The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 24, 1908, Image 2

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    1 oop City Horthwestero
J H t .»Ll '>*. i'C'
Mr y < i y . - n£8ha«u
- D *yMdsr* /
}..< t »<»s ft u>-;4*#«<W6.
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,*J V ■ 1 ’"'-V * ..ft 'ftA ?<LU-'
J;J ft;." ‘.i, {/.■■! c ftitft Ul Krt*r to* 'An*
«t.< ■■■+!$*•-> *:..ftir.*f* LA** *tf>
< ( i. A<ifc MJ t £*?• -iy- *Mr
tu» iiC «• ' to*-; t 1Crftlltol;
«.!» *.««-:• Z.V : * *- k
"/Sr!?. 1 K fc'OUto J* ' ‘->ii il 'ft
< < o: i-. • • • • •■ r !- -' * *
«o<i }.',*■*: t- *“-: V»> fv.'r-fc TO
J«*i**- tv »'--r **.c «.* ftJ'jut.* ‘-jgt' «
•*-• :j‘j i i. Cij ui !!-■'*■ tvr
*o<* b'.-cf- ’■■• i'u’ ; >r a* out oJ
tto |n»ia 8»rtfw« **»* 'to
to.'Jfjw* Isut J »w** ’tot
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*■£».** :.‘-.c*-:. • *• t.»:*t *<f to*-c
;<< *: ft V ■, , WO t- Yvt * t - ’.
feftv 'tin- Sfcftft* •- fc toft U”.
Hi ,•/.*« . to ft ivi.y *?j«Jr v?
iii*-: v.-- ?*-.*> If ok fc'-'C!
iti<f :••*»** 'J? • r.yi.-'.ir'J’jn ft*
i ' i »fc V - V ’ }J I i a.J: ' bOO c ' [
ftt ft ftto >..;»tor> fct
ft r .’■•■■*■ o* i*j- .«-:ftS A: K: K'/a*
u ■ ftoulc fc< ’A* r it* * UK'-OOfA.’
ft iii **w<jr £•*-£• t><. ftii vt,
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iiV **oko*f ’i.i* ito tot wj
?*-» - HI* i'.» •I'-fi'i'-Hi:
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f,si' <;r ri.*- ftfv. ftti wo'jl-i a>
M// i>.’.*r K v*-■ j i . •. ',i • 0 tjt i'c-C* : ‘ V
» J- i. : H*r »Ov,‘2 J'>: Jl*r bWr
1 • /j:, o? V/ti'ftbfJf t-'-'i
' ftiitifJt •fsjft’.ir'j *>:’L iC.i-i fci'J
Pettfi* o Acreage.
Vi ‘Ail ftur ma n v t which a’*- a’
bifid to the fy'tff* fi* fnei fc <4 the
I n)l*d Hbatc* *o meet 'Le e-ver-Jfrow
it* lot *h* t’ltli of If
fesnl V; Kinmtlflf a .•«-** Vkttf bwln
for OUf pOpU/A'jo.O I the immediate
fu'u-e fie it a mo* JBWllse prophe’
»b</ H'/iiW a' emj. • '<» et'ima'e he po
tential wheat a> reaye <4 tne l.’nJted
hi'a’e* jo 20, or &0 years from no*
WMte il if '; ue ihat the most avail
a hie and mot' prod-..< ! • e wnea’ land!
lave alM-ady b*-<-n tapped 'bo fu'ure
acreage of and swamp lands
iha' may if- made produotive through
engineering tkl:! say* Century, it an
absolutely unknown factor. Th»'
many of lb*-tse region* will aotnetime
l/<- oyifomoly productive no ono <an
don O', and ,f blgij price* for wheat b<
<omo persistent, an extensive wheat
a< roai4*- may I/O developed in old ag/1
cultural regions ’ha1 have ahandonod
wheat for more profitable for tut o)
agricult u/e
Rwfeber pla/s a Part,
The increasing demand for rubb'i
maker ih<- Congo H'a'o a <on'or </f In
iciest to tl/<- wo/hi Ii'it i/o ono vac's
rubber exl/nted by the lath and by
mutilation. No one believe* that any
su< h system it n<-/<-stary It la a
mistake to ihlnk that ih<- African
negroe* ax- lazy ta;.' li<- PUI|4«t|ihU
Inquirer. Al'/r ih<ir fathlon they
are energetic, but most of lh<-lr lal/<//
it wasted in vain cfforif ji seems
reasonable that a mild and intelligent
adininikiration will produce mcch
more rubber and will not only benefit
Hie naflvet, but cheapen tbe article
f lii- Amo/haf <<,(/<1 -Ions stand, and
lt/ese are vast, but they will lx- under
tbe supervision </f tin lh Igian govcrn
merit and w<- shall have no more bru
tttllly by whol<-' ah- 'I lx IScIgfans an
an Intelligent race fully competent to
solve this great problem
Tlx* ISrltfah bouse of lords amended
till’ old aye j,ensh/n bill, but wlx-n th«
commons rejected tlx- amendments,
tlx- lords passed tbe hill In the form
in wliieli 1^ was tx-nt to them. Tlx
aged r.ilHsli js/or ov<-i 70 year- of age
will soon receive jx-tisions of vary
Ing ainourits, according to thi-Jr in
coin*- The tiiiniH an- lix«-d hy a sibling
scale wiil< ii forms, a part of the hill
Now (in- statesmen will devote lix-in
selves to finding money to pay the
pensions II will requlro $.'10,000,000
a y<-ar to start with, and Is likely to
need from $1*0,000,000 to $1110,000,000
within a <!<-< aih
Tim heaviest hitter In the A met
lean Ham-ball has married the
richest kIiI In Atlanta. Him proh
ably took him because the HportliiK
iilliiira have referred to him a "the
prince of swatters."
