The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 20, 1908, Image 4

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    Professional Cards
Attorney & Conaselor-at-Law
(Office: Fiiist National Hank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Attorney and Counselcr>&t*Liv
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Office, Over New Bank
Office up stairs in the new State
Bank building.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sausie
Phone, 10 on :$(>
(Successor to M. II. Mead)
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
(July set of Abstract booksio count)
Try the
F- F- F- Dray
F. F. Foster, Prop.
Office; Foster’s Barber Shop
To the East:
Daily low rate excursion
tickets to eastern cities and
resorts, Northern Michigan,
Canada and New England.
To the West:
Attractive low excursion
rates to the Pacific Coast,
Yeyyowstone Park, Utah,
Colorado, Big Horn Moun
tains and the Black Hills.
Low Colonist ltates:
Daily during September and
October to California, Wash
ington, Oregon and liun
dreds oof intermediate points
Irrigated Farm Lands
Heady For Immediate Settle
ment in the Rig Horn Valley, Wyo
ming, watered by completed canals.
Small cash payment and teems cover
ing nine years. Round trip fare from
Missouri River and Nebraska points,
Write l>. Clem I'eaver, Burlington
Landseekers' Information Bureau.
Omaha, for new folder. ICs free.
Write a brief description of your
proposed trip and let us advise you
how to make it the best way at the
least cost.
Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neb.
L. W. Wakklky, G. P. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility, Weak
ness. Drains, Rupture. Stricture.
Varicocele. Blood Poison. Private
Skin and Chronic Diseases of Men
1 1 clo not ask you to
00016 tO mu' tlrst if yOU
I believe others can curt'
|you. Should they full,
don't give up. It is
better to come late
than not at nil. He
member, that curing
diseases after all oth
ers have failed has
been my specialty for
years. If you e.annot
vlait me iH'rsonaliy.
write symptoms that trouble you most. A
vast majority of caao* cun l»o cured by my
system *»f homo treatment, which is the most
successful system ever devised. I make no
charge for private counsel and give to each
palicni a legal contract in wrltlnir, backed
by abundant capital, to hold for the promise
I'hysiclans having stubborn cases to treat
are cordially invttcd^u/\i|C|u cured of all
to consult with tin- ™ vlfiLli wonn, and
bladder diaeaser. ulcerations, menstrua)
(rouble, etc. Confidential. Private home in
the suburbs, before and during confinement.
Motherly cure and best attention guaran
teed (food homes found for babies.
* l\tt. >jo charge whatever to any
man. woman or child living in LOUP CITY
or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC
PION Come and let me look Inside of you
absolutely fre*' of cbarge.
Ur. ItlGfl, ISLAND. NEB. Office op
post to CUv Hall. lt»3 \v secoud street.
Mints, 1
in. 1882.
Hastings Is the fourth city or Nebraska, having a population of over 12.
(XX), and is supplied with handsome public buildings, elegant residences, met
ropolltan stores and beautiful churches. It Is also an important railroad
center, being located on the C., B. & Q.; St. .1.. & G. I. C., and N. W., and
M. I’, railways. There are also three branch lines of the Burlington route,
so that access is easy from any quarter.
it consists of twelve cultured men and women, representing eight differ
ent universities and colleges. Post-graduate work at Harvard, Chicago,
Princeton, Yale, Berlin and Heidelberg gives their teaching and scholarship
unusual breadth arul thoroughness.
I The College, offering two courses for degrees with many electives.
II The Academy, offering high school training under college professors.
III The Normal School, issuingteacher’scertiticatesunderstateauthority.
IV' The Conservatory of Music, with courses In voice, piano, pipe organ,
violin, and musical theory.
There are four buildings; Ringland Hall, a men’s dormitory and refecto
ry. McCormick Hall, the principal recitation building: Alexander Hall, a
woman’s dormitory; Carnegie building, the library and scientific laborato
ries. Facilities for college science work are unsurpassed and all buildings
have steam heat and electric light.
