The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 29, 1909, Image 5

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    Did It Ever ■
Occur to You?
“I paid that bill once.”
“You must be mistaken.”
“Indeed, I am not mistaken.”
“Have you a receipt?” ,
“It seems to me I have, but I don't remember
what I did with it.”
“We have no record of payment, and unless
you can produce our acknowledgment in the
way of receipt, we must insist that you pay
this account.”
But it might have been a different story had the bill been
paid with a bank check. No chance for argument or dispute
w hen the canceled check is produced. Better pay your bills
once--with a check on
A Good Bank
A Time Tried and Quality Tested Bank
Check Books Free
A P CPLLKY. President L. HANSEN. INshier
IRAK. WILLIAMS. Vice President O E, ADAMS, Asst. Cashie
A Few Market Quotations.
Corn, per bu.5<i @ .58
Wheat, per bu.1.10 @ 1.15
Oats, per bu.4ti (<i .48
Rye, per bu . .05
Butter, per lb. . .20
Eggs, per doz. .14
Hens, per lb. .08
Spring chickens, per lb. .0815
For field seeds see T. M. Reed.
Mrs. Ward YerYalin is a victim of
Leo Bros, for finest of meats, fish,
celery, etc.
on 02. Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get iiim.
Loans on real estate, rail or
John \\ Lontr.
Try a sack of Loup City flour, h i
sale at your flour dealers.
Claus Eggers went to Pool Toesd:r
to take charge of a lT. P section.
We pay cash for eggs at the cream
ery. Ravenna Creamery Co.
Protect your buildings with Lead
& Zinc. Geo. Stork does the work.
I will guarantee 24c for butter fat.
1 test and pav cash.—A. E. Chase.
Have your house look like new with
Lead & Zink. Stork will give you
Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock eggs,
per setting of 15, 50c. See Mrs. W. T.
See the new Himalaya novelties
just in from New York, at the Mer
cantile Co.
Mrs. Gladys Thompson and baby
went to Ord Tuesday noon for a few
days's visit.
Reed Bros, are selling land in the
North Platte Valley. Excursions
every Tuesday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Williams re
turned Monday evening from their
visit at Fremont.
You make no mistake in calling on
the Stewart Conger drays when you
want quick service.
lira. Larsen is having a cement
walk placed along the front of his
residence property.
iiie i^oup luiv .Mercantile i_/0. na\e
this week installed a line new light
ing plant in their business house.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ohlsen enter
tained the senior class and teachers
at a six o'clock dinner last Thursday.
Mrs. Ward Yer Valin entertained
the ladies of the Entre Nous club at
her hospitable home last Thursday
FOR SALE—In the city of Loup
City, houses with two lots and with
five acres. Prices from $550 to $1800.
by Reed Bros.
The Stewart Conger drays are on
the rush from morning to night, but
you will get the quickest kind of
sei^iee on a hurry call. Try them.
The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay
twenty-two cents for butter-fat till
further notice, and two cents for de
livering same direct to creamery in
good condition.
Breeders will take notice that the
noted stallion, Basco B.. will be in
Loup City the first three days of each
week during the present season, with
headquarters at McLaughlin's barn.
The boys have finished the cement
walk on the south line of the Oden
dahl residence property and also much
needed crossings over the streets be.
there and the German church build
F. S. Reynolds returned home last
Thursday from his extended visit to
Chicago and other points and reports
an enjoyable time. He orders the
Northwestern sent to his niece, Mrs.
Minnie Morsch at Hinkley, Ills.
The little friends of Misses Sylvia
and Minnie Petersen, daughters of
C. F. Petersen, gave them a farewell
party at their home last Thursday
afternoon, on the eve or their depart
ure for their new home at Dannebrog.
