The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 21, 1909, Image 5
A. P. GULLEY, President. IRA E. WILLIAMS, Cashier., ; FUST irallL BANK of Loup e|TY Conser i vative C; and Strong r Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Corn, per bu.47 @ .4« Wheat, per bu.84 @ .68 Oats, per bu.40 (d .43 Rye, per bu . .62 Butter, per lb. .20 Eggs, per doz. .20 Hens, per lb. .07 Spring chickens, per lb. .08 4 LOCAL NEWS. “Eli and .lane." Its a great funny show. 3 on 62. Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. Loans on real estate, call on f John W. Long. _ Mrs. John Ohlsen was quite ill a ^ "• few days last week. Finest dill pickles ever on the market at Lee Bros. Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62. when in need of a dravman. “The Deacon.” W. F. Mason returned from his trip to Indiana Monday evening. I will guarantee 30c for butter fat I test and pay cash.—A. E. Chase. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, call on John W. Long. Will Draper returned from his busi ness trip to Omaha Saturday evening. Now is the time to buy Asbestos sad irons at J. M. Czaplewski's hard ware. Henry Eisner came home from Grand Island Monday for a few days' visit. We pay 20c fox good country butter and sell it at 2'ic. Loup City Mercan tile Co. M. C. Mulick went to Lincoln last Monday morning for medical treat ment. Lee Bros, meat market is the place to get ground green bones for your chickens. Miss Hose Mulick has had a setback with the mumps and confined to her bed since Monday. You make no mistake in calling on the Stewart Conger drays when you want quick service. Wait until you hear Old Eli tell about milking the cow, at Pilger's opera house. Tuesday, Jan. 26. John W. Lons is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans ou short notice at lowest rates. Why pay 25c for good country but » ter. when you can buy the best of the Loup City Mercantile Co. for 2Cc “The Deacon.” Ward Ver Valin went to Omaha Wednesday to attend the meeting of the state lumbermen's association to return Saturday. We still have plenty of feed of all kinds for sale. Farmers bring your wheat and exchange for flour. Loup City Mill & Light Co. There will be regular preaching services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday, morning and evening. Other services as usual. The Stewart Conger drays are on the rush from morning to night, but you will get the quickest kind of service on a hurry call. Try them. Ladies: Asbesto Sad Irons give their heat to the clothes instead of to the hand. Investigate the asbestos principle at .1. M. Czaplewski's hard ware next door to postoftice. Call at once. Sae window display. When in need of flour ask your dealer for Loup City flour and you will be convinced that they have tne quality and their prices are no higher than other flour. If this is true you should buy flour made by your home mill. <ince Harry Green has been starring in “Eli and Jane" he has had the play rewritten each season and each /season sees the good clever comedy with a new coat of action but the same name. Mr. Green has this year surrounded himself with an excep tionally strong cast and is carrying special scenery with the show which is all new every year. It will be one of the best shows here this season. The public wants good things to be L amused with and Harry Green hrs it with “Eli and Jane". It’s a good thirg, something doing all the time. Pilger’s opera house, Tuesday, Jan. 26. Miss Tony Erazim returned from Ravenna Tuesday. The Little Boston pays 30c for butter fat till further notice. If you want a dray in a hurry and get quick work, see Stewart Conger. The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay 30 cents for butter fat till further notice. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser's, where you can get anything you want. C. C. Carlsen, cashier of the State Bank, was doing business in Omaha during the past week. Miss Lonise Zuelow of Schuyler arrived Monday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ed. Jones. Rev. Hayes of St. Paul gave two able sermons to the Presbyterian con gregation here last Sunday, in the absence of a regular pastor. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pugsley of Webster township are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy at their home Wednesday, Jan. 13. 1909. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lambert, after spending a week visiting relatives in Howard county, returned to their home in this city last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Culley went to Lincoln Monday to visit their daugh ! ter. Miss Jess Culley. Mr. Culley was to go on to Kansas City on a business trip later. 1 have several full blood White Wyandotte cockerels for sale at $1.00 each, also an Old Trusty Incubator in good running order for $0.00. Call at residence of Ward Ver Valin. 21tf A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Smith, who reside one mile east of this city. Saturday morning. Jan. 16, 1909. L. N. was able to attend church Sunday morning, how ever. Sam’l Daddow went to Howard county last Friday to remain with his daughter, Mrs. A. L. Bali man, and look after the chores while his son-in law is serving on the federal jury at Grand Island. “The Deacon.” E. G. Taylor went to Farwell last Thursday morning and performed the duties of elevator manager during the day, his manager having been called to Omaha on accountof the dangerous illness of his mother. W S. Waite, manager of the Sher man County Telephone Co., attended the annual convention of Independent Telephone companies held in Lincoln the latter part of last w eek, returning home Saturday evening. Don't miss seeing ‘ Eli and Jane,” one of the best show s now on the road and a clever company, made up of SINGERS, DANCERS, MUSICI ANS and COMEDIANS. At Pilger's opera house, Tuesday, Jan. 26. Representative E. A. Brown came home from Lincoln last Thursday to attend the closing meeting of the revivals and visit his wife and daugh ter for a few days, returning to his duties Tuesday morning. He was pleased to'read in the daily press that the speaker of the house had remem bered him in his absence and appoint ed him to serve on another important committee. Ladies and gentlemen can go to see “Eli and Jane” with perfect safety —its a good clean moral show—the sweetest story ever told. A play for old and young. In fact its a play for everyone. Mr. Green is an exception al clever actor in this kind of a part, and he is surrounded by a clever com pany. “Eli and Jane” is a perfect WHIRLWIND OF MIRTH, MUSIC and FUN At Pilger's opera house, i Tuesday, January 26th. We regret to learn that our friend, Wm. Engle of Austin, is quite ill with what seems to be a concussion of the brain, supposed to have been caused ] by receiving a heavy blow on the I head from a scantling while working on his farm. The physician says, ! however, he does not fear any fatality, although he suffers most severely from racking headaches, while his I head is so sore it hurts him terribly | to lay on a pillow, although no abrasion or other evidence of injury may be discerned from the outside of the skull. We sincerely trust he will shortly recover to good health. Later: A phone message from his bedside | this morning, caused by alarming ru mors reporting his condition alarm ing. states he rested well iast night 'and seems improved at present. Miss Mamie Adamson, telephone girl, is on the sick list. Frank Goodwin was up from Grand Island Monday, returning Wednesday. The 2-year-old baby of Henry Miller got a linger badly smashed in a wringer last Tuesday. Miss Mary Minshull went to Lin coln yesterday to have her eyes treated by a specialist. Tire wrestling match between Din Mulick and Charley Bock is scheduled for nest Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Bryan were here from Ord oyer Sunday visiting their daughter and family. Mrs. Emma McCray is this week moving into the O’Bryan cottage vacated by G. W. Collipriest. Mrs. J. B. Draper returned from the sanitarium at Omaha last Satur day evening, much improved in health. G. W. Collipriest left last Saturday with his car of household goods and stock for his new home in Oklahoma. ■ W. A. Hayes and family leave for 1 their sandhills home on the north line of Greely county the first of the week. D. A. Johnson of Aurora was a Loup City visitor a few days this! week, looking after his business interests. Our jolly friend, J. F. Cressler of I Ravenna, gave us a pleasant call j yesterday when in town on business | and to greet his many friends. Mr. Ole Oloffson of Wyanet, Ills., : who has been visiting his uncle, ! H. G. Hosier, and family, for some i weeks, returned home yesterday. Representative E. A. Brown has a job after he comes home from the capital, he having been appointed deputy assessor for Loup City town ship. Latest word from Mrs. M. C. Mulick. who is at her aged father's bedside at Chester. Iowa, is to the effect that