The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 29, 1908, Image 4

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    Professional Cards ;
Attorney KouiiseloMt-Law
(Office: First National Bank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Attorney and Counselcr-at-Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Office, Over New Bank.
Office up stairs in the new State
Bank building'.
OFFICE: Ea9t Side Public So uaie
Phone, 10 on 36
(Successor to M. II. Mead)
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract hooks in county
Try the
f. f. f. Dray
F. F. Foster, Prop.
Office; Foster’s Barber Shop
1. _
Go in October:
while the low colonist rates are
in effect. Daily through tourist
sleepers via Denver, scenic Colo
rado and Salt Lake. Go ahead
of tlie rusli at the end of the
Homeseekers Rates
First and third Tuesdays each
month to the far west, north
west and tlie southmest. These
make very iow rate winter tours.
Secure Irrigated Farm
The best chances of the day
in the Big Horn Basin and
Yellowstone Valley. Gov
ernment irrigated lands one
tenth down, remainder pro
rata in ten years without in
terest. Corporation irrigated
lands equally cheap and favor
able. A paramount and rul
iug fact in this region is the
never failing water supply.
Do not make your new home
in any irrigated region with
out a full study of the water
Write D. Clem Deaver, Burlington
Landseekers' Information Bureau,
Omaha, for new folder. It's free.
Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neb.
L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
1 Cure Nerve-Vital Debility, Weak
ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture,
Varicocele. Blood Poison, Private
Skin and Chronic Diseaees of Men
i ao not ssk you to
come to me Hrst if vgu
believe others can cure
you. Should they fail,
don t Ktve up. It is
better to come late
thun not at all. Re
member. that curing
diseases after all oth
ers have failed has
been mv specialty for
years. If you cannot
visit me personally.
write symptoms ..not trouble you most. A
vast mnjority of cases can be cured by mv
system of home treatment, which is the most
successful system ever devised. I make no
charge for private counsel and give to each
patient a legal contract in writing, backed
by abundant capital, to hold for the promise
Physicians having stubborn eases to treat
are cordially invited«A/g\|||[;|u cured of all
to consult with me. *’ womb and
bladder discaser. ulcerations, menstrual
rouble, etc. ' ontideniial. Private home in
suburbs, before and during eondnement.
* Mo ber'v care and best attention guaran
teed. Good homes found for babies.
r l\EE<! No charge whatever to ant
man woman or child living iu EOI P CITY
orvieinlty, suffering from any I’HRONK
Come and let me look inside cf you
absolutely free of charge.
^ B. u specialist, grand
Dr. Kicn, ISLAND. NEB. Odlce op
posite City Hall. 103 W. Second Street.
: _————————
Entered at the Loup City Postodlce for trana
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108!
Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub.
Republican Ticket
For President—
William H. Taft, of Ohio.
For Vice President—
James S. Sherman, of New York.
For Governor—
George Lawson Sheldon.
For Lieutenant Governor—
M. R. Hopewell.
For Secretary of State—
George "C. Junkin.
For Auditor of Public Accounts—
Silas A. Barton.
For State Treasurer—
Lawson G. Brian.
For Supt. Public Instruction—
E. C. Bishop.
For Attorney General—
William T. Thompson.
For Com. Public Lands and Bldgs—
Edward B. Cowles.
For Railroad Commissioner—
J. A. Williams.
For Congressman, 6tli dist..—
M. P. Kinkaid.
For Senator. 16th dist..—
E. I). Gould._
For Representative, 57tli dist.,—
Theo. Ojendvk.
For County Attorney—
For (’ounty Commissioners—
W. O. Brown, E. H. Allen.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebras
ka, as hereinafter set forth in full, is
submitted to the electors of the State of
Nebraska, to be voted upon at the gen
eral election to be held Tuesday. Novem
ber 3rd. A, I), 1908.
tions two (2) four (4). five (6). six (0)
and thirteen (13) of Article six (0) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
relating io Judicial Powers.