A Chicago man plum-, to have all
our machinery run by thn force of
gravitation That will la* all right If
h<* etui persuade Kravltallon to wmk
both way:,.
Tlii‘11' la a town in Now York which
Inin hi'i'll mmli' faniotlN by Hh million
alit* IIIi- ih i .-1111■ ■ i-111 in Hh ranks arc
plenty of brokers ami bunkers, mi It
may bo that liny are satisfied any
linn* the town supply of water rum
short they cun get enough squeezed
out of their slocks In answer.
Only a nirmotimnlao, says it scientist,
can think of one subject continuous
ly for five minutes. Oh, say not so.
Weren't you ever hungry for an hour
before dinner time?
When . wild eyed motorcyclist
comes tearing along the street the
average pedestrian Is at a loss for a
moment whether to offer up a silent
invocation in his behalf or break out
into loud, harsh and objurgatory Ian
One of the scientists turn written a
long article entitled "Why We Cling
to Life." After carefully consldera
tion he appears to arrive at the opin
ion that it is because we don't like
to die.
F 0.?£S SET s* THE
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Hurry H t^Whart y (4*rn r
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V.IM*/n M A > . .. *.'72
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I A WH'j/ tfi* • r+p ) .If,.7 7 ’
^v O' " > 14 4^7
• V Mlaro if **' y ^'U » . 2 4/27
! William II : <4«-n. <. . . 1' 2 »T
; If ' v i 1.27;
A r 0 f • vv J • x"f i-«- i*-r < ki ,/ > ? %4
< ',N;-TIT rT r" NA f. A MI !7T M I.k": -
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'y' ti-« .»; .v t ■ ‘ f fiO / r« p.f, 2!
j i 27 r ^ ".770
Fof : f'\r ■ 0 fO""r» f«. »♦;<• *
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I '/f »'f "*y'y^.-0 ; > f r.« ! 'Jrr.'-?J» »<> ' ">r J*’j
t>jll'-r: w m U’f-n- « ♦'> i}.<- 1/s*. < j*’
. f. *• •• »'» - f fij/.O t'Jt-tn t
3 7'! si! iy:« 3f ** 4 7 V.
For J/f ' • f K ■*■ • ; I ' *: " • ty, f ».*. <f 1
r'-b/tJrijy to •' Oi' lal \,uv,* tn oj.^n »
12 7 J 4,; r >♦ 7 '*47
Yur 0 Ofr to 1*,<- 'y 'lStl
• ' ‘ • /. t r '<'•'• « *'. * - >’• < rt
#-f »• » ;•« rI* :. v »,» >.t lift*A f'jnO 4pr,j ,
\>%2 :»fc' ir r» 7»IZ
For * f' » m »V 4-y j ;i' •' O •M4"' * !/> ti,<- /-OfiMtl'
r. j'idt'j;.! |yyw«-r« ' >
1.277 iitf1' ot
I or or of •* >« : . - «o.t to tf.* ^ooftF
».*'*' to ’ . ^ »/.•-.» f
of '(> » • MnrUHUt *' }.'*o| fund (pro./, 44>
; y.-i 1 rifcf. f,»i
F«/r f/ro v< -'-'J :•. 7i» r f!» to til- O/ *.H’l
toflori r* .i*.f ^ t«. jow<-r« ipro.f
271, 102.
For • " 'o.-'-i ."<''lrf <ot to fh< '-oriKtl
tofJ'O v *• t n f- o f • " to ft «* In*. • Ntmcfit
' f ’ ' • fy' f o > Jl* •»'»! f .'.'1 f :• A 2 ! >
jiirMiro-* >*4'
For f;r f»' * «J ■ t?• i' ' • t•.., »:* to to root*?),
t •»*lo#i r« ':i ’ 1 fiy » . f i'l 1 y 1 ;i 1 (nor f
17 J , :tjraln«t. rfoJ
Pr«r%td«r.tial FV^tm.
11 Ro!! t rt-f, i . 4 7 7,or,
JoWi-jli J or r»4 1 >'*7
Mi# i, u ! 1 |f ifrl* j't <rj f!>oj> r . ’I > ■
\f 1# In*«-l F If. rilriK’on (rJy-Mj ; .22 4'<2
l?» nry li 4;« rir g 4'Vm.j .21 7X7
II' tirv If. (t^yjr-t. 2 771
ICol."ft I' HrIi*u ('l«-!/i ) .. 17‘*''*
VV Fo* ♦ * < f y* ■ |. •
WJlii'ifn I' »' otori <:-'■>.) . . ?,w;
Thoriiht* I. I'iillllon 4ho<* > , .. 277
The amiM.'ll fall given by tin* Cedar
County Fair and iJrivltig a I a t ion
cloned lui-i uc< k. In point of attend
anee and In tin* display of stock and
general farm pioduc IIt watt tin- most
succensful < v»-i held fir tlie county.
