The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 20, 1909, Image 5

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    Simplified Statement of the Condition of
Leup City, N«bra»ka, Auditor's “Call ” April 28. 1009
Where Our Money Is Invested,
Loans and Discounts
£144.(MS 72
This sum is loaned on {rood security to the farmers of this
county and not one dollar of it to the officers of this bank.
Cash on Hand.. 12,519 69
Gold, silver and currency kept in our home vaults and safe
as part of legal reserves.
Ceposited in City Banks..,. .. 38,940 26
New York, Omaha and Lincoln, subject to draft and plus
the “cash on hand,'' amounts to *51,459.95 available CASH,
or nearly $26,000 more money than the law requires.
Overdrafts. . 3,637 42
This sum has been checked out by responsible customers in
excess of their deposits. It is an undesirable practice and is
permitted only as a strictly temporary accommodation.
Real Estate and Personal Property. 11,066 09
This includes our bank building, vaults, deposit boxes, bur
glar proof safe, furniture and all office and bank equipment.
Total Assets.$210,809 18
Where This Money Came From.
Capital Stock. $25,000.00, and Surplus $5,000.00, total.$ 30,000.00
This represents the investment of our stockholders and the
additional working capital increased from year to year.
Due to Depositors. 170.181.73
This sura Includes $110,680.06 subject to check account and
$59,501.67 on certiticates drawing interest if left six months
or more.
National Bank Notes Outstanding. 7,000.00
Secured by United States government.
Undivided Profits. 3,627.45
This is net earnings belonging to our stockholders after pay
ing all expenses to date.
Total Liabilities .$210,809.18
We appreciate the confidence of our customers and will show our grati
tude by giving them the best possible service at all times.
C. C. Cartsen went to Lincoln on
business Saturday last, returning
Wednesday evening.
Landlord Lundy was able to be
about on our streets Tuesday. You
can't keep a good man dow n.
The infant son of Mrs. Lydia Rowe
was reported very low yesterday with
an attack of membraneous croup.
The Hubstore will move from their
present quarters into the building
formerly occupied by Sweetland's
feed store.
On Tuesday of this week, John P.
Leinineer purchased a fine 20-horse
power steam auto. We understand
it costs $2,150.
We understand John W. Long is
figuring on purchasing a steam auto,
of the same pattern as that pur
chased by J. P. Leininger.
Jenner’s Park will be closed to the
public from now until Opening Day,
June 3d. All will please take notice
and be governed accordingly.
Rev. W. H. Smith, representing
Hastings College, gave an instructive
address at the Presbyterian church
last Sunday morning on educational
John Briggs, of Stroud, Okl.. ar
rived Monday evening on a visit to
his sister, Mrs. Judge Hunter. Mr.
Briggs is a veteran of the War of the
; Rebellion.
Arcadia and Lpup City High School
kids met on the diamond in this city
Monday, resulting in a score of lrt to
17 in favor of the former. The rubber
will be played at an early date.
Rev. D. W. James, accompanied by
his mother, left for Golden, Col., this
morning for the benefit of his health.
Father James wenLas far as Grand
Island with them.
At the M. E. church next Sunday
the morning subject is, “A Rejected
Suitor/’ Epworth League at 7 p. m.
3d Quarterly Conference and sermon
Thursday evening, Mav 27th. by Rev.
i L. H. Shumate.
Workmen were busy patching up
the old south river bridge the first of
the week to make it passable till the
bridge company receive their steel
work to re-build the portion awarded
them by the board.
A Loup City man the other day.
who was feeling rather concerned
over the lack of moisture here, re
ceived a paper from his old home
telling of the dry conditions and im
mediately a smiie of peace stole over
his picture frame as he murmured,
"Glad I'm in God's country: it must
be-over there.”
At Lincoln last Friday, in the
second annual debate of the high
school debating league. Clayton Rad
cliffe of Sidney was winner of the
first honors, Paul Good of Wahoo
second, and Harvey Hess of Hebron
third. This was the final result of
; the series of debates held here and at
I various points over the state.
