The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 24, 1909, Image 5

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    Self-Evident Fact.
The fact that the business of this bank during the
past nine months has increased more than thirty
per cent is evidence of an increasing number of de
positors, of satisfactory service and facilities, that
the accommodations extended have fully met the
demands of our patrons.
The First National Bank
of Loup City gets its charter from the government
It is under Government supervision and every
reasonable precaution is taken by the Govenment
to insure the safety of the funds deposited with us
If you do not at present possess a bank account,
We give you a personal invitation to deposit your
money in this bank.
A. P. CULLEY, President, L. HANSEN, Cashier,
IRA E. WILLIAMS, Vice Pres., 0. E. ADAMS, Asst. Cashier
TI HUTS DAY, JUNE 17, 1909
A Few Market Quotations.
Corn, per bu. . .02
Wheat, per bu. 1.15
Oats, per bu. -45
Eye, perbu. .70
Butter, per lb. .18
Eggs, per do/.. .1*>
liens, per lb. .08
Spring chickens, per lb.12%
Patronize Nebraska institutions.
The Columbia and the State of
Omaha are strictly first-class. Ira, E.
Williams. Resident Agent, at First
National Bank.
For lield seeds see T. M. Reed.
Will Odenahl returned to Denver
:i on *12, Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
Loans on real estate, call on
John W Long.
W. R. Mellor and wife came up
from Lincoln last evening.
Try a sack of Loup City (lour, for
sale at your flour dealers.
Ashton will celebrate the Fourth
this year on Sunday, the 3rd
Protect your buildings with Lead
Zinc. Geo. Stork does the work.
1 will guarantee 22c for butter fat
1 test and pay cash.—A. E. Chase.
St. Paul will celebrate the glorious
National day on Saturday, July 3rd.
If you want a dray in a hurry and
get quick -work, see Stewart Conger.
Mr. and Mrs. SkF. Reynolds drove
to Litchfield, on Saturday of last
Have your house look like new with
Lead & Zink. Stork will give you
A baby boy w as born Tuesday of
this week to Mr. and Mrs. Becker of
A ustin.
Lee Bros, will pay the highett mar
ket price in cash for your spring
Children's day services at the Bap
0 tist church this coming Sunday even
ing. A cordial invitation to all to te
You make no mistake in calling on
the Stewart Conger drays when you
want quick service.
Mr. John Ohlson of Route No. 2,
became a reader of the Northwestern
last Friday. Many thanks.
Mrs. .1. M. O’Bryan and baby of St.
Paul were here over last Sunday,
1 visiting Grandpa and Grandma Swan
\\ indmills, Pumps and an kind or
supplies. All kinds of work guarn
teed. J. M. Czaplewski Phone 3-23
1 ravenport & Baker.
Mrs. Lina Rolla of Stockham Neb.,
who has been visiting hersister, Mrs.
S. Foss, the past week left for her
home Monday morning.
The Stewart Conger drays are on
the rush from morning to night, but
you will get the quickest kind of
service on a hurrv call. Try them.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Outhouse and
the Misses Meroe and Emma Out
house went to Arcadia last evening
to attend the Fries-Lewin wadding
.lenner’s Park in their Fourth of
July celebration on JULY FIFTH,
have secured the Arcadia band to
give the music, and it is a splendid
musical aggregation, too.
L. Ci. Lofliolm. A. E. Chase, Miss
Jennie Sutton, S. N. Sweetland, O.
F. Peterson and Leslie Sweetland
went to Grand Island Monday to take
cream tester's examination.
The Bon Ton Restaurant will serve
regular dinners hereafter, instead ot
short orders, at noon time, for the
benefit of its farmer patrons. Price,
25c. Mrs, Katie Burrowes, Manager.
