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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1909)
A. P. CULLEY, President. IRA E. WILLIAMS, Cashier. FIRST mrallL BE OF Loup city. i js m i f 1 & Conser vative | V 1908 and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Corn, per bu..53 @ .55 Wheat, per bu.98 <§ 1.00 Oats, per bu.43 <« .47 Rye. per bu. .65 Butter, per lb. .20 Eggs, per doz... .10 Hens, per lb. .08 Spring chickens, per lb.08C, LOCAL NEWS. A Snap in the Onyx Enamel Ware at Czap lewski's, Saturday only. For Held seeds see T. >1. Reed. ^ 3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray, man. Get him. Grandma Haney is reported as be ' ing quite poorly Loans on real estate, call on John YY Long. Tenus Biemond is reported very ill with the mumps. Finest dill pickles ever on the market at Lee Bros. Phone .S. T. Conger. 3 on 02. when in need of a dravman. Mrs. Win. Graefe has been on the sick list the past few days. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, call on John YY. Long. Newt. Vance becomes a new reader of the Northwestern. Thanks. I will guarantee 25c for butter fat 1 test and pav cash.—A. E. Chase. Mrs. G. S. Leininger went over to Ansley last Thursday for a few days' visit. Watch the Loup City Mercantile store's price list each week. It will k pay you. Our Baptist friends will hold their regular services this coming Sunday as usual. Lee Bros, meat market is the place to get ground green bones for your chickens. You make no mistake in calling on the Stewart Conger drays when you , want quick service. Engineer O'Bryan and wife and son. Bud. were Loup City visitors over last Sunday from Ord. John W. Long is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Paul Christensen of Dannebrog, a brother of our Chris Christensen, visited here over last Sunday. Why pay 25c for good country but ter. when you can buy the best of the Loup City Mercantile Co. for 20c The Ladies of the G. A. R. rendered a very interesting program in honor of Lincoln’s birthday at their last ^ regular meeting. A few White Wyandotte cockerels left for $1.00, also Old Trusty In cubator for $0. Inquire of Ward Yer Valin. Monday evening of this week, Miss Rose Mulick entertained a number of her young lady friends at a taffy-pull, and a very "sticky" time is reported. We still have plenty of feed of all kinds for sale. Farmers bring your wheat and exchange for flour. Loup City Mill & Light Co. The Stewart Conger drays are on the rush from morning to night, but you will get the quickest kind of service on a hurry call. Try them. The P. E. O. Society will give a farewell dinner tomorrow evening toj their sister, Mrs. W. I'. Mason, on the eve of her departure with her hus band and little son for their future home in Oklahoma. When in need of flour ask your dealer for Loup City flour and you will be convinced that they have tne quality and their prices are no higher than other flour. If this is true you should buy flour made by your home . mill. * The 25th of February was the 30t > * wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Foster and on that day they gave a dinner to their sons and wives and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Pugsley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Williams and Edgar Foster In commemoration of the event. Mr ^ Filter also presented his good wife v,;;,i 1 a fine oak rocker. It was a very pleasant re-union of the family. VV. H. Creery lias purchased a farm in the North Platte Valley of Reed Bros, and will build and move there this spring. Chas. Galus has purchased a farm in the North Platte Valley of Reed Bros. Geo. Deininger has purchased a farm from Reed Bros, in the North Platte Valiev. J. F Bock has purchased a farm in the North Platte Valley of Reed Bros. John J. Zink has purchased a farm of 100 acres in the North Platte Valley of Reed Bros. Excursion every Tuesday to the North Platte Valley. See Reed Bros. Look at those bakers in the window at Czaplewski's. Saturday. Only 11 cents each. if you want a good cream separator see T. M. Reed. We are glad to add W. S. Woznickto our list of readers. The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay 25 cents for butter fat till further notice. We pay 2<«c for good country butter and sell it at 20c. Loup City Mercan tile Co. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser's. where you can get anything you want. Mrs. W. T. Gibson has Fairbred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale at 50 cents per dozen. Watch the Mercantile's price list in these columns each week. The low. est prices of any store in the city. Mrs. Nan Hilsabeck and children are here visiting her sister. Mrs. C. C. ' Outhouse, and many friends. The Loup City Mercantile Co. give you prices each week that will save you money. See their price list in another column. A dainty little angel of the femi nine gender arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis in Washing ton township last Friday. Feb. 20. ARE YOU GOING? Where? To Hattie Froehlieh's Millinery Open ing. When? Friday and Saturday, March 12 and 13. John Bangs of Aurora was here over last Sunday visiting his son, L. A. Bangs and family, and helping him move on the John Fisher farm. We can save you a nice piece of money on a refrigerator by getting in your order early.