The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 10, 1908, Image 6
foiET AND] HEALTH :1 By DR. J. T. ALLEN Food Specialist Author of “Eating for a i Purpose.” “The /Veto > Gospel of Health.” 1 Etc. | ■JWmiiMJMIII HiW | ■■■! 'a f (Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.) SIXTY DAYS ON PEA NUTS AND LEMONADE. On October 18, 1907, I began an ex clusive diet of peanuts and lemon ade and subsisted on that alone for 60 days. What did you do it for? Do you still live on peanuts? How should peanuts be taken? Have you changed your mind about their food value? These are eorne of the questions that 1 am frequently asked. Such was the novelty of my experi ment, which was undertaken as a scientific demonstration, that the av erage person refused to consider it seriously. The newspapers treated it largely as a joke—except that many of ihem reported toward the end of the lime that I had died—a result which many were expecting. For several years I had been test ing the relative values of foods by living for a time on one alone and recording the results. Incidentally I had reached the conclusion, for rea sons which i shall give in a later ar 1icle, that, cereal starch is the only element of vegetable food improved by cooking and tnat cereal starch is unnecessary in our diet, and fre quently injurious, particularly in the case of infants and children. I had found that cooking injures the most important clement of food, albumen, from which the cells of brain and brawn are built, and precipitates, to a ; large extent, the mineral elements, sulphur, phosphorus, magnesia, potash, etc., bo essential to vigorous, healthy life, so that, they cannot be absorbed into the blood. I had come to believe also after much investigation that fruit should form a large part of our diet, and I had been prescribing in certain cases a diet of uncooked pea nuts and gluten, uncooked, in small quantities with fruits, eaten separate ly, and had seen remarkable improve ment in some cases. One day it was reported in an i Aurora (111.) paper (1 lived in Aurora) that a girl had died from eating pea nuts and at the same time the chair man of the local board of health at 'ributed a case of poisoning to eating ! peanut candy. To prevent an undesirable counter suggestion on the minds of those who ! were eating peanuts by my advice, more than to defend my own theories. 1 stated my view of these cases, call ing attention to the great difference between cooked and uncooked pea nuts. and to show the firmness of my belief in the correctness of my con clusions, 1 said that I would be will ing to live for 60 days on uncooked peanuts and have the results care fully recorded daily by the board of health, and give my body for dissec tion and analysis, if 1 failed to survive I ! - “ UUflU. I had lived for several days on pea nuts, on apples, on prunes, on starch, on nothing, and I knew that by fasting for a few days, when the indications required it. I should have no diffi culty in performing the feat. But my friends begged me to desist, urging that I was losing my professional dig nity and many of them accused me of insanity, which I was. they said, deliberately fostering by this strange freak! I had studied on my theories of feeding till I was half gone and now f was going to finish the job! The outcome, however, fully justi fied tlie confidence with which the ex periment was undertaken. I lost 17 pounds in weight but continued my usual work throughout the entire period, and in fact did a greatly in creased amount of mental labor, neces sitated by the increase in my corre spondence. interviews, etc., and on the evening of the sixtieth day I gave an address in the G. A. R. ball of Aurora on diet and morality, speak ing for three-quarters of an hour, nurl followed that with a 20-minute talk to an audience at the Coliseum on the relation of diet to strenuous endurance. Of course the peanut is not a com plete diet and to keen in good condi tion I fasted at intervals throughout the KO days a totai of about eight days. Probably the extension of the experiment to 120 days would not have reduced my weight to the point of physical collapse. My height is 5 feet 11V» inches and my weight when l began was 11.5 pounds. * c u * - We live by what we eat; and the I character of our living depends upon The kind of food we eai and the way we eat it. “You can make a man good or bad," says Bishop Fallows, “accord ing to the way von feed him.” “The building of brain-cell and mind stuff.” s'ays Dr. Alexander Haig, the distinguished English authority on diet, “lies at the root of all the problems of life.” The mind is the measure of the man; what a man