The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 30, 1908, Image 3

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Has Held
Down India
(Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.)
While the educated people of India
appear to be content with carrying on
wordy warfare over political questions
and arwusrning the British administra
tors of Hindostan for inaugurating a
reign of terrorism in the country, im
pending famine is hanging over the
heads of the country's 300.000,000 in
habitants. Crops have failed in many
sections, and already half-famished
Hindoos are face to face with the
specter of starvation.
During the latter portion of the Bril
ish administration of India, famine has
followed famine with direful fre
quency. Within the last 25 years
19.000.000 Hindoos have died of sheer
starvation. Grinding poverty is so
omnipresent in the country that many
millions of East-Indians are perpet
ually in a half-starved condition. The
scarcity of food becomes more pinch
ing and accentuated when times are
harder. Then the poor Hindoos, in
stead of starving inch by inch, are
quickly blotted out.
The impoverishment of the masses
defies portrayal. It is much uglier,
much more poignant and painful than
that which is to be found in the
Ghettos and poor quarters of Amer
ican cities. It is estimated that an
average East-Indian requires at least
a dollar to a dollar and a half a month
merely to exist; but since his income
is computed by recognized British au
thorities to be only 50 cents a month,
it will be seen that he lives consider
ably below the poverty line. During
the last two years the government has
expended out of the revenues collect
ed from the East-Indian tax payers
over $130.000.000 in trying to keep the
impoverished millions of Hindostan
alive. One out of every 16 of
the 300.000,000 inhabitants has
been in receipt of actual charity re
lief. This was the case in practi
cally normal years. Now that the
scarcity is assuming vaster dimen
sions and appears to be developing
into a colossal famine, a greater pro
portion of the people will have to be
saved at the expense of the public.
The abnormal poverty has augment
ed the death rate. Figures collected
from official records show that mortal
ity has increased from 25 per 1,000
to 35 per 1.000 within the past ten
years. Chronic starvation has led to
the propagation of cholera and
plague to such a fearful extent that
during the last decade 5,000,000 East
Indians have perished from the
In such desperate straits the masses
of India find themselves to-day.
The very existence of the farmer, the
artisan, the workingman, the laborer
by day or month, the petty business
man and the clerk, is in serious jeop
ardy through famine and plague.
That India should be sunk in the
mire of fearful and agonizing pov
erty is no cause for wonder. For
two centuries or more India has been
in the position of a pig. whose throat
has been slit and the animal hung
up b> the heels to permit the blood to
drain from its body. Hindostan has
been bled—bled profusely, unmerci
fully, continuously by a conscienceless
and mercenary alien government.
The knife thrusts have been directed
toward the most vital parts of the
body politic. The arteries of indus
try. manufacture and agriculture have
been slashed and the life-blood of the
country drained away to enrich the
occidental island which controls af
fairs in India.
The aim of the English in India has
been to crush the native East-Indians,
grind their substance into powder,
and then employ it as a fertilizer to
enrich the British soil. England has
built her empire in the orient at the
expense of th° East-Indian tax payer,
and East Indian men and money
have helped even to extend Britain's
dominion in Africa, Malta, Crete, etc.
It was a company of British com
mercialists who founded the British
iuie in India. To students of his
tory it is patent how the British mo
nopolists, under the aegis of British
East-India Company, used notorious
and unscrupulous methods to plun
der Hindostan. When the British
crown took the reins of India in her
hands in 1S5S, the policy of governing
India remained unchanged. As in
the days of the East-India Company,
it continued to be the exploitation of
Hindostan for the benefit of the Eng
lish. It still continues to be the
As a direct result of this policy,
every means, fair and foul, overt and
covert, has been utilized to hold down
India and to tighten the British bonds
on the unfortunate and famishing peo
ple. The lucrative government, ap
pointments have been reserved for
Englishmen. Each year the British
government in addition to paying
princely salaries to its own men and
women in India, transships $100,
000.000 to England. Seventy-five thou
sand British soldiers are year after
year nurtured and equipped at the ex
pense of the East-Indian tax payer,
nominally to protect India from Rus
sian aggression, but virtually to ex
tend and preserve the solidarity of the
British empire in the orient, Africa
and elsewhere.
