Your Protection. Twenty-five years of successful banking— that is one of our greatest assets—and your guarantee of honest, straightforward business methods. Strength and security should be your first consideration in the selection of a bank. With a capital of $25,000, additional shareholders'liability of $25,000, surplus $5,000, no loans made to any of its offi cers or employes, and no business inter est of any stockholder to conflict with our customers' interest, The First National Bank of Loup City offers unquestioned security to its depositors. i A. P. CULLEY, President, L. HANSEN, Cashier, IRA E. WILLIAMS, Vice Pres., 0. E. ADAMS, Asst. Cashier THE NORTHWESTERN THRUSDA V, .1 ULY 8, 1909 A Few Market (Quotations. Corn, per bu.36 & .58 Wheat, per bu. 1.05 Oat?, per bu.40«* .42 Rye, per bu. .70 Rutter, per lb. .IS Eggs, per doz. .16 Hens, per lb. .08 Spring chickens, per lb.12l2 LOCALJ'JEWS. ' FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! Patronize Nebraska institutions. The Columbia and the State of Omaha are strictly lirst-class. Ira E. Williams. Resident Agent, at First National Bank. y For field seeds see T. M. Reed. City property for sale by W. P. _ Reed. v 3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. Loans on real estate, call on John W. Long. Try a sack of Loup City flour, for sale at your flour dealers. Highest market price for hides at tiie Bennett meat market. Dr. O. E. Longacre went to Lin coln on business last Saturday. Protect jour buildings with Lead & Zinc. Geo. Stork does the work. I will guarantee 22c for butter fat I test and pay cash.—A. E. Chase. Uncle John Cldpps was down from North Loup yesterday on business. Go to Bennett's meat market once and you become a regular customer. Mrs. Henry French of Elm Creek is visiting relatives and friends here. If you want a dray in a hurry and get quick work, see Stewart Conger. V Have your house look like new with Lead & Zink. Stork will give you prices. Dr. Longacre returned from Lin coin last evening accompanied by his fattier. Lee Bros, will pay the higliett mar ket price in casli for your spring chickens. ^ Miss Lizzie Dinsdale of Palmer is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johansen. You make no mistake in calling on the Stewart Conger drays when you want quick service. A snap on a 4 section improved land near Loup City. Neb. W. P. Eked. Lorchick & Woznick last week put in a fine cyclone cave for Henry f Dolling, south of town. If you want any spouting or tin ware work of any kind done, call on L. H. Spahr. General Repair Shop. Miss Amanda Jensen of Dannebrog arrived last Saturday for a visit at «^the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ii. P. Ferdinandt. Windmills, Pumps and all kind of supplies. All kinds of work guarn ■" teed. ,T. M. Czaplewski Phone 3-2-i Davenport & Baker. The editor's wife is under obliga tions to Grandma Gilbert for a can of rich Jersey cream presented Mor - day. My, but it was good. Don't forget the big clearing sale given by the Loup City Mercantile Co., commencing this week Saturday and lasting one week only. The Stewart Conger drays are on the rush from morning to night, but you will get the quickest kind of service on a hurrv call. Try them. Mrs. A. S. Main and Miss Ettie Moon entertain the ladies of the JOntre Nous club this afternoon at the home of the former. It will be on the juvenile order, each member expected to attend as a little girl with her dollie. It will be a recherche affair. The patriotic exercises of the Brotherhood at the Presbyterian church were held as per announce mdnt last Sunday evening, and were Vvery pleasing to those in attendance, but the weather being very unpro pitious only a few ventured out to hear it. Many requests have been registered for its repetition in the near future, which may be acceded to later. nFarm Loans At the First National Bank, Loup City. Cheap rates, quick action. Plenty of money the year round. Pure-Bred Poland China Sows. I have for sale a few pure-bred Po land China sows, due to farrow this ! coming August. II. .1. Johansen. I f you want a good cream separator see T. M. Reed. Phone A. T. Conger. Jon (>2, when in need of a dravman. A. 1’. Culley returned from his trip to Oklahoma last Saturday. Huy Aztec or Canon City coal at ■ Taylor’s elevator for summer use. Oinsdale shipped 15 cars of cattle to Chicago markets last Saturday. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, call on John W. Lout;, Have your house painted with White Lead & Zinc. See Geo. Stork. Milo Gilbert was suffering from a severe attack of lumbago last week. Don’t forget that L. H. Spalir cleans and repairs all kinds of sewing machines. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser’s, where you can get anything you want. Take your spring chickens to Lee Bros, and get highest market price in cash for them. John Carpenter of Kalona, Iowa, was visiting here Monday with his daughter, Mrs. A. Boone. The Bennett meat market is pay ing the highest market price for spring chickens. Born, Thursday, July 1st. to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ogle, at Austin, a tine boy. Congratulations. A good Hying shuttle carpet and rug loom for sale cheap and on easy terms.—Mrs. Win. Stockwell. Two of Milo Gilbert's children, who have been visiting at York, returned home last Saturday evening. Newton Vance went to Omaha this morning to take his position on the road for the Iten Biscuit Co. The juciest of steaks from young corn fed beeves may be found on the block at the Bennett meat market. Dr. Allen's good mother arrived here last evening lor a visit with her son and is a guest of Mrs. Geo. Stork. We are paying 22 cents cash for ! cream delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. John VY. Loin; is prepared lo make all Ileal Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Mrs. S. A. Pratt arrived from Denver last Saturday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Ward, and \ family. We have a few stallion service record books which can be had for 5oc each. Only a few left. Call early. Attend the bigsuminer goods clear ing sale by the Loup City Mercantile |Co., beginning Saturday, July 10 to [ 17th. it will be worth your while. Mr. John Youngquest of Aurora visited his sons and daughter and families in Logan township from Thursday last till Tuesday of this week. The David Cole Creamery Co. of Omaha has its local headquarters with O. F. Petersen, paying 22c cash for butter fat and testing same while you wait. Mr. and Mrs. John de la Motte of Hazard township were up to tiie cele bration Monday. John wears his new honors as a Benedict with be coming modesty. Breeders will take notice that tiie noted stallion, Basco B.. will be in Loup City tiie first three days of each week during the present season, with headquarters at McLaughlin’s barn. Bex. Jeffords, who is in St. Paul, Minn., will represent the Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church of this city in the Interna tional C. E. convention in the Twin City, which holds its session from Julv 7 to 12 inclusive. Among tiie old and new readers of the Northwestern who have re membered us the past few days financially are Joe Celmer. Ray Lutz, H. Iloudersheldt, Elmer Youngquest, John Kusch. John Olson. N. P. Nel son. C. VV. Trumble. Ed Radcliffe, C. S. Evans, B. J. Swanson. C. W. Burt. Frank Lorcliick. II. W. Shipley The county board yesterday turned down the W. T. Gibson claim for payment of bridge work by a vote of 5 to 2, claiming they feared the le gality of the law passed by tiie last legislature ordering the board to pav the same. There was a strenuous time before the board over the matter. Attorney Starr, who framed the bill passed, arguing fur the pay ment of tiie claims and County At torney Mathew claiming the bill as oassed to contain several fatal errors. Mr. Starr says he will bring the matter up at each future session of t ie board until theiane is finally paid. According to the law, the amount of the claim is drawing ir terest from the time of the legis lative enactment. McMullen-Dolling Mr. William Dolling of Loup City and Miss Maud McMullen, daughter of Mrs. McMullen of the B. & M. hotel, were united in the bonds of wedlock this morning at 10:.'t<) at the First M. E. parsonage by Rev. Bartle. Mr. Dolling is a baker at Loup City, where the young couple will make their home.—Grand Island Independ ent, July 6th. The young couple came up from Grand Island Tuesday evening and will make their home in this city, where Mr. Dolling, who is a son of Henry Dolling, is employed in Jung's bakery. The Northwestern wishes the happy pair every success, pros perity and happiness. For a Good Grade of Binder Twine see T. M. Reed. Read the big half-page adv. of the Mercantile Co., and then come in and take advantage of the way-down prices. Mr. and Mrs. M. Biemond left Tuesday morning on a trip to Seattle and to visit a son and daughter at Spokane. Several cases of whooping-cough are reported in the city. And you can hear youngsters whooping on our streets any day. Mrs. Katie A'andegrilf of Idaho, arrived in this city last Friday even ing on a visit to her sister, Mrs. A'iola Odendahl and family. Mrs. Harvey O’Bryan and baby of Callaway were here visiting the lady's parents over last Sunday and in at tendance on Monday’s celebration. Air. Carl Williams of Dorchester, this state, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Williams, from Mon day evening to Wednesday morning. A. L. Zimmerman, wife and daugh ter. Miss Elva. left Tuesday morning on their extended trip to the Pacific coast, visiting relatives in Colorado en route. The Presbyterian congregation will worship in the open air on the church lawn next Sunday evening if the weather is propitious. Bear this in mind and let there be a good attend ance. Miss Fern