Deliver Your Own Cream
A long experience has convinced us
that we receive the best cream and
have the most satisfactory deal with
our patrons when the patron delivers
his own cream direct to the Cream
ery. Therefore, and as a matter of
justice to the patron who will so de
liver his cream, we have decided to
pay two cents per pound of butter-fat
extra to compensate the patron for
the extra labor required, beginning
May 1st, 1909.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
I Lo:*ai tfotices. Want Ads. Lost. Found of
Stolen items. For Sales, etc., under this head
| at one-half cent j^er word, no item less than 5c
Thoroughbred Plymouth Hock rgp}. <>f the
famous F ti Thon-pson strain. $1 GO per
setting. Phone. 8 on 2>t» Mrs E. C. Dyer.
Jf you want a good cream separator
see T. M. Reed.
Miss Zua Reed has been on the sick
. list the past few days.
See the new dress skirts at the
Loup City Mercantile Co.
Buy Aztec or Canon City coal at
| Taylor's elevator for summer use.
If yon want to buy or sell Real
Estate, call on John W. Lon".
Have your house painted with
White Lead A Zinc. See Geo. Stork
li you want a dray in a hurry and
• get quick work, see Stewart Conger
Mrs. A. Colley i< enjoying a vise
j from her sister. Mis. McPherson, of
The Ravenna Creamery Co. wilt
pay 24 cents for butter fat til! furue i
Take your letter and eggs to Con
huser's, where you can get anything
y yj want.
Don't forget Lee Bros, constantly
keep on hand fresh bologna of their
own make.
A son airived at the liome of Mr.
and Mrs. Felix Makowski last Thurs
day morning.
See the Mercantile Co. for a new
suit. They certainly have got a fine
line this year.
Miss Jessie Leininger returned last
| Thursday noon from her extended
: visit at San Diego, Calif.
I. N. Syas is at presant nursing a
handsome set of Job's comforters on
one of his hands. Tough. _
A marriage license was issued the
i 23d instant to Andrew Guy and Maud
; Cornford. both of Litchfield.
We can save you a nice piece of
money on a refrigerator by getting
in your order early.—Christensen
Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
Dr. Allen left Wednesday morning
for Omaha to attend the wedding of
an old college chum. He expects to
return Monday.
The David Cole Creamery Co. of
Omaha has its local headquarters
with O. F. Petersen, paying 24c cash
for butter fat and testing same
while you wait.
Don't forget the last public dance
of the season at Pilger'sOpera House.
Thursday. May 6, 09. to be given by
the Germania Yerein. Music fur
nished by the celebrated Italian harp
ist. Domenico Toce. Don't fail to come
and enjoy yourself. By Order of Com.
Wllgvl O WdgUII
starts Monday. Have
boxes ready and get
contracts signed. J. W.
Conger always has book
with him.
Joe Thompson last week resigned
his position with the Ravenna cream
ery company at this place, on account
of the close confinement injuring his
health, and takes a position on the
road for the David VV. Cole Creamery
Co. of Omaha. His family will live
at Ord.
S. E. Gallaway is adding another
; story to his residence. It received
| the hail-6tone visitation last night
. without a roof and Sam. with the aid
of Neighbor Zimmerman, circulated
j around with small pine boxes over
their heads for protection. No snap
shots were taken.
We regret to note that Chas. F.
Petersen resigned his position in the
Loup City mills and on Saturday
with his family went to Dannebrog.
where he will have charge of the
flouring mill at that place. However,
we wish him abundant success, and
congratulate Dannebrog over their
gain of this estimable family.
V\ ill Engle was seen on our streets
i last Saturday, and is to be congratu
] lated on his much improved con
dition. looking so much more like his
I old self. Will complains of frequent
recurrence of severe pains in his head
and it may be necessary yet to go
j through another operation, but it is
j sincerely trusted he may retu rn to
| his usual sturdy health without.
Pure-Bred Poland China Sows.
I have for sale a few pure-bred J’o
| land China sows, due to farrow this
; coming August. H. J. Johansen.
