The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 30, 1908, Image 2

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    Loup City Northwestern
J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher.
Dangerous Exhibitions.
The time has come for a note of
warning regarding certain public ex
hibitions that are becoming increasing
ly popular—those where the performer
earns his livelihood by deliberately
risking his life. The interest to the
onlookers in these performances arises
from the fact that life for a moment
hangs by a hair. Agility, muscularity,
beauty of movement have become sec
ondary, whether the feat is “looping
the loop,” riding the bicycle round
and round the sloping sides of a huge
basket with no bottom to it, or taking
chances in a cage with some wild
beast. It is one and the same appeal
to something within us that craves
unhealthy excitement. It is true that
the “gladiator" in these days does
generally escape with his life, but the
quality of the amusement demanded
proves us akin to those far-off ances
tors whose one idea of a good holiday
was a batch of Christians and plenty
of wild beasts. Nothing grows so
quickly by what it feeds on as this de
mand for excitement, and it is well
understood by the caterers to the pub
lic taste that the “shocker" of to-day
is the platitude of to-morrow. For a
season we could hardly believe in
“looping the loop." but the dish rapid
ly grew insipid, and tabasco had to be
added, so the loop was looped in a
motor-car, then in a motor-car with a
piece of the track removed, and so on.
The “thumbs down" of the ancients is
represented to-day by the girl who
stops chewing gum long enough to re
mark indifferently to her escort, "Well,
ain't he got the nerve!" as the trainer
enters his den of beasts still wearing
the bandages left from his last encoun
ter. If these things must be. let us at
least spare the little children, urges
the Youths' Companion. They need
the placid quiet of their childhood,
with its simple pleasures, just as they
need bread and milk. Bad taste as
well as good grows by what it feeds
on, and your child does not really
need to have Christians butchered for
his holiday any more than he needs
curried lobster and champagne.
Before Mr. Taft had retired from
the head of the war department it was
his privilege to direct the quartermas
ter general of the arm}- to reserve a
suitable plot in the National cemetery
at Arlington for a monument to negro
soldiers who lost their lives in the
civil war. This action is taken in
compliance with a request from the
Colored Soldiers' Monument associa
tion, which is raising money for the
purpose indicated, an object with
which Secretary Taft is in full and
cordial sympathy. It is most suitable
that a memorial of the kind should be
raised at Arlington, in sight of the
capital of the nation and the seat of
the government which thousands of
negroes fought bravely to save.
Since Andrew Jackson, five vice
presidents have become presidents
through the death of the incumbents
of the White House. Some of them
would have never been honored with
second place on the ticket had this
contingency been seriously consid
ered. Tyler was nominated because of
his lamentations over Clay’s defeat.
Fillmore got the job because Webster
wouldn't take it. Johnson was picked
by Lincoln, who made the mistake of
his life. Arthur was chosen because
Morton refused under the conviction
that he could not win. Roosevelt was
literally forced into fhe place from
which fate led him to exalted pre
If a "pied piper" who would entice
away all the rats and leave the chil
dren should appear in the coast cities
of the world, he would be welcomed
by the sanitary authorities. The sani
tary department of Cuba is the latest
to start a crusade against rats. A
quarantine against Venezuelan ports
has been declared on account of the
bubonic plague, and an appropriation
has been made for the extermination
of the Cuban rats.
Robert Vernon Hareourt, who was
elected to the British parliament to
succeed John Morley, elevated to the
peerage, is half-American. His mother,
the second wife of the late Sir William
Harcourt, was the daugher of John
Lothrop Motley, the historian of the
Netherlands. There are in parliament
a number of other Englishmen with
American mothers, not the least con
spicuous of whom is Winston Church
ill, grandson of the late Leonard Jer
ome of New York.
What will the women say to the as
sertion recently made by John Burns,
president of the British local govern
ment board, that the "servant prob
lem” arises not so much from the
scarcity of good servants, as from the
incompetency of present-day mis
tresses to manage their help? Whether
his charge is true or not, a girl without
training for the work will find it as
difficult to run her house and direct
her servants as her husband would
find if he tried to direct a business
without first learning how.
Mark Twain has the right idea of
living. He says: “I don’t eat accord
ing to the food experts, and I don’t do
anything according to rule, but I take
precious good care to do the things
that agree with myself, and not the
things that somebody else has found
good for them.’’_
Club wTomen in Boston are about
to solve every problem except those
in regard to women’s hats and gar
ments. They leave such perplexing
question? to tha me"
ONLY 12,000,000 YEARS AWAY!
