The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 21, 1909, Image 8

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JILTED i:,: ;:er younger days
Adopted Masculine Attire zrA AmccsitJ
Greet Y/ccdti: Without Her
Herl Ccu Ever Bei;.]
Eau Claire, Y.'ir.—Tho irvyYery c!
“Sammy Y. i.e: , a roeidcai o, Man
hattan. Meat., ftr IS years, who
dropped C... i I re from apoplexy,
v.xu ilmclo.icil >•;. h, r cl nth. ".’arum.,
was found i> a e %v irx.r.i. v ho war
l!iss in i,her.: Y‘ kaa.
Jlir-s \Ych ;i \ . born i.i Ncrway
some -0 you::: r y i: is ciaint \i; -or.i'
s. '. later, i'.fr.v sue catno to Amer
ica- with her p: .- ::t-a sfcs war. courted
by a yoan? N . : v,-. rian, Even Koran,
and the !wo be.'- engag td. Then
the Wekaa 1; :ni!y canto to America
and seated i:i A Kama!; jo county, Iowa,
where some i r Triers of the fafetily
sill! vccii'o, and irrebargj ca ne with
And 3v :t Keren cane nine. K-t
long alter th • e:ri I in America Sven
Ncicm bream co!: a ad distant to Li
fe ho:;: and 1'::: . > ill d her iwtore:
reason not known, and the waa l roller,
helx iect, she was so heart
broken that she could, not endure it to
r'.’.y with h-s- I II e rod her ac
ouaimenvos,. ..i- : 1 e sudden:' Uisa;;
pfit-J. and ,d !r the v.-.. i sought
i.i?it end low c! ■ .res not tout.’.
About title, ex te tint?, somewhere
around IN" c: t: : there z- . 'ared in
Eau (I'.tlr- i. rl'r.i, rather third: s?:
young men whh ccal blrck Lair and ,h la" •••' Irh ho never shaved.
Kir voire v, ? . .. r ref, u.n:i piping,
but he tv,:- c ree - 3 ox im' mixed
freely wish the •Yor.umon h re. &ih it
vvi... uo long ;•< .» >'•• v; e .0 the
woods as a co d,:. J! ' '.vns e, :h a good
cork that as long as he war, k ire he
coil’d got $’0 • atti mere per month,
“Billy" Spent fiiorey Lavio'iiy for
*nd bo amcssod cons’;! ■ -.-ah! ■» money
which he invested in real estate end
!.n other ways.
He made Eau Claire hi;-, bento till
the 1- to ’Til’s or tho early ’EO's. end ;:i
the later years tcer- • we:-; rumors
floating about that ‘-Billy" Williams,
which was the i he gave, or “Bil
•y' Cooks, as he was generally called,
war, not what he retires sated himself
to U-; in fact, ilia- he was a woman
in dl guit I . nil ru
mors. Nobody ’m v. hut eon' how c
o'.her the roper: v. • ; *f»n3d, but "Bil
ly" still continu d cooking in the
woods, gc-lng oat with tin hoy;; .-.pend
ing money lsushlv for i;o:. but
never drinking mere than he could
comfortably carry, going out v;;'ti the
giro; end having a great old'tin.a. Al
though re tie use, he van always good
r.atured and begrudged spending
But. there mover; to th's city some
vc-ars after a family from Allamakee
county. Iowa, neighbors of tho Waken
family, and they were acquainted with
the facts leading up to the <; w. ppear
ance of Ingeborg > W. kan. ar.-i after
seeing and hearing of --Billy" Wil
liams. they became convinced that
“Billy ' and Ir.gobcrge we: ■ one and
die same person, and th<? Wekau fam
ily was soon no: bred, and a brother of
Ingeborge war soon here to persuade
‘Billy" to return home.
After seiiiug his property holdings
here to a friend for the sum of one
dollar, the latter converting tho prop
arty into money, which was turned
aver to ‘-Billy,” who did not want to
risk transacting business under an as
sumed nirne. 1: : left for St. Paul.
For several years he cooked on the
Dairymple farms in North Dakota, still
masquerading successfully as a man,
and 18 years ago went to Manhattan,
Mont., where he lived till hir, sudden
death, when a few hours before he
was going to sign a deed to his prop
erty holdings there, which he was go
ing to sell, he dropped dead. And
then came the revelation that Wil
liams was a woman.