He it Resolved by the. Legislature of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. Amendment proposed That
Section two (2i of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to read as follows:
Section 2. (Supreme L'surt: Judges:
jurisdiction.) The Supreme Court shall
consist of seven (7) judges: and a majority of
all elected and qualified judges shall be
necessary to constitute a quorum or pro
nounce a decision. The Supreme Court
shall have jurisdiction in all cases relating
to the revenue, civil cases in which the
state is a party, mandamus, quo warranto,
habeas corpus, and such appellate juris
diction as may be provided by law.
Section 2 (Amendment proposed.) That
Section four -4) of Article six (8) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section 4. (Supreme Court, judges,
election, term, residence.) The judges of
the Supreme Court shall be elected by
the electors of the state at large; and
their term of office except as hereinafter
provided shall be six years. And said
Supreme Court jugdes shall during their
term of office, reside at the place where the
court is holden.
Section 3. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section five (5) of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section 5. (supreme court. Judges,]
election, term: chief justice ) That at
the general election to be held in the state
of Nebraska in the year 1909, and each
six years thereafter, there shall he elected
three (3) judges of the Supreme Court, who
shall hold their office for the period of
six years; that at the general election to
be held in the state of Nebraska in the
year 1911, and each six years thereaftei.
there shall be elected three i3) judges of
the Supreme Court, who shall hold their
office for the period of six years: and at
the general election to he held In the state
of Nebraska in the year 1913 and each six
years thereafter, there shall be elected a
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who j
shall hold his office for the period of six
years. Provided that the member of the
Supreme Court whose tetm of office expires
in January 1914. shall be Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court during that time until
the expiration of his term of office. And
provided further, that upon the adoption
of these amendments by the electors of
the State, the Governor shall. Immediately
upon Issuing his proclamation declaring
said amendments adopted, appoint four (4)
judges of the Supreme Court, two (2) of
whom shall be appointed to hold said
office until their successors shall be elected
at the general election in |9UB. and have
qualified: and the other two (2) shall hold
their office until their successors1 shall be
elected at the general election held in 1911.
and have qualified.
Section 4. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section six (6) of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section 6. (Chief Justice.) The Chief
Justice shall serve as snch during all the
term for which he was elected. He shall
preside at all terms of the Supreme
Court, and In his absence the judges
present shall select one of their number to
preside temporarily.
Section 5. i Amendment proposed i That
Section thirteen (13) of Article six (0) of the
Constitution of Nebraska be amended to
read as follows:
Section 13. (Judges, Salaries.) That
judges of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary of #4j>00, and the Judges
of the District Court shall each receive
a salary of *3.00u per annum, payable
Approved April 8, 1907.
I, Geo C. Junkin. Secretary of State,
of the State of Nebraska, do hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and en
grossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth
session of the legislature of the State of
Nebraska, as appears from said original
bill on file in this office, and that said
proposed amendment Is submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Nebraska
for their adoption or rejection at the gen
eral election to be held on Tuesday the 3rd
day of November, A. D. 1808.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set iny hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this loth day of July, in the year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Eight, and of the Independence of
the United* States the One Hundred and
Tbirty-lhird, and of this State the Forty
second. GEO. C. JUNKIN.
jSEAO] Secretary of State.
Next Tuesday will settle It. Vote
right—for Taft and Prosperity.
One last admonition. Vote for
Tlieo. Ojendyk for the legislature and
thus uphold for the policies of the
republican party.
J. S. Pedler. one of the heaviest tax
payers of this county, says: “The la
borer is worthy of his hire, and I be
lieve all the people want to pay Tay
lor Gibson. The only danger is in
forgetting to vote.’’
On the first day's registration in
Chicago the republicans gained 12,000
and the democrats lost 6,000 as com
pared with tiie last previous regis
tration. Illinois is one of the states
the democrats are claiming.
.1 udge Hamer of Kearney addressed
the republicans of Loup’ City and
Sherman county at the opera house
Tuesday evening on the issues of the
the day. He is well posted on the
past work of the republican party
and gave a talk that was well worth
listening to. Judge Hamer is one of
the biggest lawyers in the state and
and was formerly district judge of
this judicial district. He visited here
and rested for a few days previous to
Ire evening speed), renewing old
friendships and making a host of
new ones.
I ■■ ■- ..." ■
George Lawson Sheldon
Hon. E. D. Could.
