The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 01, 1909, Image 8

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    We have one of the best and most up-to-date lines of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing ever brought to Loup City. Also in Dry
Goods we have the quality. When you want quality see the Loup City Mercantile Co. We have made our reputation by
giving quality and that is what the people want now-a-days—the best you can get for the money. Below we quote you a few special figures:
GOOD Bulk Coffee, at.15c
German-American Coffee. .20c and 25c
4 lbs Good Santa Clara Prunes.... 25c
3 boxes Seeded Raisins. 25c
2 lbs Seedless Raisins. 25c
5 lbs Broken Rice. 25c
3 boxes Dr. Price’s Food. 25c
3 boxes Egg-O-See.25c
1 lb Best California Peaches.15c
1 lb Dried Pears. 15c
1 lb Dried Apricots. 15c
During this sale we will sell a
Reg. 26c can Peaches at... 15c
Reg. 26c can Apricots at.. 15c
T71 _ See us for flour. We han
't lOUi die Schuyler and Loup City
We have the Shoes that wear well,
look well and lit well. See us for shoes.
We have a biM tine.
Ladies’ Spring Tachets
A nice Covert Cloth Jacket.$5.00
No. 7372, Venetian Cloth, gray. 6.00
Black Broadcloth Jackets, $6, $8 and $9
Ladies’ Waists
We have most all kinds such as Silk over Net Lawns
j Call and see our Fine waists.
Renderson Corsets
Best Corset on Earth. Try one. You will use no other
Lace Curtains
60c to $5.00 per pair
-White Bed Spreads
We liave a complete line:
No. 22-Price $1.00 No. 115—Price $1.40 No. 315—Price $1.65
No. 621-Price 12.00 No. 135-Price $2.25 No. 335-Price $3.00
. " —^*■—'———
U nbleached Maple Grove.7 l-2c
|YI U 011P 5 Good Unbleached.8 I ;£c
Btoaslhed Muslins, Price 7c to 12 l-2c
Ribbon Sale B<*ular Your choice only IQc
Ginghams Fancy GiDghamsn’0rweggu0IiV5*»18c vaIue "li£c
Cotton Batting lo-i^^ffcenu a Good Line
T :nnn The Best Line in the State for the Monev
lIKlia -Liinon 10-12^-15-18-20-25-35-40 Cents.
A new line just in. The latest
styles. Prices ranging from
$3.00 to $10.00
Ladies’ Petticoats
A good value at.$ 1.00
Imitation Heatherbloom.. 1.25
Better Quality. 1.50
A few better Skirts at....
$2, $2.50, $3, $3.50
Ladies’ Nightgowns:
A nice line 50c to $3 each
One lot of Apron Checked Ginghams at.6c
One lot of Simpson’s and American Prints.5c
Lace worth 8c to 15c, in this sale, your choice.5c
We have one of the best lines of Swiss Embroidery you ever
saw. See us for QUALITY.
Boys’ Suits—Knee Pants.
No. 2508 Nice Brown, age 6 to 16.$ 3.00
No. 6441 Brown Checked, age 8 to 16. 4.25
No. 2709 Gray Striped, age 8 to 16. 5.50
No. 2504 Brown Striped, 2 pairs Pants. 6.50
These are only a few of the many nice suits we have to offer.
We have just re
ceived our new line J
of Spring Clothing I
and it is up-to-date 1
and good quality. *
JVIep’s Suits
Men’s New Gray Mixed.8 7.00
: No. 2171, Men’s Check, reg. 87, at 5.49
No. 1909, Men’s Gray, reg. 89, now 6.98
No. 3420, Men’s regular 812 suit.. 8.98 J
No. 5153, Men’s rice black suit.... 12.00
Youpg JVIep’s Suits
No. 2088 3-piece Suit, gray, regular $6.25, now.$ 4.48
No. 4090 Gray striped, regular $8.00, now. 5.48
No. 4111 Nice Brown, mixed. 7.00
No. 5148 Nice Brown striped. 12.00
OVERCOATS: A new lot of Mens’ Spring Over
coats just in. Call and see them.
MEN’S ODD PANTS: $1.00 to $6.00 a pair.