he was still alive, but gradually growing weaker. “The Deacon” Harry Jenner purchased the frame ouilding formerly occupied by - the Swanson shoe store and on Monday moved it on a vacant lot on the west side of the square. He will rent it for an office building. A very large number of our people I 'vent to Ashton this morning to at tend the funeral ceremonies of the Kettle family, who were killed in the railroad wreck in Colorado, an account j of which will be found in another i column. Rev. H. S. French, pastor of the M. E. church at Elm Creek, in Buffalo: ! county, who was visiting his parents, ! Mr. and Mrs. C. H. French, in this j city, delivered an excellent sermon from the Methodist pulpit last Sun day evening. We are glad to note that the con dition of the editor's wife is much : improved this morning, her tempera ture, which at one time reached 101 to 105, being now normal, and though very weak, her physician pronounces her convalescing nicely. A. B. Outhouse went to Lincoln Tuesday morning to visit with his daughters. Mrs. Outhouse joined him at Lincoln Tuesday and both went to Omaha to attend the state lumber men's association, and Mrs. Outiiouse w ill visit over Sunday in Lincoln on ! the way home. Chas. Biehl who sold his farm in this county something over a year ago and returned to the east with his family, arrived in this city last Thurs day evening and will again take up their residence here. Mrs. Biehl is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry George of this city. Mr. and Mrs. n. J. Johansen went to Lincoln Wednesday morning, to attend the agricultural meetings held there this week, and will visit Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor over Sun day. Mr. Johansen also goes to con sult a specialist over his frequent recurrence of heart trouble. “The Deacon.” Miss Lizzie Leininger went to Ord Tuesday to assist in the Wagner Thomas concert, assisted here last night and will be with them at St. Paul this evening. She will re turn home over Sunday, going to Omaha the first of next week to resume ber studies in voice culture under Mrs. Wagner-Thomas. Mrs. Josie Botts of San Diego, Cal., arrived at Ravenna last Friday, to visit her lather, J. A. Swanson, and a son, Emil Swanson, from Washington, on the Pacific coast, is expected this evening. Mr. Swanson's health being somewhat enfeebled brings them home to see him. We trust our good friend Swanson will early regain robust health. No word was received here from Mr. .John Lofliolm, who left for Colorado last week Wednesday in cl arge of the car of stock and house hold goods of the Kettle family, till last evening, and while no little anxiety was felt by his family here over his whereabouts at the time of the wreck, yet his not writing was attributed to his being busy with the goods and chattels of the ill-fated family. Owing to illness in the editor's home, he could not be in attendance on tlie Wagner-Thomas concert at tiie Presbyterian church last evening, but understand it was as we predict ed last week, a splendid musical treat, Mrs. Thomas being at tier very best and the musical event most splendid. We regret, however, to state that the attendance was small, which does not speak very well for our people, when it gave them one of the very best dramatic sopranos in her second appearance in our city. Only Few Days Left OF THE JANUARY CLEARING SALE! Of Men’s Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Gents’ Furnishings and Shoes. 20 to 40 Per Ct. Oil Come and See Us at the Hub Clothing Store VIENER & KRIELSTEIN HORRIBLE DISASTER Wreck on Rio Grande in Colorado Kills 21, Injures 50. KETTLE FAMILY ALL KILLED W. C. Kettle, Wife. Son and Two Daughters of Ashton Were Victims FUNERAL AT ASHTON TODAY Last Friday night at 9:4*1 o’clock some 22 miles east of Glenwood Springs, Colo., on the Denver & Rio Grande road, occurred a disastrous head end collision between a double header freight coming east and a pas senger train going west, resulting in the death of some 21 persons and the injuring more or less of some 50 others. Among those killed outright were W. C. Kettle of Ashton, to gether with his wife, his dahghters, Mae and Seta, aged 22 and 18 years, and his 14-year-old son, Paul, who left Ashton last Thursday for their new home at Grand Junction, Colo. It seems that the engineer of the pas senger mistook time by his watch ten minutes, in trying to make a side track at Dotsero Siding, and the re sult was that both trains came to