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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1908)
Loup City Northwestern J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA As Between Father and Son. Grant that “dad” was as a rule a child's name for father; where is the disrespect in the use of it by any son, however old he may be? We have often heard the word used when the relations between father and son were unusually tender, when the two were close companions, when there was complete understanding and the strongest love. There was a time in New England when a son addressed his father in writing, "Respected Sir.” The father was then of the Roman order. There was little thought of any possible intimacy. The son stood in awe of the sire. Hence, too often domestic tragedies. When you hear a lad speak to-day of his father as “the old man” you may reasonably infer that there is no sweet companionship. If a boy mentions his "dad,” says the Boston Herald, there is a world of af fection in the word. There is a touch of hardness, a suspicion of fear in the term “governor.” ' Pop” is a cheap term, if it be not vile. City celebrations are usually dread ed by property-holders and municipal authcrities who have to deck build ings with flags and streamers. The National Society of Fine Arts, the Washington Architectural club and the Washington branch of the Ameri can Institute of Architects have of fered prizes for plans of decoration to be used in Washington during the in augural exercises next March. Whis tler, the American artist, looking at London during the celebration of the queen's jubilee, said that Londoners displayed the beauty of their city by , wrapping it in rags and then sitting on it. A sane scheme of decoration for a holiday would be welcome in all cities, and it is to be hoped that Washington will find it and set the example. The ingenious Saxons in their ef forts to save their forests from devas tation have utilized the well-known fondness of moths for the light. Two powerful search-lights were mounted on a pillar in one cf the cities of Sax ony a few weeks ago where the moths were most numerous. The light was turned on the forests half a mile away. The moths flew toward the light, and when near it were caught in a current of air created by powerful exhaust fans and drawn into bins pre pared for them. According to the cable dispatches, three tons of moths were caught in this way the first night. The crop of leaf-eating cater pillars will be much smaller in that part of Germany next year. Every American had a great-grand father who once owned a farm on Broadway, New York, or almost bought the place where Chicago now stands, if we may believe the boasts of their descendants. It is interesting to see these magical opportunities in embryo at the present time. The population of the town which will be the terminal of the Hudson Bay railroad is said to consist cf four half-breed families, one mounted policeman and one white settler, who is entitled to ICO acres. Will he sell out, or will his grandchil dren own the sites of enormous busi ness blocks when the metropolis of the north is built? Explorers who go into far countries are sure to be out of touch with the busy world and to cause worry to their friends at home. Exploration is not necessary in the vicinity of post of fices. An American who tramps the jungles of the South American Ama zon was reported lost a year ago; but in a few months he turned up and got the mail that had been waiting for him. Sven Hedin was lost in Tibet lor several months, and his friends were alarmed. He has lately been heard from and is safe. He has been hunting for the source of the Indus, and “there ain't no ’buses ruunin’ ” to that interesting summer resort. The Emperor William has approved the decree of the Prussian parliament giving equal educational advantages with men to the women and girls of the kingdom. He must have changed his mind since he pronounced that the three “K’s,” as they are in Ger man—church, kitchen and children— were objects enough to fill a woman’s life. Or perhaps he has had his mind changed for him. The women of the present age are not backward in ask ing for what they want and insisting on getting it. If the population of the United States becomes 140,000,000 by 1950 who is to feed them? At the present average rate of seven bushels of wheat per capi‘ft they will eat a billion bush els every year. We will have to raise the production just one-third. According to the Engineering Rec ord a concrete tank at the San Anto nio gas works has been in service for three years, holding heavy Texas oil without showing any leakage what ever. A pair of dragon lizards which have arrived at the New York zoo can trace their lineage back to the