Hteven .1 Kelso, a Beatrice contract
or and btnbler ha> disappeared b-av
1 nK behind him unpaid bills aggregat
lug $6,000. He had thirty five men in
>iih employ, nearly all of whom he
owed two V.eelth' Hillary.
Fanners should all have telephone
Write to iiw and learn how to get the
best service for I he leant money, ,\i
hia ha Telephone Company. IKtii and
I long Ini- afreets, Omaha. ‘Tsc 'lie
I fell.’*
Ik-tsHil- h drug stores will not he
allowed lo ‘ <'11 llijuor under any eon
The September term of district
court of < iihO-i eouilly was In si salon
last we. h, with .lud- e liruno floutetlet
of Kearmw presiding. The docket
will possibly fake two w». i.« to clean
It up Much interest, however, I
centered ir tin- rune of .lumen t':n
land, who in charged with the murder
of John Katideriion, which occuned
several months ago The trial loom
lues to |,e imuHiially cxcliing. then
being a hold ot important witnesses
on each Hide,
The city wafer works of Franklin
have beep completed and turned ov -i
lo the city. A l. it was made as lo tll«
merits of toe entile sysl.m from . n
gitie to water plugs. Water was forc
ed fully sixty feet high.
When Sheriff (ililaii of Seward conn
fy went Into the county Jail the othfil
morning lie discovered that during tie
night James It. Imwtioti, the man whe
was bound over to the dlstrlet court
for stabbing William Held witli Intent
to kill, bad packed up his little suit
case and silently stole away, lie dug
a hole In the floor and got Into the cel
lar utttl Ills escape was easy.
T'J'.F”' 7i" H>~T.
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THE 1* I ..-TJll-.T
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Ftarp-nuo ‘wy *
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f.C'w.- AJ-ri' hee
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FiaUJfc A. bur: jm j
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F- v''Vvg if a - ’ of *-> 'j'l 'i 1 * ► f >f the
by njrtG'is
3 Ef|rjble:&rj. J K Cain: «3‘"-" '^ :aT, O.
E Hitt
2 Kto;-. T i Major*
i R> ' ' s' E F. Warri : d*r'V
• rat. K H ll’a k
< f Gflar-do T ’ /T'
■ '•»•« ’.V Hai r .• jf
!' -»,r, !•*( APx Eavert;. demo
•ral \V R J'airl-i
i; R»-; .-.ov-s-r W R A d M n» E G
M<G1 "■• * S I' Kw*t.*"r <J« V.
E H* v«.-;j Fries T Hanson.. Join M.
Ta 1 f.. f
- l' 'ar O K Tt/iii;!.* r.. <lnn'/
. F---J W:«ao-t*
> i;.< 21" • C W. \Vi:* >*-. detn©
> Ta • N r Frrz.
V K* ■i .r !' «r M. C. Rr< ul*r derr.o
ra- J f> H
!<• R. ■ ary W R IW>r. <W;*0
'< (»’ K.'-<J V'I; j<
1 !!. K*-;«.ib!l'5»n, c. A Randal; <Prno
; > f.i' Re-. id (».►«
!-/ Reptjt.Il' an, 3. A Kiaia <J*m©»TS<t.
I h !. iR •
12 1-, 2 • E 'V Phillip* Cl'-rno
» r&t, J >. \y r '
14 Re; vll'-.n, K E Meyer*.
I < r;*’ G M A dart »
1” r*-2'.'..-'<art. o. II Klrim-y: detno
« f»'"«
;* R. M. r, E R Gould. d'-rrroerat,
■ E I < "1«
:* Ri- •)! ;• ! Harry iv t.e kendantz.
| <1< rn<a r;.’. J H 1"' re ar t
j> R. p ■>,!)<an. E J, Ki.nK democrat,
i A ‘‘ T' rri| it:
iv R<-'.uMI<an, H. A, Graff: «em»
. • G W E •
", R, [, r, F U' Rur'ham. E I'
' lir'iwn, democrat. H T ‘ ‘ '.J irr.e T f, J, E.
2), Ri rubll'-an, Adam M< Mudeo; d>-m
erav Ja" h Flr-in.
R, • ,!!< :,-i G W. Baldwin, <lemo
■ , F ■! t-,»
l i, !-• ; ,1 . r, Rr K WiPox, derno
' ■ .. i Mr- IMi Ke’< pirn
; 4 R* 1 ,»■]!'tin, John Imran, d*-mo
i i• ||i-r rr.t; f- I i|fl*
| .; • . .1. M ‘‘nx, rjfrrn/'rat.
14. 'I 15row rt
Nurses Want Legislation.