gether with a tremendous impact which demolished all three engines, completely telescoped the first three or four passenger coaches, including the chair car, in which was the ill fated family from Ashton, not one of the occupants of which are said to have escaped alive. A long distance telephone message was received by Claire Kettle, a surviving son, at Ashton, from the Bee. giving the first news of the fatal wreck, early Sunday morning, who immediately started for the west, but received word from his brother-in-law, Mr. Henry Jens, at Grand Junction that he was com ing with the bodies of the ill-fated family and would arrive at Ashton Wednesday evening. The funeral occurs this (Thursday) morning at the Catholic church in Ashton. W. C. Kettle, who met his death in so tragic a manner, had for years been a pros perous farmer living some four miles north of Ashton, but had recently sold his farm there and purchased a tine seventeen-acre fruit farm near Grand Junetion, Colo., and was on his way to his new home with his wife and the three unmarried mem bers of his household, and the news of their untimely death was a great shock to their many friends and rela tives in this county. The surviving members of the family are, Mr. Claire Kettle, mail carrier on the route north from Ashton, and Mrs. Henry Jens, living at Grand Junction. A brother. Geo. YV. Kettle, lives at North Loup. Neb., another brother lives at Grand Junction, Col., and two sisters, Mrs. O. L. Way of Ravenna, and Mrs. L. Butterfield of Arcadia. A ’phone message from Ashton this morning says Henry Jens arrived last evening with the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Kettle and two daughters and son, accompanied by Mr. Kettle’s brother, Mr. John Kettle of Grand Junction, Colo., and that the bodies were this morning lying in state in the vacant Polski store building and being viewed by great numbers of people. The funeral was to take place at 10 o’clock from St. Francis Catholic church and the five bodies laid in one grave. Mrs. E. C. Kilpatrick of Webster township received a letter laet Friday that her sister-in-law. Mrs. Fannie Bone of Vinton county, Ohio, had recently undergone an operation for cencer of the breast and her recovery was very doubtful. The sympathies of her many friends are with her. Residence Property. I have six residence properties for sale One at $850.00; $1050.00; $1200.00; $1700.00, and one residence with five acres of land and a good bam. Price, $2700.00. A. L. Zimmerman. Work of the Little Winged God Yesterday Cupid seemed to have taken possession of County Judge Pedler's official abode, and no less than three couples of young people sought his official aid in launching them forth upon the matrimonial seas. The first two couples caught in the embrace of cupid were Mr. Seth J. Duncanson and Miss Lottie E. Sadler, and Mr. Frank S. Sadler and Miss Loella A. Hyatt, all of Anselmo, who came in a bunch, each pair evidently intent on assisting the other through the trying ordeal. The third wedding occurred close on the heels of the double hymeneal cele bration, and were Mr. Herschel Slier beck and Miss Etta Crist, both of Westerville. Custer county, the bride being accompanied by a stalwart brother and a dainty little sister, who were present to witness the most elegant manner in which Judge Pedler cements loving hearts in indissoluble bonds, the judge in this latter in stance being supported and braced up by the presence of the editor of the Northwestern, who was tiius enabled to advertise him as a little the best knot tyer extant. In this connection, we can not refrain from the belief that under the line art work of County Judge Pedler. ably assisted by | the handsome deputy in the office, is clearly demonstrating to the victims of Cupid that Loup City is the verit able Gretna Green of central Nebras ka. as scarcely a week, or even a few days, passes that the office is not the scene of nuptial affairs of those com ing from adjoining counties and even | from other states. It Is also evidenced 1 that the worthy county judge's office i is still a greater Mecca for the pre | liminarv preparation for like above | great events, by the frequency of ! swains from a distance securing per | mits. and not being so much acquaint : ed with the officials cementing pow ers depart for other and ministerial : qualifications, but we have no doubt ; that within a short time all will have ! such intimate acquaintance and his. tory of the neatness and dispatch that , the ministers will have to approach this successful dignitary and ask con cessions or express a willingness to form a trust with him in these affairs of heart. Just the second day pre ceding. in evidence of what we say above, a license was granted a young couple from Valiev county, Mr. Edgar Houtby and Miss Hazel Hain, but as they were not on to the splendid qualifications of His Honor, the cere mony was held elsewhere. Estimate for 1909. The following estimate was made by the County Board of Supervisors of Sherman county, 'Nebraska, for the year 1909, at a meeting held on the 13th day of January, 1909: Bridge Fund.