The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 15, 1908, Image 2

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    Loop City Northwestern
J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher
Forestry and Fire.
Some reflections that were given
much publicity about the time the
congress of governors met last spring
now comes back to memory, bearing a
twisted look. We were all very virtu
ous just then. We had learned to our
surprise and horror that our progeni
tors had been unpan’,oitably reckless
in their dealings with the property
they should have left intact to us. We
scolded them vigorously became they
had cleaned off our forests until we
were within a quarter of a century of
national baldness. The ghosts of
those pioneers must be holding their
sides when they look down on their
successors in this supposedly inex
haustible region of natural affluence
and behold us figuring up our fire
losses for this summer. The bureau
of forestry at Washington estimates
that the destruction in the forests so
far would equal the cost of a whole
fleet of first-class battleships. That
would probably amount to more than
$100,000,000. Either our forefathers
were not as extravagant as we have
been calling them, or we ourselves
have not profited by their example.
The offence is the more grievous on
our part since we realize how easily
our forests may be exhausted. Our
predecessors thought they would last
forever.—Detroit Free Press.
Milk, and nothing else, is the latest
cure for stout people. Prof. F. Moritz
of Strasburg, the pioneer of this new
dietary, declares positively that an ex
clusive diet of milk is the simplest,
the most comfortable and cheapest
remedy for obesity. A limited quantity
of water may be taken, but, with this
exception, the patient takes absolutely
no food or drink but milk. The allow
ance varies in individual cases, from a
little over two pints to 3% pints daily,
taken at five separate “meal times.”
Milk is filling and satisfying, and the
patient suffers neither from hunger
nor thirst. The cure is easy for the
doctor to direct, and makes no great
demands on the patient to carry out.
As for its efficacy, Prof. Moritz says
that one patient lost 56 pounds in SI
"cure days,” an average of more than
half a pound daily. The cure is said
to be especially beneficial in all cases
when the patient has any heart or
kidney trouble.
The k'ss of money through the defal
cation of M. Alberti, former minister
of justice in Denmark, heavy though
it is, is not the greatest injury his
course will cause. He was a tremen
dously popular man, the peasants in
particular having confidence in his in
tegrity and financial judgment. The
failure of the bank of which he was
the head, through his reckless specu
lations and embezzlements, means a
total loss of about ?5.000,000, much of
which consists of small savings of
poor people. These people will suf
fer for the lack of their money, but
they will suffer a greater injury in the
loss of confidence in one whom they
trusted, a loss that will be manifested
hereafter by distrust of better men
lhan he. The evil that such a man
does lives after him.
Apropos of Prof. Darwin's theory as
to the intelligence of plants, the inter
esting circumstance is recalled that in
some lectures delivered by Prof. Jo
siah Royce before a class in metaphy
sics at Harvard a dozen years ago, he
maintained that not only plants but
all forms of so-called inanimate nature
may have intelligence whereby, they
communicate with each other. He
even went to the length of maintain
ing that we cannot logically say that
those intelligences are lower than
those of the human mind. We are thus
again reminded that there is not
much that is new under the sun now
adays either in the domain of fact or
It is characteristic of Lord Rose
bery as a so-called Liberal that, after
attacking most of the reform policies
of his party, he should propose the re
form of the house of lords by the ad
dition of a limited number of “eminent
representative commoners” by elec
tion for the duration of any parlia
ment, with eligibility for re-election.
What is to be accomplished by elect
ing only a guaranteed minority in the
house of Tory lords? If the heredi
tary principle holds good clear through
the peerage as by law conferring the
exclusive right to legislate, the elec
tion of untitled members must be
_ t
The declaration of the boss dress
maker that three years are required
for the proper promulgation of a new
fashion in women's dress will surprise
mere men who had supposed that the
fashion changed instantly whenever
the dressmakers took a whim.
