The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 05, 1908, Image 5

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    A. P. GULLEY, President. IRA E. WILLIAMS, CaBhier.
OF Loup eiTY
I and
Real Estate and all classes of loans
made promptly at lowest rates,
witn optional payments.
THE northwestern;
A Few Market Quotations.
Corn, per bu .40 ® .45 |
Wheat, per bu.80 @ .84;
Oats, per bu .38 («• .40
Rye, per bu .60 @ .65 j
k Butter, per lb. .18
Eggs, per doz. .19
Hens, per lb.01'2
Spring chickens, per lb.09'2
And Short Order Sense
II Meals and Lunches at all Hours
Dray and Ice Delivery Office. Leave
ord; rs with tlie cashier. autr20rf
Fur farm loans call on A. L.
Y Rev. McEwea lial bisimss a j
Kearney Wednesday.
I'^ione A. T. Conger. 3 on 62. when
in need of a drayman.
W. it. Mellor was home from Lin
coln Tuesday to vote.
Don’t forget Lee Bros, is the place
tu get choicest of meats.
W. M. Stockwell is a new reader of
the Northwestern this week.
1 will guarantee 2lic for buit-er fat
1 test and pav cash.—A. E. Chask.
If you w ant to buy or sell Real
Estate, eall on John W. Long.
Miss Berdie Lofholm returned last
. evening from her extended visit in
* Iowa.
The Ravenna Creamery Co. will
pay 26 cents for butter fat till further
Mrs. Ed. Radclitfe and daughter
went to Ravenna yesterday to visit
her brother.
Take your butter and eggs to Con
hiser's. where you can get anything
you want.
oir. ana .Mrs. i an ue la .uume oi
Hazard returned last Saturday from
their visit in the east.
Farm loans made on short notice
and at reasonable rates by A. L.
John Ohlsen and D. L. Adamson
are in Ashton this week finishing up
the I’olski hank building.
Flies are coining. Get your screen
doors and windows of the Leininger
Lumber Co.
.Mrs. 1>. M. Woods of Dannebrog
arrived Tuesday for an extended visit
y w ith her daughter. Mrs. H. G. Hosier.
Messrs. J. A. Swansan, Carl de la
Mottc and sons. John and Will, were
Hazard visitors in Loup City yester
'Piie Presbyterian supper last even
ing was the best patronized and one
of the nicest given by the ladies of
the church.
An election was held in the high
* school Tuesday, with the following
results: Taft. 33: Bryan, 2:•: Sheldon.
.>.!: Shailenberger, 24: Fisher, 17:
Mathew. 49.
S. R. DeWitt from North Dakota
arrived here last evening on a surprise
visit to his brother. Dan DeWitt. and
we understand may conclude to re
main permanently. He is a painter
by trade.
The great storm is over. Many
^ . inai.kues snowed under, hut we are
still on top ready to meet our cus
tomers and set you anything in our
, ne cheaper than the cheapest.- Call
and sc us at the Little Boston.
Among our pleasant callers yester
day were Messrs. H. H. Thompson
and ('has. H. A. Boldt of Hazard.
Mr. Boldt became a new reader of
the Northwestern and also advertises
in another column as a plasterer and
brick layer at Hazard, and we are
glad to learn is having plenty of work
in his line.
The firm of McNulty & Makowski1
was dissolved on Tuesday. Mr. Mc
Nulty selling his interest in the
business to Mr. Makowski, who will
continue the business as usual. The
firm has had a tine business since its
inception and we believe will con
tinue under Mr. Makowski's sole
ownership. Lawrence Lofholin still
remains with the store as chief clerk,
and he is a business w inner. We have
not learned Mr. McNulty's future
Martin Koch has sold his half sec
^ tion of land situated nine miles north
W east of Ravenna to Dan Bushhousen,
P for 10,500. Mr. Koch who was a rail
road man six or eight years ago.
lought this land for something less
than two thousand dollars, paying for
it out of his savings. Three or four
years ago he quit railroading and took
n "possession of the land and has since
devoted himself to general farming
and stockraising. As part payment
for the land he took in exchange a
dwelling house property and a stock
of hardware in Rockville and wil1
take the management of that bns:
n;- and conduct it hereafte.
juueuna News.
$400 to $600
is to be made this fall by shelling the
big crop of corn. We will lit you out
with shellers. Call and we will talk
this matter over withyou.
T. M. Reed.
3 on 02. Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
Loans on real estate, rail on
John W. Long.
S. N. Criss and wife were St. Paul
visitors yesterday.
Mrs. Ashley Conger was seriously
ill the first of the week.