Then the Sun Will Shrink^ Lose Its Heat and Inhabitants of the Earth
Will Freeze and Starve to Death.
EASOXING from the prfnci
pies of the pretty gener
ally accepted nebular hy
pothesis_ the end of the
world Is to be reached very
gradually through the Increasing reign
of cold and the 'lengthening of the
earth's day. For !t is evident that the
sun cannot keep) on radiating heat at
High Droteted Scientists Hatfe It All
Worked Out—“Things Are in a Dad Way,"
Warns Adherent cf fiehular Hypothesis
— World’s Center Gio/ing Forth Warmth
May Sa-Ve Us for a Time, Dut "Ultimate
Destruction is Ine-Vstable, Wise Ones Say.
sun will have become so far cooled
oft that wo shall be indifferent to
everything else that happens.
Another limit to the future of the
habitable portion of the earth is
brought to light by the rapid prog
ress of erosion that is going on all
over the land surface of the world.
Wallace estimates that otic foot of
Ai IF /
/*w»j 4 6 h T
ce tup
<he present rate, or, indeed, at any
late, forever. As Lord Kelvin has
well said, we know that the sun Is
cooling off Just as certainly as we
should know* that a hot stone which
we encountered in a field was cooling
off, though w*e had not seen it long
enough to measure the rate of Its
cooling. Heat Is not a permanent
quality of any known object. The sun
must be losing its heat, and hence in
time will become a cold and liteless
If things continue to go on as they
now do, astronomers tell us. the sun
will lose its life-giving heat long before
12,000,000 years have elapsed. Like all
other cooling bodies, the sun must be
diminishing in size. Its diameter must
be contracting. Newcomb estimates
that in less than 5,000.000 years the
sun's diameter will contract to one
half its present length, so that the
sun will occupy only one-eighth of the
yQ v
OUT 0* ,
\ y«as/
©pact: it uuw
after that to
Jt does now,
occupies, it is hardly possible for it
continue to furnish as much heat as
but it must then cool off with great
This reasoning is based on the supposition that
the sun is not yet a solid body, but is so hot that
Its mass is still in a gaseous state. But the force
of gravity upon the sun is so great that the gas is
compressed into a much smaller proportionate com
pass than it is on the earth. The force of gravity
on the surface of the sun is 27 times that on the
earth, so that a man weighing 150 pounds on the
earth ^ould weigh nearly two tons on the sun. So
great is this pressure of gravity on the gases of
the sun that are they reduced to one-quarter the
density of the solid nucleus of the earth. But so
long as the nucleus of the sun continues to be
gaseous it will continue to grow hotter as it dimin
ishes in size. So soon, however, as it loses suf
ficient heat to allow the material to take on the
solid form, a crust will be formed and the radiat
ing heat will rapidly diminish. Probably, also,
the heat radiated will diminish long before that
time, even though the sun is growing hotter, be
cause of the diminishing size of the globe.
The only way that the astronomers can see to
avoid this slow paralysis of the sun, and so of the
whole solar system, is that lately proposed by Prof.
Langley In a sensational article depicting what
would happen if a dark world moving at an incred
ible speed in space should come so near our sun
that the two would collide. In thi3 case the origi
nal heat of the sun might be restored, but the ca
tastrophe would practically produce spell an ex
pansion of its volume and such an increase of its
radiating power that everything on the earth would
be burned up, producing about such phenomena as
are described by the Apostle Peter, Indeed, the re
semblance between the words of the apostle and
the theory of the Washington astronomer was as
striking as it was unexpected, so much so that some
readers may not know from which source the fol
lowing quotation is taken:
"The heavens shall pass away with a great
noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with
fervent heat, and the earth and the works therein
shall be burned up.”
Rut the suggestion of the astronomer was pure
speculation. There are no apparent signs of any
such approaching catastrophe as Dr. Langley sug
gests as possible. At any rate, we may settle
down to the conclusion that so far as astronomical
forces are concerned the present order of things
will not be disturbed for three or four million
Rut an equally gloomy prospect Is before the
world in the distant future from another cause
which Is in slow operation. The length of the
earth's day Is slowly increasing through the re
tarding Influence of the tides produced by the
moon. To be sure, this effect Is so slight that It
has not been directly perceptible since accurate
methods of measuring the time of the earth's
revolution on Its axis have been observed. Rut
that it must be taking place Is as sure as that
friction will stop a railroad train when the steam
Is turned off.