Elliott, who has been employed as stenographer in the law office of R. P. Starr for the past eight months, left last Saturday for her home at Alma, this state, on a month's vacation. One week only, is what the Loup City Mercantile Co., advertises as the extent of the. time allowed for you to get great reduction prices at their summer goods clearing sale. The ladies of the Baptist church will serve ice cream and cake on the court house lawn on Saturday after noon, July 10th. They will also have for sale a supply of infants' clothing of all kinds. Miss Ethel Ilaggart was up from St. Paul to the celebration Monday as referee to the high school basket ball team. Their confidence in her helped much to win them their splendid victory. Swedish services will be held next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in tfie German church, the Rev. Edward Johnson of Aurora delivering the address. All Scandinavians cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ainslie Davis re turned from Ord last Saturday even ing for a few days. We understand Mr. Davis has taken a position with the Leader-Independent at Greeley, where they will make their future home. Some unfeeling human being tur pentined a pup on our streets Tues day morning and the untold agonies of the canine caused many a com ment to the effect that one who would do so despicable an act would be served right were the act to be repeated on him. The late rains seemed to Jiave it in for many of the good farmers up the valley. E. E. Tracy, when in to the celebration Monday, said every thing was dry in his section and had been so for some time, and he lives within four miles of this common wealth, too. Alfred Baliman and family were up from Howard county with his new auto to attend the celebration, Mon da}-, and took occasion on that day to give our people a chance to ride in the beauty to and from the park. Owing to the rain in the evening, he was not able to make the run home till Wednesday. 51 r. and 51rs. B. T. Snyder are en joying a visit from their daughter Mrs Gertrude Bentley, and their granddaughter, 51iss Loris Ingersol, mother and daughter, of Limon.Colo. 51rs. Bentley will continue her visit perhaps a month, while 5Iiss Ingersol expects to remain for an indefinite period on account of failing health. Wiggle Creek Wanderings Over an inch of rain fell Sunday evening and 5Ionday in this vicinity. Kircliner Brothers had the tele phone put in their house last Satur day. Bussell Lindgren has been quite sick the past week, but at this writing is much better. John Nelson marketed hogs in Loup City yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Olson spent Sunday with Kircliner Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of Rockville. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Behrens and family visited with Mr. and 51rs. Joe Bl&sclike Sunday, Quite a number of Wiggle Creek people celebrated in Loup City Mon day. Ferdinand Kuhl returned from Grand Island Tuesday, where he had .-•pent tue 4th. The county dads convened in regu lar session Tuesday morning for semi annual settlement with the county treasurer and the transaction of routine business. Mr. and Mrs. Henning Claussen were down from Washington town ship attending the celebration Mon day. Henning says they have had no rain in his section for over four weeks and oats will be nearly a total failure. We could have spared a portion of the plenteous rains here of late and helped them out most beneficially. The lovers of the National game will be pleased to learn that Henry Jenner contemplates making a base ball park just to the south of the pavilion, putting in good substantial buildings and making it up-tc-date in ail respects. He has plans for a good sized ampitheatre and grand stand and if he undertakes the enterprise we may rest assured Loup City will have a ball park second to none in the central part of the state. Jenner does things that way. Rev. J. O. Hawk of the M. E. church left last Saturday morning for Seattle, where he will attend as delegate from Kearney district the International Epworth League to be held three days in that city, com mencing with yesterday, the 7th in stant. Rev. Hawk will visit. Wenat chee, Spokane and other points on the coast, returning by way of Salt Lake City, where he will stop over for a few days and also visit a short time in Denver. He expects to he absent some three weeks. The section men all along the IT. P. from North Platte east as far as Grand Island, and up the < >rd and Loup City branches struck last Thursday for higher wages. The men have been receiving only the paltry sum of $1.35 per day and to support a family on that is simply impossible and live as one should. It is a pity the section men do not have such* an organization as have the engineers, firemen and other rail road employes and could force the road to give them a decent financial return for their