\f-i,ra; ka nurr'-s will t-ndeavor to
lav* a law p&HMd by th>- n«xt iHKiti
j |attir« wblr li v.Ill i<-()uir«r the reelatra
rIon of all nurses In the Mate In a
similar manrt' r to the registration re
g til red In several other states f>l thf*
! enfon This der ision was reaehed at
a meeting of the nurses of the state in
this flty. The matter of push I of the
frariiinK and pas ins? of the law has
i,< <-.j p it Iri th" hands of a Krmmlitee
A'hlrh I- romi > f', d of four gradual''
piir-es ff the State, as follows Miss
-It off l.lii' oln ; Miss Biek'-r, Omaha;
Mi Plnklngton, Omaha, and Miss
J '};<r<lwlek, Llneoln.
J. A Hlnghautt, United State* com
•id, ,loner, and a federal marahal from
Omaha eame to Herman and planed
Waller Weal and U. Went under ar
rent for welling liquor and drove to Te
kamah with them and lodged them In
Jail. It la thought there had been a
deputy United Hi, a Lea Marshal there
for several day a dh-gulaed aa a xign
painter anri he aiios.-oded jn collecting
neveral hor’UH Jaga hlmnelf and bought
liquor from a good many In town.
fern Charter, the li-y< nr-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra. Jamea Charter, of
lliiatlnga, whore divorce atilt la pend
lug trial two weeks-; hence, wan abduct
ed hy her father and taken away In an
automobile. He called for her at
•tchool and Induce,| her to leave
John C Helahy, aged 22 fell from
the top of tin* new school Imlldlng 111
Milford while wheeling mortar for tli«
tuleklnyera. HI a left leg wn« r.o bad
ly ernalp'd that tin- phyaiciitna an pit
luted ti above the knee. Other com
PIlealloiiM «<t In and he ill«-il In the
The fir: i Jury trial In the Chadron
division of the federal court of lho
Culled Httiten eIsi e,| wllh mi in spilttnl.
Chiih - llensp'ihsm mid Uhriatophs-r
Aid oil, both of Crawford, were de
fendant They w<*re menaed of
liuyltir Mankelof aoldlorn .rout Kort
Hotini- county’H corn crop la th<- heat
ever produced.
A report from the town' of ICngle,
eight* on mile msaal of number of s ell*
hrutsiiH became Intoxicat'd, i ImrleH
Hurna, a farmer, waa me an ted and ao
badly beaten that he died
Kvery effort to I s> mads- hy the
Commercial club of Oinah to aes ur“
the next meeting of the Trnir rubai
ilpjd (Commercial roiigrear, end II H
Weller, chairman of the • pventlou
committee, Iiiih atartid < 'It to
suiro a atroug delegation t attend th
meeting In Ban Francisco Oitoler '*
to 10.
_ -
Se er^.tr in tn* ft ~s- t* t©
E ' •.* • the Ct>'
- i - • ■ . - ' ■ .
u- it. "j ii Wt *c • K.ip- A
•'-•£. B~osy '/m** (rv.'ju'
X !’-K‘ UXtlidM! A I ‘ hi.’W *5.
V. ’ 'ieLTM
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T £> -• Triwt'jU!' g::.: • dvio
! '-n W. Ft*1.
* L'' J b - Hilt 7. - - - ' 7
i r.1* iuiart tt* ".'."'Tit' CrWS** Vl XAbdUgU.
1 i- J Su-C '-if
7 • <■•*» -i*-*- E N- -ff,
: Sn v -j* • rf J ■ ■ • F -U.V.-T ■ V.
1 Li -IT . r
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I - V M A H • t
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• • •»* y ~ ~ _■ w r ' ;
r >' E- A K Hit*"-' ?■ 7-t-1
1 H A E'-tT-fT H A F- -a •
F A H. V. .<■ m Eu". F
• ' j H H. ii' :I - r ♦'' it' H •' ■
tr K— TV * - • . -r. V.'
> r'..IV p
: i. * ->* y - ii- - fcFt o -
••rt! H. IX
XI Ert-p i S-it JvijtfA. dw..
'-V Vl" p fc. ..-•
Li. F r. '
j* EtfitWivi. J H K*- «.*->• 7.- K
• o--:••<>->• A' J. >1 i.*! rrt'.c
! E
it F‘; <• f T T -f X'it-'
i-- ‘j ~
!«. J. W Ht**-i«ryvv: ten
't'r«' J 1 Hi't-'i’
>.-• Jt-.'.ii fe il-rnt ««•*•
'.•e' A<i-.'t
t ‘ E-itj': -• .F Bi'w-rt /: dts.,'<ra*
fe j a.
3V K“!vUi-v' W. ?. Bi-l-wtrift. ««•..
• -- J‘ ■ i, E •
; J1 -• T&cnrtsu X. Galbrt*'!
J M Tfic "
v • : • >V F*trv <-• f.. -
• • ’ V j - — • • « g
XX K‘ * . ■ A. A Em’lfc; <5*-:: -
'-TV.'- I F ■■ it 'rfl
Ji* ■ ’ - X- TT T - '■
wn- Ix^ti X X . - k
14 VV. E c' s, d' • »'>
•tv X'Xrt'j;
_X J'.r • • O*-'- -
w Joj.i H V.Vf--ji.
Hn;1 V." A- 5"..'it, d'r:,
• ft ■ H K I* • "itn.
