The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 18, 1909, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Qualities and Deeds of the Great Pres
ident Set Forth by the Chief Exec
utive in Impressive Speech—Im
mense Concourse Gathered to Wit
ness Exercises in Connection with
Laying of Corner Stone of Memo
rial Hall.
Hodgenville, Ky.—The corner stone
of the splendid memorial to be erected
to the memory of Abraham Lincoln
was laid by President Roosevelt. The
exercises were participated in by many
of the nation's Hading men. Cardinal
Gibbons and ex-Gov. Folk of Missouri
being among those who made ad
From all points, by train and over
roads not particularly smooth at this
season of the year, the people gathered
to the exercises. A building four
times the size of the tent provided
could not have accommodated the
The corner stone of the Memorial
hall was laid by President Roosevelt.
In an impressive address the chief ex
ecutive eulogized the life and work of
the great statesman. He spoke as fol
“We have met here te --lehrate the one
hundredth anniversary of the birth of
one of the two greatest Americans: of
one of the two or t hr*- greatest men of
the nineteenth century; of one of the
greatest men in the world's history. This
rail splitter, this boy wiio passe;] his un
gainly youth in the dire poverty of the
poorest of the frontier folk, whose rise
was by weary and painful labor, lived to
load his people through the burning
flames of a struggle from which the na
tion emerged purified as by fire, born
anew to a ioftier life. After iong years
of iron effort, and of failure that came
more often than victory, lie at last rose
to the leadership of the republic at the
moment when that leadership had become
the stupendous world-task of the time.
He grew to know greatness, but never
ease. Success came to him, but never
happiness, save that which springs from
doing well a painful and a vital task.
Power was his. but not pleasure. The
furrows deepened on his brow, but lii3
• yes were undimrr.ed by either hate or
fear. His gaunt shoulders were Dowel,
but his steel thews never faltered as he
bore for a burden the destinies of his
people. His great and tender heart
shrank from giving pain: and the task
allotted him was to pour out like water
the life-blood of the young men. and to
feel in his every fiber the sorrow of the
women. Disaster saddened but never dis
mayed him. As the red years of war
went by they found him ever doing his
duty in the present, even facing the fu
ture with fearless front, high of heart,
and dauntless of soul. Unbroken by ha
tred. unshaken by s-orn. he worked and
sutfered for the people. Triumph was his
at the last; and barely had l;e tasted it
before murder found him. and the kind
ly, patient, fearless eyes were closed for
Washington and Lincoln.
“As a people we are indeed beyond
measure fortunate in the characters of
the two greatest of our public men,
Washington and Lincoln. Widely though
they differed in externals, the Virginia
landed gentleman and the Kentucky
baok woodsman, they were alike in es
sentials, they were alike in the great
qualities which rendered each able to
ters of mankind who have too often |
shown themselves devoid of so much as
the understanding of the words by which
we signify the qualities of duty, of
mercy, of devotion to the right, of lofty
dlstinterestedness in battling for the good
of others. There have been other men
as great and other men as good; but in
all the history of mankind there are no
oilier two great men as good as these,
no other two good men as great. Wide
ly though the problems of to-day differ
from tlie problems set for solution to
Washington when he founded this nation,
to Lincoln when he saved it and freed
the slave, yet the qualities they showed
in meeting these problems are exactly
the same as those we should show in
doing our work to-day.
Lincoln's Deep Foresight.
‘‘Lincoln saw into the future with the
prophetic imagination usually vouclisafed
only to the poet and the seer. He had
In htm all the lift tow ard greatness of
the visionary, without any of the vision
ary's fanaticism or egotism, .without any
of the visionary s narrow jealousy of the
practical man and inability to strive in
practical fashion for the realization of
the impossible. At the very time when
otie side was holding him up as the
apostle of social revolution because he
was against slavery, the leading abo
litionist denounced him as the "slave
hound of Illinois.” When he was the sec
ond time candidate for president, the ma
jority of his opponents attached him be
cause of what they termed his extreme
radicalism, while a minority threatened
to holt Ills nomination because he was not
radical enough. He had continually to
check those who wished to go forward
too fast, at tile very time that he over
rode the opposition of those who wished
not to go forward at all. The goal was
never dim before his vision, but he picked
his way cautiously, without either halt or
hurry, as he strode toward it, through
such a morass of difficulty that no man
of less courage would have attempted it,
while it would surely have overwhelmed
any man of judgment less serene.