thinks he becomes. Rut the mind manifests through the physical, and the character of the physical determines the character of the mental as certainly as the mental influences the physical. The body is the expression of the mind, much as a building is the expression of the thought of the architect who designed it. And you can no more build a sound, beautiful, enduring body with out good food than an architect can build'"a beautiful temple without steel and marbie. “A crook in the mind makes a crook in the body." You cannot meet a stranger without forming some im of what he is. You uncon sciously recognize in physical form nnd quality cf body the character of * the ar: and the trained uhvsio* nomist, phrenologist and physiologist will undertake to read your charac ter, pretty accurately, from its bodily expression. Now that body Is mate rial and the material Is food. The Eskimo is built of blubber, the Scot of oatmeal, the Japanese of rice and beans. But the Eskimo could not become a Scot by eating oatmeal anr barley meal for a thousand years Food is only the material; the mind is the measure of the man. The Scot who has given us so much theology, metaphysics and science is the product, primarily of the mental stimulation of “Land of brown heath and shaggy wood. Land of the mountain and the flood.” So when we say that you are what you eat, we do not ignore the funda mental importance of the mind. It is still true that as a man thinketh so Is he—and that as a man eatetb so he thinketh. We have heard so much lately of the influence of the mind upon the body, that it is perhaps time that the pendulum of thought should again swing to the other side, the influence of the body upon the mind, and in time we may arrive at the happy medium where truth lies, the knowledge of the inter-relation the essential unity of, body and mind, the menta-physical constitution. Scientific authorities agree that vitality is a fixed quantity—that each individual is born with a certain store of vital force, and that when the stock is exhausted he dies. Vitality is ex pended in work, in restoring normal conditions when sickness occurs, in defense against disease, and in carry ing on the normal functions of con verting food into blood, throwing off waste and poisonous matter. There is no means of estimating the extent of any of these expenditures, but we know that, the energy spent in digest ing and eliminating food is consid erable. We know that it is impossible to do one's best work after a heavy meal. Now if a large per cent, of the energy ordinarily expended in diges tion, including elimination, can be saved without loss of nutrition, a gain in working capacity, in good feel ing, in length of life, must result. The practice of a simple diet shows re markable gains in these respects. The severe mental work dene and the mental strain sustained during the period of my one-sided peanut diet, indicates that the average person over-eats and eats too many kinds of food. The first effect of sickness is loss of appetite. Nature then uses the vitality commonly used for digestion (o repair the defect, to restore nor mal health conditions. Here is indi cated the natural cure. We know what elements different foods contain and what the body needs; and upon this knowledge is based a simple, rad ical cure of the one fundamental dis ease. defective nutrition of which all “diseases” are but symptoms. This is the cure which the eminent Dr. Haig lias said he lias been "convinced by experience and experiment has lain all the time at our doors while we have been using drugs as pallia tives." Some important facts were devel oped in contribution to this science of radical cure by the peanut experi ment. Hundreds of letters were received during the test from people who but for an accidental discovery of the peanut diet, “would have been wear ing a wooden overcoat,” while others asked “how to eat peanuts to avoid their bad effects"—which suggests the important fact that all foods are, un der certain circumstances, poisonous, and the more concentrated, obviously, the more virulent when misused. With a decrease in the daily food supply comes an increase in strength with loss of weight. The vitality or dinarily expended in converting food blood and eliminating the waste, often excessive, can be used in ex traordinary mental work or in cure, even of deep-seated chronic disease. The fact that appetite is always lost immediately on the advent of sickness or mental derangement—violent fear, anger, joy, etc.