A. P. CULLEY, Presideut. IRA E. WILLIAMS, Cashier. FIRST 1TML R _ OF Loup eiTY Conser vative 1908 and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Corn, per bu .,0 (a .45 Wheat, per bu..80 <& .>4 Oats, per bu.:;s i.t .40 Rye. per bu .00 (§ .05 Rutter, per lb. .18 Eggs, per doz. .19 Hens, per lb.07 h. Spring chickens, per lb. .09’y RESTAURANT CONvtER BROS, Props LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA Hot Meals and Lun> lies at all Hours Dray and Ice Delivery Office. Leave orders with the cashier. augUorl' LOCAL NEWS. Billy Oltmann is enthusiastic for Fisher. For farm loans call on A. L. Zimmerman. You can get Cash for your poultry at the Little Boston. Rhone A. T. Conger, 3 on t;2. when in need of a drayman. Don’t forget Lee Bros, is the place to get choicest of meats. Before buying a new cloak, see the Loup City Mercantile Co. I will guarantee 25c for butter fat 1 test and pav cash.—A. E. Chase. If yon want In buy or sell Real Estate, eall on John IV. Long. Paul Heizner was up from Hazard township on business last Thursday. The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay 25 cents for butter fat till further notice. Jones, Stork and Rechthold are re painting the residence of R. J. Night ingale. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser's. where you can get anything you want. E. Holcombe arrived homo last week Wednesday evening from Olathe. Colorado. Farm loans made on short notice and at reasonable rates by .V. L. Zimmerman. J. W. Long went to Arkansas last Friday on a business trip, returning last evening. Flies are coming. Get your screen doors and windows of the Leininger Lumber Co. Mrs. W. T. Gibson was seriously ill several days last week, but is now convalescent. Buy your cloaks of the Loup City Mercantile Co. You know what you get is O. K. A marriage license was issued y es terday to Peter Roschynialski and Mary Stobbe. both of Ashton. I)o not be encouraged to try some other flour but use Loup City flour and patronize a home industry. I. Depew was at Hastings last '.eete in the interest of Ids disc sharpeners, returning Saturday. Huy a pair of Star Rrand shoes for y uir child of school age and secure the premium book slate free with every pair. Loup City Mercantile Co. Hallow een comes next, and we'll wager there is not a child of school :.g.- here or elsewhere but can tell •. whether it conies on Friday or Satur day of tins week. patterns in re Hrtaclsomesjt liable plated are—knives, forks and spoons at Jeffords'. A variety of styles for your choosing and prices right. Wright Reynolds of Webster town ship had a one-round bout with a glass door in ids home one day last we ■ •.!•:. coming out second best, receiv ing a bad cut on his forehead. •lust the tiling for every school boy and girl, a nice little book slate free with every pair of Star Brand shoes purchased 01 the Loup City Mercan tile Co. Call and see the red book slate. R- v. D. W. James. Walter Moon. Mrs. Edith Sweetland and others will attend a Sunday school institute at <4 rand Island beginning Oct. 20 and closing Nov. 4. Rev. James will re tnrn for the Sunday services. The Loup City Mill & Light Co. are better prepared than ever to ex change flour for wheat. We still have a large amount of old wheat hour which we exchange for new wheat. We also have all kinds of feed. We want your business. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Why not own a reliable watch? A timepiece winch cannot be depend ed upon to show accurate time, which iias to ire pulled back or jogged ahead every day in order to have the correct time, isn't wortli tying to a , fish line for a sinker. Every move ment and case we sell liasour personal as well as the manufacturer's guar antee. Our low prices bring them in easy reach of the weakest pocketbook. Aj trouble to show you. J. F. Jeffords & Sons. $400 to $600 is to lie made this fall by shelling the big crop of corn. We will fit you out with shelters. Call and we will talk this matter over w irh von. T. M. Reed. Clocks! Clocks! Clocks: Jeffords lias some new ones that arc beauties and the price is way down. See them. Tlios. Inks was here from Kearney ! last Friday. J on 02. Ashley Conger, the dray | man. Get him. Loans on real estate, call mi John W Long. Did you see those Cake Plates at ; t he Little Boston. Cloaks always on sale at the Loup I City Mercantile Co.'s store. Do you want a new corn shelter? T. M. Reed will sell you one right. if you want a dray in a hurry and get quick work, see Stewart Conger. Your wife wants one of those Granite Kettles at the Little Boston. T. M. Reed can tit you out with a dandy corn shelter. Call and see him. Rev. Joseph James will go toCotes tield Saturday to preach for the Bap tist church there on Sunday. The Loup City Mercantile Co. is i certainly doing a cloak business this year. Oakdale and Aztec coals are both good burners. For sale bv E. G. Ta, lor. Dr. Allen’s good mother left Tues day morning to