The tides raised by the moon's attraction are
distributed by the continents so as to present
many anomalies, but when considered In them
selves they act the same as a wave three feet high
constantly running in an opposite direction to
the revolution of the earth, and so by friction re
tarding 11s motion. Astronomers are agreed that
similar tides produced on the moon have reduced
her revolution on her axis to a period of 28 days.
Eventually the revolution of the earth will be
reduced so that our day will be several times long
er than now. When that time comes the nights
will be so cold that nothing can stand It, and if
they could the days will be so hot that what was
left by the cold would be destroyed by the heat.
Rut that time, also, Is so far In the future that the
present generation may put It out of their minds.
This catastrophe will not arrive for many million
years yet. Indeed, before that time arrives the
the earth's surface is, on the average,
washed away bv the st reams every
3,000 vhars and deposited at the bot
tom of the ocean. This amounts to
more than 300 feet In a million years.
As the main elevation of North Amer
ica is 748 feet, and that of Europe 671
feet, it follows that by the operation
of present forces Europe will be
washed into the sea in 3,000,000 years,
and America in 3,000,000 years.
What providence has in store for us
after that, no man knows. If the sunk
en portion shall rise at the end of that
period, as it did at the end of the coal
period, there will be dry land to live
on, but it is doubtful if it have such
stores of iron and coal as have blessed
the present race of human beings.
There are two other sources of heat
to which we may look with much con
fidence and hope. It was more than
a dream of Ericsson to Invent an en
gine which could be run by collect
ing the direct rays of the sun through
immense sun-dials, thus generating
the heat necessary to set in motion
the wheels of industry. But the suc
cessful carrying out of his plans
would necessitate the transfer of our
great manufacturing centers to the
rainless regions of the world where
perpetual sunsnine prevails, it. therefore. will
rot be Impossible that the desert of
Sahara and the sandy wastes o' Central Asia shall
In the future usurp Ihe place now asrumed by
the localities In proximity to the great coal fields
of the world, while the latter become overgrown
with briars and brambh a like the mounds of many
an ancient center of civilization.
Still another possible source from which we
may draw Infinite quantities of heat and power
is to be found In the heated center or the earth.
As we descend below the surface of the earth,
the temperature rises cn an average of one degree
in 60 feet. At a depth of two mliS3. therefore,
the temperature of boiling water would be reached,
and at. a depth of five miles a temperature of
more than 400 degrees. It would, therefore, not
seem by any means Impossible to bore into the
earth deep enough to make a portion of Its heat
available for all ordinary purposes.
The world, however, la concerned with Impend
ing catastrophes nearer at hand. The prosperity
of the present time Is largely due to the rapid
ity with which we are using up the reserved stores
of nature upon or near the surface of the earth.
Thus geology, while it opens up to mankind the
stores of c-ocq that era hurled for safekeeping In
the depths of the earth, point c to their limited quan
tity, and calla upon men to use them economically
and leave as much as possible for future genera
tions. Wastefulness of these limited stores is a
sin. At the same time It gives the philosophical
student of history a sobering view of the destiny
of man, Nothing is more certain than that man
has not been always on the earth, und that he is
not always to stay here. The world Is like a
transcontinental railroad train and the human
race like a passenger who gets on at one end and
has to get off at the other, Out of mystery man
came and mystery ho goes. The visible world
Is a passing shew. All that. Is unchangeable lies
In the world of the unseen.
(Copyright, 1903, by Josrpli 11. Bowlrs.)
Advice and Comment on the Subject
by Philosophic Uncle Rufus.