I XT E«p-.K L H X" V H
, r. dtjiKxrat, Trtnr:/A O'r.t.
1 Fr; r.k
X- Jut.-.'.: -v.r C F. ••>■'■ T • • 7- -
[ V.'. d--". 't' i-,t It s'v. Jt/v- •
j Ev*
XI- fU T .•** F A Mb')" J< - r; J'
F<- r <J- C A I; H
•■r, p... I'TT’A Rlt'X E W
: Br-w W J B v":v I. K'--» W T.
- F Ha-<m K.
; .»•► V H U ititr-y «rt i> Knapp
1 'A' f*. N'*rT"n.
21. iwvr. Htdjrv Allpr*-**. Wit!
( •’ rrj <3t<s! Jlc: n Cr.isb. J H
v>f.K3rk )
K‘! Jf . r. tz n r^z <*- J* -
K J M«*Coil: dem'^Tat, !>-&v r
K-vz J-. F H* ♦ J'.' r
S3 pe*, F O. Ei -b. democrat
\y >. \V < rw > •
Z4 F*'jfAU:ur: A V IV&P* democrat
We* J'.< DK
S' WKiLam f>- ( b»'.
St pep* oh-ar J jhn p Tr -^rb^r.; d*frr.
<i*T>.V. P*-’*-? Gd
37. B^!WMkai}. K. O- Edio
!»*ft4'’n; domocrsit P. A. Murphy.
! If N* Hwin
c* H^puMP-ar. D W B K> r A B Ts»v
i ^ r i\*'U,** Tiji, Ghar.e* W FJi *. E. E
*;'« a • J. B Buckley, dejj.o
'-t; * Vi* tor K W *or
40 B.* * George Beardsley;
J G. B'-e;*f
41. P I- A bar*. W. W
Fo». t R \V. Bed f. J Evarf.
42 Kr It M V*-tU-tf- A_ J
J> t. *'’r. democrat, J. EL BrodcrP fc. FiM
’ Ko* k r ■" w
4 2 Republic.--r* J Warren Ke;'er# Jr.
0*-rr rat > H Bowman
44 p* * ii'.-r Hr. K. F Paine*; demo
crat. F If r • erla» k.
4' H< : uMP; n, K E. Crosier. demo
* rat f;*-:'*. Mar* I
it Republican, Krfck Johnson; demo
crat P O Hia.t* r.
j 4 7 H*'r*ubli«-an, A E. K« redder. E. rb
Wl }?*•; democrat, John W. Hi: k. P\ H.
4h. Re-jubHcfctn. Jjnfrjn G. Half, demo
c?a* h'fcr ’* Kfi-r
4'* to : -jr ■> ;. n F H C'.Z *1* rno
r-ra*. John I- Fojfarty.
DO. i'.» : -l t,f a e H A Ah* r\ W W
f'< *lf-> ; democrat, Jf. K. Henry, T J,
&J. K* '-ubh' an K P gkillmar*; demo
*r;». B w ffarinston
f,2 h» o jt.’if-;.n If. >!. rnjvai:, demo
era*. John F C>rr.
r,:j K*-* r;0IP an, C. H Chase; demo
crat Y W Jo Ear-ve
',4 pa * ih!ie. n n. K. Bus <. democrat.
Iiu*!» r Bu'canan.
Jo-r- iMi'-an. peter Morfer ^r; d«m
J P./|**K
fid B« * ut li# ;.r, j. a. Am cherry. A. L.
y^di'-WK, defraarat. \V. J. Taylor. KL
:,7 !>ern' * rat. K A Brown.
pi • ran, <> W. Barrett; demo
^ r; ‘ P- < r Wi-k. ^. A Mia' a
Bepohlh a n W A nderaon; d«*mo
*fr t If 'r Wort'!'.: i*
f h peouhlican. J A. Flat* r; democrat,
J I* Ertflar'!.
€1 Jier-oMl»-an. A. K. Peek; democrat,
I. If K»**man.
62. Her),Jti]|c;1n. K. A. lianskln; demo
cr: * Joseph Snyder
6J. Be; •jfJl'.,»i j; W. Robert:<; demo
crat P. t* Fonk.
<;l ifepuMPat* N A. petty throve, dem
, o# rat. f W K'llv
r,~, |o rajblPajj, Frank More; democrat.
J W. Hoppe
ce, Ri Jy o. Richardson;
f/♦ rat. I/* lv F Rc“e.
r,T. I*, r ijl l‘e;,r. W. If. Smith, dferrio
c r;.• t W /. Ta>!f»r.
Governor Sheldon haw appointed the
folk wing delegates to represent Ne
braska a* the IrariEmlsslppI congress
which Is to convene at Kan Francisco,
| October *<: -I M Guild. Omaha; W.
| H. Whitten, Lincoln; H. T. Clarke, sr„
Omaha; I L Dermond, Heaver Cross
ing; L K Towers, Meafrlce; Ed. I,.
■ Miller, Beatrice; .lames Henderson,
Cent nil City: .1. K Miller, Seward; ,1.