And such is the sad life, story of
Ingeborge Wei an. for - Billy” Williams
and “Sammy" Wilkams and Ingeborge
Wekan are one and the same person
It ia stated here that her sweetheart,
who jilted her. Sven N'orem, is stih
living id Allamakee county, fov/a.
Fhuraingc'aie, S. D.—Unarmed and
far from help, pursued by a hungry
mountain lion. Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Bigelow of this place were saved by
a cowboy's lariat.
Mr. Hipvlovv. who is a United States
commissioner, was on his regular
weekly trip to Underwood and was ac
companied by his wife, when Mr.
Bigelow saw at a distance what he
thought to bo a yearling calf running
toward them at full speed. As the
animal came closer the occupants of
'he buggy recognized it as an unusual
ly large mountain lion. At the same
V - r V
‘•Tructy Bi:i” Caught- tha Anirrs!
ArauiTi the fjeck.
moment th lien <tight right of he
y s.nd start' d „ toward it. Ur.
zrn.ed, powrrless to protect them
the two immediately applied
lie whip to the bronchos they wore
i was a serious predicament, for
not only is ihe ran •» section of South
Dakota a country o: magnificent cis
uo’ce. . lntr lie grazing lands are
move dcstnod at this time of the year
than in the summer. While Mrs.
Bigelow c-iung to the swaying buggy,
the horses were whipped into a mad
gallop, tearing at reckless speed over
guides and knells.
All the while the mountain lion, in
its easy, loping, kept pace with
the buggy.
At a point east of Billy Christian's
ranch one cf the traces came unfas
tened and it was necessary to come
tu a full ‘•top. with the lion gaining on
every bound. The commissioner
i- acred over he dashboard and fas
tened the trace. The horses were
wi'H-nigh cxfcav.sicu. for they had
traveled six miles at top speed.
At this moment, when the terrified
man and woman were considering
bow best they could meet the lion's
attack, a cowboy, known as “Trusty
Bill,” came in sight, riding a broncho.
lag tire plight cf the two in the
buggy, he gave spur and quirt and
sta ted to the rescue. The lion, be
tween two foes, hesitated, evidently
tearing it had lost it:; prey. The cow
j boy rode fearlessly up, and with a
| mighty swing of the lariat managed to
; leg the animal. The lion was free in
; and instant and continued cn toward
i the buggy.
“Trusty Bill," however, gathering up
his lariat, 'hurl- d it again and this
time caught the animal around the
neck and ut:d r one leg. Putting on
spur, he dragged the animal over the
; prairie tiii it was subdued and could
I be "hog tied." They brought the lion
I ‘o Farmingdale and put it in a stout
i ear. , and if is their intention to ship
- it as a present to President-elect Taft.
Teeth Kicked Out; Replanted.
Pasadena, Cal.—Louis Torrana, hav
| ing had three teeth neatly and quick
ly kicked out by a peny. Dr. W. C.
Smith, .specialist in odd operations of
that character, assisted’by Drs. G. C.
Sharpe and George Abbott, has suc
ceeded in replacing the ivories so that
i within 24 hours from the time of the
accident that young man seems just
i as well us ever.
The operation is one of the most tin
usual ever attempted here. The medi
cal men thoroughly sterilized the sock
ets, and the teeth were set back in
j place and bound securely with wire.
It is said they will grow back firmly
! in place with time and be just as
serviceable as the tooth in which the
nerve has been killed.
Froih Bread Eroke Plunge.
New York.—David Alexander, a cap
maker, fell into a soft thing when,
after a drop of 35 feet from a fourth
floor window, he landed unhurt on a
yielding cushion of newly baked bread
and fresh fish.
The food was much depressed by
I the occurrence. Plump sturgeon lost
j their figures and the loaves were so
| transformed that even regulars of the
bread line might have hesitated to ac
• cept them as a hand-out.
Alexander stepped upon a chair to
reach a bird cage which hung above
an open window. The chair gave way
: and Alexander shot through the win
i dow feet foremost.
Long Descent and Long Life.
Mr. Jol.:: Rogers of Tewksbury,
England, who claims descent from the
Baron Rogers, who lived at the time
cf the Crusades, has just celebrated
the hundredth anniversary of his
• _
Cab Driver, Detective and Policeman
All Vanquished by the Bovine
Teircr, Who Finally Becomes
Disgusted with Fr.ssage.