A case arising- out of the chicke^
stealinig mania in the west part o*
the county was tried last Friday be
fore Judge Pedler. A man named
Holcomb had two of the Bunner boys
arrested charged with threats of
shooting, but failed to make the com
plaint stick for want of material evi
dence which they expected to pro-:
cure but did not realize on. This is
another of those cases in which well-!
meaning good citizens relied on the
evidence of certain persons, which j
turned out to be hearsay when under
oath, the witnesses seeming fearful
or diffident about testifying. Fn m
what little we have heard c. the case,
there seemed to be some evidence
touching upon other matters not rel
evant to this case. "You can't charge
threats of shooting and prove steal
ing." One of tiie Bunners was before
the court some time ago on complaint
of a Mr. Entry, charged with appro
priating feathered productions to his
own use, which by reason of alleged
sickness in the family of defendant.j
and a generous disposition on the part,
i of complainant, and the payment of j
j Mil and costs, the case was dismissed
for want of prosecution.
The little 11-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Nicklaus Hansen died in
this city last Thursday of a severe
attack of mumps. The funeral was
held Saturday morning following
from the Methodist church, the
pastor officiating, interment being in ■
Evergreen cemetery. August Hansen
was born July 23, 1898. and died April!
22, 1909. He was a bright boy and!
the joy of fond parents' hearts, and j
his death causes a void in the borne i
circle naught will overcome. The
sympathy of the entire community
goes out to the stricken family. Mr.
and Mrs. Ilar.sen desire through the
Northwestern to extend heartfelt
thanks to the many friends and
| especially to the good people of the
Methodist congregation l'ur their
kindness and assistance in the hours
• of sickness and subsequent death if
their darling boy.
Horsemen Attenti n Kenneth K:
w ishes to call attenth ,i of hr-, eders t
the fact that his t: horse.- wi.
stand on Monday and t uestiui o; *..
weak at tire John- or barn, ;:i the , a„
of the Criss 1 -Ksoiith s', .p. ji
recently purchased the notei 1
cheron s'a,.: u, " ii.r.t" of -I
Joidisin, ivieiti he > id stand ::t
aforesaid pin e. together with ,.
well known 81 in . • Keo-tu IV. .. .
The. simple ann.uu. e ;eut v, hi .
su.lfcienl to insure him a goodly sha.e
of the patronage of those v.i-hir ..
returns in best horseflesh.
While I>r. Kearns was returning
from a visit to a sick patient last
Saturday morning about 1 o'clock.
Liveryman Hosier driving with him.
and while passing the Hawk school
house south of town, a meteor of un
usual brilliancy coming from the
south passed directly overhead and
exploded, lighting the night as with
the brilliancy of the noon-day sun,
and causing a myriad of sparks to
flood the night air. It was a sight
never to be forgotten.
We have received the initial num
ber of the Meeteetsfe (Wyo.,) Index, a
neat little paper started at that lively
Wyoming town by Geo. A. Phipps,
son-in-law of the writer, which shows
that George is very much in evidence
in giving the people there some good
intellectual newspaper food. And he
is a writer of much merit and a
hustler along these lines and will
make good, if the people will give
deserved support. Success to the
The Northwestern's roll of honor
since last report of new readers re
ceived and old readers renewed in
clude the following, in addition to
several who modestly request their
names omitted: T. P. Hedy, Victor
Johnson, J. A. Stevens. Ed. Oltman.
Mrs. L. A. Swayze, Mrs. Mary A.
Gardner. Wm. Landon, J. Q. Pray.
Fred Johnson.Will Hawk.Don Holmes.
J. A. Converse, Nick Hansen and A.
J. Johnson.
Mr. Don Holmes, son of George
nolmes of Bristol township, passed
through Loup City. Monday, with
some 56 head of cattle, wintered on
the farm, which he was taking back
to his rancli in Loup county. Don
and his brother have a fine ran^h up
there and are doing w ell. He ordered
the Northwestern to visit him the
coming twelve months and provide
the news of his old home in Sherman
We received a pleasant call last
Friday from our [good friend. Fred
Johnson of Wiggle Creek. Fred has
been having a series of hard luck
facts strike him of late, but grins
and bears it with Spartan-like forti
ture. Last week lie lost a tine horse,
to be followed by the loss of a colt a
day or two later, which with not a
few other little dismals are not cal
culated to elate. Better luck later,
The Sherman County Medical So
ciety met Tuesday. April 27, at 2 p.
m.. at Loup City, in the office of Dr.