prehistoric flinosaurus, which flourished consider ably before the time of the French baron who headed the Rockefeller family. The total cost of the buildings erected in the principal cities of the United States In 1907 was |661,076,2S6, a net decrease of $17,634,G83 from the figures of 1906, but an increase over those of any previous year. search or game, oecame ' * * i > ii unwi— * AM $500,000,000 -1 WEALTHIER t By ELLIOTT EL YOUNG Treasury Officials Coin Great Amount of Emergency Currency. F F I C I A L currency B stretchers of the Uni- g ted States government I have ready $500,000,000 g in emergency notes, g created by the Aldrich- g Vreeland law. which g put out at an g instant's notice to nip g financial panics in the bud. Great g progress was made by the treasury g officials in getting the monster bun- 9 dies of notes into shape to be issued g at a moment's notice. Hardly had the bill which created H this emergency currency passed the H gauntlet held up by congress when Ij treasury officials were at work to put H IA CGOIyfjDGt ^ T) Qffz the notes into such shape that thay might be put upon the market. Acting Secretary Coolidge of the treasury overlooked the work and the bureau of engraving and printing which put out the currency was in charge of Superintendent Ralph. Each day Superintendent Ralph de livered into the hands of the treasury officials between $2,000,000 and $1,000, 000 in the new style notes. Before the eDd of summer there was over $109, 000,000 ready for delivery to the banks on call. Congress meets again in December and then the legislators will he greeted by the great outlay of cash. If there should be a panic this fall, which is far from likely, officials declare, this great amount of emergency currency would he delivered to the strick en districts within a few hours and it is believed the trouble would end with the appearance of the cash. Up to August 1 only one emergency currency association had been formed, but soon organizations began to ma terialize all over the country and the interest ii. the new act was heightened to a great extent. The banks of the District of Columbia had their articles of association approved by the secre tary of the treasury about the middle in juiv ana 10 mem ueiongs the honor of being the first members of an or ganization authorized under the erner I gency currency law. The banks in N'ew York and other financial centers were not disposed to fully commit themselves pending a de j termination of the question whether a bank join . ing an association could withdraw from it after I complying with all the requirements of the law i The treasury officials regarded this question as I purely academic but they took the matter un der consideration and a decision was reached on this point in a very short time. The act itself is entirely silent on the subject. The pioposition of putting out such a great amount of currency was one which held the bu reau of printing and engraving in its throes for many anxious months, for it was pointed out wdien the measure finaily passed congress after a long fight that while it W'as decidedly improb able that there would be a panic this fall, it was certainly necessary that the currency ’ be ready for deliverance in case unsettled condi tions should introduce themselves into Wall street and other big financial renters of the country. But. if the word of the framers of the Aldrich \ reeland statute is to be believed no such con ditions can arise, simply because i<f the existence of the emergency currency act. Most readers of congressional news in the daily papers remember well and followed closely the struggle which took place in both the house and senate coincident to the passage of the bill. The senate refused to accept the Vreeland bill, manu factured in the lower branch, while the house of representatives could see nothing but evil things in the Aldrich measure—that is, the majority. Speaker Cannon of the house paid several visits to President Roosevelt at the White House. The executive insisted upon work being done by con gress, if it were only this law. Finally the opposition forces met in caucus and then there was another caucus, most of the points in dispute being settled. The bill passed the house with much acclaim from those who had aided in effect the compromise. Then came the struggle in the senate with Sen ator LaFollette, Senator Gore, the blind legisla Cash Must Be Tleady for Distribution, \7nder Aldrich - Vreeland Act, By the Time Congress Meets—Hoto the XOorK^ of Getting Money in Shape Is Accomplished. . RU7Y Q2Y A BRINK. 