spend the winter with relatives at Council Bluffs. Onyx Ware stands the test. For sale at half price at J. M. Czaplewski's hardware. Call and see those latest corn | shelters sold by T. M. Reed. Just what you want. i A daughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. John Raster in Oak Creek township. You make no mistake in calling on ] the Stewart Conger drays when you want quick service. Mr. Lou Rein, who has been ill for a number of days, was able to be out again last Friday. Have you tried that tine bologna at Lee Bros’, meat market? It is mighty good eating. Miss Lizzie Leininger left Monday morning for Omaha to continue her ] studies in voice culture. Lessons given in Yocal and Instru mental mu-dc. Beatrice Nightingale. Mrs. A. Erazim arid sister. Mrs. Kozel anti husband of Ravenna visit ed relatives here over last Sunday. A carload of new buggies just re ceived by T. M. Reed. He will sell you one of them right. Say! Do you know that J. M. C/aplewski has a snap on enameled : ware this week only. Call at once. Miss Lizzie Dinsdale of Palmer ai med here last Saturday evening for a visit at tlie home of James Johansen. .lohii \\. Lousr is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Well! Well!! Well!!! What do you think, one tine enameled wash basin for II cents at .1. M. Czaplewski's Hardware store this week only. State Senator Aldrich speaks to re publicans nere at Society hall this week Friday night, so we see by bills I posted around town. Mrs. G. 11 Scott yesterday renewed , for the. Northwestern lor herself and , a copv to her son. Joel Scott. Perry, < Mclahoma, for another year. Thanks. The Stewart Conger drays are on | the rush from morning to night, but you will get the quickest kind of service on a hum call. Try them. The pastor will preach at the Pres ; byterian church next Sunday morn, ing and evening. There will be special | music ond attractive services to which all are cordially invited. Don't fail to see the Lewis Stock ; Company's big show at Pilger’s opera ; house three nights. Oct. 2i). 30 and 31. Twelve people. You will miss a rare treat ii you miss this show. See the new’ line of China at Jeffords'. Very pretty patterns in ; j Haviland. You must pet the price• | too in order to appreciate them. Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Zimmerman re turned from their visit in Lincoln) last week Wednesday, but Miss iieth Zimmerman continued her visit til! | Friday, returning home that evening. Every child of school age will get a nice red book slate and pencil free at I the Loup City Mercantile Co.'s store Ion purchase of a pair of Star Brand I slaves. It is a most useful present. Only four Sherman county people ! won out in the Tripp county land 1 vttery.—Henry Wammerer of Ashton j ! ii- F. Prieti, Jr., of Loup City. Clyde , Mawhinnev of Ravenna and Frank Papernick of near Rockville, so far as | learned from the published list. Tin* steel ceiling in the Baptist church is completed and the effect is very satisfactory both as to appear ance and usefulness. It has been; difficult to keep the house warm on account of the heat escaping through | the open places in the ceiling. This t - iuble has now been remedied. Paint and paper for the inside have been i selected and will soon lie put on. j Grocery Department We have the business, because we sell for Small Profits and give the best quality for the money. A nice broken Japanese Rice, 5 lbs. for. No. 1 Mexican Head Rice, 3 lbs. for. *OC A good bulk Coffee, per lb... . 15c New California Dried Apri- 1 z cots, per pound. 1 New California Pried Peaches ] X,, Nice Norway 3kkk Herring. ilZL,. 3 lbs. for. ~OL‘ Nice White Fish. 3 pounds for only. Dr. Pierce’s Breakfast Food. «)Xfl 3 packages for. wi Maze-All Breakfast Food. 3 k)X packages for. wt GERM A N - A MERICA N COFFEE, best coffee for the money. We buy this coffee direct from the growers, whereby we save the middle-man's profit. Our Leaders, 20c and 25c. When you once try this coffee, you will use no other. Loup Citv Merca itile Co. , The Loup City Mercantile Co. will undersell anyone in cloaks. C. Cooper and Miss Marie Cooper returned Tuesday evening from a visit to his mother in northern Iowa. You are cordially invited to attend the Baptist church on Sunday. Bap tismal service in tliepvening. Special music. Mr. Ben Larsen of Aurora transact ed business here last Friday, and also visited hi> brother, ffm. Larsen, and family. liss Delia Duntermanof Princeton. ..arrive M evening on a visit, to l:er uncle. IT. G. Hosier and tamily. I <• L. Adamson and men have re steeple of the Catholic church that was damaged by lightning some time since. M. II Youngquest and wife of Logan township went to Aurora Mon day morning for a few days’ visit. Mrs. John Youngquest also returned home after an extended visit here. The ladies of the Industrial Society of the Presbyterian church will give a supper in the church parlors next week Wednesday evening, beginning