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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1909)
Loup City Northwestern J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher --• LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA Greek Letter Societies. There is au old debate as to whether on the whole colleges and universities of the United States would be better or worse without the Greek letter so cieties; but participants on both sides of this debate would no doubt agree that as to one of the oldest of these so cieties—Phi Beta Kappa—there is no ground for controversy. Admission to Pbi Beta Kappa is dependent on schol arship. Only students with the high est markings are eligible for member ship, and the influence of the organiza tion is unquestionably good. It is in teresting to note that among the thir ty or so of the students of Cornell uni versity who have bean fortunate enough to get the Phi Beta Kappa key this year is a Chinaman, Tunfu Hu, a junior in the College of Arts and Sci ence. He has been at Cornell for two years. He has a sister at Vassal-. His average in all the studies he has taken for the whole period in which he has been at Cornell is S5. That would l>e a high average for anyone, irrespective of color. It speaks well for him and it also speaks well for the race to which he belongs, says the Milwaukee Even ihg Wisconsin. Cornell has honored it self by ltonoring him. Modernize Federal ClerKs’ Room. Those who have investigated the ef ficiency of clerks in government build ings believe that front 15 to 20 per cent, better results could be accom plished if the clerks were housed in modern buildings, similar to those pro vided by great corporations. The gov ernment building, planned with refer ence almost wholly to the exterior, contains great waste spaces; large rooms with high ceilings, generally with inadequate light a-nd ventilation; pretentious entrances, and flights of steps which must be wearily climbed. Comfort and sanitation are sacrificed, declares the Washington Star, in order to preserve the classical outlines laid down by architects hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Contrast with this the modern up-to-date building of a great railroad system, with entrance on a level with the street; swift ele vators; office-rooms of a convenient size communicating with each other; plenty of light, as the building con sists mainly of steel and plate glass; good ventilation, and sanitary conveni ences. The latest development in wireless telegraphy is the application of the system to railroad train operation. The wireless method lias been tried on the Lake Shore line, and the managers declare that the test, so far as it has gone, was eminently successful. They are highly enthusiastic and assert be lief that by the use of the system ac cidents may be eliminated as far as it is in human power to accomplish such a result. The managers may be over sanguine, but additional experiments in this direction certainly will be awaited witij interest. Wireless teleg raphy has proved a life-saver at sea. If equally successful on shore there will be great gain to humanity. “I wish,” said the serious woman who has been struggling over trim mings for a directoire evening gown. • that the law would make shopkeep ers call things by their right names. A pure clothes law is what we need. When we buy gloves, they should be labeled pigskin, if they are made of that material. Then there is that old lie about swan's down. Why don't they call is geese down? That is what it usually is. As for velvet, it is main tained by foreigners that the pure silk article Is obsolete. It would cost so much now- no one would buy it.” For years the United States govern ment has been freeing the farmers from the restraints of trade, and doing everything in its power to give them open markets at home and abroad for their productions. It is thp solidity, the safety, the soundness of the pros perity of our cultivators of the soil which is the rock foundation, the very corner-stone of our nation today.— Cincinnati Enquirer. It has been a severe season for soci ely, and whoever ownsp. country house of any description is fleeing thither to tone up on the simple life. Next best to the country house comes the invita tion to join a railway trip through Mex ico or to Seattle, the main object being "to get; away.” People who succeed in doing it and at the same time getting away from themselves might tell the secret and, for the nonce, become phil anthropists. Manila has a new ami bountiful sup ply of water, brought from a distance of 20 miles. The improvement was secured at surprisingly small cost, which is not expected to exceed $2, 000,000, while the result in the way of he&Rh and convenience is of incalcula ble value. That is one of the many things American rule has done to bet ter conditions in the Philippines. Lying is a monumental vice. says a Pittsburg preacher. Hut where's the monument to Ananias? Our heroic baseball players can point with pride to the fact that Ho mer and Dante and Shakespeare and Milton and Caesar and Napoleon and