1 W. IT 16 HOPED, W1I7J E AVOWED G& -So tor, and their aides in the role of the opposing minority. Everyone fa miliar with parliamen tary rules of congress knows that speeches are limited in the house, but in the senate a man may hold the floor for months, providing lie has something to talk j about. Senator La Follette. •■«.!»» the man who takes but little rest from his labors, spoke for IS hours. It was t a memorable speech because of its length. Then Senator Gore took his place and spoke for quite a while longer. Air this was done to keep Senator Aldrich and his friends from pulling on passage the compro mise measure. It was regarded as a certainly that the bill would pass and so the opposition's idea in the beginning was to keep on talking until midnight March 3, 1909, in shifts of eight hours each. Whether it was by prearrangement or by acci dent, few will ever know, but the fact remains that when one of the filibuster aides neglected his cue, an Aldrich supporter jumped into the breach, secured the floor and made the motion to put the bill on passage. It passed and ended one of the most spectacular filibusters which legisla tive circles of the country have ever recorded. For that reason the United States now has $500, 000,000 in emergency currency ready to put out at an instant’s notice to stem the tide which a panic would bring upon the country. Then came the work of engraving bills of every denomination in the offices of the bureau of en graving and printing. First the rough paper was received. It was cut up into strips upon machines which cut many thousands of notes at one time. In the meantime the dies were east by the engraving bureau. This en graving required the greatest care for a single deviation in lines upon the copper plates meant that the bill would be thrown out and the entire plate would necessarily have to be made over again. Dozens of experts were put to work upon the plates. The dies made, the work of testing and finally printing was entered into. It wms perhaps a month after the measure was passed before the presses were set in mo tion In the printing offices turning out notes of great and small de nominations. An army of clerks was rendered necessary to keep tab on the plates, paper and invoice the notes to the treasury department. As fast as the hills were turned out by the department of printing Superintend ent Ralph, who is in charge of the entire bureau, personally inspected samples and ordered them turned over to the treasury officials. They were then stored in the vaults in the treasury offices and are now ready to be tinned out to banks enrolled in the emergency cur rency associations. ONE MAN’S MYTHICAL REASON. After Several Hours He Remembered His Dinner Engagement. Dinner had been ready and waiting 20 minutes. The wife of the tardy guest was very much embarrassed. Just to think that her husband was so rude as to be late at a dinner en gagement and keep all the guests •waiting! After a while the belated one arrived, redfaced and perspiring. jfimroR TtflJON W. > RXDR1CH “So sorry to keep you wailing." he said. “But I was detained at the office with an out of town customer. .1 ust couldn't get away.” The excuse sounded all right and was accepted by the hostess, but it was a myth. The truth was: Preoccupied, he had gone home from the office »t the usual time and found the house locked, much to ids surprise. Where in tlie mischief were his wife and children? he wondered. Why didn't they tell him iliey were going away? He went nil around the house anti tried the doors, but they were locked. Then he found a piece of Iron in (lie backyard and broke open a window and crowded In. He crowded out through the window for the i evening paper and crowded bark. Ho rend the paper, and still the wife and children didn’t re turn. At 6:0:5 o’clock he remembered the dinner en gagement. While he dressed and rode- 20 blocks the guests waited. But others have made th* same blunder.—Kansas City Star. GOLD IN THE NORTH. Perhaps the most northerly gold fields in the world are those in Lap land, where the River Ivalo seems to be the center of an auriferous region, where gold dredging operations have been carried on for some time. Dig gings to the depth of 300 feet have been completed with a view of finding out the real course of the ore. The gold discovered last year by a com pany, founded ip the United States, .* ___ .1: «i fro rfl. 1 amounted to only four pounds, valued at $1,500. This was found along a part of the Ivalo river, and the largest nug get weighed about 123 grains. There are three companies digging gold there now, the latest being the Ivalo com pany, organized in the United States. Within the possessions of this com pany lies Kultala, which was built in 1871 by the Finnish government for washing gold. r » 1 TVV thefr rescuers, placed cm < ; Polite English Shop Girls. "I wish you would import more En glish shop girls,” said the inveterate shopper, according to the New York Press. “I came across one yesterday. I I was buying a little white evening dress. There were about a hundred styles to select from and I think I j looked at fifty. I looked at so many that after an hour, when I had at last selected cue, I said to her with an apologetic laugh: Tvc been an awful lot of trouble to you, haven’t I? 1 think you'll wish I'll never como j purrs* tn ms c*«*»«* **i •*•**.