1 K Hanson, Fiemont; C H. Gregg,
Kearney; H. M. Wolbach, Grand Is
land; David Anderson, South Omaha;
A H Hroke, Hastings; C. •!. Miles,
Ha tings, U A Millet), Van, Manner
| couniy; .1 It. VanMosklrk, Newport,
The German Evangelical Lutheran
synod. III r.eaalon at Glenvllle, voted to
eMiiihllsh a German theolOKlcal school
at Lincoln A com milieu composed of
|{ev Wupper of Hooper, Mlchelmann
of Cs and Island and Heir;* r of Fort
taneiie was selected to choose and
pun base a site for the new school..
Esprcitft Company Gain* Point.
Italph MieckcnrldKc, ns attorney for
the ex press e,tii| itiierf In the Injunc
tion wall brought by the attorney gen
eral to enforce the Sibley act, gained
a point la: I week before Referee Sul
livan by obtaining tin udmlsslon from
L. K WHHng, witness for the state,
; Dial Ms deductions wi re partly erron
| cons and would have to be revised
Welding's tabulation of revenues and
ixpetn-es of (lie business of the Wells
t'ai'go C press company was based on
testimony taken In New York City in
a similar suit In the federal Court.
A d tor Se.-irle Enjoined.
Stale Ampler K. M. Searle Is tom
oe arllv m'lolned from further wlth
liiddlii!' it 'ben-e from the Pacific Mit
i nnl Life 1 trainee comi any and the
Irene ''"ml Itisurance company,
l 'Hi of c •I'fornl’* The temporary In
0|n,.|te>i .< IS'’ d by ,1 lldge T. C.
M linger 'r the federal court. The in
ii’a rice ' ’irtment of the auditor's
cr''' d to Issue a license to
(hf.-ae i tees solely because the
i-ii(’ e* I 'crn'a refused to permit a
■ rtaln ' "■ ’•-*» l'fc Insurance com
pany to <’ ' nsltioss In that state.
—~- — ' - ' '-J
. T' • J! -a*" 'O’. t.:. ?.*-c jt if- ■> T;.
. ? !»' •* * fc -Ki^u> y- r-iu<V
it-*-!* r"*!*tr ^ -c- xtUTV.. ".'if • •r**w,
• w» i of nig't-.T. i* **itiytj*se out
Ado rot* l»*' ■ .<r.5 r,:'> * **»r it*»4>n
Tirf- uf inuritfT'iJt f'ltWJt Juiftflftc
TbaS tsp2ik rjt- tsjr} :•■ .-■.gi, ii*t j**®-’!
j A*itf * £ Tni7jBfir*'J oy wiy,
A t?, ua* :;• l tasan t r ■ * ajr. •« t; ’ l* * *-«:£%
T- ■• rr: - » * ' i - r?<s
T*'*r r . *• i- '* • *,*r fey’. *.i?. T. ' ?»-*>
T;> r-r >'•! ■ ■ J.« *■& « f - ■ *1 ►
fy_- ; » *- j,f*r V< .•*:>*- :Z Vi^TV} VlT.***
1« r*.r;* r-<r *>•.»•* t.: • w .•ric
.• *_
A*:C «?.> * •.*- v rT.-j* ••-. *r?t far*.?
7 •:*- t-*' v* * ':it $r.j> : r
A J'.i'-riiO'. w ft . j/f>' t, * *
.’t flovr * ^ i ,tu- Xrt-‘Ui itu. :..Tun*a?.
A' c-t ■ * <3u*r irWfc?
■Pi in, tliM - ' . K - - —
T -• • luvuiitsd.ta p’ay atttfi
Aad v *r- -*,*• *-» bo * •*
7*: • ’ ••-. .■ - ■ ■ ■ v. • t'f
7- <- - rt-.-'-t irs **.*
7- tr.Q *:.* r '
A' J «.t v: ►
Witt li tt..*:
• • . r'> .; * :>
. • • if. V ' £f JE*—' f .
. • - - e ' -
CaiiB^fe’ C-ixO^'EXI*'*
b. "jj ■'i.2 t-irfsvfef
.■ * -*r ^ i.- * t’i-1 fcOOd
,pi»IF Of tt-T
ro wav
* * - l*. ' •:*k:i4? i* -V i r^
*• ^ U r., '.-f ^7*-*
r JbCTOr-'i tT-t
tr; t B/ s 'A sdom.
My id*.a of Heaven is a place where
my wife never tehs me with tears ir.
her e;.es that the hired girl is going
to quit.
Th*- age of the c-bes-.nut never
make:- any difference in the laugh of
a man who has come to ask a favor
of Tbe story teller.
The man who can make good ex
I cases can hold a job temporarily, but
; it Takes a man who can deliver the
goods to become a fixture.
A Chicago g..ri, spending her vara
[ tion in the country, mistook a bull
frog's basocning for what she called
a bossy cow mewing for her caifl
The Provident Gas Meter.
The Daylight Gas Co., of my town,
recently received the following letter
from a consumer of kilowa's who thus
mildly protests against the treatment
accorded him:
Manager Daylight Gas Co.
Dear Sir—
I am resuming your bill for gas
last month, presuming thaT you have
| mace a mis’ake and sent me a debit
for the entire vrorks, keeping the bill
; that should have come to me. as an in
voice of property on hand. I have no
[ use for a gas factory, as my motber
i in-iaw is a working model at our house
; and the supply, if inflammable, would
: l>e greater than the demand.
