The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 18, 1909, Image 8

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1 oMm^KPiSP^
_TO YU CAT A*/ 1
HAT little the dollar loving Amer
ican has done in prying and peep
ing into the great natural treasure
houses of Sonora convinced him
years ago that that western Mexi
can .province was a countiy well
worth exploiting, if more than
half of the silver of the world
has come out of Mexico, as is
probably the fact, then, from all
reports, when the argentiferous
deposits of Sonora are properly
opened up three-fourths of the
world's silver will come from the land of Diaz. Sonora
has been exi.wting $12,000,000 to $15,000,000 of silver
a year and could have exported five times that, amount
and an incalculable quantity of gold but for one reason—
the count! has not been safe for white people, except
in the la: ’ r towns, because of the warlike Yaquis, who
have been battling for generations against the Mexicans.
But now the good news has been flashed over the
wires that >he long drawn Yaqui war is at an end and
that a treaty favorable to the* Indians has been negotiated,
so that toon there will be such an inrush of greedy
gringoes, as the Mexicans call us, into Sonora as has
never.been seen before. For there will be no more night
attacks upon ore wagon and supply trains, no more ter
rorizing of the miners in their prospect holes and no
more rushes to the gun rack in the lonely cabin on the
It is characteristic of our commercial age that the
chief interest of the white people in the Yaqui uprisings
has not been a humane but a financial one. Although
Americans have obtained concessions from the Mexican
government of mining, cattle and farming lands, they
have never been able to hold undisputed sway over
them. Now the hardy gringo will descend upon Sonora,
bent upon a conquest far more thorough than that of
Gen. Scott in 1S48. He lusts for the silver and gold
hidden under the Sor.ora mountains, for great bands of
cattle and for the fruits cf the fertile valleys, and he will
have them.
Not that the Americans have been essentially hostile
to the Yaquis. for many guns and much ammunition have
been taken over the border to aid them in their des
perate fight, but that when Diaz has seen fit to parcel
off a comfortable section of Yaqui land here and there
to an enterprising Yankee for a con
sideration it has been only natural
that Yaqui and Yank should have be
come embroiled at times.
“T1..J Yaqui Indians are the most
stubborn fighters on earth,” said Presi
dent Diaz of Mexico eight years ago,
‘‘and if ever we are to put them down
we must strike at the root of their race
—we must exile their women and chil
So, month by month, since then thou
sands of the little brown women of the
Yaqui nation in Sonora have been torn
from their homes on reservations and
elsewhere, rounded up at Guaymas, on
the west coast of Mexico, and, with
their children, deported to San Dias and
thence across country to the far fever
lands of Yucatan, where many of them
have died. None have ever returned to
This means of 'subduing a race that
aas bqen in almost constant warfare
against the Mexican government for
more Shan 30 years has at last been
effective, although it has been neces
’ saly ai the same time to keep from
2,000 to 5,000 troops in readiness or
In theJ field to fight the diminishing
band of Yaquis, who have proved them
selves as valiant and as unyielding as
the Boers.
The last two stands of the Yaquis
have recently been reported in the dis
patches. One of these was in a moun
tain canyon just north of Altar, where
the Mexicans «ind Papagos lured the
Yaquis into ambush and killed a large
number of them. The other and con
cluding engagement followed a skir
wish that was made by the Mexicans
southeast of Hermosillo, the capital of
Sonora, in wThich it wras reported that
Buie, the chief of the Yaquis, was killed
and 100 of his men were slain. After
this bloody battle the remnant of the
Yaqui forces engaged in that fight
marched into Hermosillo and surren
So many other events have been tak
ing place on this populous planet, and
the affairs of Sonora enter so little into the consideration
of the people on this rim of the continent, with the ex
ception of those American capitalists who have longed
to unearth the mining treasures of that rich gold and
silver country, that we have been more interested in
college football contests than in this terrible warfare
that “has been going on within five days’ railway journey
of New York for the last three decades and even longer.
For, as a matter of fact, the Yaquis have never been
at peace with their hereditary foe since the conquest
of Mexico by the
Spanish in 1519,
and from an es
timated popula
tion in 1620 of
200.000 the race
has steadily de
clined chiefly lie
cause of its al
most incessant
warfare, to about
40.000 at the
present day.
Having regard
ed the Yaqui at
close range and
having studied
him and marked
what manner of
man he is any
one may be ex
cused for an ad
miration of him
that surpasses
my appreciation
of any other of
the native races
of North America.
Assuredly these
people are the
most industrious
and most civil
ized of all Indian
tribes, being for
the most part
farmers, miners
and craftsmen,
and far superior
to the average
Sonoran of the
haciendas and
villages, who will
not work while
he has a peso in
his iiocket and
while mescal can
be had at the
cantina, and who, when he enters the army, is generally
sent there from jail.
