opposition. The politi cians out in that part of the country were not anxious to see a woman in the state superintendency utid every Miss Esielie Reel. obstacle was placed in the way of her election. Finally it was pointed out that the low required the state superintendent to auction off certain tracts of govern ment lands to prospective lessees, and that this could not be done by a wom an. Miss Reel said that was a small matter and that t he was equal to it. She was elected to the office finally and later proved her ability as an auc tioneer by successfully carrying out this part of the state superintendent's duty. Miss Reel speaks none of the lan guages of the Indians over whom she bus control, but has been signally suc cessful in her administration. She has 279 schools, aggregating an attendance of 25,6.14 pupils. In addition to these students there are 2.423 employes, 572 of whom are Indians, under manage ment. This branch of its service costs the government more than $2,090,009 a year, and Miss Reel is the administra tor of the appropriation. She is an experienced horsewoman, and in the course of the year is com pelled to ride hundreds of miles on horseback und in stage coach to the various reservations, many of them be ing great distances from the- railroad and only accessible in this way. Mias Reel is a skilled politician, und has participated actively in several presi dential campaigns. She is a line speaker, und has not oniy appeared many times on the stump, but bus cast her vote at the polls out in Wyoming, where women have that, privilege. There is a fair field at Washington for women to assert their ability und Independence in the world of achieve rnent, and Miss Reel's case is by no means the only one where a womau has proved her claim to recognition. Her work among the Indians is reflect ed in the accomplishments of the clever Indian gill who is not in the employ of the Indian government, but who lives in Washington, hundreds of i tidies away trotn her people's home out on the plains. Sophia Prltoblyu is the daughter of a Choctaw chief and is a princess of her tribe, but she lives here in a mod est little home at 1104 Sixth street, Northwest, the back yard of which has been converted lato u poultry "farm" j i a fid she has more than three hundred I j prize winning single-t omb brown Leg horns which have won blue ribbons in Madison Square garden. Uoston, Haiti I more. Hagerstown and practically every other city in the east where ' k-igt poultry exhibits are held. __ A Premonition. ' That laundress was prophetic." sob ace the chauffeur's fair guest as she steed, with damaged finery and a hro.ten arm. in the police station. "*Jow so.' ’ asked the sympathetic* matron, who was trying to soothe her till the ambulance came. "She pressed this linen suit I was going to wear on this, joy ride with u sad iron.” __ Health of Mind and Body. To constantly live in that attitude where you positively expect better : and better health, is to train all the elements of your system to produce better health. And, in addition, this attitude is conducive to normal and wholesome conditions, both in mind and body.—Strap Book. “Barber Shop Factory." Inspector Lcgardc of city signs and biilboards discovered yesterday a most peculiar sign on Call*- cb* las Artes. The sign reads: “Barber Si.op Factory, Owned by the Same House." —Mexican Herald. From Out of the Past BY CHARLES L. DOYLE a—g ■— i mmtvmi 1111—11 imiwn in n mi (Copyright, by V.1 As the train rolled steadily on its | way. Horace Leith leaned upon the j car window sill gazing out upon the New Knglund landscape. There was j nothing particularly attractive in the; prospect, hut it was many years since I tie ha<t taken this route which led to Uis old village homo of Chelsea, and 1 he was endeavoring to recall certain i features of the journey which had 1 once been familiar. It was a tar cry j front those old days to the present, j when tee had gained recognition as a I successful business man in New York, i Suddenly hfs aiusings were inter- ; rupted by a jerk of the car and the j sharp call of the brskeman for another i station. He turned around arid watched the passengers who were entering and leaving the car. A slight woman with a baby In ber arms, attired in black, took the seat directly in front of hlta and drew his attention for a moment. The train started again, and he leaned back in his former position. Presently the baby climbed back