Seattle.—An escaped bull, bellowing
with rage end fright and dragging a i
leng rope which was attached to his
horns, charged into the Great North- |
era tunnel here shortly before live |
o'clock the other evening. The ani
mal had been unloaded from a car in
the switch yards and two men had
undertaken to lead it with a stout
rope when the ball decided to go m
■x wholly different dii action. The bull
prevailed, and finding easy going be
neath the Jackson at re at bridge, j
plunged into the gloom of the tunnel,
where it could be al ne in its hour of
grief aad fright.
Two bun drivers who were waiting
for trains viewed the terrifying spec
tacle of the bull and the cloud of cin
ders, and straight way informed Patrol
man George Osborn that the tunnel
was full of bulls.
"Maybe it was buffaloes,'’ said one
'bus driver. "We just saw the air full
of dust and a string of bulls a block
long go into the tunnel."
Detective Lee Barbee was at the
station, and joined with Patrolman Os
bo: a in the hunt. The trail was
picked up at the mouth of the tunnel,
where the rope had dragged in the I
mud. The pc .'icemen ch ' idc! that the
bull could not wander far afield be
neath the city, and stalled at a brisk
When they arrived at a point al
most beneath the Lincoln he; 1, Detec
tive 1 hr bee heard beef steps ia the
pitchy dark.
"Say, Osborn." said Detective Bar
bee, "did you ever meet a big,
Tl-.ey Swarmed Out of the Tunrcl in
About 10 Fiat.
woolly-headed bull in a dark tunnel?" !
"Never did," replied Patrolman Os
born. ".Met a bull in a pasture in
Illinois, but as w * wore soon going in
the same direction pretty rapidly, I
never got much acquainted."
"Well, the thought occurred to me ]
that somebody ought to warn- the en
gineer of the north-bound train," said
Detective Iiarbee. “Now. you stay
here and hold the bull ia check while
I flag the train."
"No, let's bch flag the train," said
Patrolman Osbcrn. "! dcn‘i| know this
bull at all, and maybe he doesn't ;
speak my language.'
Echoes cf hoof beats coming toward
the men decided the question, and
they swarmed out of the tunnel in :
about ten flat.
When they informed the c-ng'neer !
of the danger ahead, that genial man- ;
arch of the locomotive laughed.
“ into the tunnel in about ten
minutes and see if i have met the
bull,” said he. Then the train pulled
Fifteen minutes later the bull, unin
jured and disgusted with tunnel life,
promenaded on the King street sta
tion platform. Four 3tout baggage i
smashers seized the rope and the ani
mal was returned to its owner.
Ostrich Snaps Girl’s Nose.
Eong Beach, Cal.—Miss Bertha
Proctor, secretary of the Eong Beach
ostrich farm, is suffering from a muti
lated nose, the result of an encounter
with one of the old birds at the farm.
She was viewing the creatures and
one of them attempted to take a nail
she was holding in her fingers. Being
repulsed, it attacked her, snapped her
nose and held on to it for two or
three minutes. The marks of the in
jury will remain some time, but the at
tending physician does not think they
will be permanent.
Bull Derails Trolley Car.
West Chester, Pa.—On account of
the dense fog. a trolley ear over the
Kennett division of the West Chester
street railway struck and killed a val
uable bull belonging to William
Thatcher, near Unionvllle Junction, as
the animal was crossing the tracks.
The trolley car was derailed and traffic
was tied up for two hours, though no
oi c was injured.
Paris.—An escaped convict named rfy
aeintlie Ilarthelemy, who surrendered
to the police the other day, relates a
story of adventure and privation prob
ably without parallel in French crim
inal annals.
In li>97 Barthelemy was sentenced to
u long term of penal servitude for
burglary, and was deported to Guiana.
He and five other prisoners eventual
ly managed to escape from ihe convict
settlement. They seized a boat from
some natives and, after a daugerou:
journey, partly by river and fart!:
••• •, r~
Crushed to Dsoth by a Python.
through a tracklc-ss forest, reached
Ver- iurlan territory.
Before arriving at Caracas, how
ever, two of them w re crushed to
death by a python, a third was de
voured by a puma, a::-! a fourth killed
by a crcco.iiie on the hanks of the Ori
Baithriemy and his sole remaining
companion eventually arrived at the
Venezuelan capbai, but the authcrities. |
on finding that they were Frenchmen
threatened to have them shot. They
escaped into the wilderness again,
where Barihelemy’s companion vat
killed and eaten by cannibals.