Most of the New York papers look
down with scorn on the proposition
to limit the height of future buildings
there to 15 stories. They take a loftier
view of the subject from their higher
“I shall win that cup eventually,”
6ays Sir Thomas Lipton. It is grati
fying to not that Sir Thomas is no
longer saying “lift.”
The man- who is successful as a poli
tical speaker is the one who says what
everybody is thinking before anybody
else has put it into words.
Spain is happy with an unusually
big crop of olives. Olives are to Spain
what corn and wheat are to the Uni
ted States.
Sensational Climax in the
Career of RecKless Carl
Sutherland, Who Failed at
West Point, Who
Robbed, KJlled,
Married and Tried to
Reform, Failed Again, Wrote
a Confession and a Poem, and
Put a Bullet Into Kis Brain,
fos AXGELES.—“Red Dev
il” Sutherland, the late
outlaw, was one of those
stranger-than-fiction char
acters that Byron would
| ^ ^2? have put into a Corsair
. poem, and around whom
Robert Louis Stevenson would have
woven a thrilling romance. The young
bandit himself made a dash at both
these literary bids for fame, but fate
was closing in on him too fast. A
man who really means business about
killing others and then shakes hands
with death itself can better express
i himself in deeds than in poetic num
j hers.
i The strange, inscrutable, baffling
! truth remains that this same despera
i do was of the stuff that genuine he
i roes are made of—that his very
j crimes traced their inception to qua
lities which, when developed instead
of perverted, cause other men to be
honored, knighted, sainted and sung
about. He had heart, courage, grati
tude, loyalty to friends and chivalry
toward women. His debut as a bandit
was made out of boyish admiration
for the train-robber who had taken his
part against a bully. His last thought
| was to provide for the wife whose
| love and trust he had never for
Yes, Carl was a bad man, and de
served to die. But he owned up to it
j without a snivel, and took liis medi
! cine more bravely than some better
! men might have done.
An amazing story of crime that re
calls the daring escapades of Jesse
j Janies and the coterie of bandits who
: terrorized the whole country a quar
j ter of a century ago has just been re
! vealed in Los Angeles, after the mur
j der of a brave police captain, in the
cold handwriting of the murderer
himself, who died a suicide rather
than be taken prisoner.
Stirred by Recital of Crime.
Xot since the old days, when there
were no railroads and men seeking
their fortunes in the far west were
compelled to cross the plains in prai
rie wagons and stage coaches, has
the entire stretch of country west of
the Mississippi been so stirred as by
this astounding recital of crime by
one who, in the closing chapter of his
desperate career, penned his own epi
taph in the following words:
The last fatal moment is just ahead, and
the bandit knows he will soon be
How lonesome you must be, when your
finish you see, and you know you
must meet
A violent end. Tour past life before you
t flies, and a voice within you cries,
“Oh, for another chance to mend.” Hut
you grit your teeth hard, and to
some distant friend
Bid "Good-by, Pard.” and your enemies
you try to rend, while they are fill
ing you with lead.
“TOO LATE.” By Carl.
How wise we are when 'tis too late, and
a glance we backward cast;
Wc know Just what we should have done,
when the time for doing is past.
While an entire city was mourning
the loss of “one of its bravest and
most devoted defenders of clean citi
zenship,” a woman—the wife of the
self-slain bandit—lay ill and helpless
on a cot in a rude cottage by the sea
shore extolling what appeared to her
to be the virtues of the man who by
his own admission was the perpetrator
of scores of the most daring train rob
beries and other wrong-doings that
have ever come to light in America.
On a recent Saturday afternoon,
when the clock in the big tower of the
Los Angeles county courthouse stroked
two, there was witnessed a scene the
like of which has not been enacted
in this country since the death of
President McKinley. As the body of
Walter Auble, oldest member in point
of active service in the Los Angeles
police department, was being borne
to its last resting place, every man,
woman and child in the “Angel City"
stood with bowed and uncovered head,
that fitting tribute might be paid to
the memory of an ofiicer who died
while in the performance of his duty.