Man of Great Toleration.
“Yet, perhaps the most wonderful thing
of all. and. from the standpoint of the
American of to-day and of the future,
the most vitally important, was the j
extraordinary way in which Lincoln
an ideal. He had the practical man's
hard common sense and willingness to
adapt means to ends: but then was in
him none of that morbid growth of mind
and soul which blinds so many practical
men to the higher things of life. Xo
non' practical man ever lived than this
homely backwoods idealist: but he had
nothing in common with those practical
men whose consciences arc warped until
they fail to distinguish betwe< n good and
evil, fail to understand that strength,
ability, shrewdness, whether in the world
of business or of politics, only sen e to
make tiieir possessor a more noxious, a
more evil member of the community, if
they ar- not guided and controlled by a
fine and high moral sens-.
Lessons from Lincoln's' Life
"We of this iicy must try to jolve
many social and industrial problems,
requiring to an espe dal degree- the
combination of indomitable resolution
with cool-headed sanity. We can profit
by the way in which Lincoln used both
these'traits as he strove for reform. We
can learn much of value from the ’Very
attacks which following that course
Bern February 12, 180,
render service to his nation and to all j
mankind such as no other man of his
generation could or did render. Each had
lofty ideals, but each in striving to attain
these lofty ideals was guided by the
soundest common sense. Each possessed
inflexible courage in adversity, and a soul
wholly unspoiled by prosperity. Each
possessed all the gentler virtues common
ly exhibited by good men who lack rug
ged strength of character. Each pos
sessed also all the strong qualities com
monly exhibited by those towering ma»*
Died April 15, 1865
Brought upon his head, attacks alike by
the extremists of revolution and by the
extremists of reaction. He never wav
ered in devotion to his principles,. in his
love for the union, and in his abhor
rence of slavery. Timid and lukewarm
people were always denouncing him be
cause lie was extreme; but as a matter
of fact lie never went to extremes, he
worked step by step; and because of this
the extremism hated and denounced him
with a fervor which now seems to us lam
tastic in its deification of the unreal and
could fight valiantly against what he
deemed wrong, and yet preserve undi
minisin d his love and respect for the
brother from whom lie differed. In the
hour of a triumph that would have
turned any weaker man's head, in the
heat of a struggle which spurred many a
good man to dreadful vindictiveness, he
said truthfully that so long as lie had
been in his office lie bad never willingly
planted a thorn in anv man's bosom,
and besought his supporters to study the
incidents of the trial through which they
ware passing as philosophy from which
to learn wisdom and not as wrongs to be
avenged: ending with the solemn exhorta
tion that, as the strife was over, all
should reunite in a common effort to save
their common country.
Strong Sense of Justice.
"He lived in days that were great and
terrible, when brother fought against
brother for what each sincerely deem“il
to be the right. In a contest so grim
the strong men who alone can carry it
through are rarely able to do justice
to the* deep convictions of those with
whom they grapple ir. mortal strife. At
such times men see through a glass dark
ly: to only the rarest and loftiest spirits
is vouchsafed that clear vision which
gradually comes to all, even to the lesser,
as the struggle fades into distance, and
wounds are forgotten, and peace creeps
back to the hearts that were hurl. Hut
Lincoln was given this supreme vision.
He did not hate the man from whom he
differed. Weakness was as foreign as
wicked to his strong, gentle nature: but
his courage was of a quality so high
that it needed no bolstering of dark pas
sion. He saw clearly that the same
high qualities, the same courage, and
willingness for self-sacrifice, and devo
tion to the right as it was given them to
see the right, belonged both to the men
of the north and to the men of the south.