After many other dangers Barth»l
etuy v> ached the sea coast and era
barked on a Spanish schooner, which
landed him at Bordeaux. He arrived
in Paris recently only to find that his
mother and sisters had disappeared,
leaving no trace of their whereabouts
In despair he surrendered himself t<:
the anther; lies in order to secure food
and shelter.
Makes Motherless Sucklings Take
Place cf Cv,n Litter.
SI '.vardflville, Ind.—James Dunlop
o ' this villa"p. has a female shepherd
dog that recently lost her litter ct
four pups. For several days she was
distracted over Iter loss and her own
er was aft aid she would die. She re
fused to eat, and spent most of the
time tying in the yard whining piti
Now about the same time that the
puppies died there was. an increase in
the family of one of the sows on the
Dunlop place. The sow died shortly
after her pigs were born, and Mr. Dun
lop Y-gan to raise the orphans on a
mtik bottle. They thrived well, but
seemed to miss their mother as much
an the shepherd dog missed iter off
spring. So Mr. Dunlop tried an ex
lie carried the three little Jersey
red pigs out to the dog's kennel and
vailed to bar. She stood hack at first
sight of the-strung :rs in her bed b it
presently 'she nes; led down beside
them as if they were her own.
By the next day she had become so
attached to them that to make up a
full family she journeyed over to r
neighbor’s house and scon came bac’
with another small pig and adopted
it also.
Wins Bride from Rival at Altar.
S peat-fish, S. D.—Robert Hughes, a
Black hills miner, induced -Miss Ethel
Berryman to marry him at the mo
ment she was standing before a jus
tice of the peace about to become the
wife of Thomas Laflin.
Hughes, who had been a suitor for
Miss Berryman’s hand for more than
a year, and who had twice won her
consent to become his wife, only later
to be "cut cut” by Laflin, learned that
his former fiancee was to be married
to Laflin.
He hastened to the scene of the
proposed nuptials, to find Miss Berry
man and Laflin standing with clasped
hands, about to take the marriage
vows. He pleaded with the girl so elo
quently that he persuaded her to
marry him instead of Laflin. Laflin
witnessed the ceremony.
Monkeys Fight Over Violin.
Atlanta, Ga.—Romeo and Frank,
trick monkeys, escaped from then
cage at a local theater, and, entering
the dressing room of a musical-team,
grabbed a $250 violin, which was soon
a wreck. Frank was the first to seize
the violin, which had an attractiveness
ciso tor Komeo, and there ensued a
light for possession. Romeo finally
wrenched the valuable instrument from
his partner's hand and with it struck
Frank a terrific blow acious the head,
smashing it to jleces.
Tells Biu!e Stories to Frightened Tars
ar.d They Work Fiercely Until
Rescued by a Passing
Tramp Steamer.
New York.—It was the courage and
fortitude or Mrs. Helen Hudson, the
bride of Capt. Hudson, that thwarted !
death which threatened the crew of I
the schooner Henry Clausen, Jr., fori
three days in mid-ocean.
With the vessel waterlogged and
twisted into a mass of wreckage by j
a tropical hurricane, Mrs. Hudson !
kept the men at a task that they j
deemed hopeless, by the Bible stories j
that she related and the hymns she !
sang. This kept the derelict afloat.
Stated on the shattered palings of
the forward hatchway the captain's ;
wife sang while the men manned the ■
only pump that had not been disabled, j
As the sailors fought, the sea that I
surged in through the rents in the ship
Mrs. Hudson’s voice kept time to the J
chugging of the pump.
When calm came over the ocean, the
craft caught fire and the flames spread
rapidly over the upper part of the ship,
which dried quickly under the Ik ice
rays of the tropical sun. The pump
suddenly became disabled arid the sail
ers, in a frenzy of fear, rushed aft. in
tending to jump into the sea rather
than face their greatest enemy, lire.
But Mrs. Hudson met them on the
quarter dock. Standing beside her in
juved husband, she bade the tars, in
the name of God, to fight the fire. The
men stopped, abashed. As tin y did so j
she grasp d a bucket half filled with
rainwater, and. shouting the words of
the '•Sicilian Mariner's Hymn.' j
jumped forward and dashed it over j
the flames.