The record of Hon. E. I). Gould in
the senate lias been such as to enti
tle him to your support at tlie com
ing election next Tuesday. We have
not the time nor space at this late
hour to enumerate all the splendid
legislative laws enacted and earnestly
favored by Mr. Gould, but the record
is one our people may well be proud
of. Senator Gould favored laws to
prevent railroads giving rebates, to
prevent^lobbying in the legislature,
for the primary law, for the railway
commission, to assess livestock where
kept, reducing express rates 25 per
cent, reducing freight rates 15 per
cent, and tried to reduce it to 20 per
cent, to grant equal privileges to all
shippers, etc. Senator Gould was a
supporter of every anti-pass bill that
appeared before the senate. He is a
supporter of the Roosevelt policies
and stands squarely upon both state
and national republican platforms.
What more or better could be asked?
Vote forE. I). Gould for state senator.
Kinkaid Will Oppose Cannon
Under date of Oct. 20, Congressman
Kinkaid writes us: ‘‘that elected a
member of next congress, I SHALL
Refused Admission to His Col
umns. Why?
Loup City, Neb. Oct. 5th 1908.
Editor Standard Guage.
Dear Sir:—A year ago last spring 1
purchased and moved onto land in
Loup City township near Loup City.
Later you solicited me and I sub
scribed for your paper, and upon
reading same I was about to conclude
that I had settled among about the
worst set of grafters in the State, and
was somewhat in the notion of selling
out, but upon inquiry I found that
the people you intimate and insinuate
to be grafters were among the leading
citizens of the community, having
lived here for many years, and being
a resident taxpayer of school district
No. 1, I attended tiie annual school
meeting last J une, at which time and
place one whom you intimate and in
sinuate to be among the chief of
grafters was elected as trustee re
cieving 159 votes. I am at at a loss
to understand why this man should
be elected by such a majority in the
very community where every one
should know 1dm well, if what you
say be true.
I have asked some of these people
you intimate to be grafters why they
do not prosecute you and they claim
that you have never made any
detinate and certain charge against
them that would give them a right
of action against you under the law,
which appears to be true.
Now Mr. Gibson. I am not interest
ed in this unfortunate affair only to
the extent that all good citizens
should interest themselves for the
welfare of the community, and for
the best interest of the community
I would suggest that you either
prosecute those men for things you
intimate they are guilty of, or make
some detinate charge against them
that they may prosecute you, and
perhaps in this way end this news
paper war.
Respectfully \ours.
Since Mr. Gibson refuses to publish
the above letter I desire the other
papers to do so. M. N.
Mr, Nickolaus, is one of our new
comers, and, as the editor the North
western is Informed, a very worthy
gentleman, and his suggestion to Geo,
II. Gibson to either put up or shut up
is very appropriate, and Mr. Nicko
laus is not alone in the opinion that
Mr. Gibson would do well to let oth
er people alone till he gets out of the
woods himself.
What has become of all the moral
courage and manhood that one Geo.
H. Gibson, claims to have a monopoly
on, when he refuses to publish an
open letter in which one of our best
citizens makes the suggestion that if
he would let up slandering his neigh
bors about fifty-two times a year, he
might find time to get ready for trial
in the county cases and put back the
shortage, whatever it may be.
Don’t forget to vote the republican
national, state, congressional, sena»
torial and legislative ticket. They
represent the republican policies.
W. T. Gibson built those oridges
and ice breaks, didn’t he? And is en
titled to pay for same, isn't he? Then
be sure, in simple justice and fairness,
to record your approval on your ballot
next Tuesday. Put yourself in his
place. Do as you would be done by.
Let Us Be Fair and Just
and Vote to Pay This
—Put Yourself in
His Place.
Gibson Resolution.