Next year logins September 8th, 1!*08. Handsome catalogue and illus
trated souvenir free upon application to
A. E. TURNER, LL. D., President.
-|—v t > 1 | CT Has seventeen eminent
• | t*| K 1C ^ teachers. Two splendid
P II buildings. Thorough
One of Nebraska’s STANDARD INSTITUTIONS .collegiate and academy
course. Normal courses
on the completion of which we issue State Certificates. Superior Com
mercial, Shorthand and Typewriting Departments. Best advantages in
Music, Expression and Art. Tuition and Board very low. Text Books
Free. Delighted patrons. Growing attendance. Students hold good posi
tions. Catalogue free. Correspondence invited. Fall term opens September
14. Address
WM. E. SCHELL, President, York, Nebr
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebras
leu. as hereinafter set forth in full, is
submitted to the electors of the State of
Nebraska, to lie voted upon at the geti
erul election to be held Tuesday. Novem
ber 3rd. A. I). IKON.
tions two (3), four (4). live (o), six trtj
and thirteen (13) of Article six (II) or
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
relating io Judicial Powers,
lie it Resolved by the l.eirlslature of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. Amendment proposed That
Section two (-> of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to rend as follows:
Section 3. (Supreme t'wurt: Judges:
Jurisdiction.) The Supreme Court shall
consist of seven (T) judges; and a majority of
all elected and qualified judges shall be
necessary to constitute a quorum or pro
nounce a decision. The supreme Court
shall have Jurisdiction In all cases reluting
to the revenue, civil cases tn which the
state Is a party, mandamus, quo warranto,
hubeas corpus, and such appellate juris
diction as may be provided by law.
Section g (Amendment proponed.) That
Section four '4> of Article six t«) of the
Constitution of the Stute of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section 4. (Supreme Court. Judge*,
election, term, residence.) The judges of
the Supreme Court shall he elected by
the electors of the state at large; and
their term of office except us hereinafter
provided shall be six years. And said
Supreme Court jugdes shall duriug their
term of office, reside at the place where the
court is holden.
Section 3. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section live (S) of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section 5. (supreme court, lodges,
election, term; chief Justice ) That at
the general election to be held in the state
of Nebraska in the year 1909, and each
six years thereafter, there shall be elected
three i3) judges of the Supreme Court, who
shall hold their office for the period of
six years; that at the general election to
be held in the state of Nebraska in the
year 1911. and each six years thereafter
there shall be elected three (3) judges of
the Supreme Court, who shall hold their
office for the period of six years: and at
the general election to lie held in the state
of Nebraska in the year 1913 and each six
years thereafter, there shall be elected u
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who
shall hold his office for the period of six
years. Provided that the member of the
supreme Court whose teim of office expires
In January 1914. shall be Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court during that time until
the expiration of his terra of office. And
provided further, that upon the adoption
of these amendments by the electors of
the State, the Governor shall. Immediately
tijsin issuing his proclamation declaring
said amendments adopted, appoint four (4)
judges of the Supreme Court, two (S> of
whom shall be appointed to hold said
office until their successors shall be elected
at the general election in 19tW. and have
qualified; and the other two (g) shall hold
their office until their successors shall be
elected at the general election held in 1911.
and have uualltled.
Section 4. *.\inonilment proponed.) That
Section six (6) of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, Ik*
amended to read as follows:
Section 6. (Chief .lustice.) The Chief
Justice shall serve as such during all the
term for which he was elected. He shall
preside at all terms of the Supreme
Court., and in his absence the judges
present shall select one of their number to
j preside temporarily.
Section 5. (Amendment proposed ) That
Section thirteen (13) of Article six (61 of the
Constitution of Nebraska be amended to
read as follows:
Section 13. (Judges. Salaries.) That
judges of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary of $4,500, and the Judges
of the District Court shall each receive
a salary of f3,000 per annum, payable
Approved April 8, 1907.
I, Geo C. Junkin. Secretary of State,
of the State of Nebraska, do hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and en
grossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth
session of the legislature of the State of
Nebraska, as appears from said original
bill on file in this office, and that said
proposed amendment is submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Nebraska
for their adoption or rejection at the gen
eral election to bo held on Tuesday the 3rd
day of November, A. D. 1908.
