Loup City Northwestern * VOLUME XXV LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1908 NUMBER r>2 SUMMARY OF NEWS CONDENSATION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS. BOTH AT HOME AND ABROAD General, Political, Religious. Sporting, Foreign and Other Events Re corded Here and There. Political. Judge Taft and W. J. Bryan both spoke iu Syracuse, X. Y._ the same night. The republican congressional com mittee estimates that the next house will contain 224 republicans and lt!4 democrats. Mr. Bryan wound up the campaign with a speech at Lincoln, his home town. W. J. Bryan made a speech at Al bany, X. Y. He was introduced by former Governor David B. Hill. United States Senator Cabot W. ^ Lodge said at national republican headquarters that he estimated the plurality which Taft and Sherman will receive in Massachusetts at 90,000. The following statement signed by Wham Hayward, secretary, and F. YV. Upham, assistant treasurer of the republican national committee, was given out at republican headquarters: “We are informed that a person of the name of J. M. Bennington of the state of Washington is representing him self as an agent of the republican na tional committee for the purpose of soliciting funds and has written let ters soliciting contributions. The re publican national committee has no connection with Mr. Bennington; he is not a member of our committee and ne'v^r has been and has no authority to solicit funds for this committee. General. Governor Patterson of Tennessee has | nouneed that he has sufficient evid. convict all members of the ga„v “ ^night riders that hung Captain Speal®>''-'a> 1 in answer to Meth dist bi^v f' lli‘\ being responsible for the; Af' i'ros. is «t.tlefield bill. BelS&l&S111''a c's • sovereignty over <#- "* }s.a new reae- been an ne*4r' Xhls 'veek ih of No vfjAfiV\ t- ic for butte* E' ( Uased 75.000 * 'll V or s'iivery at New $