Hismarck and Washington and Web ster and Lincoln were among the no bodies who never were considered worth being taken out to California to be trained. _, •If vou have to nght””"you can’t chose your water,” says the president. Well, «'« don : have, 'o tight—what'll you have? AN APPEAL TO NEBRASKANS. Child Saving Institute of Omaha Must Hava Larger Building. The Washington conference of •harlty workers, culled by ex-I?re»i dent Roosevelt, endorsed lh« policy of placing dependent children into private homes for adoption. This policy had long been pursued by the Child Saving Institute of Omaha. Over 2,000 innocent, dependent chil dren have been suecored by the in atitute and more than half this num ber placed in permanent, comfortable homes, while the others were restored to parents and guardians. Calls ara constantly received for the admission of children not only from the people of Omaha, but from the surrounding towns and country districts. The number of applicants i6 increasing. The capacity of the institute is already overtaxed. The. helpless littlo ones knocking for admission must not bo turned away! A new building must be provided. A new site has been secured on Twenty-sixth street, between Leaven worth and Si. Mary's avenue. The total post of grounds, a new building and the furnishing will be $75,000. Mr. Oeorge Joslyn has made a most generous proposition without a paral lel in the history of Omaha to give $25,000 of this on condition that the whole amount be raised before May 1. Committees are at work collecting money for the building fund. A num ber of handsome subscriptions are Vic ing received. Scores of children from many Ne braska and Iowa communities have been taken in and cared for in the Child Saving Institute, in one rase seven children from a small Ne braska town were brought in by an agent of the institute upon request of interested parties. Only a few days ago three little gills from Lodge Pole, Neb., were admitted to the in stitute. For years the facilities of the Child Saving Institute have been available to all comers. The insti tute is a refuge for the sick, help less. deserted, dependent children who must have the systematic care and attention afforded only by an in stitution of this kind. The officer in charge of the institute does not stop to inquire whether the claims nf the stranded children in country districts are greater or ess than those of children in the city. While it is true that the institute looks largely to the benevolent people of the city for its sustenance, it is equally true that philanthropic men and women in various places of Ne braska have contributed to the sup port of the institute. The trustees have put the execu tion of the plans of the building fund campaign into the hands of Or. A. W. Clark, superintendent, whose agents and assistants will call per sonally upon any person who may express a desire to make a donation to the building fund. A condensed list of children brought from outlaying communities is hereto appended: Two little girls from Weeping W.i • r XVb.. S and f. years old; the fath. r was a veteran of the civil war; phv*Icu.llv in capable of providing for the children’ A child of 3 years from Hastings. Neb.; father and mother unworthy of the ,-.nv of any child: brought to the institute i iifi later placed in the home of an uncle. Two small children from North Platte, Xeb.; deserted by father; mot her tried to support children and final}v fai>d in the effort. Two girN from Kenesaw. Neb.; the mother was dying and father desertt-*J the eliild. Baby 1k*v from Geneva. Neb.: the dying mother left child in the hands of an oi«l lady who found it impossible to care for the child longer. Four children taken from the poor house at Blair. Neb.: mother dead; father incapable of caring for them. Fight childien from Sidney. Neb.: the fr.tiler, a. farmer, suffering from a wasi ing disease, moved into town; mother supported children by washing for tw> years: upon her death their eight children were brought to the institute and cared for. Seven small children from Grafton, Xcb.: mother died with consumption; ut ter destitution. Four children from Oxford: father died* mother incompetent; children very bright; two boys and two girls; brought to the Institute. A fa mile from Freedom. Frontier coun ty. Nebraska: father .lied; mother unequal to the task of supporting c hildren; brought to institute and placed in good homes. Four motherless children from a home or want and suffering at Blair. Neb.: placed by i lie father in the institute ami later the children were placed in good homes. Brother and sister from Grand Island: parents separated: neglected by father; brought to institute; placed In good horn^s. Thr«,’ bright children from Schuyler. \rb ; two boys uml a girl: orphans; placed in kooiI homes. Three lx.ys from Custer county. Ne braska; orphans: brought to tin- Institute; now in comfortable homes and doing well. Twenty to twenty-five homeless children have been brought from western Iowa to the institute during the past few years and provided with good homes. The Child Saving Institute is 1> rated at Eighteenth and Ohio streets, Omaha; telephone, Webster 1991. The headquarters of the building fund committee is in room A-30. parlor floor. Hotel Home, Sixteenth and How ard streets.; telephone, Douglas 3051. Contributions and donations should be sent to these headquarters. The benevolent men and women of Nebraska and Western Iowa are urged to aid in the e ffort to raise this build ing fund on or before May 1. Make cheeks payable to the Child Saving Institute and write the build ing committee at an early date. Kicsed by Speaker Cannon. Washington.