O. E. Longacre. Members present: O.
E. Longacre, A. J. Kearns, A. S. Main.
Mary A. K. Hendrickson, Rydberg
and Dickinson. Absent: N. L. Tal
bot and Wanek. Various local and
state matters were discussed and an
interesting and profitable session held.
Lyman Pray graduated from the
Agricultural school at Lincoln last
Friday and returned home Saturday
evening. He was in the front ranks
of an especially large class of some
seventy pupils. Sherman county boys
always line up with honors in what
soever place they may be.
A dainty little daughter arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
| Waggoner in this city Monday morn
1 *ng, April 26, 1909. Congratulations.
The Implement Pap
—The Live, Active Kind
to try and wear out a
suit of indestructible
They will find it the hard
est work they ever did.
We have made a study of the
“Boy Problem”—his needs, and
how poorly they are met by the
ordinary boys’ clothes.
“WEARBETTER ’’ clothes are
made to forestall the boys’ efforts
to burst seams, rip off buttons
and tear holes.
Come in, to-morrow or any time,
and let us show you these clothes.
We carry all sizes, patterns and
We sell the famous “wear
•—one coat and two pair pants; one
plain and one knickerbocker. Your
boy will get double the service out of
one of these suits.
I** *. FiWu a c«.
Lost—A pait of golidbowed specta
cles. Please return-to Marie Pilger
and receive reward.
Tenus Enevoldsen. B. & M. helper,
is nursing a case of mumps at the
home of his brother. Martin.
H. A. Sieeth went to Omaha last
Saturday, w here a position ha> been
offered him in a wholesale house.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larsen went to
Hampton Tuesday morning to attend
the wedding of a brother of Mr. Lar
Little Yerla Fowler is dangerously
ill with rheumatism of the heart and
faint hopes are entertained of her re
Mrs. Mathew will give a handsome
souvenir to each lady purchasing one
dollar's worth of goods of her tins
week Saturday.
P. L. Curry of Clear Creek, accom
panied by his wife and bright little
son and daughter, were Loup City
visitors last I’riday.
Why go out of tow n to buy your
clothes, when you can buy just as
good ones at the Loup City Mercantile
Co. and keep ^our money at home?
T. H. Eisner has purchased the Odd
Fellow lots just north of the Zimmer
man office tuilding. and later Arthur
¥. .-,ner may erect a photo gallery on
the same.
At the special county board meet
infi last Friday the contract was let
for a new steel bridge over Loup river
south of town. See proceedings in
another column.
An auto party consisting of some
six fine horseless beauties from Ord
and Arcadia, beaded by Banker Kin
sey and Senator Fries were here Sun
day afternoon for a pleasurable ride.
Rev It W. Montgomery went to
North Loup and Mira Valley yester
day to assist in the installation* ser
\ ices of Rev. IieWitt Williamson, and
is expected home today.
John Petersen came up from Lin
coln last Saturday evening and will
visit friends and relatives for a fort
night. after which he will return to
his home at Teeds Grove, Iowa, to
assist his father.
The Presbyterian Brotherhood ban
quet has been postponed until Friday
evening. May 7. Those who pay the
r -gular fee of $1, the annual mejaber
ship dues, will be given a 75c banquet
ticket. The tickets can be procured
at either bank.
There lias been important changes
in the C. P. train Service between
Loup City and St. Paul. It] addition
to the regular service as heretofore,
the motor returns from St. Paul
arriving here at 11:55 a. m. and goes
east again at 12:40 p. m.
The condition of Mr. Geo. Keeler is
| rapidly growing worse and his life is
said to be hanging by a slender
thread. Two of his daughters. Mrs.
Rose Bishop of Boyd ceuntv and Mrs.
Carr of Omaha are at his bedside now,
! and another daugtiter. Miss Pearie
Keller, is expected home any day
ifrom Seattle, Wash.
Gus Lorentz use.) Lis thumb as a
wedge while closing a safe door last
Monday, with little damage to the
Miss Amanda Jensen returned to j
her home at Dannebrog Wednesday
after her extended visit at the home j
of H. P. Ferdinandt.
