The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 30, 1908, Image 8

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Master Specialist
Grand Island, Neb.
Order the treatment you need. Write me a per
sonal letter if you wish. I will read your letter and re
ply to it myself, telling you just what to do. When
you receive the outfit you order, if you do not think it
is the greatest value you ever received for $3.00 send
it back at my expense and i will return your money.
Hall County. )
Dr. Rich, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that the
illustration below is a true representation of the $3.00 catarrh outfit
for catarrh of the head, nose and throat, herein advertised, and that
any one ordering same and finding it not satisfactory may have his
money returned upon demand.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 25th day
tf February, 1908. JOHN ALLAN, Notary Public.
My Commission expires Jan. 5, 1912.
'"Thisis a P0to|
m msuMP
m '
r tf Dr. Rich’s Catarrh
Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906.
Serial Number No. 18752. The above outfits contain no Morphine,
Opium, Cocaine, Heroin, Eucaine, Chloroform, Cannabis Indica, Chloral
Hydrate, Acetanilide, or any of their derivatives.
Dr. Rich, the well known Grand Island Specialist, has
arranged a system of Home Treatment for Catarrh of the
various organs of the body, and is now prepared to sup
ply to any sufferer from this prevalent disease a course of
remedies that will be found to be not only satisfactory in
every respect, but at a price certainly reasonable, and
within the reach of everybody. During the five years Dr.
Rich has been in Grand Island he has csurefully avoided
the treatment of Catarrhal conditions of the body, not be
ing prepared to take up a work requiring time from his
already extensive office business. During the past year,
however, Dr. Rich has perfected a method which he offers
below, for treating Catarrh in the home, and feels not on
ly assured of excellent results, but that he will make many
new friends, which will assist in increasing his already
large practice. A photograph below shows one of the
$3.00 outfits, and should give a perfect idea of the value
offered. Dr. Rich’s treatment for Catarrh is a Home
Treatment in every sense, and can be used without deten
tion from business. A full month’s treament of these rem
edies will be sent for $3.00. You may order as often as
you like at the same price, or have the treatment sent to
your friends. As there will be a large demand from the
many people familiar with Dr. Rich’s reputation as a Skill
ful Specialist, you are kindly requested to order early and
avoid delay.
For Catarrh of the Head, Nose and
If you have any or all of these symptoms
send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment.
Frontal headache.
Dull feeling In head.
Ringing nolaea In head and ear*.
Unnatural and exceaatre discharge from seen.
Hard bloody crusts and ecaba In nose.
Hawking and spitting of mucus.
Mucus dropping from noae into the throat
Tickling In the throat.
Bad breath. Bad taste.
I.oas of appetite.
Coughing and gagging.
Vomiting. Nausea.
Dizzy spells.
Loss of memory. Confusion of Ideas.
Insomnia. Bad dreams.
Pain in back and top of head.
Nose stopped up.
For Catarrh of the Stomach and
Bowels %
If you have any or all of these symptoms
send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment.
Distress after meals.
Pain, soreness, burning, weight, uneasiness, pressure, full
ness In pit of the stomach.
Bloating over stomach and bowels.
Belching part or all of the time.
Gas in stomach and bowels.
Heartburn. Sour stomach.
Choking sensation in throat and chest in the evening and
during the night.
Bad dreams. Nightmare.
Vomiting and nausea.
Irritability and crankiness.
Pain over chest, shoulder blades and around the body.
Pain over the heart and palpitation.
Difficulty in breathing.
Bad taste. Coated tongue.
For Catarrh of the Nerves.
If you have any or all of these symptoms
send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment.
Mental dullness and forgetfulness.
Epileptic fit*.
Headache and dizzy spells.
The blues, mania. Insanity and melancholy.
Unnatural drains and losses in men.
8t. Vitus’s dance.
Neuralgia and cramps.
Lost power in any part.
Pain or congestion of spinal cord. (The cause of most
Sleeplessness and restlessness.
Loss of memory. Confusion of Ideas.
Nervousness and Irritability.
Despondency and dull mind.
Heart fluttering and excitability.
Twitching muscles and easily frightened.
Limbs go to sleep.
Wandering pains over body.
Bad dreams or nightmare.
Varicocele and sexual weakness.
Hand trembling and anxiousness.
Loss of appetite and ambition.
Nervous debility, and weakness.
For Catarrh of the Liver and
IV you have any or all of these symptoms
send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment.
Failing vision. Great thirst.
Making water during the night.
Flatulence (gas in stomach and bowela.)
Breathless on exertion.
Ringing in ears and dizzlnesa.
Puffiness of face and ankles. Dropsy.
Discharge from bowels light gray color.
Discharge of mucus from bowels.
Urine dark green color.