The Little Boston pays 20 cents for
cream till further notice.
The Loup City Mill shipped a car
of flour to Farwell last week.
Do you want a new corn sheller?
T. M. Reed will sell you one right.
Don't fail to hear Chancellor David
son of the Wesleyan University next
If you want a dray in a hurry and
get quick work, see Stewart Conger.
Henning Claussen was down from
Washington township Monday on
T. M. Reed can tit you out with a
dandy corn sheller. Call and see
Miss Ida Petersen on Monday ac
cepted a clerkship with the Loup City
Mercantile Co.
Call and see those latest corn
shellers sold by T. M. Reed. Just
what you want.
The Industrial Society will meet at j
the home of Mrs. B. J. Swansen next
Wednesday afternoon.
You make no mistake in calling on |
the Stewart Conger drays when you
want quick service.
Are you interested in Education?
Come to the M. E. church next Sun
day both morning and evening.
Have you tried that fine bologna
at Lee Bros', meat market? It is
mighty good eating.
Your money back if you don't like
•A Bachelor's Honeymoon" at Pilger's
opera house. Thursday. Nov. 12th.
A carload of new buggies just re
ceived by T. M. Reed. He will sell
you one of t|iem right.
A baby girl was born Tuesday to
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mellor. That'was
the best news received by Charley
on election day.
John W. Long is prepared to
make all Ileal Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
The one you have been waiting for.
notiiing better this season than “A j
Bachelor's Honeymoon" at Pilger's
opera house, on Nov. 12.
The Stewart Conger drays are on
the rusli from morning to night, but
you will get the (juickest kind of
service on a hurrv call. Try them.
Mrs. T. M Heed and Mrs. W. P,
Heed left this morning for a weeks'
visit at Gibbon, this state, with old
Loup City friends who now reside at
that place.
John M. Taylor has been building a
residence for Bennett Lorentz at
Ashton. 2<>x2H. with 12-foot posts, and
an "L" addition. The house is about
ready for the plasterers.
Arthur Head entertained a few of
his young frienes at a farewell dinner
last Sunday evening, and left Monday
morning for York where he will take
a course in the business college.
Flies are gone, election is over: now
vou have time to come down to the
Keystone Lumber Co.'s office and
order those storm sash and storm
doors before the cold wave comes.
The office building adjoining the!
Swanson new brick store was moved j
Tuesday on the lot just north of the '
Herschlag building, a traction engine 1
being used as the motor power, and
att racting more interest than a polit- j
ical meeting.
Prof. R. E. Dale writes us to change
his address for the Northwestern to
Lincoln, where he is at present doing;
some work in the University for his i
degree of AM. He reports himself!
and Mrs. Dale as being in the best of
health and enjoying lifethe verv best. :
F. R. Paist. who went to Sargent!
some two weeks since, to undergo an
operation for appendicitis, returned 1
to Loup City last Saturday evening.1
the operation having been success
fully performed and leaves him on
the sure road to recovery and much
better health.
Grandma Gilbert has had her resi
dence on the farm moved straight
with the world and a new foundation
0laced under the same. When the
tiouse was built, it was not made
straight with the points of the
•ompass. which always worked on
grandma's nerves till she had the
house righted. J
We have the business, tiecause we
sell for Small Profits and give the
best quality for the money.
A nice broken Japanese Rice, k) c...
5 lbs. for. wb
No. 1 Mexican Head Rice, O77,.
3 lbs. for.
A good bulk Coffee, per lb. 1*)C
New California Dried Apri- 1 x,,
cots, per pound. * '-'b
New California Dried Peaches 1 K ,
per pound..
Nice Norway 3kkk Herring. S)K,t\
3 lbs. for. «wb‘
Nice White Fisii.3 pounds for i)S,,
Dr. Pierce's Breakfast Food. *)^ft
3 packages for
Maze-All Breakfast Food, 3 k)K,(
packages for.
best coffee for the money. We buy
this coffee direct from the growers,
whereby we save the middle-man's
profit. Our Leaders. 20c and 25c.
When you once try this coffee, you
will use no other.
Loup Citv
Merca itile Co.
‘•My Boy, Jack" is billed for Loup
City the 17th instant.
Mrs. .1. P. Leininger entertained
the Entre Nous club at her home last
Saturday afternoon.
Miss Lizzie Dinsdale, w ho has been
visiting at tne home of Jas. Johansen
the past week, returned to her home
at Palmer Monday morning.
The Brotherhood of tiie Presby
terian church will meet next Sunday
at 3:30 o'clock. Subject for discussion.
"Courage for the Duties of Life."