—For her heroism in saving the lives of nine children dur ing the buring of the General Slocum. ' near New York, in 11)04, Miss Mar? McCabe was presented by Speaker Cannon, on behalf of congress, with a silver life saving medal. Then she was 14 years old. Hut now. notwith standing her more advanced age. a; the conclusion of the ceremonies, Speaker Cannon, "the Iron Duke of American politics,” took her blushing face between his hands and kissed h vr One oi the first Filipino women to hold a physician’s degree will be a young girl from Cavite, who is said to have taken rank as the most brilliant student in the Philadelphia Women’s Medical college. As a child at home, she recalls being awakened by the roar of Dewey’s guns. So were many of her countrymen and women awakened in a mental as well as a physical sense. The average value of laud on Man hattan island, according to the assess ment, is $272,173 an acre. SOON BE IN EFFECI GOVERNOR AFFIXES HIS SIGNA TURE TO THE BANK BILL. OPERATIVE IN A FEW MONTHS Companion to the Depositors’ Guar anty Bill Accepted as It Comes from the House. The chairmen of the enrolling and engrossing committees of the senate and house. Frank J. Henry and W. Z. Taylor, submitted the enrolled bank bill to Governor Shallenberger for his approval. In doing so these members of the legislature addressed the exec utive on the theory of the bill and ex pressing to him their appreciation of what he had done to make the guar anty bill a good one. Governor Shallenberger answered briefly and informally as follows: “1 appreciate fully the honor that is mine in being given the privilege of sign ing the bill. It has been a great pleasure to see this promise of the democratic party being carried out to complete fulfilment. It is not the work of one man. and does not rep resent the sagacity of any one man in the state. Iiather the bill is the re sult of the w isdom and judgment of many men. I have gone over its pro visions carefully, aud am glad to sign it. First, however, I want to go over the sections. The bill is based on the broad principle that the profit and prosperity of banks are derived from the depositors, and the banker who puts aside a portion of his profits to secure safety for the depositor will be amply repaid by the increased con fidence the public will l'eel in his institution. It is merely the principle of insurance carried into the hanking business. I shall be glad to sign the bill, gentlemen of the legislature, when first I have gone over its sec tions.” Later on the governor signed the bill, and in a tew months it will go into effect. The companion to tlie depositors' guaranty banking bill was passed by the senate as it came from the house. The vote was unanimous, there being thirty-one votes for it and two mem bers absent. This bill provides the method of re-chartering national banks which desire to give up their national charters in order to avaii themselves of the benefit of the guar anty law. It also provides that when ever by act of congress or by order of the attorney general national banks shall be permitted to participate in the state guaranty laws, national banks may pay their assessment and partifipate on the same footing as state banks. The senate has ordered 2,1)00 copies of the new hanking law printed for general distribution. - i The Bankino Bill. Over the protests of W. J. Taylor of Custer county, who denounced the measure as having been amended to suit the national bankers, and as not being the law promised the i>eop!e of Nebraska by the democratic party, the house concurred in the senate amendments to the banking bill. Mr. Taylor objected to the reduction made by the senate in the initial levy against the banks to create the guar anty fund from one-half of 1 per cent to one-fourth of 1 per cent. ITe ob jected to the action of the senate in striking from the bill the amendment adopted by the house providing that stockholders in a bank must own other property of equal value, and he objected to the decrease in the re serve to be held in the banks from 20 to 15 per cent. County Option Killed. Tlie county option bill was taken up by the house, which had dodged consideration of the measure for a long time. Debate was limited to half an hour because it was well known that each member had his mind made up on the matter and de bate was but wasted time. The bill was voted on and defeated in com mittee by a vote of 52. no negative vote being taken. When the house rose from committee of the whole the result was emphasized on roll call by a vote of 52 to 29. nin.