“My frens," said Uncle Rufus, as he
sat down In a sunny spot on the steps
of the grocery, “make no mistake
about riches. No man eber gits to be
wuth a millyun dollars dat his tryb
bles don't begin de next day. He's got
to git his h'ar cut once a week a*d
shave once a day. He must keep his
jhoes blacked day and night, and If
his necktie works around under his
left ear he loses his roslshun In so
“You and me know dat two-shillln’
suspenders hold up our trowsers as
well as a p'ar costin' six dollars. De
millyonalre knows It, too, but he's got
to pay oui $5.75 extra cause he’s In de :
“In our mind’s eye we see de rich j
man seated In a red velvet chair,
“In all de y'ars dat I knowed a sartln
rich man sunthln’ was alius happenin'
to him. While I was gwlne on foot
his hosses run away and broke his
laig. While I was hijoyln' my kitchen
stove his steam plpe-a busted and killed
his cook. While my cabin was too
small game for thunderbolts one cum
along and tore half de roof off his
house. While me'n de old woman was
grubbln' along by ourselves ho had to
have 10 of his relations In ue house.
My dawg wasn't wuth 1C cents, but he
libed on. His dawg was wuth $250,
and he was alius gkiln’ lost or plzeaed.
"Dat millyonalro had no show to eat
onlonc, make lasses candy or popcorn.
Hg cobber slid down hill, went rabbit •
huntin' nor urank cider out o' a Jug.
If he eber sot down of an evenin' wld
his shoes off to take comfort his wife
dragged him off to de theater or his
barn took fire. While I saved up $100
la ten years, and am libln' to-day, he
spent $20,000 a year to run his house
far de same time and died v/lshin' he
could have had hoetake and bacon for ‘
breakfast acd had de felicity of wearln' '
a patch on each knee and two behind J
him.” 3
“*■**"*——■i—wiwnw MMlit : *
(Copyright 190S, by Byron Williams.)
In Passing.
The woods in the country now have
their interesting quota of baby rab
bits, just big enough to give you a
merry chase before you can hold one
of the soft, timid little creatures in
your hands. And as you cuddle bunny
to your face, he likes the heat and
loses some of the fear with which his
wild little eyes are eloquent. When
you release him, he hops off through
the brush as fast as his baby legs will
propel his plump, tiny body, for bun
is a creature of the wood, a being of
the open, and you are not his kind. In
stinct teaches him to fear you, and
he goes. But wasn't he a dear, though?
☆ ☆ ☆
When Columbus landed in America,
to express his gratitude lie knelt upon
the sand. N'ow when fortune hunters
come to the land of the tree, they
kneel upon the Turkish rugs and have
the sand to ask the hands and pocket
books of our daughters. Columbus
was a discoverer, but the later day
adventurer is a joke—on the girl,
vr ☆ *
An ex-politician has been appointed
sexton of a New York cemetery and,
as yet. not one of his present constit
uency has raised a voice in protest.
•fir ☆ ☆
The man who has no friends can get
his sure thing tips on mining stock
from mere acquaintances, and ioee his
money just the same.
☆ ☆ fir
A man is doubly disappointed in
love when he wants a divorce and
cannot get it.
o n n
In June.
She is garnishing her wagon
For attachment to a star
Where the Pleiades are twinkling
And the luminaries are.
Now upon the threshold standing,
With a stern, determined eye,
Iligged in taffeta and ribbons.
Sue is bound to do or die:
Ab, beyond Italian sunsets,
Lie the Alps her feet will scale.
For in her vocabulary
There is no such word as “fail:"
Oh. the world is but an oyster.
Cuddled neatly in a spoon,
For the graduate in rutiles
On Commencement Day—in June!
But the pretty little maiden
Who is hitching up her star.
Soon will quote another author.
Soon will guide another car.
Proud as Lucifer she'll guide it
Past the scrambling, worldly crew.
With a little duffer in it
Who is gaily singing. “Goo!"
o o o
T rifies.
A javelin sometimes misses its
mark, but a bouquet, never.
☆ is *
Nowadays a $15 a week salary is a
great preventive of dyspepsia.
☆ ☆ ☆
Some men make so much hay in the
sunshine that they are sunstruck.
☆ ☆ #
It is better to pick your teeth in
public than to pick a quarrel in pri
☆ ☆ ☆
It takes more money to make the
automobile go than it ever did to
make the mare do likewise.
☆ ☆ ☆
No man who spends ail his salary,
leaving nothing for a rainy day, has
true love for his wife and babies.
☆ ☆ ☆
Most every woman, at some time or
other, has donned man's clothes just
to know how it feels to wear the trous
☆ ☆ ☆
A Boston girl named Birdie, and
weighing 20S pounds, has just become
the wife of a bean eater, weight 114,
named Magnus. Speaking of incon
gruities, here's one.
o o o
You want to laugh again, you say?