As the years roll by, and as all of us,
wherever we dwell, grow to feel an
equal pride 'in the valor and self-devo
tion. alike of the men who wore the blue
and the m-n who wore the gray, so this
whole nation will grow to f«*el a peculiar
sense of pride in the mightiest of the
mighty men who mastered the mighty
days: the lover of his country and of ail
mankind: the man whose blood was shed
for the union of tiis people, and for the
freedom of a race. Abraham Lincoln.”
Bishop Butler’s Generosity.
So many examples of episcopal cu
pidity have been cited in the Office
Window of late^that the average read
er may be excused for believing the
bishop of a century or so ago to have
been, an incarnation of greed. But
against the Luxmores, the Watsons
and the Porteouses may be set the
saintly Butler, whose "Analogy" is still
used as a text-book for clerical exam
inations. Butler kept open house at
Durham, where he dispensed hospi
tality with a lavish hand. On one oc
casion a man called at the palace so
liciting a subscription for some chari
table object. "How much money is
there in the house?" asked Butler of
his secretary. The secretary, after in
vestigation. replied ihat there were
£500. "Give it to him, then.” replied
the philosopher bishop, "for it is a
shame that a bishop should have so
much.”—London Chronicle.
Poo-Bah in Real Life.
A counterpart of Poo-Bah has been
found in New Jersey. The town of
Beverly has elected a. new constable
whose pay is to be $5 a month. In
addition to his constabulary work,
the incumbent of this overpaid sine
cure must also serve as pound-keeper,
harbor master and overseer of the
poor. This "multum in parvo” job
must be looked upon as one of great
honor, ac there were six applicant*
for iL
President-Elect T2ft to Confer With
Knox and Others Regarding
Cabinet Makeup.
Washington.—Washington promises
to furnish the greater share of mat
ters of news interest this week.
Colonel Goethals, engineer in charge
of the Panama canal work, will ap
pear before the sub-committee of the
house committee on appropriations.
He will be questioned regarding the
estimates of the isthmian canal com
The president will send to congress
a message regarding the care of de
pendent children and will confer with,
president-elect Taft. Mr. Taft will be
fairly busy during the week. He left
Cincinnati Monday for Washington
where he will receive the report of
the engineers who went to Panama
with him.
While in Washington Mr. Taft ex
pects to confer with Senator Knox
and with others relative to cabinet ap
The cabinet gossip, which is regard
ed as the most reliable, is that no
one has been determined upon for the
treasury portfolio.
Senator Knox and Frank H. Hitch
cock have been asked and have ac
cepted the positions of secretary of
state and postmaster general.
As to the other nlaces. unconfirmed
rumor with a fair percentage of likeli
hood for correctness, makes the cabi
net as follows:
Attorney General—Mr Wickersliam
of New York.
Secretary of War—Mr. Wright of
Secretary of Navy—Mr. Meyer of
Secretary of the Interior—Mr. Ba!
linger of Washington state.
Secretary of Agriculture—Mr. Wil
son of Iowa.
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
—Mr Xagel of Missouri.
It is the general understanding that
Mr. Taft wishes to fill the treasury
portfolio, either from Illinois or Ohio.
Should tfle appo'ntment go to his own
state, it is likely that it will fall to
Myron T„ He rick. The seeming
tumul; of cand dates from Illinois is
regarded as militating against, rather
than for. that state’s chances.
Mr. Taft also will consult with the
president and others regarding liis in
augural speech.^
Lusitania Has Stormy Trip.
New York.—Held back for two
days by fog and heavy seas, the Cu
nard steamship Lusitania came to its
dock Sunday after the roughest voy
age ever experienced by the boat be
tween here and Liverpool. Six feet
of a starboard rail on the boat deck
was carried away by a boarding sea
last Thursday. For three days the
Lusitania battled with the waves and
slow time was made.
Sherclivre Mutt Go Back.
St. Paul, Minn—Governor Johnson
signed a recuisltion of Governor
Shafroth of Colorado for Frank Sher
cliffe. wanted in Leadvilie, Colo.,
where he was convicted of murder.
Venezuela Claims Settled.
