The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 17, 1908, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
I .. _ . ___= | _ _ • _ __
Washington. Congressional. Politi
cal and Other Events Briefly Told
The legislative, executive and judi
cial impropriation bill was passed in
tbe house in the shape in which it
came from the committee. There was
scarcely any debate.
The house "insurgents" are consid
ering a proposal to take power of ap
pointing committees from the streak
er and vest it in a committee on com
mittees. similar to the one in the sen
The tariff hearings before the ways
and means committee will continue
throughout the short session of con
gress. and President-elect Tafr will
have further conferences with the
Speaker Cannon in an address to
the Rivers and Harbors congress an
nounced that he woo'd oppose any
bill looking to iarge bond issue for
waterways improvements.
President-elect Taft intimated di
rectly that any tariff bill which does
not line up with the party’s platform
will he vetoed.
Rivers and Harbors congress will
probably a^k congress to issue $500.
iHio.OOO in bonds for improvement of
■ waterways.
The house passed the bill provid
t ing for taking the next census after
H li\e “lours debate.
A bill providing for the establish
E meat of a tariff commission of seven
I members to fix the rates of duty on
I all imports was introduced in the
■ house.
The -H'tiate confirmed the nomina
I tions of Luke E. Wright of Tennessee
■ to be secretary of war, and Truman
B H. Newberry of Michigan, to be secre
K tary of the navy.
Speaker Cannon declared that ever
I since 1890 had there been a time !
I when, under the rules of the house,
either under republican or democratic
control, that a majority of the mem
bers had not been able to register
their will in legislation.
Senator Gamble of South Dakota in
troduced the following bill. For the
creation of a new land district, with located at Beilefourche. It
embraces the southern part of Butte
county, not included in the Lemmon
land district and the northern tier of |
townships of Meade county .
President Roosevelt's last message
to congress is a very lengthy docu
f The postal saving bank bill has
[been favorably reported and will be
[considered at an early day.
The senate confirmed the nomina
tion of Helen D. Longstreet, widow of
'the confederate general, as postmis
tress at Gainesville, Ga.
The president sent to the senate for
'confirmation a long list of appoint
iments made during the recess.
Much opposition is developing to
[the postal savings bank bill.
Opposition to the t'niied States
jjapanese agreement may develop in
Itiie senate.
I The Indian school at Genoa, Neb.. '
■nay be abolished.
j There was a crush of visitors in
Both houses at the opening of eon
Assembling of congress was the oc
casion of congratulations for those
who are re-elected and commtssera
tion for those who failed.
The Governors of four states were
present and delivered addresses at
the corn show on Monday. Idaho.
Missouri arsn Nebraska have taken big
prizes in alfalfa, a Fort Crook man
winning sweepstakes on the besv bale.
President Roosevelt President
elect Taft held a conference in refer
ence to formation of the latter's
Over TOO members of the Omaha
Commercial club, the Omaha Real
Estate exchange and 'lie Live Stock
exchange of South Omaha, each hold
ing aloft a corn stalk, met at a given
place and marched to the eor.i show
when it opened.
Some counties itt Nebraska sent
hoys and girls to the corn show that
they might learn in regard to the
great cereal.
The two Nebraska senators have
united in the request for the appoint
ment of the Rev. Rufus W. Keyset- of
Palmyra to the position of chaplain
in the tegular army. Mr. Keyset- is a
minister in the Baptist church.
A trip will be made to the Isthmian
Canal zone by the iniorstate and for
eign commerce committee according
to a decision discussed by that com
Omaha Ind.ans have appointed del
egates to represent the trike in mal
lets pending before the department.
in a vigorous letter the president
denounced as lies the charge of a
scanadal in the Panama canal.
William Nelson Cromwell in an ex
tended statement specifically denies
all charges of crookedness in connec
tion with the sale of the Panama
canal property to the United States.
State Auditor Searle estimates that
the .Vebraska state debt will be wiped
out by July 1 next and after that date
the state tax levy can be reduced.
Iowa student judges carried off the
Jl000 trophy at the National Corn
_sil"" Vtnnv othpr nri?^ w-v" ^nn
The Nebraska Kailwav commission
has upheld the request of the South
Omaha Live Stock Yards company f t
higher switching charges.
The National Exchange bank of
Springfield. Mo., closed its doors un
der order of the comptroller of the
Four men broke jnil at Grand Island,
among them Haley, the postoffice thief.