—indicates that upon the regulation of diet, which implies fasting as well as dieting, must lie based the true scientific cure of the one fundamental disease, mal-nutri tion, understanding that the term “nutrition” in Its widest sense in cludes normal supply of air, water, sunlight, food, exercise, and right mental conditions. Morocco’s Ruler Kept Busy. Mulai Ha fid, the new sultan of Mo rocco, is a busy man. He rises with the sun, and, save for a short siesta, seems never to have any leisure time at all. He makes a point of attending personally to ail state business, holds reviews of his troops frequently, re ceives deputations from all parts of the country, listens almost dally to translations of long extracts from the European newspapers and metes out rewards and punishments. He receives many presents. A Fez correspondent tells hotv the other day gifts in the shape oi sacks of gold, bales of silk, spices and jewelry poured In through the palace gates and the sultan re ceived the value of something like | $125,000 in the course of this one morning’s reception. Among the offerings was a splendid ruby ring, which seemed to take the royal fancy, for he forthwith put it on his finger ! and were it during the remainder of the day. Oregcn Mushroom Breaks Record. W. B. Steele, who lives at East For ty-first and Ivon streets, near the end of the Richmond car line, brought to the Oregonian recently a mushroom which he declares holds the record for size in this particular variety of fun gi. It is 14 inches tail and the cap is a trifle over 9 inches in diameter and 28 inches in circumference. In stead of one night, it required four and an equal number of days for this mushroom to develop. It grew in the garden of the Steele home. Mrs. Steele says he calls it Taft because it is so big aud strong and so much superior to all.—Portland Oregonian. Every. Man a Debtor to His Profession. I hold every man a debtor to his profession; front the which as men of course do seek to receive counten ance and profit, so ought they of duty to endeavor themselves, by way of amends, to be i\ help and ornament thereunto—Raced ffiman B<o>dke No. 1 is a simple evening bodice in spotted silk voile; it has a mauve ground wiht a white spot; piece lace, edged with mauve silk, is used for the collar; a strip of the lace is taken down the front; the material lg a.r* ranged in small folds, beginning at th# lace In front, and continuing down thf, sleeve to the elbow, which Is finished off with a band of lace and silk; a bow of silk is worn on the collar. Materials requllred: 2% yards voile 42 Inches wide, one yard piece lace, one-half yard silk. No. 2—The bodice part of this Is in coarse cream spotted filet net; the band is of old rose glace, finished off at the waist with a rosette; the flat tucker is of four-inch lace, and has two silk bows in front; the deep arm holes are trimmed round with silk bows. The lace is worn over an old rose glace slip; pink chine silk is use(^ for the sleeves, which are finished a^, the elbow with lace bands, edged and trimmed with silk. Materials required: 1V4 yard net 42 inches wide, ly, yard silk, one-quarter yard piece lace. No. 3.—Royal blue chiffon velvet to match skirt is used for the over bodice; a strip of Oriental embroidery forms a collar, and Is taken over the shoulders; a piece is also laid on in the center of front; silk tassels to match give a pretty finish; embroidery also edges the over-sleeves. White glace, spotted with blue, is used for the under-slip. Materials required: Three yards vel vet, six tassels, one yard wide em broidery, three yards glace silk. No. 4—This is a very pretty style; soft green silk, spotted with darker green, is chosen l’or it; Insertion is taken from waist, back and front over the shoulders, also across back and front; the epaulette, which is laid un der the outer edge of insertion, is faced down the center with dark green velvet ribbons, so also is the center of front, part of the way. The little sleeve is tucked, and has a band of in sertion at the elbow. Materials required: Five yards silk 22 inches wide, four yards ribbon, 3y„ yards insertion. No. 5 is quite simple: it has the sleeve cut In one with the bodice part; it is made up in figured silk muslin in soft shades of pink; insertion edges the pretty shaped opening, and is ta ken down the outside of sleeve and round the elbow; four small tucks are made on either side of the front, with a deep pink velvet bow in the center. Materials required: Three yards 27 inches wide, three yards insertion. i' ONE COLOR FROM NECK TO TOE. Fashion for the Indoor as Well as the Street Gown. As each week passes, it is seen that women are going in heavily for the one-color line from the collar to the floor. The waist and skirt, if in two pieces, must match. The gown must