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this 15th day of July, in the year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Light, and of the Independence ol
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty
second. GEO. C. JCNKIN.
I ska1.1 . Secretary of State.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of nr
order of sale to me directed from the District
Oourt of Sherman county. Nebraska, upon a
decree of foreclosure of a tax lien rendered
in said court on the 2Sth day of February. !yus
wherein William Howe was plaintiff, and
John J. Ileed, et al. were defendenls: 1 have
levied upon the following described real estate
to-wlt: Lots numbered, seven (7). eight (8) and
nine (1U tn Block 12. J. Woods Smith's Addition
to the town, now village of Loup City. Shernmr
county. Nebraska, west of the Sth prindpa
meridian, situated in said Sherman county
and State of Nebraska, and I will on Monday
the 81st day of August. 190S. at 2 o'clock
p m. of said day. at the south door of the
court house. In Loup City. Sherman county
Nebraska, offer for sale and sell said above
described teal estate at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy the severa
amounts of $34 33 and $26.33 costs of abovt
action with interest. c> sts and accruing costs
which umount was adjudged to he due to tht
SlnintlR above named from the defendants
ohn J. Heed, et al. above named and to !>t
a lien upon the above described premises.
Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this 29tl
day of July. 190S. L. A. WILLIAMS.
Sheriff of Sherman county. Nebraska.
K. P. ST a UK, Attorney.
(Last pub. Aug. 271
Bryan is loth to give up much ol
his mouth-made wealth in his oft-re
j prated attempts to capture the presi
dency. lie fixes it so he will not have
to yield up but a few of his man>
thousands to a fruitless cause.
K me reel at the Loup CItv Postofflee for trans
oiIshIod through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108
J. W. BURLEIGH. Eil. anil Pali.
Republican Ticket
For President—
William II. Taft, of Ohio.
For Vice President—
James S. Sherman, of New York.
In announcing that I am a candidate for the
Keputdlcan Congressional Nomination In the
6th District of Nebraska. I renew my alleg
lance to the Republican party in its platform,
and believe thut the farming and stock grow
ing lnicrest of the great sixth district should
lie represented by one engaged in those Indus
tries, (which now has thirteen in a member
ship of nearly four hundreil in the present
house of representatives.) I'nrther. the ex
tremely unsatisfactory conditions which sur
round our trade in food products with Germany
and France, and the contemplated revision of
the Tariff, demand that the farmers and stock
growers have watchful and interested repre
sentation In congress.
There is a growing and insistent demand
that produce In the Inferior Federal courts be
more clearly defined and regulated by Statute .
Foreign corporations or individuals should
have no greater privileges than residents of
the state. The constitutionality of State laws
should lirst be tried In the state courts with
ultimate appeal to the Supreme Court of the
United States. No property interest would
thereby be Imperiled and the dignity of the
state would be preserved.
I am a farmer and stock grower. Am per
•onally Interested in the development of the
sixth district and its industries and I ask your
support for the nomination at the primaries
September 1st, IDOS. Respectfully.
Chas. a. Sibley.
State Senator. 30th District of Nebraska.
For State Senator.
The undersigned respectfully offers his name
to the Republican voters of the Sixteenth
Senatorial District and asks the favor of their
votes for the nomination a* their candidate
for the Slate Senatorsblp. C. A. CLARK.
Dated Ravenna, Neb . June I’ll. 1006.
The undersigned respectfully announces to
the legal voters of Buffalo and Sherman
counties that he has tiled his written applica
tion with the Secretary of State requesting
that bis narnt be placed upon the official
primary ballot at the orlmary election to be
held in said counties on Septeintier 1, Ikon, as a
candidate of the Republican party for the office
of Senator of the Sixteenth Senatorial District
of Nebraska, and he hereby appeals to the
republican voters in said district for their
support, and especially calls upon his many
personal friends in both of said counties to
use all honorable means to secure his nomina
tion for said office.
Dated this Sth dav of July. UsW.
Arm mil's P. CULLKY.
of Loup City, Nebraska.