work. Last Thursday night, about mid night, C. T. Keynon. Jr., a young ! man of about 22 years of age. living at Keynon Siding, about half way between Boelus and Dannebrog, com mitted suicide by drinking carbolic acid. He was the son of C. T. Ken yon, a wealthy farmer of Howard county, and a nephew of L. W. ('alien of Washington township, of Mrs. E. H. Kittell of Rockville township and of Mrs. M. II. Mead of Fallon, Nevada Ill-health and disappointment in a love affair are given as the reason for the rash act. Mr. Callen was called to attend the funeral, which was held the following day, stopping off in Loup City for a few hours on his return. Loup City is putting up good ball this season. The boys are winning much favorable comment over the way they do neat work. At Austin last Saturday the Loup City kids went up against the Wiggle Creekers and it took them eleven innings to show the Loup City boys how it was done and then the score stood 1 to o, our home boys holding the Wiggle Creekers down to goose eggs for ten straight innings. On Monday here In Loup City the home team gave Arcadia one st ore in ' nine innings, pocketing seven themselves. In fact, the home nine is putting up a tine quality of work and with a little en couragement from us all would eat up anything in sight. The many friends of Myron Gilbert here will regret to learn that on the 27th of last month he met with a severe accident resulting in breaking one of his legs just above the ankle and pulling the tendons and liga ments loose from the ankle. From letters received by Grandma Gilbert, it seems that while Myron was walk ing into Ewing, on the Northwestern road, and when about a mile and a half from town he became ill and lost consciousness and when he re covered was lying by the side of the track injured as above. Itis thought he fell unconscious on the track or so near it that he was struck by a passing train cansing the accident. However, he was unable to give any account of what happened save that given above. It is to be sincerely trusted Mr. Gilbert will speedily recover. Monday was a big day in Loup City on tlie occasion of tlie celebration of tiie glorious Fourth at .ienner’s I’ark. Notwithstanding the fact that big rains had come the day preceding, and the further fact, that tlie day opened dark and forbidding and con tinued so all day, with mist and occasional sprinkles of rain, the day was celebrated here with unprecedent ed crowds and all seemed to enjoy the day as much as if it had been sun shiny and pleasant. The train from Sargent, Comstock and Arcadia was crowded to tlie guards, while every conceivable vehicle that could be o', tallied in tlie latter piace was lining! ; into requisition to bring the crowd . to Loup City. It was estimated tlui' 'over .100 were present from A read i alone, while some84 tickets were s. u at Sargent for Loup City, ami Com stock also sent a goodly delegat'd , while from all over the county wen large delegations. A t .lemu r's Pari , w.iere the celebration proper took place, was tlie Mecca for all. Ti e park was in beautiful shape, its well kept and shady greenswards being clean, cozy and inviting, and even thing done to make it a joy to those in attendance. The program of the day was carried, out nicely and fully ; till the evening's heavy rains came, which put a quietus on further events. Had it not been for that. : the evening at the park, with tlie line display of fireworks prepared, , would have rounded out a day and ; night more enjoyable and with great er crowds present than ever seen j there before. The most exciting and I interesting event of tlie day was the basket hall game between the girls I of our high school and the young ladies of the alumni, the score being 215 to 7 in favor of the former. It was oneoi tne most, interestinggames of basket, ball witnessed in our city and the friends of both teams vied ; with each other in encouragement to ' their favorites. In the pulling con | test between horse and men, the latter won easily, but the weight of the men. 400 pounds over that of the animal, made the contest too unequal. The Arcadia Cornet Hand furnished the music of the day and in a word did well. For the lovers of the dance the pavilion was a most pleasant attraction and from 3 o’clock in the afternoon till 2:.!0 in the morning, in spite of the heavy rains, presented a lively appearance and the hundreds of young people w ho tripped the light fantastic there gave evidence of a most enjoyable time. All in all, Monday’s celebration at Jenner’s Park was all that could be asked and reflected much credit on the Jenner brothers and their most beautiful park in central Nebraska. 