at Ado o’clock. You are cordially in vited to come. E. S. Hay hurst accompanied his father-in-law to Rome. N. Y.. last week to consult a specialist over a supposed cancer on his right hand. Mr. Hayliurst will also visit his old home in Pennsylvania. George McFadden and son, Ray McFadden. last week purchased a half section of unimproved land in Webster township of Cfiris Oltjen bruns. the considerahion being $5,600. Ray will improve and live upon said land. The services at the Baptist church have been make more attractive by the singing of Miss Beatrice Nightin gale, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R: J. Nightingale. The home coming c,f Miss Beatrice is a pleasure to others beside her parents. The Lewis Stock Company will be at Pilger’s opera house for three nights only commencing Thursdae. Oct. 29th. Thursday night will be thrilling comedy-drama, "A Gambler’s Wife." Specialties between acts. Change of program every night. A telegram was received last Friday by Mrs. I»r. Main. Mrs. Ed Angier and Miss Ettie Moon announcing the deatli that morning from consumption of their aunt. Mrs. M. E. Knight, at Strawberry Point. Iowa. Mrs. Knight will b^ remembered as visiting here at various times. Mrs. Angier left Saturday to attend the funeral. The 25th anniversary of the M. E. church in this city was celebrated j 'most pleasantly and profitably last Sunday by the friends of that faith, the program as published being carried out in its entirety and in a most satisfactory manner. We con- j gratulate the church on its success and longevity. Our young friend, A. J. Shipley,} living a few miles north - f Litchfield, last Thursday brought in to our elevators something over 2 bushels of oats, for which he received Dc per bushel. These are republican prices. 1 See? Friend Shiplev took occasion to deposit enough of the republican oats money to insuae another year of Northwestern. Tiianks. The game of foot-ball last Sat urday afternoon at the hall park in this city between the home team and Mason City, was a hotly contested game and very interesting, though rather dis appointing in tne home boys being defeated. However, the third time i the charm, and we surely expect m t' phithe laurels of victory in the next wrestling match with the ubiquitous sphere. "Cyclone" Davis, an importation from Texas, spoke for the democrats at the opera house to a big crowd last evening, the fact of his heavy adver tising and title bringing out hundreds of the curious. He was a very enter taining talker, a good actor and pleased the funny bone of each hearer but said nothing but what all had heard such calamity howlers belch! forth each succeeding campaign. Mr. and Mrs. James Johansen gave a dinner last Sundav to Mr. and Mrs. i J- S. I'edler. Dr. S. A. Allen and W. I). Zimmerman. They had in tended giving the dinner to a number of our most eligible bachelors, but Cupid has been so industriously at; work on the game of hearts of late j that only two were to be summoned for the occasion, so the marriage ! license judge was called in to till up the gap and perchance have sufficient influence in his official capacity to; cure the above named incorrigibles of their failings. We had the pleasure yesterday of j •again meetingGrandmaColiins, widow of the Rev. A. Collins, fine of the early Methodist ministers at Loup City way back 25 or 30 years ago. Grandma Collins was here to attend the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Methodise society and is visit ing her many friends. Mrs. Collins and her deceased husband were friends of the editor's father and mother in early Iowa times when all were young folks, and the friendship thus formed lasted between the two grand old men till the Master called them, and. still exists between the grand motners in Israel, whose silvered hair betokens only a few more days till they, too. shall hear the Master's voice and lie called to join the loved ones gone before. Dry Goods, Cloaks Clothing. You can get anything you want by asking. If we have not got it. we will get it for you. We are here for business, and business we must have In price, we are the lowest, and in quality the best. We challenge any one. Good Outing Flannel, 5c to 10c per yard, in lights or darks. Table Damasks we have at all prices. We have A big line of Madras Cloth, regular price loc; now - 10c All our regular 12 l-2c Flannels now ... |0c Boys’ and Children’s Clothing Best that can be bought for the money. We handle the Wear Better Cloths for Boys. 2 pairs of Pants one Knickerbocker and one plain double knee Suit. $6.50. In MEN'S CLOTHING, we handle the very latest styles in cashmere or worsted, and if you fvant a Made-to-Order Suit, we are here to take your measure at any time, and we will guarantee a tit, as that is in our line. But for a man to go to a grocery store to have a measure taken for a suit of clothes, what can he expect? Wedding Bells. A quiet little wedding took place Tuesday evening, Oct. 27, 1908, at the residence of the bride's parents in this city, when our young friend. Lou M. Williams, the energetic carrier on II. F. I). No. J. was united in wedlock to Miss Ella X. Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Foster, the ceremony taking place at s o'clock, Rev. J. O. Hawk officiating, only the immediate families being present. The young people rather stole the inarch on their host of friends here, who while expecting cupid's work to culminate in the uniting of their lives at an early date, yet were unprepared for the surprise on the evening mentioned. Howbeit, all will unite with the Northwestern in wishing for them all of the joys of a happy married life and prosperity unlimited. Married, last (Wednesday) evening, at the home of W. C. Wharton in this city, County Judge I’edler officiating, W. H. Simpson and Miss Soplironia Wharton, both of Loup City. Cupid seems bent on giving surprises, this being the second marriage this week of estimable young people of this city in w hich stolen marches were made on their friends. But then, the little winged god does not always have to give advance advertising of the time when lie welds in bonds of wedlock hearts cemented long tie fore. The Northwestern wishes much happiness and prosperity in all ways to both Mr. Simpson and his charming bride. Tiie Loup City Mercantile Co. gives a nice book slate to every school child purchasing a pair of Star Brand shoes. The numerous friends-of Miss Lucy A. Grow will be pleased to learn that in addition to being Associate Ciiief J ustice of the marriage department of the county court, is now a full fledged (notorious republican) notary public, and ready to swear all comers. The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist church will Hold a Kensington. Friday afternoon. Nov. 6. at the home of Mrs. Dr. Main, the proceeds of which will be used in repairing the church. A cordial invitation is extended to the iadies to come and help us in the good work. Committee. Hazard Happenings. The weather is quite changeable at present writing. Quite a number of people in this vicinity are suffering from bad colds. Mrs. Joseph Miller who lias lieen quite sick is reported better. Mr. and Mrs. Sedarn of near Pleas anton were callers in Hazard Tuesday Mrs. Trumble’s brother who lias been visiting here has returned home Friday evening Dr. Paul was called to attend the infant daughter of J A Brewer, the little one having taken cold suddenly. John Phil pot is having a large cistern made on his farm. Messrs. Thompson and Parker doing the work. Mrs. Virgil Cunningham of Hazard went to Lincoln as a delegate to the Daughters of Rebecca convention, she being a member of the Litchlielu lodge. John Plulpot s daughter and broth er of Lincoln arrived Thursday even ing to accompany Mr. Philpot to Gandy, Neb., where he owns a large ! stock ranch. The trio left Hazard Friday morning. Robert Mathew of Loup City and, Mr. Morning of Lincoln were Hazard visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Donahoe enter tained Mr. Mathew and Mr. Morning' at dinner and supper Friday last. Mrs. Mamie Cadwalader and sons, j Walter. Virgil and Orville went to! Litchfield Saturday evening return- 1 ing Sunday morning. Grandpa Hand of Oklahoma, who is i here visiting his son John, is quite j sick at present writing. Mrs. Martha Pry is spending a few days with Mrs. Clias. Cranston. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Heater went to Ravenna Friday. Mrs. H. H. Thompson has been clerking in Donahoe's store the past week. Mrs. Ackerman of David City delivered a temperance lecture Sun day evening at the church. Mrs. Emil Reiter returned home Friday evening from her visit in the east. Mr. Morning, the democratic orator of Lincoln, enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. If. H. Thompson Friday evening. Lon Sadler of Litchfield is in Hazard with his well machine. He has made a well for L. II. Hennis and one on the Ilogue property recently pur chased by Mr. Shipley. T. A. Donahoe is able to be at his place of business after his illness. The Ladies Aid society will furnish dinner and supper in the Hochreiter building election day for the benefit of the church. Everybody is invited. Y. M. A. A. Notes Boys K. O. K. A. meeting held every Monday evening at the gym nasium. Any boy from ten to twelve years may join. Come to the meet> ing next Monday night at 7:30. If you have one of the following books belonging to the library, please return at once—Crittenden Half Back and Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. During the month of November the gymnasium may be rented for either day or evening. We have a good floor space and can heat the room at any time. See Max Jeffords about it. Grocery Price List Celebrated Barrington Hall Coffee, per pound, - 35c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs for 25c Ur. Price’s Food, 3 for 25c Egg-0 See, 3 for - - 25c