Boyd Burrowes Saturday
Boyd Burrowes’ company is now
i complete and will present "What
j Happened to Brown” in the big tent.
| Saturday evening. May 22. This will
; be the only performance given in
j Loup City this season. All new
I people have been secured and a host
of specialties, pictures, etc., will be
presented. Ten per cent of the door
| receipts will be given to the Loup
1 City school piano fund.
School Notes.
The Juniors gave the annual re
ception to the Seniors last Thursday
evening at the home of Elma Corning
The pupils of Miss Young and Miss
Smith will give a program next week
A High School base ball team
played the Arcadia kid's team. May
7th at Arcadia, with a score of 25 to
12 in favor of our team. Last Mon
day the return game was played here
Arcadia winning by IT to 16.
Three pupils of Miss Smith’s room
are absent on account of mumps, and
one on account of whooping-cough.
Rev. Bates visited the High School
The sixth and seventh grades will
play ball with the kids of Rockville
Present the Great Comedy
to Brown
Saturday, Nay
The programs for the 12th annual
commencement of the Loup Citv
High School are now out. The calen
dar for the days and various exercises
are as follows: Baccalaureate sermon
on the evening of the 2:ird at the
Presbyterian church, Rev. J O. Hawk
delivering the same; May 2<>6 class
play aE Pilger’s opera house: May
27th, alumni reception and banquet
atJenner's Park; commencement ex
ercises at the Presbyterian church
evening of May 28th. Prof. A. E.
Davisson of Lincoln delivering the
address. The graduates are: Flora
A. Ohlsen, A rile Corning, Ada Smith,
Lulu McFadden, Emma Rowe, Klea
McNulty. Clifford Rein and Christian
Alumni Notice
The second annual Alumni Banquet
and Reception of the Loup City High
School w ill be held at Jenner's Park,
next Thursday evening. Mav 27. 190P.
commencing at 8 o’clock. Tickets on
sale to the members at the office of
R. H. Mathew.
P. O. Reed, who is* local agent at
Loup City for the irrigated lands in
Scotts Bluff county, which are being
so widely advertised throughout Ne
braska. and in regard to which a
large advertisement appears in this
issue, went up into that now famous
country with a party of excursionists
Mrs. John Chipps died at her home
on Davis Creek, Tuesday. May 11th,
from the effects of a paralytic shock,
which she suffered Saturday. She
was born at Uniontown. Pa.. March
20, 1842, and was married to John
Chipps. March 5, 1805. In 1883, she
with her family, moved from Iowa to
I Sherman county, onto the farm on
which she died. She leaves to mourn
her death a husband and seven chil
dren, besides a host of friends.
Funeral services were held from the
house Wednesday, conducted by Rev.
E. A. Wells of the Friends church,
and the body was laid to rest in the
North Loup cemetery.—North Loup
M. Nickolaus. Jr., who removed
two years ago this spring from this
county to a farm he purchased near
Loup City, was in Aurora last Mon
day on the way home from a weeks’
visit with relatives and friends in
Farmers Valley precinct and his
parents who live in Sutton. Mr.
Nickolaus is very well pleased with
his investments in Sherman county
and thinks there is a great future fur
that part of the state. He sold the
first farm he purchased up there an i
doubled his money on the deal. He
immediately purchased another farm,
rented it. and moved into town, and
expects to make a nice thing on this
deal.—Aurora Republican.
Memorial Day Program
The following is the program for
Memorial Sunday. May 30. to be held
at the M. E. church at 10:30. The
Comrades. Ladies of G. A. R. and
Sons of Veterans are requested to
meet at Society Hall at 10 o'clock
a id march to the church, where t!ie
lollowing program will be given:
Song -Congregation
Prayer—Rev. Montgomery
Solo—Mrs. L. J. Holcombe
Scripture Reading
Sermon—Rev. J. O. Hawk
Song— Congregation
Benediction R -» .1 urces
Decoration Day. *Va. 31. the*sd» >'
children art reque-fed or !n i*
at the Baptist church at 1 p. m an
be escorted by tiie martial ban 1
Sociey Hall. v.her;- they will lie met
by Comrades, L d e- of G. A. ;1. ait
Sons of Veterans and march to tl
M. E. church, where the following
program will be rendered at 1:30 p to
after which the services will !>e con
tinued at the cemetery.