And I must tickle you or bust?
Well, stick your funny bone my way
And X will do it if I must.
Tee hee!
I have a grouch today—a beaut—
And if I wasn’t hired to joke,
I’d go out on a dreadful toot
And strike the high spots and go broke.
I know of course you have to laugh.
That you have not a grouch today.
And so I ask: “Why is a calf
Unlike a load of clover hay?’’
Oh, hey?
[ knew you couldn’t—in a year—
But, darn you, I will HAKE you
rho difference is. it would appear.
Hot ween a hay load and a calf—
ts Just because a kitten’s tail—
I mean a black cat now, like soot—
fXas never yet at any sale
Been auctioned off as licorice root:
Take that!
Life’s Wisest Policy.
It Is wiser to act than to ask “why;”
safer to “keep your own key and your
jwn counsel," and better policy to en
:ourage a flexible opinion, taking the
flews of many and weighing them,
with the possibility of changing your |
The Epworth League.
The Epworth league was formed by
epresentatives of various young peo
ile societies of the Methodist Episco
ial church of Cleveland, O., May 14
Tortured by Sharp Twinges, Shooting
Pains and Dizziness.
Hiram Center, 518 South Oak
street, Lake City, Minn., says: "I
was so bad with kid
ney trouble tnat I
could not straighten
up after stooping
without sharp pains
shooting through my
back. I had dizzy
spells, was nervous
and my eyesight af
fected. The kidney
secretions were ir
' “ regular and too fre
j quent. I was in a terrinle condition,
but Doan’s Kidney Pills have cured
me and I have enjoyed perfect h alih
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents r. box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
First Passenger—I wonder why •
train is making such a long stop a*
[ this station.
Second Passenger (experienced •:.
i eler)—I suppose it is because n
> happens to be trying to catch the
Weary Willie's Complaint.
i , William J. Ryan, president of tl **
• i supreme council of public ha kn • :
, New York, said the other day tha:
winter panic had reduced the hark
; men’s receipts considerably.
“We'll have to come down to Eng
lish rates—12 cents a mile inst<; d
50 cents—if we have many more s;,
1 panics,-’ Mr. Ryan said. "Every!'
. felt the pinch. I overheard a tramp
grumbling in a public square
“‘The trade ain't like it used to be.
he said. 'Here ten times running ■
day I’ve asked for a bit of bread. : 1
what do they give me? Why, durn it,
just a bit o’ bread.’ ”—Exchange.
The extraordinary popularity of fir*-*
white goods this summer makes tl*
choice of Starch a matter of great i:
portance. Defiance Starch, being fr* *■
from all injurious chemicals, is the
only one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen
er makes half the usual quantity f
Starch necessary, with the result of
Perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
The Wife Did It All.
Hewitt—Couldn't you get the per
son you called up by telephone0
Jewett—Oh, yes.
Hewitt—But I didn’t hear you say
Jewett—It was my wife I called.
Your Druggist Will Tell You
That Murine Eye Remedy Cures Eyes.
Makes Weak Eyes Strong. Doesn’t t.
Soothes Eye Pain and Sells for 50c.
There is at least one woman in the
worid for every man in the world to
think the worid of.
Lewis’ Single Binder straight 5c _■ r
Made of extra quality to!u *•*. Y .r
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Cirls are partial to automobiles be
cause they have sparkers.
If there is any one thins: that a
woman dreads more than another it
is a surgical operation.
We can state without fear of a
contradiction that there are hun
dreds, yes, thousands, of operations
performed upon women in our hos
pitals which are entirely unneces
sary and many have been avoided by
For proof of this statement read
the following letters.
Mrs. Barbara Base, of Kingman,
Kansas, writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
“ For eight years I suffered from the
most severe form of female troubles an 1
was told that an operation was mv only
hope of recovery. I wrote Mrs. Pinkham
for advice, and took Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Compound, and it has saved
my life and made me a well woman.’’
Mrs. Arthur B. House, of Church
Road, Moorestowu. N. J., writes:
“I feel it is my duty to let people
know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound has done for me. I
suffered from female troubles, and last
March my physician decided that an
operation was necessary. My husl- 1
objected, and urged me to try Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,
and to-day I am well and strong.”
ror thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ult * ra
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, and backache.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all siek
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.