Her brave act was a talisman to the
mrn. With a hearty cheer, each one
Standing Beside Her Injured Husband
She Bads the Tars to Fight the Fire.
grasped a bucket and formed a bucket
While the fire fighters were hard at
work plying their losing battle, slid- j
denlv the cry of “sail ho" was heard.
The vessel sighted proved to be a
tramp steamship, who immediately
came to the rescue. This ship took
the crew ir.lo Messina.
Svch was the news brought ;o New
York by the Italian steamship Rocca. |
The captain had talked with Capt. j
'■Hudson and his wife who are f.ow
waiting for home pa sane at Messina. |
According tc this captain's story, th •
Henry Clausen. Jr., was a trim three (
masted Schooner, laden with lumber
from Gulfport, Miss., to the Azores
The skipper. Capt. Hudson, was from
Bath, Me. It was his honeymoon trip,
bis wife being a New England girl.
She it was who introduced the An
icius prayer among the sailors of the
craft, which at first caused some
When the hurricane overtook the
ship it was about 500 miles from St.
Michaels. Early in the fight with the
elements Capt. Hudson became dis
abled by a falling spar. The mate
took command, and reported that the
men were in a paroxysm of terror and
refused to obey orders, huddling in
the lee of the wrecked forecastle
hatch, the forecdbtle being awash.
On hearing these tidings. Mrs. Hud
son went on deck, and despite the fu
rious seas that were breaking over the
decks, crawled to where part cf the
stricken crew huddled. Then it was
3he bade them trust in God and told
them how the Saviour had quieted the
raging waters of Galilee. Her mighty
trust In the Divine Ruler inspired
them, and they were soon induced to
go to work at the only pump that was
left. This they worked while Mrs.
Hudson sang from the Gospel hymns
of old New England.
When the crew was later rescued by
the lifeboats of the tramp steamship,
as their boats had been early swept
away, each man sainted Mrs. Hudson
as the one who had saved their lives.
Wise Woman.
He—Will you share my lot?
Si.e—Yes, when you have a house
on it that is paid for.—Judge.
Denver, Col.—Conductor William
McCoy of the Denver & Rio Grande
road, became the hero of a thrilling
ride over La Vet a Pass the other
morning. Boarding a runaway ca
boose as it passed Walsenburg sta
tion, going at the rate of 20 miles an
hour and gaining momentum every
moment, he saved a passenger train
from wreck.
McCoy was in the depot when he
heard the sound of the approaching
ear. Thinking part of the train which
he had come in on, and which he had
left to be switched, had broken loose,
He Was Madly Signaling the Oncom
ing Train.
he ran out and raw the caboose com
ing down the track, (’tre k as thought
he remembered that a passenger train
was coming in within a few minutes,
and that the flying caboose was on
the same track.
He took his life in his hands and
swung on the runaway car. He tried
to put on the brakes, but was unable
to. Something had given way, which
accounted for the car breaking loose.
At the same instant that he learned cf
the brake's failure to work lie saw the
distant Sight of the passenger train
coming up the divide.
In a brief second lie had taken the
lantern from the rear of the caboose
and was madly signaling the oncoming
Engineer ! lent home of the passen
ger tiain saw the signals, stopped his
t ain, and Imran to back up with all
possible speed.
The wild caboose gained on the en
gine as bo it neared the junction, but
the train reached safety in time for a
brakeman to jump eff anu 'brow the
switch, permitting the caboose to take
the Y toward Trinidad.
On the Y track it soon struck the
heavy grade on Tuna hill and stopped.
The passengers bn the train did not
know the danger until it was all over.
Then they realized that only the pres
ence oi mind of Conductor McCoy and
the prompt action of Engineer Heir
thorn? had prevented what would
i n bably have b eu a severe disaster.
Two Men Stop Pumping Air to Worker
in River. But He Is Saved.
New York.—Left without air be
cause tha two r.K'n whose du :y it 'was
tc pump it to him had stopped work
io fight each other. George Smith, a
diver, barely ••scaped death 30 feet un
der the surface of the East river the
other day. He was revived with diSi
I'liity after being hauled out of the
•v.tter. i’enjamin Parkins, one of the
combatants in the fight, is in a hos
pital with a fractured skull, while his
assailant. Thomas Russell, is under
.'ares* charged with felonious assault.
Smith was working on the hull of
he sunken sound steamer II. 31.