—Christensen Ferdinandt Furniture Co. J. A. Converse, according to the Gibbon notes in the Kearney Hub, has purchased a feed store in his town and become a business entity. We have left for sale only thirty bushels of good, re-cleaned, Home Grown Alfalfa Seed, at $10 per bushel. McKinnie Brothers. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Woznick in this city last Monday night, but lived only a few hours. They will have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in their sorrow. Mrs. H. M. Walker and children left Monday morning for their future home in Washington, on the Pacific Coast, and will visit a few days with relatives at Cairo, this state, before leaving for their destination. The Northwestern wishes thetn a safe journey and prosperous future in their new location. The ladies of Loup City and Sher man county will be pleased to note that Miss Hattie Froehlich will have a grand millinery opening next week Friday and Saturday, March 12 and 13, and will have a much finer and more up-to-date stock of goods than ever before. While away this time she visited Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas; City and secured the very latest, creations in these fashions, w hich will I be on display at her parlors on the! above dates. Don't fail to l<e among the early visitors at her rooms. I Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cooper enter-j ained a number of friends last Friday | .vt a fi:30 o’clock dinner of three •ourses. the evening being passed with flinch. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs J. F. Jeffords, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ver Valin, Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Beushausen. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman. Mrs. H. M. Mathew, Mrs. Eva Kendall, Misses E:fie Moon, Ethel Haggart, Lena S o Jir Etta Lofholm, Messrs. R. H. Mathew and L. G. Lofholm. DO YOU NOT WANT A GOOD Top Buggy or Spring Wagon If so, I am prepared to supply your wants. Also, with anything you may want in the way of Farm Machinery Call early and make your selections and avoid the rush. Yours for Business, T. Mo REED, Loup €it.y, Neb. Grocery Department We have the business, because we sell for a small profit: 15 lbs. good broken Rice.$ .25 4 lbs. prunes.25 N ice large red Onions, per bushel 1.00 3 boxes Seeded Raisins.25 3 boxes Currants.25 3 boxes Dr. Price's Food.25 3 boxes Egg-O-See.25 2 lbs. N. Y. ring dried Apples.25 1 lb. Barrington Hall Coffee.35 Schuyler High Patent Flour, only 1.50 We pay the Highest Market Price for Produce and Chickens. We pay now for— Chickens, per lb...8 l-2c Bring in your Eggs and Chickens as these prices will uot last long. Loup City MercaitileCo. If you want a dray in a hurry and get quick work, see Stewart Conger. A. M. Lewis of Aurora was here Tuesday looking after ids farming interests south of town. G. H. Lindall of Kearney was in the city Tuesday on business and visiting his many friends. VV. R. Mellor was up from Lincoln ■over Tuesday to attend the big pure bred Poland China hog sale. Mrs. Ida Lambert left Monday morning for St. Joe, Mo., after a fine order of up-to-date millinery. Watch for her announcement at an early date. Ben Pageler concluded he could not keep house and be supremely happy without tiie Northwestern, hence it becomes a regular intellectual diet in his home. The David Cole Creamery Co. of Omaha has its local headquarters with Woznick & Son, paying 25c cash for butter fat and testing same while you wait. Miss Ella Taylor has resigned her position at Conhiser’s. This leaves Mr. and Mrs. Pageler in entire charge of the clerical force and they will be a good team, too. O. E. Adams, cashier of the First National bank, starts home life in Loup City right by adding the North western as one of the indispensible necessities of the household. Mrs. E. A. Brown and Miss Flora Brown went to Lincoln last Friday to remain over Sunday and see that E. A. and Arthur were handling legislative matters correctly. (). Benschoter also adds his name to the Northwestern list this week to become among those made happy. It seems good to see Lan with us as a permanent fixture once more. WmrLarsen of the Mercantile re turned from his goods buying trip to St. Louis. Friday night, where lie purchased a much larger and more up-to-date stock than ever before. Henry Dolling and son, Ami], came up from Grand Island Monday even ing last, returning this morning. He has sold his property in that city and wi 1 either buy a farm in Buffalo or this county. We hope Henry may conclude to return here. W. F. Mason and family and