The Gloious Fourth will be observed
at Jenner's Park on JULY FIFTH,
with one of the biggest celebrations
ever given in Loup City or the country
roundabout. Make vour arrange
ments to come in and celebrate with
us on that day. Big Day, Big Times,
Big Doings of all kinds. See small
Farm Loans
At the First National Bank, Loup
City. Cheap rates, quick action.
Plenty of money the year round.
Pure-Bred Poland China Sows.
I have for sale a few pure-bred Po
land China sows, due to farrow this
coming August. H. J. Joiiansen.
Insure your erops NOW. Company
that PAYS losses. O. E. Adams,
Resident Agent, at First National
Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
in need of a drayman.
Hazard will celebrate the Fourth
this year on Monday, July 5th.
Buy Aztec or Canon City coal at
Taylor's elevator for summer use.
If you want to buy or sell Real
Estate, call on John AV. Long.
Have your house painted with
White Lead & Zinc. See Geo. Stork.
Attorneys Star and Long drove to
Ashton last eclipse day on business,
returning in the evening.
Take your butter and eggs to Con
hiser’s, where you can get anything
you want.
Miss Emma Ilowe gave her Sunday
School calss a picnic in Jenner's
Park, Tuesday afternoon.
Take your spring chickens to Lee
Bros, and get highest market price in
cash for them.
A bright baby boy was born last
Sunday night to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Youngipiest. Congratulations.
Miss Anna Schneidereit writes us
to cnange the address of her paper
from Donohue to Long Grove, Iowa.
We have a few stallion service
record books which can be had for
50c each. Only a few left. Call
The David Cole Creamery Co. of
Omaha has its local headquarters
with O. F. Petersen, paying 22c cash
for butter fat and testing same
while you wait.
Will Chriss yesterday sold and gave
possession of his blacksmith shop to
Mr. Peter Ogle of Austin. We under
stand Mr. Criss contemplates putting
in an automobile repair shop, al
though we have not seen him for
authenticity of the report.
Mr. Carl De La Motte reports that
Miss Emelia Damm, the 18-year-old
daughter of one of his old neighbors
and friends, above Sweetwater, has
been very low with pneumonia, but
that hopes are now entertained for
her recovery.—Ravenna News.
Milo Gilbert received a telegram at
noon today, giving the sad news of
the death of his wife’s father, Thos.
Porter, at Redding, Iowa. The body
will be brought to York, this state,
tomorow for burial, and Mr. Gilbert
will leave for York ih the morning.
Further particulars next issue.
Geo. Brill was called to South Oma
ha at noon today by the death of his
wife's father, George I'oast, who died
last night at midnight. Mrs. Brill
was at her father's side during his
illness. Mr. and Mrs. Brill will return
to Loup City after the obsequies,
where they will make their future
We trust that if tire crackers, can
non crackers and their attendants
are allowed here on the Fourth of
J uly celebration, the small boy and
those older and ought to have more
sense will not be allowed to throw
the promiscuously about, as has been
the case heretofore, causing accidents
innumerable and destroying the peace
of mind of those who want to enjoy
a safe and sane day.
As the editor has been engaged in
the strenuous occupation the past
few days of moving into another
home, he lias been unable to pay
much attention to the columns of the
Northwestern, and the credit of its
newsy appearance this week belongs
to his ellicient lady type, Miss Pearl
Keeler, who has had to be boss, typo
and general factotum of the office
and all pertaining thereto. There is
nothing like having efficient assist
ance in any line of work and bush
During the thunderstorm of Tues
day afternoon of this week, a man by
the name of Frank Ersching, living
some six miles west of Arcadia, was
instantly killed by abol^of lightning,
while engaged in driving a mowing
machine on his farm. The bolt also
killed one of the horses lie was driv
ing- H. P. Ferdiuanat was called up
there to embalm the body that even
ing, which was shipped to his former
home at Odell, Ills., the following
moring. He was a newcomer there,
a widower, and his daughter and son
in-law were keeping house for him.