% members be ing absent or not voting. Of these . nine a majority are supposed to be opposed to comity option. Thus :ho question was defeated. Physical Valuaticn Bill. The senate refused to concur in house amendments to the physical valuation bill and unless the house changes its position on this hill there promises to be a deadlock of goodly proportions. A conference committee consisting of Senators Ollls, Millet ar.d Tanner was appointed on the hill and as the latter two named men art the sponsors for the two charter bills which the house mutilated and as Sen ator Ollis is introducer of the physical valuation hill, the outlook is not good To Adjourn April 1. An agreement lias been reached up on the date for final adjournment of the legislature, both houses having ratified the- report of the conference committee on Friday fixing Thursday, April 1, as the time. The outlook at the present time is that the fiction sanctified by generations of precedent of stopping the clock on the final day and running over two or three days later may be dispensed with this year. There is no telling, however, what contingency may arise to prolong the session. New Buildings Agreed To. The senate agreed to pass hills ap propriating $70,000 for two new build ings at the Beatrice institute; $40,000 for an administration building at the Peru Normal, and $50,000 for a new wing to be added to the Kearney Nor mal school. Prohibits Watering of Stock. Senator Brown's bill to prevent the watering of stock by public service corporations was passed in the sen ate. The vote was unanimous, and thirty-two votes were cast, one sena tor being absent. THE HOUSE CONCURS. Tfee Senate Amended Bank Bill is Accepted. Tho bank bill as amended in the senate was concurred In by the house and goes now to the governor for his signature. Of that the bill is assured for in conference the governor said that although the bill was not entirely to his liking he was willing to take it as the best that could he done under the circumstances. Taylor of Custer appeared as the chief champion against adopting the senate amendments to the guarantee bill. Opposed to him were all the house members of the hanking com mittee which framed the bill. Taylor had the solid following of the repub licans save four who voted against the motion made by Taylor not to con cur in the senate amendments on three sections. With them went nine teen democrats who believed as Tay lor did that the amendments he point ed out weakened the measure. The vote on not concurring in the three sections as amended by the senate stood 43 to 53 and they were adopt ed as sent from the senate. The hill as it goes to the governor makes no changes in the composition of the banking board front what it was arranged by the committee. The hoard is still to be comiiosed of three mem bers, the governor, the attorney gen eral and the auditor. The governor is to huve practically all the power of direction and appointment. 11c is really to he the board per se. This was done because the democrats would not trust the two republicans who must of necessity be members of the board. The entire board Is to have control of what hanks may he desig-. uated as depositories of that portion of the reserve of hanks not requin d to he maintained as actual cash on hand. Banks in towns of one hundred or less may he formed with only $10, Otto capital stock, hanks in towns of 100 to 500 ca:t have not less than $15, 000 capital stock, in towns 50o to 1,000 not less than $20,000, in towns of 1.000 to 2.000 not less than $25,000 capital, in cities of 2.000 to 5,00(1 not less than $35,00, in cities of 5,000 to 25.000 not less than $50,000 capital, and in cities of 25,00 to more popula tion not less than $100,000 capital stock. All this must be paid up. This is less drastic than the original bill, but is more stringent than the present hanking law. A majority of directors in any bank must reside in the county where such bank is located or in counties adjacent thereto. Each di rector must own stock in an amount not less than $3,000 if the hank has a $50,<jOO capital and not less than 4 per cent if a smaller bank. The di rectors may not borrow more than 20 per c^rtf each of the amount of tho capital stock, and the aggregate loans to directors shall not exceed 50 per cent of the total capital. Each stockholder must he liable in rho sum of his stock and that much more for the debts of the corpora tions. This is the present law and is the requirement of the institution. A stockholder need not prove before in corporation that he owns as much property outside banking stock as ho holds that commodity. Indeed he need not own any other property than Ills bank' stock. He must, however, prove that he is a person of integrity and financial standing to the satisfaction of the board before any charter may lie issued. The assessments may not exceed one-fourth of 1 per cent for each six months until July 1. 