It was such a scene as Broadway wit
nessed during the "silent hour” when
the body of William McKinley was in
transit from his late residence in Can
ton. O., to the grave. Perhaps no city
ever paid a higher tribute to the mem
ory of its hero dead than did this big.
bustling town that nestles among the
orange groves and flowers of. Southern
Modern Dick Turpin.
But to return to the life of Carl D.
Sutherland, scion of honest middle
western parents, who turned "black
sheep" and died laughing, jeering,
cursing his ups and downs, relating
his “attempts at reform,” and, finally,
the change in the tide—the turn of
the card—that ended his meteoric
career. It is a story that is none the
less frank than thriiiing. yet one that
almost curdles the blood and leaves
the impression that, after ail, Kobert
Ixmis Stevenson was, perhaps, milder
in his treatment of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde than human nature itself.
Were Jesse James and the score of
other outlaws of his ilk, who robbed,
pillaged and murdered in the early
days, alive, they might marvel ai the
story of Carl D. Sutherland, a modern
Dick Turpin, written before he en
countered Capt. Auble, laid the fear
less officer low with six shots fired in
rapid succession, tiien ran away to die
a few hours later by his own hand.
It was addressed to Jack Henderson, j
a private detective and guardian of
Westchester place, a fashionable resi
dential section of Los Angeles, and
“Dear Sir—You will, no doubt, be
very much surprised to receive this*
letter. In fact, you won't receive it at
all unless I, Carl I). Sutherland, alias
Joseph Palmer, alias Jack Ames, alias
Carl Sherwood, etc., am dead.
“The reason that I write this letter
to you is because I was impressed
with your personality, and decided
that you were a brave and an honest
man. In fact you looked a great deal
like my father, and if there ever was
a man that was the soul of honor, he
“Since I have been 15 years of age
I have never yet seen the man I was
in the least afraid of, and yet I have
met a few whom 1 recognized as more
than my match. When 1 saw you I
knew in a second a man that would
rather take a man alive if possible;
hut that would take him*if you wore
after him unless he was quicker than
yon with his gun and killed you.
Asks Aid for His Wife.
“Liberty is far more dear to me
than life, and if I am ever taken I
will be taken dead, and I leave you
this and I beg you to do the best you
can with it and if you can make any
money out of it I beg you to see that
my poor little sick wife gets a third
or fourth of it. I know 1 can trust
you to do this, for I believe you to be
honorable and it is not more than
right, for my wife is a good, true, hon
est and hard-w;orking little woman; a
lady by birth and nature and from a
good old southern and Kentucky fain
ily. She deserved a far better man
than I.
"When it is known that I am an
outlaw, and have been most of my life,
most every one will say: 'He’s a bad
one,’ and that's all. I wish the world
to know the truth, for there are a cer
tain few whom I want to know that 1
was not as bad as they are sure to.
paint me. If I am killed I am sure to
become notorious, as much of my past
is sure to crop out and my name is
disgraced, and as that is the case I
may as well have the truth told as
just part, and maybe a w hole jugful of
lies added to it.”
After giving the place of his birth
as Lamar, Barton county, .Mo., and the
date September 29, 1SS2. this remark
able autobiography of Sutherland deals
with his family. It speaks of his fa
ther being fire marshal of Pittsburg.
Kan., then deputy sheriff, and of his
relatives having "fought in every war
tills country has been engaged in
from 1775 to the present time, except
the Spanish-American war.”
Black Sheep of Family.
“All have been honest—too honest,
in fact, but I," wrote the young bandit.
"I am the last of my race and the one
black sheep. Prom a delicate, timid j
and refined boy I grew into a desper- j
ate young rascal, ready to shoot any j
Next is the account of his meeting !
with Joe Palmer, alias Jack Wells, the !
notorious train robber. It was the j
turning point in Sutherland’s young j
life; he chose the blacker side. Be- j
cause Palmer had taken his part
against "a big bully on a farm in Kan
sas” Sutherland believed he owed
Palmer a debt of gratitude. So, when
Palmer and ' his pal, Prank Errington.
tried to hold up a depot and a rich
horseman at Oswego, Kan., and later
shot a deputy sheriff and were cor
nered” Sutherland stole a boat ar.d
under cover of darkness slipped by the
camp of the posse that held the two
men on the hanks of the Nesho river,
got Palmer and Errington and carried
them on down the stream to freedom.