Washington—Special Commissioner
Buchanan telegraphed the State de
partment that he has signed a proto
col with the Venezuelan government
for the settlement of the disputes be
tween that country and the United
President-elect and Wife Are Guests
of C. P. Taft at Cincinnati.
Cincinnati. O.—President-elect and
Mrs. Taft arrived in their home city
from Panama and New Orleans Sun
day. They will be guerts at the C. P.
Taft residence’ until Monday, when
they will leave for Washington. The
trip to Washington is important, as
its primary object relates to the re
port of the euenoen who accom
panied Mr. Taft to Panama. This
likely will he given him upon his ar
rival there Tuesday morning He wTl
take the document to the White
House, where it will be the subject of
a conference with President Roose
New Co?.! Line in Virginia Absorbed
by Union Pacific Magnates.
. Knoxville, Term.—It was reported
here that the Harriman interests have
obtained possession of the Clinchfield
Carolina & Ohio railroad. This is
the line just completed from the Vir
ginia coal fields, through Johnson
City, to a connection with the Sea
beard Air Line at Bostic, N. C„ 208
miles. Train service will be estab
lished on the road at once. .
Liberty Eell May Come West
Philadelphia—The Interstate Com
merce commission has granted a per
mit for the free transportation of the
Liberty bell and a guard of Phila
delphia policemen to the Alaska-Yu
kon exposition at Seattle, Wash., and
it is probable the famous old relic
will be taken to the far west the com
ing summer. Mayor Reyburn has re
ceived a number of petitions from
several Pacific coast cities request
ing that the bell be sent west and
will recommend the city councils that
the request be granted.
| :ilui3LMUR£
a' ^;f
Ironmaster Declares Trusts and Mo
nopolies Must Be Controlled
and Suggests Plan.
New York. — Andrew Carnegie
yesterday declared congress is #in
capable of fixing a just tariff schedule j
and that a permanent bi-partisan com-t
mission of experts is the only solution
of the ever-troublesome tariff problem.
Mr. Carnegie urged that all manu- j
facturers of the country attend the na- i
tional tariff commission convention, j
which assembles at Indianapolis on
February 1C. He also asserted that
the average congressman as a rule is
unequipped by training or knowledge |
to fairly and understand in gly deal with
such an abstruse proposition as tariff.
"The difficulty with the tariff com
missions or regulators composed of
members of congress," said Mr. Car
negie, "is that these gentlemen are j
necessarily uninformed upon the ’rue
conditions of the varied industries.
Evidence given by interested patties
cannot be depended upon as disinter- j
esttd. Interested people form dis
torted views, colored as these are by '
their own interests. This is inevitable. ;
Such is human nature. They may not J
wish to deceive. They are themselves
"Congressmen hearing evidence on j
the technical points of an industry are j
not familiar with the language. They I
cannot understand the bearing of the i
testimony given.
“Another misfortune is that con-1
gressional tariff committees get no i
trustworthy evidence upon conditions
in other countries, and before men
can legislate wisely they must be in- j
formed upon the relative conditions !
of both domestic and foreign mamtfac-1
“There should be a permanent staff
of able, disinterested men. Some of
our most important industries to-day
are only nominally competitive and in
reality are monopolies sc> far as an
understanding exists as to prices that
will prevail.
“These virtual monopolies must be
controlled in some way or' other. A
supreme industrial court will have to
be created and eventually will have
to pass upon prices—disguise this as
we may.”
Whole Produce Commission District
Threatened by Flames.
Buffalo. N. Y.—Fire Wednesday j
night destroyed the entire south end
of the block facing on Michigan, Scott
and West Market streets. The Buffalo
produce exchange and about twenty
commission firms were burned out.
) involving a loss of about $225,000. The
i worst blizzard of the winter was rag
ing and for a time the whole produce
commission district was in danger.
Roanoke. Va.—Fire Wednesday night
in the new office building of the Nor
folk & Western Railway Company did
damage estimated at from $50,000 to
Roosevelt Makes a Denial.