Whitney. A disagreement rot ween
Itussell and Parkins, who were work
ing the fjr pump, was followed, ac
cording to the police, by Russell grab
bing a piece of iron pipe and striking
Parkins oj the head. Parkins fell un
conscious and Russell leaped over
board and swam away..
.Meanwhile the diver, deprived of
air, was helpless and momentarily in
danger of death. Some time elapsed
before those on the dredge realised
his plight. Then two men jumped to
the pump and others signaled the
diver. They got no response and fran
iealiy began hauling Smith to the
surface. Finally the diver was dragged
out of the water.
Smith afterwards said his sensations
as the air supply failed were horrible.
V\ hen he felt the air failing be sig
naled to his mates above. Getting no
reply on the signal rope, he waited to
be drawn up, but felt tha awful pres
sure bearing him down. Just as jtie
was about to "go to sleep.” as he ex
pressed It, he felt the air renewed,
bid was unable to reply to any sig
Hairy Hermit Is Captured.
Shamokin. Pa.—State police cap
tured Joseph Mahunsky on the moun
tains with whiskers 18 inches long and
hair on his head hanging almost to his
knees. He was warmly clad with
rough looking apparel. He said he was
a hermit and lived in the woods be
tween here and Mahony City the past
year, existing on roots and herbs.
brief popularity for roses
Favorites of Other Days That Ara Now
Seldom Seen.
What becomes of the former favor
ites of the rose tribe? Each has had
Its day and has reigned right royally
in Its particular period, says the New
York Press. All old New Yorkers
must have soft spots in their hearts
for the jacqueminot. For many years
* t was tbe most popular blossom
among rich and poor. A quarter of a
century ago the street venders sold
hardly anything except the gorgeous
red “Jack” roses and the most fash
ionable florist had to be extremely
cautious in trying to push another va
riety ahead of it. Then came the
American beauty, which had a long
sway. Bride roses followed in the af
fections of the people, more on ac
count of their association than be
cause of superior beauty. Long before
the brides and American beauties and
“Jacks” there flourished the Marechal
Niel, always the subject of contro
versy as to whether it was a tea rose
or a noisette.
Of a more beautiful yellow than the
flower named for the famous marshal
of France was the cloth of gold rose.
As its name implied, it was a rich
golden color. Fully as handsome as
the general jacqueminot, the original
name Of the “Jack” was the baronne
prevost. Another gorgeous rose was
the giant of battles. Among the
climbers were the queen tif the prai
rie, the Baltimore belle and the ayr
shire. A flower loved for its perpetual
blossoming was the souvenir de mal
maison, finest of the Bourbon roses.
The Bengal was another perpetual and
an attractive bloom. Even the gi
gantic cabbage rose, though it be
came the fashion to laugh at it, had its
share of popularity for awhile. Where
are the roses of yesteryear?
He that wants hope is the poorest
man alive.
The Way of It.
Proud Traveler—1 have had such ex
periences with the bandits In Italy and
Spain. Have you ever had an experi
ence in the least like it?
Stay-at-Home Citizen—My dear sir,
I can surpass your experience. There
was a time of my life when I never
went out that I was not held up by
force of arms.
P. T.—Good gracious! How was it?
S. A. H. C.—It was when I was a
baby and my nurse took me out l'or an
Soon Available.
Scone—Matrimonial agency. Mana
ger and gentleman applicant.
Mat. Agent—You want a wife?
Customer—Yes. sir.
Mat. Agent—Blonde or brunette?
Customer—I am not particular. I
insist on but one thing—she must be
a divorced woman.
Mat. Agent—Sorry, sir. I have none
on hand, but if you can wait a few
days I have one in preparation.—Bo
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Po"1*
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
The Midwest Life of Lincoln has in
surance in force amount to $1.1
000. Its officers arc: N. Z. Snell,
president; Dr. 13. B. Davis, Omaha ^
vice president; A. J. Sawyer, secre
tary; H. S. Freeman, treasurer; Dr.
M. H. Everett, medical director; C. 1L
Easterday, actuary, and J. H. Meeker,
jr., superintendent of agents. Th*
Midwest Life issues all the standard
forms of insurance. Local agi-nt
wanted in every town in Nebtaskn.
Home office, 1007 “O” street, Lincoln
Mrs. Toll}*, a widow woman of Se w
ard county, lost her home by lire.
A local fire department has been or
ganized at Weston.