LOUP CfTY IVlEpCflflTJLE GO]ViPAr<Y, Loup City, Nebraska.
Wiggle Creek Notes.
Discing is the order of the day.
Mrs. H. W. Brodock is having a
serious time with pleurisy, la grippe
and bronchitis. She is a little better
at this writing.
Morton Peugh of Kewanee, Ills.,
arrived Saturday to attend the wed
ding of his cousin.
Nick Daddow had a lively runaway
the other day. No damage done.
Mrs. Lacy, who has been staying
at Mr. Scott’s, returned to Phillips.
Little Elva Rouse has been quite
sick, but is improving.
Clarence Burt had some old wheat
in the bin, but the elevator has it
Fred Reed can now sit on the left
side of his girl, as the boil on his right
cheek is almost well.
C. W. Fletcher bought a half section
of land of Sam Fletcher recently.
Homer Hughes has returned from
Palisade, Hayes county, where he
purchased some land.
Mrs. May and children, who have1
been visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Thomas, returned to
their home in Colorado.
Alice and Grace McBeth are sick
and not able to attend school.
A pretty wedding occurred at ohe
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Peugh,
Sunday evening, March 28th, 1909,
when their daughter, Miss Gladys,
was united in marriafe to Mr. Russell
Curry, in the presence of about fifty
guests. About 8:15 o’clock all gather
ed in a room nicely decorated for the
occasion, and to the strains of the
wedding march played by Miss Myrtle
Daddow, the contracting parties took
their places under the large white
wedding bell, when Rev. Hawk per
formed the rite. Congratulations fol
lowed and a nice repast was waiting,
to which justice was done. Many
handsome and useful presents were
received, attesting toe esteem in
which the young people are held by
their many friends. Marriage is a
solemn thing because it isan ordinance
of God. We always make merry, bub
just at the ceremoqy we cannot help
but feel a solemness. Sometimes it
comes to us in this form:
“A solemn thought to my mind comes
just at the marriage rite;
Will they agree and he good “chu$$,”
Or will they quarrel and fight.
“Marriage is a lottery, so they say,
But you always win a prize;
Lucky fellow, though, in thte fifty,
To getone who can make good pies.”
It is very nice for young people to
unite and sail down the stream of life
together, sharing their fortune and
misfortune, joy and grief, and they
will live longer than to struggle along
alone, and if they have lived as they
should before marriage and are proper
ly mated and will closely observe the
first two lines in the little verse be
low, “Loois Brix” will guarantee they
will be happy and live till they die.
“Deceive not one another,
Neither's faults nor weakness tell;
Or, sure as I’m a son of my mother
You’ll not get along very well.”
Who’s next on Wiggle Creek?
—Loois Brix
Austin Happenin’s.
Miss Voiels is visiting her sister,
Mrs. A. R. Jack, and other relatives
and friends here this week.
Wm.Couton and family visited near
Ravenna last Sunday.
Misses Mary Sutton and Byrdee
Needham were Grand Island visitors
between trains Saturday.
John Needham threshed ou t. about
seventy bushels of alfalfa Saturday.
Miss Anina Larsen is visiting at
John Hetzel's naar Ravenna this
Mrs. Dan Carpenter, who has been
sick the past ween, is up and around
Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell visited at
Dan McDonald’s last Sunday.
John Gregg has been working for
A. R. Jack’s the past week.
Dan Carpenter had the good luck
to find the pocket-book he lest last
week in some shelled corn.
John Hell, Dan Carpenter, A. R.
Jack and Wm. Couton attended the
big Odd Fellow doings at Rockville
last week Wednesday.
Peter Larsen transacted business at
Reel us between trains Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jack took Miss
Laura Larsen to her boarding place
last Sunday.
Miss Mary Sutton visited at the
Needham home over Sunday.
Ross Gregg bought a team of horses
from Ray Babcock this week.
Mrs. Will Fletcher and throe sons
spent Sunday at N. L. Talbot’s.
Veterinary Gregg is quite busy
these days doctoring the sick horses,
also pulling and fixing teeth.
The farmers are busy preparing
for spring work.