preferably be from one piece from the collar bone down. Even above the collar bone the same color of lace or net is often used instead of white. Indoor frocks as well as street costumes are clinging to this one-color effect. The hats do not match the gown, and shoes and gloves need not match it. but if you would be in fashion, see to it that in every hour of the day you are in one color from chin to toe. It is the one-piece gown that has made this fashion compulsory. The separate coat and skirt is not as popu lar as it has been, for it has given way to the three-piece suit. The skirt carries its own blouse, and the coat is added thereto. DIOXYGEN BEST MOUTH WASH. Preparation Will Keep Teeth and Gums in Perfect Condition. The merits of dioxygenas a mouth wash are not as well realized as they should be. It is easy to get and not expensive. A stoppered glass bottle of it should be on every washstand. After eating, if one hasn’t time to brush the teeth, the mouth should be rinsed out with diluted dioxygen. It is a strong antiseptic, keeps the teeth from decaying, and protects the top of the mouth and gums from soreness, or from creating and emanating a dis agreeable odor. The toothbrush should always be dipped in a little of it and brushed over the teeth and gums at morning and night, even after tooth paste is used. The latter merely cleans the teeth. It does not disinfect the mouth. Peo ple do not pay enough attention to the inside of their mouths, even though they may be scrupulous about their teeth. The Luncheon Apron. The luncheon apron of white lawn is quite short with a 12-ineh flounce, trimmed with a hemstitched border'. The wide bib comes over the shoulder in a Gibson plait effect and is made with a white collar, much on the or der of a waitress’ apron. A narrow fold down the center of the bib is edged with a narrow ruffle of the material, with a narrow hem, trimmed with extremely narrow lace. The Upturned Sailor. While the mushroom hat prevails in all fabrics and on all kinds of heads, the woman who cannot wear one has rebelled. There are many faces that look their worst under a hat with a scoop brim that turns down all around. For her there is the new fashion of the upturned sailor. Its rim is wide, of regular shape, but instead of tilting down it tilts up. It is very becoming and shows the new coiffure to better advantage than the mushroom hat. Give Short-Waisted Lock. The wide armhole appears on many bodices, of the Japanese order, with high draped ceintures, sashed at one side. These deep belts give a short waisted look to skirts that are not princess in effect, for all skirts mus* conform to the short-waisted aspect that is now essential. Punctured Cloth a Trimming. There is a broadcloth trimming now in use which is covered with a design in holes. These are made with a stii stto. It is called punctured cloth, and it is used for revers, waistcoats and panels on skirts and coats. EVENING COAT OF SOFT CLOTH. In White. Lined Throughout with Pale Green Brocade. F*cr a coat of this description soft cloth is the best material. It is cut all in one. with the sleeves reaching to the wrist in front, and shaped to a point and reaching to the hem at the back. It is in white cloth, lined through with pale green brocade. A green galloon to match the lining edges the neck, down the front, and round the sleeves of coat. A velvet strap of a darker green is sewn in at the neck, and cord ornaments and cord of the same color add a trimming to each side of front. Materials required: Five yards 48 inch wide cloth, six yards galloon, eight yards brocade, one-eighth yard velvet, six cord ornaments, one yard cord. Blouse of Aluminum Silk. Aluminum silk has been used rath er sparingly hitherto in the shape of girdles and sashes. Now it has come out In blouse form and the result is de cidedly attractive. One blouse of this silk is made on tailored shirt lines with broad flat plaits and is relieved at the throat by a fold of purple vel vet beneath a frill of maline lace. In more elaborate style this silk is ad mirable for wear with a suit of gray Ottoman silk or a coat of gray fur. _ , Making the Hair Wave. A simple but most effective way of making the hair wave in the big rip ples which continue to be fashionable Is to dampen it and tie it down with bands of baby ribbon. Of course ab solutely straight hair will not yield to this treatment, but hair wdth the slightest tendency to curl will re spond beautifully. After the hair is done up dampen it with hot water, pinch it a little and j then draw it close down to the head ' with hands of baby ribbon put on in separate pieces about an inch apart and pinned very