For Representative
To the Republican voters of Sherman county:
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
the Republican nomination as Representative
for the 57th district, consisting of Sherman
county, and respectfully ask your support at
the primary election held Sept. 1, lWJH. My
principles are the protecting of the personal
liberties of the people and shall, if nominated
and elected, oppose the so-called county option
bill. Respectfully. Theo. Ojkndyk.
I hereby announce my candidacy for the of
flee of Representative for this 57th district,
subject to the will of the voters of Sherman
county at the Republican primaries on Sept.
1st. 1908, and most respectfully solicit their
support. Cakle T. McKinnie.
For County Attorney
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
nomination to the office of County Attorney,
subject to the will of the voters of the People's
Independent Party, ut the Primary to be held
September 1st, 180H. R. H. Mathew.
Sixteen states were not represented
at the Bryan notification at Lincoln
last week. Another 16 to 1 proposi
Lancaster county lias eight repub
lic^ candidates for the senate and
thirteen for the house. The beauties
of the new primary law!
Bryan seems to have forgotten his
16 to 1 declaration that “the fight
would never be dropped until the
gold standard was driven from our
A Bryan club of some 30 innocents
was formed here Tuesday at $1 per,
the money to go to the’ Bryan cam
paign fund. Billy proposes the people
shall pay his freight.
The story is told that a first voter
the other day asked his democratic
father's advice as how he should cast
his presidential vote. The father's
advice was to cast it for Taft, as he
could vote for Bryan any old time.
Howard county, like Sherman, lias
an editor who proposes to sacrifice
himself on the altar of official desire.
Editor Manuel of the St. Paul Phono
graph-Press is a pop candidate for
land commissioner. When an editor
gets the official itch it seems even
more violent than usual.
C. A. Clark Clearly
Defines His Position
Ravenna, Nebr., August 10, 1908
Editor Northwestern—Dear Sir: As
you suggest, I am certainly glad to
express through your columns my
views on some of the important ques
tions which no doubt will demand
attention at the hands of the next
Nebraska legislature.
To my mind the present adminis
tration and legislature, hotli national
and state, represent the highwater
mark of legislative and executive
efliciency, both in their fidelity to
high ideals and progressive policies
and in their faithfulness to the best
interests of all the people.
Many difficult problems have been
solved and many more are being
vigorously dealt witii and future
legislators must see to it that no
re-actionary steps are taken that the
forward movement is maintained as
long as there are dangers to be met,
wrongs to be righted and higher levels
of patriotism and good citizenship to
be attained. Much useful legislation
will be proposed, but I only wish in
this to mention briefly two proposi
tions which 1 believe should receive
earnest and favorable consideration,
namely, County option and the guar
anteeing of bank deposits. Our fore
fathers entered upon the war of in
dependence with the cry of “No
taxation without representation,”
and the same sentiment leads the
people today to demand county option
in dealing with the booze proposition.
It is admitted that a large part of
the vice, criminality, pauperism and
insanity in the land receives its pri
mary inspiration and promoting cause
from the open saloon. Then as every
taxpayer in the county has to help
support the county sheriff's, attorneys,
courts, prisons and poor houses, which
have to deal with these vices, crimes
and misfortunes, why should notevery
taxpayer have a voice in saying
whether the open saloon should exist
in our midst or not. The liquor busi
ness is in a class by itself, distinct
and different from any other kind of
business. It has no standing or
recognized existence except as it is
permitted or licensed by government
authority, so every person who is
anectea or is name to De anectea oy \
it morally, socially or financially
should feel his responsibility for its
existence and its attendant results
and make his voice potent in the
question of license or no license.
Majorities rule in this country and
clearly the majority should have the
opportunity to speak.
Our national congress at its last
session created a Nat ional Monetary
Commission and empowered them to
make a thorough study of the
monetary systems of our own and
other countries in the hope that they
might lie able to formulate and
recommend for the United States a
nonetary system which should be
more simple, sane and safe than our
present patched up system, i believe
when this or any new system shall be
adopted either by the general govern
ment or by the individual states, thart
one of the fundamental princigies
should be an absolute guarantee of
the safety of bank deposits. This
seems to me to lie one of the most
simple of tne propositions that come
under the head of the "Square Deal.”