As an essential feature of this pol
icy of repression, England has cease
lessly endeavored, and with great suc
cess, to keep fanning the flames of
religious and racial animosities among
the people. Divide and rule has been
the motto of the British official in
India, and he has done everything in
! his power to keep the congeries of
j East-lndian populace from fusing into
| one mass of people with a community
; of interest and with patriotic, natioual
j ist ideals and ambitions. By means of
| playing the Hindoo against the Moham
! medan, the Sikh against the Hindoo:
j bv petting the military races of India
; and leaguing them against the non
military East-Indians, 150,000 British
ers have despoiled 300,000,000 natives.
The same policy is responsible for
emasculating the people in general
and the martial races of India in par
ticular. An arms act has been en
forced which has made it impossible
for the natives of the land to carry
weapons or learn to defend them
selves with skill and success. The
manhood of India has been cauterized
to such a fearful extent that the Brit
ish recruiting officer is finding that it
is almost impossible to fill the ranks
of the native soldiers who drop out of
the army through death, resignation
and desertion.
A spurious system of education re
tailed from schools and universities
built and engineered by British offi
cials, with Easi-Indian money, has also
been used to weaken the people. The
young men on graduation from col
: !r ge have found that their physique*
: have been ruined. Physical culta
, 1 ts been conspicuous in the educa
; tional system by its woeful absence.
The instruction has been of a nature
that has invested the youns men and
women with a contempt for agricultu
ral and trade work; and has engen
dered within their hearts a hatred for
men and women of sects and castes
other than their own. Nothing bas
been taught in the schools and col
leges that would tend toward uniting
the people and evolving an East-In
dian nation. The history of India has
not been given so that it would stimu
late the pride of the people and in
vest them with the desire to emulate
those who have gone before them and
to keep abreast of the march of civ
ilization. In the school text books em
phasis has been laid on the achieve
ments of foreigners: on what aliens
did for India; and much has been
made of the degradation in general,
and especially of the defeat at arms
of native East Indians when combat
ing the aggression of the greedy Brit
The universities were established in
India with a purely economic motive.
"The nation of shopkeepers" started
the educational system with a view to
prepare East-Indian young men to fill
the lower ranks in government serv
ice. The native agency being as effi
cient and much cheaper than the Brit
ish, was given preference. Moreover,
the occidentals, unacquainted with the
language. customs, religions and
modes of life of the natives, and with
a very poor capacity for adjusting
themselves to the climate and other
conditions prevailing in India, and
for learning languages, could not
carry on the plunder of the country
without the assistance of the natives.
That altruistic motives were not re
sponsible for the establishment of
schools and colleges in India by the
British government is evident for
many reasons. The first and foremost
is the sad insufficiency of school
houses and teachers in India. Four
fifths of the East-Indian villiages are
without a school. After a century and
a half of British administration, more
than 99 per cent, of East-Indian wom
en and 90 per cent, of Hindoo men are
utterly illiterate. To show the con
trast. it may be mentioned that in less
than one-fourth of the time the little
kingdom of the mikado has been able
to educate its masses almost to the
extent of those living in wide-awake
occidental countries. Another and a
very powerful p’-oof of the sordid mo
tives with which the educational pol
icy was framed and engineered in
India is that the British authorities
have done practically nothing to train
the natives in the use of up-to-date
iarm and manufacturing machinery
and methods. The East-Indian agri
culturist and artisan have been al
lowed to play with their industries in
their old-fashioned w-ays.
While the education has been of a
nature which has utterly failed to
modernize the people and render them
capable of employing the new meth
ods of tilling land and making articles
of merchandise, the law has been so
made and administered that the peo
ple have been reduced to the state of
hewers of wood and drawers of water,
and their industries have withered
and died. The policy of England has
been to force India to remain a pro
ducer of raw materials, for the benefit
of British laborers and manufacturers.
The Indian mart has been utiliz°d for
the industrial advancement of Eng
England’s repression of India is urt
rivaied in the history of the world. As
a direct result of the mai-administra
tion of Hindostan the people are sunk
in poverty, superstition and ignorance,
festered with plagues and famines,
weak in mind and body. From the
standpoint of unity, the teeming mil
lions of India are the worst situated
in the ■world.
But the most heart-rending feature
of British exploitation is that the peo
ple have been kept under a state of
hypnosis fur such a long time that
only a small percentage of them are
alive to the seriousness of the situa
tion. But the educated community is
increasingly awakening to a full
realization of the white man's pur
pose and work in India, and this awak
ening is developing into a revolution
ary attitude toward the Britisher.
Famines and plagues are wielding
their combined influence in breaking
the crust of fatalism native to the
East-lndian. The wolf of hunger and
the fell epidemics are slowly but
steadily making the ignorant millions
pause and consider that something is
positively wrong in the "system.'’