tight to the head. Leave on for an hour, remove care fully, then comb the hair gently until It fluffs out in charming waves of beautiful regularity. Buttonholes on Thin Material. A clever woman has found that •when she makes buttonholes in soft muslins it is a very good idea to rub a little paste, made of flour and wa ter, on tile wrong side. This will give a firm surface to work upon and ob viates the possibility of cutting a but tonhole too large. Of course, the ] paste will not discolor the fabric. POINTS CONCERNING ’ USE OF STARTERS — 1 Practical Suggestions Which Will Prove Helpful to Butter and Cheese Makers—By L. D. Bushnell, Michigan. | A growth of micro-organisms in a cuitable food substance as milk, whey, or beef tea, is called a culture. If only one species of micro-organism be present the growth is called a mixed culture; but if two or more be pres ent the growth is called a mixed cul ture. For us to be thoroughly familiar with a starter we must understand a culture, because a-starter as used in dairy operations is generally a cul ture containing one species of micro organisms. In some few instances where two or more micro-organisms are found that harmonize in their modes of growth, a mixed culture is used, thereby perhaps bringing about better results than when developed Fig. 1. separately. The starter is used to overcome obnoxious micro-organisms and add."- to the finished product the desired flavor, aroma, keeping quality md perhaps other essential properties. Starters are of two general classes, viz., natural and commercial. Under the head of natural starters are placed all those originating at home, usually by selecting and setting aside until loppered a quantity of care fully drawn milk. Buttermilk, whole nilk, sour cream, and whey are some times used in this capacity. A start er produced in this way ntav contain several species of micro-organisms. Thus it is not difficult to understand why a starter produced by natural souring may develop taint or become gassy. The commercial starter is generally developed from a single micro-organ ism and is built up as a pure culture or a known mixed culture. This class includes those starters originated and offered for sale in solid or liquid form by various commercial firms. Though the different brands differ more or less as to activity at a given temper ature as veil as in the flavor impart ed to butter or cheese, yet from the very fact that these are pure cultures, uniform growth and acid production may be expected. This being the case, a commercial starter is kept free from contaminations and. developed under the same conditions, may be used for an indefinite time and produce an un varying product. As sterilization is to replace pas teurization in this process, a steam sterilizer is a necessary piece of ap paratus and Fig. 1 has been inserted mainly to show the parts of a service able sterilizer. A common copper wash boiler may be fitted up for ster ilizing purposes in much the same way, or a box constructed of wood or of galvanized iron may be used. A more detailed explanation may prevent errors on the part of those who set up sterilizers in their fac tories. The inlet. A. should be placed near the bottom and of the proper size to tit a steam jet. The siphon tube. B. for the removal of condensed water, always has its inner end cov ered. thus preventing loss of steam. The highest point of the outlet should be lower than the opening C, so that Fig. 2. steam upon entering will not have to pass through water. For the supports E, some light material should be used, as heavy metal or solid bodies con dense large quantities of steam; the perforated bottom, F. should have nu merous openings to permit the free upward movement of steam; G, should be of wire netting. This causes a more uniform distribution of steam, thereby preventing many breakages. As all factories are not supplied with apparatus for the production of steam, a substitute may be made on ihe plan of nil ordinary steam cook er with an inch or two of water In the bottom. When this plan is used sterilization begins when the steam begins to issue from the openings. A thermometer placed in tin1 opening, 1), should register 210° F. In Fig. 2 the four jars, I to -I, are filled with milk to tile line, m, and tiie mouth of each tilled with a dry tlrtn cotton plug. The plugs should, under all conditions, lie Kept dry. Trouble may he anticipated la attempting to sterilize these thick glass Jars; hut If a few precautions are taken there need be but few breakages. A shield (F,.ln Fig. li, placed so us to prevent hot water and steam from striking the glass jars, and a wire gauge or win dow