Prayer—Rev. James
Male Quartette—Messrs. I>e Wolfe
Smith, Mathew. Angier
Gettysburg Address, Chris Sorensen
Duet—Mrs. A. B. Outhouse. Miss
Nettie Conger
Address—John W. Long
Solo—Mrs. L. J. Holcombe
Benedict ion—Rev. Montgomery
3 on n'4 Ashley Conger, the dra\
man. Get him.
Nonce of Gaariiars Saie of Real Estate.
In the District Court of Sherman County. Ne
In the matter of the application of Ida M.
*>gle. guardian of the ►state of Helen Ogle, a
minor, for leave to sell real estate
j Notice hereby given that, in pursuance of
an oid»T of the Honorable O Hostetler.
Judge of the District Court of Sherman Coun
ty. Nebraska, made • n the ISth day of May
1.AJ9, ?'*»r the ftale of the real estate uereinaft^i
described, there a ill be sold ai public vendu«
to the highest bunder for cash, at the front and
south door of the court house in Loup City, in
said county of ^herman. on Monday, the nth
day of June. at the hour of ten o'clock in
the forenoon the following described real es
tate. to-w»t: All the right, title, estate, and
interest of the said Helen Ogle, a miuor. being
an undivided half interest in and to a certain
piece or parcel of land, lying and situate in
the southeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter of >. rtio'n t* n <!0> in township fourteen (14)
tj'Tih «f range fourteen lit west of the sixth
principal meridian, in Sherman county. Ne
braska. and which is more particularly de
scribed as follows: Commencing at a point
south ten minutes east, variation eleven de
grees three minutes east, one and 71-100 chain*
from the southeast corner of ihe north half of
the northwest quarter of said section ten (10).
and running thence south ten minutes east
four and 72-100 chains, thence south eighty
eight degrees fifty-eight minutes west two
and 30-100 chains, thence north thirty-three
degrees west live and 50-100 chains, thence
n* rt eighty-eight degrees -fifty-eight minutes
east five and 38-1U0 chain* to the place of be
ginning, containing one and 83-UJ(f"acres, sub
ject to existing encumr ranees. Said sale will
remain open one hour
Dated this 1M h day o' Mar. 1900
Guardian of the Estate of Helen Ogle, a Minor.
Last pub June 10
The most remarkable reproduction of the fashionoble rough silk weave was
v made in a cotton wash fabric
27 inches Wide
36 Beautiful Shades and Colors
Price, 35e Per Yard
It is ideal for wSIst gowns, suits, coats, automobile w raps and children's
frocks. In fact, for almost every article of outerwear.
The nub yarn from which Himalaya Cloth is woven will never wear fuz
zy and its elegant appearance is thus permanently assured. Added to all
this, Himalaya Cloth will .wash beautifully.
We also have a new linq of cotton values at 20c. direct from New York.
Call and see them, * '
The Hail Storm the Other Night
Reminds us that it is time to put up your screens. Come in ano.let us make
you an estimate on those that you need. No matter what the size of the
window or the number of the lights, we can tit you.
Screens from 75c TJp
The Mites and Lice have Their Eyes
Upon that Flock of Chickens
A single dollar will get a gallon of Carbolinium. Paint vour roosts with this
Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb
We have a good stoc k of lumber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 12C to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock
T. M. Reed
The Jmplepiept JVlap
Sweetland Block
Watch This Space
Christensen & Ferdinand!
_Furniture Company.
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embalmers
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $26,000.00
Individual Liability, $260,000.00
On May 22d the Government will open its second tract
°f 12,000 acres of perfectly irrigated land in the Hig Horn
Basin near Garland and Powell, Wyoming. This irrigation
project of the Government is first-class and reliable. This
I nd is adjacent to and along side of the Burlington Road.
Powell and Garland are prosperous towns. The community
s absolutely first-class, and there is not a better place to live
in the whole west for climate, sunshine, productiveness of soil
and many other good reasons, than the Big Horn Basin. This
and is $15 an acre in ten annual installments, without interest
320 Acre Nondell Act:- Select locations for home
steading in Wyoming near tie, Upton and Moorcroft.