Events followed swiftly after that.
Sutherland and Palmer robbed ' an old
miser" on a lonely road near Cherry
vale, Kan. Joining the other mem
bers of the gang later, they held up an
M. K. & K. train near Denison, Tex.
Then came the robbery of the depot at
Lamar, Mo. Here Walter Craig be
came one of the band. When he tried
to pull off a second robbery at the
Lamar depot, Sutherland's autobiog
raphy says, “my old schoolmate, who
was night operator, put a bullet into
Craig's lungs, from which he died."
Hiding Place for Gang.
After reciting the details of half a
dozen other bold and daring crimes,
the story shifts to Pittsburg, Kan.!
"where pretty Nellie Errington was
keeping a cottage, under an assumed
name, for the gang to run in and rest
ui>, if necessary.”
Next we find Sutherland in the
hands of a vigilance committee which
is about to hang him. The rope is
made fast about his neck and he is
actually strung up, when the leiider,
who is "rather kind-hearted,” decides
on a “council of war" and orders
Sutherland hauled down. It is while
this "council” is in progress that Suth
erland escapes.
Sutherland joins his pals a short
distance away. The vigilance com
mittee pursues them, and Nellie Er
rington, learning of the committee's
movements, jumps on a horse and
goes to warn the robbers. She is mis
taken for one of them and killed.
Free-for-all shooting followed, several
of the committee were wounded, but
the desperadoes got away.
Did Honest Work for a Time.
Sutherland then worked for a time
as a delivery clerk in the Creek Na
tion. after which he committed more
robberies and was arrested for the
first and only time in his life by the
sheriff of Lamar, Mo. He spent some
nine months in a reformatory, escaped
and joined the army as a musician
under the name of Jack Ames. He was
ambitious to become an army officer,
but Errington bobbed up again, aud,
knowing that he would be found out
sooner or later, Sutherland went back
to the old life.
Going to Los Angeles Sutherland
and his pals planned several crimes,
among them the Kidnaping of a mil
lionaire and holding of him for $200,
000 ransom. This was spoiled, he
wrote, because the selected victim
suddenly wrent abroad.
The autobiography tells of numer
ous car hold-ups in San Francisco: of
several murders, and then of the time I
when he “married and determined to ;
reform for good.” Sutherland contin- I
ued: "I longed, oh, how much, for a 1
clean name, a home, friends and to be
Sutherland was now clerk in the
University club at Los Angeles. His
wife had been a telephone operator.
She knew nothing of his duplicity—his
double life—and she was happy. They
decided to buy a ranch in Oklahoma
out of their savings, and were well on
the way to achieving the one desire
they had so longed aud planned for
when the panic came and all went to
smash. Sutherland lost his job; with
it went the ranch in Oklahoma. He
pondered over his plight. He could
see no way but the old way. That
was the easiest; he would follow it for
a time, then when he got enough
money together he and his wife would
go to Oklahoma, buy back the ranch
and live happily ever after.
So it was, Sutherland found another
pal. They robbed and itillaged; the
Los Angeles police found them out,
and—the rest of the story has been
toid.—New York World.
Plague Taxicab Drivers.
London taxicab drivers have suf
fered considerable losses recently
through the mischievous pranks of
street arabs. The young mischief ma
kers pull down the red fiag of the tax
imeter cab when the driver is not look
ing, and within a few seconds 16 cents
is registered against the driver. Some
of the chauffeurs declare that cabmen
are responsible in many cases for the
mischief. The cabmen fear that the
taxicab drivers will eventually take
away all their patronage. One taxi
cab driver had $15 registered against
him in one day by a boy lowering and
raising the red flag.