screen for them to stand upon, insures almost any glass Jar against destruction by unequal heating. The exact period of time to heat cannot be given, for much depends — upon the steam pressure or upon the 1 vigor with which the water is boiled. Tests may be made with a thermom eter to determine this point. If kept at 210° F. for 30 or 40 minutes at each period for four consecutive days, ster ilization will be effected in case of small quantities of milk. This, how ever, depends upon the amount of milk in each bottle. A test for jars of milk supposed to be sterile may be made by placing tl»m in a warm room, for a few days. If no visible change takes place we are practically assured in saying that the milk is sterile. The culture of lactic organisms may be introduced as directions on the package indicate, but using every precaution to prevent, any of the mate rial from coming in contact with the hands, neck of the jar. or other ob jects. If these precautions are not ex ercised the benefit to be gained from the use of sterile milk will not mate rialize. Under no condition should the cotton plug of a jar be removed after the first heating, except when about to introduce the starter, and then not longer than four or five seconds. There are several factors which in fluence the time required for Iopper- j ing, viz., temperature, activity of start er, and quantity introduced. In order to have a culture at the proper stage when needed the temperature may be changed or the amount of the inocu lating culture raised to meet the re quirements. Nothing but experience will determine these points. The starter, to be successful, must be transferred dally and some inex pensive transferrer must be devised | to meet all requirements. The operat- | or, in order to make successful traus- j fers, must have something that will i convey the proper amount, be easy of sterilization, have relative freedom I from contamination, and convenience j in handling. A vial with a wire ban- j die, a piece of cloth wound loosely ' about a wire handle, or a small amount of cotton wound firmly about a wire, are some transferring tools I Fig. 3. easily made, and fully meeting all re- I quirements. Of these transferrers, the latter seems best fitted for all practical purposes. It is easily con structed by taking a wire which has been made rough on one end and some loose cotton batting. The cot ton is wound firmly around the wire by holding between the thumb and ; first and second fingers. The transferrer should be placed in | the milk before sterilization begins and should never be removed until ready for the transfer. After inoculation and lopperlng, a safe transfer may be made by remov ing the plugs of both bottles and lift ing this transferrer very carefully from the loppered milk and placing it in the sterile milk, care being ta ken not to allow the swab to come in contact with anything during the op eration. The plugs should not be transferred from one bottle to another, but should be removed as shown in Fig. 3. Testing Eggs in Water.—A pail of j any kind of water affords a convenient j medium for testing eggs. A real fresh j egg will sink; one that is not so fresh will topple around, apparently stand ing on its end; one that is spoiled looks dull and porous, while that of an old eggs appears thin and shiny. When shaken, a stale egg will rattle in the shell. A Famous Grapevine.—’l'tie famous grapevine at Hampton Court, near London. England, has a crop of about 300 pounds this year. This vine, which is under glass, was planted in 1708. It has attained a girth of four feet six inches one foot from the ground, and covers a roof space of 2,200 square feet. Keep Livestock.- The results ob tained from commercial fertilisers gen erally justify the results, but the best balanced farm lias a sufficient amount of live stock to consume most of the product of the farm which is converted into fertilizer. Clean Nest Boxes.—In cleaning out the chicken's quarters do not forget next-boxes. Nesting material soon I breeds vermin and disease and soon ! becomes a hotbed for all kinds of poul try disorders. Wintering the Stock.—See that all stock goes Into winter quarters in good condition, and likewise lie sure you have sufficient feed to carry them through the winter. Feed Little Salt to Poultry.—I>d In large quantities salt Is poisonous to fowls, hut when fed In moderate quan tity at the rate of one ounce to every 100 fowls, Is beenflcial. Poor Method.