The South Amercan diplomats were
badly injured in an automobile acci
dent near Washington.
The New York World calls on con
gess to investigate the purchase of the
Panama canal property.
A fight between religious fanatics
and officers in Kansas City resulted in
the death of one officer and a girl and
ill fatal injury of three mea.
•It is reported that Chancellor Strong
of the Kansas university may be
selected to follow Chancellor Andrews
of the Nebraska University.
Free trade with the Philippines was
one of the most important matters
agreed upon by President-elect Taft
and the republican members of the
ways and means committee.
Major Brad Slaughter of Omaha,
paymaster of the United States army,
will not be disqualified a id put on the
retired list as was rumored recently.
A number of Nebraskans won
prizes at the Chicago live stock show.
The National Corn exposition at
Omaha was formally opened by tel
egram from President -loosevelt. Gov.
Sheldon and oihers made brief speech
es. The exhibit is large from all sec
tions. including foreign countries.
Awards are being made. John P. Close
of Indiana securing the grand sweep
stakes. Jl’,000.
Railroad officials will meet in Chi
cago to act upon the proposition of
raising freight rates between the At
lantic coast and Mississippi river
The Chicago Board of Trade will
charter a special train on the North
western road to come to the corn
show at Omaha.
The secretary of the treasury has
sent to congress the book of esti
mates for appropriations for the year
A conference of New York republi
cans was held at which it was decided
to push Secretary Root for the sena
torship and let T. L. Woodruff dis
tribute the patronage.
President Roosevelt and President
elect Taft placed themselves on record
in favor of the issue of bonds for perm
anent improvements to conserve nat
ural resources.
Revolutionists post notice that the
Shah of Persia has been ^condemned
to death for overriding the constitu
Publicity for the National Corn
Show has comprehended daily, weekly
and monthly publications and 1,000,000
circulars and posters
The new anti-sweating law in Ire
land. passed by the Euglish, throws
the poor women and factory workers
into the clams.
The waterways conference afforded
the opportunity for a report on the
wealth of the United States and
opinions on the movement for conser
vation that has become general.
Judge Taft and Speaker Cannon
held a conference at which it was
agreed that the republican members
of the committee on ways and means
shall meet the president-elect on
tarif. revision.
The president extended his “greet
ings and best wishes for success of
tne National Corn exposition" at
Advocates of the establishment of
an appaiachian and a White moun
tain national forest reserve headed
by governors from all sections of the
United States appeared before the
house committee on agriculture and
pressed their appeal for an appropria
tion for the creation of this big re
President-elect. Taft gave his prom
ise to visit Atlanta, Ga.. for a day dur
ing his stay in Augusta.
The president has accepted the re
signation of Chaplain George G.
Waring, Eleventh cavalry, to take et
fect January 20.
Congress got promptly to work on
Monday, the 7th, doing, however, hut
little on the first day. The president’s
message was sent in Tuesday.
President Roosevtl sent a letter to
David Dudley Foulke, in which he
made a tart reply to charges made by
Indianapolis paper concerning the
Panama cana! purchase.
President Roosevelt gives out his
first official announcement regarding
his hunting trip to Africa. The expidi
tion wil be outfitted by the Smithson
ian Institute and the large African
animals killed will be sent to that in
Joseph H. Painter, aged 30, botanist
in the national museum, and his com
panion, Robert Wallace, aged 16, were
drowned while trying to shoot the
rapids at Stubblefield falls in the Po
'tornac river.
Former Secretary of the Treasury
Leslie M. Shaw was loser to the extent
of !>60,0b0 in the failure of the Fidelity
Funding company in New York.
President Roosevelt deals blows with
vigor and impartiality in discussing
the subject of the courts in his annual
Charles P. Taft declares that the at
tack of the New York World is but an
, effort to discredit President Roosevelt
and President-elect Taft and is without
| foundation.
Judge Taft was the guest of honor
at «he banquet of the North Carolina
society of New York.
Emperor William is in the dumps
because his prestige is lost.
General Simon is in possession of
the national palace at Port au Prince.
The Swedish vice consul at St.
I Louis committed suicide.
Senntov Warrim
L _
Both Senate and House Will Likely
Take Similar Action in Reference
Washington.—Boih houses of con
gress expect to conclude the ante
Christmas hoi'duy week of the session
during the present week. The date of
fhe adjournment fcr thoe holidays has
not yet been definitely determined,, but
most probably it will fa 1 on the 21st
inst. In that event it is not expected
that any business would be done on
Monday week, because when the date
becomes known members will leave
for their homes in such numbers that
that it will be impossible to maintain
a quorum.