Laughter Is the Enemy of Dyspepsia
and Kindred Evils.
, I know a family with whom it is a
perfect joy to dine. The members of
this famil vie with one another in
seeing who can say the brightest, wit
tiest, funniest things and tell the best
stories during dinner. Dyspepsia and
nagging were unknown there.
The announcement of dinner should
be the signal for a jolly good time.
Make the dinner hour the brightest,
cheerfutest, most sunshiny hour of the
whole day. Fine all “knockers" and
everyone who appears with a long
face Laughter and fun are the ene
mies of dyspepsia and the “blues."
The home ought to be a sort of thea
ter for fun and all sorts of sports—a
place where the children should take
the active parts, although the parents
should come hi for a share, too. Don’t
Mr. Business Man or Mr. Professional
Man, cast a gloom over your home
just because things have gone wrong
) during the day! Your wife and chil-i
dren have troubles of their own. They
have a right to expect that you will
contribute something besides vinegar
to the dinner hour and the evening.
Did not Lycurgus set up the god of
laughter in the Spartan eating halls
because he thought there was no
sauce like laughter at meals?
The constantly increasing success
of the vaudeville playhouses and other
places of amusement all over this
country shows the tremendous demand
in the human economy for fun. Most
people do not appreciate that this de
mand must be met in some form or
the character will be warped and de
“Laugh until I come back,” was a
noted clergyman's "good-by” saluta
tion. It is a good one for us all.—
Orison Swett Marden, in Success
Life Saving a la Mode.
The Victim—Help! Help! I’m
Would-Be Hero—Courage, my brave
man! Just wait until I get a rope, a
measuring rod, a Carnegie medal ap
plication blank, two witnesses and a
notary public.—The Bohemian.
May or May Not Be True, but It
Makes a Good Story.
At a dinner in New York during his
disastrous American visit, Henri Far
man, the aviator, complained of tlie
American customs regulations.
"With their affidavits, declarations,
examinations and what not.” said Mr.
Farman, “there is too much red tape
about your customs. A man gets lost
in all this red tape, as they say a for
eigner was once lost in the red tape
of the British post office.
“This foreigner stood, one luckless
evening, before the newspaper box in
the London post office. The box has a
huge mouth. Newspapers are thrust
into it in bales. As the inquisitive
foreigner bent over it a bale of news
papers struck his shoulder, and with
a dull thud he fell into the box.
"His friends ran around to the coun
ters to rescue him. The clerks, how
ever, paid no attention to their de
mands. The foreigner was in the mail
box. Accordingly they would treat
him as mail matter.
“And the clerks gravely stamped
him on the stomach and threw him in
a compartment along with the provin
cial newspapers.
"The unfortunate man’s friends
went to the chief. The chief listened
calmly to their tale. Then he said:
‘“Was your friend addressed?’
“ ‘No,’ they replied.
“ ‘Very well,’ said the chief. ‘The
matter is simple. He will remain for
six months in the bureau. At the end
of that time, if no one applies for him,
he will be burnt as a dead letter.’ ”
Used to Them.
Ida—There goes the pretty blonde.
She is going to dabble in the stock
market this fall.
May—Gracious, isn't she afraid of
Ida—Afraid of squeezes? Well, I
guess not. She’s been a summer girl.
Want Chinese Steamship Line.
Chinese residents at Pacific cons:
ports are subscribing to a Chinese na
lional feteamship company to enter Inti
Llie trans-Pacilic carrying trade with
a line to San Francisco or Seattle. 1
Oh, give to me the perfume of the grape
And not the wine it yields;
Tlse grace to love, not covetous nor gross.
The glory of the hills!
X pray for the diving power of mind
That knows the truth from art,
Distinguishing the jeweled drop of dew
From diamonds in the mart!
I long to know the genuine, the real—
The heart beneath the tone.
The purest karat from the gilded brass,
The noble from the throne!
Perception of the mind to separate
The good from all the wrong.