The following resolutions, passed by
the County Board, are self explana
tory, and are published that the
voters of the county may better un
derstand how to vote on the proposi
tion at the general election:
Whereas ; During tlie month of June ami
July, 1906, VV. 1. Gibson, al tlie instance anil
request of the County Board of Sherman eouuty
Nebrtska, furnished certain bridge materials
tor said county, an itemized statement of which
lias heretolore been tiled with tlie County Board
amt is now a part of the official records thereof,
at the agreed sum of *329.56. and that thereafter
pursuant to an agreement made nud entered
into by and between the said VV. T. Gibson and
tlie said County Board, the said W. T. Gibson
done and performed labor and work and rend
ered services, for the county Jof Sherman, an
itemized account of which is on file and of rec
ord as a part of the official records of said Coun
to Board, that the agreed price of said labor,
work and service was the sum of *160.00. That
thereafter during the said months, the said VV.
T. Gidsou. at the request of said County Board,
done and performed twenty-seven days labor,
and four and one half days work with one team,
tor the county of Sherman, at the agreed price
ot *76:50 That tlie total of sain sums aggregate
the total sum of *556.06. That the work, labor
and materials tarnished, pursuant to said sever
a agreements, were severally inspected by said
County Board and accepted and approved,
i hat thereafter the said VV. T. Gibson filed his
claim against said county of Sherman, with the
said County Board for tlie several sums herein
before enumerated ; that said claims were each
approved allowed and warrants were so drawn
to the said VV. r. Gibson. That thereafter it
was discovered that tlie County Board in enter
ing into tlie several agreements above mention
ed, hut acting in absolute good faith had failed
to comply wiili the statutes ol the state of Ne
braska, in sueli cases made and provided, and
on accouut of such mistake tlie said VV. T. Gib
son was, and still is prevented from cashing his
said warrant, heretofore mentioned, and from
receiving any pay whatever for the work, labor
and materials above mentioned. That the said
VV. T. Gibson has also acted in good faith in
each particular and has done and performed
his work to the complete satislaction of sain
Board, and is without relief to collect said sum.
or sums or any part thereof, at law or in equity.
It also being tlie fact that said county of Sher
man lias derived great benefit from the above
mentioned work and material and still is enjoy
ing tlie uses and benefits of the same, amt is
willing and ready to pay for the same, if it can
be legally done, and does not desire to deprive
tlie said VV. T. Gibson of which lie has justly
and faithfully earned and is entitled to. And it
appearing to the said County Board, and other
county offieeis, whose duties govern such mat
ters, that an expression from tlie people of
sherman county, at tlie next general election,
ia regard to the payment or non-payment of
said claims, or warrant therefore, should he had
and if said expression of tlie voters should be in
favor of paying said VV. T. Gibson, tlie said
Mims, or total sum, the County Board and other
county officers, whose duties’ pertain to such
matters, will lie enabled to pay said sum or
! equity, good conscience and justice de
| I Hands.
Therefore, lie it resolved: That there be
placed upon tlie regular ball it, at the next
general election, held in November taw. in the
{ manner and form as may hereafter be decided
■ upon by iiiu said County Board, and other
• • unty officers, an expression of tlie voters as to
w lieitier, or not. the said claim, or claims, of tlie
i - .id »V. T. Gibson should be paid by tlie county
' of Sherman .
it use resolution was passea oy uie
Hoard at the same meeting as to a
second agreement, wherein the county
is indebted to YV. T. Gibson in tlie
sum of $512.24 for bridge building
which is also tied up.
Loup City, Neb* Oct. 12, 1908,
To the voters of Sherman County, Neb,
On your ballot at the next general
election you will find the following:
For special levy to pay claims of \Y,
T. Gibson
Against special levy to pay claims of
YV. T. Gibson.
Tiie facts in the above matter are
| in substance, as follows: Prior to the
i months of June and July, 1900, there
! were no ice breaks or protections to
the county bridge across the Loup
river at Austin, in said county, and
therefore said bridge would be great
ly in danger at the next ice flow, and
the county board realizing that said
months were the ones most suitable
for the building of ice breaks, and
realizing the threatened danger to
said bridge and the importance and
necessity of ice breaks entered into a
contract with YV. T. Gibson for the
building of the same. Pursuant to
said agreement Mr. Gibson furnished
! his own material and labor and built
and constructed the ice breaks, as
directed by the said county board,
and the said board after a careful in
spection of the said ice breaks, ap
proved the same and upon due con
sideration allowed the bill and ordered
warrant drawn in favor of Mr. Gibson
in payment therefor in the sum of
± nau prior to me i.itn aay oi
October, 1SHX>, the county board of
Sherman county decided and ordered
tiiat a bridge should be built across
Beaver Creek, near Hazard, in said
county, known as the Rhinertson
bridge, and having previously entered
into a contract with the said W. T.