The senate will take another ad
journment from Thursday until the
following Monday beyond providing
definitely for the Christmas recess.
The house will continue its work un
til Friday or Saturday, but will then
adjourn until Monday unless another
plan of adjournment is pursued. Some
members who reside in far distant
states are urging that the adjourn
ment should begin on Saturday and
the leaders are disposed to heed.
When taken the holiday adjournment
will be until January 4.
It is expected that both houses will
deal during the week with the ques
tion of the paragraph in the presi
dent's message relating to the secret,
service. The Perkins committee prob
ably will present its report to the
house early, and in case a resolution
dealing with the subject is recom
mended it will be acted upon before
the dispersal of the house for the
The present program in the senate
is to have introduced a resolution
sin ilar to that passed by the house
which authorized a committee to deal
with the question and report back.
Who shall introduce the resolution
and what committee shall be desig
nated to perform the service are not
yet absolutely determined
In the senate effort will be made by
Senator Carter to procure the passage
of his bill providing for the establish
ment of postal savings banks, and on
Wednesday that measure will give
way to the Foraker bi'l authorizing
the re-enlistment of the negro soldiers
who were discharged without honor
because of their supposed participa
tion in the Brownsville riots of 19n6.
Internal Revenue Decreases.
Washington—Commissioner John (1.
Capers of the internal revenue bureau
in his annual report states that for
the last fiscal year there was a de
crease in the receipts of $17,898,072.
as compared with the previous year,
and that for the first three months
of the current year there has been
a decrease of $7,262,238. as compared
with the corresponding months of the
last fiscal year. The revenues for the
full current year are estimated at
$250,000,000. which is $1,665,000 less
for last year.
Prepare for Inauguration.
Washington—James S. Henry. Wash
ington corresi>ondent of the Philadel
phia Press, has been appointed chair
man of the press committee and
Charles H. Boynton of New York vice
chairman of the committee on finance
for the inauguration of William H.
Taft. Major General Barry, command
ing the Army of Cuban pacification,
bas been designated to command the
regular army division of the inaug
ural parade and Rear Admiral Sperry,
commanding the Atlantic battleship
fleet, will command the naval division.
Control of Cattle Plague.
—Harrisburg. Pa.—The foot and
mouth disease which made its appear
ance among cattle in this state about
a month ago has infected, it is es
timated. 100 herds. Ail the cattle
were killed by state and federal vet
erinarians and the indemnity for
these animals will reach about $50.
Fourteen Killed in Panama.
Washington—Fourteen are known to
be dead three of them Americans, and
fifty injured as a resu't of the pre
mature explosiion of twenty-one tons
of dynamite at Has Obispo, in the Pan
ama canal zone.
Ruef’s Sentence Delayed.
San Francisco.—The pronouncing
of sentence on Abraham Ruef. con
victed of bribery, was postponed by
Superior Judge Lawlor until next
Saturday. December 13.
Treasury Buys Silver.
Washington.—The treasury depart
ment purchased 75.000 ounces of sil
ver for delivery at New Orleans and
50,000 for delivery at Denver at 4S.901
per fine ounce.
Affairs of Peoria Diocese Are Tem
porarily Turned Over.
Peoria. 111.—Bishop John Lancas
ter Spalding, in a letter addressed
to the priests aud laity of the Roman
Catholic diocese of PeorTi, formally
announced that active direction of the
diocese had been turned over to Right
Rev. A. .1. O'Reilly, named by Arch
bishop Quigley se ilioeesan adminis
trator. Until Bisissp Spalding's suc
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Story That Roosevelt Is Preparing Re
turn Blow—Legislative Appropria
tion Bill Quickly Passed.
Washington. — Immediately after
the convening of the house Fri
day Representative Perkins of New
York introduced a resolution, which
had heretofore been agreed upon, pro
viding for the appointment of a spe
cial committee of five members to
consider the proper means of dealing
with that portion of the president's
message which criticises the course of
congress in prohibiting the detail of
secret service men to d tty outside of
their own bureau. The resolution is
preceded by a preamble reciting some
expressions of the message. No ef
fort is made to give voice to the feel
ing of the house. The resolution was
If the plan of the house to censure
President Roosevelt does not stir up
a genuine explosion, it w'on’t be the
president's fault. He is now at work,
it is reported, getting together data
concerning the personal and official
life of a number of the congressmen,
which he expects to fire into congress
to show' what might happen were
there to be a genuine investigation of
congressmen, such as he said in his
message the congressmen seemed to
Of course the present talk may be
intended only to frighten some of the
more timid congressmen—especially
those w’lio may have some loose skele
tons in their desks—into a sudden
apathy on the promised censure.