Grape IV uts, 2 for - - 25c NewPrunes.lOc lb 3 for 25c Apricots new, 15c lb, 2 for 25c Flour and Feed Combined: Kearney High Patent, $1.40 Boelus Big B Flour - 1.40 Auror Cream Patent - 1.40 Loup City White Satin, 1.40 Try Our New Store. McNulty & Machoski (Advertisement.) For County Attorney To the Republican Read ers of the Loup City Northwestern . The County Attorney's office is an important one for the reason that at any time he may be called upon to avenge a great public wrong or to defend the public treasury. In select ing an attorney for your county, should you not use the same discretion as you would in selecting an attorney for your own private business? If you were hiring a lawyer you would not turn down a competent and trust worthy man because he was not of your political faith. Many of you have honored me by entrusting your private law business to me. If. then, I am competent to look after your own la* business, why would it not be advisable to give me your vote, even though I am not a republican and thus re-elect me as attorney for this county? Hoping you will givethis your care ful consideration. Yours Truly, It. II. Mathew. Mrs. B. K. Schaffer of Curtis, Neb., arrived last week Wednesday ♦ a visit to her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. T. A. Taylor. Elder A. O. Hall was up from Hastings last Friday and Saturday holding meetings for our Adventist friends. He was assisted by Elder •Iones ol' the same faith. Elder llall expects to lie iiere at stated intervals to look after the church’s interests. He is one of nature's noblemen. An interesting debate was held at the opera house last Friday evening by six pupils of the high school on Lite question. Resolved, that compulsorv guarantee of bank deposits is desir able. Those participating were Emma Rowe, Clifford Rein, Walter Callaliam. Christian Sorensen. Earl Pray and Clark Whitaker. This was one of the three trial debates the results of which will determine the relative strength of the debaters and those who will compose the team for this school year. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind help and sympathy in this our recent bereave ment. the death of our husband and father. Mbs. Pheobk Fboss, Mb. and Mbs. O. S. Fboss, Mb. and Mbs. W. R McCullough, Mb. and Mbs G. W. Lyons, W. F. Ghoemley. I Have Some for Sale. I have some tine young Poland China Boars for sale. ’ I don't want to “butt in" but if you can't find one that you like in any other herd. I would sell you one rather than have you do without. A* J. JOHNSON. *4 mile north of Jenner’s Park. For Sale. Three miles south of Loup City, 17 fall and spring Poland China boars, rood bone and lenghth. B. W. Parkhubst. vinu-r-rviniNir -- ON THE BARREL ___lIN pen Sells /Jtvwtfjo Excels For Sale by J. F. JEFFORDS. School Land Auction. The foUowing described hinds in Sherman ■minty wiU be offered for lease at public mction at the county treasurer s office, Satur iay. November 21, 1908. at 9:0!) a. m. Terms of leasing and appraised value may be lad on aDplication to the county treasurer or ■o the Commissioner of Public Lands and buildings at Lincoln. SE 36-13-13. NE 36-15-16. W-2 16-16-16. H. M. Eaton, Commissioner PubUc Lands and Buildings. China Free Come and get a large PAND-PAINTED PLATE or a nice NINE-INCH SALAD BOWL FREE WITH 2-lb. of Coffee at 25 cts. a Pound These are the nicest we ever had and they will not last long. You get yoi.r choice as long as they last. COIMHISER’s Our Guarantee Velvet Rug 9x12 Beautiful Parlor Rug - $30.00 Our Highest Grade Axminister Rugs, Flowered Design - 27.50 Reversible Cashmere Rugs, 9x12, 15.00 9x12 Art Squares from $4.50 to $11.00, according to quality All sizes of Oil Cloth and Stove Rugs. A large line of Floor Rugs to select from. Come in and let us show you that we can save you money on Floor Coverings. Christensen & Ferdinand! _Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embahners 1 1. DEPEW s a I Blacksmith g- Wagon Maker I ° B My abon la the largest aa(l lieBi equipped north ot the Platte Uiver ■ I have a four horse engine and a complete line ot the latest Improved ma ■ chluery. also a force ot experienced men who know b<-w to operate it and B turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. • MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT 5 LATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS 11 a 1111 a aam i a ruaakiaaafsaiBssKsseE&Sk&LiBKn^ IOWA GATES for the FARM IcVH By sliding this ring back, the largest hog may pass under and have the run of two lots. Or raise your gate to drive hogs in or out. Your larger stock cannot get out while you are busy. The IOWA CATE works fine this way. When you have time drop around and iook over the gate hung up at KEYSTONE LU1VIBEF CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb. E. Gr. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N.^Sweetland CITY STITMiK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000. OO