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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1908)
.-'S'.'" RICH’S CATARRH REMEDY Home Treatment Price $3.00 i OR. RICH Master Specialist Grand Island, Neb. 0SPFIVE YEARS IN CRAND ISLAND =) Order the treatment you need. Write me a per sonal letter if you wish. I will read your letter and re ply to it myself, telling you just what to do. When you receive the outfit you order, if you do not think it is the greatest value you ever received for $3.00 send it back at my expense and I will return your money. GUARANTEE STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County. Dr. Rich, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that the illustration below is a true representation of the $3.00 catarrh oixtfit for catarrh of the head, nose and throat, herein advertised, and that any one ordering same and finding it not satisfactory may have his money returned upon demand. DR. RICH. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 25th day tf February, 1903. JOHN ALLAN, Notary Public. My Commission expires Jan. 5, 1912. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906. Serial Number No. 18752. The above outfits contain no Morphine, Opium, Cocaine, Heroin, Eucaine, Chloroform, Cannabis Indica, Chloral Hydrate, Acetanilide, or any of their derivatives. Dr. Rich, the well known Grand Island Specialist, has arranged a system of Home Treatment for Catarrh of the various organs of the body, and is now prepared to sup ply to any sufferer from this prevalent disease a course of remedies that will be found to be not only satisfactory in every respect, but at a price certainly reasonable, and within the reach of everybody. During the five years Dr. Rich has been in Grand Island he has carefully avoided the treatment of Catarrhal conditions of the body, not be ing prepared to take up a work requiring time from his already extensive office business. During the past year, however, Dr. Rich has perfected a method which he offers below, for treating Catarrh in the home, and feels not on ly assured of excellent results, but that he will make many new friends, which will assist in increasing his already large practice. A photograph below shows one of the $3.00 outfits, and should give a perfect idea of the value offered. Dr. Rich’s treatment for Catarrh is a Home Treatment in every sense, and can be used without deten tion from business. A full month’s treament of these rem edies will be sent for $3.00. You may order as often as you like at the same price, or have the treatment sent to your friends. As there will be a large demand from the many people familiar with Dr. Rich’s reputation as a Skill ful Specialist, you are kindly requested to order early and avoid delay. OUTFIT NO. 1 For Catarrh of the Head, Nose and Throat. IV you have any or all of these symptoms ■end me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. Front*! headache. Dull feeling in head. Ringing nolaea In head and ears. Deafneaa. Unnatural and excessive discharge from naan. Hard bloody crusts and acaba In nose. Hawking and spitting of mucus. Mucua dropping from nose into tha throat Tickling in the throat. Bad breath. Bad taste. I.oia of appetite. Coughing and gagging. Vomiting. Nausea. Dizzy apalla. Loaa of memory. Confusion of ideas Irritability. Insomnia. Bad dreams. Pain In back and top of head. Nose stopped up. OUTFIT NO. 2 For Catarrh of the Stomach and Bowels If you have any or all of these symptoms send me*$3.O0 for a full month’s treatment. Distress after meals. Pain, soreness, burning, weight, uneasiness, pressure, full ness in pit of the stomach. Bloating over stomach and bowels. Belching part or all of the time. Gas in stomach and bowels. Heartburn. Sour stomach. Choking sensation in throat and chest in the evening and during the night. Bad dreams. Nightmare. Vomiting and nausea. Constipation. Nervousness. Irritability and crankiness. Insomnia. Headache. Pain over chest, shoulder blades and around the body. Pain over the heart and palpitation. Difliculty in breathing. Dizziness. Bad taste. Coated tongue. OUTFIT NO. 3 For Catarrh of the Nerves. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Mental dullness and forgetfulness. Epileptic fits. • Headache and dizzy spells. The blues, mania. Insanity and melancholy. Unnatural drains and losses in men. 8t. Vitus’s dance. Neuralgia and cramps. Lost power in any part. Pain or congestion of spinal cord. (The cause of most backaches.) • Sleeplessness and restlessness. Loss of memory, Confusion of ideas. Nervousness and irritability. Despondency and dull mind. Heart fluttering and excitability. Twitching muscles and easily frightened Limbs go to sleep. Wandering pains over body. Bad dreams or nightmare. Varicocele and sexual weakness. Hand trembling and anxiousness. Loss of appetite and ambition. Nervous debility, and weakness. I I > OUTFIT NO. 4 For Catarrh of the Liver and Kidneys. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Failing vision. Groat thirst. Making water during the night. Flatulence (gas in stomach and bowel*.) Breathless on exertion. Kinging in tars and dizzines*. Puffiness of face and ankles. Dropsy. Discharge from bowels light gray color. Discharge of mucus from bowels. Uriue dark green color. Enlarged and tender liver and stomach. Jaundice and loss of strength. Pain over kidneys. Insomnia. Pain under and between shoulder blades. Palpitation of heart. Dark spots (liver spots) on body and face. Hot flashes and spots before the eyes. Nervousness and irritability. Great depression of spirits. Sleep during day. Pain and soreness under right short ribs. OUTFIT NO. 5 For Female Catarrh. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. Chronic inflammation, congestion and enlargement Dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation.) Melancholia, irritability and despondency. Backache, insomnia, ready fatigue, inflammation of the womb and ulceration*. Ovarian pains. Neuralgia. Pelvic congestion. Dragging pains in front. Spine-ache. Nervousness and sick headache. Impoverishment of the blood. Irritable bladder. Pains in back and lower limbs. Loss of weight and displacements. Uterine derangements. Irregular menstruatioa. Leucorrhoea (whites). Itching. Burning. Loss of appetite, energy and ambition. Nervous prostration and depression of spirits. An elegant tonic for nursing mothers. OUTFIT NO. 6 For Catarrh of the Bladder. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Painful urination, especially in women. Passing a little urine at a time, and often. Straining, spasmodic urination. Pain over the bladder. Swollen and tender parts in women. Inflammation and soreness. Passing of blood in urine. Passing smoky colored urine. Itching and burning of parts. Burning, scalding urine. \ general feeling of restlessness. Irritability and crankiness. Great nervousness. Dribbling of urine. Incomplete urination. Sediment in urine (muco-pus). Distress in sitting down. Urine is heavy, brown or dark yellow. Leucorrboea. Cut out this order blank and send to Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska. No Shipment of medicine will be made unless this order blank is used in ordering. THE LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska:— I enclose you $3.00, for which please send me One Month’s Treatment for Catarrh of the Fill in above the treatment you desire. Name Age Address I LARGEST ANCHORS COMPLETED Several anchors have recently been made at the navy yard at Charles town Mass., which are the largest ,-er made for any purpose. Four an chors are used on battleships gener ally and the new anchors are being shipped in sets to the Pacific coast. One pair of this set of four weighs 17 600 pounds each. The largest an chors ever forged prior to those now being used weighed 16,500 pounds each and cost $2,000 each. They were also made at the Charlestown yard. Each of the big anchors required the work of five men for a month, hammering, smelting atid welding it. These mam moth anchors are sufficient, barring unusual conditions of ■ weather and sea, to hold the largest battleship afloat. The size is 15 feet long from crown to shackle, anil about nine and one-half feet from one arm point to the other. The heavy crossbar is al so about 15 feet long, while the palms, of broad, flat pieces, welded to the arm ends, are about 32 inches wide. Missed the Crow and Broke a Rib. William Loomis of North Amherst. Mass., aimed a rifle at an exasperat ingly impudent crow and the recoil of the gun broke his collar bone and one rib. Tho crow, uninjured, cawed de risively. Seeing One’s Own Voice. An ingenious machine has been in vented by means of which sound can he visualized. All sound conies from air vibrations, which radiate from the center of a circle, just as when a stone is thrown into a still pond the water vibrating into little waves. The air waves of sound are, however, invis ible, and though they can be measured they cannot be seen. By using a small flame and rapidly rotating mir ors, Mr. Brewer Brown, the invent or. is able to shew a continuous pic ture of the vibrations caused by the human voice, which vary, of course, ac cording to the note sounded. It is i very difficult for a person to hear whether his own voice is sounding a correct note, but by means of Mr. TSrown's machine be can see for him self. Scotsmen Not Wanted. Some years ago. Sir James Browne had an amusing encounter with a col ored official at Kingston, Jamaica. So far away Horn home, the famous doc tor was, no doubt, a little homesick, and he hoped that he might be able to come across some ot his own coun trymen. "Are there many Scotsmen in these parts?” he inquired of the said official. "Not many," replied the latter; "just a few—but quite enough.” • Exaggerated Dress. Surely this is the day of exaggera tion. Everything in the sartorial world bears the stamp ultra. We must be ultra-hatted, ultra-gowned, in fact ultra-smart altogether.—Gentlewoman. NEBRASKA NE.V A’.'a ncteI Items of Greater or Lesc?