Miss Beatrice Nightingale visited
at Sargent over iast Sunday and
pleased the attendants at the Metho
dist church in that city with one of
her sweet solos.
Bid Taylor came up from Council
Bluffs last Thursday evening for an
over Sunday visit and returned the
first of the week taking his wife and
baby home with him.
We received a pleasant call the first
of the week from Mr. L. Lowery of
southern < >hio. formerly a resident of
this county, who is here relative to
tiie settlement of his father's estate.
Henry Dolling and family left yes
terday morning for Grand Island, in
which city they will make their per
manent home. We wish for this
estimable family continued health
and prosperity.
Messrs. Stork. Jones and Bechthcfld
went to Wiggle Creek and patched up
the good looks of the school house in
that blessed community preparatory
of better w armth and comfort for the
future men and women who alisorb
intelluetua! qualifications within its
Tiie people of Loup City and Sher
man county will be surprised and
very much pleased, also, to learn that
Dr. .1. H. Long lias sold out liis in
terest .and jnwtice at Garrison,- this
state. and moved to Hazard, this i
county, where he lias purchased and
will conduct a drug store, and we
suppose also practice his profession.
Tiie editor learned the above by a
telephone talk with the doctor at
Hazard last Saturday. He was to
return to Garrison tiie first of the
week, to gather together his effects
and return immediately to Hazard.
•Rah for Doc. and may his next move
be to Loup City again.
The dog poisoner was abroad in
our city last Friday night. and as a
consequence it is estimated that not
less than a dozen curs, both valuable
and valueless ceased to exist. While 1
such indiscriminate slaughter of the
canine world in Loup City is not in
the least commendable and most
reprehensible in character, yet our
citizens as a class would not feel
mortally offended should the dog
population be depleted to the extent
of perhaps a hundred of its worthless
curs, a numberof which exhibit m ire
or less of a vicious nature. Yet. as a
matter of is the vicious;
and most undesirable that survive
and say with most truthful canine
candor. ‘'Never touched me.”
There are so manv so-called comedies
on the road that it seems impossible
to always know when to go to see one
and when to remain at home. Who
ever heard of a Hoyt Comedy ever
disappointing an audience? We have
one coming and it is safe to say it is
one that we may patronize and get
our money's worth. No play lias ever
been in this section woicii was so
praised by press and public. Mana
ger I’ilger is recommending "A
Bachelor's Honeymoon" as one of his
leading attractions. Not only is it a
comedy which stood the test of a
New Vork continuous season, but it
is more quoted than any comedy on
the road today and is not to l>e
classed with the ordinary shows It
will be here Thursday. Nov. 12.
The supper given by our Catholic
friends at the I’ilger opera house
election night was one of the most
successful of the many suppers given
by the various churches at the opera
house in the years past, the neat sum
of $75 being realized. While credit is j
due to the many ladies connected j
with that church and the young lady <
helpers who proffered valuable assist- ■
ance in waiting on the tables, the !
greatest credit is unanimously given
to Mrs. M. C. Muli'ck. on whose
shoulders rested the responsibility of
its success, and who labored day'and
night to make it such. The entire
hall was filled with long tables loaded
with the best of things for the inner
man. daintily spread, and were liberal
ly patronized by our people generally.
The horse raffled was won by Matt
Janulewicz. The church desires us
to extend their thanks to all for the i
liberal patronage, and especially those
outside of the congregation who gave
such valuable assistance.
I Have Some for Sale.
I have some fine young Boland
China Boars for sale.' I don’t want j
to "butt in" but if you can't find one j
that you like in any other herd. I j
would sell you one rather than have
you do without.
h mile north of Jenner's Bark.
Now is the season to buy your Clothing and
Overcoats and Ladies’ Cloaks. Come to the Loup
City Mercantile Co. We can supply your wants
We have everything in the way of Clothing, Over
coats, Ladies’ Cloaks and Children’s Cloaks and at.
prices to suit your pocketbooks.
Children’s Suits, - $1.50 to $ 8.0C
Boys’ Suits, long pants, - - 5.00 to I0.CC
Young Men’s Suits, - - 8.00 to 20.CC
Men's Suits, - 6.00 to 20.0C
Ladies' Jackets, - 2.00 to 10.00
Ladies Cloaks, - - - 8.00 to 2S.OC
Come in and see us. WE PAY the HIGHEST
We received a pleasant call last
Thursday from our good friend. Henry
Cap pel lan of Hazard township, ac
companied bv bis son-in-law, Mr.
Wilke, the latter being a son of
Herman Wilke of Hazard, whose death
occurred a fortnight since. The
gentlemen were here on business con
nected with the estate.