1911. un less there is an emergency call and af ter that date only one-twentieth of one per cent each six months. Final Adjournment Not Fixed. j After the senate committee on final adjournment reported March 30 as the date agreed upon, some of the senators decided the day was too eariy, and although the report had been adopted, the senate reconsid ered its action and left the matter undecided. The house concurred in the report. Orthooedic Hospital for Omaha. Senator Ransom presented a propo sition to the senate finance committee for the appropriation of $15,000 to buy a site for an orthopedic hospital for Omaha to he a part of the State University Sc hool of Medicine estab lished there. He told the committee he had u pledge of a gift for the con struction or the hospital that would not be less than $50,000, the same to be available as soon as the site was secured. Ready for Governor. Among measures now ready for signature are: Depositors’ guaranty banking bill. Publicity of campaign contributions bill. Anti-intimidation bill. Reciprocal law amendments bill. Elective precinct assessors bills. Bill permitting national banks to re-charter under state laws or take advantage of the slate guaranty law. Physical valuation bill. Omaha home rule charter bill. All these bills have either been passed by both houses or are so far advanced that their immediate pas sage is assured. Important Bilk. Acted Upo;i. The house concurred in the seuate amendments to the Skeen hills for the elet tiou of precinct assessors. The bills provide these officials shall lie elected every two years, beginning with next fjs.ll. and shall in cities number one for each 4.000 population. County assessors arc left unchanged. County boards are to divide a county into districts for assessment. Under a separate bill provision will be made for assessment of real estate every two years instead of every four years but lias not yet gone through. Investigate Bond Concerns. In the passage of a Trill to investi gate the surety bond companies the house passed one of the important measures of the session. The bill was introduced by the claims com mittee. It provides for the creation of a commission, consisting of the governor, auditor, and attorney gen eral, to make a complete investiga tion of rates charged by these com panies and Jto fix a maximum sched ule for future business. It is said these concerns have entered into a combination to boost rates. NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious, Social, Agricultural. Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. The “wets” and “dry's" are lining up all along the Nebraska line. The city of Lincoln has won its dol lar gas suit. High water in Sheridan county de stroyed a number of bridges. Work on the new opera house at Beatrice will be started April 1. Fire at McCook destroyed Gannis' general merchandise store. A new bank is scheduled lor Red ! Cloud with a capital stock of $25,000 paid up. Win. Nightengale, Omaha, aged 25. quit by the carbolic route. He had of late been much addic ted to drink. John Roby of Hall county shot at a cat, killing the same, but the bullet, sped on and likewise took the life of a colt. Mrs. M. M. Falk, a resident of West Beatrice, gave birth to triplets, all boys. They weigh 8, 7 and G pounds, respec lively. Stella, the G-year-old daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. C. D. Richie of Mitchell, was run over and instantly killed by a car in the- switch yards. Miss Rachel Fairchild has been re elected superintendent of the schools at Spencer, with substantial increase in salary. Mr. Kingsburry, the well-known horseman of Auburn, has moved to Nebraska City with his large string of fast horses and will train them on the new track at the city park. Work has been begun on the laying of the brick of the first story of the postofflee building at Grand Island, the foundation and basement being complete. The man held in Valentine for mur der, named Storey, appeared before the county judge and waived prelimi nary and was bound over to district court without bail. Herbert, the 12-year-old son of Geo. Helmick, living two miles south of Stella, shot himself in the foot with a 22-caliber rifle with which lie was playing. .Mr. anu .Mrs. .1. t.. \am.ecr arnvea in Trcuinseh from Sheridan. Wyo.. with the remains of their 4-year-old son, where he was drowned in at tempting to secure iiis hat when it was blown into the stream. The Grand Island Banking company, one of 'lie oldest as also one of the strongest state banks in Nebraska, iias decided to nationalize. It lias a capital of 1100,000. a surplus of $50. 000. and deposits of nearly $700.o00. All things are ready for the county convention of Sunday school workers of Custer county, to begin on April 21 and to run until the evening of the 22d. The session will be held in the Presbyterian church in Broken Bow. Alva A. Randall, son of A. P. Ran dall of Clay Center, died at their farm home six miles southeast of Clay Center, as a result of an injury re ceived by being thrown from a horse in December. Deceased was 29 years of age. An El Reno tOkla.) paper is author ity for the statement that a number of well-known Nebraskans have lo cated in that city and expect to do business on a large scale. They have organized the Conservative Loan com pany. Ben Urandstaff, hauling hay for S. P. Alderman, near Bassett. with a four-horse pony team, has the record of hauling the largest load of hay in that vicinity. He had a load weigh ing 11.570 pounds. The net hay weighed 9,070 pounds. Air. and Mrs. David Brion of Ewing celebrated their sixtieth wedding an niversary. all of their children being present to help celebrate the day. They were married in Pennsylvania and came to Nebraska thirty years ago. Mrs. Peter Sanders of Grand Island, tlie wife of a painter, old-time resi dents of the city, committed suicide by shooting herself in the mouth. Mrs. Sanders has been in poor health for several years and despondency was the cause of the act. Peru claims the oldest notary pub lic in point of service of any Nebras ka city or town. Mr. D. C. Cole of that place received his lirst commis sion four years before Nebraska was made a state and he has kept it in force continuously since that. time. A jury in district court of Washing ton county rendered a verdict in favor of Flossie Plotorff, a girl of 14 years, against William Wilson, a merchant of Arlington, for $10,000 and costs. The girl was driving a horse on her way to school, when Wilson attempt ed to pass her with his automobile on a high and narrow' grade. The horse scared and threw her out, injuring her Victor Lang, a well known Beatrice man, who recently disposed or his business, and \\ras preparing to take a trip to his old home in Austria when he discovered that he was not an American citizen. He was prepar ing to make out an application for passports. Unfair discrimination against the country elevators in favor of the ter minal elevator companies is alleged in the case ol' H. Gund & Co. of Blue Hill against the Burlington. .This is the complaint heard by Speciul Exam iner Brown of the interstate com merce commission. Rev. George J. Glauber, rector of the Catholic church of Hartington, is dead of paralysis at the age of 55. Born in Buffalo, he was educated at St. Joseph’s college there and at St. Jerome’s at Berlin, Canada, and grad uated In theology at Niagara univer sity. News has been received at Nelson of the death by suicide of Mrs. Jo seph Kramer, who lived five miles southwest of there. She shot herself with a shotgun, the charge tearing away the greater part of her face. No reason is known.- The woman was in Nelson the day before the tragedy. Prominent People FAMOUS SCIENTIST _ Prof. Simon Newcomb, tho most di guished astronomer of the United States one of the foremost mathematicians of th>- v celebrated the seventy-fourth anniversary >■: birth the other day at his home in Washi:: Congratulations from famous scientists noted people the wor ld over came pourrig in day long. Prof. Newcomb is one of the most v known figures in .the scientific world. H’ t well known abroad as as lie is in this c. ■ and has been decorated by the mosr guished of the world's rulers, beside conferred on him honorary degrees from scientific institution worth the mention, here and abroad. He was retired as a rear auiuuai m 12 years ago but he lias kepi steadily at work, and is just completi; g t mental work on the motion of the moon, which is the result of hall a <•••» of labor. I’efore retiring he was chief of the Nautical Almanac, the no • st ruse scii ntiflc publication by Ihe government, and after his re ' ■ ' 1 work on the moon, on which he is still engaged, was carried on under "w age of ihf government. After the founding of the Carnegie institutio: i ' up Ihe work which has since been carried on by Prof. Newcomb. wh‘> tin a corps of expert computers and others necessary in carrying but tb“ u-' mechanical details of the work. Prof. Newcomb has always enjoyed good health till about two monf's ; - when ii was necessary for an operation to he performed on him. H ■' w *': ’ thiough the ordeal as much as a matter of course as though he had h •• • ■> rectlng s quadron evolutions in the navy. He was much interested- in '' • mechanical details of the case, ar.d pulled through easily with the a’d rugged constitution in spite of his advanced age. He has been all over :he world both in his active work in the na\ since then on scientific expeditions, observing eclipses and attending • meeting of distinguished mathematical and astronomical bodies In Europe, was only last spring that he attended the international mathematics gross in Home and thence journeyed to lb rlin to personally thank h up William for conferring on him the Prussian Order of Merit. He lias met practically all the crowned heads of Europe, lunclie-l - the king of England and been decorated and received by the kaiser <>. of tne ornaments of his parlor is a costly vase from the czar of Ituc^. t ■ another a bowl of rare Safsutna ware from ihe mikado of Japan. it w probable that iis work on the motion of the raocu w.ll b - ' ihe hands ot the printer during the corning summer. HIT TRUST PROSECUTION : I Judge Albert H. Anderson, ihe United iv a ■ di:;lrict jurist who directed a verdict in favo the Standard Oil Company in the Chicago tvK.t. case in wliich Judge Landis once imposed a tt ’ OtiO.OOO fine and there y has thrown a gr--i n stacio in Tin way of tin* rebate and trti-t p; cut ions started l»j ox-Fresident Roosevelt, won a imputation for his independence of thuug, anu action, lie presides over the Indianapolis court, having been appointed in IbOJ. A f - months after Ins taking the bench he r!as:o with an Indiana circuit court and promptly sc:c a circuit judge, a sheriff and his chief deputy. : district chairman, an ex-judge, a metropolitt. [>oiice board president and other prominent pol ticiar.s to jail cells fot contempt of court iv. I i vrn “I r> 1AIJJ i <1 St . 