" TWaarernore McCall Patteran sold it,the Unite*
State! than of any orn<-r make o i patterns. This is o*
account at. their style, accuracy ana simplicity.
McCall’s Magazine(T ne Queen of F ashion) hai
■lor«subscribers than any other Ladies' M 71 tine. On*
year's Subscription (w number*) costs50 cents. Latest
number, 5 cents. Every subscriber gets a McCall Pat
tarn Pres. Subscribe today.
•tens) and Premium Catalogue (showing 400 premiums
SSSC free. Address TH3L MrP* LI. CO- Raw Ybdr
People of Egypt Have Retained Phys
Ical Characterlstlce.
At a meeting of scientists In Dub
lin, Prof. G. Elliott Smith, the Egyp
tologist, said that the earliest known
human remains found in the Nile val
ley, when compared with those of
later times, demonstrated the fact
that at a very remote period Egypt
and Nubia were inhabited by the same
race, which had persisted in Egypt
with little or no change In physical
characteristics throughout the inter
vening 6,000 years until the present
day. They had been, and still were,
a small people, the average height of
the men being about five feet three
inches at every period of their his
Their hair was very dark brown or
black, usually wavy, but not "woolly”
or in any sense negroid; their heads
were long and narrow, usually ovoid
or pentagonoid or “cofln-shaped,” as
the result of a frequent presence of a
protuberant occiput On the whole
they shared those characteristics which
distinguished the majority of the peo
ples fringing the Mediterranean.
As would be expected In a group of
people that had lived from the dawn
of history on the fringe of the negro
territory, there was some slight evi
dence of an infusion of black blood,
but this was very small in amount
Kindly Attitude of Mind le Abeve All
Things Worldly.
A habit of holding a kindly attitude
of mind toward everybody has a pow
erful influence upon the character. It
lifts the mind above petty jealousies
and meannesses; it encircles and en
larges the whole life. Where we meet
people, no matter if they are stran
gers, we feel a certain kinship with
and friendliness for them, if we have
formed the good-will habit
In other words, tbs kindly habit,
the good-will habit makes us feel
more sympathy for everybody. And
If we rantjate this helpful, friendly
feeling others will reflect it back to
On the other band, if we go through
life with a cold, selflab mental atti
tude, caring only tor our own, always
looking for the main chance, only
thinking of what will further our own
Interest, our own comfort, totally in
different to others, thh attitude will,
after a while, harden the feelings and
the affections, and we shall become
dry, pessimistic and uninteresting.
The Retort Courteous.
Roger Minot Sherman, while argu
ing a celebrated case, said that his
opponent could no mQre prove his
point than he could cut a bair length
wise. While he was still talking the
opponent, who happened to have a
very sharp knife, pulled a hair frao
his beard and split it As he hald it
up the court began to lai)gh, apd Mr.
Sbermah auickjy called out: “I said
a hair, air, not a bristle.”
Secrets Are Revealed to Them in
A young Indian, who is ambitious to
become a doctor, and finally a prophet,
learns from his father or other mem
1 ber of his tribe, the name and medi
cinal properties of some herb, says a
writer in the Denver Field and Farm.
He can also, by presenting a sufficient
number of ponies to a medicine man,
prevail upon the doctor to impart the
secret of the herbs to him. Frequent
ly Indians allege that the secret is
revealed to them in a dream, or by
a bird or an animal. After procuring
it, the novice is prepared to begin the
practice of medicine. Success in their
opinion is only possible with the aid
of the Great Spirit, and in order to in
voke the help of the supernatural they
resort to various sacrifices.