They have not yet come into a realiza
tion that their country has been woe
fully bled and that the resources of
the land have been misappropriated
by foreigners. Their awakening is
yet in its infant stage. It is hazy and
undefined and as yet a mere speck on
the horizon. But it is fast developing,
and as the educated East-Indians have
commenced an aggressive campaign
for the uplift of the masses, it is des
tined to assume greater proportions
day by day. Where it is to end, no
one can prophesy.
3Y rntmasK crm'
Wr CYP&66
I’ncle Sam's tree planting and farm
experts have just undertaken a prac
tical and scientific study of the use
and effect of timber windbreaks and
shelterbelts in the agricultural re
gions of'14 western states. This is the
first time in this country that a study
of this much-discussed question has
been undertaken over a wide region
under one plan, for the purpose of col
lecting data for the benefit of the ag
riculturists who are developing the
western plains. At present wind
breaks are planted haphazard, one
kind here, another there. If one kind
structive results. Coming In June,
these winds may reduce the wheat
yield to almost nothing. Windbreaks
of eucalypts and Monterey cypress
now in such common use to protect j
orange groves and orchards, long age !
convinced possessors of highly valu
able irrigated land of the value of
tree planting for protection purposes.
But there are two sides to the wind
break question. Some prairie farmers
declare positively that belts of osage
orange, for instance, are a “nuisance."
Others cite figures to show positive
benefit. Mr. Morris Thompson, who
lives near Downs. Kansas, gives his
yield of corn from a field protected
on the south by a row of tall cotton
woods as six bushels per acre more I
than in places where there is no pro
tection. About 15 acres are benefited
in this way. It is highly improbable
Cedar Windbreak for Orchard and Barn, Saunders County. Cal.
is better than another, the govern
ment experts think that fact ought to
known, and it is believed that the
study about to be undertaken will set
tle the question once for all. It will at
least collect such facts never before
brought together.
The work will be done by the
United States forest service. In some
states the agricultural experiment sta
tions will co-operate in the studies,
and in these cases the forest service
will provide the necessary apparatus,
and the other expenses will be shared
half and half by the government and
experiment stations. The investiga
tions will be taken up in five states
this year and extended to the other
nine as rapidly as the investigations
are completed. Four of the states in
which the study will he made this
year are Nebraska, Colorado, Okla
homa and Kansas. The fifth will be
either Minnesota, North Dakota or
Iowa. Ultimately the investigations
will cover Minnesota. North Dakota,
South Dakota, Nebraska. Iowa. Kan
sas. Oklahoma. Colorado. Texas, New
Mexico, Utah, California. Washington
and Idaho.
The sudden ruin that hot winds
sometimes bring to growing crops in
parts of the west are well known.
Blowing strongly across the unob
structed plains, these winds may in a
few days blast all hope of even a par
tial harvest. This is particularly in
the lower portion of the central plains
tegion. and in years of unusually low
rainfall. Here the winds most to be
feared blow from the southwest or
south. In the northern prairie region
the former is exposed to the hot "Chi
nook" wind, which sweeps down from
the Canadian mountains. This either
dries out growing crops or, if it pre
vails before the danger of killing
frosts is past, causes loss through
urging vegetation forward premature
ly. Cold winter winds also do great
injury to crops, make the climate more
severe for stock and men, and interfere
with an even covering of snow upon
the ground. This is true from Can
ada almost to the gulf.
In southern California, dry winds
from the north and northeast sweep
down from the Mojave desert wi>h de
American Girl Pleased King.
Miss Iselin, daughter of C. Oliver
Iselin of New York, caused almost as
much excitement at the derby as the
wrin of the outsider. She certainly is
stunning and struck the king "all of a
heap.” His majesty still considers
himself the best judge of women and
' horses in England. It was Mrs. An
thony Drexel who presented Miss
Iselin to Edward. The favor of a pre
sentation to his majesty in this un
conventional manner is nearly unique.
1 Miss Iselin never turned a hair as she
[that the wind-break occupies sufficient
: land to offset this benefit.
The forest service proposes to find j
out just when and how much wind- j
breaks increase the yield of crops.
To carry out the plans, much tech- !
nical work will be necessary. Instru- ,
ments will be used to measure heat !
and cold, moisture and dryness, both
above and below ground: to register ;
the force of the wind near the wind- ;
breaks and some distance away; to
measure light intensity, and take note
of the effects of shade; to register
frost at different distances from the
trees: and to keep account of the ef
fect of the wind-breaks on the snow
which covers the ground to leeward
in winter. Many other measurements
and tests will be made, and elaborate
data will be collected by experts who
will have charge of the study.