When the legislative appropriation
bill was called up in the house of rep
resentatives Friday by Mr. Bingham
of Pennsyivania the extraordinary sit
uation was presented that for the first
time in 12 years no general debate
was asked for. Even the first read
ing of the bill was dispensed with by
unanimous consent.
Mr. Bingham, having the measure
in charge, explained its provisions,
the main features of which already
have been printed. Its reading for
amendment then was begun.
Two More Victims of Kansas City
Street Battle.
Kansas City, Mo.—Two more names
were added to the list of dead as a
result of Tuesday’s battle between re
ligious fanatics and the police here,
> he total number of dead now being
Shortly before noon I^ouis Pratt, 45
years old, the foremost disciple of
James Sharp, died at the general hos
pital, and an hour later Michael Mul
lane, a policeman, succumbed to his
wounds at St. Joseph's hospital. Po
liceman Albert O. Dalbow and Lula
Pratt died immediately after being
shot Tuesday.
Sharp was arrested Thursday night
at Monticello, Johnson county, Kansas.
He ga ve himself up’without resist
ance. “Adam God" was wounded in
1 both hands. He told the officers that
he was willing to be taken now that
he had “finished the work that God
sent me to do.”
Found Guilty of Murder.
Duluth, Minn.—William Schreiber
was found guilty of murder in the first
degree here Friday. He killed Frank
Massapust. a settler, near Ashawa,
last. February. His acquittal had been
generally expected.
Convicted Banker Pardoned.
Columbus, O.—James R. Lingafelter,
Newark banker and savings associa
tion official, serving a five-year term in
the penitentiary for forgery, was par
doned Friday by Gov. Harris. He is
thought to bt? suffering from cancer of
the stomach.
Mother and Babe Die in Flames.
Salina. Kan.—In a fire which de
stroyed their home at Havana, near
here, Friday. Mrs. Himmelwriaht. wife
fatalities in garage fire.
Chicago Mother Leaps with Child and
Both Die.
Chicago. — With men and women
of Chicago's most exclusive and fash
ionable residence section as horrified
spectators, two persons, a mother and
a child, received fatal injuries in a
garage fire Friday night.
Two others were burned so badly
they are not expected to live.
White Mrs. George M. Pullman. Mrs.
Secor Cunningham. Mrs. Stanley Field
and other leaders of Chicago's social
world stood by watching the flames,
Mrs. Florence Carr, wife of a chauf
feur employed by James K. Deering,
threw herself from a window of the
burning building to the ground below,
carrying in her arms her young son,
Arthur Meeker placed the boy in his
auto and raced across the city toward
the nearest hospital. The boy died
soon after the hospital was reached.
J. W. Thorne of Montgomery Ward
& Co. used his automobile to convey
the mother to a hospital. She died as
the machine was rushing across the
Officials of Deciding National League
Game Make Charges.
New’ York.—Even more sensational
than the tumultuous close of the re
cent National league playing season
were the closing hours of the league’s
annual meeting here Friday when
charges of attempted bribery of the
umpires who officiated at the game
that decided the championship of 1908.
between New York and Chicago at the
Polo grounds. October 8. were sprung
and the magnates appointed a commit
tee to probe them, even intimating
that criminal prosecutions might fol
low the investigation committee's re
port. An official statement by the
league says none of the persons named
are in any way connected with organ
ized baseball.
Edgewater, N. J., Terrorized by “John
the Baptist.”
Edgewater. N. J.—Proclaiming him
self to be ’'John the Baptist, come to
save the world." an armed fanatic,
wrought up to a high pitch of maniacal
fury, terrorized this village for a full
hour late Friday. He appeared sudden
ly on the main street, waving a big
revolver, held up the proprietors of
several stores, exchanged many shots
with a hastily formed posse and at
last was wounded when the police and
a mob of citizens ran him down. In
ail the fusillade no one was hit but the
maniac himself, and his wounds are
not regaided as dangerous. He says
he is Oscar Pomeroy of Nebraska.
France Lets Castro Land.
Bordeaux.—Cipriano Castro, the
president of Venezuela, was allowed
to land on French soil Thursday when
he arrived at Pauillac, 30 miles from
Bordeaux, on the steamship Guade
lope. After a conference with a repre
sentative of the French government,
President Castro came ashore and
proceeded to Bordeaux in a special
car. The announcement was made
that the president would go to Paris.
Thursday evening an agent of M.
Pichon, the foreign minister, infoimed
President Castro that he would be
welcomed as a private citizen, and
that as a chief of state he would be
given every protection during his so
j8urn in France.
Chief Hump, Noted Sioux. Dies.
Pierre. S. D.—Chief Hump, the Sioux
leader who was at the head of the
band which caused the trouble ending
in the battle of Wounded Knee, the
last important Indian fight in the
northwest, died at Cherry Creek Fri
Doctors Musn't Pull Teeth.
St. Paul, Minn.—The Minnesota
state supreme court Friday affirmed a
Francis J. Heney Hears the Verdict
Read—Defendant May Get Four
teen Years in the Peni
San Francisco.—Abraham Ruef. for
mer political boss of San Francisco,
was convicted Thursday of bribery.
The verdict was returned exactly
upon the stroke of four o'clock when
the deliberations of the jury had been
prolonged throughout a period of 24
As the jury filed into the courtroom
and took their seats in the jury box,
Judge I.awlor asked Foreman Mc
“Have you gentlemen reached a
"We have,” replied the foreman as
he handed a folded slip of paper to
Clerk Welch. An impressive silence
followed. Attorneys, defendant, spec
ta'or.-, detectives and police held their
breath as the clerk slowly and delib
erately yet with apparent agitation,
unfolded the paper and then, as every
eye in the courtroom was riveted upon
Abe Ruef.
him, read the words: “We, the jury,
find the defendant, Abraham Ruef,
guilty as charged.”
Immediately all arose to their feet.
There was a murmur of approval, but
no demonstration.
At the other end of the counsel
table, near the place where his blood
had dyed the floor a deep crimson
red which had been effaced with sand
paper, sat Francis J. Heney, who ap
peared in the courtroom for the first
time since the day he was shot.
Ruef sat between his father and
T homas B. Dozier of the defense when
the verdict was returned. He had
spent the greater part of the day in
conversation with his aged parent and
though his face paled and his eyes re
mained fixed for a long time upon the
men who had pronounced his fate, al
most his first thought was for the
elder Mr. Ruef. He whispered a few
words of encouragement to the old
man and sent him out of the room to
break the news to the defendant's
mother and sisters.
Rut'f's conviction renders him liable
to a maximum penalty of 14 years in
the penitentiary.
President Threatens Authors of Canal
“Graft” Charges.
Washington.—“If they can be
reached for criminal libel. I shall try
to have them reached." said President
Roosevelt in speaking Thursday after
noon about "those Americans who
have been guilty of infamous false
hood concerning the acquisition of the
property and the construction of the
(Panama) canal itself."
It was to the committee of one hun
dred of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep
Waterway association, headed by
Gov. Deneen of Illinois, who were re
ceived by the president in the east
room of the White House, that he
made this declaration.
Forming Big Lumber Trust.
Buluth, Minn.—The lumber interests
represented by the Weverhaeusers.
O'Brien & Cook of St. Paul and Du
luth and Edward Hines of Chicago are
here working on the formation of a
lumber trust which will control prac
tically all the pine in North America.
The greatest secrecy is being observed,
but it is known that the deal is almost
finished and the details may be given
out in a day or two. The transfer of
the Duluth. Virginia & Rainy Lake
railroad is said to be the only sticking
Cortelyou May Head Trust Company.
New York. — It was stated here
Friday night, though the statement
was not officially confirmed, that
the presidency of the Union Trust
Company had been offered to George
B. Cortelyou, secretary of the treasury.
The Union is the fourth largest trust
company in the city.
Senator Hansbrough Worse.
Minneapolis, Minn.—Senator Hans
brough, who became ill in Minneapolis
some days ago while on his way to
Washington, and has been confined to
his room at the Nicollet hotel, was
worse Friday.
Editor Sentenced to Jail.
Columbus. O.—J, A. Tarrier, pub
lisher of Town Topics, a weekly paper,
was sentenced Friday by Federal
lurt~a .Safer ^
V*ie Nebraska Association for Study
and Prevention of Tuberculosis Has
Them For Sale at Small Cost.
