The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 15, 1908, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Something of Congress. Political Gos
sip Here and There, and News and
Notes of General Character.
E. W. Kirkpatrick, president of the
Texas farmers' congress, has won out
in his fight to become the independ
ence party candidate for governor of
his state.
Judge Taft will spend three days m
Ohio, make a short trip south, spend
three days in Indiana and a week in
the state of New York.
Governor Hughes in his speech at
St. Joseph said that Tammany hall
was lined* up against the reforms that
t the people cf the east have won.
Democratic leaders have decided,
that Mr. Bryan shall make & trip in
New York before the campaign closes,
with another speech in Madison
Souare garden.
As a result of exposure while intro
ducing Eugene W. Chafin. Prohibition
candidate for president, who made a
speech in Appleton. Wis., Dr. Elijah D.
Kanouse contracted pneumonia from
wTiich he died. Dr. Kanouse was one
of the best known Prohibition workers
I in Wisconsin. He was S& years of age.
■ President Roosevelt says he is sat
isfied with progress of the campaign.
Chairman Mack of the democratic
national committee suffered a physi
cal collapse at Chicago from overwork
in the campaign.
Judge Taft concluded his tour of
the west at St. Louis.
Governor Hughes of New York
spoke to a large audience in Omaha.
“President Roosevelt at present has
no intention of taking the stump in be
half of Mr. Taft,” is the way in which
persistent reports to the effect that
he was to make a speaking tour in
favor of the candidacy cf the republi
can nominee are now denied.
The long delayed annuities of Sis
seton and Wahpeton Sioux are to be
paid at an early day. the rolls having
The Presbyterian synod m Nebras
ka formally approves the plan for a
great Presbyterian university in Om
E. L. Collins, wanted in Omaha for
bank irregularities, is caught is Phil
The American Book company, rep
resented by E. O. Garrett, is held by
the attorney general of Texas to be
a trust.
The Waterways congress at Chi
cago adopted resolutions emphatically
fn favor of carving out the projects
for water transportation by the na
tional government
Colonel Goethals, general director
of Panama canal construction, de
fended himself against charges of fa
voritism brought by certain contrac
Secretaries Root and Straus will
make speeches before the end of the
A mail pout h containing eight reg
istered packages destined for the east
disappeared at Salt Lake and are be
lieved to have been stolen while re
posing on a truck at the Denver &
Rio Grande station.
Attorney General Eonaparte has or
dered suit of western ■ railroads to re
strain application of lower rates on
live stock advanced on the docket
ahead of all other pending litigation.
Bulgaria formally proclaimed its in
dependence of Turkey and Austria
Hungary announced that it has an
nexed Herzegovina and Bosnia.
The extensive plant of the Philip
pine Products company was destroyed
by fire, causing a loss in excess of
^ With every department filled with
choice displays the annual exhibition
of the Utah state fair association
opened under promising conditions.
Complaint has been made against
the Illinois Central for overcharges
on banana shipments.
The total cost to New York
county of the prosecution of Harry K.
Thaw for the shooting cf Stanford
White has been $54,837, according to
papers submitted by District Attorney
Jerome to Justice Mills at Newburgh.
Japan is preparing to outdo all
other countries in the welcome it will
extend to the American fleet.
Bishops of Ireland are uniting in a
crusade against intemperance at
Governor C. N. Haskell has thus far
received $3,000 in response to his ap
peal to the people of Oklahoma for
funds with which to fight President
Roosevelt, W. R. Hearst and others.
Nebraska counties rejoice over the
fact that relinquent tax lists are much
smaller than ever heretofore.
^ Thomas W. Lawson, the well known
financier, was thrown from his car
riage while driving near North Scitu
ate. Mass., and severely injured.
Judge Taft will make his final
speech of the campaign at Youngs
town, 0., on the night of November
. All railroads running to registry
' points for Tripp county lands are
taxed to the capacity to handle
the crowds.
In one day Judge Taft delivered six
teen speeches in Kansas, beginning
at 6 o'clock at Syracuse and conclud
ing at Topeka.