W. D. Zimmermau will leave in a few days for Oklahoma, where Messrs. Mason and Zimmerman will engage in the real estate and loan business. The boys have promised to give the North western particulars regarding their new home and new venture, but up to this date have not done so, hence we are only able to give the bare announcement. They expect to leave i for the southland about the 10th or I2tih, as we understand. .Tenner's Park is in possession of a tine specimen of a falcon, which was shot and slightly wounded Saturday by Alfred Minshull and presented to Harry Jenner for his park aviary. We are glad to note the continued improvement in the condition of Pastor James of the Baptist church, j and to assure our people that all : symptoms point to his early recovery. A. C. Ogle, another one of those | prince of good fellows, adds his name to our list of readers. The North western is proud of its growing list, comprising the best in Sherman county. The two-weeks'-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Rubert Kowalewski, living | just east of Loup City, died Sunday last and the funeral took place from j St. Francis church in this city Mon day morning. W. C. Foster and family of Wash ington tow nship moved to Mason City last Monday to make their future home. Their many friends in Loup City and Sherman county will regret losing them from our midst. Latest reports from the bedside of Judge Angier at Salome Springs. Ark., is to the effect that he is gaining in health with good prospects for restora tion to health, which will be hailed with pleasure by all our people. The Northwestern is glad to note that its junior editor is thriving and doing well and is pleased over the ; receipt of numerous telegrams, let | tors and messages of congratulation from friends here and from a distance over his arrival at the editorial home. H. A. Woody last Saturday sold at public auction the contents of his Little Boston store and is getting ready to again become an active granger man and take charge of his farm near Rockville. Of course. Art will hereafter read the Northwestern, so as to be in touch with all the news. Will A. Odendahl came home last Saturday from his new home at Cortez. Colo., where he has purchased an interest in a local paper there, and returned Tuesday morning of this week. Mrs. Odendahl accompany ing him. May they have happiness and prosperity in their new location. The County Convention of the ,W. C. T. U. will be held at the Bap tist church. Loup City. Neb.. March 12, 1.1 and 14, to begin Friday evening and closing Sunday afternoon. The program Saturday afternoon and even ing will be of especial interest. Entertainment will be provided for delegates. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnson went to Loup City the latter part of last week. They will reside on the farm owned by Mr. Johnson's mother and will be eleven miles from Dwight Jacoby. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have lived in Hamilton county nearly all their lives and their departure will be regretted by hosts of friends.—Aurora Republican. At tiie annual meeting of the stock holders of the Farmers’ Elevator Co. of Loud City, Neb., last Saturday, kll the officers were re-elected except the treasurer. Clarence Bnrt being elected to that position. Tiie manager's re port showed that tie had purchased practically 99,000 bushels of grain and that after paying all expenses, in cluding the building of a corn-crib, tiie association would have $100 to its credit. Mr. and Mrs. Tiieo. Wilson arrived in Loup City last Monday from their extended eastern visit. They were accompanied by their-daughter, Mrs ! : J. E. Paige of Morrill, who joined j them at Rockville, where all visited , a short time with their daughter and ! sister, Mrs. L. H. Currier and the i new baby. They will rest a few days | at their home near Ashton and then go to Ord to visit a daughter and family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have not fully decided as yet i whether they will remain at home for a time or go to the Pacific Coast for a further trip. ‘ Judge Moon returned from the west part of the state yesterday, where he lias teen looking after his homestead for the past few weeks. Kurt McKinnie and Roy Leach went to the sandhills near Burwell yesterday to hunt ducks and sioii for a few days. Burt swears—no. not swears, but avers, that he has a hundred rounds of ammunition with which lie expects to get a bird at each shot and will give the Northwestern a goodly supply on his return home. As Burt is a descendant of George Washington and ins hatchet in prin ciples of veracity, we are getting ready for the feast. Tiie jolly, good-natured and hand some countenance of Geo. E. Ben schoter drifted into Loup City Mon day of this week, from his big cattle ranch near Schill. Neb., and will visit around and attend to business mat ters for a couple of weeks. George has grown fat and plutocratic since he sold the Northwestern to us