My wife was away on a vacation all
last month, I lived at the club and yet
you send me a bill for $18.40 for gas!
What do you think I am. anyhow ? A
mother lode?
Igist Ian I spent t-bl for burglar
alarms—and then let you put that
meter in the heart of my happy home,
if it cost $1%.4(| a month when youi
meter is standing still, what will it
cost when it canters? And when mj
guests decanter?
At this rate, I figured last night,
my annual salary will last 241 kilo
wat hours. A snow ball in the oven
of Gehenna is a tortoise beside youi
cotton tailed meter. What are yoi
doing with your money, anyhow? Buy
ing a buzz wagon?
This morning I stuck a piece of gum
in the wheels, hut it kept right on
gumming it with the price of the gun
added. Honest, it makes a man dizzy
to see the wheels go round. 1 got toe
close to the critter this morning trying
to read my epitaph, caught my whisk
ers on the axle and lost a lot of lady
killers. I don’t care for the whiskers
I can glow more hair, but I can't grow
$18.40, because my bushes are not
bearing this year.
Now, you come down to my house
and touch me for that diabolical metei
and leave me alone'in peace forever.
We don't want gas at our house!
What we want Is a steam yacht, art
air ship and a private swimming pool!
We cannot afford gas, and no sane
man will be so fastidious as to live
beyond his Income.
Sometime, when we put John I), off !
the map, we may decide that we can
not live without your highly refined,
radiating illuminant, in which case
we will make arrangements to settle
something on the wife and children,
stuff the keyhole, take it through a
nipple and die in our silken under
wear. like a man. sparkilngly and ef
fulgently lit. tip! \
As to your bill, I wish you would
try to forget It. My heart is weak and
shocks are dangerous^ I'pon my honor
as a g' nt leman, 1 asstfre you that 1 shall
never mention it again if you don't.
lleibert Askins.
In Chicago, of Course.
A mother hid her $1,500 worth of
jewels in her little daughter's slipper,
! forgot all about it and the next day
threw the slipper into the garbage
can. Of course, it happened in Chi
cago, says the New York Herald.
Where else would si child’s slipper hold
all those gems?
First Duty of Some Parents.
Parents seem to think one of their
first duties is to make their children
believe all the things they don't be
lieve themselves.—New York Press. *
Do you mart orje
in yovr heme?
if you re coeteoa
platiogthe purcL ase
o’. & fxaoo now or in
the future, don't ta2
to write or caii oc
* ut 1
rmatu risnatt
V« * carry -v? largest arid most 00=1: Me riocr
pianos ir. toe coir -y. Ece^; riaci so.V fy. -';
c:ve sssipacticr c- "toney ccVr. i • -.
I^riect frorr. trrf toiiov.-;rc- Knabe, EstCj, TTeT^ur.. .
Sohmer, Fisc**-'. Schaeffer, Anderson, P~ze <5
Smith & Nixon. Smitr <3 Barries. Ez-ersole.
Miitcm, etc. All v.*iC on easy paratcrt.; r tdesred.
Try HAYDEN'S First
( ^ <
S •“ E &Z-T -£P WAA-rtP?'.
Ir.c an %Ct L. <t / tt S* _r*t
Far 5s-' nd n L fe« Bat-.*.
Writing of lit famous Dean Kaye
of Topeca. in Suburban I—de Pit-. A.
Lc.T*wei.’ says
bean KiJ-t btF Lad iE'ereitiltg *!•
perienoe§ during Li* K ;;r"imi m 'it
w.idensess Once a* indian w.mas
ait 10 Lie cab::;.
Ton marry’' sit asked.
' Yes said lie dean I can marry
folk* Have you act a man'"
' Aga.n lie w' •max grunted and 3e
par*ed About sundown site returned
dragging *;*1 her an apparently
abashed and rein oast bra re.
*'"Got him.' she remarked laconical
ly. producing her marriage ..cense
The man knew no English. but ti*
woman prompted him when :: becam*
necessary for h;m to give bis assent
to the dean’s questions. Ween ii r-s
over tbe squaw paid tbe minister 1-J
fee and led her bus band away in -_-j.
Pinxit—I have just finished the ’ate
Mrs. Peck's portrait. It's a speaking
The Widower P**ck—Would it be
*oo mach trouble to—er—charge it a
bit in that respect?
Socialism in Japan.
Socialism has no footing in this
country as yet, nor is there any indi
cation that it will gain a footing in
the near future at all events. Prior to
the war with Russia a small coterie
of men calling themselves socialists
argued vehemently against the open
ing of hostiiiii«-s and published a
newspaper organ to propagate their
creed But they soon dwindled into
Insignificance, and although a period
ica! of so-called socialist views con
tinues to be published it has no in
fluence, nor does it serve any purpose,
apparently, except to furnish material
for occasional comment on the part of
amused readers.—Japanese Weekly
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys The
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
A Carlyle Wedding.