Plats on file. Write me.
I conduct an excursion on the first and third Tuesday of
each month. Only $27.50 round trip hmneseekers excursion
rate. No charge for my services. Write me at once about
this new tract. The excursion of Ale, 13 or in June will be
in time for good selections.
D. CLEM DEAVTR. Cjneral A a ext.
Land Seekeis Inforn.a.ijn Lu.eau, Omaha, 5*ebr.
THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1900
A Few Market Quotations.
Corn, per bu.56 @ .58
Wheat, per bu.1.10 @ 1.15
Oats, per bu.46 (S .48
Rye, per bu. .65
Butter, per lb. .20
Eggs, per doz... .16
Hens, per lb. .08
Spring chickens, per lb.08J*
Patronize Nebraska institutions.
The Columbia and the State of
Omaha are strictly first-class. Ira E.
Williams. Resident Agent, at First
National Bank.
For field seeds see T. M. Reed.
Bring your cream to the Loud City
Mercantile Co.
Loans on real estate, call on
John W. Long.
Try a sack of Loup City flour, for
sale at your flour dealers.
Alvin Clark is down from Thomas
county on a business trip.
If you want a dray in a hurry and
get quick work, see Stewart Conger.
We pay cash for eggs at the cream
ery. Ravenna Creamery Co.
Protect your buildings with Lead
& Zinc. Geo. Stork does the work.
I will guarantee 24c for butter fat
I test and pav cash.—A. E. Chase.
Have your house look like new with
Lead & Zink. Stork will give you
Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock eggs,
per setting of 15, 50c. See Mrs. W. T.
Reed. Bros, are selling land in the
North Platte Valley. Excursions
every Tuesday.
You make no mistake in calling on
the Stewart Conger drays when you
want quick service.
Frank Blaschke and wife last week
moved into the little brick cottage
near the Catholic church.
When in need of shoes see the
Mercantile Co. They guarantee
every pair of shoes they sell.
Col. Cash of Kearney was in the
city on business last Friday, and in
cidentally booming Judge Hamer for
the supreme bench.
tuts SAL,*,—in me city or Loup
City, houses with two lots’ and with
five acres. Prices from S550 to -11800,
by Reed Bros.
The Stewart Conner drays are on
the rush from morning to night, but
you will get the quickest kind of
service on a hurry call. Try them.
The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pav
twenty-two cents for butter-fat till
further notice, and two cents for de
livering same direct to creamery in
good condition.
Geo. Collipriest has on hands one
white (elephant?) pig, estray, which
is eating up his garden patch. Take
it away. Mr. owner: George don’t like
roast pig in hot weather.
Last Thursday evening the drouth
was broken here by a quarter of an
inch of rain. It commenced with a
severe wind, accompanied by hail,
which subsided after a few moments,
without doing damage to speak of.
You’ll be blown into “smithereens"
if you don’t call at the bank and get
Ira E. Williams to write a TOR
NADO policy. Why worry over
every big storm when a very few
dollars will insure you for five long
years? Do it NOW.
The Christensen-Ferdinandt Fur
niture Co. is now nicely ensconsed in
their fine new store room in the
Sweetland block. It is splendid
quarters for this enterprising firm,
and we believe the most showy and
nicely appointed of any in the city.
They are to be congratulated.
The High School Juniors enter
tained the Seniors and instructors at'
the home of Miss Elma Corning, last
Thursday evening. The rooms were
tastefully decorated in the class colors
and pennants and carnations. Dainty
refreshments was served and a most
pleasant evening reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Williams were
made happy Fridav by the arrival of
their daughter, Mrs. Nellie Platz.
and their infant granddaughter, from
Fremont, who will visit here for a
couple of weeks. Miss Emma Wil
liams. who has been visiting at Fre
mont for a number of weeks, also
returned home and will remain.
Deliver Your Own Cream
A Ion? experience has convinced us
that we receive the best cream and
have the most satisfactory deal with
our patrons when the patron delivers
his own cream direct to the Cream
ery. Therefore, and as a matter of
justice to tiie patron who will so de
liver his cream, we have decided to
pay two cents per pound of butter-fat
extra to compensate the patron for
the extra labor required, beginning
May 1st, 1909.