—The stockman who goes on the Idea that handling animals with a club Is the right way may some day Hud that knocking" doea not pay. \ PROVED BY TIME. No Fear of Any Further Trouble. David Price, Corydon, la., says: “I was in the last stage of kidney trouble —jame, weaa, run down to a mere skeleton. My back was so bad I could hardly walk and the kidney secre tions much disor dered. A week after I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills I could walk with out a cane, and as I continued my health gradually returned. I was so grateful I made a public statement of my case, and now seven years hare passed, I am still perfectly welL" Sold by all dealers. 60c a box. Fos ter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WHAT WOULD HE HAVE SAID? « - i “Get up. Jack. You mustn’t cry like a baby! You're quite a man now. You know if I fell down I shouldn't 3ry, I should merely say—” "Yea, 1 know, pa; but then—I go to Sunday school—and you don't.” TORTURED SIX MONTHS By Terrible Itching Eczema—Baby's Suffering Was Terrible — Soon Entirely Cured by Cuticura. “Eczema appeared on my son’s face. Wc went to a doctor who treated him for three months. Then he was so bad that his face and head were nothing but one sore and his ears looked as if they were going to fall off, so we tried another doctor for four months, the haby never getting any better. His hand and legs had big sores on them and the poor little fellow suffered so terribly that he could not sleep. After he had suffered six months we tried a set of the Cuticura Remedies and the first treatment let him sleep and rest well; in one week the sores were gone and in two months he had a clear face. Now he is two years and has never had eczema again. Mrs. Louis Leek, R. F. D. 3, San Antonio, Tex., Apr. 15, 1907.” THE TIE THAT BINDS (SOME). Affecting Reconciliation Between Two Realiy Loving Heart?. There is a certain couple who de cided to separate awhile ago. It seemed that they were not affinities, after all, and life together was unen durable, so the wife packed up her be longings .and was preparing for a trip home. At the time of parting she picked up their little pet dog and tucked him under her arm, while her other managed the suit case. “Why, you're not going to take Trixy!” exclaimed the husband. “Of course 1 am,” she announced. "1 couldn't live without him." “Well, I can't let the little fellow go,” he insisted. “And 1 simply won't leave him.” she declared. So they argued for half an hour, at the end of which she decided to stay, and unpacked to cook dinner, at which Trixy was the guest of honor. Why He Remembered. By some shuffling of the social cards the clergyman and the dog fan cier were at the same afternoon tea. The wandering talk unexpectedly re solved itself into the question. Who were the 12 sons of Jacob? Even the cleric with the reversed collar hail forgotten, but the doggy man reeled off the names without error, from Reuben down to Benjamin. The clergyman looked surprised. "Oh, I’m not great shakes on Scrip ture,” said the man wilh the fox ter riers, “but those are the names which some chap gave to a dozen puppies I’m willing to sell.” Kicks. Harry Payne Whitney the day his own and other noted horsemen’s racers were shipped from London on the Minnehaha, said of the death of racing in New York: ”A good many jockeys have been hard hit. A jockey told me last week a very sad tale of misfortune. I lis tened sympathetically.” “ ‘Ah. Joe,’ said I, 'when a man is down, few hands are extended to him.' "The jockey as he chewed a straw, smiled bitterly. “ ‘Few hands—yes—that’s right,’ he said, ’but think of the feet.' ” CAUSE AND EFFECT Good Digestion Follows Right Food. Indigestion and the attendant dis comforts of mind and body are cer tain to follow continued use of improp er food. Those who are still young and robust are likely to overlook the fact that, as dropping water will wear a stone away at last, so will the use of heavy, greasy, rich food, finally cause loss of appetite and indigestion. Fortunately’ many are thoughtful enough to study themselves and note the principle of Cause and Effect in their daily food. A N. Y. young worn an writes her experience thus: "Sometime ago 1 had a lot of trouble from indigestion, caused by too rich food. I got so I was unable to di gest scarcely anything, and medicines seemed useless. “A friend advised me to try Grape Nuts food, praising it highly, and as a last resort I tried it. I am thankful to say that Grape-Nuts not only re lieved me of my trouble, but built me up and strengthened my digestive or gnns so that l can now oat anything I desire. Put I stick to Grape-Nuts.” "There's a Reason.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road toWell vllle,” In pkgs. Kver rend the above letter? A new one appear* from time to time. They are arenulnr, true, and full of hnmau Interest.