Gibson for the building of county
bridges, the said VV. T. Gibson, pur
suant to said contract, furnished the
material and labor and built the said
bridge and completed the same on the
13th day of October, 1906. That there
after the said county board inspected
said bridge and approved the same,
and Mr, Gibson having tiled his bill
with the said county board, the said
board approved and allowed the bill
of Mr. Gibson for the building of said
bridge and ordered warrant to be
I drawn in favor of Mr. Gibson in the
sum of $512.24.
In the year A. D. 1903, the legis
lature of the state of Nebuaska,
realizing that in some counties in the
state the county commissioners were
entering into contracts and having
work done for the county and expend
ing county funds in a manner which
might work an injury to the tax
payers, and for the purpose of correct
ing this condition, and not with any
intent to work an injury to any per
son or persons, passed certain laws
pertaining to the manner in which
such contracts should be made and
the conditions under which emergency
improvements could be had. That by
reason of such legislation the county
board of Sherman county is legally
unable to pay the said claims of W.
T. Gibson, hereinbefore mentioned,
excepting that there be a two-thirds
vote of the voters of Sherman county,
authorizing it to so do.
That the said county board Is will
ing and anxious to pay said claims
and that said claims ought in all fair
ness. to be paid, there is no question.
That there is no opposition to the
paying of these claims is also beyond
question. No opposition has ever been
manifest by any person or party.
There is not even a suspicion of
opposition. The only question raised
and this is conceded by all is as to
the legal method to pursue.
The county has the work and the
material: the county has the bridge
and the ice breaks, and the people of
Sherman county have the use and en
joyment of them; Mr. Gibson has
never been paid for them, no one has
ever raised any question as to prices
charged therefor: no one has ever
raised any question as to the need of
this bridge and the ice breaks, it be
ing conceded by everybody who are
acquainted with the facts that the
same are needed and the prices
charged reasonable and fair and the
claims should be paid.
It is a matter of honor on the part
of Sherman county that it should not'
by reason of a harsh and arbitrary
statute made for the purpose of cor
recting evils which in these cases did
not exist, accept and receive the said
bridge and ice breaks so built and
paid for by Mr. Gibson and pay him
nothing in return. The unjustness
and unfairness of such a proceeding
is one to which Sherman county does
not wish to be a party.
There is no one seeking to prevent
the county from paying these claims;
there is no one acquainted with the
facts who does not desire that Mr.
Gibson should be paid that which he
has justly earned.
That said claims cannot lawfully be
paid without a two-thirds vote of the
voters of Sherman county is well
understood; hence the voter finds his
opportunity to so vote on the ballot,
as hereinbefore stated. The one
danger feared, and the only danger to
be feared, is that many voters will
not vote at all upon this question and
a two-thirds vote will not be cast and
thereby the expression of the will of
the people which is so much needed
and desired, will not be had and all
of the time, labor and expense in
curred in putting the matter before
the voter will have been for naught.
I most respectfully contend that it
is the duty of every voter that he
look well to his ballot and not fail to
vote upon this question and J most
respectfully urge that he use a
reasonable effort to see that others
do likewise. Robert P. Starr,
Attorney for W. T. Gibson.
KuDiic dale.
Having sold my farm, I will hold a
Public Sale at my farm, % mile south
of town, on Saturday, Oct. Hist, at
1 o'clock p. m. sharp.
J. T. Hale. J. S. Pedleb,
Auctioneer. Clerk.
In the District Court of Sherman county. Ne
In the matter of the application of Levina J.
Sparks, guardian of the persons and t .states
of William A Sparks. WalterR. -parks. Bertie
A. Sparss. Rny E. .--parks and Vei nie Spark-,
minor children -if James A. Spa k^. deceased,
to sell the real estate of said minors
Order to show cause why license should not be
granted to said guardian to sell real estate
of her said wards to raise funds for their
maintenance and education.