In 1904, in Denmark, the government
Issued a Christmas Stamp, with the
King's head and the word “Jul” the
same as our “Yule" on it. It was not
good for postage, only as a 'sticker"
for Christmas letters, post-cards and
packages. The proceeds from it were
to go toward building a tuberculosis
hospital for little children. It succeed
ed beyond ail expectation, four million
being sold at an oere. or half-a-cent
apiece. Denmark has continued it
since to maintain tuberculosis work,
and the sale in the native land of
Hans Christian Anderson has doubled
each year.
Why the Red Cross Issued the Stamp.
America needs such a stamp, but
her postoffice officilas cannot issue
or handle it under the present postal
laws: and a special act of Congress
would be necessary. Jacob Keis, him
self a Dane, wrote an eloquent article,
published in the Outlook of July 6.
1907. urging government action in the
matter, but there were too many dif
ficulties in the way. It seemed hope
less to try. but at this juncture tha
Ked Cross, which exists for just such
emergencies, took it up.
Where the Christmas Stamp Started.
This was the little state of Dela*
ware—very small, very conservative,
not given to enthusiasms, and having
only a few shacks in a woodland
meadow near Wilmington as a tuber
culosis hospital. The State as a
whole was ignorant and uninterested
on the subject, yet the stamp, printed
and put on the market only eighteen
days before Christmas, amazed every
one by its sensational record. Fifty
thousand had been printed to sell at
one cent apiece. They went in a week,
and then the stamp got into Philadel
phia. where the Pennsylvania Red
Cross welcomed it and hacked it, and
the North American gave it splendid
aid. The Delaware schools sold it, the
Women's Clubs in Delaware took it
up, the newspapers gave columns to
ti, the department stores, banks, drug
stores and hotels sold it. It was sold
in the corridors of the Wilmington
Federal Building, by permission from
the government, though not the post
office Itself. The presses in the last
few days before Christmas ran night,
and day to supply the demand. Peo
ple used the stamps on packages and
letters and business firms on their
correspondence. Nearly four hun
dred thousand were sold, and nearly
three thousand dollars cleared from
this small unobtrusive penny stamp.
The Nebraska Association for the
Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis
has these stamps on sale at one cent
apiece.—sold in any quantity, and wdll
be glad to fill any orders. If every
one of Nebraska's one million inhabit
ants bought one stamp—the promise
could almost be made with certainty
that tuberculosis would not exist In
this state ten years from date. In
every dime's worth of stamps nine
cents goes toward tuberculosis pre
vention in the state where the stamps
are sold. Let every one help—if only
to buy one stamp, for Christmas's
sake, for humanity's sake, for broth
erhood’s sake. Address the secretary,
K. R. .1. Edholm, 408 City Hal!,
Bank Guarantee Enactment.
Governor-elect Shallenberger plans
to draft a bill or have drafted a bill,
to guarantee bank deposits, which will
not be objectionable to the depart
ment of banking at Washington, ther"
by permitting the operation under the
law of the national banks. The law
which it is planned to enact will pro
vide for a limited assessment upon
each bank—that is when the assess
ment is levied for a year that will be
the limit of th? amount any bank will
have to pay in that year.
The law will empower the governor
to appoint a board composed probably
of bankers or others who are fitted
for the work to superintend the work
ing or enforcement of the law.
This board probably will consist of
three members who shall serve with
out pay. receiving only their expenses
like the regents of the State univer
sity. The governor-elect would per
mit the banks to have a say or at
least recommend some of the bank
examiners, for he believes as each
bank will be responsible in case of a
failure, the banks should have some
thing to say in the matter of getting
' competent examiners.
Kearney Normal's Estimate.
President A. O. Thomas of the
Kearney Normal school estimates the
needed appropriation for that institu
tion for the coming biennium at $219,
000. He divides his sum as follows:
Maintenance. $19,300; general repairs,
$6,000: trave'ing expenses. $800; sal
ary of engineers janitors, etc., $1,000;
salaries of principal and teachers.
$6,000; i.ew wing and equipment. $50.
000; chapel and gymnasium and equip
ment $50,000.
Finances for the Schools.
At a meeting of the members of the
Board of Education, the matter of
finances for the schools was under dis
cussion. After a talk by State Treas
urer Brian on the matter of school
tax, the regents finally agreed to ask
the next legislature for the usual I
mill levy, but specify that when 95
per cent of the tax levied should be
collected that would be the limit cf
the appropriation. The regents, figur
ing on past experience, estimate that
95 per cent of the tax is collected in
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