We have used every means in our power to make this sale the most successful and the most satisfactory of the many which we have held; and we believe that a visit to our store at this time will prove to you that we have succeeded. • Sum mer lawns, batiste, dimities, etc., are marked down to half price; shirt waists, hosiery, muslin underwear, knit goods, men’s work shirts, shoes and notions oi all kinds have been reduced to so low a figure that you cannot afford to pass them up. Gome and buy what you need while you have the opportunity. Terms, Cash. B. M. GASTEYER, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA _ THE NORTHWESTERN TEBMS: —11.00 PER TEAS. IP PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofilce for trans mission through the malls aa second claas matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone, • 2 on 108 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed, and Pnb. Political Announcements Republican Candidates FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ofllce of County Treasurer, subject to the will of the Republican electors at the pri maries. August 17th. JOSEPH DADDOW. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate tor re-election to the ofllce of Soerifl of i-herman county, Nebraska, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the coming primary elec tions. Respr., L. A. Williams. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Clerk, subject to the will of the Republican electors as expressed at the primaries, August 17th next. WALT. WKARE. FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Judge, subject to the will of the republican voters at the coming primaries. August 17th. 1909. GEORGE HOLMES SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the nomination of County Superintendent on the Republican ticket, subject to the pleasure of the voters at the primaries. Express my appreciation lor previons sup port. mart A. K. Hendrickson Fusion Aspirants FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby annonnee myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer on the demo cratic and Peoples-Independent tickets, subject to tbe action of tbe electors at the primaries, August 17th. O. F. Petkhson FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Schools, subject to the will of. the voters of the People's Independent and Democratic parties, as ex pressed at the coming primaries. August 17th. R. D. HENDRICKSON. FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce my candidacy for the of fice of County Judge, subject to tbe decision of the voters of the People’s Independent and Democratic parties, at the primaries. August 17th next. Emerson a. Smith. Republican County Convention. The Sherman County Republican convention met in Loup City Satur day, July 24, 1909, at 2 p. m. In the court house. H. A. Walker was elected tempora ry chairman and R. P. Moore tempo rary secretary, which organization was afterward made permanent. A committee on credentials, com posed of Aaron Wall, E. H. Allen and Wm. Callen, were appointed and their report formally accepted by the convention. (Here should follow the names of the accredited delegates, but same have not been placed in the hands of the printer.) The following county central com mittee was then elected: Chairman, Aaron Wall, Loup City; Committee men: Loup City, W. S. Waite; Oak Creek. Joseph Sowakinos; Webster, W. Hawk; Bristol, Wm. Jacobs: Clay. C. M. Snyder; Logan, J. Q. Pray; Harrison, E. H. Allen; Washington, L. W. Callen; Ashton, W. A. Wanek; Elm, T. C. Chamberlain; Rockville, T. R. Lay; Hazard, Carl de la Mott*; Scott, W. N. Allen. Six delegates to the Republican state convention were elected as fol lows: R. P. Starr, R. P. Moore, W. C. Dunker, E. H. Allen, W. S. Waite and L. W. Callen. Adjournment was then taken. Who Forged Bill’s Name? [Some anonymous author sends us through the mails the following poet ic tribute, which we find too good to consign to the waste basket.— Ed] Who forged Bill Fisher’s name. By Heck? Cries Editor Man. with ye short neck; Here's Sidewalk Ordinance 68. Showin’ Bill’s powerful seal affix; And Bill not a-knowin’ of it. Who stole Bill Fisher sseal, By Heck? We ought to know, says George Fly Speck; In a left hind pocket he keeps the treasure And by tbe power of the Standard Measure. Let’s yell a toot. Who forged Bill Fisher s name, By Heck? Yells out again' the Standard Speck; Tho’ his name is merely for the form. When told to sign a law just born; Who smeared the Ink? Who forged Fill Bisher's name? 1 say, Tho' the board said 'twas all O. K„ And Bill was out of town when sought To sign the bill to make sidewalk— Let's bowl some moreI Suffering, rolling, balls of mud. Won't there be an awful thud? Blast my invisible hose supporters. Again we ll swat the Graft Promoters— Turn on the Gag(ue). A11 Sing:— Who forged Bill Fisher’s name? Come, everybody sing; Tho' it.s a little, little thing. We'll make our mis-spelled columns ring. Come, help us vell(ow). Who forged—Rats! Now who the deuce do you suppose forged Bill’s name. A burning ques tion. _ The loyal republicans have charge of the republican party In Sherman county again this year. Never again, we trust, will its banner be trailed in the dust of disrepute. The Republican State Convention at Lincoln Tuesday was well attend ed, there being over 800 delegates present. R. P. Starr of this city was made state central committeeman from this Sixteenth Senatorial Dis trict. The convention was discreetly silent on the county option theory, as was also the Democratic state convention, leaving to the Populist state convention the honor of being •‘It” on that mooted question, by placing itself in favor of county