Corn will be the crop studied be
hind the wind-break this year. Trust
worthy conclusions cannot be ob
tained by comparing results from dif
ferent crops. Each crop makes its j
own demand upon the soil, so that j
what would destroy one might do lit- i
tie harm to another. Corn is a par
ticularly good crop to experiment with
because it is easily injured by hot,
dry winds, will not stand shading, and
is very sensitive to frost.
The instruments and apparatus for '
each state will be read weekly by per- 1
sons assigned to that duty by the ag
ricultural experiment stations in the
respective states. The whole work
will be in charge of an expert for the
forest service, at Washington, who
will be assisted this summer by three
or four persons, also from the forest
service, who will study general condi
tions in the states under investigation,
in regard to the effects of wind-breaks
on crops. The work will continue un
til crops are gathered next fall, when
the actual yield of sheltered fields will
be measured, and results compared
with near-by unsheltered fields. Some
of the observations will continue
through the winter.
It is expected that the results will
be published both by the forest serv
ice and by the experiment stations
which co-operate in carrying out the
bowed low to the sovereign. The con
versation turned on horses and yachts
and the New York belle's information
on both subjects amazed the king.
His parting remark to her was: “I
hope we shall meet scon again,” and
her reply was: “I am sure I shall do my
best to make it soon,” at which his
majesty laughed heartily.
His Chief Aid.
If ignorance were eliminated the
devil could still rely on prejudice
help him in his business.
OtallTHings Don't Club The Brute
__ __
wEin 4Ni» tati cease i>aset
It would give me as much pleasure
as anything I can think of to be able
to hand you a ‘‘sure cure” for balkers,
but I hardly think I have anything
new to say on this subject. When we
come to the genuine inbred balker we
all have to admit that we are getting
pretty close to the high stump. My
experience is that the balking vice
more than any other requires different
handling for each individual case. I
have never seen one that could not
ba started by some means, but when
you speak of “cure” I'll go back and
sit down. By cure I mean such cor
rection of the fault that anybody can
drive the animal. This cannot be done
in all cases because, as a famous
horse trainer has well put it, “you
can't cure all the balky drivers.”
For a sulker that will throw him
self and refuse to get up, “hog-tying”
is as good a remedy to apply as we
are likely to find. Tie all four feet to
gether and then go and weed the
onions or sit down in the shade and
read the news for an hour. Two hours
may be necessary in some cases. You
can very' near tell when he has given
up. His eyes will beg when you come
near him. It is better, however, not
to go near him for three-quarters of an
hour. He must have time to gather
in the fine points of your argument.
He is usually very particular to keep
on his feet after one or two applica
tions of this remedy, and the chances
are he will not balk at all with you,
but the next man that gets him? Who
knows ?
The “guy rope" works satisfactorily
in some cases. Tie small rope around
the animal's neck and take half hitch
on lower jaw. Let a good husky man
pull steady on this rope. He will start
with a lunge, and in many cases, espe
cially young horses, will give up the
standing habit. When other ideas fail
rrpid whipping across the nose with a
light whip will start him. I have seen
balkers go to work like honest men
after being driven a whirl by the
head and tail trick. Tie knot in horse’s
tail and loop halter rope over this as
short as possible. Let him spin until
he gets dizzy, unloop halter and turn
him the other way. I suppose the
point is that anything which will take
the animal’s attention from his pet j
idea constitutes a remedy for the time
being. I worked one baiker on a
mower two or three days by tying his
tail to the singletree tight enough to
take part of the strain. After that he
would pull by the tugs without having
his tail tied. They certainly tax our
inventive faculties, these balkers.
It is easier to say what not to do
with a baiker. Don't hammer him.
As soon as you lose your temper and
go to clubbing him you might as
well turn him out. The Rural New
Yorker says that balky horses are
sometimes started by clubbing, but
they always balk harder next time;
at any rate the majority of them do.
I think balkers are always the result
of bungling on the trainer's part.
There are “natural balkers,” I'll ad
mit, but the tendency can be corrected
by careful handling in breaking. Such
a colt must be gradually worked up
to the pulling point. He must learn
to stretch a tug on a light rig before
he is put on a load of any kind. We
have to study the question from his
standpoint as it were, sympathize with
him, and encourage him instead of
trying to force him too fast. You can
get better results in less time by put
ting a collar and tugs and lines on
him; for instance, put a rope in .he
tugs and pull back on it while you
drive him around the yard, than you
can by hitching him with a strong
horse and dragging and slugging him
along the road. When they are dis
couraged and sulky, it is a hard matter
to make them see any bright side to
life in the harness.