On reading and tiling the petition, duly ver
ified. of Levina J. Sparks, guardian of the
persons and estates of William A. Sparks,
Walter U Sparks. Bertie A Sparks. Ray E.
Sparks and Vernie Sparks, minors, for a
license to sel! the undivided Bve-eighty-oneth
interest of said minors in the following des
cribed real estate situate in Sherman county.
Nebraska, to-wit. the west half of the north
west quarter, ami the north hair of the south
west quarter of Section seven (7i. in Township
fourteen (1*1 north of Range sixteen (16), west
of sixth principal meridian, for the purpose of
raising funds for the maintenance and edu
cation of said minors, and it appearing from
said petition that said real estate consists of
unimproved land, from which very little in
come can be obtained and that it is necessary
to sell the same for said purpose.
It is tberefoje ordered that the next of kin
of said minors, and all persons interested in
said estate appear before me at the court
bouse in Loup City. Nebraska, on the 18th day
of November. lix-s. at the hour of nine o’clock
in the forenoon to show cause why license
should not be granted to the said Levina J.
Spark*, guardian, to sell said real estate of
said minors for the purposes above set forth.
And it is further ordered that a copy of this
order he published once each week for three
successive weeks in the Loup City North
western. a legal newspaper printed and pub
lished and of general circulation in said Coun
ty of Sherman.
Dated at Chambers at Kearney, in Buffalo
county. Nebraska, this 17th day of October.
Bruno O. Hostetler.
| Judge of the District Court of Sherman county,
I Last pub. Nov. 12.
For Sale
H. J. Johansen’s
Twelve huskv fall boars, sired bv
O, K, Chief 41673.
Fifteen spring boars, sired by Oom
Paul 471165, Standard Chief 47.16:1, Te
cumseh Look 47364, Ilather's Hadley
47414. Meddlesome 40002 and Gigantic,
out of such sows as WaunettaQ(93751),
Queen Louise (107188), Mollie May
(93478), Aurora Girl (114500) and Jen
nie A. (91852).
As I bought four sows at sales this
year, can supply my old customers, as
well as new ones.
I also have a few bred sows due to
farrow in October that I will sell
If in need of anything in either line
you will do well by calling and look
ing over the herd. Farm 3-4ths mile
southeast of town. Telephone con
nection. H. J. JOHANSEN. Prop.
Loup City, Sherman Co„ Nebraska
Wild Rose Stock Farm
I have a choice lot of
Pure Poland China Boars
Long, lengthy fellows,
and a few.
Reds and Roans, that are
right in individuality and
breeding. Call and see....
Telephone, 2 on 12 Loup City, Neb.
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—W. J. Bryan, in Letter to President Eoosevelt.
Copyright, lEOS, Amer lean-journal Examiner.
—Prom New York Journal.
You want Mr. Taft and Mr. Sherman elected, and they cannot be
elected unless the Republican National Committee has sufficient money
to pay the legitimate expenses of the campaign. It costs money to
maintain an organization. It requires money to pay for printing, post
age, salaries or stenographers and clerks at headquarters, traveling ex
penses of speakers and numerous other details that go to make the
campaign end successfully. Congress, as you know, has passed a law
making It unlawful for us to solicit money from corporations. We
must depend ui>on the contributions of Individual voters. If every Re
publican In this Western Division would contribute one dollar to the
campaign fund, we will be able to do all the tilings that the voters
•want done; we will be able to elect Taft and Sherman. Will you help?
If so. please send one dollar to the chairman of your State Finance
Committee, whose name appears in the list following, or send it direct
to me and you will receive the official receipt of the Republican Na
tional Committee. Respectfully,
Assistant Treasurer.
Contributions may he sent by check or money order to any of the
following named chairmen of the various State liunnce committees;
Colorado, Hon. Whitney Newton, Denver.
Idaho, Hon. Frank F. Johnson, Wallace.
Illinois. Col. Frederick H. Smith. Peoria.
Iowa. Hou. Lafayette Young, Dos M ims.
Kansas. Hon. Frank E. Grimes, Topeka.
Michigan. Hou. John N. Bagley, I> troit.
Missouri, Hon. O. L. Whiteiaw. 40;t North Second street, St. Louis.