As for the Yaqui as a fighter, he has proved himself
a better man even than the Apache, while resorting to
few, if any, of the Apache's bloodthirsty tricks of war
fare. The Yaqui army has been regularly organized up
to the last year, has been well drilled in tho use of the
rifle, has had its generals and colonels and captains, and
has given such a good account of itself that it has kept
3,000 Mexican troops under Gen. Torres busy all the
while in a warfare that lias not been that of savages—
has. in fact, been fully as humane as that of its foe
It is not necessary to go back any further than 1878
to get a good idea of what the Yaquis have been doing
in trying to hold their own against the people of Spanish
descent in Mexico. In that year, because of trespass
upon their lands and because ihe Mexicans had taken
large numbers of them to work upon their ranches in
practical slavery, these tremulously tenacious fighters re
sumed hostilities after a short period of peace. Gen.
Cajemi. their governor, took command and for seven
years held the passes and strongholds against 5,000
troops under Gen. Pesquiera.
Although the Yaquis gave a good account of them
selves, they lost many men and Gen. Cajemi was cap
tured and shot. Still the defensive wax- was continued,
and when at last the Mexicans drove them out of their
strongholds and captured their mines there came a pe
riod during which only desultory raids upon the hacien
das were made. During that period the Yaqui women
and boys and some of the non-combatant men of the
tribe went out to earn money in the mines, ranches and
fisheries to buy arms and ammunition to carry on the
A number of American miners who had been unable
peaceably to work their mines brought about the peace of
Oritz in May, 1897. The government then began to take
Yaqui boys from the reservations and send them to
Vera Cruz, on the other side of the continent, tosjnake
soldiers of them. These boys were as good if not better
sharpshooters than the Doer youth, and the \aquis saw
that in thus depriving them of what would be a great
source of reliance in future battle they would eventually
have to give up all hope of ever holding their own. So
that the peace of Oritz only lasted a few months before
there was another uprising and more fighting, chiefly of
a guerilla nature, which continued for several years.
Meantime every cent that the non-combatants of the
tribe could earn and save was handed over to the chiefs,
who bought with this money enough Mauser rifles and
mountain howitzers to equip very decently an army of
5,000 men, under Gen. Tetaviate, who, in April, 1899,
took the field after having made this statement:
“We Yaquis are a peaceful and industrious people.
When the Mexicans want workers for their mines »r
factories they come to us. We do not want war. We
have never wanted it, but we want our rights. We made
a treaty of peace with the Mexican government, our Iierd
itary foe, in May, 1897, after a long series of wars, the
last of which was more than ten years in duration. We
intended to keep faith with the government of Mexico,
but it has pursued a course of cruel encroachment and
menace. Wg are now ready to fight it again, and all the
battles of the past will be as nothing compared with
the bloodshed that will follow our entry into the field.” •
Gen. Tetaviate began operations in the lower valley
of the Rio Yaqui, where his men drove out the white
settlers upon Yaqui lands. They cut the telegraph wires
and destroyed other means of communication, and it was
some time before the hastily summoned
Fifth cavalry and Eleventh and Twelfth
infantry companies could be marched
tigainst them. Then followed a series of
battles which generally concluded unsat
isfactorily for the Mexicans, though
there was au occasional rounding up of
the rebels in which large numbers of
them were slaughtered. On the approach
of the troops the Indians usually took up
strong positions in the mountain fast
nesses. One large hand fortified Itself
in the Bacatete range, between the Yaqui
and Matopo rivers, and another in thsf
Sahuaripa mountains. Efforts were
made to keep these two bands apart, hut
the working Yaqttis all over Sonora and
in California and Arizona were constant
ly coming in and joining with their
brethren and the depredations upon the
ranches and villages were widespread.
Meantime the Mexicans gathered In
thi' women and children of their foemen
for deportation to Yucatan, following the
demand of Diaz to “exterminate the Ya
qnis." Maddened by this and by the
reports that the women and children
were not merely deported, hut that they
were taken out into the Gulf of Califor
nia and thrown overboard from the troop
ship Oaxaca, the desperate Indians attacked the hacien
ras and also threatened the larger towns. Terror mad.
the citizens of Nogales fled from their homes, and for
a time martial law was proclaimed over the fear-stricken
city of Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora. During the
height of the excitement, troops were coming in bringing
women and children for deportation, and also an occa
sional band of Yaqui soldiers, who were generally thrust
into prison over night and in the morning taken out
lined up and shot.
One of the most terrible slaughters^during the last war
upon the Yaquis occurred in June, 1902. One evening 300
armed Yaquis descended upon four haciendas near Her
mosillo and took away 600 of their tribe, including women
• and children, who were there employed. The band
inarched toward Ures, reached Mazatan mountain, and
while waiting for the Mexican soldiers made bows, ar
rows and spears for those who were unarmed.