By J. W. Lawrence, Professor
Mechanical Engineering,
The aeration of water for drinking |
purposes is not new, but is becoming j
more general in various parts of the
United States.
The aeration of water prevents I
stagnation, removes disagreeable odors j
arising from the decomposition of
vegetable matter, and checks the j
growth of algae. There is disagree- i
ment as to how much oxidation of or- I
ganic matter takes place, but it is well
understood that aeration is of great ;
benefit to water that is used for drink- j
ing. The greater the agitation of the !
water, and the greater the amount of
air passed through it, the better the
water. Sweet water, as found in na
ture, is never chemically pure, but con- .
tains more or less foreign matter j
easily determined by the chemist. :
Flowing springs and running brooks ;
of this water are pure enough for all [
purposes, and safe enough for use, if 1
not contaminated by the carelessness j
of man. But springs and brooks of
pure water are not available to all. It !
is often necessary to confine water
that is to be used for drinking pur
poses in ponds, reservoirs, cisterns,
tanks, etc.; it then becomes stagnant
and subject to many contaminating
changes. This has been known for
ages, and men have sought to better
these conditions where they exist.
Aeration is a means whereby a better
ment is brought about, and there are
many ways in which this aeration is
accomplished. The old familiar chain
pump is an example; the endless chain
with its little bucket passing rapidly
through the water creating quite a
disturbance and doing its work fairly
well. The pumping of air into a cis
tern, the water of which has become
foul, because of having stood for
some time, is another method; an air
pump forces air to the bottom of the
cistern, where it bubbles up
through the water, oxidizing and
sweetening it. The air-lift pump is
one of the simpler forms of pumps
that performs this office and does it
quite thoroughly.
The aeration of water is often per
formed in a small way, but there are
many towns and cities of considerable
size that are now giving attention to
this matter. DeKalb, 111.. Point Pleas
ant, W. Va., are two places frequently
mentioned. Brockton. Mass., has an
aerating tank 59 feet high and 62 feet
in diameter. Air is passed up
through the water at Brockton by
means of many perforated pipes in
the bottom of the tank.
Another method is to cause the wa
ter flowing into a storage reservoir to
came in with considerable force, pro
jecting the stream into the air, caus
ing it to mix with the air before it
comes to rest in the reservoir. There
is a system at Cambridge. Mass., which
throws the water 40 feet into the air.
In a silo more than 36 feet in depth
it is not necessary to have a man to
tramp the cut corn. If the surface is
leveled two or three times a day while
filling, the silage will pack sufficiently
to keep. But there is one objection to
doing this. If the cut corn is allowed
to pile up in the form of a cone, the
heavier parts will roll to the outside
of the pile and the grain and leaves
will not be evenly mixed.
Several devices have been invented
for distributing the cut material in
the silo, but few of them are success
ful. One of the most satisfactory dis
tributers where a blower is used con
sists of two boards, eight or ten inches
wide and about half as long as the
diameter of the silo, nailed together
at right angles to form a trough. A
12-inch board is nailed over one end
of this trough, the other end being
left open. For use, the trough is sus
pended from the roof with the open
side downward and the closed end
toward the center of the silo. The
open end rests above the top of the
blower pipe. As the cut material
leaves the pipe it follows along this
trough until it strikes the closed end;
then it is scattered about the silo. If
a little care is exercised in adjusting
this device it will give very good re
By Prof. C. P. Close, Delaware.
As soon as the fruit is gathered it is
well to mow the patch and burn it
over quickly as soon as dry enough, so
as to destroy as much of foul matter,
fungous diseases and insects as pos
sible. Then plow between the rows,
throwing furrows together, and cut
the rows to about one foot wide. Thin
out the remaining plants, leaving only
the young, vigorous ones, and cultivate
the ground level between the rows.
Another way is to plow down one
half of the width of each row, culti
vate well and let new runners cover
it f*om the remaining half. Whan
enough new plants are established the
old portion of the row should be
plowed down and cultivated and prac
tically a new plantation will be se
cured. Cultivation should be contin
ued until the end of the grow'ing sea
Many People Planning to Go t9
Southwest Oklahoma.
The removal of restrictions on In
dian lands in the Indian Territory por
tion of Oklahoma, is creating great in
terest throughout the nation among
capitalists looking for investments and
planning to establish manufactories, a3
well as among the tillers of the soil
who hope to better their condition.