1 have some good bargains in real estate. W. P. Heed. If you need help of any kind, tell as many people as possible. There are more than 40.000 people who sub scribe for the Omaha Pee. You can tell them all for one cent per word per day. Write today. ROAD NOTICE (Baumana Road; To whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view the location, vacation and alteration of a road commencing at about fifty (50) rods west oi northeast corner of southeast quarter of section sixteen (16). township sixteen (16). range fifteen (15). on quarter section line, running thence in a southeasterly direction u> it follows the Shei nan County Irrigation Water Bower and Improvement Company's canal across the southeast quarter of section sixteen tl«»». s mBiwest quarter section fifteen .15'. northwtst quarter section twenty-two CM), northeast quarter section twenty-seven (27). and north.vest quarter section twenty - six (26) and terminating about one hundred arid fifty (150) rods east of northwest corner of southwest quarter of Section twenty-six (20 Township sixteen (16), Range fifteen (15) be altered, vacated and established to run in a straight line and all crooks and bends in sai i road to l»e vacated and the road estab lished less all deviation*. The above petition, however, not to affect the read running across the east half of Section twenty-two (j£j. town ship (sixteen (16). Range fifteen (15). has re ported in favor of t he prayer set up in said petition, and all claims for damages or objec • lion* thereto must be tiled in the office of t he Bounty clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska on or before the tirst day of August. 1909. or said road will be altered as p*ayed for. Date 1 this 12th day of June A. D. 1901). C. F BKrsHAUSEN. County Clerk. [Last pub. July 15j ROAD NOTICE To whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view and vacate a road commencing about eighty-six (tffi) rods west of the southeast corner of Section fifteen (15) Township s Ik teen (16) Range fifteen (15) and running thence in a northeasterly direction across the southeast quarter of said Section fifteen (15), same town and range, and terminating at Road No 157 on section line between Sections fifteen (15) and fourteen (14). Towmshin sixteen (16). Range fifteen (15). has reported in favor of the vacation thereof and all remonstrance or objections thereto must be filed in the office of the county clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, on or before noon of the 10th day of September. 1909. or said road will be vacated without reference thereto. Dated this 29th day of June. 1909 C. F. Beushausen. County Clerk. [Last pub. July 291 "phis Daip 2-Wheal Sweep OpiL-y $]6.50 I handle the Dain and Achme Sweeys and Stackers. Also carry a general line of Farm Machinery and Buggies and Wagons. T. M. Reed The Jmplepiept JVlap Tapering Waists! R. & C. Corsets We suggest that you come and inspet the new Spring R. & G. models we are showing, before you order your new spring gowns. If you secure one of these models to have your gowns fitted over, you can rest assured they will possess the u;sI.ianabSe “Directoire” lines. Our stock includes sizes for all figures. Here is shown one of the latest models for medium figures-medium bust, flat hip, extra long back. Price in Coutil (B28) $1.50; same in Batiste i B29) $1.50 Every pair guaranteed These Corsets in prices from 50c to $5.00 CONHISER’s The old saying is, the farther east you go the cheaper you can buy your goods. WeII, we are in the last building on Main street, so we must be the cheapest place in town. Call in and be convinced that we can sell you. Furniture, Rugs, Lace Curtains and in fact everything that is kept in a First-Class Furniture Store, and save you money. Christensen & Ferdinandt Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers E. Gr. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S N. Sweetland LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - - $26,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 IM6W LA]M{) ©flA^GES Flathead Indian Reserve ’ ‘ >n: Register at Kalis pel, Mont., on the Great Northern ii li1' .v. * Coeur d’Alene, Reservaiio register at Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. (Buy tickets to fet k;ui ) Spokane Reservation: Register at Spokane, Wash ington. Registration dates July 15 to August oth, inclusive. Thia is another of the remaining few chance* for this genera tion to obtain good government lands. (Vl ou nearest ticket agent for descriptive leaflet, showing conditions, excursion rates, train service, etc. The Burlington-Great Northern, Spokane and Seattle train takes you through the wealth producin'- ’ . oiiatchee fruit country, and shows you the wonder! ul 1 per northwest em pire; every mile is interesting. Big Horn Basin: A splendid rl;.»Ko of the govern ment irrigated lands is still left to home- , *'aders in this fast growing country. 320-Acre Mondell Lands Th«n=mdsof acres of these larger sized tracts are now aval.,-.ole t-r tree homesteading in eastern Wyoming and are going D. CLEM DEA V]•]•.’. C>‘\ *:ttAr, \oknt. Land Seekers Infonua.i^ii ou;..'...!, ....ha, N«br.