On June 15 900 Mexican soldiers came around the
mountains, surprised the Yaqtiis, chased the armed war
riors down the mountain, killing many of them and ta
king all the hacienda folk prisoners. Soon after the
skirmish Ales Hrdlicka, representing the American mu
seum, found in a little ravine on the mountain side the
bodies of 61 of the Indians, including a number of wom
en. a little girl and a baby. The skulls of nearly all the
victims were so shattered by Mauser bullets as to be of nc
use for the museum for which Hrdlicka was collecting.
In the hospital at Hermosillo in 1902 there were as
many as 12 wounded women and a girl of seven with
three bullet wounds in her body.
As another example of brave Mexican warfare 300 wom
en and children who were captured near the Rancho Viejo
were kept in a corral under guard for two days, during
which time they were given nothing to eat but twe
and one-half bushels of raw corn, on which they subsisted
until night, when they were marched to Hermosillo, 3E
miles away.
In July, 1902. an attempt was made by the Mexicans
to surround 200 Yaquis in the San Mateo foothills, but
the Indians learned of what was afoot, slipped into a
side valley before the advance of the troops, and in the
night strangled the sentries and, proceeding over to the
sleeping soldiers, slew the whole column in the daikness
and bound the officers to the trees, where they were
found when relief came.
One reason why the last ten years’ war has been mor
bloody than any that preceded it was that the Mexicaf
government decreed that every Yaqui living on the pV
ebios or working on ranches or anywhere else wak to Y
treated as a prisoner of war.
Qualities in Men.
A sad nature sheds forth twilight. A merry and mir,^
ful nature brings daylight. A suspicious nature insensi j
bly imparts its chill to every generous soul within its j
reach. A bold ahd frank nature overcomes meanness ;
in men. Fineness makes them firm. Firmness makes j
them fine. Taste directs, stimulates and develops taste.
—Henry Ward Beecher.
Varying Versions at to How the Dish
Received Its Name.
They had ordered a porterhouse
steak and the manager of the restau
JST who knew them well, strolled up
to pass the time of day.
V«-Sav ” inquired Blickens, “where did
the name ‘porterhouse1 come from,
an‘‘X?ls a subject that has been a
F 1 1 1 '
good deal in dispute,” said the man
ager. "I’ve heard it said that it was
so named after a certain hotel called
the Porter House, which made a spe
cialty of large, fine steaks.
"But a well educated English head
waiter I used to know once told me
that the name porterhouse is of Eng
lish origin. He said that the cafes on
the other side, or ‘pubs,’ as they called
them, used to be divided into two
classes, the ale houses and the porter
houses. The ale houses naturally
were most frequented by those with
the least money. The spenders, how
ever, always went to the porter houses,
where they were sure of a good qual
ity of wine. Port in those days was
considered the only wine which prop
erly went, with fine steaks and since
the usual order was for a steak for
four, such houses gradually began to
make a specialty of extra large
steaks cooked Jn the most expert
fashion. So steaks In time came to
be known as plain steaks and porter
house steaks, the latter meaning a
dish prepared for high-class patron
age. I don’t know whether this way
of accounting for the name is correct
or not, but it sounds reasonable, any
A Daughter in the Home.
"Gunpowder st^ys where you put it,
but gasoline floats away. Though a
woman wouldn't dream of using gun
powder in her toilet, she uses gasoline
regularly, which is a hundred times
more dangerous. Here is another ter
ror born of the automobile.”
The speaker was a chauffeur. He
“The automobile has familiarized us
with gasoline and we have forgotten
its perils. We wash gloves in it, wre
take out grease spots with it, we even
use it in shampoos.
“Gunpowder stays where you put
it, but gasoline uses its wings. There
is a recorded case where the vapor,
traveling 30 feet, took fire at a gas jet
and burned a young girl to death. So
the next time your wife asks you to
order her some gasoline tell her you'd
rather she'd try gunpowder.”
Man Is Not Made for Himself Only.
No man is made only for himself
and his own private affairs, but to
serve, profit and benefit others.—Ben
jamin Colman.
Few of us are interested in those
famous pavements made o:f good inten
tions, as we don’t expect to go there,
anyhow.—Chicago News.
fight against tuberculosis.
Workingmen Are Organizing Again*
a Dangerous Foe.
No movement is at the presenttime
more deeply stirring the ranks of or
ganized labor throughout the l nit«l
States than the campaign against tu
berculosis. Politics, strikes bojcot. •
and all other issues are being Jd
tracked to make way for the g
which is to save the lives of thou
sands of laboring men. Meetings an
being held and movements started n
Hundreds of cities for the purpose
of stimulating the lubor forces to ac
tivity in anti-tubergulo.sis work.
History of Movement.