The young people of the Baptist
| church are anxious to help in the
improvements being made in the
; church and have undertaken for theii
part the buying of a new organ. As
one of the ways of raising money foi
the organ thev will have a Iwx social
at the home of C. R. Sweetland next
Wednesday evening. Nov. 11. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all whe
will come.
Geo. Wosnicke & Son, the butchers,
last week purchased from A. P.
Gulley the lot adjoining the Swanson
brick and lias let the contract tc
Ohlsen Brothers for a tine new brick
building thereon, in place of the old
frame, and will remove their meat
market into the same. Work will
| commence on the building as soon as
. the brick work on the Swanson build
ing is completed.
IT. M. Walker and daughter. Mrs.
Ethel McDonall. left Saturday morn
ing for a winter's visit to the Pacific
Coast. They expected to go west to
San Francisco and thence nortli to
Seattle and Spokane, where Mr.
Walker has a sister living near each
city. It is possible Mr. Walker may
like the country so well that he will
sell his interests here and move his
family to the coast.
A letter received a few' days since
from our old friend. Thos. Burton, at
Aurora. Mo., wants his paper changed
to that address, as lie has sold his
mercantile stock at Galena and gone
back to Aurora. He says crops were
not very good there this year and
fruit almost a failure. Tomatoes,
however, are a never failing crop
there and as usual there were plenty
this rear. Mr. Burton lias a good
farm "in Barton county, that state,
but does not indicate whether lie will
take charge of the same later, though
speaks of lieing at Aurora only tem
porarily. Good lubk to him always.
The State Journal is trying awful
hard to get people to give that daily
a trial. Its offer now is to send the
paper from date until January 1.1909,
for only 50 cents without Sunday, or
To cents with Sunday. The publishers
feel sure that anyone who tries The
State Journal will stick. However,
they have adopted an aiisolute rule of
stopping every subscritier when his
term is out. If there is anything that
makes a man mad it is to subscribe
for a city daily and then have to tight
with the publishers to get it stopped
or pay for something he doesn't w ant.
The Journal's new plan will be popu
Tbe girls' basket ball team of the
high school went to St. Paul last
Friday to engage in a match game
with the high school girls of that
city. The game took place in the
gymnasium which was a disadvantage
to Loup City as they have been
practicing outdoors, resulting in a
score of "Ai to 31 in favor of St. Paul.
But nevertheless, we believe and it
was admitted by nearly every dis
interested person that we have much
the best team. The St. Paul girls
averaged nearly a head taller than
the Loup City girls, this being the
only point in which they excelled, as
our girls far outmatched them in
swiftness, team work and systematic
playing. Anyone who saw the game
will admit that we have two of the
best forwards in the state, while the
centres and guards also distinguished
themselves by fast and cool playing.
A ret urn game will be played here on
Nov. 14. The boys will also play the
St. Paul boys' team at phat time.
Asking Too Much.
I believe there’s a sjory told of
Mark Twain that in youthful days,
being sent out by his mother to weed
a certain flower bed, and finding more
weeds than flowers, he came back and
asked if he might not “flower the
weed bed.” Our little Alfred probably
had as great an aversion to work as
had the youthful Clemens. Ad
monished to pull some rather large
weeds in the back yard, after a faint>
hearted lift on one of them, he shout
ed: -Mama, how do you think I’m
going to pull these weeds when the
w hole w orld is hitched onto them?”—
November Woman’s Home Com
Crops of the Year.
New York Herald.
The estimate of the corn crop in
dicates a yield of 2,065.298,000 bushels,
w hich is 255.000,000 more bushels than
the average corn crop of the ten years
1S98 to 1907. The final estimate of
the combined production of spring
and w inter wheat is 659,000.000 bushels
(against a total of 634.087.(Khi bushels
in 1907) of 89.4 per cent quality. Of
this total, it is estimated that the
spring w heat harvest will be 233,000,
ihh) bushels, which is 3.000,000 bushels
more than the yield in 1907. The
quality of the crop of oats is given as
81.3 per cent, and the estimated total
yield as 789,161,000 bushels, which is
34,000,060 bushels in excess of last
year's oat crop. These figures fully
indicate that, if the harvests of 1908
have not broken any records, they are
nevertheless very bountiful ‘ and
The Loup City Mills are now
running 24 hours per day. We have
two new mille-is. Mr. E. C. Johnson,
head miller, has had 22 years ex
perience milling in Nebraska, running
tlie Crete mills 14 years as head
miller: Mr. Nelson Smith, our night
miller, is also a man who understands
milling. With these two millers and
having recently put in new rolls,
there is no reason why we cannot
make as good flour as any mill in
central Nebraska. We une only the
best wheat and ask the farmers and
town people to give our flour a trial.