For instance, there is the practice
of ascending a butte or other eleva
tion and lying with the face to the
ground for several days without food
or until they are completely exhaust
ed. During this period they profess
to have been taught some song or
the Great Spirit conversed with them
through a bird, wild animal or
reptile. They frequently allege that
wolves come to them and howl and
that they understand what the ani
mals say. While treating a patient
they place tobacco in little pouches
which they tie with sinew. These are
painted brilliant colors and fastened
to willow sticks about the size of the
shaft of an arrow, but somewhat
„ jlo9 XBjd 01 omn
eaora oxeq pino.*. noX osed jBqj ui„
■enaXBO ssjjq pejeASUB ,,‘jqnop ojj„
-uosjod ejaDujsui
Xnq3i[B aqi Pjbs „‘3uipB8J [BHcmjsqns
joj o-insjei ojom pcq i qsjA uejjo i„
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aeddoo aq) pagdaa
„'punqs;qDBp b aqq paqooi ui|q apjsaq
teas aq) uo Sopttnq aq) )Bq) )sbj os„
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)saa aq) )aj puB paSaaqo Xnanf aq ubo
)BqAA aSuBqo 'saaujddBq puB aoaad
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)b pamjB[B atnooaq naoioM amoa op
os ‘BMopnqs )B qaeq s3op ai))n sy
•aauegaQ M)!M aiqnoax )aaw
Still Using Hand Labor.
In China there are match factories
at which only hand labor is employed.
One of them, at Hsieh Chang, has 600
workers, 400 of whom are women.
Delicate Situation That Was Handled
in Masterly Manner.
"Talking about tact," said a woman
who is just verging on middle age,
"I never saw anyone get out of a
difficult situation more deftly than
did a man I met at a blacksmith shop
in a New England village I was driv
ing through last summer. I was alone
in the lanes with my friend, the
horse, when I noticed that he limped
a bit, so when we reached the next
village I stopped at the door of the
blacksmith shop. A man was hold
ing up the doorpost and to him I
“ Will you please tell the black
smith to come out? I want to see
“After the manner of the village
loafer, he did not stir, but smiled
sweetly at me, and lifting up his
voice cried:
“Bill, come out! There’s a lady
wants to see you.
“From the depths of the blacksmith
shop a voice roared:
“‘Is she young, John, or old?’
“In the words of an old poem, I
looked at John and John looked at
me. Then, still without moving, he
“ ‘You’ll be satisfied, Bill, when you
get out.’ ”
"Mind Your Stops."
Massachusetts has a law, known as
the “semi-colon law,” under which a
misplaced semi-colon regulates the
liquor traffic in the city of Boston.
But this is not a circumstance to an
omitted comma as instanced in the
following act of the last legislature
of Massachusetts: “Whoever operates
an automobile or a motor-cycle on any
public way or private way laid out
under the authority or law recklessly
or while under the influence of
liquor, or so as to endanger
the lives or safety of the
public,” etc. It is now asserted that
the reckless motorist can go as he
pleases on highways which have not
been “laid out under the influence of
A Strenuous Occupation.
As we look over the. busy tugs of
New York harbor we little realize
the dangers and responsibilities of the
busy life of these “draught horses” of
the deep. Day and night, in all kinds
of weather, they are hustling here and
there about their various troublesome
tasks. When a big liner, or any other
craft is in distress by fire, or strand
ing, or other accident, the ubiquitous
tug is the first upon the scene to save
life or property. Some of the harbor
craft have eventful histories worth a
page in a Sunday newspaper. The
venerable steam lighter General Sigel,
for instance, has been sunk five times!
—New York Press.
•eqm p»ajho « qSnoaqj jiu jo jua-una «
spue* ‘P3MVB 9ut»q poo* eqj Xq qotuja
‘uojsid v • eqi Xu*u *oiq
oj *vb » oj peqrorm eq oj eaptep
v pajaejsd seq lejuedjuo susuux y
U9M0ia JtnpMcs juajed
' i
Where Noise Is Salable.
“You know, of course,” said a watch
factory foreman, “how Lynn captured
the African shoe trade—making shoes
that squeaked loudly. The native con
siders the discomfort and expense of
American shoes quite futile if they
don’t squeak as he walks, like an ill
greased cart wheel. We have now
hogged the African cheap watch trade
by turning out a good dollar watch
that ticks like a boiler factory. You
could hear this tick through a feather
mattress. In fact, natives wearing
our watches tick audibly. As they
swagger along, their American shoes
squeaking and their American watches
ticking, they give out as much noise
as a brass band.”
By Word of Mouth.