Montaua. Hon. Thomas A. Marlow. Helena.
Nebraska. Hon. John C. Wharton, i iiuaha.
New Mexico, Hon. J. W. Reynolds. Santa Fe.
North Dakota. lion. James A. Buchanan, Buchanan,
j Oregon, Dr. H. W. Coe, Portland.
South Dakota, Hon. O. W. Thompson, Vermillion.
Washington, Hon. James D. Iloge. Seattle.
Or to Fred W. Upham, Assistant Treasurer. 234 Michigan avenue.
Chicago. Illinois.
Summary of Wages Earned
In Thirteen Different Trades in the United States and Europe.
U. S. A. Britain. France. Germany. Belgium.
Blacksmiths' weekly wage . ..* 16.52 * 9.74 $ 9.12 $ 0.92
Boilermakers' weekly wage_ 13.95 9.63 S.14 1729 $ 4 21
Bricklayers' weekly wage.... 26.26 9.S9 6.36 6..57 4 05
Carpenters' weekly wage.... 17.79 10.0.1 7.04 0.44 - >
Compositors' weekly wage_ 22.33 8.97 6.51 7.05 4 77
Hoi carriers' weekly wage... 13.74 0.00 4.63 4.07 2 07
Iron moulders' weekly wage.. 17.30 10.13 7.46 6.50 iki>4
Laliorers’ weekly wage. 9.38 5.70 5.40 4.40 3 07
Machinists' weekly wage .... 15.15. 9.29 7.42 7.33
Painters' weekly wage. 16.90 8.69 6.14 5,n5 3 26
Plumbers' weekly wage. 21.70 9.93 7.35 5 02 3 84
Slonecutters' weekly wage... 20.70 9.77 7.09 5.70 3 35
Stonemaspns' weekly wage .. 22.89 10.39 7.24 6.04 4.22
Total .*23661 *118.31 *90.50 *79.30 *40.30
Average weekly wage.* 18.20 ? 9.10 * 6.96 * 6.10 * 3.66
In the United States for every *1 00 a man earns in the 13 trades—
He earns. 50 cents in Great Britain
lie earns.38 cents in France
He earns.34 cents in Germany
He earns.20 cents in Belgium
—Taking the 4 European countries and averaging them—for every *1.00 th
American workmen earns under Republican protection.
Hia Decision in the “Voight Case”
Forerunner of Present Humane
A striking service to humanity which
William H. Taft rendered in his judic
ial career is recalled by Eugene F.
Ware, former Commissioner of Pen
sions, in a letter to the Kansas City
Star. Mr. Ware refers to what was
known as the “Voight case,” which was
decided by Judge Taft in 1897. Judge
Taft's decision, although overruled by
the United States Supreme Court, is
really the pioneer of a section of the
present employers' liability law, which
was passed through the efforts of
President Roosevelt and a Republican
Congress, and approved April 22, 1908.
Voight was an express messenger
who, to get his Job, had to sign an
agreement releasing the express com
pany from liability in case be was In
jured or killed. The exprCsl company
had a contract with the railroad ex
empting the railroad from liability in
the event of injury to an express mes
senger. Voight was severely injured,
and sued th<5 railroad for damages on
the ground of gross negligence, argu
ing that the railroad company could
not make a contract evading Its re
Judge Taft gave Voight a judgment
of $0,000 and costs, holding that the
express company had no right to make
such contracts; that they were oppres
sive. unreasonable and unjust, and
were against public policy, and further
that the railroad company owed to the
express messenger the same public
duty which It owed to a passenger.
The path blazed out by Judge Taft
was followed in the new law referred
to. which provides "That any contract,
rule, regulation or device whatso
ever, the purpose or intent of which
shall be to enable any common earner
to exempt itself from any liability
created by this act, shall to that ex
tent be void.”
Protect Your Stock
Because it’s the ideal roofing for all kinds
of farm buildings and out-houses, etc., as it keeps them
warm in winter, cool in summer, dry in wet weather, and will not
pollute any water with which it may come in contact, leaving it avail
able for all domestic uses. You can lay it yourself, and at a cost surpris
ingly low. Send for our book , and free sample^
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