CO to LC lv CO CO
2 cans Columbia River
Salmon for.. 25c
1 lb. good Coffee. 15c
German-American Coffee
.20c and 25c
boxes Corn Flake. i'oc
boxes Egg O-See. 25c
cans of i:5c Peaches.. .. 35c
cans of 35c Apricots... 35c!
cans Tomatoes. 25c
cans good Corn. 25c
We pay the highest market j
price for Butter and Eggs.
Bring your Chickens to us,
we pay 9c.
Remember the Place, the
Big Store.
Leslie Sweetland returned home
j Tuesday evening'. lie lias been spend
| ing i few days at Denver, since school
Dr. Barr of Lincoln arrived here
Tuesday evening, on a visit to his
daughter, Mrs. 11. B. Musser, and
Mr. John Kosch of Rockville town
ship became a new reader of the
i Northwestern Wednesday. Many,
II. B. Musser's good mother left for
her home at Council Blulfs Monday,
Miss Esther Musser accompanying
her for a visit.
Champ and Forrest Larsen, sons of
Win. Larsen, went to Hampton, last
I Saturday for a two weeks' visit with
their grandparents.
Rev. \Y. Fisher of Jensen Neb.
will preach at the German Church
Sunday forenoon at half past ten.
Everybody invited.
Miss May Adams of Mason City
and Miss E. C. Eekles of Columbus
j were guests of Miss Esther Musser a j
few days last week.
On Friday evening the west division
| of the M. E. aid society will give an
I ice cream social on the lawn at C. .1.
Tracy’s. You should be there.
The good mother and sister of I»r.
Marey on Wednesday returned to their
home at Sterling Ills., after a most
pleasant two week's visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Lindahl visited
[herefrom Kearney Tuesday of this
week. They expect to take a trip to
[ the Seattle Exposition after J ulv 4th
and visit various parts of California
| and the Pacific Coast.
Oscar Swanson returned to his stud
ies at Creighton University Monday
morning after a week's vacation at
home. Oscar has two months yet of
study before he graduates in a course
of pharmacy. He has several offers
of positions as pharmacist to choose
There will be a basket supper and
social at school house No. 30, known
as the Dead Horse school, on the
evening of the 30th instant, the pro
ceeds to go for the purchase of an
orgon for the school. A generous
attendance and financial response is
At .jenners rant, .11 i- 1 n 11.
one of the most interesting events |
of the Nation’s Natal Hirtlidav will j
be a basket ball game between the
fine home team that won the prize
Opening Day at the Park, and the
“Has Beens,” who think they can
play. You don't want to miss it.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nightingale and
daughter, Miss Beatrice Nightingale,
left Monday morning for their sum
mer outing on Lake Washington,
adjoining Seattle and the big exposi
tion grounds. Mr. Nightingale ex
pects to return in about a month,
while tne wife and daughter will
remain tenting out for the greater
part of the summer.
A wedding of two of our prominent
Polish young people was celebrated
from the Catholic church in this city,
Tuesday morning at!» o'clock, that
of Mr. Ed. Januelwicz and Miss
Bertha John. The church was crowd
ed by friends of the.happy couple. A
wedding reception was given after
ward at the home of the bride’s
parents, some seven miles west of
Loup City. They will go to Seattle
on a wedding trip and visit the Expo.
The Northwestern tenders congratu
We are in receipt of the following
interesting card: “Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. H. Burleigh announce the
marriage of their daughter Bertha
May to Mr, Edward II. Zurcher on
Tuesday, June 17th, lito'.t, Lakeside.
Neb.” The bride is the eldest daugh
ter of the editor’s brother, a favorite
niece of our's and one of the best and
most lovable girls iri the world. We
congratulate Mr. Zurcher over the
capture of the heart of our lovely
niece and w ish for both a long and
happy married life. Miss Bertha will
be remembered by many of Loup City
young people as visiting the North
western household about a year since.
If you want a pood cream separator
see T. M. Reed.
E. G. Taylor had business at Grand
Island yesterday.