Vice Presidential Candidate Sher
man. while riding in a launch on the
Ohio river, got an invitation from
boys to ‘‘Come on in, the water's fine.”
Charles A. Howland, president of
the Quincy (Mass.) Mutual Life In
surance company, died last week,
aged seventy-nine.
Danger again threatens in the Bal
kans through a plan to unite all Bul
garian people into an independent na
Testimony taking in the Standard
Oil ouster suit began at Chicago.
Allegations of drunkenness were
made against Mrs. Howard Gould.
The position of the American gov
ernment in regard to the acute situ
ation in tlie Balkans is largely that
•of a looker-on. It is a situation, the
officials say. with which the signa
tories to the treaty of Berlin have to
do. The United States does not
tolerate the interference of the Euro
pean governments with American af
fairs. and this government not being a
j signatory to the Berlin treaty, has no
! voice in the complications or devclop
; ments which may arise out of the car
■ rying into effect of the breaking of
j that convention.
In putting into effect a 2-ccnt po<e
age rale between the United States
| and Great Britain and Ireland, the
! contracting governments raised an un
foreseen question as to the meaning of
! the words "United States.” The Brit
ish postal officials are unwilling to in
clude the insular possessions of the
United States. They think the low
rate should be confined to the United
States as they existed prior to .the
Spanish war. Attorney General Bona
parte has been called upon for a defi
nition of the terms of the treaty for
the guidance of American officials.
The United States produced (10 per
cent more coal than Great Britain in
iftOT. over 100 per cent more than
Germany, and, exclusive of Great
Britain, produced more coal than all
other reunifies of the world combin
ed. The geological survey in a re
port on (he world's production of coal
estimates such production at 1,209,
1 £4.10ft short tons, of which the
United States furnished almost 4v per
Charles H. Trotter, an American,
and Vincente Toledo and Jose Cay
anan. Spaniards, were killed near Lua
bao, in the province of Pampagna, by
a party of Filipinos. The men were
murdered with bolus and their bodies
were badly mutilated.
The proclamaMon of the union of the
island of Crete with Greece may not
be accepted by Turkey without re
taliation. It i' reported that the Turk
ish government has ordered four of
its warship: . which are at present at
Smyrna, to proceed to the island c-f
The invitations to the proposed con
gress of powers to discuss the Balkan
situation have not yet been issued.
The test of a circular note has been
cabled to Roreign Minister Iswolsky,
who is now >! Paris, for approval and
possible changes.
It is announced that France and
Great Britain are in complete accord
on the principle of an immediate in
ternational conference to consider the
Bulgatian situation.
it is annouii' •-<] with authority that
Russia will prop jse a congress of the
powers for a general revision of the
Berlin treaty. This is an outcome of
the proclamation of Bulgarian inde
Turkey is not inclined towards war
with Bulgaria, and it is believed she
will call a conference of the powers
to consider the matter of Bulgaria’s
proclamation of independence.
People of the island of Crete added
to the confusion arising out of the
political situation in eastern Europe
by declaring their union with Greece.
Tinley sent a note to the powers call
ing attention to the action of Bu
garia, alleging that it violates provi
sions of the treaty of Berlin.
Mail carriers in convention at Oma
ha went on record as in favor of good
Judge Taft sees a benefit to rail
roads in the improvement of inland
Evidence tends to show Baird was
the chief man in the land deal now
being tried before the federal court in
Mr. Bryan told his committeemen
that the tide is still running towards
democratic success in the west.
Judge Taft and W. J. Bryan were
guests at the annual banquet of the
Chicago Association of Commerce."
The comptroller of the treasury
rules that the signal corps at Fort
Omaha cannot sell hydrogen gas to
private parties for experiments in bal
President Roosevelt aimounces pos
itively that he will not take the
stump in support of the republican
Josephus Daniels sent a letter to
Attorney General Bonaparte asking
him concerning trust prosecutions.
A license has been issued for the
marriage of Rr.doph Unholtz, the
pugilist, and Miss Elizabeth Stich.
It is reported that Governor Has
kell of Oklahoma has thus far receiv
ed $3,000 in response to his appeal
to the people of Oklahoma for funds
with which to fight President Roose
velt, W. H. Hearst and others.