This uprising against the worst fo -
ot the workingmen is of such recent
growth that in spite of its present
magnitude and daily development, f* v.
people are aware of its significance
and importance. Several years am
some of the larger national and inter
national labor unions, notably the
printers and cigar makers, began an
anti-tuberculosis movement among
their members, which resulted in the
establishment by the printers of a
sanatorium in Colorado Springs. Two
years ago Mr. Paul Kennaday, of New
York, spoke before the American
Federation of Labor, and stirred many
of the other unions to definite action
against tuberculosis. This movement
ripened about a year ago, when in Al
bany, N. Y.. the laboring men got to
gether and built a pavilion chiefly for
the benefit of their afflicted member.
The members of the Central Feder
ated Cnion of that city, numbering
about ti.oOO, each pay five cents a
month fc-r the maintenance of this
paviilon. But more than the pavilion
was the interest they aroused in th*
ranks of labor throughout New York
state and the country in general.
Some Results.
The results of the movement have
been the establishment of a labor de
partment by the State. Charities Aid
association and a speical lecturer to
the unions, and an effort to enlist the
aid of laboring men throughout tie
state in the campaign against tuber
culosis. The American Federation <
Labor, at its recent Denver conven
tion. adopted resolutions of approval
of the general course followed at Al
bany, and called upon its affiliated
unions throughout the country to fol
low this' example. Several of the
State Federations of labor have also
urged action against tuberculosis
The Internationa! Tuberculosis ex
hibit, held in New York City recently,
stirred the workingmen of that city
and Brooklyn to a realization of dan
ger and responsibility, and they, too
recently took definite action in the
warfare against this disease. From
here the movement has spread alt
over the United States, until almost
every labor union of any important
in almost every trade is beginning to
discuss tuberculosis at its meetings
Hartford. Conn.; Galveston. Tex.;
Newark, N. J.; St. Louis. Mo.; San
Francisco, Cal.; Trenton. N. J.; Read
ing. Pa.; Bridgeport, Conn.: Boston
Mass., and Philadelphia, Pa., are a few
of the cties that are leading in thir.
In Connecticut, largely through th
efforts of John F. Gunshannon. a
movement has been organized in Hart
ford, Bridgeport. New Haven and sev
eral other cities, through which the
various employers and employees of
the factories an paying for the treat
meut of their fellow consumptives. Mr
Gunshannon's plan is to interest each
factory in an effort to care for its own
consumptives. Subscriptions are taken
among the workingmen, and in almost
every case the employer contributes
a sum equal to the total contributed
by his men. These various factory
units are so'organized into a central
body that the stronger oues are abb*
to help the weaker. The money
raised goes for the support of needy
consumptive workmen in tuberculosis
Iu this way hundreds of. factories in
almost all of the large cities of Con
necticut have been organized, and a
large number of s'.ck workingmen and
their families are being cared for.
Consumption Fatal to Laborer.
That tuberculosis is particularly
fatal to the workingmen may be clear
ly seen from the fact that at least
one-third of the deaths during the
chief working period of life are caused
by pulmonary tuberculosis. Every
other workman who becomes incapac
itated. must ascribe his condition to
consumption. Dr. Lawrence F. Flick
says: "Tuberculosis is peculiarly a
disease of '.he wageworkers, and thi
is so for the very good reason that
one cf the causes of the disease is
overwork.” In some trades, such as
the metal polishers, brass workers.
; and stone workers, from 35 to 30 pet
cent of all deaths are caused by tu
berculosis. Dusty trades are particu
larly dangerous. Nebraska Associa
rloit for the Study and Prevention ot
Tuberculosis, 408 City Hall, Omaha.
The “Adam God“ Trial.
Kansas City, Mo.—The criminal
court set March 30, as the date for
the trial of James Sharp, known as
"Adant Cod,” and Melisa Sharp
his wife, religious fanatics charged
with the murder of Policeman Mi
chael P. Mullane.
Leupp Will Remain.
Washington—Comisioner Leupp. at
i the earnest solicitation of President
Taft, has withdrawn his resignation
and will remain at the head of the
Indian bureau for some months at
j least. Mr. Leupp was reluctant to do
this, but he has inaugurated some re
forms in administration of Indian af
fairs which meet with the entire ap
proval of President Taft and he has
i requested that Mr. Leupp continue in
office a sufficient time to work out
I his recommendations in the Indian
Land Selections in Wyoming.
Washington.—The secretary of the
interior has approved indemnity se
iection Not 10, for 4,883 acres of land
located iu the Douglas land district
in Wyoming: also selection No 117
of the same state under its grant
3,000 acres, and 200 . acres in thl!
same laud district as a slt6 for ^
deaf, dumb and blind asylum , ' ,
erected. The secretary ottZ £*
ury sent a check for $10 000 toth
United States district’attorney £
the payment of the site for th/
11c building at Ames, la. th pUb’