Chickasha is situated in the Washi
ta valley, the center of the choicest
of the Indian lands, and to that city
will go those who study the situation
intent on reaching the vantage point.
Seven railroad lines diverge there.
Water plants will furnish to manufac
tories cheap electric power.
Chickasha ships more corn, more
cotton and more live stock than any
other point in Oklahoma.
The modern built business district
in the valley and beautiful residence
portion on hills make a veritable
dreamland. The imposing churches
and modern school buildings are mon
uments to the character of the citizens
who erected them.
The country for which Chickasha is
the market center ranks with the most
productive in the world. Corn, cotton,
wheat and alfalfa are grown with
equal success to that of either crop
in a one crop country. Garden truck
ing is to be one of the most profitable
pursuits. Fruits of all kinds grow and
produce luxuriantly. In fact, Grady
county, of which Chickasha is the
capital, is the garden spot of the
Chickasha has a live Commercial
Club which promptly answers letters
of inquiry regarding the section to
which the eyes of the nation are just
now directed.
Inebriated Orator Resented Disapprove
ai of His Condition..
“Like many a statesman of th®
past,” said Senator Beveridge, "h®
drank too much. And one Fourth of
July morning, on a platform hung
with flags and flowers before the
courthouse of a country town, facing
an audience of farmers and their fam
ilies that had come from miles around,
the statesman arose to deliver the In
dependence day oration in a slightly
intoxicated state.
“He was not incapable of an ora
tion, but his unsteady gait, his flushed
face and disordered attire spoke ill
of him, and the audience hissed.
“He held up his hand. They were
silent. Then he laughed scornfully
and said:
“ ‘Ladies and gentlemen, when a
statesman of my prominence consent*
to appear in such a little, one-horsa
town as this, he must be either drunk
or crazy. I prefer to be considered an
inebriate.' ’’—Washington Star.
Proof Positive.
There is usually some convincing ar
gument to a question of doubt, if one
is only bright enough to think of it ai
the time of controversy. The farmei
was able to produce the indisputable
without delay of circumlocution A
number of people were gathered
'round the bulletin board of the Read
ing Eagle, on which was announced
“Death of Frank Miller."
Two farmers from the extreme
backwoods w’ere gazing at the various
items of news, when one of them
spied the lugubrious statement, and
pointing it out to his rustic comrade,
remarked innocently:
“It says on that board: 'Death ol
Frank Miller.’ Is that you?”
“No," replied the other, in all seri
ousness. “My name is John.” „
The Girl for Him.
A Scotchman, wishing to know his
fate at once, telegraphed a proposal
of marriage to the lady of his choice.
After spending the entire day at the
telegraph office he was finally reward
ed late in the evening by an affirma
tive answer.
“If I were you," suggested the oper
ator when he delivered the message.
"I'd think twice before I'd marry a
girl that kept me w-aiting all day for
my answer.”
“Na, na," retorted the Scot. "The
lass who wTaits for the night rates is
the lass for me.”—Everybody's.
Tommy’s Streak of Luck.
“Tommy," said a young lady visitor
at his home, “why not come to our
Sabbath school? Several of your lit
tle friends joined us lately.”
Tommy hesitated a moment. Then
suddenly he exclaimed: “Does a lit
tle red-headed kid by the name of
Jimmy Brown go to your school?”
"Yes, indeed,” replied the new
“Well, then,” said Tommy, with an
air of interest, "I'll be there next Sun
day, you bet. I've been laying for that
kid for three weeks, and never knew
where to And him.”
Both Kept Up on Scientific Food.
Good sturdy health helps one a lot
to make money.
With the loss of health one’s income
is liable to shrink, if not entirely
dwindle away.
When a young lady has to make her
own living, good health is her best
“I am alone in the world," writes
a Chicago girl, "dependent on my own
efforts for my living. I am a clerk, and
about two years ago through close ap
plication to work and a boarding
house diet, I became a nervous in
valid. and got so bad off it was almost
impossible for me to stay in the office
a half day at a time.
"A friend suggested to me the idea
cf trying Grape-Nuts, which I did,
making this food a large part of at
least two meals a day.
"Today I am free from brain-tire,
dyspepsia, and all the ills of an
overworked and improperly nourished
brain and body. To Grape-Nuts I owe
the recovery of my health, and the
ability to retain my position and in
come.” “There's a Reason.”
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read “The Road no Well
ville,” in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human