Thomas TV. Lawson, the well
known financier, was thrown from his
carriage wb ile driving near North
Scituate, Mass., and severely injured
by the fall and being kicked by the
It is said that President Roosevelt
will jump into the political arena for
Parachute Spreads After Drop of 2.000
Feet and Fall is C.iecked, Neither
Being Hurt.
Berlin.—The international balloon
race which started front the suburb of
Vchmargendort. was the occasion of a
thrilling accident. two American
heronauts having a miraculous escape
.front death. The Amt riean balloon
(Conqueror, the only American built
craft in the contest, having on board
A. Holland Forbes and Augustus Post,
less than two minutes after the start
burst at an altitude of 4.000 feet. For
2.000 feet it shot down lika a bullet,
and then tiie torn silk hag assumed
the shape of a parachute, thus check
ing the rapidity of the descent. Corn
ling close to the earth, however, the
(basket smashed into the roof of a
'louse, but the two men escaped with
slight injuries.
The race, in which twenty three bal
loons participated, represented Great
Britain, France. Germany, the United
States, Switzerland. Italy. Belgium and
Spain, started at 2 o'clock Sunday af
ternoon in the presence of at least
8.000 spectators. The sun shine was
brilliant and the heat was that of sum
mer. Amid the strains of “America”
and volleys of cheers, the first balloon
was sent away. It was the "American
II,” under command of James C. Mc
Coy, who was accompanied by Lieuten
ant Yoghman. The balloon was de
corated with the stars and stripes and
it sailed away to the southeast at a
rapid pace, the aeronauts waving their |
A representative of each of the oth
er nations followed the American bal
loon in succession at intervals of two
minutes, the national hymn of the
respective countries ringing forth ss
the ropes were cast loose.
The second batch of eight balloons
was led by Forbes, in the “Con
queror,” which was started with some
difficulty owing to a gusty wind and
too much ballast. But eventually it
shot up and reached a high altitude in
an incredible short period the; basket
swaying violently. Then almost in
stantly a cry of horror arose from the
crowd, who saw the silk collapse and
shouted, “the balloon is ripping up.'
Thousands who had gathered there
stood for a moment petrified. Some
turned away,-fainting as they saw the
balloon falling with light liini
rapidity. At the tame time, showers
of sand and appurtenances of the bal
loon shot downward with equal rapid
ity and then daylist was seen through
the silk showing on either side.
“They are killed,” went in a hushed
wisper through the crowd, but shortly
the remainder of the envelope ap
peared to take, first a triangular shape
and then was transformed into a sort
of parachute at the top of the net and
the progress of the wrecked balloon
was considerably arrested.
It came down slower and slower,
meanwhile being swept by the wind,
far to the southeast, and finally dis
appeared from view behind a block of
houses. The suspense among the
crowd was terrible. But a few minutes
later a telephone message was re
ceived from Friedenau which an
nounced that the men had landed and
not’ neen seriously injured.
Cholera at Manila.
Manila—Five new cases of cholera
are reported in this city for the day
ending on Sunday morning, while |
three new cases were discovered for
the day ending Monday morning.
These figures were secured after the
first two days of the resumption of
the domiciliary visits, the inspectors
calling at each house twice during
each day.
Yokohama Elaze of Color.
Yokohama—Preparations for the re
ception of the Atlantic battleship
fleet are assuming tremendous pro
portions. The popular demonstration
of eagerness to participate in the cer
emonies is the greatest thing of the
land ever witnessed in Japan.
New York Banker Arrested.
Denver—Charged with a shortage
of $80,000 and with having received
deposits when he knew his bank was
insolvent Aaron G. Pratt, cashier ol
the Hammondsport State bank of
Hammondsport, N. Y., left Denver for
the east in custody of the sheriff.
Hundred Ten Years Old.
Rochester, N. Y.—Mrs. Charlotte
Dacker of Tyre, Seneca county, died
Sunday night at the age of 110 years,
lacking one month and sixteen days.