*#. i again.’ 'Indeed, I will not,' she an swered In her pretty English way, 'It was no trouble. None at all. It has been a pleasure to wait on you.' ” Pallbearers’ Union Formed. Washington.—Across the river In Alexandria they have organized Tail bearers’ union, No. 1, and they will give a ball. According to hand bills, the union was formed "for the purpose of aiding bereaved families by serving them as pallbearers." The union bus a membership of A Battle Won by Echo. The echo was made use of as & strategem in war by a small force of Britons about 500 A. D. A large army of the Piets was descending upon them and annihilation seemed certain. A man named Germanus declared that if the Britons would do as he said they would be saved. He led them to a spot surrounded by hills and had them all shout “hallelujah” when the enemy approached. The hills took up the sound and echoed it back and forth un til the Piets fled in terror, thinking they were being surrounded. Nasology Is the Latest. Palmistry has a rival in the new for tune-teiling science, nasology, which has been of late winning converts in Paris. An elderly lady has set up in the Latin quarter, where she reads ca reers in the noses presented to her. Everybody has a nose, and this new method of its examination appeals to the credulous. The old lady looks at her visitor's nose through a micro scope, and she finds better indications in the marks and lumps than ever she found before in the lines of the hand. O! Giotto, dipping liis pencil in red paint and using his elbow as a pivot, had just drawn a perfect circle. “See his fine Italian hand!” ex claimed the enthusiastic bystanders. Thereafter, as we learn from the cyclopedias, Giotto moved in the most exclusive art circles. A Great Educational Work fs now being done by the manufactur ers of K. C. Baking Powder. They are giving away a beautiful cook book to every one of our lady readers. Write for it to-day. It is worth $5 to any housekeeper. See ad. in another part of this paper. Perils. “Isn't there danger,” said the timid man, “of dropping things from an air ship on the people below?-’ “That isn’t the worst,” answered the candid inventor. ' You’re lucky if the vhole airship doesn't fall on you.” Happy. Mrs. Newlywed—My husband ad mires everything about me; iny voice, my eyes, my form, my hands! Friend—And what do you admire about him? Mrs. Newlywed—His good taste. To Our Lady Readers. Send to-day to Jaques Manufactur ing Company. Chicago, for a free copy of their new cook book by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill. It is a beauty and con tains many new recipes you ought to have. See ad. in another part of this paper. Altruism. Reformer—Do you know, my friend, that we could live on cne-haif of what we now eat? Gormand—Maybe so, but if we didn’t eat the other half, how would our grocers and doctors live? The Tempered Wind. Jim (regarding damage done to church by fire)—Good job it wasn't a factory, Bill. Bill—You're right, mate. Only one man put out of work, and he draws his money.—Boston Transcript. Every Woman Should Cock And cook well. To help you do this get Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill's Cook Book, given away absolutely free to our readers by Jaques Manufacturing Company, Chicago. See ad. in another part of this paper. Allowances. “But,” protested the wayward son, “you should make allowances for the follies of youth.” “Huh!” growled the old man. “If it wasn’t for the allowance you get there would be less folly.” Mere Aggravation. “Sir.” announced the private secre tary, “opportunity knocks at your door.” "Throw something at her." ordered the great magnate. "Everybody knows I'm trying to die poor.” Don’t Fail to Get It. Every woman or girl reader of this paper should get a free copy of Mrs. Hill's Cook Book, now being given away by Jaques Manufacturing Com pany, Chicago. See ad. in another part of this paper. A Proposition. “Johnnie, I will give you a quarter if you can get me a lock of your sis ter’s hair.” “Gimme four bits an' I'll git you de whole bunch; I'know where she hangs it nights."—Houston Post. Absent-Minded Gallantry. Lady of Uncertain Age—Ah. major, we're none of us as young as we were. Major t absent minded, but vaguely aware that a gallant answer is indi cated)—My dear lady, I'm sure you don't look it!