It is handled by the merchants of
Loup City and surrounding towns.
Just because you got a sack of tiour
in the past you did not like is no
reason you will not like our flour now.
We are paying and can afford to pay
■ tlie farmer more for good wheat than
lit is worth to ship and in this way
the farmer is benefited. When you
need flour again be sure and try a
| sack made at Loup City. Our prices
are no higher than other flour and
why not patronize a home institution.
We give more pounds of flour in ex
change to tlie farmer than most mills
and every sack is guaranteed. Our
business is increasing and we wish to
thank our many customers for their
patronage. We also keep a full supply
of feed on hand. We grind feed for
, customers on Friday of each week.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
There it no school this week, the :
teachers all being in Lincoln attend
ing the State Teachers' Association.
| going Wednesday morning. There
will be school next week as usual.
Winter Term Opens Nov. 30.
Beginning classes will be organized
at this time, and you should plan to
enter on this date.
The St. Paul College offers tlie best
training in Commercial and Normal
courses. Endorsed by tlie State Super
More students from our school oc
cupy hank positions in this section of
tlie state than from any other two)
We give a Very Practical Course i
for Farmers, including Farm Book- j j
keeping. i
Our rates are reasonable and the j
quality of work the highest. Text I!
books rented. i
If you do not have our free catalog. .
we shall be glad to mail vou one.
NESS COLLEGE. St. Paul. Neb.
S. D. Smith. Pres.
_, . __
Notice of Dissolution
Notice is hereby given that W. G.;
McNulty and Felix Makowski. doing’
business under tlie firm name of W. G. i
McNulty & Co., have dissolved pare-1
nersliip, Felix Makowski taking over
the interest of W. G. McNulty and is
to pay all the firm's debts and receive 1
all amounts due the firm. The busi-1
ness in the future will be conducted J
under the name of Felix Makowski.
Fklix Makowski
W. G. McNulty.
For Sale.
Three miles south of Loup City.
17 fall and spring Poland China boars,
good iione and lenghth.
B. W. Parkhurst.
Sells AiccatfiKi ^6 Excels
For Sale by J. F. JEFFORDS.
School Land Auction.
The following described lands in Sherman
county will be offered for lease at public
auction at the county treasurer's office. Satur
day. November 21. 1908. at 9:00 a. m.
Terms of leasing and appraised value may be
had on application to the county treasurer or
to the Commissioner of Public Lands and
Buildings at Lincoln.
SE 38-13-13.
NE 36-15-16.
W-2 16-16-16.
H M. Eaton.
Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings.
Price List
Celebrated Barrington Hall
Coffee, per pound, - 35c
Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs for 25c
Dr. Price’s Food, 3 for 25c
Egg-O-See, 3 for • . 25c
Grape N uts, 2 for - - 25c
XewPrunes,10c lb. 3 for 25c
Apricots new, 15c lb, 2 for 25c
Flour and Feed Combined:
Kearney High Patent, $1.40
Boelus Big B Flour - 1.40
Auror Cream Patent - 1.40
Loup City White Satin, 1.40
Try Our New Store.
Felix Makowski
China Free
Come and get a large
or a nice
2-lb. of Coffee at 25 cts. a Pound
These are the nicest we ever had and
they will not last long. You get yocr
choice as long as they last.
Our Guarantee Velvet Rug
9x12 Beautiful Parlor Rug - $30.00
Our Highest Grade Axminister
Rugs, Flowered Design - 27.50
Reversible Cashmere Rugs, 9x12, 15.00
9x12 Art Squares from $4.50 to
$11.00. according to quality
All sizes of Oil Cloth and Stove Rugs. A
large line of Floor Rugs to select from.
Come in and let us show you that we
can save you money on Floor Coverings.
Christensen & Ferdinandt
Furniture Company.
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embalmers
m g
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker 8
o 5
My shoo is the largest and best equipped north ol the Platte Elver B
I have a tour horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma ■
chiuery, also a force ot experienced men who know hew to operate it and B
turn out a job with neatness and dispatch.
{BBS II 11111113333ll3aa33aS31i»l9BB&BlfBBe£BEBBEBB*
By sliding this ring back, the largest hog may
pass under and have the run of two lots. Or raise
your gate to drive hogs in or out. Your larger
stock cannot get out while you are busy. The
IOWA GATE works fine this way. When you have
time drop around and look over the gate hung up at
Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb.
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N.QSweetlani
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000.00