$15,000 00 Road . . 1,000 00 Blanks, Books, etc.. 600 00 Incidentals.. 500 00 Election. 1,500 00 County repairs. 500 00 Officers’ salaries and rent. 6,500 00 Court, Including fees. 2,000 0U Bounty. 400 0* Insane . 400 0w Interest on outstanding bonds. 3,500 0 Sinking Fund. 10.000 00 Teachers' Fund. 100 00 Soldiers' Relief Fund.'. 400 00 C. F. BeushaCSEH. County Clerk. (Last pub. Feb. 18.) Notice of Sale of Real Estate by Special Master Commissioner Notice is hereby given that, whereas the undersigned. R. J. Nightingale, was. by the order of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Nebraska, duly made and entered in the cause wherein Emma Luithardt. an infant, by Wilhelm Luithardt. her guardian and next friend, is complainant, and John Laier. Mary Laier, wife of said John Laier, Gottfried Laier. Jeannette Laiei, wife of said Gottfried Laier. Rosie Mann, and James Mann, husband of said Rosie MaDn. are respondents, appointed as special master commissioner to make partition of the lands hereinafter described, and, whereas the said R. J. Nightingale was, by the further order of said court, duly made and entered on January 2nd. 1909, ordered adjudged and decreed, as such special master commission er. to advertise and sell said real estate as upon execution* now, therefore, by virtue and in pursuance of said orders of said court, I .will, on Tuesday, the ninth (9th) day of February. 1909. at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at the front and south door of the court house in Loup City Sherman county. Nebraska, sell the following described real estate, towit: The west half of Section thirty-four, and the southeast quarter of Section twenty-eight, all in town ship fifteen, north of Range fifteen, west of 6th principal meridian, situate in Sherman county, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash: said land to be sold either as a whole or in separate parcels, as authorized by the court. Given under my hand this 6th day of January. 1909. R. J. Nightingale. Special Master Commissioner. (Last ptb. Feb. 4.) Bargain C< wnter Don't fail to come and see what we have in Dress Goods on this Conn ter. Also, the 7 pieces of China with one can of Baking Powder, 50c. It is the best snap yet. 15 to 25 per cent off on Dress Goods CONHISER’s ^ Kitchen Cabinet, 25x46, basswood top, weight 100 lbs., No freight (2/1 Afs to pay. Price,. Top to match above base.$2.35 All Oak Center Table. 24x24; top 0. 2.00 6-foot All Oak Extension Table. 6.00 Full-size Woven Wire Bed Springs. 1.50 Our 45-lb. Cotton Top Mattress, 4.4. 2.75 We are hdre to get the Furniture business and will not be undersold. Bring us your bill and let us give you prices that will sell the goods. Christensen & Ferdinand! Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers | I. DEPEW®* Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker* My shoo is tbe largest and best equipped north of tbe Platte Blver 1 bare a four hors* engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, me cbiuery. also a force of experienced men who know bow to operate it and turn out a Job with neatness and dlupatcb. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS min min nil iinniimiimmmaiBiiBwa We just received a car of fine Rock Spring Lump coal. We also have Niggard Head Lump, Maitland Lump, Rock Spring Nut, Monarch Lump, Hanna Lump and two sizes of Eastern Anthracite. Have one bin of coal here that we are offering at $6.25 per ton. Better look over the Storm Sash proposition and save the heat for the house. KEYSTONE LUjVIBEfi CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb. E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, gJ. W-HLong.I 18. N. Sweetland LOUP CITHTATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, Capital Stock, - - $26,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 .. _.. .. - _ _ _ M