option in its state platform. The Loup City Northwestern states that the republicans in the west end of Sherman county have agreed that there is something com ing to them and that they are en titled to a candidate on the county ticket. After looking over the terri tory carefully they decided that Walt Weare is the best looking man in tiiat part of the county land is the most capable man of the lot for hold ing down a county office with credit to himself and to his party. After some persuasion Walt was led into the same belief himself and finally filed his application for the nomina tion. Let it be understood that Walt is a Valley county boy, which fact in itself goes a long way toward quali fying nim for the position he seeks. He is an efficient stenographer and office man. While a mere boy he served under the flag of Uncle Sam in the distant Philippines. He is a hard worker in whatever he attempts and has made good beyond question as a lumber merchant. The Journal editor feels a particular interest in Walt, first from the fact that he was a pupil under the instruction of the writer when teaching in the Ord high school, and from the further fact that Walt was later in the employ of the Journal as solicitor, bookkeeper and financial agent. Walt Weare is all right, barring, of couise, his politics.—Ord Journal. A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30. Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Limp Eiip, - Nebraska ROBERT P. STARR (Successor to M. H. Mead) Bonded Abstracter Loup City, • Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books in county ■ -. .... I j The Great Western •kilns closest becamsa it (ollows most closely ■Terr law of nature, assisted by artificial forces in the most of" fectire way. ** It is Ball-keanni which me ans easy run ning—has low down larfe Supply Tank— 1 The Crank is just the Iright height to make L-—the machine turn easy. Gears run in oil—prac tically self-oiling and has wide base to catch all the waste. Made as accurately & as a watch and as A strong as our Great ■ Western Manure ■ Spreader. ■ Increases your W yield of cream and butter f 15 per cow each year. ask your dealer about The Great Western and don’t let him work any tub stitute came on you. It’s your money you are |oing to spend, you should insist on hsrving the best. The Great Western is tha world's bint. .Write just these words in a letter:—"Send rat Thrift TalkB.’ by a farmer, andyonr book No. which tells all about the breeds, dairying. the cart sf milk, ete." They are free. Write now MMIN MFO. CO, 1H Nwrltta St, Chltait, OL For Sale by T. UVE. TR,©ecL PageFence Wire II If I am prepared to fill all orders for Page Woven Wire Fencing of any height or size and CLIDDEN BARB WIRE At Low Prices Well Boring Eclipse Windmills I now witih to thank the people of Sherman county and vicinity for their patronage the past year and want them to continue the ensu ing year. I am now putting down wells at prices to please every one. If lu need of a well or Eclipse Windmill call on G. B. HAINES, Phone, Son 13. LOUP CITY, NEB. The Hail Storm the Other Night Reminds us that it is time to put up your screens. Come in anolet us make you an estimate on those that you need. No matter what the size of the window or the number of the lights, we can tit you. Screens from 75c TT~p The Mites and Lice have Their Eyes Upon that Flock of Chickens A single dollar will get a gallon of Carbolinium. Paint your roosts with this and save the chicks. SEE US FOR SCREENS AND CARBOLINIUM. KEYSTONE LUJV1BEP GO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of buildiug material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 25C' No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loup City, Neb. This Daip 2-Wheel Sweep ONLY $16.50 I handle the Dain and Achme Sweeps and Stackers. Also carry a general lino of Farm Machinery and Buggies and Wagons. T. M. Reed The Jmplepiept jVlap S. A. ALLEN. BEJVTIST, LOUP CITY, - • NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building'. W, L. MARCY, UNfXSTt LOUP 0ITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Public Souaie Phone, 10 on 36 OLD SOLDIERS, ATTENTION! Union Pacific . » ■ Is the official route to Salt Lake City for the accommodation of the G. A. It. and their friends. Nebraska G.A.R. Special Train i Carrying Department Commander and Staff WILL LEAVE OMAHA Saturday, August 7 At 4:00 p. m., arriving at Salt Ls^ke City, Monday, August 9th, at 8:20 a. m. Arrange to join this party at Omaha, or at any point in Nebraska, on the main line of the Union Pacific. Tickets on sale Aug. 5, <>, 7 and 8, 1909. Return limits 110 days from date of sale. Liberal stopovers allowed on G. A. II. tickets. Stopovers at Salt Lake City allowed to enable holders to attend the G. A. R. convention. Electric Block Signals Safety-Service-Speed For descriptive literature and full information relative to rates, routes, berth reservations, etc., call on your local agent, or address E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A., U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Nebr. „ The Great Alaska - Yukon - Pacific Exposition Is The Most Beautiful Fair Ever Held You will always be glad you went. Buy round-trip tickets via at low rates and enjoy perfect train service en route UNION PACIFIC “The Safe Road to Travel” Electric Block Signals, Perfect track Get booklets ancl further Information of E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A., UUION PACIFIC R. R. CO., OMAHA, NEBRASKA —^_/ O. E. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN ill SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 « R. H. MATHEW, Anorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska