The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 07, 1909, Image 6

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Food Specialist
Author of "Eating for a
Purpose." "The jVeto
Gospel of Health."
(Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.)
Wheat very closely resembles nuts
in composition and digestive action. A
large constituent of nuts is albumen.
Corresponding to this we have in
wheat, gluten, a form of albumen.
The fact that nuts contain almost
50 per cent, fat, while grains contain
from one to seven per cent., is an ob
jection to the displacing of nuts. This
weakness of the grains has been met,
intuitively, by adding butter fat to
bread, though animal fat is not a per
fect substitute for nut fat.
Starch, which forms about 60 per
cent, of cereals, is nearly the same,
chemically, as fat, the essential element
of each being carbon, but its digestionis
materially different. When changed
to jugar by the action of the saliva
and of the intestinal fluids, starch is
easily assimilated and serves the same
purpose as fat; it supplies heat and
energy. But cereal starch, if it is a
natural substitute for other forms of
carbon—sugar, fat and honey, is ex
iremely indigestible when incased, as
it is in the ripe cereals, in cells that
cannot be penetrated by the digestive
liquids. Butter fat and nut fat are
quickly reduced in the intestines to a
soapy condition, and readily ab
sorbed. Sugar is also easily taken up
and used to supply heat and energy,
but cereal starch must first be con
verted into sugar or glucose.
The infant cannot digest starch, and
the weak intestinal digestion is al
ways debilitated by it The same is
true of potato starch, unless baked or
made floury by dropping in boiling
water and boiling rapidly.
These facts I have proved by actual
experiment, living for several days at
a time on raw and again on cooked
starch, besides testing them by artifi
cial digestion in the laboratory. They
have a very important bearing upon
health, especially of children.
Wheat contains all the elements
needed to support life and in due pro
portion. The starch converted into
sugar by the action of the saliva and
intestinal fluids, gives heat and en
ergy, the gluten or nitrogenous part
builds flesh, and the minerals found
in the coarse brown outer layers fur
nish all the mineral elements needed
to support the action of brain and
nerve and for the finer processes of
iu me iiiiiuug 01 superuue iiuur, uow
ever, some of these valuable minerals
are thrown out. This reduces the nu
tritive value of the flour, but it also
makes it much less valuable as a food,
in another respect, as we shall see
No question in diet, except the
meat question, has been so vigorously
debated as that of the relative values
of white and brown or entire wheat
bread. Some maintain that the fine
while flour contains a larger per cent,
of nutriment than the entire wheat
flour, quoting the analysis of the gov
ernment chemist to prove it. They
also insist that the coarse outer shell
of (he wheat is extremely irritating to
the delicate lining of the intestinal
canal, one physician, who writes ex
tensively on diet, going so far as to
say that it is better to use the white
bread and take a "judicious pill,” oc
In speaking of the chief defect of
milk as a food for adults, I called at
tention to its deficiency in iron, which
gives that “sand” that is necessary to
tiring the moral qualities into play.
Now the standard analyses show that
the percentage of iron in whole wheat
is more than double that in su
perfine white flour. Sulphur and chlor
ine. highly essential elements of the
blood, are entirely eliminated from
white flour, and only a trace of sodium
is left—which cannot be naturally
supplied in common salt.
The ordinary white flour contains
’.ess than half as much fat as whole
arA ccly cne fourth tie min
eral matter.
Of course the deficiency of mineral
elements of nutrition in white bread
can be made up by eating potatoes,
green vegetables, beans, eggs and
meat. Indeed, it is probable that the
general use of this broken staff of
life—white flour—is one of the causes
of the abnormal craving for “variety.”
Variety is the only salvation of him
who depends upon white bread for his
staple nourishment.
But granting that variety is desir
able—though for reasons already
given in the article on “The Simple
Diet," I think it is not—it does not
then follow that the substitution of
white bread for whole wheat is ad
The greatest enemy the physician
has to fight in some severe digestive
disorders is fermentation; and of all
the elements that favor continuous
destructive fermentation in the food
tube the worst is wheat starch—not
excepting the putrefying tendency of
meat in the lower intestine. Anyone
who has made flour paste knows how
quickly it spoils and becomes a
source of contamination.
The condition most necessary to the
digestion of bread is that it be fully
exposed to the action of the digentlve
fluids. White bread forms in pellets,
especially when eaten fresh; the
whole wheat is much more open to the
circulation of those fluids; it cannot
form dough pellets.
It Is urged by those who favor white
bread that tests show a larger per
centage of waste in the excreta from
whole wheat bread; in other words,
thi fine white bread is more complete
ly assimilated. This is the truth, but
not the whole truth.
The whole wheat flour contains
everything that the fine white flour
contains, and some very valuable ele
ments not in the white flour.
It Is true that the elements of food
of which the largest percentages are
needed in the daily ration are carbon
and nitrogen, and that white bread
contains these in larger percentage,
because excluding some valuable ele
ments of nutrition found in the whole
wheat. But the exclusion of these
elements breaks the staff of life. A
man might have a perfect stomach,
perfect lungs, perfect kidneys, with
abundance of food, and yet his death
within 60 days from starvation might
be a necessary conclusion from a con
sideration of all the facts.
Prof. Magendie, a distinguished
French physician, fed two dogs, ap
parently in equal health, one on
white bread and the other on entire
wheat bread, allowing both plenty of
water and keeping the conditions
otherwise as nearly equal as possible.
The dog fed on fresh white bread was
dead in about 30 days, while the other
remained in his usual health.
The highest authority on health in
the world, the British Medical asso
ciation, has declared itself in favor of
the coarser breads made from the full
grains. The London Lancet, the great
est medical journal in the world, re
cently expressed the opinion that the
great increase in appendicitis in
Britain is due to the increased use of
fine white bread.
Appendicitis results from the pu
trefaction in the large intestine of
masses of incompletely digested food.
N'o one can doubt the tendency of
white bread to mass and putrefy.
I have said that peanuts should not
be roasted because albumen, of which
the peanut largely consists, coagulates
at 160 degrees, and is then assimilated
with difficulty. The same applies to
wheat gluten. A large percentage of
the gluten with the indigestible mat
ter in whole wheat bread is excreted.
Starch is one element of food that is
improved by cooking; when thorough
ly cooked it is more fully assimilated
than any other food element, except
sugar. It is natural to suppose, then,
that a larger percentage of waste
should be excreted from whole wheat
than from white bread. But it does
not follow that the white bread is bet
ter than the brown.
A certain amount of waste matter
in the food is beneficial, stimulating
naturally the action of the intestines.
No one familiar with the physiology of
digestion advocates predigested or
highly concentrated foods.
Well cooked starch is more com
pletely assimilated than any other
cooked food, if there is a demand in
the system for a supply of carbon at
the time the food is taken, and no ab
normal conditions exist to prevent its
assimilation. Therefore, we should ex
pect a more complete use of the
cooked starch bread. A vigorous
man on a long tramp would utilize
practically all of half a pound of sugar
daily, with other food, especially if he
were below normal weight; but sugar
is not a good staple diet; half a pound
a day would soon cause serious trou
ble for a bookkeeper. Let a book
keeper eat a pound a day of coarse
bread and no serious trouble may
follow for months or years; yet if he
eat a pound a day of white bread,
trouble will certainly follow ?n a short
time, serious trouble, ultimately.
Of ail the indirect causes of disease
the most prolific is constipation; and
there is no more general contributing
cause of constipation than fine white
“Fear God and keep your bowels
open” was the whole gospel preached
by a Quaker who believed in speaking
the simple truth in a simple way. Per
haps he had taken his cue from an
other member of that society who
said: “I shall pass this way but once,
therefore if there is any good thing
1 can do while 1 am in the way, let me
not fail to do it.” The young physi
cian, full of strange notions about
“pathogenic bacteria” and "indications
of the opsonic index,” may forget in
his inquiry into the causes of our com
mon ailments to ask whether we are
I living according to the gospel of the
old Quaker; but our good old family
doctor, who learns and forgets most
of the brilliant theories of the profes
sion, never forgets to ascertain the
condition of elimination. Many of
our able thinkers in the healing pro
fession say there is but one cause of
disease—the retention of waste mat
ter in the system.
Our grandmothers knew of several
kinds of physic, some of them not
very agreeable, but there was one that
was intended to serve as a cure-all in
all cases in which it was not deemed
necessary to send for the doctor; it
was called by way of pre-eminence,
“a physic.” Now there are people who
seem to think that God made every
thing that might possibly be eaten
without causing severe distress to
be used for food, and for hundreds of
years doctors have been “proving”
specific remedies good for real and
imaginary Ills. I am glad to have
this opportunity to say to a large num
ber of our American people that I am
satisfied that Nature did make one
’ good physic which man has learned
i to improve (?) by making it in:o
| coarse bread; but I shall deal with the
curative values of foods in forthcom
ing chapters on “The Diet Cure.”
Limbless Artist.
A remarkable story of perseverence
against great natural difficulties is
told of a young man—Cecil Shirley, 27
years of age—who, although he was
born without limbs, has developed a
very considerable talent for drawing
and painting in oils and water-colors.
iHis work has been executed by means
of the usual instruments held between
the ends of the stumps which take the
i place of arms. It comprises portraits,
water-color sketches of flowers and
animals, and a large number of
copies on to silk and satin in oils.—
London Til-Bits.
Has Traced River Bed.
Prof. Edward Hull, F. R. S., who
studies the* ancient river channels in
the ocean bed, by analyzing the Brit
ish admiralty soundings, has suc
ceeded in tracing the submarine bed
of the river Adour and the Fosse de
Cape Breton for a distance of about
fifty miles out to sea, at which point
it opens out on the floor of the ocean
at a depth of 1,500 fathoms (9 000
Pam M<o>dldl§
Lilac cloth is the material of tne left-hand costume.
The corsage forms a sort of bolero, fashioned on one side with embroid
ered black satin buttons. The collar, revers and cuffs are trimmed with black
The chemisette is of tucked tulle, with plaited frill of the same ornament
ed with gold buttons. Plaiiings of this tulle finish the long, tight sleeves at
the wrists. At the back is a girdle of the material.
The half-empire skirt is made with breadths or bands, crossed in front
simulating a tunic and uniting in the back.
The other costume is a pastel gray wool dotted with black and having a
border of black and white checks, which forms the trimming on the corsage
and bottom of tae skirt.
The fitted corsage simulates a bolero, and is trimmed besides the border
-. ith bands of the material and little buttons, with simulated button holes of
black liberty. The straps which form the girdle are also of black liberty.
The little guimpes are tucked tulle, the collar and cuffs are composed of
lace ruffles and green liberty ribbon.
The skirt is made and trimmed to correspond and is finished at the bot
tom w'ith the checked border and a band of black liberty.
Fluffy Accessories Are Just Now High
in Favor.
It seems as though there will never
be an end to the novelties in scarfs ;
and motor veils that are being intro- j
duced almost every day, all of which j
goes to prove that soft, delicately col- j
ored scarfs and wide chiffon and net i
motor veils, if anything, increase in
popularity with each successive week, i
Most attractive are the newest chif- j
fon scarfs and extremely easy are they i
of home manufacture, always a con
sideration for the woman who would
be accorded the title of well dressed
on an income distressingly small.
Formed of chiffon or heavy net, the
ends of the scarf are caught, or, more
strictly speaking, gathered in and fin
ished off with a short tassel or fringe
of coarse sewing silk. The scarf may
also be gathered in slightly in the cen
ter and a tassel attached at one end,
so that when thrown over the shoul
ders the scarf makes an attractive bit
of drapery on the back of the dress,
as well as adding to the charm of the
front of the gown.
In the soft shades of pink, blue,
mauve, green and, in fact, in all the
light pastel colorings, these scarfs are
exquisitely pretty, and they are per
haps especially charming made up in
the shaded chiffons which are now to
be had designed especially for veiling
for the large motor hats'now in vogue.
An old scarf of crepe de chine or
chiffon can be quite rejuvenated by a
bath in naphtha or a thorough vvash
ing in luke warm water and ivory
soapsuds, and then after being careful
ly pressed out embellished by the addi
tion of silk tassels at the ends and in
the center.
Gold and Brown.
One of the combinations coming in
to first style for indoor gowns is
bronze satin. It is used for an em
pire skirt that reaches to the bust, and
above this is a bodice of bronze se
quins mixed with gold thread, run on
brown net.
The bodice is made in the usual
way out of bands going around the fig
ure and over the arms. The only touch
of any other color is a bit of white
tulle at the neck and sleeves.
This combination is adopted for
elaborate low-necked frocks worn for
special occasions. As a rule brown is
not considered among the evening col
ors, but this coppery bronze tone
shows off the heavy bullion trimming
in an effective manner, and lights up
well under the electrics.
Prevent Raveling.
When you cut oft the arms and
legs of your flannels instead of mak
ing a hem finish ofT with a buttonhole
stitch. This keeps it from raveling
out and makes it look nicer.
Detail of the Costume That Is of Im
mense Importance.
Nothing can more easily make or
mar one's appearance than a veil. If
it is put on in wrinkles, it conveys
immediately the impression of a wrin
kled skin, and adds years to the fait
face. If a woman has a naturally
heavy jaw, she must resist the tempta
tion of the border veils, and the man
—it could never have been a woman—
who invented green veils ought to be
imprisoned. Brown veils are universal
ly becoming, and the veritable ava
lanches of lace that now fall from the
fashionable hats can be manipulated
by clever fingers into any effect what
ever! The safest of all is the clear
mesh with moderately large chenille
spots. To fix it to the hat. always pin
it in front first to the brim, then pin
the two top edges together at the
back of the crown. The ends are then
gathered into a knot, so that the lace
lies quite smoothly across the face.
The greatest care should lie taken
with the back of the veil, which must
meet as nearly as possible over the
back of the hair, and do not let the
lower edge fall below the chin. Twist
ing it into a knot under the chin is
abominable. When the veil is removed
from the hat it should be rolled over
a cardboard roll easily mace for the
purpose. An invariable law should be
that the veil must match either the
hat or the trimming. The old rose
and the deep red shades in veiling
give an attractive glow to pale cheeks.
Simple hat of gray ottoman silk,
lined with black; galon of gray and
blue embroidery.
A Fine Hair Shampoo.
First, boil a pint of water. Add to
this a third of a cake of pure white
soap, shaved fine. Boll this until the
soap is melted. Pour this mixture into
a jar before it thickens and let it cool.
To shampoo the hair put a couple of
tablespoonfuls of this paste into warm
water and when it is dissolved apply
to the hair and rub it into the scalp
several times. Then rinse the hair
well in clear, warm water.
- j
Its Possessor May Well Boast of Su
preme Endowment.
The twentieth century fairy who ap
pears at the cradle of the modern
baby bestows upon it the gift of tact
beyond all others. It is now the su
preme endowment. The girl who has
it can find a footing with those who
have genius, talent, money, and
From the lack of it girls suffer more
than from the lack of these other
gifts. It seems as though it must be
a fairy's gift at the cradle, because it
is so hard to achieve. It can be ac
quired with patience and study.
The girl who hasn’t got it should
carefully criticise every failure she
makes with friends and opportunities,
no matter how small, and see if a lack
of tact is not at the bottom of these.
Tact takes a knowledge of human
nature, it is true, but this also comes
by study and observation. The girl
who goes through the world without
absorbing knowledge about those
around her is doomed to a lonely old
If she goes through the world blun
dering she will spend far more mis
erable moments than she gives others.
If she hasn’t tact she should hunt
for it, pray for it, work for it. It
will give her more happiness than
gifts that are spelled in capital letters
and considered supreme.
• A Practical Blouse.
A smart and practical blouse of dark
red nun's veiling, seen in a shop re
cently. was laid entirely in tucks from
armhole to armhole and closed down
the front under a narrow box plait.
The sleeves fitted the arms smooth
ly to the wrists and were tucked their
entire length, graduating in size, the
widest coming at the top. Ruffles of
black chiffon trimmed the wrists and
a high collar of dark red satin folded,
edged with a ruff of black chiffon,
lined with white, finished the neck. A
narrow cravat tied in a bow in the
front, the ends weighted with gold tas
sels, completed a stylish waist.
Cards were at first for benefits de
signed; sent to amuse, not to enslave
the mind.—David Garrick. J
A Disease Which Is a Menace to a Most Important Industry—
By A. R. Ward, Veterinarian and Bacteriologist,
Bovine tuberculosis is a menace that
no stock raiser or dairyman can afford
to ignore. There is no problem con
fronting agriculture to-day of more
fundamental importance than that con
stituted by this disease.
The United States department of ag
riculture furnishes tuberculin free to
health officials.
On account of the ease with which
variations in temperatures are
caused, it is important to keep the
animals, that are being tested, under
normal conditions. They should be
fed, watered and milked as usual.
Avoid as much as possible the violent
handling of nervous cows in taking
their temperatures.
Cattle suffering from any disease
causing a fever (garget, fox tail ab
scess,’’ retained afterbirth, etc.)
should not be tested until the fever has
subsided. If the cattle have been re
cently injected with tuberculin, a re
test within one month will be unrelia
ble, and it is safer to allow six or
eight weeks to elapse. Most authori
ties state that the test should not be
applied to cows within four days of
calving, or during the period of heat.
Manner of Inje cting Tuberculin.
for fear that these conditions might
cause a rise. It is the usual practice
to inject all animals, and take the
above-mentioned conditions into con
sideration. and re-test if a rise in the
temperature does occur.
This is preferably done in the eve
ning, eight hours before the time of
iriiking in the morning. The syringe
should be disinfected by drawing it
full of carbolic acid, emptying it, and
then rinsing in boiled water before
beginning the test. In addition to this,
just before injecting each animal, dip
the tip of the syringe in strong car
bolic acid to disinfect it. Fill the
syringe through the needle from the
bottle of tuberculin, and avoid contam
inating it with dirt. Set the burr on
the piston rod of the syringe so that
net more than the dose intended can
be injected. The large numbered di
visions on the syringe piston rod
stand for cubic centimeters (ec.). The
size of dose will be stated on the tu
berculin bottle. The injection is usu
ally made in the side of the neck
where the skin is thin and loose. A
fold of the skin is taken in the left
hand, and the syringe point inserted
in the pocket thus formed and the
dose injected. When a cow is re
Tuberculin Test Outfit.
strained in a stanchion the position of
the operator shown in our illustration
insures the greatest security from in
terference or injury by the movements
of the cow.
Take temperatures at about the
eighth, tenth, twelfth, fourteenth, six
teenth and eighteenth hours after
injecting, and continue in those cases
showing a rising temperature. Where
an animal shows a rise above 102.5
degrees Fahrenheit, it is well to take
the temperatures at more frequent in
tervals. In hot weather it is essen
tial that the Injection be timed so
that the eighth to sixteenth hours will
occur in the cool part of the day.
When the tuberculin is furnished by
this station the temperature record
sheets may be returned as soon as the
test is completed, and an interpreta
tion of the results will be made. In
case of a reaction (indicating the pres
ence of tuberculosis) there must be a
rise of 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit or more
above the normal temperature as de
termined on the preceding day. The
interpretation of temperature rec
ord of the animals showing a rise of
less than two degrees Fahrenheit re
quires care. The elevation of temper
ature usually comes on gradually, al
though in the more pronounced reac
tions, where the temperature goes
above 105.5 degrees Fahrenheit, the
rise is frequently abrupt. This should
usually occur between the eighth and
the sixteenth hours. It should remain
f practically at a maximum for two
hours or more end gradually subside.
When the temperature reaches 104 de
grees Fahrenheit or more, and is main
tained for some hours, the animal is
certainly regarded as a tubercular,
if no fever was shown before the in
jection. Erratic elevations of short
duration do not indicate a reaction.
The slight variations caused by the
weather, the drinking of cold water,
• or the irregular handling in applying
the test are as apparent in the tem
perature records of the non-reacting
cows as in the others, and a compari
son of the temperatures of the ani
mals which show no indication of a
reaction should be taken into account
in interpreting the records. In case
of doubt, the animal should be sep
arated from the herd and re-tested not
sooner than a month.
If a Large Proportion of the Herd Is
Found to Be Diseased.—In this case if
the reacting animals are valuable
breeders, they may be isolated and
kept for breeding purposes by remov
ing the calves at once and feeding
them on milk of healthy cows, or on
sterilized milk of their mothers. This
is called the Bang method, a proced
ure devised by Prof. B. Bang, of the
Copenhagen Veterinary college. The
method is as follows:
“(1) Test every animal in the herd
with tuberculin.
“(2) Remove the reacting animals,
and keep them isolated so that the dis
ease can not be transmitted to the
healthy animals, either by contact, by
the attendants, or by the same feed
ing or drinking utensils.
“(3) Disinfect the stables to pre
vent transmission of ihe germs left
by the infected animals.
"(4) Test the healthy herd with tu
berculin regularly to detect any cases
that may develop and remove such an
imals before they spread the disease.
Disinfect again.
"(5) Remove the calves from the
diseased herd at birth and feed them
milk from the healthy cows, or milk
from the diseased cows which has
been thoroughly pasteurized (heated
to 185 degrees Fahrenheit).”
As the sound herd is replenished,
the isolated cattle may, if desired, be
fattened and killed, under proper in
spection, for beef.
By H. J. 'Waters, Dean Missouri
Agricultural College.
The proper selection, maintenance
and development of the dairy herd
lies at the foundation of all perman
ent success in dairying. While the
organization of factories, wherein but
ter and cheese may be manufactured
more economically than on the farm,
may stimulate and encourage the de
velopment of the dairy industry, it is
nevertheless true that this stimulus
will he only temporary and will soon
fail if the farmers are producing the
milk without a satisfactory profit.
A thoroughbred herd of dairy cows
is not necessary to success. In fact,
for the beginner, it is perhaps advis
able for him to select the best cows
of his local community. The com
bination beef and dairy cow is claimed
by many authorities to be ;he most
profitable on the whole, inasmuch as
the cow herself may be readily and
profitably converted into beef when
she proves unsatisfactory for dairy
purposes; that she will drop a large
and thrifty calf that may be made into
veal or into beef at a profit, and in
this way add materially to the profits
of the business. On the other hand the
preponderance of evidence seems to be
on the side of the special dairy cow.
The comparative tests show that such
a cow will produce butter at less cosi,
just as the other type of animal will
produce beef to a better advantage,
and that in the end the dairyman will
be acting most wisely who plans to
form his herd out of such cows.
After having gotten the herd to
gether, the most rigid selection and
the most intelligent breeding will be
necessary to improve' its quality or
even maintain its excellence. No
matter how judiciously the herd may
have been selected, there is almost
certain to be a number of animals that
wrill fail to produce a profit and a wide
difference will be shown in the
amount of profit returned by different
cows. It is therefore absolutely es
sential to the most rapid progress and
to the highest degree of success that
the dairymen determine accurately the
number of pounds of blitter or milk
produced by each cow each year. An
investment of less than $10 in a Bab
cock milk tester and a pair of spring
balance scales and an expenditure of
a comparatively small amount of time
and labor will furnish this informa
tion and it is certain to cause a great
surprise to the owner of the herd.
Remember Others.—“It is not pos
sible to do good for others without do
ing good for ourselves; and it is not
possible to neglect others without
losing everything that makes life
worth while.”
Don’t Be a Quitter.—Don't get dis
couraged. It is often the last key on
the bunch that opens the lock
“Why, professor! Why are y„r
wearing ear muffs on the street on .
hot day like this?”
“O, I forgot to take them off! Or
baby makes such a noise ail the time 4
at home!” ^
The Unexpected.
The judge was about to pass sen
tence upon the cj-demned man.
“In view of ce?k>v contingent cir
cumstances,” he sa£. “I’m inclined o
treat you with leniency.”
A veiled woman who was sitting at
a little distance suddenly burst into
tears. -
“Are you the prisoner's wife?" Lis
honor inquired.
The woman could only nod.
“I think that in view of all thes ■
mitigating influences,” the judge re
sumed, “I will fix three years—'
The veiled woman suddenly gasped
“It ain't half enough, judge; it ain t
half enough!” she wildly shrieked.
Supporting the Aristocracy.
Senator Tillman, discussing interna
tional marriages the other day, saul
“ ‘What are we coming to?' A friend
of mine, an arrant foe to monarchies
roared out in a speech last week:
“ ‘Downtrodden as they are abroad, i
still fail to understand how they can
endure to be taxed to support idle, ex
travagant and dissolute royal faniilie- '
“Then my fric*nd wiped his heated
brow, and, hurrying home, sent in a
stock assessment of $10,000 in order
to help the president of the Dash rail
road purchase a titled son-in-law."
Royalty on Exhibition.
In the eighteenth century the Lon
doner could look at royalty on Sun
day for a modest fee. In a guide to
London, published in 1767, it was said: k
“At St. James’ chapel royal by knock
ing at the side door and slipping a
shilling for each person into the hand
of the verger who opens it, you may
have admittance and stand during di
vine service in presence of their
majesties; and for one shilling each
person more, you may sit in their roy
al presence, not in pews, but in turn
up seats on the side of them.”
Sheer white goods. In fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way the>
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile bea -
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficien:
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work.
Waiting for His Little Airship.
The birds were flying south. Pre
ently they espied a lone robin perched
on a lofty limb. jdi
“Come on,” they c^HLiand join the
bunch.” ylW
But the robin perked his head on
one side and shook it vigorously.
“What are you waiting for?" they
“I'm waiting," replied the robin.
“for one of these daffy little airship
chappies to blow along and then meb
by I can sneak a ride.”
Not That Erand of Breakfast Food.
‘'Waiter,” said the guest in a non
fashionable hotel, "have you tabb
d'hote here?”
The waiter considered. Then the
fever against warning the “do-not-a<
cept-of-a-substitute warning is issued
seized upon him.
“We haven't any of that, sir," b
replied, "but I can bring you sod:.
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
iron. _
Good Work.
“His brains earn him his living."
“Rats! I’ve read his stuff in all the
magazines, and there's no sense in any
of it.”
“I know it, but think how smart he
is to get it in all the magazines?”
The Probable Reason.
‘‘Papa, why do brides wear long
“To conceal their satisfaction, I pre
sume. my son.”—Smart Set.
Omaha Directory
Aulabaugh’s complete
1 catalogue will show
lyou what you want.
wpt. 1508 Douoias St, OMAHA.
LOWEST P«°9i TAe?sL,EPS.,„e.,S.
Yoa cannot afford to experiment with
untried goods sold by commission
agents. Catalogues free.
The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company
407-9 So. 10th St., Dept. 2. OMAHA. NEB.
by mall at cut prices. Send for free e .t
1517 Oo«|;las St„ OMAHA, NEB.
Reliable Duntistry at Moderate Prices
M. Spiesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
The Best In the West. OMAHA, NEB.