1 it*".' I loll qurMiuuf 1 jurisdiction of the federal court in the matter and placed a receiver appoirr* l'j the circuit court in charge of a manufacturing plnnt. ! fce political prominence of the men sent to jail led to the bringing <* powerful influences to bear upon Judge Anderson lo save them from act t. incaret ration in ceils. Alt t ffortr were in vain, however, and it took an o i from ilie Cnitud States supreme court to get the distinguished “convicts" o of jail after a week or two behind the bars. Judge Anderson is of Hocsier birth and breeding, and is classed .*.- o> * of Senstoi H veriige's selections, lie was practicing law in Crawfords' when he was named as federal judge. He is 52 years old. STIRRED UP BIG FUSS Grove Johnson, member of the California stall legislature, found himself suddenly tn:v formed from a modest neighborhood statesman into an international character a few weeks age It is not often that an ordinary garden variete" state 'legislator becomes a figure of national ;:i international importance for emperors, pre dents, cabinet ministers, senators and repr atives to quarrel over, lint Grove Johnson . : California did lhat. And he did it all with a little bill which offered to the legislature lor passage Yh measure classed th< Japanese in California wi the Chinese and other aliens in prohibiting to them the right to own real estate. The major of the state legislature was heartily in favo - v .ivuulivii O IkIVUOUl' , * lUJ II of J\p;n, President Roosevelt, several thousand senators, congressmen, ed: iors and like prominent e tizens were bitterly ttnd violently opposed to i; Their frantic efforts were tinally suceessful in getting the measure killed, and international peace, although given a hard jolt, was cinched again. Air. Johnson will now. perhaps diop back into the neighborhood eta- of eetebtity. Or he may,so use his sudden lame as to knock some mo port a ni political plums off the tree with it. GRAND VIZIER OF TURKEY | Hilmi Pasha, w hom the whirligig of polit fate lias just rolled around to the top in Turk as grand vizier, is one of the leader* in <i movement for a constitution and liberal gov. meat. He was minister of the interior'in :: • cabinet of his predecessor, the aged an.I fox Kiamil Pasha. The latter, even af'er the d mauds of the suddenly powerful Young Tnrhi had been met with promised acquiescence v.. won over by the old palace clique. The climax came when the venerable vi/ic appointed two new ministers, men who *hl more Ilian suspected of disloyalty to the refer* movement. The grand vizier was forced ini' <•’ his job forthwith by a parliamentary vice „f “confidence" which went the wrong way. i«*s ti a. men nunai rasna. whose heart la with n > progressive party, was named by uie sultan for the highest post in the empir except the throne itself. The new grand vizier achieved a success with hi,; first speech ift'M h - appointment, in which he outlined the political program. The speech mad" good impression, and was generally regarded as a model of political fa- • ,ui'< discretion. The vizier acknowledged the supremacy of the chum ho deputies, and his admission was especially welcome to the committer . union and progress, who considered his predecessor to be too high-handed The Turkish Women. When rho Turks decided to take a hand in the governing of tlielr country we heard much about the coming emancipation of the Turkish women and of the important part they played in the political upheaval in their land. It was made to appear as if the spirit of political unrest had penetrated even the harem of the sultan, Those famil iar with Turkish ways, however, say that it will be many yearft befo^ the women of that land learn to thift for themselves. In no other European country' have women been repressed as in Turkey. Nowhere else is their liberty curtailed so effectively as in I the sultan's land. Yet they appear to t»e supremely happy—that is. if the I jontentmeut. of Ignorant*- ran b jailed happiness. New Fruit Invented in Florida. •One of the coming new fruits that will add to the reputation of Florida b his described by t he Ernst is !*ake II, ;iou: The new fruit. Taageio v:.. shown the editor this week by Prank Savage, who has propagated ^he same, the tree having this year ih the fruit. U is a cross between he pomelo and tangerine. Th» fli-,, s like the grapefruit, and the s’ m- rind like the tangerine. 0^1 hings are expected or it.’ The cit l K ,FI°rida ar* ™l*ble of fu-:. nei hj bidization. producing new frnfts >uf they can hardly be iirn- v .