A heavy hail storm of a few min
utes' duration, followed by a copious!
rain visited us last night. The hail
struck the buildings with the force
of good sized dornieks tired from gat
tling guns.
Austin Happening.
As Parke Paige was going to Austin
with bis cream he had the misfortune
to upset the can. spilling the con
Mr. and Mrs. P. Larsen went to
Rockville Wednesday.
J. S. Needham’s brother and wife
from Oregon arrived here Friday to
visit relatives and may decide to
make this their future home.
Jesse Fletcher lias returned from a
weeks' visit at Custer county.
Willie Stott and Wesley Carpenter
attended the wedding reception at
Rockville Tuesday evening.
Dan Carpenter, our leading mer
chant. made a new windmill tower
for Dan McDonald Tuesday.
Pete Ogle was sawing ties with his
engine Tuesday and Wednesday for
his brother-in-law.
Ailie Fellows and Mrs. Lydia Rowe
visited at A. Ii. Jack's Wednesday,
and while staying there that evening
Mrs. Rowe was taken sick and the
doctor called. She is getting better
at this writing.
Opposed to Slang
Donald had-been to Sunday ol i
and on coming home was asked what j
lie had learned. The lesson was the !
; story of Joseph, and the small learner j
; was evidently very full of ids subject, i
"Oh,” he said, "it was about a boy.
ana his brothers took him and put
: him in a hole in the ground: and
then they killed another boy. and
took the first boy’s coat and dipped
■ it in the blood of this boy and—”
i “O. no, Donald, not another boy!’’
his sister interrupted, horrified. Rut
I Donald stood liis ground.
“It was, too” he insisted. Then he
added, ”The teacher said ‘kid’ but 1
don't use words like that.”—Woman's
Home Companion for May.
I To all whom it may concern:
Notice is heresy given that the eoramix-loner
appointed to view and locate a ro3d commenc
ing at the section corner or Sections five i5),
-lx <«>, seven i7i and eight (.»■ in Township
fourteen ill). Range sixteen (16). and running
ibence south on the section line about two and
one-fourth miles, between sections seven (7)
and eight (81, eighteen (IS) and seventeen (17),
and nineteen (19) and twenty (t'Oi same town
and range, and terminating at road No. 105.
has reported in favor of the establishment
thereof, and aU claims for damages or objec
tions thereto must be filed in the office of the
county clerk of Sherman county, Nebraska, on
or before noon of the 4th day of July. 1909. or
said road will he established without refer
ence thereto.
j Dated this 97th day of April, A. D. 1909.
i Last pub May '-*7)
k. -.xzz
Kv,-r, yr in ir -:r >re has a Red Tag on it
and will t»e ; j ..
A Big Discount
Ou Ai! of Our Furniture
Uhnsisnsbn & Ferdinandt
_Furniture Company.
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embalmers
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000.00
Jv.dith Basin, Montana. On the Great North
ern line between Billings and Great Falls, a fine area of reli
able production, with splendid chances of profit for early buy
ers. No irrigation; average moisture 17 inches, which is
o j o ~ - -
enough to insure heavy and varied crops.
Basin folder.
Send for Judith
Sun River, Montana. Government irrigated land,
275,oOO acres near Great Falls, Mont. First section now open
for filing; only $30 an acre in 10 annual installments. Send
for Sui^River Project folder.
Bij£ Horn Basin A new government irrigated tract
of 12,POO acres near Garland, Wyo., to be opened for filing.
Watch for this and make your filing early on a choice location
Round Trip Rate Only $27M) to above localities.
This is a low rate for an extensive trip into these fast develop
ing sections. Take it this spring or summer.
Personally Conducted Excursions i conduct
excursions on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to
he above localities. No charge for my services.
Write me for folders, technical information about taking up homestead lands
etc. I was for years connected with the La> d I •apartment of the Government.
I can help you to make a good selection.
D. CLEM DEA VEr. 0 k , ru \L Agent.
Land Seekers lnfo:m;u...i 0.naha, Nebr.