Ravenna Ckkameky Co.
Local Notices. Want Ads. Lost. Found of
i Stolen items. For Sales, etc., UDder this head
at one-half cent per word, no item less than 5c
Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock eggs, of the
famous E B. Thompson strain. $1 (JO per
setting. Phone. 8 on 289. Mas. E. C. Dteb.
Pure-Bred Poland China Sows.
I have for sale a few pure-bred Po
land China sows, due to farrow this
coming August. H. J. Johansen.
Insure your crops NOW. Company
that PAYS losses. O. E. Adams,
Resident Agent, at First National
Mrs. Jas. Johansen is improving.
Lee Bros, for finest of meats, fish,
celery, etc.
If you want a good cream separator
| see T. M. Reed.
Morg Ford arrived from Cheyenne.
Monday, on a visit.
Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
| in need of a drayman.
The Loup City Mercantile Co. have
i the best shoes for the money.
Call and see the fine new lot of
I shirtwaists at Mrs. Mathew’s.
R. P. Starr had legal business at
( Ord Monday, returning Tuesday,
j Buy Aztec or Canon City coal at
; Taylor’s elevator for summer use.
If you waut to buy or sell Real
Estate, call ou John W. Long.
Have your house painted with
White Lead & Zinc. See Geo. Stork
The editor goes to Omaha this af -
ternoon to purchase a large new job
i ate your twitter and eggs to Con
hiser's, where you can get anything
j you want.
Will French is now nearly his
normal self again, his bad hand being
almost well.
Don't forget Lee Bros, constantly
keep on hand fresh bologna of their
own make.
Mrs. M. E. Taylor of Sargent was a
guest over last Sunday of Mrs. Emma
i McCray of this city.
We hear Dr. Chase purchased a new
auto yesterday. Soon autos will be
numerous in Loup City.
County Clerk Beushausen made a
business trip to Lincoln last Friday,
returning Saturday evening.
John W. Lone is prepared to
make ail Real Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
Ernie Milfcurn last week moved his
family down from Ord and occupy
the cottage vacated by R. L. Arthur.
Ladies, why sew all day when you
can buy your summer underwear so
reasonably at the Ladies’ Furnishing
The Rebekahs of this city last
evening entertained the lodge from
Rockville and the usual good time
was the result.
Say, I always wear Star Brand
shoes, for I think they are the best.
I get them at the Loup City Mer
cantile Co.
Mrs. Henry Schirkofsky of Ravenna
arrived here last Saturday for a few
days' visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Bechthold.
F. A. Pinckney of Webster town
ship last week had his house moved
down near the main road, and will
build a handsome addition thereto.
The David Cole Creamery Co. of
Omaha has its local headquarters
with O. F. Petersen, paying 24c cash
for butter fat and testing same
while you wait.
Miss Lena Goodell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. B. L. Goodell. south of
Loup City, was taken to the hospital
at Omaha Saturday morning to under
go an operation for appendicitis. The
operation was performed Monday
morning and the patient is getting
along nicely.
Breeders will take notice that the
noted stallion. Basco B.. will be in
Loup City the first three days of each
> veek during the present season, with
headquarters at McLaughlin’s barn.
Ales Baillie marketed a fine bunch
of hogs last Saturday, receiving
per hundred for tlie same. Ales
chuckled when he remarked it was
some difference from the price of
*2.«) not so very long since.
Charley Mellor and Will Simpson
arrived home Tuesday afternoon
from their trip to Oklahoma and
western Nebraska to look up a loca
tion. We understand they have
found a good location in western Ne
braska, to which thev will go in
about a week, although their fami
lies will remain here till fall.
J. W. Long nearly suffered a broken
leg last Saturday, but escaped with
only a bad wrench to that member.
While moving the heavy safe of
Christenson & Ferdinandt to the
new store-room, a plank v»as broken
in the floor of the old building, and
Mr. Long entering shortly thereafter
and not noticing the bad place,
stepped into the hole, the whole
force of his body falling and only
being saved from the full violence by
friends catching him and breaking
the force of it. It was a mighty luclry