Cralgenputtcck. where Carlyle s
"Sartor Resartus" was written, has
just been the scene of a notable wed
ding. The bride was Mary Carlyle of
Craigenputtock, a grandniece of Thom
as Carlyle, a farmer, of Pingle, Dum
friesshire. a son of Thomas Carlyle's
favorite nephew. Pingle is about four
miles from Ecclefechan, Carlyle's
birthplace, and this village is the
original of the Entuphl of "Sartor
Resartus.”—London Standard.
More Important.
“Ah! Mrs. Newcomb,” said the up
pish Mrs. Subbubs, "my many social
duties have prevented me from calling
upon you as i should. However, I will
surely return your visit some day—”
"Oh! that doesn't matter much,”
replied Mrs. Newcomb promptly, “but
I do wish you'd return the groceries
you've borrowed from time to time.”
CathoUc Standard and Times.
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Contrast in Wills.
If, as is stated, the will of the late
duke of Devonshire contains nearly
18,000 words, it is certainly entitled
to rank high among long-winded tes
Probably the shortest will on rec
ord was that of a Streatham gentle
man, proved a few years ago, which
consisted of the words: "All for moth
er. C. T.”—Westminster Gazette.
Electrified Water Used in Washing.
A Hungarian washing machine
makes use of electrified water.
r~e* r £»
Oi the '*
and Koni*"x Fra*--- : - *.-■■■■■
a*e Si E EL' V l
LaCC Ii*ra tLC U .
uf the IX’Wrt hi» - Uir'tC ’
It *lidj their women • at > •
i_zec at; *ie-e Ti. .
sear OsJjBbc. wear tr: •- ■ ■
iikmsee »u..- their heat- a: : ■■
cers 'eSh covered iy . • * v • "
carry their rets into the ■■--= -
up tslb: qaar.*J•_« of a: -ur,
prawns, v .-.x. as oeeas «*.
lobster and many im . t-' T
Often ViM on: Ml *jLr TiL'r- §
li.*::: !■« ££ and tier rtrta l ' •
a* a -use :l »&•*: at --- • .
•-jjjf-Jy r-1' -~TT‘~T,.y ^,L*_ * f - ’ -
are fa...
PopiriA.* Ct" - i
The pc; ala: .* of -.he ~
pire 5* large!y a Df' - r of
There has never t*etx s utr -1 - ■
4 the as that k l
takes eTeiy decade tr This -
But :he esumaie of tie Alma: a .. .
Gotha for IK*v tray he taken a
rel-able. According to that - t .
the ;e; slat ;r of the ett;
round numbers, at*, a: *•••.
is probably safe to say tha* : *
bunas being* or earth w-re
is line every fourth ore «... a
Tre Voseri Vct-t
Madam *to the curse a__
just brought home her ft.:
frt c. a » a'k —Le ar
chatged the children k* e .
saw them! Are you cut'- -
are :he right ones?—F..- r
eta ch<« shop
W •- jrri tr . • ■» ■
0 T
to flake or y t«> *■' _r i: - v *
•solid piece of srla»-. A*-:
eiamicatioa HtTE?- V I
Excicfeixe Opticians. 233 j* • —
Oznz! a Xen:: ska Fact-: : t a ; : - . -
Win lesale ar.<i E#-!a: .
Omaha Directory
• Gest-leman ■ table. jncludiajr F:te I.* -
pcrtwl Table D*licec:-a If tb*r* it ar. r
lltrl* :t“» you are unable to obta;s Say t;E - - T x -
tru 111 to* prices on tasc, ai w* will t«. t taro
Mail orders carefi’ly r ie
* «“«"•!?»■££.’el
COIRTNEY & CO.. Omafea. \?t>r.
You cannot aSord to experirr.--,? th
untried goods sold by cotnniiss.ou
agents. Catalogues free.
The Brunswick-Salke-Co'!end;r Ccr:zr\y
407-9 So. 10th St.. Dipt. 2, 0W4HA. t.E3.
If not ask your grocer for this
brand of Maple Syrup.
A GOOD PLACE to invest your in me . •» he**e
you ran pet from
6rc to IOrc On improved Properties
Write Vs How Much You Have to I:
1704 Farnam St. Omaha, ttcbr.
Aulabaugh’s complete
s catalogue will show
3 you what you want.
®*Bt- *. 1508 CougUsSt.. OMAHA.
* lel,l Classes, Binoculars an t Tel...rope*
@T\^JVurn Optical Co
.V:.a5?'V.: v * - -
ssrll*-Klavas wh.-n needed. Kves-la-. . .... ...... Consult n* tird. \\ ..-Y- o,. ■
mtablisbed i?s«.
G. E. Shukert r^^TskTs^
I of j*!1 kinds, direct fr. m
r Ur*w“-k-<wear'r s-‘«■«
Uie middle man e
1)rs- Bailey * Mach. The
^ tix>r. Pax ton
Block. oor.'lisiS i
_ and Farnam 1
rental office latte' Middle W<S' 'i „?***
MYERS ni'iTeT.!’,Rend ,or eatalnsru*.
*» •»« ra MX 1 *.. ^ 1 » , \
T iL-aV ” “’w ■ Ulliaud l»«U(fldN SU., OMAHA.
T*» Collars a day and up.
i tuter especially to state trade. Try us.