Enlarged and tender liver and stomach.
Jaundice and loss of strength.
Pain over kidneys. Insomnia.
Pain under and between shoulder blades.
Palpitation of heart.
Dark spots (liver spots) on body and face.
Hot flashes and spots before the eyes.
Nervousness and Irritability.
Great depression of spirits. Sleep during day.
Pain and soreness under right short ribs.
For Female Catarrh
If you have any or all of these symptoms
send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment.
Chronic inflammation, congestion and enlargement
Dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation.)
Melancholia, irritability and despondency.
Backache, insomnia, ready fatigue.
Inflammation of the womb and ulcerations.
Ovarian pains. Neuralgia. Pelvic congestion.
Dragging pains in front. Spine-ache.
Nervousness and sick headache.
Impoverishment of the blood. Irritable bladder.
Pains in back and lower limbs.
Loss of weight and displacements.
Uterine derangements. Irregular menstruation.
Leucorrhoea (whites). Itching. Burning.
Loss of appetite, energy and ambition.
Nervous prostration and depression of spirits.
An elegant tonic for nursing mothers.
For Catarrh of the Bladder.
If you have any or all of these symptoms
send nne $3.00 for a full month’s treatment.
Painful urination, especially in women.
Passing a little urine at a time, and often.
Straining, spasmodic urination.
Pain over the bladder.
Swollen and tender parts in women.
Inflammation and soreness.
Passing of blood in urine.
Passing smoky colored urine.
Itching and burning of parts.
Burning, scalding urine.
A general feeling of restlessness.
Irritability and crankiness.
Great nervousness.
Dribbling of urine.
Incomplete urination.
Sediment in urine (inuco-pus).
Distress In sitting down.
Urine is heavy, brown or dark yellow.
» Leucorrhoea.
Cut out this order blank and send to Dr. Rich, Grand
Island, Nebraska.
No Shipment of medicine will be made unless this
order blank is used in ordering.
Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska:—
I enclose you $3.00, for which please send me
One Month’s Treatment for Catarrh of the
Fill in above the treatment you desire.
Address ...
System Necessary to Get Best Work
from the Brain.
The normal mind acts under law.
The mental faculties will not give up
their best unless they are marshaled
by system. They respond cordially to
order, but they rebel against slipshod
,..athods They are like soldiers,
nlist have a leader, a general
who enforces order, method. The ma
jority of people get very little out of
their brains because they never learn
to think systematically. Their minds
are like some country stores where
everything is jumbled up. There is
no order or method anywhere. They
browse, or cogitate, but they do not
focus their minds and conduct their
mental processes with order.
Slovenly mental habits will destroy
the finest minds. The strength and per
sistency of our habitual thought force
measure our efficiency. The habitual
thought-force in many people is so
feeble and spasmodic that they cannot
focus their minds with sufficient vigor
to accomplish much.
We can quickly tell the first time we
meet a person whether his thought
force is strong or weak, for every sen
tence he utters will partake of Its
i quality. The person who has a nega
1 tive thought-force betrays his lack of
strength in his every word. His lan
guage is weak, has no gripping quality.
But the man with a vigorous men
tality takes right hold of you, grips
your mind with every sentence. His
power thrills you, and you feel imme
diately that you are in the presence of
a strong personality. It is the posi
tive, the aggressive thought that cre
ates, that invents. The negative
thought is always weak.—Success
The elephant has only eight teeth.
The Dog, the Cat and the Lady.
Yesterday evening, shortly after
seven o’clock, a daintily attired young
lady was passing our galleries in Re
gent street, where is now on exhibi
tion a collection of old sporting prints.
The galleries had just been closed and
the staff gone, and the housekeeper's
cat was enjoying the cool of the even
ing outside, when the lady’s compan
ion—a ferocious bulldog—flew at the«
cat‘and both dashed through the win
dow, doing dam age to the extent of
maay pounds. The cat was almost in
stantly- killed, and as the usual ,crq*v.d
quickly gathered, milady discreetly,
hailed a taxicab and, followed by her
sporting companion, who seemed none
the worse for his dash through a half
inch plate-glass window, drove quickly
from the scene.—London Telegraph.
As She Understood It.
Small Margie while at church heard
the choir sing “Rock of Ages, Cleft
for Me.” Upon her return home she
was heard singing, very seriously.
“Rock the babies,, kept for me.”
1 :
What Is Going on Here and There
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
The Lincoln & Northwestern Rail
road company has appealed to the su
preme court from a judgment for
$3,659 given by the district court of
Lancaster county in favor of Fred
Beckman for damages to land which
the railroad condemned for right of *
way purposes. The right of the road
to condemn was tried before in the
i courts and decided on May 4, 1907, in
j favor of the road, which is a part of
the Burlington system. *
A man about 60 years old, supposed
I to be Samuel C. Lessel, as indicated ■
! by papers found on his person, was
i killed about two miles north of Blair
by a freight train, haying a leg broken
! and skull crushed. Letters were found
on his person from Deer River, Minn ,
and Pocahontas, Ark., showing that he
had $100 in a bank at the latter point. .