It wovld surely bring into circulation
vast sums of money now in hiding
and would prevent a recurrence of
the panic of 1907. The banks are
willing to guarantee the safety of
municipal, school and government
funds op deposit and should be re- i
quired to give their individual!
depositors equally good treatment. f
If I Simula be nominated and elect-1
ed to the Nebraska legislature the
above will lx; among the measures
which I shall cheerfully and heartily
support. Sincerely yours.
C. A. Clark.
Rryanlsm does not thrive on 06 cent
corn in Sherman county.
Sherman county spent some $40,000
for educational purposes last year.
The October term of the district
court lias been postponed to Nov. 17.
Have you heard of any Sherman
county farmers giving $100 to the
Bryan campaign?
Arcadia is having a time with its
“bootleggers,” and is finding much
booze hidden around.
With wheat at 82c and corn at 66c,
farmers of Sherman county do not
like to think of democracy and 8c
The assessed valuation of Sherman
county for 1908 is $2,575,256.91. In
1907 it was $1,715,779.00. making an
increase this year of $859,477.91.
It takes only one vote under the
primary law this year to nominate
the populist candidate for the legis
lature in this county and the candi
date can thus nominate himself witli
his own vote. Another beauty of the
new primary law!
County option means merely that
the farmers shall have the right to
vote on the proposition for saloons as
well as the townspeople. Why should
they not be given the right/ to say
vea or nay as to their establishment
at their trading points?
Anyone with $5 or $10 at his com
mand can be a candidate for office
under the new law, whether he be a
tit subject or not, and as shown by
last primary may even capture the
nomination in default of others run
ning for same place. Another beauty
of tiie new primary law.
And so the railroads have decided
not to give visitors to the State Fair
the benefit of reduced rates. Well,
Nebraskans are not dependent upon
the railroads for such reduction. Tliev
have money to pay the full fare and
no thanks to the plutocrats of the
We have not heard of one Sherman
county democrat who attended the
Bryan notification last week, and from
reports only about 5,000 were present
at the “Agin or yit” ceremonies,
many of those who attended from out
side points were not in Lincoln for
that purpoae and attended to other
things instead, or to the contrary
none of the Lincolnites witnessed the
wonderful affair.
Remember that two constitutional
amendments are to be submitted for
endorsement at the coming primary
election in Nebraska. One of these
amendments enlarges the supreme
court and the other gives a wider
field of home securities for investment
of money in the permanent school
fund. As these amendments are en
dorsed or rejected at the primaries
thev will have the benefit or detriment
of all the straight party votes of the
respective parties at the regular elec
tion. These amendments must not
be allowed to go down by default.
The Highest Grade Spreader built-oak polo
not pine; oak sill, no" pine; hickory ovener
i and single-trees; double oak bolster, malea
I hie fifth wheel, oak beater rail; endless
apron, not a one-half apron. Call and see tiiem. l. M. HEED.
The New “Tiger” Press Drill
The piost du
rable apd eas
iest adjusted
drill op the
piafket. Gall
and see thepi
Extract from Gibson's Organ, Aug.
7 th, 1!H)8: ,
“There is none of you i)ut frankly
says that you can trust VV. J. Fisher'
every day and all day. Some say he
is too abrupt In his words, but you;
know he is honest and always has
fought for your rights. There is no 1
scheme put up for ‘Bill’ Fisher. He |
is plain old •Bill’ ready to tight your i
battles. He never fooled you in his |
life, did he. I)o you want him? Say ;
can you atTord at this stage of th’e
game to turn him down? Now hon
est can you?”
Extract from same source, Aug. 14:
"For county attorney you know W.
J. Fisher, and there i^ none of you
who question his honesty, and you
also know that he is a man who will
not be influenced to do a dishonest
act for friend or foe, neither has the
machine been able to coerce him in
the least. Tills is not idle guff, but
straight facts and ids defeat hereto
fore has been encompassed by the
machine wholly on account of the
fact that they could not handle him,
therefore they poisoned the minds of
the voters against.him wherever pos
sible.” i
Extract from Court .Journal 4, page
634, in case of T M. Reed vs. Wtr.