—Punch. A Beautiful Cook Book Free To nil of our readers. See ad. of K. C. Baking Powder Company in another part of this paper. Write for it to day before you forget it. The book is one that you will be proud to own. Agreed. “Don’t you think the curtain should bo lowered more quickly on my first act?" asked the young playwright "Yes. by a good half an hour," re plied the heartless manager. Work as a Necessity. Follow your calling diligently, for be assured that work, fur from being a hardship is a help, and a blessing without which you cannot reach yom highest pood.—ltuskln. Free to Housekeepers. Don’t fall to get the beautiful new cook book given uway by Jaques Man ufacturlng Company, it is worth $5 i to any housekeeper. See ad. in an other part of this paper. Cultivate Tact. The art of saying appropriate words In a kindly way Is one that never goes out of fashion, never ceases to please, and It is within the reach of the h umblest.—Buileu u. Glass-Bottom Boats. At the popular seaside resort of Avalon, Santa Catalme islands, off the coast of Southern California, there is naw a regular fleet of glass-bottomed boats. They are specially designed to enable passengers to see not only the fish, but the wonderful submarine growths in the Pacific ocean. In build these crafts resemble ordinary row boats, and they hold from eight to a dozen persons, who sit around tho “well” and gaze through its glass win dows into the ocean below.—Wide World Magazine. EVE’S EPIGRAMS. Truth may be stranger than fiction, but It isn't nearly so marketable. It’s curious how money melts oven a tresorts cool enough for blankets. In the garden of the years life ever lasting grows best watered with tears. The old-fashioned mother and her slipper qualified many a man for the presidential chair, even if he didn't get there. Croesus can’t corner the market in hearts so long as Cunld stands sponsor tor the good looking young man. Notes of Industry. The average yield per acre, the world over, is only 12.7 bushels. Pomegranate is the heaviest wood. A cubic foot of it weighs ,85 pounds. There is a little mere than 2634 miles of railroad in the United States for every 10,000 inhabitants. While the tonnage of the fleet of the great lakes is increasing the number of cral't is decreasing, owing to the greater capacity of the newer boats. Systematic investigation of tao Philippine islands revea’s the fact that the group consists of 2,600 Islands, while before the American occupation the number was estimated at 1,200. Sault Ste. Marie canal traffic for the season of 1907 reached a grand total of 57,217,214 tons, which shows a net increase of 12 per cent, or 6,466, 134 tons as ccmjared with that of the season of 1906. The most powerful engine ever put in an automobile is one of six cylin dears and 200-boursepower in a French racing machine. In its preliminary trials it is reported to have attained an average speed of 125 miles an hour. Haundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric ia hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. A Keen Nose. Grandmother—Why is the baby so happy? Nurse—Oh, his mother and father are coming. Grandmother—I don't see them! Nurse—Nor I, ma’am. But the child's nose is very keen. He smells the automobile, rna’atn!—Harper’s Weekly. The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen er makes half the usual quantity ot Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Truly a Sad Case. The Butler—What makes the missus In such a bad humor this morning? The Maid—Some woman toid her a secret last night, and she’s forgotten It.—Stray Stories. Omaha Directory a Gentleman's table, including'Fine Im ported Table Delica ->s. Ifthere ia any little item yoa are unable to obtain in yourHotreTown write us for prices on same, as we will be sure to have it Mail orders carefully filled, y. IMPORTERS ANQ DEALERS IN PURS FOOD PRODUCTS AMD TABlE DELICACIES Ipfe* £.*<?«" b<mt COl RTNEY a CO.. Omaha. Nebr. fit Factory Prices Aulabaugh's complete \ catalogue will show i you what you want. G. N. AULABAUGH Dept. M, 1S03 Douglas St, OMAHA. HAVE YOU HAD YOUR “WEDDING BREAKFAST” If not ask your grocer for this brand of Maple Syrup. FARRELL & CO., OMAHA. BILLIARD TABLES POOL TABLES LOWE8T PRICES. EASY PAYMENTS. You cannot afford to experiment with untried goods sold by commission agents. Catalogues free. The Brunswick -Balka-Collender Company <07-9 So. 10th St.. Omt.2, OMAHA, NEB. Field G lanes, Binoculars and Telescopes. Optical Co. 1 O.. Itu Ul I armud Streets, OH.Hi A, H.B. RUBBER GOODS *l.rut price-.. Send for free catalogue. MYtRS-DILLON DRUG CO., OMAHA. NE^IL Or^nalley A Mach, The npilTiAa-a IWfcKiSldentists MILLARD HQTFI amibicah plan •IV. r ,,w 1 LL Uihwd lh>cgl.. su., U3UIU. Street car. Tiro Pollars a day and up ” © LAW# especially to (tune trade. Try us.