five years since and developed into a cattle baron and acknowledges cow -punching has the newspaper business beaten hands down. We are glad to know this particular ex-new>paper man has made good and is prosperous and happy. The postponed Poland China brcod sow sale of Johansen, Mellor & John son was held at the Johansen farm Tuesday of this week, was fair but did not bring the prices that w'ere wished for. the average being $22.50 ;on their pure-bred hogs. The fact of ! the infernal weather on the regular sale day. the postponement to so! early a date as to make thorough advertising impossible and the ab sence of buyers from a distance who would have been here as good pur chasers had the sale not been put off, are mainly responsible for the un satisfactory result. However, the boys are nervy and not in the least! discouraged, not being made up of that kind of weak material, and will keep right on raising the best Poland China stuff in this section-and make ! good in the future for the bad of Tuesday. We will publish a list of the sale purchases and purchasers next week. Millinery Opening I will have on display copies of the new Gage and Regina bonnets. Never before have 1 had such a complete line of up-to-date hats as will be shown at my opening. Friday and Saturday. March 12 and 13. The hats will charm you. I am sure, and would like very much to have you present. Hattie Froehlich. Residence Property for Sale I will sell my residence property two blocks south of Main street, in cluding four lots all fenced, w ith good well and cistern, house,barn.granary. lien house, coal and kindling shed. The house has eight good sized rooms, four large closets, two halis, two pantries and cupboards, also two porches. The house is newly painted and everything is in good repair. Mrs. Clemma Conger. Residence Property. I have six residence properties for sale One at) $850.00; $1050.00: $1200.00; $1700.00, and one residence with live acres of land and a good barn. Price, $2700.00. A. L. Zimmerman WANT COLUMN Local Notices. Want Ads, Lost. Found of Stolen items. For Sales, etc., under this he id at one-half cent per word, no item less than 5c. tv ANTED—Success Magazine requires the services of a man in Sherman county to look after expiring subscriptions and to secure new business by means of special methods unusual ly effective; position permanent; prefer one »ith experience, but would consider any ap plicant with pood natural qua! ifleations; salary *1.50 per day. with commission option. Ad dress. with references, R. C. Peacock. Room Mki, Success Mapazi_s Bldp.. New York. DO YOU-WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE? If so we can help you. We have already put hundreds throuph collepe by means of our plan. Write today fop full information repard inp our offer of a free scholarship in any school , or collepe. Address. Robert J. Snerlock. dfi-31 East i-Jd Street. New York City. New Dress G< sods_ We have just received our new line of Spring Ginghams, Percales, Dress Gambric, Dress Muslins in Colors And a new line of iir.en colored Calicos, also the largest Jinc o- Sight dress goods ever shown in Loup City cr any other small town. We ask every lady to come and see them Price is right. - — COMHISER’s Special Rug Sale Smith's Asm. Bug, Floral yattern. 9x12, regular Hfl price $27.50. now. W Smith's Sax. Axin. Bug. Floral pattern. 9x12, reg- %>Q SA ular price $26.00. now. AO OU Electia Asm. Bug. Oriental pattern. 9x12. regular price $33.00. now. OU UU Smith's Seamless Napp.. Brussels Floral pattern. in pxe 9x12, regular price $18.50, now. ID AO Smith's Seamless N'apo.. Brussels Floral pattern, 1 4 :A 8.3x10.6, regular price $16.00, now. . l^x OU Smith's Seamless Xapp.. Brussels Floral pattern, l | tin 7.6x9, regular price $12.50, now. I J. UU Passaic.Velvet Bug. Floral pattern. 9x12. regular i)A qe price $24.50, now. ... A A AO Phoenix Tap.. Brussels Floral pattern. 9x12. regu- l A qr lar price $16.00. now. .. 1*1 AO Smith's Mautor Brussel. Floral pattern, lo-wire, 1 Q |A/A 9x11. regular price $16.oo, now... lu UU Reversible Kashmere Rugs, color guarateed. 9x12. 1 K nn regular price $16.50. . lO UU All-Wool Art Squares. 9x12. regular price $11.00. ^ /-q Twenty-four Bugs. 27 inches bv 54 inches, regular f q' $1.60 value, now at.. 1 20 Remember we carry a full stock of In grain Carpets, Linoleums, Lace Curtains. Christensen & Ferdinandt _Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers Big Bargain in Coal We want to dispose of all the screened COAL we have on hand. In 20QO-lb. lots, we will make the price $2 per ton. It will not last long at that price. KEYSTONE LUJVIBEP CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb. E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President Cashier -directors—* W: R. Mellok, J. VV. Long, S N. Sweetland LOUP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12C to 25C* No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock. LEINIMGER LUMBER City. fab.