J. Fisher, et ah. Decemloer 23rd, 181)8:
”On consideration wliereof the court
finds that the allegations of the peti
tion are true and that the deed set
forth in said petition was made with
the intent to hinder, delay and de
fraud creditors and especially said
plaintiff, all of which said VVm. J.
Fisher, defendant, had full knowledge
at the time of receiving the same and
said Wm. J. Fisher participated in
said fraudulent intent.”
Announcement of
M. P. Kinkaid
For Congress
i Dog 10 announce to the voters of
the Sixth Congressional District my
candidacy for a renocaloatios by the
primary election to b* Held Tuesday,
September 1, 1908. Successful In a re
election, it will be regarded a pleasure
and a duty to continue my efforts in
behalf of the development of the agri
cultural resources of the Sixth District
to the highest degree practicable by
scientific methods as Inculcated by the
Department of Agriculture. Aready
great progress has been made in this
respect, for which 1 feel entitled to a
portion of the credit
In the revision of the tariff, I shall
strive for provisions calculated to pro
mote the best prices for farm products
Including live stock. Secretary of State
Root will certify to my efforts with the
State Department commencing more
than two years ago In behalf of the
extension of the sale of American
meats In foreign countries, especially
in Germany.
The provisions of a bill I introduced
during the recent session to place lum
ber and barbed wire upon the free list,
it not previously enacted into law, I
shall urge for adoption with the gen
eral revision to be made at the com
mencement of the next Congress. In
revising the tariff, care must be taken
that the higher standard of wages and
living of labor In this than In foreign
countries be lully preserved.
No interest appeals to me more
strongly that that of Nebraska home
steaders and it is my purpose to do the
most practicable for them during the
remaining session of my present term,
which commences the first Monday in
December next, and if re-elected, to
continue vigilant In their behalf.
For years I have advocated the elec
tion of United States Senators by di
rect vote of the people.
Some proper mode for sately secur- ;
ing the payment of deposits made in 1
National, as well as State banks. In my i
judgment, would solve In a large meas
ure the causes giving rise to the
money panic last fall, and as Congress
man, I have since this experience
stood ready-to vote for such a meas
My constituents know I have sup
ported the progressive legislation
passed, and by the President recom
mended, during my service, and if re
elected the principles of our National .
platform with the additions made !
thereto by Secretary Taft, intended to
be a continuation of the present admin
istration, shall also receive my loyal
With the training I have already en
joyed by actual experience, 1 feel con
fident I shall be able to work to great
er advantage In behalf of the Interests
of the District in the future beside* 1
being entitled to promotion upon com
mittees by reason of previous service,
ind such promotion Increases the effi
ciency of a Congressman.
If the services I have rendered and
vhat I stand for commend It your
further support will be appreciated.
Newest Plays
Funny Comedians
Good Dancers
Fine Singers
15 - - Acting: People - - 15
Fine Concert Orchestra
OPENING PLAY the great Melo
Pramatic Comedy
Complete Scenic Production
Children under 10 years 15 cents
General Admsssion 25 Cents
Reserved Seats 10 Cents Extra
\t Loup City 2 Nights
\\T A MTCn A reliable man to lake
W 1 Lily care of our trade with
the farmers in this
county. A good business assured.
Winona, Minn.
Mention this paper.
A reward of $25.00 will be paid for
Information and Evidence that will
lead to the Conviction of any per^m
guilty of unlawfully selling, disposing
of. or giving away Malt or Spirituous
Liquors, in Loup City or vicinity.
Anti-Saloon League of Loup < ity.
— •0‘S an: o
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AUGUST 29, 1908
account exhibition Buffalo
Bill's Wild West Show,
in that city on above date, the
Special Trains for the accomo
dation of passengers for Grand
Lv. Loup City at 7:00 a. m.
Ar. Grand Island at 0:56 a. .r.
Returning. Special Train will leave
Grand Island at 11:30 p. m.
For further information inquire of
Gr. W. Collipriest
Agent, Loup City. Neb