-- I tance Over the State. Recepts of the Fillmore count} fair were over $1,500. Tecumseh schools opened with au tin usual large attendance. The contract for the new school building at Fairmont, to cost $28,00') has been let. M. D. David of Bloomfield fell from an Ice wagon receiving injuries that proved fatal. Bessie Robertson of McCook set i steel trap for rats but instead thereof caught a big bull snake. The Edgar Canning factory dosed i successful season, the ^entire pack amounting to about 700,000. The new Iliff Chapel church was d< d ieated at Memphis Sunday by Rev. T. C. Iliff, a speaker of national reputa tion. A young man by the name of Burk holder is in the custody of Sheriff Gillan at Seward. The charge again * him is that of attempted rape. Successful bidders for the gov< ■ - ment postofflce building at Ora i Island have been looking over the preparatory to commencing opera: io: . Word was received in Beatrice la • week stating that Horace Mitchell, a former Beatrice resident, was kilb d ,in a railroad accident at Atchison, Ka That David City will have a pubic library and gymnasium building is now a certainty. The $20,000 has been raised and nine directors were elect d. Word has just been received in Peru that the European party led by Prof s sor W. N. Delzell, landed safe in New York after a pleasant sea voyage their home land. Harold Kesterson, the Shelton h ! who broke both his arms at the wrist in a fall, while making a slide for life, was taken with lockjaw and died aft: r suffering intensely. the cost to Buffalo county of »!i" recenty primary election was $915.15. There were 1,609 votes casr in tin* county making the expense of each vote cost 56.8 cents. The infant baby of Clyde Lynch and wife of Humboldt had a peculiar expe rience, beng attacked by rats in the home and severely bitten about the hands, one or two of its lingers being partially gnawed away. Farmers should all have telephones. Write to us and learn how to gei the best service for the least money. Ne braska Telephone Company. 18tn and Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use the Sell."” With the record of the largest at tendance, best displays and greatest number of racing events in its histon. .he Dundy County Fair association meeting came to a close. The attend ance was good and the exhibit fine. While stacking hay at his home :hree miles south of Piatsmouth. R. Sponii fell front the stack and- landed bn an inch gas pipe in such a manner is to cause it to penetrate the arm and come out at the top of the shoulder. An unknown man about twenty-five years old. committed suicide t y stab bing hin4»;If with a knife as Union Pa cific train No. 3 was leaving the Kearney yards and threw the knife from the train. The body was re moved from the train and shipped to Grand Island. He was not identified, but was en route to Ixts Angeles. William Prowett of Fullerton re ceived a telegram front Washington in forming hint that he had been appoint ed clerk of the insular treasury in tie Philippine island. Mr. Prowett grad uated from the Fullerton High school in June. 1907. Last December he took the civil service examinations, passing with unusually high markings. The building fund of the Young Mali’s Christian association at Fre mont was given two substantia! lifts. C. A. Smith, an old resident of Fre mont, made a contribution of $5.ot'io. Mr. Smith previously had given $600 to the association. Elmer Williams, cashier of the Fremont National hank, made a contribution of $500 to the fund. Judge .1. tV. Johnson of Plattsmouth has been entertaining in his home ao old comrade of the civil war. A. H. Pratt, aged 78 years. They each en listed in the First Nebraska regiment, in 1861 and during the battle of Shloh. Mr. Pratt had his hat blown off by a cannon ball and he was left on the field of battle for dead. During the night he regained consciousness and found his way to tbe Union line in the morning and asked to he sent to the front. The last legislature appropriated $24.411 to pay bounty on wild animals. This was for old claims that were on file. The legslature also appropriated $35,000 future cairns, but this was vetoed by Governor Sheldon. Clerk -A Lawrence of the state auditor’s office is now busy adding up the claims on file that have not been paid and which will come before the next legislature in the form of a deficiency claims. He has not completed the work, but esti mates the total at $10,000. The annual statement of the Ne braska City Chautauqua has been given the public and it shows that the meeting cost $3,608.42 and that the re cepts were something like $134 over and above all expenses. The second annual Hastings Fron tier Festival, which will take plac» on October 14, 15 and 16, will be a rep etition of last year’s notably success ful event, though on a much more elab orate and extensive scale. The pur pose of the managers is to perpetuate the festival as an annual amusement enterprise for Hastings and central Nebraska. With all counties reported but Holt, official figures of the recent primaries in the state show Barton, republican candidate for auditor, to have 12,417 ( votes as against 12,134 for Alden, his nearest competitor. \V. B. Price of Lincoln wins in the democratic con test for the same place. Valentine business men and the Commercial club are making exten sive preparations to take care of the large crowds that will be there to reg ister for the Tripp county land. They \ will have all possible kinds of trans portation to take the land seekers out to look over the ground.