There was much comment when at
the age of 102 years Mrs. Decker mar
ried her third husband. '
James Oliver Curwood Shot In Wilds
of Hudson Bay District.
Winnipeg, Man.—It is reported here
that James Oliver Curwood, the well
known author of Detroit, Mich., who
recently went into the Hudson Bay
wilds for a Detroit publishing firm,
has been killed by Indians in the Lac
La Ronge country. The trader who
brought in the report says that the.
Lac La Ronge Indians claim that the
white man began the trouble by shoot
ing one of their number.
/^>ASM t*"S \
l BUS nESS }
\^ahy*ay y
The Prince Has Raised a New Flag and Stands Ready to Defend It.
New York Out-Played—Tremendous
Crowd at the Polo Grounds—
Westerners Play Perfect Ball.
Chicago .0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0—4
New York .1 000001 0 0—2
New York.—“Chicago 4, New York
2”—this was the tale in a phrase told
at the end of the most decisive base
ball game played in this country in
many years; played at the Polo
grounds in this city Thursday to de
cide the National league championship
for the season of 1908.
In the presence of a record-breaking
crowd, which swamped the grounds
and left many thousands outside long
before the game began, r. game was
played dn Ce&dly t-arnest, “straight
. baseball with no frfTls;” to settle as
tensely dramatic a situation as the
most ardent lover of sport could imag
riue. Chicago won and New York lost.
It was great baseball, witnessed by
the greatest of great baseball crowds.
.Spectators who know the game, how
ever bitter they may feel over the tie
decision which made the game com
pulsory, seemed to concede that the
J work of the Chicago team was practi
icallv perfect.
The Giants, well though they played.
Were outplayed. They lacked, among
other things, that certain indefinable
something, absence of which is prob
ably in this instance explained by the
results of the great and steady strain
they have been under the past week.
Chicago, fresh from rest and wrell
judged practice and coaching, was
superb in form. Brilliant, errorless
fielding, snappy base-running and op
portune hitting in the third innning,
which made effective in scores a dou
ble by Chance, won the game. New
York could not hit at critical times.
The two great innings of the game
were the third and the seventh. In
the former Chicago made all its runs.
In the latter, opening with tremendous
enthusiasm following the loud-shouted
slogan, “The Giants' lucky seventh,”
hopes were renewed, but died after
one run, which kept company with
that made in the first inning on the
mammoth bulletin board far out
Inducted Into the Office of President
of Williams.
■Williamstown, Mass.—Harry Augus
tus Garfield of the class of ’85, son of
President James A. Garfield, was in
ducted Wednesday into the office of
president of Williams college. Seven
ty-five college presidents had accepted
invitations to be present and the cere
mony of induction was witnessed by
'men prominent in civil and profes
sional life.
The state was represented by Gov.
Guild. James Bryce, ambassador of
Great Britain, was also present, as
well as United States Senator Crane
and President Garfield's three bro
thers, Secretary of the Interior Gar
field, Irvin McDowell Garfield and
Abram Garfield, all Williams men.
Wounded in Sham Battle.
Askabad, Turkestan.—During man
euvers of the Turkestan army corps
Friday in the vicinity of Askabad.
Gen. Mistchenko, who played a con
spicuous part in the Russo-Japanese
war and who is now governor general
of Turkestan, was wounded in a sham
battle. A revolutionist plot is sus
Fatal Motor Car Accident.
Auburn, Me.—Dr. Charles E. Wil
liams of this city and Mrs. Williams
were the victims of an automobile ac
cident at Leeds Friday. Their ma
chine was overturned, pinning them
beneath. Mrs. 'Williams died and the
condition of Mr. Williams Is serious.
Case of Cholera in a Theater.
St Petersburg.—A case of cholera
was discovered during a performance
at the Souvorin theater. There was
a panic- in the audience, but no one
was hurt.
Thirteen Persons Killed in Disaster
at Richford, Vt.
Richford, Vt.—With a concussion
which shook the entire village, a large
grain elevator, having a capacity of
500,000 bushels, exploded late Wednes
day, causing the death of 12 men and
a woman.