We are paying 22 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
The Loup City Mill is still running
day and night. They loaded out four
cars of Hour in the past six days,
sending a car today to Lorenzo. Neb.
Miss.losie Sullivan of University
Place is visiting at the home of E. G.
Taylor for a few days. She is also
looking after her land south of Ash-i
•John W. Long contemplates going I
to Kentucky next week, to join his I
wife and children, who are visiting !
Mrs. Long's mother and brother. '
and bring them home.
As will be noticed by the Austin !
news this week. Austin will celebrate
the Glorious Fourth on Saturday,
the 3rd. A line program and big time
is promised. Everybody invited.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hooper are here
from Uulfalo county visiting. Mr.
Hooper has sold out down there and
is looking around fora location, and
may possible come to Loup City.
Breeders will take notice that thej
noted stallion. Masco B.. will be In
Loup City the lirst three days of each
week during the present season, with
headquarters at McLaughlin's barn.
The many friends of Mrs. Tom
Skibinski of Harwell, formerly Miss
Bell Kalka of this city, will regtet to
learn of her death Wednesday of this
week, leaving a baby only a week old.
Josef Musil. a voting Bohemian
farmer living south of Ravanna, sui
cided last Friday morning by the
carbolic acid route. Ill-health and
despondency arising therefrom caused
the deed.
A. L.Baliiman of Howard county,
son-in-law of Sam Daddow. of this
city, lias purchased an automobile
and we may expect to see Alfred and
family sailing into Loup City in it in
the near future.
Mrs. Viola Odendald and Miss
Earnie ();. udalil went to Columbus
last Saturday morning to witness the
first communion of Mrs. Odendald s
little niece, Irene Comer, in the
Catholic school there.
The many friends of T. S. Nightin
gale were much pleased. Tuesday, to
greet that gentlemen, who had just
arrived from his home at Kiverside,
Calif., for a few days’ visit and for
the transaction of some matters of
business here. Mr. Nightingale is
looking tine and as be says feeling
finer, showing that the climate of
Sunny Southern California has re
juvinated and made a well, healthy
and strong man out of him. No one
w as more pleased to see him so than
the w riter. He will he here several
days and will dispose of his business
properties on our main business thor
oughfare. if he can find suitable pur
chasers. as his home in California is
i little too far away to properly look
after them, and will dispose of the
same at very reasonable figures.
A 10-o'clock dinner party was given
last Friday morning by Miss Elva
Zimmerman, in honorof Miss Dorothy
I Montgomery, daughter of Rev. and
Mrs. 1>. \V. Montgomery, of the
Presbyterian church, at the Zimmer
man home. Some thirteen young
ladies attended this most pleasant
social atfair. as follows: Ruby Charl
ton, Pearl Needham, Acidic Leinin
ger, Monroe and Outhouse.
Porthy Montgomery Emma Wil
liams. Ella Taylor, Esther Musser,
Pearl Keeler, Mi s Echles of Colum
bus, Miss Waited’ Lincoln, and Mi-s
May Adams of Mason City. A nice
little menu <>l live courses was served
First, Orange .; Second, * Poachec.
Eggs on Toast, Potato Chipps, Let
tuce. Radishes and Pickles: Tliirc
Strawberries on Rosettes and Cream
Fourth, Oocaa ari l Waiters: Fifth.
After Dinner Mince. A huttenholc
boquet was placed at each plate to t>
worn in honorof the occasion. Misse
Marie Cooper, Fav Callaway an
Marcia Ver Valin served at the table
It was a very unique and tasty
The Rrotherhood of the Presby
terian church are arranging for a line
program for their meeting. Sunday
afternoon, July 4th. Splendid music,
addresses and a program especially
appropriate for the day will be given.
Program next week. Look for it.
Miss Porthy Montgomery, eldest
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. I). W.