There is a certain youth who recent
ly became engaged to a ’•ery sweet
young girl, who, for all her sweetness,
is well supplied with spirit. This youth
evidently thought he had the entire
game neatly printed in a book, and de
termined to head oft the usual “Am
I the only girl?” etc., queries, for, tak
ing her in his arms, he said, gently but
“Now, sweetheart, I might as well
tell you at the start—you are not the
only girl I have ever kissed.”
“Well, maybe not,” she retorted,
“but you still have much to learn
about it.”—Harper’s Weekly.
The Loving Cup.
The origin of the loving cup is to
be found in Tartary. “On festive oc
casions, says Emerson, ‘ it is the prac
tice of the people to gather at some
predetermined spot where koumiss, by
the hundreds of skins, is brought and
placed in the open air. The men and
women sit in a circle, and one of
their number is selected as cup-bearer.
The young women sing their national
hymns and songs; no one rises, and
the cup passes from hand to hand un
til all the beverage is consumed.’’ Dis
tilled koumiss is far stronger than
Emolument of Physicians.
Remuneration of physicians origin
ally consisted in presents, but at the
time of Hippocrates payment in money
was already customary. Physicians
received also public praise, the “crown
of honor,” the freedom of the city,
the privilege of eating at the king’s
table. Physicians employed by the
state received a yearly salary, as high
as $2,000 in some instances. Rich peo
ple would pay enormous sums for a
successful treatment, and a case is re
corded in which $200,000 was paid.
When England Shook.
In the course of its long history
England has known a few serious
earthquake shocks. In the days of
William Rufus one was felt through
out the country, and in 1274 an Eng
lish earthquake destroyed Glastonbury
among its other damage, while part of
St. Paul’s cathedral fell in as the re
sult of an earthquake in the sixteenth
century. Perhaps the most recent
serious shock was that which inflicted
much damage in the eastern counties
in 1884; a Mansion house fund was
opened for the sufferers.
And Irishman Thought Color Was
Due to the Hot Sun.
It is said to be a peculiarity of the
island of Montserrat that the ne
groes speak in a rich Irish brogue.
This phenomenon is explained by
i the fact that in the seven
| teenth century the colony was peo
pled almost entirely by the Irish. In
; "The Cradle of the Deep” Sir Fred
erick Treves gives the following in
| cident illustrative of the care with
■ which this dialect has been preserved.
It is quoted from Ober.
An Irishman fresh from Donegal ar
rives at Montserrat, and leaning over
j the steamer's rail, addresses himself
in the following terms to a coal-black
negro who has come alongside with
"Say, Cuffee, phwat's the chance for
a lad ashore?"
“Good, yer honor, if ye’re not afraid
of wurruk. But me name’s not Cuf
fee. an’, plase ye, it’s Pat Mul
Mulvaney? And do ye mane to say
ye’re Oirisa?”
“Oi do.”
“The saints defend us! An’ how
long have ye been out here?”
“A matter of tin year or so.”
‘Tin year! An'yez black as me hat!
Save me soul, I took yez for a nay
gur.”—Youth’s Companion.
Rag Man’s Business Has Dwindled to
Vanishing Point.
®®gs, bones, old iron!” is a cry
not nearly so familiar to the children
of to-day as to those of the -80's. For
the ragman, like the chimney sweep
and the sun dial maker, is becoming
extinct. His used to be a profitable
trade. The woolen rags he bought,
turned into shoddy, brought thrice
their cost. So did the bones, which
were ground up for fertilizer. So did
the iron, which, melted, lived again.
Many millionaire manufacturing fam
ilies had their beginning in a long
headed ragman. He first ground hls
rags into shoddy. Then he spun the
shoddy into thread. Then, a full
fledged millman, he wove the thread
into cloth. But the municipalities of
to-day contract with single firms for
the disposal of their people s refuse,
and the old ragman is disappearing
because there is so little for him.
?' aad this ls the great secret
while the ragman made a grand profit
on what he bought, it was on the
refuse given him that he really throve.
Big Engineering Feat.
One of the biggest pieces of engi
nering in New England is a 2,500
horsepower dam in the Union river, at
Ellsworth, Me. It is constructed of
hollow concrete, and cost nearly
1600,000. 7
Beware of Him.
Who chatters to you will cl
about you.—German proverb.