Los Angeles, Cal.—President Roose
: velt made his first denial Monday of
I the charge of striking a woman's
; horse while out riding several weeks
The denial was made in a letter
| sent to Mrs. A. W. Rhodes of this
city, mother of'the girl who was men
; tioned in the Washington stories. Ac
cording to the reports circulated at
the time the alleged incident oc
eurred, President Roosevelt struck
Miss Rhodes' horse because she passed
him on the road.
Eloping Pair Nearly Frozen.
Muscatine, la—Fearing to appear
before Judge Jackson, charged with in
corrigibility, Margaret Markes, aged
16, eloped with Joseph Paeey, trarnp
i ing through snow to Mayfield, ten
miles north of here Thursday night.
They were almost frozen.
Mad Dog Bites Three.
Burlington, la,—A mad dog belong
ing to a negro ran through the prin
cipal down-town streets Thursday and
bit three persons. The dog was killed
after a chase by the police.
Mad Rush in a Fargo Theater Stayed
by Music.
Fargo. X. D.—With the Fargo opera
house packed to the doors Friday, a
majority of the audience school child
ren and women. George Radley, en
gineer at the theater, dashed from the
stage through the audience calling for
Chief Sutherland of the fire depart
In an instant the place was a verit
able mob, with everyone cramming
for the exits. Cries of "fire, fire.” were
all that could be heard. But then
cooler heads prevailed until the piano
player was rushed to the instrument
on tlie stage and 'America'' was
played with a charm that thrilled the
mob. A chorus of voices on the stage
took up the air and in a moment the
audience joined and order restored
Although a few were jostled and
slightly bruised, none was seriously
injured. The address of President E.
M. Vittum of Fargo college was then
resumed and the Lincoln centenary
program was carried out.
Refuses to Make Deposition in Brook
lyn Libel Case.
New York.—An effort made Tues
day in a libel suit in Broklyn to secure
the testimony of President Roosevelt
in the case is not likely to be success
ful. The case is that of Borough
President Bird S. Coler against a
Brooklyn newspaper.
Mr. Coler's counsel, M. L. Towns,
made a motion before Judge Thomas
in the supreme court for the appoint
ment of a commission to go to Wash
ington to take the president's testi
mony relative to the dismissal by him.
as governor, of charges brought
against Coler when he was comptroller
of New York city.
Decision was reserved and mean
while Mr. Towns telegraphed his de
sire to the White House. A reply was
received from Mr. Loeb, the presi
dent's secretary, as follows:
“President of the United States does
not testify in court nor give evidence
by deposition.”
Mr. Towns apprised Justice Thomas
of the telegram s contents in court
Chicagoan Kills Himself Following a
Charge of Theft.
Chicago.—Despondent under the
charge of embezzlement of church ac
counts, Allen Depue. 56 years old,
financial secretary of the Roseland
Central Presbyterian church, commit
ted suicide in the parlors of the
church rather than face the church
board. His body was found by Rev.
Albert D. Light, pastor of the church,
who was on his way to open the reg
ular evening prayer meeting.
Depue had been o regular church
goer and had been financial secretary
of the church for several years. Sev
eral weeks ago it was discovered that
he was short in his accounts and the
officers of the church speke to him
of the matter. He denied the charge
and said he had been blackmailed.
Cuban Troops Mutiny.
Havana.—A company of the Rural
Guard mutinied Thursday afternoon
and made an assault on the palace.
The storming party was driven back
by the police guard after they had
gained the stairway leading to Presi
dent Gomez' apartments. The cause
of the mutiny was an order transfer
ring the company to the permanent
King Edward Leaves Elerlin.
Berlin.—King Edward and Queen
Alexandra left here for London Friday
afternoon after a visit of four days in
the German capital. They were ac
companied to the railroad station by
the emperor and the empress, and their
military suites, and Prince Henry' of
Russian Graft Revealed.
St. Petersburg.—Irregularities which
amount to $1,000,000 have been dis
covered in an investigation of the Rus
sian army quartermaster's accounts.
Wants Congress to Remove the Bar
Against Senator Knox Being
Secretary of State—Leaves
New Orieans for Cincinnati.