on the seat, in one hand a rubber doll and the other clutching the plush cushion. In her efforts to attract Leith’s atten tion the doll fell to the floor and two red little Ups tsr.ued an imperious command: "Man, get baby's doll." she lisped. ; and Leith, reaching down, obeyed the j mandate. When he returned the doll the owner smiled rapturously. She ! was u very attractive child and Leith settled himself to watch her and lis ten to the prattle she poured out in broken sentences Glancing at the mirror in front of him, ho became aware that he could obtain a full view- of the figure of the j baby’s mother therein. Her face, however, was partially hidden by a crepe veil. After awhile she ap j poured to grow restless and threw j back the veil, disclosing two flushed ; cheeks and a pair of dark blue eyes drooping under long lashes. It was a LT Jl i Her Face Was Partially Hidden by a Veil. gentle atul singularly beautiful face. Almost unconsciously be moved a little closer so as to observe her better. A chord m his memory seemed to have been touched. Surely be had seen her somewhere before. When and where could it have been? Not. on tho stage or in a picture, be felt cer tain. Ho thought long and earnestly, but the riddle remained unsolved. Then by different channels his mind traveled back through the years, to tho home of bis boyhood, the little village, the river he used to swim in and his farewell to Chelsea. And at this point memory supplied tho missing lick. It was she—Lucy .Viayburn—the same little girl ho had loved so long ago. He mused on. thinking tenderly of the night he leit for tho great city, when he kissed he: good-by and promised some day to claim her as his wife. He oven re called tho tears that glistened on her face under the starlight of his last hours at home. A mist obscured his vision and something suspiciously like a sob lingered in his throat. Ten years had passed How quickly ono forgets, and sacred promises are broken, while youthful affection dies in the cold atmosphere of the struggle for fame and riches. A nameless long ing oppressed him. How ho wished he could talk to her. Perhaps through the baby he might manage It. The child responded to an invita tion to come and hear his watch tick. No persuasion was needed to keep her on bis knee, for she was easily amused. Presently the warm at mosphere. combined with the motion of the train, exercised a soothing ef fect upon her. the blue eyes closed languidly, and baby drifted into the shadowiand of slumber. It was tt new role for Leith to play, this of nurse to a sleeping infant, but lit: performed it with a zest which would have aston ished his many bachelor associates. . CJ. Chapman.) bad they been witnesses. To the mother's offer to relieve him of his Durden he returned a hasty r.eeative and begged to be a Mowed the ph-asnrc at retaining his charge. She had turned to converse with the stranger w ho manifested such admiration of her child, and they discussed the sleeping beauty exhaustively, from her dimpled face to the dress and tiny shoes she wore. At last Leith casually remarked that his destination was Chelsea, ami learned that she was bound for the same place. Tbs conversation drift cd into other channels and soon he heard how she had left her home In an eastern city three years before, when her husband died, returning with her baby to the home of her tJiifd hood. The village quiet oppressed her, however, she said, and she longer! to take her baby and go far away from it. "I used to live in Chelsea long ago." remarked Leith, when she had finished her story. "So tons ago. however.” he continued, "that you would hardly be likely to remember me.” She looked at him curiously, but shook her head. "There was one little girl there,'" he resumed, “that I was very fond of. Her name was Lucy ?.? ay burn. Poor little Lucy! I shall never forget our farewell. And it vras all my fault that we did not meet again. 1 was false to my vow. selfish and forgetful of ail else in the cursed fight to make money in big New York. I wonder if you knew her'.” i ue woman turned pate ami flushed nervously, controlling her agi tation by an evident effort. "1 knew her," she replied, softly, "but she is not there now—she—she went away." "Bo she has gone?” queried Leith: “married, 1 suppose. Who was the lucky fellow who won her'.'"’ He felt sure that, she had recognised him now, but allowed matters to take their course and awaited her reply with a brave show of composure. "His name was Logan.” she said, tremulously. "Lucy Mayburn was true to her promise lor seven long years: her promise to you. But she was an orphan, practically alone in the world, and a day came when a good kind tr.Hii offered her a refuge from her loneliness. She was frank with him and told him the truth about herself, that the best she could offer btm was her respect and a broken heart And he accepted tho conditions. When her baby was born she realised that she had found peace, if not actual hap piness. Then came sickness and other trials. Hhe had many troubles— ~ The voice of the speaker faltered and broke, her eyes iillcd with tears, and turning away her face, she sobbed bitterly. She had betrayed her self, but she no longer cared. Leith laid the sleeping child gently beside him aDd bent over bis old sweethea it. “Don't cry, Lucy," lie whispered: don't cry, dear. I was a brute to play with your feelings this way.” She glanced up with startled eyes. "Then you knew me?” sho faltered "Yes. Lucy, 1 knew you,” bo said softly. "And perhaps, dear, it was ordained by Providence that we should meet like this. Listen, little one Can't you forget the weary years and let me fulfill the promise made so long ago? Let the past he as a dream and awaken to the happiness of the present, Lucy. Whatever I may have done, no other woman has ever held 'he place in my heart occupied by your image. And it isn't too late- now. Let me < are for your child, and we will take up the broken thread of our lives I where it snapped." The other passengers in the rai were watching curiously the two act ors in a little drama which they could not understand, but neither Leith ntn the woman beside him were condone of their surroundings, and the buby slumbered peacefully on. The long warning whistle of the locomotive j shrilled through the air, as tho train neared Chelsea. Lucy timidly slipped j her small hand into Leith's big brown j otic, smiling through her tears, and he | knew that he was forgiven. When | the train came to a stop Leith swung I the sleeping baby on to his broad | shoulder, and with his long-lost love ! beside him stepped from tbe ear Info 1 the purple twilight shadows tfci»i ! brooded over the quiet scenes of Mr ; bovhood home. i Nero s Test, The deadly gauge of Nero's druak j ci)ness was a lively wrought intaglio i ring. When be could not see the ttg ntes uu it he knew ho was drunk. Suddenness. How soon v<! are lorgolten when ; our money is gone. Lord Beresford’o Wit. The Emerald isle is pro id of Charlit I teres ford and Charlie is proud of his native land and country, •'irishmen may have their faults." he says, •'but give me an irishman—the best follow that ever was. Could anybody tell more blories than the Irish?" One of the best stories he ever heard was about a lollow who was very fond of shooting, lie said: "The first bird I ever shot was a squirrel, and the ilrst time I hit him i missed him altogether, and the next time I hit him I took a stone and dropped him lrom the tree, and he fell into the water and was shot, and that was the iirst bird 1 ever shot." And l.ord Charles is never tired of quoting the story of the Irish member of the house of commons who compared a certain whisky to a "torchlight pro cession trickling down his throat. — Tit-Bits. Soon Becomes H.irde-ed. “But sometimes it's right to toll a white lie, i.-.u't it'?' "Perhaps. But 1 notice that when a man gets that idea once it isn't long till b- becomes color-blind "— Cleveland Li-adei. A 7 Hina of the Past. I.eonora f‘'Reilly, the vice-president of the Women's Trade Union league, was praisin.: this organization's work in New Yorl 'And it bjs a great future before it." she raid “I have no doubt that a century hence the members of the league will legat'd the woman of to day as we now ■ egsrd the tanner's wife of the early forties. "A Maine deacon of the early for ties was talking to the minister, fie sniffled and whined: " 'Oh. yes dob suffered some, I ain't denyin that, parson Hut Job I never knowed what it was to have his team tun off and kill ids wife right in the harvest season, with hired girls wantin' %'S and $”,jt) a week.” What sweet enjoyment it is to be able to shed a little happiness around 1 us! What an easy and agreeable : task is that, of trying to vender others happy! — Baker. It takes a very £r.-u intellect to 1 equal the pleasures of a very simple 1 heart.— Beatrice Mantle in "tiret.”