A. H. Tice, a former merchant of
Gage county, died in Ohio last wee!;.
Dr. Rose, a Kearney dentist,
dropped dead on the street from hear
trouble. He was 59 years old.
It is reported that the postmaster a*
Fordyce has left the country. An in
spector is looking over his acccua
The weather has been making ti
ice and great quantities of it is bmg
Sixteen thousand dollars worth of
horses were sold at Grand Island a
the last horse sale, one team of Bel
gian mares breaking the single a:
record bringing $1,5G0.
The program for the spring m
ing of the Dixon and Dakota County
Medical association has been ar
ranged. It will be held in Emerson o:i
March 22. , Ar
Noel Meats residing southeast s f
Sutton was drugged and robbed of ;
gold watch and $:!0 in money, and a
thc-ck for^lfii. The gentleman !!
'alone and was in a semi-eonscions
condition when found.
Michael Tlieiss and Fred D an.
neighbors in Keith county Quarreled
about the ownership cf a harves r.
during which Theiss was shot, nor ^
dangerously, however. __
The waterworks system cf Weston *
has not been accepted on account of
several defects in the tank and leak
age cf pipes, though in an emergent
tfce system can be used.
The Otoe County Farmers’ Protec
tive association met and re-e!ect. I
the old officers and made their an
nual report. This organization b <
been in existence in the county for
me last leu years.
The quarantine placed on the in
mates of the Girls’ Reform school
Geneva cn accunt cf several case
j scarlet fever, before the holidays, v
be raised in a few days, no n>=-,v c. -
Governor Shallenbergw issued ;
requisition on the governor of ('
fornia for the return to Kear: •
county. Nebraska, of Bert Taylor,
cused of murdering his sister-in-law
at Minden last spring.
At the regular meeting of the ecu- ty
commissioners cf Cass county. Dr. M
31. Butler was angoip't d a con -
physician. The expanses of the count
for the coming year“"was placed at
S99.059, of which $30,000 was for
bridges and 825,000 for roads.
Dan B. Todd, manager of the York
Ice company, had his leg broken ait i
almost torn from its socket whib
working at the ice house. He fell cut >
the chute up which they pull the ir -
into the house, and his feet caught in
the chain.
Dr. B. H. Burd of Nelson was rtt :
down by a freight train at the er<—
ing of the highway a mile north of the
town. The buggy was demolished an
the doctor seriously injured, but n*
beyond recovery.
The State Banking board, compos- :
of the auditor, state treasurer and a
tornev general, met and reappointed
the old officers, examiners and cl :
as follows: Secretary, E. Royse: chi'
clerk, N. R. Persinger; examiners,
E Smmett, C. H. Beaumont, C. \V. Ir
win, E. S. Mickey and E. H. Muliow
York mercltanns state that the use
of automobiles by farmers has helped
business in York for the reason that
the farmers living a distance from
York having autos who formerly
traded at their nearest town now came
to York, and the increase in business
from York county farmers owning au
tomobiles and living a distance is
quite noticeable.
In a decision cf widespread import
ance to telephone interests throughout
Nebraska, District Judge Corcoran of
York held invalid that section of v.
contract entered into by various inde
pendent companies by which they
agreed not to exchange toll business
with the Nebraska Telephone com
pany. The ruling was made in the suit
instituted by the independent compan
iets^tf Grand Island. Hastings. Shelton.
Kenesaw, York and other cities.
As a fitting close to his long period
of public service as county commis
sioner, male friends and neighbors of
T. A. McKay of Hamilton county, to
the number of twenty or more called
at. his "home and presented him witli
an easy chair.
Captain Frazier of Madison, met
with a large body of the citizens of
Geneva to see what could be done to
reorganize company G of the Nebraska
National Guard. After a number of
speeches it was decided to appoint a
citizens’ committee in reorgan:zation
of the company, and putting it upon a
good working basis.
Wm. P. McPherson of Fairbury was
hauling ice on the river and either fell
from the wagon or it overturned. Ho
was alone at the time and when
found was unable to give any explana
tion. He died in a couple of hours
after the accident.
Mrs. Martha McNeill of Fremont,
the wife of Thomas McNeill, drank
drank twenty grains of strych
innine in a cup of coffee and
then went to the home of her neigh
bor, Mrs. Garrison, with a request
that her children be summoned. Mrs.
Garrison called a doctor who saved the
woman with a stcmach pump.