New Orleans.—President-elect Taft
left New Orleans Saturday after two
days of entertainment here. He goes
to Cincinnati tnd then to Washington,
returning to Cincinnati next week.
Friday night Mr. Taft and members
of the party which accompanied him
to Panama were guest3 of honor at
a Creole banquet. He talked of his de
sire as the chief executive to repre
sent the whole nation, of his intention
to make the representatives of the ad
ministration in the south represent the
best element of the communities in
which they lived, of his recent visit to
the isthmus of Panama, with a repeti
tion of his hope for the completion of
the canal within his administration.
Although conferences during the
day were had between Mr. Taft and
Mr. Hitchcock, his postmaster general,
and Treasurer Cpham of the naTional
committee, nothing definite was ob
tainable regarding the undecided
places in the cabinet. Mr. Hitchcock
furnished certain information desired
by Mr. Taft.
Mr. Taft has telegraphed to Senator
Hale urging congress to remove all
doubt of Senator Knox's eligibility to
the office of secretary of state, and
saying that the loss of Mr. Knox from
the cabinet premiership would be a
public misfortune.
The telegram follows:
“New Orleans.—Hon. Eugene Hale.
United States Senate, Washington, D.
C.—I sincerely hope that congress will
pass a bill to remove any doubt of
Knox's eligibility. I have no doubt
that a bill to repeal the bill increas
ing the salary of the secretary of state
will effect this purpose, and I sincere
ly hope that it will pass. I should re
gard the loss of Senator Knox from
the first place in my cabinet as a pub
lic misfortune. (Signed»
Senator Knox wired Judge Taft as
“A bill has been introduced in the
senate to remove the constitutional
bar to my eligibility to the cabinet by
repealing the act providing for an in
crease in salary for the secretary of
state. I am in no way promoting or
having anything to do with the meas- .«
"It is a matter for you as the ap
pointive power to first determine
whether the proposed action is de
sirable or would be effective. Our
minds should be free frem all doubt
concerning the legality and propriety
of the proposed plan before acquiso
ing in it. If you have any reason for
not approving what is being done, it
should be announced, otherwise an in
justice may be done, whoever may be
(Signed) “P. C. KNOX."
In his speech to the negroes woo
greeted him by thousands at the ball
park Friday, Mr. Taft reiterated his
heretofore well-defined principles re
garding the development of the negro
race and the settlement of the race
In his speech on the steps of the
city hall here Thursday Mr. Taft made
what he said was his summing of
his recent trip.
“I am here on my way from a great
constructive work.” he said, after pay
ing his compliments to his audience
“The greatest entered upon by any na
tion during the present two centuries,
and I am glad to say to you, who per
haps are more interested in that work
than any oiher part of the people of
the United States, that the work is
going on as you would have it go.
“That on the first of January, 1915.
at least, if not before—and I am very
much interested in having it within
tite next four years—that canal will
be completed. And when that time
comes you will see loading down this
river your great commerce bound
through those straits to the west
coast of America, to the west coast of
South America, to the Orient and to
Episcopal Convention Fails to Act on
"Open Pulpit” Canon.
New York.—The house of bishops of
the Protestant Episcopal general con
vention, in session here Thursday,
elected Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Seymour
Thomas of Philadelphia bishop of
Wyoming and Rev. Benjamin Brewster
of Salt Lake City bishop of western
The amendment of the “open
pulpit” canon was neither repealed nor
interpreted and will stand in its pres
ent form until the general convention
of the house of bishops and the house
of lay and clerical delegates meet in
October, 1910.
Warts $1CO,CGO fcr Trust War.
Washington.—In a letter submitted
to congress Fiiday through the secre
tary of the treasury. Attorney General
Bonaparte asks that an appropriation
of $100,000 be made for the fiscal year
1910 for the enforcement of the anti
trust laws.
Chicago Alderman a Suicide.
Chicago.—Joseph F. Kohout. senior
alderman from the Thirty-fourth want
and under Mayor Dunne a leader on
the council floor, committed suicide by
shooting himself Friday.