The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 29, 1909, SUPPLEMENT, Image 7

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Che Northwestern
LOOP CITY, NEH., July 2f».l!H)9
Mrs. Katie Burrowes is on the siek i
list today.
Will Criss left yesterday on a busi
ness trip to Omaha.
Wm. Larsen is having two tine
porches added to his residence.
The route notes came m last even-:
iug too late for this week. Sorry. |
Supt. Jas. O'Connell came up from !
Lincoln last evening for a few days, j
Miss Marie Cooper went to St. Paul
Wednesday noon to spend a week
with friends.
C. C. Miller of Central City was'
here Tuesday looking after his real
estate interests.
W. S. Sinclair went up to Arcadia
last evening where he will work a
few weeks. His family went with him.
Mrs. John O'Bryan and baby came J
up from St. Paul Tuesday evening on
a visit to Mr.and Mrs. B. J. Swanson, j
This editorial family is under
obligations to Mrs. W. T. Owens for !
a mess of extra fine apples from their
orchard yesterday.
The Industrial and Missionary]
societies of the Presbyterian church
meet next Wednesday afternoon with ;
Mrs. John Lofliolm.
Miss Rose Mulick returned by auto
last evening from tier visit to Broken
Bow. bringing the little Downs twins
home with her for a visit.
Miss Beulah Hendrickson who has
leen visiting relatives here the past
f a days, returned Wednesday morn
ii g to her home at St. Michael.
Will and Ed Draper went to Rock
ville last Saturday morning to finish
up their work on Dr. Dickinson’s'
residence, said to be one ol'tlie iinest
in south Sherman. It evidently pays
to be a doctor these days.
Here's a gratis Up to the Sherman
(’minty Medical Association: Adams
county physicians have agreed to
raise the present price of a call from
si.50 to $2, while visits with stork
accompaniments will be $5 higher. |
and night visits are increased from
s2 to $2.5o. it is about the same in
crease over t He Sherman count y rates
as our medical association rates are
over former rates.
On August lltli comes the closing1
date for all harness races at the Slate j
Fair, to 10. 11s horses have
already been named in the stake;
races. The races embodv 5-vear-old ’
2:55, 2:50, 2:25, 2:21. 2:is and 2:15;
trotting: 5-year-old 2.50, 2:25, 2:22.
2:18, 2:14 and free-for-all pacing. Six
of these races will lie for $1000 each
and the remainder for $5oo each,
'the 5-year-old Nebraska bred run
ning race for a purse of $200 and the
Nebraska Derby. 1 l-lti miles, for a
purse of $500, also close Aug. lltli.
Yal McDonald and wife visited at!
Grand Island yesterday.
Misses Pearl Needham and Lucy
Grow visited in Grand Island Wednes
Martin Coiner of Columbus was
here over last Sunday visiting his
Banker Williams and Ward Yer,
Yalin are having new cement walk
put in around their residences.
A cement walk is being put in j
along the east side of the Owens res’- '
detice occupied by FI. P. Fcrdinandt.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Biehl are re
joicing over the arrival of a little ;
daughter at ■ their home Sunday,
July 2oth.
Malcolm Cooper and Walt Deed left 1
for Denver Tuesday noon on business
connected with some real estate of
Mr. Cooper's.
Miss Bess Green returned to her
home at Palmer yesterday morning
after a fortnight's visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. .las. Johansen.
Mr and Mrs. James Johansen last
Saturday evening entertained Miss
Ethel Brown and Etta Lofliolm in
honor of Miss Hess Green of Palmer.
A card from Bov. L. C. McEwen
at Kearney state? they were leaving
Tuesday on tlieir trip east, their first
stop to he in the Berkshire Hills, in
western Massachusetts.
Mrs. Gertrude Bentley, who lias
been visiting her parents. Mr. and
Mrs B. T. Snyder,was called home
to la man. CY-lo., this morning by
the illness of a son there.
Mrs. Sarah Gran? of Windom,
Minn., arrived last Friday evening
on a visit to her sister. Mrs. II. I’.
Ferdinandt. She is on her way to
attend the exposition at Seattle and
will return home by way of the
Northern Pacific.
Mrs. W. L. I'pdegratf left Tuesday
afternoon for liet home at Pocatello,
Idaho, after an extended visit at the
home of her sister. Mrs. Viola Oden
dahl. and many friends. Mis. Fpde
giaff expresses herself-as well pleased
with that country.
Do you like to wash cream cans?
If you do not. bring your cream to
the creamery where vour cans will he
washed and thoroughly sterilized.
This is the only way to properly clean
a cream can. as it kills all bacteria.
Also bear in mind that if it hadn't
been for us. you would have been
selling your cream for two cents less
| than you are now getting.
Ravenna Cukamkuv Go.
A Socialist party was organized in
this ek y Inst Sat urday afternoon with
; Geo. Letherman as president and
: Pete Rowe as secretary. Rv request,
we refrain from saying where they
i met for organization, hut we under
stand there is much indignation ex
pressed by members in whose hall it.
occurred, which was plainly against
j the tenets of the order. Others pres
ent were, dim Parker. Perry Parks,
Henry PrienandJ. II. Ilolyeross.
Meep the Record Straight
Loup City. Net., July 28, P.'O'.i
Mr. Editor: In your issue of July
22nd we note you say "On Monday
morning there was 52 cans of cream
shipped out at the B. & M. station
and that both stations were doing a
large cream business tills season.”
Now. we do not think, Brother
Burleigh, that it was your intention
to misrepresent the amount of cream
being shipped from this place or to
reflect in any way upon our creamery
but rather that you wore misin
formed. The figures as given us by
the B. & M. agent were 38 cans. The
C- I’, agent said none, and none in
the last six months.
On April 13th of this year, we in
augurated the system of paying 2cents
more than the regular price for
cream delivered at the creamery.
The foreign companies doing busi
ness here immediately advanced their
price 2 cents per pound ami would
just as quiek|\ drop it 2 cents if we
discontinued our plan. So you can
see that we have not only benefited
dairymen to the extent of 2 cents
per pound for butter fat, but no
doubt all classes of business have
received some benefit from trade
drawn to this town by the high price
of butter fat. Our business of cream
delivered at the creamery has in
creased more than 40 per cent over
last season. Yours very truly.
Havenna Creamery Co.
By F. M. Henry. Mgr. Loup City.
Presbyterian BuHetin
Our prayer meeting for this even
ing has been given up for the sake of
the lecture in the M. E. church.
Next Sunday morning the pastor
will give an illustrated sermon for
the benefit of the young people. Ail
under 99 years of age are invited to
tins service.
Sunday afternoon ato'clock the
pastor will preach in Austin.
The Brotherhood service will be
held next Sunday evening at. 7 o'clock
in some measure this \si!l be a
repetition of the serviceof four week>
ago. l’iease remember the hour.
The Senior (’. E. service will he
held at 8 o'clock. Topic. "Life Les
sons for me from the Book of Acts."
Leader. Miss Emma Williams.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heartfelt
[ gratitude to the many friends for
' their aid and sympathy in the illness
| and subsequent death of our darling
infant son.
Among the old and new readers of
the Northwestern who have kindly
remembered us the past few days are:
j Mrs. A. L. Watson. Geo. Holmes. „
B. 1*. Moore, II. A. Walker, Walt
Weare, 1. V. Eliett. Thos. Parsley.
! Parke Paige. W. S. Sinclair. Joe
I>adriow, A. E. Houser by Miss Lizzie
Leininger. .1. F. Nieoson. Oscar Han
sen by H. W. Ojendyk.