With gift to weave the truth itself into
An ecstasy of song!
By the Way.
“Oh, look who's here! Hr. Water
melon, come right in!”
☆ ☆ ☆
Sometimes it is easier to deceive a
girl than it is to fool her father's bull
* ☆ ☆
Married men have one consolation
—after she buys her fall hat, it's a
long time until Easter.
☆ ☆ ☆
A New York poet refers to his
lady's lips as “Love's apocalypse.” I
have done considerable flitting from
flower to flower in my time, but I
never bussed a woman with a kisser
like that!
☆ ☆ ☆
You cannot estima-e a man’s income
by the kind of automobile his wife
drives. A New York woman recently
traded her wedding ring, her equity
in their home, and two Host on-bull
pups for a choo-choo car.
Injustice to the Mule.
A South Carolina minister has just
concluded a stirring series of sermons
abusing the meek and lowly mule. My
sense of justice and innate sympathy
for the under mule, as well as the un
der dog, leads me to defend our faith
ful worker who fervently sings con
tralto with such “linked sweetness
long drawn out.”
☆ ☆ ☆
Somehow, I always have loved a
mule for the fight there is in him. Con
sidering the size of his ears, his feet
are so fanciful and trim, his coat so
glossily sleek and his disposition so
like “patience cn a monument” wait
ing for something to kick at.
And, after all. why should we blame
(he mule for kicking? The city man
kicks at the janitor, the country man
kicks at the calves in' the cabbage
patch, and if your ears were as long
as the mule's, you would kick, too!
The preacher should remember that
the mule will do a hard day's work, ho
chummy and as calm as a cucumber
for a week, just to select the psycho
logical moment for kicking the glim
out of the hired man's hand when
that unappreciative worthy makes his
last round of the stables for tl:e night.
At climbing mountains and passing
dangerous defiles, the mule is safety
itself. His step is suit and hi deliv
ery certain. Beware of the de
livery! A mule would make a go* l
billiard player; he never misses
what he shoots at! When a mule
crooks his neck around, looks at yin
out of those great, solemn eyes of his,
shifts his tail slightly to one side as a
woman does her skirt when she
changes hands to buy a newspaper,
begin to awaken your confidence.
☆ ☆ ☆
When you see the mule throw his
weight on one leg and amass all his
strength for a string-halt movement,
toss confidence to the winds and
dodge—that is, if you have time. If |
you haven't time it won't make any
difference an hour later, as a mule
always gets what he goes after, and
the handles on your coffin won't cost
any more now that they will in the
future when you fall into a tunnel-ex
plosion hole!
☆ ☆ ☆
But for all that, I love the mule.
I love him, not for his kicking qual
ities, but for himself alone. When a
mere boy I heard a mule sing for
the first time! Yes, I mean that.
If he had ever sung before lie could
have done better that time. But some
how that vocal solo endeared me to
the singer, and I prefer he-hawing
any day to a phonograph. When 1
become opulent and gouty, I am go
ing to have a beautiful home in the
suburbs beside the rippling lake.
There will be flowers and other glad
things in the front yard, but to the
rear will be located a weinerwurst
smokehouse and an army mule that
can reach upper “C" without straining
his obligato cloratis. Personally, 1
don't agree with the pastor from South
The following advertisement recently
appeared: "Being aware that it in indeli
cate to advertise for a husband. I r train
from doing so; tint if any '. nth-man
should be inclined to advertise fer a wife.
I will answer the advertisement without
delay. 1 am young, am domesticated and
considered ladylike. Apply,” etc.
The daughter of a Sioux Falltg Klk has
made application for a Carnegie hero
medal. She bases her claim upon the fact
that one evening recently a young man
called on her wiio said lie was dying for
a kiss. She saved his life. Noble girl.
Naturalized on the Arm.
An Italian went to the civil service
commissioners' rooms to be examined
for a laborer's position. He answered
most of the questions correctly. Final
ly they asked him if ho had ever boo
naturalized. He seemed a bit puzzle !
but at last his face lighted up. "Ah.