The explosion blew off the entire
roof of the building, scattering tim
bers in all directions, and almost in
stantly flames burst out all over the
structure. Twenty-one men were em
ployed in the building, of whom 11 are
missing and undoubtedly perished. All
lived in Richford.
The elevator was owned jointly by
the Canadian Pacific and Boston &
Maine railroads and was occupied by
the Quaker Oats Company of Chica
go. The amount of grain it contained
wus very large. The. flames, which
are supposed to have been started by
spontaneous combustion in the dry
dust of the grain, spread so quickly
that the limited fire apparatus of the
village was of r:o avail. Nothing could
prevent the entire destruction of the
elevator and its contents.
The heat set fire to a flour shed
near the elevator and the shed, to j
gether with 75 freight cars standing
near it, were burned.
The wreckage and fire blocked the
tracks of the Canadian Pacific rail
road completely for many hours, so it
was necess"ry for trains to make a
detour by way of Sherbrooke. Que.
The total loss is estimated at $100,000.
Capt. Erb. Prominent Philadelphia Pol
itician, Shot During Family Quarrel.
Philadelphia.—J. Clayton Erb, cap !
tain and regimental quartermaster ot
the Third regiment. National Guard
of Pennsylvania, was shot and killed
at his summer home near Village
Green, Delaware county. Tuesday j
night. His sister-in-law, JIrs. Gather- j
ine Beisel, is under arrest in the Media
jail, charged with the murder. The
woman admits that she did the shoot
ing during a family quarrel.
Capt. Erb, who was private secre
tary to Israel W. Durham, political
leader of this city, was one of the best
known men in political circles in Phil
adelphia. About two years ago he
was married and moved to Delaware
county. For a time everything went
aiong smoothly, but recently then?
were family quarrels.
Found Dead in a Thicket.
Warrenton, Va.—Ernest Robinson.
24 3rears old, a member of the Warren
ton Rifles, who with his brother Wal
ter disappeared from their home here
six weeks ago, was found dead Friday
in a thicket near the railroad tracks
at Casanova, a small station between
Warrenton and Calverton. There is
no clew to the whereabouts of the
other brother, who is two years older.
Both the young men were well known
and owned the general store here.
Nebraska Attorney Disbarred.
Lincoln, Neb.—Capt Allen G. Fisher
of Chadron was disbarred by the
supreme court Thursday for a period
of one year. Fisher was charged with
raising a claim against the state from
$1,500 to $11,500 and presenting it to
the legislature.
E. H. Goss, Banker and Author, Dead.
Melrose, Mass.—Elbridge Henry
Goss, author and banker, died Friday
of pneumonia. He was 78 years old.
Mr. Goss had been treasurer of the
Melrose Savings bank for 24 years and
was the author of numerous historical
New Surgeon General of I. N. G.
Springfield, 111.—By virtue of an or
der issued Friday by Adjt. Gen. Scott,
Dr. Charles Adams of Chicago is ap
pointed surgeon general of the Illi
nois National Guard. He succeeds
Dr. Nicholas Senn, Chicago, deceased.
Trainmen Perish in a Wreck.
Spokane, Wash.—A passenger train
was wrecked near Foller, Mont., on
the Shelby Junction branch of the
Great Northern railroad Friday. The
engine went into the river and a fire
man and a watchman were killed.
Marriage Was Set for Saturday
and No Motive for the
Crime Has Been Re
Wadsworth, O.—With unusual en
ergy the police authorities endeavor
ing to unravel the mystery of (he mur
der of Ora Lee, 21 years old, a hand
some factory girl, whose body, pierced
by two bullets, was found early Fri
day on the road between Wadsworth
and the hamlet of Custard Hook.
Guy Rasor,. the man whom Miss
Lee was to have married Saturday, is
detained by the sh'-rilf pending devel
opments of the police investigation.
Rasor denies all knowledge of the
tragedy and in support of his denial
exhibits a marriage license procured
at Wooster Thursday.
The body of the young woman was
found by Charles Rasor. a cousin of
Guy Rasor, as he passed along the
road. Two bullets had entered the
girl's skull, one piercing the forehead
while the second crashed through be
tween the eye and the nose.