Montgomery of the First Presbyter
ian church of this city, arrived home
last Friday evening from Worth field,
Mass., where she lias just gratuated
from the Nortfiiieid Seminary.
A little 2-year-old daughter of.1. II.
Ilolyeross. living up on Oak Creek,
was drowned last Friday night by
falling into a stock tank. She had
been playing around and had only
been missed about live minutes when
found drowned as above.
Last Friday was the 20th marriage
anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. D. W.
Montgomery of the Presbyterian
church of this city, and they smilingly
acknowledged congratulations of their
many friends over the return of that
auspicious event.
While engaged in driving a green
coll Tuesday, Frank iirewer received
a cut on the head by the colt rearing
»ip and striking him in the head with
one of his forefeet. However, the
injury was not of a very serious
Mrs. Hawk, Lucy Grow, Hattie
11 ay hurst and M able Depew went to
Kosedale. Monday morning to attend
the campmeeting. Over 300 people
were present.
We understand Ed. Oltmann was
hailed out yesterday for the second
time this season. Tough on Ed.
W. E, Church Notes.
District Superintendent L. II.
Shumate will speak and hold Quar
terily eonferance to night Thursday.
We are preparing for a great day
tiie 4tli. See announcements next
Usual services for next Sunday.
This Daip 2-Whe9l Sweep
OfJLy $]6.50
I handle the Dain and Achme
Sweevs and Stackers. Also carry
a general line of Farm Machinery
and Buggies ana Wagons.
The fmplepiept ]Vlap
Trip Rates
to t !!(• i»TC‘Mt
Via the
“The Safe Road to Travel”
Electric Block Signals,
Perfect track
Get booklets and further
information of
E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A.,
Tapering WMists!
R. & C. Corsets
We suggest that you come and
inspet the new Spring R. 8c G.
models we are showing, before
you order your new spring
gowns. If you secure one of
these models to have your
gowns fitted over, you can rest
assured they will possess the
' r:-!crnb!e “Directoire” lines.
Our stock includes sizes for all
figures. Here is shown one of
the latest models for medium
figures—medium bust, flat hip,
extra long back. Price in Coutil
l32b)$l.50; same in Batiste (B29)
'l vii* ^5.50 Every pair guaranteed.
R&Gc These Corsets in prices from 50c to $5.00
The old saying is, the farther
east you go the cheaper you can
buy your goods. Well, we are in
the last building on Main street,
so we must be the cheapest place
in town. Call in and be convinced
that we can sell you.
Furniture, Rugs,
lace Curtains
and in fact everything that is kept
in a First-Class Furniture Store,
and save you money.
Christensen & Ferdinandt ;
_Furniture Company. |
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embalmers
E. Gr. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor,
J. W. Long,
S N. Sweetlano
Capital Stock, - - $85,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000. OO
Excursion Rates East:» IVlv low round trip rates
with thirty days limit, in effect ear! .. June to iSew York,
Jersey Coast Resorts, Boston, Portland, Me., and
other prominent eastern resorts. S me what higher round
trip rates daily, with all Summer J'ui.ia to .New England, St.
Lawrence river, Atlantic Coast i.... New England resorts.
Also desirable round trip rates to Wisconsin, Michigan, etc.,
including Lake Journeys from Chieag '. .halo and return.
Rates, details, destinations, etc., may be of your nearest
ticket agent.
Excursion Rates West:--Exposition, Cal
ifornia, Pacific Coast Tours, l)en\ . i a ..i Colorado Resorts,
Black Hills; Big Horn ‘Mountain., Yellowstone Park
circuit through scenic Colorado aid Yellowstone and Gardin
er gateways. Homeseekers rates firsi and third Tuesdays.
You can reach all western Summer n mu .m on very desirable
rates this Summer. Call on ne-n--*' :• „et agent for special
publications covering any western n*ui.
J. A. DANIELSON, Ticket* Ajjimt. Loup City, Nebr.,
L. W. WAKEuEV, U. I*. A., Omaha.