I know whata you mean. Scratch* do
arm. Yes, lasta week:"
Where People Live Long.
Turkey holds the record for the
number of aged persons In proportion
to the population.
After suffering for seven years,
this woman was restored to health
by Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable
Compound. Read her letter.
Mrs. Sallie French, of Paucaunla,
Ind. Ter., writes to Mrs. Pinkhurn:
“ I had female troubles for seven
years — was all run-down, and so ner
vous I could not do anything. The
doctors treated me for different troub > i
but did me no good. While in this con
dition I wrote to Mrs. Pink ham for ad
vice and took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound, and I am now strong
and well.”
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women w ho have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear
ing-down feeling, flatulency,indiges
tion, dizziness, ornervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ? :
Don’t hesitate to write to Mrs. ^
Pinkham if there is anything
about your sickness you do r.ot
understand. She will treat your
letter in confidence amladvise you
free. No woman ever regretted
writing her, and because of her
vast experience she has helped
thousands. Address, Lynn, Mass,
“My! What a big figure you are
“Well, what does that matter? I
haven't taken yours, have I?”
Ten Years Hence.
Three young men were discus:-:ng
that awful thing called the future.
“I’ll be content,” said one, "it', in
ten years from now, I have $!,('■ !
"Fiddlesticks!" exclaimed the sec
ond, “you want too much. If I have
one hundred thousand i<n years from
now I’ll be happy.”
The third was a solemn. Blow-man- i
nered youth, seldom aroused to ex
citement. Now, however, he aban
doned his recumbent posture on a i*- ■•!
and sat upright.
“Fellows," he drawled, “we’ll all be
lucky, if, ten years from now, we have
the price of a square meal.”
Which entirely broke up the s< ’ i ;s
nature of the discussion.
The Allurements of the City.
Mrs. Perkins and her daughter
Mandy from the country were in the
city one day, and as they walked
along together they came to a win
dotv in which was displayed a variety
of women's apparel. Mandy glanced
wistfully at the different articles of
clothing and started into the store.
But a sign in the window' which read
“Clothing One-Half Off During Th -
Sale.” caught Mrs. Perkins' eye. Sb<
seized her daughter by the arm, hur
ried her along down the street, and
exclaimed in a loud voice: "W'y,
land's sake. Mandy, that ain't no de
cent place fer a girl to go!"—Judge's
Animal Food.
| Doctor (upon finding his pati Tit
! weaker than before)—What does this
mean? Haven't you been following my
Patient (feebly)—Yes, doctor.
Doctor—Been ealing animal foot!
right along", have you?
Patient (grimly trying to smilet—
\\ ell, doctor. I tried to, but some
how it did not seem to agree with
me very well. I managed to worry
down the hay and the clover tops all
right; but the thistles kind of stuck
in my throat, and 1 had to give it up a.
The Truth About Grape-Nuts Food.
It doesn't matter so much what you
hear about a thing, it’s what you know
that counts. And correct knowledge
is most likely to come from personal
“About a year ago," writes a N. Y.
man, “I was bothered by indigestion,
especially during the forenoon. 1 tried
several remedies without any perman
ent improvement.
“My breakfast usually consisted of
oatmeal, steak or chops, bread, coffee
and some fruit.
“Hearing so much about Grape-Nuts,
I concluded to give it a trial and find
out If all I had heard of It was true.
“So I began with Grape-Nuts and
cream. 2 soft boiled eggs, toast, a cup
of Postum and sonw fruit. Before the
end of the first week I was rid of tho
acidity of the stomach and felt much
Bv the end of the second week all
traces of indigestion had disappeared
nnd I was in first rate health once
more. Before beginning this course of
diet I never had any appetite for
lunch, hut now I can enjoy a heartv
meal at noon time." “There's a Rea
hy Posh,m Co- battle
C rook Mich Read “The Road to Well
'Ulc, In pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
totereat.U,ne' *"** fU" °f human