Motive Is a Mystery.
No positive motive for the murder
of the young woman yet has come to
light. The band of farmers, led by
Marshal Bricker, that hurried to the
scene of the murder as soon as word
of the tragedy was received, met Guy
Rasor on the road, walking toward
The police theory is that Miss Lee
was killed while riding in a buggy
with a male friend. The principal
clew that led to ihe detention of Guy
Rasor is the fact that along the road
where the murder was committed are
plainly seen the tracks of a horse
with one shoe missing. An examina
tion of the stables at the Rasor
home disclosed the fact that one of
Rasors horses has a shoe missing
from one of its front feet. Rasor re
fuses any explanation concerning this
feature of the case. He declares he
can prove an alibi.
May nave tseen Discarded Lover.
Another police theory is that a rival
for the affections of Miss Lee may
have shot the girl on learning of her
approaching marriage to Rasor.
Miss Lee left Wadsworth Thursday
night ostensibly to prepare for her
wedding. When the body was found
the hands were folded over the
breast and the legs straightened out
as if the corpse had been carefully
arranged after death. The girl's suit
case was on the ground beside her.
Her hand bag was still on her right
wrist and in her left hand she clutched
a handkerchief. There was no evi
dence of a struggle. A hundred yards
from the body tracks in the dust in
dicated where a horse and buggy had
been bitched to the fence.
Rasor apparently is overcome with
grief. He declares the last time he
saw his fiance was Wednesday night
when they went driving.
Former Collector of Internal Revenue
in Michigan Expires.
Washington.—Gen. Ira C. Abbott,
formerly collector of internal revenue
in Michigan, and for several years
clerk in the pension bureau, died at
his home here Friday after a protract
ed illness. He was 81 years old. Gen.
Abbott was a native of Burns, N. Y.,
was for some years postmaster at Burr
Oak, Mich., served throughout the
civil war and yas brevetted brigadier
general for his splendid record on,the
battlefields. He was president of the
Michigan State association in this
city and a member of the Grand Army
of the Republic, the Military Loyal
Legion and other patriotic organiza
Alleged Mobe Leader Acquitted Again.
Springfield. 111.—After 16 hours' de
liberation, the jury in the case of Abe
Raymer, alleged mob leader, charged
with destruction of property during
the recent riots, returned a verdict
of not guilty Thursday afternoon.
Raymer had previously been acquitted
of murder in connection with the
lynching of W. K. Donnegan, an aged
Mrs. Yates Passes Away.
Jacksonville, 111.—Mrs. Richard
Yates, mother of former Gov. Yates
and wife of the Illinois war governor,
died Tuesday afternoon at the age of
86 years. Her illness dates back to
two years ago, when she fell and frac
tured her hip. Since that time she
had been gradually failing. She took
great interest in politics, both state
and national.
Fishermen Fight with Rifles.
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.—A battle
with rifles between American fisher
men and Canadian officials is said to
have been fought on Lake Superior op
posite White Fish point.
New Orleans Gets Mothers’ Congress.
Washington.—At a meeting of the
board of governors of the National
Congress of Mothers in this city Fri
day it was decided to hold the next
annual meeting of the congress in
New Orleans in February next.
Red D Liner in a Hurricane.
San Juan, P. R.—The Red D line
steamer Philadelphia, from New York,
October 1, for this port, ran into a
hurricane on Monday and was blown
off her course. The steamer had to
heave to for 36 hours.
_ -c
Lakes-to-Gulf Association Begins Con
Chicago—A picture of days when
stately ships shall carry the rich pro
ducts of the central states from the
great lakes to the Gulf of Mexico
through a deep waterway, returning
with products of no less value, waa
conjured up Wednesday heiure tne
delegates and visitors to the third an
nual convention of the Lakes-to-the
Gulf Deep Waterway association by
able speakers headed by Judge Wil
liam H. Taft.
Wednesday's utterances were au
thoritative. for they came from Sec
retary Saunders of the association;
President Kavanaiigh. head of the
organization; Governor Charles S.