August Zahn, an 18-year-old sou of ’
j the Herman Zahn of Snyder, was1
! was drowned in Pebble creek, Dodge
j county. He was out fishing with a,
number of companions and slipped.
into the water at a point where it was
twenty feet deep and the banks steep,
j He was unable to swim. His body7
j was recovered.
| The body of Hans Bern, who com
mitted suicide by jumping from the.
i Missouri river bridge at Omaha, was
brought to Emerson for burial. Mr.
, Bern wa3 well thought of there. He
was 29 years old, unmarried and leaves
a mother, two sisters and an uncle liv
i ing there.
The Modern Woodmen of Wisner
are preparing for their district log roll
| lng to be held in Wisner August 12
About 3,000 Woodmen are expected
and all the necessary committees for
I the entertainment of the visitng breth
ren have been selected. It promises
to be a great big fraternal gathering..
I Preparations are now, under way for^
| the second annual Chautauqua at Fair
j mont, which will be held from August
7 to 16. Some of the best talent for
: this class of entertainments has been
I contracted for.
The Commercial Cattle company, or
the “ C. C. Ranch,’ ’consisting of more
than 10,000 acres, and located in the
southern part of Pierce county, has
been sold to the W. J. Dermody Invest
ment company of Omaha, by whom it
will be subdivided and placed on the
market about August 1, to be sold as
| farms. This is the last of the large
ranches in eastern Nebraska and it
was purchased twenty-five years ago
by a French syndicate.
Harry McFarland of Gage county, a
. farm hand, was bitten on the hand by
' a copperhead snake Friday and for
some time afterward his life was de
spaired of. He is again, however, all
| right.
Harry Brower has brought a pe
culiar suit in thte county court of Otoe
county against Emil Reiber, father of
his deceased wife. He says that he
gave him $200 on the 23d of Decem
ber, 1907, with w-hich to purchase and
erect a monument over his deceased
wife, daughter of the defendant, and
that the defendant erected a monu
ment costing only $86, putting the L-.
auce in his jeans.
1 A feature at the stock show at Wis
ner will be the offer of $50 by the live
stock association for a marriage on
the speaker’s stand during the annual
show September 9 to 11. Secretary
L. C. Meier is searching for the bridal
couple to be.
Speaker Dan Nettleton and A. I.
Jenison will again be candidates for
! re-election on the republican ticket for
representatives from Clay county. Pe
titions for them from every township
; in the county have been filed.
William Cox, an Omaha Indian,
| committed suicide at the home of
Philip Walker, also a member of the
.Omaha tribe, by shooting himself with
a' doub{k-barreled shotgun. The sui
citfe was. carefully planned, as the gun
j was propped against a tree, a crooked
! stick was placed in front of the trig
ger’ to this stick w-as tied a cord,
| which in turn was passed around the
tree and back to the place where Cox
stood in front of the gun.
The last case .of diphtheria in Mc
Cook has been released from quaran
tine. There were sixteen cases in all.
| There are no suspects, thus giving the
I city a complete bill as to Infectious or
contagious diseases.
jonnson leten, a young tarmer liv
ing near Talmage, in a fit of jealousy,
shot his wife four times, inflicting se
j rious, though, it is believed, not fatal
injuries. He had just returned home
from Kansas, where he had been for
; the last nine months, having lelt home
■ because of jealdjisy;
The Indepcflrajjit 'Ctetier of Odd Fel
lows at Minden are planning to build
i a fine hall for their exclusive use.
Dates upon which the carnival is to
be held in Valentine have been set for
| September 22, 23, 24 and 25. Every
effort is being made to have the car
nival eclipse anything ever under
! taken there in the wgjvof amusement
! It is to be the greatest attraction of
the season in northwestern Nebraska.
Frank Thoprns, a colored waiter' of
Omaha, who was sentenced to the pen
itentiary twenty-seven months' ago for
! five years, 'was before Governor Shel
don asking for a pardon.
The Lincoln county insanity com
mission held a second hearing . upon
the subject of the sanity of Charles
Johnson, and decided that he was in
sane and ordered that he be taken to
.the Hastings insane asylum.
With thirteen husbands already
dead or divorced, the fourteenth man
is now through the courts, trying to
cast off Mrs. Phoebe Townsend of
Dodge county.
Another Taft banner has been hung
up in Lincoln to take the place of the
one recently cut down.
Elgin is experiencing an unusual
building boom this year.