Deneen of Illinois, who spoke of the
first link of the great waterway, the
Chicago drainage canal, and W. H.
Taft, who had general supervision in
Washington of the building of the
Panama canal until he resigned to be
come the presidential nominee of the
republican party.
The need of such a waterwaj was
insisted upon by every speaker. The
question of transportation, it was de
clared, is one of the most serious
questions with which this country has
| to deal. Judge Taft's insistence that
I not only the deep waterway, but the
i conservation of the national re
! sources, were related subjects which
I called for immediate action, elicited
| great applause. His statement that
the waterway was not a project, but
j a policy, found a ready response in
i cheers of his auditors.
Judge Taft said:
| ‘‘We find that during the ton years
ending with 1905 the internal com
merce of our country has increased
118 per cent, while railroad transpor
tation facilities during the same time
have increased only 2 per cent. It
has been pointed ou that to supply
this deficiency by the construction of
additional railroads and necessary
terminals would require a capital in
vestment of $5,500,000,000, and this
construction when completed would
make no provision for the further in
crease of our commerce.”
The only solution of this problem
the speaker found in deep waterways.
The convention opened at 10
o’clock with a prayer by Bishop Fal
lows of Chicago. William K. Kava
naugh. president of the association,
then delivered his annual address,
and William F. Saunders, secretary,
read his report. The work of making
up the committee proceeded until
there came an- inierrnnfiou for which
all had been waiting, the appearance
of Judge Taft.
Crops Average Up Well.
Washington—The corn crop on Oc
tober 1 was 77.8 per ccnr; spring
wheat quality, S8.I per cent: total pro
duction of spring wheat was indicated
as 233,090,000. the yield per acre aver
aging 13.2 bushels; combined aprodtie
tion spring and winter: wheat indi
cated as about 659,030.000 bushels ot
89.4 per cent in quality and the cars
crop quality was 81.3 per cent: tha
production being 789.161,000 bushels,
with yield per acre averaging 24.9
bushels. These were the salient feat
ures of the Department of Agriculture
crop report.
European Powers tc Meet.
Paris.—An international conference
to consider the Bulgarian situation is
now assured, according to the state
ment made here. It will be proposed
by Great Britain. France and Russia,
acting together, instead of by ono
Mack Back at his Desk.
Chicago. — Chairman Norman E.
Macli of the democratic national com
mittee, who was reported to have suf
fered a nervous collapse was on duty
as usual Wednesday in good condition.
Pugilist Killed by Train.
Kansas City, Mo.—Henry Baker. 42
years old, once a not' d heavyweight
pugilist, was run over and killed by a
train here. Baker foueht Jim Jeffries
to a standstill for eight rounds, May
19, 1897, in San Francisco.
Tuberculin is the Means by Which
Cattle Will Be Treated.
Washington — The world’s greatest
scientists have agreed that the use of
tuberculin is the weapon most essen
tial in the warfer against tuberculosis
in cattle. This was one of ihe signifi
cant results of prolonged discussion
during the International Congress on
Tuberculosis, and the fact chat on this
vital point in the campaign against
this deadly disease foe there was
unanimity of opinion of the foremost
figures in the medical profession was
made public Wednesday in a state
ment made by Dr. Leonard Pearson of
Philadelphia. Dr. Pearson was presi
dent of section 7 of the congress, es
pecially devoted to the subject of
tuberculosis of animals and its rela
tions to man. “Tuberculin is not infal
lible,” said Dr. Pearson. “Nothing is,
but the errors that follow ,ts use are
less than 6 per cent. This view as to
accuracy of tuberculin was unani
mously accepted by the congress.
Jerome Quits in Huff.
White Plains, N. Y.—After charging
that Harry K. Thaw, who killed Stan
ford White in the summer of 106 wa3
still a dangerous paranoiac and recent
ly had threatened to kill himself, Dis
trict Attorney Jerome withdrew rrom
the case Wednesday when Justice
Mills refused to transfer the hearing
on the question of Thaw’s sanity from
Westchester to New York county.
Thereupon Justice Mills declared that
he would name two experts to examine
Thaw as to his sanity between
Wednesday and Saturday.